Se você encontrar esta página da web enquanto procurava um texto de e-mail específico, então você está quase certamente lidando com um scammer e-mail. É melhor você parar toda a comunicação de imediato uma vez que esta pessoa é perigosa e provavelmente irá tentar levá-lo à falência dentro de curto espaço de tempo, se não for ainda pior. Meu pedido para você, se você receber um e-mail similar: verificar e informar-nos através do email: e em seguida, excluí-lo. Se você puder, por favor bloqueie o remetente do e-mail scammer. Você vai viver muito mais seguro com isso.
2012/10/30 Australian Email Promo <>
Dear Winner,
This is to notify you that your email address has won $500,000.00 USD (FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATE DOLLAR) in the Australian Email Lottery 2012 in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by computerized balloting, powered by the Internet.
To claim your prize, please contact Event Manager (Hassan Ali) on the email with the claims requirements listed below;
Name: Mr. Hassan Ali
E-mail Address:
Telephone: +2348158051933
Claims Requirements:
(1). Full Name:
(2). Home Address:
(3). Gender:
(4). Tel:
(5). Nationality:
And Choose also from the below option how you want to receive your prize money.
Congratulations once again.
Yours in service,
Mrs. Vivian Okoro
2012/10/30 Sharon E. Burke <>
Greetings from U.S.A
My name is SHARON E. BURKE (MRS), a member of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD); It will interest you to know that I have named you my beneficiary to receive USD$20,000,000 (Twenty Million Dollars) which I want to keep safely in your account and or any overseas account under your supervision.
My desire and purpose is to have you invest this US$20,000,000 in any profitable business in your country and retain the funds until my retirement which is coming-up in the next 4 years.
Bear in mind that this is a legitimate transaction, and the only reason why strict privacy is advised, is that the result of restrictions of the civil service laws in the United States.
Please indicate if you have a business plan to invest this US$20,000,000 for these 4 years, and let me know the line of business and its profit.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail message at your earliest convenient.
Best regards.
Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Operational Energy, Plans and Programs.
2012/10/30 Taggart Construction Limited <>
Taggart construction Limited Direct employment job offer notification,
Read details on the attached copy and submit your application and resume
CV for consideration,Via Email(
Mr. Robert Wallace
Canada Office
Human Resource Department
Taggart Construction Limited
Data: Quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012 20:23:25 0800
Assunto: Atenciosamente, Jean Francis
Missão Permanente da República de Benin para as Nações Unidas
125 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016.
À atenção; Beneficiário
Saudações caro, as Nações Unidas em afiliação com BARCLAYS BANK concordaram em compensá-lo com a soma de EUA $ 1.200.000,00, para suporte de auto. Este é sobre a chama, ele organizou antes de sair do escritório para ajudar a cidade individual e subsídio de desemprego também para ajudar as crianças menos privilegiadas e temos vindo a tentar chegar até você todo esse tempo.
Isso inclui todos os empreiteiros estrangeiros que podem não ter recebido o seu contrato, soma herança, e as pessoas que tiveram uma transação inacabada ou empresas internacionais que falharam devido a problemas do governo e do Mundo etc crise financeira que encontrou o seu nome na lista dos que estão a beneficiar deste exercício de compensação e é por isso que estamos em contato com você.
Agora estamos entrando em contato para informá-lo que um cartão Multibanco dólares $ 1,2 EUA tem sido programado em seu nome para sua compensação e tudo o necessário acordo de entregar o cartão Multibanco foi feito com SKYLINE COURIER / EMPRESA DE SEGURANÇA República do Benin. Nós fizemos isso dessa maneira para que ele vai ser fácil para você receber o seu Fundo.
Contatá-los com sua informação completa Recebendo como ....
Seu nome, endereço, cartão de telefone / ID
Pessoa de Contato:
Dr.Obi Ginter
E-mail: (
telefone +229-9969-1328
Referência de matrícula do pacote FDXB/xxx/100
Número de Código: xxxKP/229B
Jean Francis Zinsou
Representante Permanente junto das Nações Unidas
2012/10/28 Spanish Lottery <>
Confirmation Ticket N?: 33-48-19-H5H-@WIN
Contact Person: Chris Lewis,
Reference Nr.XKHL-37-14-29-13), Batch N?. DFD-25-30-29-686H, Serial N.
PMSQ021542311,Ticket N?:.33-48-19-H5H-@WIN, lucky N.4-19-26-27-30-3-8,
You have won( 1Million Euros )in the euromillions online sweepstaks
program corporations, held on 25th of October 2012.
