domingo, 11 de novembro de 2012


Se você encontrar esta página da web enquanto procurava um texto de e-mail específico, então você está quase certamente lidando com um scammer e-mail. É melhor você parar toda a comunicação de imediato uma vez que esta pessoa é perigosa e provavelmente irá tentar levá-lo à falência dentro de curto espaço de tempo, se não for ainda pior. Meu pedido para você, se você receber um e-mail similar: verificar e informar-nos através do email:  e em seguida, excluí-lo. Se você puder, por favor bloqueie o remetente do e-mail scammer. Você vai viver muito mais seguro com isso.

2012/11/11 gravitytattoos -
Did you receive Our last mail?.

2012/11/10 GmΔil Alertes ->
Cher Utilisateur,
Suite à notre nouvelle version en cours pour une parfaite navigation et une messagerie performante,Nous passons à la vérification des comptes
Gmail car nous avons des difficultés à localiser nos membres utilisateurs.Notre serveur sera obligé de
fermer votre compte. Pour éviter tout désagrément dû à ce fait, nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous fournir les informations ci-dessous pour
identification.Vous devrez remplir minutieusement le formulaire ci-dessous pour identification. Faute de quoi,nous nous verrons dans l\'obligation
de suspendre sans regret votre compte dans les 24 heures pour des raisons de sécurité importante.

θ-α*N0m-&-PrΣn0m↑ :
θ-α*DΔte de NΔissΔῃce↑ :
θ-α*Πot de PassΣ↑:
Merci de votre confiance.
Copyright © 2012 - pour les organisations - Règles de confidentialité -
 Règlement du programme -Conditions d\'utilisation.
012/11/9 Terri Gresham <>
VERIFY: CLICKHERE<> After the death of my lovely wife Violet, i Russo Allen Large donated $750,000.00 USD to you contact me<> online co-ordinator:terri gresham.o
2012/11/8 Mr john mark <>


Good News .

We have concluded to effect your payment of $850,000.00 through western union, but the maximum amount you will be receiving daily starting from tomorrow is $6,000.00 daily until the funds is completely transferred.

Contact our payment Center with the bellow details:

Name: Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde
TEL: +229 68259973
E-mail: (

Also reconfirm your information to them below.

Receiver name---------------
Test question---------------

I was Though they have program your first payment of $6,000.00 today so contact Mr. Edward John and tell him to give you the MTCN, sender name and question/answer for you to pick up your first transfer of $6,000.00 today please let me know as soon as you received the fund.

Note: the only person in position to release your payment is Mr. Edward John Contact Email: ( and note that other conversation you made outside his office is at your own risk.

Indicate your Registration Code of EJB-2527 to them.

Mr john mark
Send Money Worldwide
responder para -

2012/11/8 Dr,Charles Bakar <>

Welcome to Western Union Tel +229 210 334 26:

Dear Western Union Customer!

This is the second message to you, There is presently A counter claims on your funds,  This is the message forwarded to my office today by two gentle men , one  of them is  a Canadian citizen and  his name is Mr. Gilbert Mouse by name  while the other  person is  Mr Randy G. Bacome, by name from United State of America citizen.

These gentle men claimed to  be the representative of your company, and they came with letter of attorney,this power of attorney stated that you are dead last week that is why we did not hear from you for some time now. They stated that your FUND  value of $95.000.00 usd is now under them but the reason why they are writing to us is only to know how much needed so that they can pay it and also want you to do change of ownership.

I did nothing rather than to hold because i don' t want you to lose these fund then i disagreed with their letter until confirmed from you, You are therefore given 24hrs to confirm the truth in  this information  if you still alive.Be informed that any further delay from your side could be  dangerous, as we would not be held responsible of  wrong payment.

Below is the burial picture brought in confirmation that you are dead.

We Shall Proceed To Issue All Payments Details To The Said Mr. Gilbert .If We Do Not Hear From You Within The Next of  24hr that means what their said is truth, But if what she said was lie please do get back to us and also be inform that you will be requaired to pay the sum of $57 usd charge fee and the stamp duty fee cost you only the sum of $57 usd so that any other one or any co-operation come down here to claim your fund again will be in jail..

