sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2014


 Se você receber uma mensagem de um destes emails abaixo , tenha certeza que você está diante de um golpista e criminoso virtual.
Caso voce receba emails com mensagens de amor de viuvos/divorciados carentes de sites de relacionamentos, pedido de ajuda/ parcerias para transações,de refugiados, viuvas morrendo querendo fazer doações ,premios de loterias, alguém de outro País querendo comprar imoveis, carros, notebooks etc etc , notificações bancárias, oferta de emprego em outros Países TODAS SÃO MENSAGENS DE GOLPES VIRTUAIS , por favor reencaminhe a mensagem que receberam para:  golpesvirtuais@gmail.com que teremos o maior prazer em adicionar o endereço de email do golpista em nossa listagem diária, só assim, expondo o endereço/mensagens de emails poderemos evitar novas vítimas.Depois disto delete a mensagem recebida e, se possível, bloqueie o endereço de email deste golpista. Obrigada por sua colaboração!!!


2014/1/16 David Wesley


       I am Mr David Wesley and I wish to

 reservations in your

accommodation/hospitality if you have
 availability in your
 accommodation from the 18th March 2014 to

28th day of March
 2014 (Check-in 18th
 March 2014 and check-out 12 noon 28th March

2014 ) which is
 10 nights.I do need
 7 double rooms in regards to 14 of my

guests(couples) who
 will be attending my
 wedding on the 25th of March 2014 at a

nearby venue to your
 Please get back to me With the
 confirmation that you have enough rooms

which will
 accommodate them for the
 stay and as well,do let me know what it will

cost for the
 booking.I await your
 reply soon.Have a nice day
Paix et amour de l'eternel te guidera dans le

Mme Corine Berthe MALKET biondi13@tin.it

Je veux que tu  m'aides à réaliser dans ton

pays un projet de donation
qui consistera à venir en aide aux personnes

en situation difficiles
car je vais mettre à ta disposition des

moyens financiers pour le faire
.Mon état de santé actuel ne me permet pas de

réaliser le projet que
j'envisage de faire. En espérant obtenir

votre accord, Rien n'est
jamais toute à faire jouer. Il n'y a jamais

une seule route, un seul
destin. Il faut savoir qu'on peut, qu'on doit

choisir, mais il faut
vouloir choisir, croire que c'est possible.

Le destin, c'est avec ses
propres mains qu'on le construit, qu'il est

toujours une route ouverte.
Que tant qu'il y a un souffle de vie, il a

espoir de choisir et de
changer. Je suis là pour prouver que parfois

on a l'impression de
lutter pour un idéal qui ne serait pas

atteint de notre vivant. Peut
être ne serait il jamais atteindre. Mais on

sait qu'on s'y consacrera
et cela permet de trouver un sens à notre

vie. Je suis Mme Corine
Berthe MALKET, chrétienne née le 11 Mai 1953

en France. Il y a toujours
une raison quand une personne ne va pas bien,

différentes raisons que
l'on peut montrer ou ne pas montrer. Mais des

fois, certaines raisons,
certaines erreurs peuvent faire si mal que

l'on ne peut les oublier, on
ne peut pas passer au-dessus, on est obligé

de montrer ce mal qui nous
envahit. Il nous suffit d'avancer, de

refermer cette cicatrice et ne
pas se retourner, détourner le regard du

passer et vivre au présent.
J'ai le cœur serin vu que je suis touchée par

une maladie. Étant veuve
sans enfant, je voudrais vous léguer une

somme de (1.500.000 €). J'ai
peur que le reste de ma fortune soient un

gâchis après mon décès. Bien
sûre que je ne vous connaissait pas, mais

après une longue réflexion et
à travers mes prières, j'ai pris cette

décision de vous contacter. Je
vous prie donc d'accepter cet offre que je

veux mettre gracieusement à
votre disposition Alors, j'attends donc votre

réponse à mon message mon
émail: berthecorine.ma@inmano.com
Garde cette nouvelle confidentiel
responder para - martindesmond11@gmail.com

