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I Need Your Help
16:36 (1 hora atrás)
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Hello My Dear One I am writing this mail to you With due respect trust and humanity, i appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter having gone through your remarkable profile, honestly i am writing this email to you with pains, tears and sorrow from my heart, i will really like to have a good relationship with you i decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation, My name is Miss Aracelis Kipkalya, 24yrs old female and I’m from Kenya in East Africa. My father was the former Kenyan road Minister. He and Assistant Minister of Home Affairs Lorna Laboso had been on board the Cessna 210, which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong'a, in western Kenya. The plane crashed on the Tuesday 10th, June, 2008. You can read more about the crash through the below site: After the burial of my father, my step-Mother and uncle conspired and sold my father's property to an Italian Expert rate which they shared the money among themselves and live nothing for me. One faithful morning, I opened my father's briefcase and found out the documents which he have deposited huge amount of money in one bank in United kingdom with my name as the next of kin. I traveled to United kingdom to withdraw the money and start a new life, on my arrival, the Bank Director whom I met in person told me that my father's instruction in his will to the bank was that the money would only be release to me when I present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas. I am in search of a honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so that I will present him to the Bank for transfer of the money to his/her bank account overseas. The amount is($5.8USD) Million United State Dollars, and I have confirmed from the bank in United kingdom on my arrival, You will also help me to place the money in a more profitable business venture in your Country. However, you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so that I can complete my studies. It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely. Awaiting your urgent and positive response. Please do keep this only to your self for now until the bank will transfer the fund. I beg you not to disclose it until i come over because I am afraid of my wicked step-mother who has threatened to kill me and have the money alone ,I thank God Today that am out from my country (Kenya) but now In (united kingdom) my father deposited these money with my name as the next of Kin. I have the documents for the claim. Thanks, God bless you, Aracelis Kipkalya. Pls Reply To My personal Email =
Lowz Joelle
Je suis LOWZ JOELLE et j'aimerai vous faire une proposition qui pourra vous intéressé. Il s"agit d'un don de 2.025.000 euros Veuillez me répondre sur mon adresse mail privé pour en savoir plus. e-mail:
Mme Solange Pingaud
Comment est ce que vous vous portez? A merveille j'espère. J'ai une chose de très importante à vous dire, j'attends une réponse de votre part pour davantage précisions.
Mme Solange Pingaud
Dear Friend,
I am a lawyer Eni Uduma Chima,I contacted you about 10.4 million U.S.dollars
left in the account of my late client (Mr. Andrew) Your cousin kindly get back
to me for more information urgently needed, Contact me with this email address:
Eni Uduma Chima (Esq.)
responder para -
Dear Friend
Abdulaiye Rahmani
Dear Friend,
Greetings to you and your family.
My name is Mr. Abdulaiye Rahmani, The current Auditor of a bank here in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, West Africa. I have a transaction of US$9.5 Million dollars for transferring into your home bank account for our mutual benefits and i need your total and 100% cooperation and assistance to realize this task.
Further details about the fund, its source and whom will stand as a business partner to consulting. enterprise so that my bank can transferred this fund into your receiving bank account immediately as I have your positive response. You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially as I am assuring you that all your details required for this transaction are all safe and secure. We will never lack again in life if we can join hands together for making this deal a success.
It has been over 9 years now that in my department we discovered an abandoned sum of US$9.500.000 (Nine million Five hundred thousand US dollars) In an account belongs to consulting enterprise in our country Burkina Faso that political part sign a contact with him and move huge amount of Funds into their various overseas counterparts bank accounts through the help of their Political advisers.
Most of the funds which they transferred out of the West Africa were realized from material consultants, these are the funds meant for the development of our country Burkina Faso and their various Nations being taken away for their greedy and selfish ambition.
Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transferring it into foreign accounts, so I also took the opportunity to diverted part of these funds, hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transactions were being closed after each transfer.
I as the major Account Officer to most of those politicians and the then Foreign Remittance Dept Director of the bank, when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy invents, I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one ever cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control. They laundered over US$964 Million Dollars during the process.
As I am sending you this message, I have the ability to transfer the diverted Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($9.5 M) into you own bank account abrade from an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank.
The bank is anxious now to know who his business partner to consulting enterprise to this fund is because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more than Nine years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas as most of the have died and the rest are no more in power.
The US$9.5 Million Dollars has been lying fallow and I don't want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver. The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you with expenses. There is no one coming to ask you any question whatsoever about the funds because I secured everything. Further details shall be mailed to you if only you show any sign of seriousness and interest.
Best Regard,
Mr.Abdulaiye Rahmani
I need your urgent assistance.
14:43 (4 horas atrás)
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I received encouraging information about you and how trusts worthy you are. I am delighted with such useful information I got about you,i am Mr. Annamikk Yacubu .Auditor of Dona Security Company A Senator Polycarp Nwite and former Ambassador Botswana 2008 and was recalled back 2009 as personal adviser to the president before he passed away on the 3rd September, 2010.
I fund certificate of deposit he made with my Security Company here Burkina-Faso without beneficiary his family have make other claims but did not take notice of this one because it has no beneficiary I Hoped that you will not betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both us. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($7.5) million to your account within 10 days.I will give you more details, on your respond,reply
me with this address""
Surname:__________________ Sex:___________ Age:______ Marital:_______________ Country:_______City:_________ State_______ Zip Code:_______
Contact Address:_______________ Phone No#___________ Fax No#_________________ Occupation:______________ Position:_____________
This they will need to get you application form For more details on his death.
Your FedEx Package.