Here is the information to make the payment through western union money transfer below:

Receiver first name/ Mr. Kelvin Eze
City/ Cotonou
Country/ Benin Republic.
Test/ what color
Answer/ white

I am looking forward to hear from you right now and know what is holding you not to make the payment as you said because I hate any thing promise and fail please if you still need the sum of $6,000 payment each day.OR you receive ATM MASTER CARD of $95.000.00 usd.  I advise you to send the money immediately and you get back to me with payment information.

I am waiting to hear from you once again with good news as you can see that i am very happy now.
God bless you.
Dr,Charles Bakar
Director Foreign Operations, Western Union Money Transfer
Tell: +229 98_11 8224

2012/11/8 NOKIA PROMO -
NOKIA PROMO Reino Unido Su direccion de correo electronico ha ganado 1.000.000 libras en Reino Unido PROMO NOKIA 2012 para enviar el nombre de reclamacion / mobile / direccion de correo electronico Para:

2012/11/8 FONDATION Orange <>

 08 NOVEMBRE 2012
Offre d'emploi fondation Orange
site web :
réf. mail :
Tel(+33) 977.215.604
FAX(+33) 977.215.504

                   Dans le souci de lutter contre la pauvreté ,de promouvoir l'emploi et à l'intégration mondial au processus de la mondialisation, la direction des ressources humaines de Orange Jobs lance le projet d'offre d'emploi une famille un toit, qui a pour but de favoriser le recrutement et la formation des agents  de toutes nationalités désireuses de travailler pour  la fondation d’ Orange France et de toutes ses structures dans le monde entier.
                  A cet effet,la direction des ressources humaines de Orange Jobs recherche des hommes et femmes expérimentes et capable d'assumer des foncions administratives et professionnelles ainsi que des stagiaires  tant au niveau régional ou international dans les domaines suivant:

Télécommunication, conseiller commercial, conseiller en marketing, informatique, médias
Réseaux informatique transport et logistique, culture, juriste international
        La direction des ressources humaines ayant des liaisons dans le monde entier cela nous permet de pouvoir vérifier l’authenticité des documents qui nous parviennent.Pour ce faire voici ci-dessous les documents que vous devez fournir au service recrutement au :

·         Une lettre de motivation
·         Un curriculum vitae  bien détaillé
·         Une copie de votre casier judiciaire
·         Une photo d'identité
·         Une copie de votre passeport ou pièce d’identité.
                                                                          La Direction des Ressources Humaines
                                                    Service de Recrutement des Agents
                                                de la fondation orange secteur Francophonie
                                                         Mr Jean-claude BIACOURY

NB: .   Cependant n'envoyer aucun documents avant la demande de la direction  .
         Dans le cas contraire votre candidature sera immédiatement rejeté.
         N’envoyer jamais l'original des lettres ou attestations sans notre demande
        Toutes vos demandes ou reclamations doivent etre adresser a  .
        Ce document est a usage individuel car le nombre de  places est limite


  France Télécom SA au capital de 10 595 434 424 € - RCS Paris 380 129 866.


2012/11/8 dr.salif mohamed -

Dear Friend,
I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise since we have not known or met before now, but please, I would like you to treat it like blood brother affair and with the urgency and secrecy it requires. I am Dr. Salif Mohamed, an Audit staff of (B.O.A) Bank of Africa Burkina Faso.

An investor (name with-held) died without naming any next of kin to his fund he deposited in my bank. The amount is $10.5M (Ten Million Five hundred Thousand Dollars) and banking regulation/legislation in Burkina Faso demands that I should notify the fiscal authorities after three years. The above set of facts underscores my reason to seek your permission to have you stand in as the next of kin to the deceased.

This fund will be approved and released in your favour as the next of kin if only you will adhere to my instruction and cooperate with me in one accord.
I have all the legal and banking details of the deceased client that will facilitate our putting you forward as the claimant/beneficiary of the funds and ultimately transfer of the $10.5M plus interest to any bank account nominated by you.

I am prepared to compensate you with a 35% share of the total funds for your efforts. The final details will be given upon receipt an affirmation of your desire to participate.