In Madrid (SPAIN). This email was sent to notify you officially
about the award and to advise you to contact the processing office
immediately for claim,
Reply to Email:
Mrs Sarry Keithson
Return-Path: <
Em 31 de outubro de 2012 03:09, Seu plugin de segurança encontra-se desatualizado. <> escreveu:
Se você não consegue visualizar essa mensagem por completo, favor clique aqui.
CNPJ 00.000.000/0001-91
Essa mensagem é destinada exclusivamente ao seu destinatário e pode conter informações confidenciais, protegidas por sigilo profissional ou cuja divulgação seja proibida por lei. O uso não autorizado de tais informações é proibido e está sujeito às penalidades cabíveis.
This message is intended exclusively for its addressee and may contain information that is confidential and protected by a professional privilege or whose disclosure is prohibited by law. Unauthorized use of such information is prohibited and subject to applicable penalties.
My name is Bright Mark Loan Firm(Lending Group). A sincere
and certified private money lender approved by the UK Government Authorized.
We give out international and local loans to all countries in the world. Amount
given out $2,500 to $100,000,000 Dollars, Euro and Pounds, available now are
Business, Personal, House, Travel and Student Loans. Apply for a loan today with
your loan amount and duration.Its Easy and fast to get. 2% interest rates and
monthly installment payments.Check-out this great offer. For more information.
Contact Email Address:
Bright Mark
Loan Firm.
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
2012/10/31 victory-marketing-sales <>
" You Gotta See this"
I Saw This Ad and thought
this could make you some xtra cash!
When I first saw this I thought?
What does everyone have today?
Even when they are not at a PC?
>>>At Work, At Home>>Everywhere They are!<<<
>>>>Cell Phones<<<
Thats Right, and watch this guy
make noney on demand from
his cell phone!, "Watch Here"
You will be amazed, ....Matt
This Guy Was Named Top 100
Entrepreneurs By The Whitehouse!
To Unsubscribe Click Here.. We Respect Your Privacy!
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Dear Microsoft User,
This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of £1,000,000.00 (One Million Great British Pound Sterling) from Microsoft Corporation 2012 Lottery International programs held Today in London, United Kingdom.
The selection process was carried out through random selection in our computerized email selection system (ess) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses including Gmail account and other random domain selections drawn from all the continents of the world.
The Microsoft Corporation Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also licensed by The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). This promotional lottery is the 3rd of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public.
To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact our MS Claims Office for more information as regards procedures to claim your prize.
REF No: MS09102XN, BATCH No: MS35447XN
To file for your claim, call your fiduciary agent or you can as well mail him via E-mail and forward your information in his below email address:
UNITED KINGDOM OFFICE. 19 Broughton Street Road Wylde Green Sutton Coldfield West Midlands United Kingdom B72 1DW.
Claims Officer: Dr. Jerry Brown
TEL : +447 011 106 689
Payment Processing Form:
Contact him by providing your REF No: MS09102XN & BATCH No: MS35447XN, You are also advised to provide him with the under listed information as soon as possible:
1. Name in full
2. Address
3. Nationality
4. Age & Gender
5. Occupation
6. Phone (Mobile)
7. Present Country
NOTE: You are asked to keep this award personal, till your claims have been processed and your funds remitted to you. This is a part of our security measures to avoid double claiming or unwarranted participants or imposters, taking advantage of the situation.
Failure to claim your prize (CASH) would result to forfeiting and Cancellation of won prize of £1,000,000.00 Pounds
Congratulations, once more from the entire Management and Staff of Microsoft Cooperation to all our lucky winners this year. Thank you for being part of this promotional lottery program. Our special thanks and gratitude to Bill Gate of Microsoft and all his Associates for alleviating poverty round the World.
Mrs Rose Thomas
( Lottery Co-ordinator)
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kindly view attached filed for more details.
Dr. Wood Clark
2012/10/31 Dr James Cole <>
2012/10/31 Mrs Nicole Marois <>
Dear Beloved,
I am Mrs nicole marois and i have been surffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i have just one week to leave.I am from (paris) france but based in Africa eleven years ago as a business woman dealing with gold exportation with my husband before his death many years back.
Now that i am about to end the race like this,without any family members and no child. I have deposited $4.5 Million US Dollars with Ecobank here in Burkina Faso and i instructed the bank to transfer the money to you as foreigner that will apply to the bank after i have gone that they should release the fund to him/her,but you will assure me that you will take 50% of the money and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my heart to rest.