Contact me for more details.
MARTIN DESMOND chfalcia@tin.it

Hi friend I am a banker in IDB BANK. I want

to transfer an abandoned
5Million to your Bank account. 40/percent

will be your share. No risk
but keep it as secret. Contact me for more



Dear customer
officefile6817 officefile6817@cantv.net

Dear customer

This is to inform you that your overdue

payment of $1.5USD has been
approved by the United Nation organization,

signed by the Federal Ministry
of Finance and it was stamped by Federal

Ministry of Justice Benin In
conjunction with the IMF office Therefore,

You are Urge to contact the western union pay

out order with
below information and ask them for your Daily

payment of $5000USD until the
above mention amount is been well received by


Please contact Dr Frank Ahmed the MDG In

charge with below Email
His phone Number +229 61122398, Do ask him

for the MTCN number and remember
to Email him your Address:..., Phone

Number:...., Country/ city as well.

Mr. Andy Stowell


Our records indicate that your E-mail®

Account could not be automatically updated

with our F-Secure R-HTK4S new(2014) version

anti-spam/anti-virus/anti-spyware. Please


We Are Sorry For Any Inconvenience.

Verification Code: SQP4039VE

Technical Support Team
Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved
responder para - carofrnd@yahoo.co.uk

Good day dear!
MRS CAROLINE mrscarolinefreund@yahoo.co.uk

Good day dear!

I am sure this mail would be coming to you as

a surprise since we have
never met before and you would also be asking

why I have decided to chose
you amongst the numerous internet users in

the world. I saw your profile
on the Internet, which has made me accomplish

my request.

I am Mrs. Caroline Freund, the bill and

exchange manager of Cahoot Finance
UK. In my department, I discovered an

abandoned sum of USD 8,000,000.00.
(Eight Million USD), on account of our

foreign customers (MR Paul Louis
Halley) who died along with his wife in 2003

in a plane crash. Please see
website for more information.



According to our Banking Act of 1990, if the

money is unclaimed after a
period of ten (10) years, it is a government

property. Therefore, I have
planned to upload your data in our banking

system as a Next of Kin of the
late Mr. Halley, because he did not give next

of kin to his account before
his sudden death.

I check this account for over 4-5 years and

no one has ever come forward
to claim the fund. But I've found that (Late

Mr. Paul Louis Halley) has no
next of kin or the account beneficiary before

he died. So, after going
through his file in our bank. I sincerely and

consciously seek your
consent to present you as the next of kin /

Will Beneficiary to this
account, so that the total value of USD

8,000,000.00, would be transferred
to our mutual benefit. I'm going to share the

money in the ratio 60% to me
and 40% to you with you.

Your reply is urgently needed.

In your reply, I'll give you more details


Replies to the e-mail address:


Waiting for your urgent response.


RESPONDER PARA - mmeburiere_corinne@yahoo.com

Je vous contacte pour un projet de donation


Excuser-moi pour cette intrusion, je suis

Corinne Buriere. Brièvement, je souffre d’un

cancer en phase terminale détecté trop tard

et selon les dires de mon docteur, je n’ai

plus assez de temps à vivre. J’ai toujours

privilégié le service de ma nation au

détriment de ma propre santé et voilà cela me

rattrape, mais je suis quand même fière

d’avoir pu aider des gens autour de moi et je

pense pouvoir continuer à le faire à travers

vous. J'ai Perdu mon mari et mes deux enfants

dans un crash d'avion qui s'était produit à

New York et ma famille m’a rejeté depuis fort

longtemps du fait de que mon mari soit de

peau noir. Je vous demande de bien vouloir

accepter être le bénéficiaire de toute ma

fortune qui est d'une somme de 1.500.000

euros avec laquelle vous aiderai les enfants

pauvres. J’ai pris cette décision parce que

le gouvernement a décidé de récupérer mes

fonds après ma mort vu que je n’ai pas

d’héritier. Veuillez m’aider en acceptant mon


(sem assunto)
Mrs Teresa Au kirsti-anneli@pp.inet.fi


Please can you help me re-profile fund? I am

Ms Teresa Au, HSBC Hong Kong, head of

corporate sustainability Asia pacific region.