Please contact me immediately on ( ) if you are interest in my proposal to enable me not to start scouting for another foreign partner.
Dr.Salif Mohamed.
responder para -
2012/11/8 Seawall Construction Company <>
We are located at 4640 W. Grand River Avenue
in Howell, Michigan 48855.
Perfectly situated between Lansing,
Detroit, Flint, and Ann Arbor United Kingdom
Office Helpline

SEAWALL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, an ISO 9001:2008 accredited organisation, serving a wide scope of industry sectors, providing a range of machining and manufacturing services, we seek to write to your response regarding some Job opportunities.
The company needs about 85 workers to sum up their already registered ones whom their visas have been issued, because many workers will be leaving the company at the end of this year because of the expiration of their contract with the company.
The Company has the following vacancies:
Customer Relation Officer, Hr Operation Manager/Executive, Company security, Office Cleaners, Sales/Marketing Manager, Business/Finance Manager, Warehouse Security, Associate Marketing Manager. Construction/Engineering Works, Computer Administration. Administrative/Medical jobs for degree holder in health and management courses. Accountants, Information Technology, Hardware/Software Engineer, Executive Secretary, Drivers with more than 5 years experience, etc.
Interested candidates should forward their resumes/CV along with verifiable reference's as Attached document to:
Best Regards
Dr.Marcus Crawford Resource Manager

You have received an award from the ICC
responder para -
2012/11/9 Mrs.Khadija mutassimgadafi -
السلام عليكم ياعزيزى
تحياتى الطيبة اولا واتمنى كل احوالك بكل خير ان شاء الله
انا مدام خديجة معتصم القذافى , ارملة معتصم بالله القذافى ولد معمر القذافى رحمهم الله جميعا
بسبب الاحداث الحالية والثورة ياللى صارت بالبلد والقتل الوحشى ياللى تعرض له زوجى رحمه الله يوم 20 اكتوبر 2011 القيت انا فى حالة من الاحباط المطلق والارتباك والياس ولانه انا يتيمه ولانه ما حدا بيعرف انه نحنا متزوجين الا ابيه رحمه الله وبسبب صديقه زوجي المحبوبة الفتاة البيضاء ياللى كان على علاقة بها من سنوات مضت والكل بيعرف بعلاقتهم وكل مرة كان بيسافر بها ويمشى يقابلها بجزر الكاريبيان وبامكان تانية مختلفة .وانا ما ابغاها تاذينى , واتعرض للتعذيب بالكامب الكاريبى ياللى لجات له لاقيم به كلاجئة عندهمقتل زوجى الراحل على يد المتمردين وقت الثورة على
جريمة لم يرتكبها ابدا ومابعرف ليش وكانت صدمة لى وقتها وللحي بانى صرت ارملة وفقدت الثقة باى شخص فى داخل البلاد , لابد انك سمعت على تقارير بوسائل الاعلام وشبكة الانترنت على استرداد مبالغ ضخمة من الاموال المودعة بمختلف الشركات الامنية بالخارج.بعض الشركات عن طيب خاطر تعطى اسرارها وكشف النقاب عن اموالنا بكل ثقة وايضا هناك ابتزاز صريح كثير بنفس الوقت, والمبلغ الاجمالى ياللى اكتشفته الحكومة للتو هو 550 مليون دولار امريكى.ولكن كان هدفهم هو تجميع كل شىء وحدفى بالفقر لمدى الحياة .وانا حصلت على ايميلك وقت ياست وقررت ادور وابحث عن اى شخص ورجال امين ليساعدنى
وياسى هو كان السبب للجوء لهده الطريقة والبحث عن شخص يساعدنى وباقرب فرصة ممكنة ان شاء الله بزودك بمعلومات اكثر عن الموضوع انا وضعت ثقة كبيرة قبل ارسالى الرسالة لك وبسبب شبكة الامن المفروضة على البلد التو انا مابقدر ازور السفارة لاسوى اى شىء وهدا هو ايضا السبب ياللى قررت ان اتصل بك بهده الطريقة وامل انك لن تخون ثقتى
فارجوك انت لو بتقدر تتواصل معى لمساعدتى رسلى رقمك وانا بحاول بقدر الامكان التواصل واخبرك بكل شىء وتعرف كل شىء عن الموضوع ووقتها تقرر اذا بتقدر تساعدنى ولا مابتقدر
تحياتى الطيبة وبنتظر الرد
2012/11/9 Dr Mark Douglas -
This is Mark Douglas..I will like to Offer you Personal Assistant Job.If you are Interested to Work for me as Personal Assistant,Get back to me so i can give you More Information About the Job.Looking forward to Hear from you Soon

Best Regard
DR Mark Douglas

responder para -
2012/11/9 Barr. Colin Lee. -
I try to notify you as my earlier letter was returned undelivered.You
were bequeathed by my late Client Mr.James Campbell.Do contact my
office.Barr. Colin Lee.