I also have $3 Million US DOLLARS in Africa Development Bank(ADB)Burkina Faso which I instructed the bank to give (St Andrews Missionary Home) in Burkina Faso. But my mind is not at rest because of my dreams of life that need to be fulfill, I am writing this letter now through the help of my computer beside my sick bed.
You are to respond to me immidately since i have just one to end my life due to the ovarian cancer disease, hopeing you will understand my point.
Yours fairly friend,
Mrs nicole marois
2012/10/31 <>
I have a business offer to discuss with you. Pleaselet me know if this email is valid.KimJr
2012/10/31 Adam Rosine <>
bonjour bien aimé
je m'appelle Adam Rosine,commerçante âgée de 62 ans . je suis de nationalité française mais résident au bénin .j'ai une maladie qu'on appelle (le cancer de cerveau) , mon docteur m'a traité et il me confirme que je n'ai plus d'espoir de vivre.Mon mari qui était avec moi m'a abandonné lors de ma souffrance . je suis une femme solitude, je n'ai pas d'enfant dans la vie .J'ai une mallette de couleur cendre qui contient 850000 $ de dollar et deux sachet de lingot d'or . les habitants du pays veulent que je meurs avant qu'ils prennent la mallette, mais lorsque j'ai faire la remarque je suis parti dépose la mallette sous la direction de la dhl du pays .je ne vous connais pas mais ce n'est pas forcer qu'on puisse se connaitre avant de faire du bien a son prochain .
svp je vous prie d'accepter ma donation car cela peut vous servir a réaliser votre projet et à aider une association qui souffre de la famine .
écrivez moi sur mon adresse privé( pour que je vous donne l'adresse de la dhl .
voici mon numéro +447035902143 mais c'est mon docteur qui décrocheras cas mon état ne me permet pas de décrocher
soyez bénis
responder para -
2012/10/31 Amadou KEITA <>
Dear Sir/Madam
We are village local gold miners located here in Mali in West Africa we hereby make this offer of au metal gold dust under the penalty of perjury with full responsibility. the purity bellow.
1. Product:au metal (gold dust)
2. Origin:mali,west africa
3. Type: alluvial
4. Purity:92.7% or better
5. Carats:22+
6.quantity:77kg(gold dust)
We are searching for a serious gold buyer,whom we can establish a long term business with,to enable us discuss the procedures of delivery and payments,you know that the local minners has not being to school in this case they don’t understand the baking procedures about gold,now is you or your mandate will explain to us how you will want the business to be. i want you and your company to be my AGENT.
your can seen me contact form,
Best regards.
Mr Keita
responder para -
2012/10/31 fl dosi <>
Nice Meeting You, i am miss Flourence, i wish to have you as my friend, please could you get back to me for more detail of my self, and all maybe necessary in relationship including my picture, if this interest you get back to me.yours Flourence.
Return-Path: root@nascimento.localdomain
Em 31 de outubro de 2012 00:24, <> escreveu:
Caso não consiga visualizar o e-mail, acesse este link.
responder para -
2012/10/31 The National Christmas Lottery <>
The National Lottery
No.366 Commissioner Street
Dear Lucky Winner
The National Lottery Day wishes to inform you that you have won
the sum of R9,000,000.00(Nine Million South African Rand)
Equivalent to $1,100,648.15 (USD)
The National Lottery Day. draws was conducted from an exclusive
list of 13 lucky emails of individual and corporate bodies picked by
an advanced automated random computer search. No tickets were
Batch Nr: JBSH/10/JB/SA
Ref Nr: SH/037/11/06/SA.
1. Full Name:
2. Address:
3. Occupation:
4. Nationality:
5. Tel No:
6. Date Of Birth:
7. Country Of Residence:
8. Alternative Email :
The National Lottery day and the Local Organizing Committee
(LOC) of the 2012 National Lottery day celebration hereby Agrees,
That the winning information written above are the original winning
information as it was selected by the computer on 30th day of
October 2012, And that the winner who these winning information
has been sent to,will be paid the winning sum of
R9,000,000.00(Nine Million South African Rand) Equivalent to
$1,100,648.15 (USD) without fail.You are required to claim your
winnings by November 15th, 2012 otherwise it rolls over to the next
draw.Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically
Claims Officer:
Mr .Owen Wilson
Remittance Department Personnel
Once again on behalf of all our staff CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Miss Cindy Themba
Winnings Coordinator
The information in this email is confidential and intended solely for
the addressee.The information contained in this message is
confidential and may legally protected. The information contained
in this e-mail message is intended exclusively for the
addressee.Use of this information by anyone other than the
addressee is prohibited. Disclosure, copying, distribution and / or
distribute this .net information to third parties is not allowed.not
for the proper and complete transmission of the content of a sent
email nor for any delay in its receipt.This footnote also indicates
that this email has been scanned by a current virus scanner for the
presence of computer virus.