A sum of (USD$23,200,000.00) (Twenty three

million, two Hundred Thousand dollars)

Million was deposited by our Late customer

who died without declaring any next of kin

before his death in 2006.

My suggestion to you is to stand as the next

of kin to Fadel Ahmed. We shall share in the

ratio of 50% for me, 50% for you. Please

contact me via this e- mail:

mrs_tere@126.com. Thanks

Re: Donations!
Chris and Colin Weir info@eurojackpot.co.uk

23:53 (9 horas atrás)

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pessoas marcaram mensagens semelhantes como

golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo

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Hello Dear, This is a personal email directed

to you by Chris and Colin
Weir. Chris and Colin Weir were the winner of

the 161 million
Euro Millions Jackpot Lottery, which was

announced on the 12/July/2011.
The Jackpot winners and Euro Millions has

just commenced a charity donation
and they are giving out a cash donation of

$1,500,000.00 ($1.5 Million USD)
to five (5) Lucky individuals and ten (10)

Charity organization all around
the world. Your email address was selected

from the Global email
addresses database and you have been selected

as one of the five lucky winners of
the donation. You have been awarded

$1,500,000.00 ($1.5 Million USD)

Kindly send us the below details so we can

carry out proper
verification and instruct you on how to claim

this great donation. SEND THE DETAILS BELOW
to the claims office for further instruction.

Full Name:

Contact our organizing office via email for

further details.: redeemfunds@zsk.name

Congratulations & Happy Celebration in

Bowman Mussy Esq. Head Donation Committee
Email: redeemfunds@zsk.name

Sw.Ha- sgthgty12@vamprose.cn por  udd.cl

I have a project for you.



Hello Dear .
Miss Elizabeth James


Dear Friend
I am Miss Elizabeth  James,
An account manager to late Dr. Sanjay

Krishna,  a business Consultant and major sub

contractor in Scotland, on the 27th December

2009, my Client, and his wife and their two

kids were involved in an auto crash and It

was unfortunate that they all lost their

lives. For years now I have done a lot of

researches to locate his relations to claim

his Estate fund value all to no avail.
I contacted you because both of you come from

the same country. I want to use You as next

of kin to claim his Estate/Fund valued ($ 4.8

Million USD ) then transfer it to your

country, before our government confiscate it

or declared it unserviceable by the Finance

Firm. I will provide the necessary document

for your back up since I am his personal

account manager before his death.
Note: 40% will be for you if you are

interested do kindly get back to me


immediate transfer of US$5,800,000.00
veney@gaungyaal.com enquiry@velosibrunei.com

23:53 (9 horas atrás)

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golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo

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Barclay's Bank PLC, UK
1 Churchill Place
London, E14 5HP, United Kingdom

Dear Esteemed Customer,

We at this bank wish to congratulate and

inform you that after thorough review
of your Inheritance/Contract funds transfer

release documents in conjunction
with the World Bank and the International

Monetary Fund assessment report, your
payment file was forwarded to us for

immediate transfer of a part-payment of
US$5,800,000.00 to your designated bank

account from their offshore account with

The audit reports given to us, shows that you

have been going through hard times
by paying a lot of money to see to the

release of your funds, which has been
delayed by some dubious officials.

We therefore advice that you stop further

communication with any correspondence
outside this office since you do not have to

pay any money or fee to receive
your funds as you have met up with the whole

funds transfer requirements.

The only thing required from you is to obtain

the Non-Residential Clearance Form
to enable us credit your account directly by

telegraphic transfer or through any
of our corresponding banks and send copies of

the funds transfer release
documents to you and your bankers for


Should you follow our directives, your funds

will be credited and reflect in
your bank account within five (5) bank

working days from the day you obtain this
Non-Residential Clearance Form.