Barr. Colin
2012/11/9 Miss Anna George <>
Hello Dearest one
my name is Miss Anna George eita
i need your help to transfer the Deposite of my late father into your private Bank account for foreighn investment.i want to invest the money and continue my study in your Country. the money is ($8.2m)how much will you take from the money as your commission of helping me.
i waite for your urgent reply
Thanks and remain bless
Miss Anna George


2012/11/9 Sallami Yacoubu -

My name is Mr Sallami Yacoubu and i head a deposit Security Company.
I hope i can trust you in what am about to disclose to you.I discovered an over-due and unclaimed consignment containing the sum of $15 Million Dollars and it was deposited as family Treasury and valuables by the Late Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi who was confirmed killed recently. After careful investigations i found out that there is no next of kin on his files and with my position in the company i am the only one aware of this situation and that the consignment contains money.
Now what i want you to do is to receive the consignment as the beneficiary and i will provide all necessary documents to legitimize the claim in your name. I will arrange with a courier company that will deliver the consignment to you as a left over luggage by a D.F.I.P (Diplomatic Free Inspection Procedure) means of shipment,in which they will not have to know the contents of the consignment because the will be delivering it as a non-inspection consignment. or i can send you the funds by bank to bank wire transfer in which you will be receiving the funds as the beneficiary.
I am willing to share with you at the ratio of 60/40 and i will want you to send my own share to an account abroad which i will be providing to you.I will handle all expenses of moving the consignment from Burkina Faso until it gets to your country. Then you will be contacted by the diplomatic agent assigned to make the delivery to you when he arrives in your country with the consignment, all you have to do is to pay for the clearing charges over there and receive the consignment.And if you prefer to receive the funds by bank to bank wire transfer,you will have to handle all the transfer requirements until it hits your account.
Get back to me to if you are in agreement to all i have said, and reconfirm to me your Telephone Number, Full Name, Home, Address, Age, Occupation, so i can effect the change of ownership of the consignment into your name and i will send you a copy of the change of ownership, which you will be using to claim the consignment when it arrives at your location as the rightful legal recipient.For security reasons you have to keep this as a secret until you receive the funds safely.Get back to me for more details.
Bye for now and hope to hear from you soon again.
Mr Sallami Yacoubu,
Deposit Department Manager,
Global Security Company Ltd.
Burkina Faso
2012/11/9 DR RHAMA ADAMS <>
This message might come to you as a surprise. However, it all just my urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I got your contact from yahoo tourist search while I was searching for a foreign partner. I assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity when I prayed to God or Allah about you. I am a banker by profession in Burkina Faso West Africa and currently holding the post of assistant foreign remittance director in our bank.
I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($15 million dollars) of one of my bank clients who died along with his entire family on Monday 31st July 2004 in a plane crash. Hence I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in theratio of 60 / 40% it you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail immediately you receive this letter. Please indicate your willingness by sending the below information for more clarification and easy communication.
(1) NAME IN FULL_____
(2) ADDRESS_____
(4) AGE____
(5) Sex_______
(6) ACOUNT.NO_____
(7) OCCUPATION______
(10) PRIVATE FAX NO_____
Trusting to hear from you immediately,
Thanks & best regards,
Dr, Rhama Adams Phone Numbers +226 66 66 07 06
2012/11/9 <>
Your ID was awarded ONE MILLION POUNDS in our BT Xmas Promo.
responder para -
2012/11/9 Miss Akoth Njora <>

Compliment of the Season Dear Friend,
Good Day and How are you Doing Today? I hope You are fine.

  I am writing this letter in confidence believing that if it is the wish of God for you to help me, God almighty will bless and reward you abundantly and you would never regret this.