2012/10/31 Barrett John <>
Dear Beneficiary,
This is to inform you that your ATM VISA CARD contain the sum of
$300, 000.00 USD has been registered by an Official of the United Nation. The Fund is a
donation to you from the U.N through e-mails balloting in affiliation with
commonwealth poverty eradication program.
Below listed information is needed for the delivery of your package.
First Name:
Last Name:
Your address in your country/city to avoid delivery to the wrong person:
Phone Number:
Contact Email ( )
Mr.Barrett John
2012/10/31 Mona Fauver <>
Hello my name is Diana, i felt like contacting you because my dad is from
Malaysia and that makes it my home Country lol..I don't mind if we can be
friends,i will be visiting Malaysia soon for holidays, write back, so we
can get to know more about ourselves, my email id is
( ) have a nice day. Please contact me directly on
my email . Await your email.. salam
2012/10/31 CartaSi <>
CartaSi SpA
Gentile Cliente,
Il nostro ufficio tecnico ha recentemente aggiornato i nostri servizo on-line, come consequenza di questo aggiornamento,
si prega di confermare i vostri dati per accedere al tuo conto on-line.Se non siete in grado di confermare i dettagli del conto on-line comportano la sospensione permanente.
Amministrazione vi chiedera di accettare le nostre scuse per il disagio causato, ed esprime la sua gratitudine per la vostra collaborazione.
Clicca qui per essere reindirizzato alla pagina securizzata CartaSi S.p.A.
Considerazioni migliori,
Il reparto sicurezza
2012 CartaSi S.p.A. - partita iva 01115452267.
Em 31 de outubro de 2012 17:05, Voe Gol - Smiles <> escreveu:
No período de 20/10 a 10/11 sera realizado sorteios de bilhetes para todos os destinos GOL*, inclusive para o Caribe.
Esta é a oportunidade perfeita para você concorrer o melhor das suas férias no destino que quiser, com todas as vantagens que os clientes Smiles merecem.
Para participar desta promoção devera se cadastrar. Participe, reserve já o seu lugar na promoção Smiles.
Acesse agora mesmo e
participe desta promoção.
Caso esteja tendo dificuldade na visualização deste e-mail: clique aqui
* Exceto Fernando de Noronha.
- Para participar da promoção o Participante Smiles deverá ter o saldo total de milhas na Conta Smiles a expirar em 2013 e/ou 2014 exclusivamente.
- Esta promoção não inclui: taxas de embarque, taxas governamentais e/ou demais taxas, sendo que as mesmas deverão ser pagas pelo cliente;
- Não é permitido Stopovers (paradas intermediárias) em qualquer direção da viagem;
- Para esta promoção não será permitida mudança de data e itinerário. Caso o Cliente necessite alterar a data ou itinerário o mesmo deverá cancelar o bilhete emitido, através da Central de Atendimento Smiles**, e emitir novo bilhete, exclusivamente através do Site Smiles, com a escolha de nova data ou itinerário. Nesta hipótese o cancelamento não terá custo e as respectivas milhas retornarão para a Conta Smiles da qual foi debitada.
- Reembolso - Após a utilização do primeiro trecho, nenhum trecho subsequente será reembolsado, mesmo que não tenha sido utilizado. Se não houver a utilização do prêmio de ida e de volta, dentro do período da promoção, o reembolso poderá ser solicitado em até 1 (um) ano contado a partir da emissão do prêmio, mediante pagamento de R$ 50,00 (cinquenta reais) para bilhete emitido no Brasil e US$ 30,00 ou o equivalente em moeda local do solicitante, na data do pedido de mudança, para bilhete emitido fora do Brasil, sendo que a taxa será cobrada por passageiro e por prêmio.
responder para -
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 22:59:51 +0800
Dear Friend.
It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which I intend to establish in your country. Though I have not met with you before but I believeone has to risk confidence to succeed sometimes in life. And I hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families. Presently I am the Manager Incharge of Auditing section of the bank, but about to retire from active Bankservice to start a new life.