For further details and assistance on this

Remittance Notification, kindly
forward your
Directly to my private ;E-mail:

il.com , alisonkenth@outloook.com

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Alison Kenth
Head, International Banking Division.
Barclay's Bank PLC, UK.


DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Information contained in

this email is confidential and
intended for the addresses only. Any

dissemination, distribution,  copying or
use of this communication without prior

permission from the address is strictly
prohibited. If you are not the intended

recipient of this  communication, please
delete it permanently without copying,

disclosing or otherwise using its
contents, and notify the sender immediately.

Important Document
Gail Perrin perigale@aol.com

Please view this important document i

uploaded for you using Google Drive, i am

unable to use PDF to convert.

Click here To View.

Thank you.
responder para - fedexpostoffice101@163.com

(sem assunto)
FedEx Post Office pia.donoghue@pp.inet.fi

We the management of  FedEx Post Office South

Africa hereby
use This medium to notify you that your

parcel is still in our
possession, this parcel contained an

International Cashier Bank
Draft/Cheque worth the sum of $500,000.00USD

(Five Hundred Thousand United
State Dollars only) and it is ready for

delivery to your door step.
Meanwhile, before the delivery or shipment

will take place, you are advice
to RECONFIRM to us the following data mention


1.Your Name:........
2.Full Address:..............

The above requested information will enable

us deliver your parcel
correctly without any mistakes on delivery of

your parcel.

NOTE : No charges should be made before

delivery except the stamp duty fee
which is just $150usd. Delivery would be made

to your door step as soon as
we receive your payment, no problem about the

delivery fee because the
company has paid for the delivery fee.

Furthermore, you might be asking yourself how

come this parcel, Anyway
this parcel was brought to our office to be

delivered to you by lottery

Note: This fee is not for delivery but for

the stamp duty, this company
has spent out of its income in the process by

recovery back your parcel?
so dear customer we once again appreciate

your patronage in our favor.
Without hesitations you are to pay for just

the balance left of $150 by
your sender before it accumulate a demur-rage

after one week only,as you
know your parcel is not just an ordinary

parcel but with a vital document
and we think you understand what we mean by

accumulating a

Yours Faithfully
Mr. Dave Harry
FedEx Express (South Africa), Ltd.


responder para - info.credit-expert@qq.com

Kredit 3 %
Sigrun Tufteland - sigrun.tufteland@sklbb.no

Guten Tag Herr/Frau,

Benötigen Sie einen Kredit?
Bitte bewerben Sie sich für einen Kredit schnell und bequem zu einem niedrigen Zinssatz von 3 %. Wir erbringen unsere die Mindestmenge an 5000 CHF/Euro und die maximale Höhe von 10,000.000.00 CHF/Euro für Business, Refinanzierung und Investitionen.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns und bewerben Sie sich jetzt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
BMW GROUP / LOTO PLUS ganjaboss@tin.it

18:54 (14 horas atrás)

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       Pour grandir son activité commerciale, la fondation du group-BMW
organise une Spéciale loterie avec l'aide de  LOTO PLUS-France. Cette
dernière consiste à recenser les adresses électroniques
 (E-mails) des internautes dans tous les pays pour  tirer au sort 50
 E-mails gagnant dans exactement 7.973.148 E-mail qui seront
enregistrés. La fondation
 BMW-Group mettent à la disposition des heureux gagnants de nombreux
 lots dont 07 voitures ( NOUVELLE BMW 316i berline) et plus de
2.500.000,00 Euros sont mise à la disposition des heureux gagnant.
Retenez que entre 2009-2013 l'usine BMW a nécessité un
 investissement de modernisation de 2,2milliards de rands ce qui
 une production de 90 000 unités dont le modèle BMW Séries 3. Selon nos
 données statistique, 50% de la production actuelle de l'usine est
exportée vers les USA et le reste est écoulé en Afrique, Canada,
Japon, Corée, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapour et Australie. Depuis
 2009 l'Afrique étant la plaque tournante de la commercialisation des
produits de la
 marque BMW il est prévu que la distribution des voitures et autres
lots aux gagnants se fasse à partir d'une base de la firme BMW Afrique.
Pour participer à ce jeu tombola, il suffit d'envoyer vos
 coordonnées (nom, prénoms,profession, pays, téléphone) à l'adresse e-
mail du service de
 tirage du BUREAU de  BMW-GROUP. E-mail: service.tirage@bk.ru
L'objectif de ce jeu est de faire des heureux gagnants à la veille de
cette nouvelle année et faire de ces gagnants l'un des
 principaux vecteurs de publicité de la firme AUTOMOBILES BMW dans leur
 pays respective.Nous vous prions donc d'envoyer vos coordonnés à
service.tirage@bk.ru afin de
 participer à ce grand jeu.
 Cordialement et bonne chance