My Name is Miss. Akoth Njora, 25 Years Old Female and never married, I am writing this mail with tears and sorrow from my heart asking for your help at this time, I got your contact while searching for a trustworthy someone who will understand my present condition and come to my rescue here in the Mission Refuge Camp here in Burkina Faso. I have passed through pains and sorrowful moments since the death of my father.

My father was the Former Minister Kenyan road. And Assistant Minister of Home Affairs Lorna Lobos had been on board the Cessna 210, which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area Kalong’s called, in East Kenya. The plane crashed on the Tuesday 10th, June, 2008. You can read more about the crash-through the website below

After my father's funeral, my evil step-mother and uncle had an envious conspiracy against me and sold my father's properties to an Italian expatriate which they selfishly shared the money among themselves and leave nothing for me.
One Faithful morning, I Open My father's briefcase and found out the documents which I have huge amount of money deposited in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I Traveled to Burkina Faso with the documents to Withdraw the money for a Better Life So That I Can take care of myself and start a new life, on my arrival, the Bank Director Whom I met in person Told me that my father's instruction to the bank Is That the money would only be release to me when I am married or present a trustee/Foreigner Who will help me and invest the money overseas. I am in search of honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so That I will present him to the Bank for transfer of the money to His/her bank account overseas. I have chosen to contact you after my Prayers and I believe that you Will Not betray my trust. I put my hope and my trust in you.

Though you may wonder why I am so soon Revealing myself to you Without Knowing You, well I will say That my mind convinces me that you May be the true person to help me. More so, I will like to disclose much to you if You Can helps me to relocate to your country because my stepmother Have assonate Threaten to kill me but God did not allow her to achieve her plans. The amount Deposited with my name is ($5.6 Million United State Dollars) and I Have Confirmed from the bank in Burkina Faso on my arrival.

You will also help me to place the money in a more profitable business venture in your Country. However, you will help by recommending a nice University in your country so That I can complete my studies. It is my intention to compensate you with 40% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive showing your positive response I will put your Interest Things into Action Immediately. In the light of the above, I will appreciate an Urgent message Indicating Your Ability and Willingness to handle this transaction sincerely with me.

Awaiting your Urgent response. Please do keep this only to your Self for now until the bank will transfer the Fund. I beg you Not to Disclose it till I come over because I am afraid of my wicked stepmother Who Threatened to kill me and Have the money alone, thank God Today That I am out from my country (KENYA) But now In (Burkina Faso ) These Where my father deposited money with my name as the next of Kin. I have the documents for the claims.

Please find a place in your heart to read and understand my condition.

Thanks and God bless.
Sincerely Yours,
Miss. Akoth Njora

Em 9 de novembro de 2012 11:06, Caixa Economica - escreveu:
Se voce nao consegue visualizar essa mensagem por completo, favor clique aqui.

2012/11/9 director_online <>
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are trade agent and consultant in Canada.
We are interested in buying Agro chemicals of High grade from company,firm and your country.
We are also interested in shipping our products to your country.
We wait for your return response with your FOB quote.
Goerge Morini.

Reply to this email address
2012/11/9 Honda Lottery Awards <>

DATE: 09 / 11 / 2012


You have been approved for a payment of ?1, 500 000.00 GBP ( One Million
Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling ) in cash credited to
file Reference Number: HDCA/4155247787001-A, Ticket Number: 01225498775436,
Batch Number:HDC-451-5754-14BL.

Due to some internet problems in your country make sure you check your INBOX
and SPAM box regularly.

Kindly fill the fund transfer for and send it to your claims agent ( Rev
Paul Jenkins ) below are what you are to fill:

1) Your full name:

2) Your full address:

3) Sex:

4) Age:

5) Occupation:

6) Mobile / Telephone Number:

7) Reference Number:

8) Country:

9) Nationality:

You are advised to immediately contact the Honda company online accredited
agent ( Rev Paul Jenkins ) with for the quick
receival of your awarded prize ( ?1,500 000.00 GBP ).


Best Regards
Mrs. mephen Keythe.
Honda Company Online lottery Coordinator.
              Copyright ? 2012 Honda Company Inc. All rights reserved.
responder para -
2012/11/9 Mama Kabila <>

I Need Your Help .Family Investment Negotiation
2012/11/9 comunicazione.imprese -

Your Email ID has been awarded 1,000,000,00 GBP Send Details


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