FedEx Post
FedEx has a parcel for you kindly open the attach file to this e-mail message for more information.
Dear Friend
Dear Friend,
I know that this letter may be a very big surprise to you because you don't know me,but knowing somebody starts in a day.I gone through your profile and decided to write to you.I am Mr Run Sovanna, the business bank manager of auditing and accounting department,It is my interest to contact you in respect of our client from your country who share almost the same name with your name.
The reason of contcat you i want to present you as the representative because he leaving nobody as the representative of his account.I will use my position and influence in our bank to make sure they release this money to you for us to share. I shall explain in details when I read your reply You are my first contact I shall wait for days and if I do not hear from you. I shall continue with my search, Waiting for your reply.
Thanks and best regards
Mr Run Sovanna
Subject: salvaçao..
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:29:34 +0100
Se eu quisesse enviar-lhe esta mensagem nao é um mero acaso. Gostaria em primeiro lugar de pedir desculpas por esta intromissao em sua vida, mesmo que eu admito que é muito importante para mim.
Eu sou a Sra. DELPHINE SINELLE Eu sofro de um câncer na garganta por mais de tres anos e meio e, infelizmente , o meu médico me informou que eu estou no terminal e meus dias estao perto porque Minha saúde deteriorou-se bastante.
Eu sou viúva e nao tenho filhos , comecei a lamentar verdade, a razao pela qual eu estou entrando em contato é que eu gostaria de fazer Don uma parte da minha propriedade que eu já vi pessoa que poderia hériter.J ' quase vendeu todos os meus pertences , incluindo um negócio de exportaçao de madeira e borracha e indústria de aço na África e também para MONACO . Uma grande parte desses recursos captados foi pago auprcs diferentes associaçoes humanitárias de r personagens ao redor do mundo, mas especialmente em Hadti . Quanto ao resto da soma é exatamente aluno r ( Setecentos e cinquenta mil Euros)
atualmente em uma conta pessoal Bloqueado em BANK INTERNATIONAL, meu último desejo seria fazer Don para que voce possa investir em seu negócio .
.................................................. INFORMAÇOES PESSOAIS ................................................ ......
Madame DELPHINE SINELLE cidadao Capwell franco- americano com passaporte n s 124574 , residente na Inglaterra.
Estou segurando uma conta em uma instituiçao financeira , a informaçao secreta da minha conta sao:
Titular da Conta : Senhora DELPHINE SINELLE Capwell
Número de Conta : 0485626P036
RIB : 05
Agente: 01015
IBAN : PT 18 2004 1010 1504 8562 605 6p03
Conta Contido : Bens pessoais
Conta abertura Data: 1 de fevereiro de 2006 Além disso, eu espero que voce me enviar expressivamente suas informaçoes pessoais , se possível.
Deixo-vos o meu número de telefone para que voce entre em contato com meu médico para me deixar comissao , se necessário.
Meu doctuer fala frances e nao Portugues
TEL : 00447045778724
Cordialmente .
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 06:31:41 +0800
Subject: Re: salvaçao..
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bom dia.
Obrigada de todo o coração por terem respondido ao meu e-mail, que realmente prova que o bom Deus me guiou em seu caminho para o ponto em que estou firmemente convencido de que você é uma pessoa de boa fé que eu pedir para você entre em contato com o serviço a ser rassuré.je por favor eu te dizer a verdade eu fiz para você em um esforço para escrever-lhe aceitar a minha doação.
Na verdade, como você sabe que há um monte de sofrimento no mundo , e nós teremos seres humanos que têm a capacidade de ajudar um pouco de tempo é que as pessoas que estão com problemas para fazer isso. O dinheiro que eu tenho suor na testa e é 15 anos de minha vida. A única coisa boa que eu possa fazer nesta terra antes de eu ir é saber que esse dinheiro ser usado para fazer felizes aqueles que estão em necessidade. Espero sinceramente que você não vai recusar a minha oferta e você vai me ajudar a realizar este sonho .
Morei cinco anos em Mônaco e África para os meus projetos que eu tinha desenvolvido um negócio. Eu nunca tive crianças marcas de nascimento exatamente dois anos desde que lutar contra esta doença medicina não pode fazer nada . Estou agora na fase final. Resta- me pouco tempo para viver. Vendi todos os meus negócios em África, bem como Mônaco e eu decidi retirar-se do mundo para desfrutar o pouco tempo que me resta para viver.
Peço-lhe que entre em contato com o meu banco com todas as informações que você finalmente recontatados por telefone ou e-mail soyer tranquilizou :
Envie para o endereço de e-mail .
Madame DELPHINE SINELLE cidadão Capwell franco- americano com passaporte n º 124574 , residente na Inglaterra.
Estou segurando uma conta em uma instituição financeira , a informação secreta da minha conta são:
Titular da Conta : Senhora DELPHINE SINELLE Capwell
Número de Conta : 0485626P036
RIB : 05
Agente: 01015
IBAN : PT 18 2004 1010 1504 8562 605 6p03
Conta Contido : Bens pessoais
Conta abertura Data: 1 de fevereiro de 2006 Eu também quero que você envie com urgência a sua informação pessoal para o endereço de e-mail do banco disse .
Este é um banco francês por isso não deixe de levar seu correio Português não cometer um erro.
Nome, apelido , endereço, telefone , COUNTRY
E- mail:
Em poucas palavras a história da minha vida , deixo-vos com a sua linha Eu me sinto cansado de mim, olhar para a minha foto em anexo e do atestado médico para que você possa chamar de meu médico para obter informações ou verificação.
Desejo-lhe um bom dia para você e sua família .
Ms. Delphine Sinelle .
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