 Fondation BMW Group 3 avenue Ampère Montigny le Bretonneux F-78886
Saint-Quentin en Yvelines Cedex, Tel:+1 604 462 7228 Fax:+1-714-373-
1818 E-mail: service.tirage@bk.ru
Mr.Adama Ibrahim samiraabdussalaam150@gmail.com

17 de jan (1 dia atrás)

para Cco:mim
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Dear friend,

I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am Mr Adama
Ibrahim from Burkina Faso the Accounting and Auditing Manager Eco bank
of Africa (ECOBA), Ouagadougou I hoped that you will not expose or
betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for
the mutual benefit of our families.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of (usd$10.5m)
million to your account within 10 to 14 banking days. This money has
been dormant for years in our bank without claim. I want the bank to
release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased
customer (the owner of the account) died along with his supposed next
of kin in an air crash since July, 2000.

I don't want the money to go into our bank treasurer account as an
abandoned fund. So this is the reason why I contacted you so that the
bank can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased
customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top
secret and delete it if you are not upon receipt of your reply,

I will give you full details on how the business will be executed and
also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum if you
agree to handle this business with me? And 10% will be set aside for
any expenses that warrant on the process before the fund get into your
bank account such as telephone calls bills (etc). Finally send your
photo or your international passports for more identification.Here is
my private email address you can you also reply me here

(1)Your Full Name (2)You Age (3) Sex (4)You Country (5)You Telephone
Number (6)Your Occupation

Best Regards, Mr.Adama Ibrahim
Ibrahim Musa ibrahim_musa03@aol.fr por  mx.aol.com

>  > ----- Original Message ----- > ----- Original Message ----- >>  > ----- Original Message ----- > ----- Original Message ----- >

Personal Email / Confidential Business Proposal
From: Mr .Ibrahim Musa
Senior Auditor Foreign Remittance Unit
Bank Of Africa (BOA)
Ouagadougou - Burkina-Faso
West /Africa.

                       Confidential Business Proposal!!

I must say that I have enormous respect for you considering the manner in which I have made contact with you.

I am Mr .Ibrahim Musa , the senior Auditor In charge of Foreign Remittance Unit, Bank Of Africa (BOA) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. I have a business which will benefit both of us, The amount of money involved is ($15.5 Million Dollars) which i want to transfer from an abandoned account to your bank account; it is 100% risk free.

After the end of the business, We shall agree that { 40% } Forty Percent will be for you in respect of all your assistance for this transaction and { 60% } Sixty- Percent will be for me being the pioneer of the business.

A lot of customers open private accounts with different Banks without the knowledge of their families and when they die, such money will be lost to the Bank unless someone comes to claim it. This is how a lot of Bank Directors make so much money silently.

I sent you this mail knowing fully well what the consequences of my actions and not without a measure of fear, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. You have to work real hard and sometimes take chances as they come. This could be a retirement bonus for us both though it depends on your decision.

I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me. I am the only one who knows of this situation and now you are second. Therefore, if my offer is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you.

I will like you to provide immediately the below information's, to enable me use it and get you next of kin application form from my bank.

1.Full Name:________________
2.Full Address:______________
3.Telephone Number:________

As soon as you reply, I will let you know the next steps and procedures and more details to follow in order to finalize this transaction immediately.

Here is my private email address: ibrahim_musa86@yahoo.com  Please, reply me through this email address for security purpose.

I am waiting soonest to hear from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr .Ibrahim Musa.
FRN Your Compensation Payment Needs Your Attention
EConomic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) hr@liangtukuaiyin.com

17 de jan (1 dia atrás)

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Dear Beneficiary:

I am Dr. Rose Maduike with the Financial Intelligence Unit of ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL CRIMES COMMISSION (EFCC). The ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL CRIME COMMISSION in alliance with Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and Con Artists in Western part of Africa With the help of the INTERPOL and the United Nation.

We have been able to track down so many of this Con artist in various parts of west African countries which includes (NIGERIA, REPUBLIC OF BENIN, TOGO, GHANA CAMEROON AND SENEGAL) and they are all in our custody here in Lagos Nigeria. After proper investigations, we were able to recover some cash at hand and bank which were supposed to be remitted to you but weren't due to greed. These funds are now being retrieved and will be delivered to intended recipient. We also found a computer hard drive containing your email contact and that of other victims. We at the zenith of affairs of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the United Nations Representatives in Nigeria have agreed that the total sum of USD68.4M (Sixty Eight Million, Four Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) be shared among the 342 email contacts found on the fraudsters hard drive.

This email is being directed to you because your email address was found in one of the Con Artist's Scrap file in the computer hard drive in our custody here in Nigeria. You are therefore being compensated with the total sum $200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars).

We have made arrangement to provide secure Money transfer through Internationally renowned Money Transfer Merchant (Western Union Money Transfer) Htrs here in Lagos Nigeria to avoid misappropriation. Our workforce have been instructed to fully oversee the transfer process for security reasons.

Feel free to Contact the Head of Operations through the email addresses stated below for Confirmation of your information;

Contact Name : Robert Heller
Tel: +(234)-704-626-7418

Contact Mr.Robert Heller with your information to enable him commence the processing of your payment to avoid any delay in processing.

Best Regard,

Dr. Rose Maduike,
Director of Foreign Affairs.
joy williams joywilliams@hotmail.com

17 de jan (1 dia atrás)

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It is my pleasure to meet you.

I am Mrs. joy Williams from Lome Togo in Africa.I am 55 years old. My Late husband who was a contractor with Kuwait government on commercial farming died in a plane Crash with our only son on their business trip to Philippines. When my late husband was alive, he deposited $3,000.000.00 USD (Three Million United State Dollars) in a Local Bank in West Africa for Motherless Babies home Project and orphanage Home Foundation.

We plan to re-locate to South Africa to commence the Project before he died. May His Soul Rest in Peace, The above stated funds was deposited in Bank account with the bank and can be received by anybody I authorized them to wire the fund.

Presently, my doctor said that I will die in the next 3months due to cancer and my old age. I do not want the funds to be with the bank without anybody receiving it if I die The fund will be used to help the HIV patients, Motherless babies homes,  help the poor and the disabled in your country. Respond back to me so that I will present you to the bank as my late husband next of kin and authorize the bank to wire the funds to your country.

May God bless you
Mrs.Joy Williams
Balance Copy
Amelia Samuel cool_tech77@yahoo.com

Happy New Year,
Kindly proceed with the order as quotation sent to us ,please also check attachment for proforma invoice and let me know if price remain the same as price quoted 1 month ago.Please kindly confirm balance payment to begin production, We have time constraint.

Thank you for your assistance.
Hello Friend,
Mr Usma Bello musmab1@aol.fr por  mx.aol.com

09:30 (22 minutos atrás)

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Hello Friend,                                                                                                                                  

                           Greeting's to you and your entire family!!!
Let me start by introducing my self i am Mr. Usma Bello, a banker with (B.O.A) BANK OF AFRICA here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in West Africa, holding the post of The Auditor General (Accounting Dept.

On December, 25, 2003, one Mr. Ron Morris, an American who base in Lebanon, An Astute Business man of international repute, a contract with ECOWAS country, whose endeavors spans various areas of Business interest, (Real estate, contract and Farming .etc) made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit, valued at $25,000.000.00 (Twenty Five Million, United States Dollars) for twelve calendar months in my Bank Branch.

Upon Maturity, we sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his company that Mr. Ron Morris was aboard the AF4590 plane, which crashed December, 25 2003.

After further investigation, it was discovered that he died without making a WILL and all attempts to trace his next of kin proved fruitless, On further investigation, it was discovered that Late Mr. Ron Morris did not declare any next of kin or relatives in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paper deposited here in our Bank.

The total sum of $(25,000.000.00)twenty five million united state dollars is still in my bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year, All efforts to trace and locate his next of kin proved abortive.

In accordance with the country’s  banking laws and constitution guiding this banking institution stated that  after  the expiration of (12) twelve  years, if no body or person comes for the claim as the next of kin , such  money will be revert to the Burkina Faso government  treasury if nobody applies as the next of Kin to claim of the fund. Consequently, it is upon this respect, I seek to present you since no one will come up for the claim.

Upon your acceptance of this proposal, I shall send to you by mail the (B.O.A) Bank "Next of Kin Payment Application Text Form" as well as detailed information on how this deal would be carried out.

The money will be shared in the ratio: 50% for me, 40% percent for you and 10% percent for any arising contingencies during the Course of this transaction. I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law, as I will use my position in the Bank's here to perfect this business transaction & secure Approvals and guarantee the successful execution of this transaction.

Please be informed that your utmost confidentiality is required. If this interests you, I want to remind you of the confidentiality of this Transaction at hand whatever your decision is.

I await your urgent response via my private email id (mrb71413@yahoo.com). With Your detailed information containing your telephone and fax numbers for easier communication and for onward proceeding.

Best Regards
Mr. Usma Bello


17 de jan (1 dia atrás)

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Your email address has won you a great deal of £1,000,000.00 GREAT
BRITISH POUNDS. In the just concluded BC49 lottery.

Confirm your winning via our site:

(1)Winning No: 01 07 08 21 25 38
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Contact us via this email ( britishcolumbia14@163.com ) for directives on your claiming process.
WESTERN UNION email@entermail.net

17 de jan (1 dia atrás)

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Dear Customer
Your email have won you $150,000.00 dollars Compensation prize
for those who use WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER for their daily
Business transaction.We have concluded to effect your payment
through western union 5,000.00 dollars sent daily until the
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Fill the beow details of your first 5,000 dollars payment

Your Name
Your Address
Your Age
Your Sex
Your Phone Number
Your Occupation

Transfer Manager:Mr Erorh Moses
Customer Care +2347033042079
Email: western.union5011@live.com
A lire avec attention
Pages Alain Marcel membre0025@donation-group.org

Bonjour à vous.

  Mon nom est PAGES ALAIN MARCEL, et je suis âgé de 68 ans. Depuis un
certain moment, mes médecins m'ont diagnostiqué un cancer du pancréas.
Après plusieurs séances de chimiothérapie, j'espérais vraiment gagner
cette bataille contre la maladie, mais j'ai bien peur que ces efforts
aient été vains et que je sois désormais en phase terminale. En effet,
selon les mêmes médecins, il ne me, resterait que 5 mois à vivre.
N'ayant (malheureusement) ni femme, ni héritier légitime, et ne voyant
pas l'intérêt de passer de l'autre côté avec ma fortune, j'ai donc
décidé de la léguer à une tierce personne afin qu'elle puisse mener des
actions humanitaires en mon nom. Cette personne, c'est vous. Je désire
donc mettre à votre disposition cette somme qui représentent le travail de toute une vie, et qui, j’espère
contribueront à améliorer le quotidien des plus défavorisés. En
acceptant cette somme, vous accepterez la responsabilité, ô combien
louable de ramener le sourire, d'une manière ou d'une autre à ceux qui
l'ont perdu! Dans l'attente d'une réponse favorable de votre part, je
vous souhaite, une excellente journée, en tout cas, meilleure que la

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