But I am sceptical to reveal this particular secret to a stranger, During ourauditing in our Bank, I came across some abandoned fund sum of(US$12.5 Million dollars) laying in wait here in the bank, and when I carried out my investigation I find-out that the fund belong to our late deceased customer whodied with his entire family in Iraq War since 2006, leaving nobody for the claim.
The fund has been dormant (in-active) for years in our Bank here without anybody coming for the claim I want the bank to release the fund to you as thenearest person to our late deceased customer (the owner of the account) who died a long with his supposed next of kins in Iraq war since 2006 I don't want the money to go into our Bank treasury as an abandoned fund, so this is the reason why I contacted you, so that my Bank will release the fund to you as the nearest person to our late customer, This is a genuine business transaction only I cannot operate it alone with out using a Foreigner according to the laws guiding our bank, that is why i am contacting you in this manner to help me stand before my bank as the beneficiary to claim this fund and my bank will release the fund into your bank account.
Please I want you to keep this proposal as a top secret for yourself and. Upon receipt of your reply, I will send you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned amount ifyou agree to execute this transaction with me.
Mr.Salif Savadogo
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 19:32:22 +0530
ACCEPT MY LITTLE TOKEN IN GOOD FAITH. Attention How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family? I hope this mail meets you in a perfect condition. You may not understand why this mail came to you. But if you do not remember me, you might have received an email from me last year regarding a multi million dollar business proposal which we never concluded before you depart. I am using this opportunity to inform you that the multi million dollar business transactions have been concluded with another person Mr. John White who financed the transaction to a logical conclusion. I thank you for you're great effort to our unfinished transfer of this fund into your account due to one reason or the other best known to you. But I want to inform you that I have successfully transferred the fund out of the bank to my new partner's account in USA, which was capable of assisting me in this great venture. Due to your effort, sincerity, courage and trustworthiness you showed during the course of the transaction I want to compensate you and show my gratitude to you with the sum of $2,000,000.00 My dear friend I will like you to contact the officer in-charge, in the security company where I Lodged the fund for safe keeping in your name for the collection of this $2,000,000.00 I have authorized him to release the fund to you as soon as you contact him regarding this issue. At the moment, I am very busy here in China for investment with my new partner. Please I will like you to accept this token with good faith as this is from the bottom of my heart. Also comply with the security company's guidelines so they will release the fund to you without any delay, contact the officer in-charge on the below contact information: Name: Mr. Martins Newton Email: Phone: +447035946384 Therefore, you should send him your full Name and telephone number/your address where you want the security company to deliver the fund to you and copy of your Identification to avoid wrong delivery. Thanks and God bless you and your family, hope to hear from you soon. Regards, Mr. Don Walter
responder para
> Subject: Contact Me Urgently
> From:
> Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 15:05:52 +0400
> Dera,
> I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE FOR INVESTMENT PROJECT,It is true we did not know each other before I contacted you but i'm convinced that you can handle this my MULTIMILLION Project as a Foreign Business Partner with me.In order to protect our interest and dignity,i would like you to write me through this email.
> Best Wishes,
> Personal Assistance,
> Peter Dave,
> _____________________________________________________________________________
responder para -
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:48:47 +0000
Subject: hello dear?
hello dear?
nice to meet you ? How are you today I hope all is well with you?, my name is miss Beauty hassan is my pleasure to contact you after viewing your profile which really interest me to communicating with you please if you have the desire with me so we can get to know each other better. and see what happens in the future?. I'll be very glad if you could send me mail back to my personal e-mail for more easy communication and to know more about each other. and i will also send you my picture when I received your response ok thanks, i am waiting to hear from you, and I I wish you all the best on your days.thanks and have a nice day
yours lovely baby beauty?
responder para -
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:08:05 -0400
Subject: (JOB SEEKER)
Subject: Informamos que seu Cartão de Crédito Itaú será cancelado.
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2012 09:21:11 -0600
Olá Cliente,
Informamos que seu Cartão de Crédito Itaú será cancelado.
Motivo: Devido a não atualização de segurança imposta pelo sistema de credito.
E seus dados encontram-se desatualizado ate este momento.
Como eu posso evitar esta suspensão?
Obtenha a atualização de seus dados agora através do portal que disponibilizamos a você.
Atualize seus dados através do endereço abaixo e evite transtornos.
Atualizar Dados
BANCO ITAÚ S.A. CNPJ nº 90.400.888/0001-42
Telefones Capitais e Regiões Metropolitanas: 4003 3030
2012/10/31 <>
Universal Medicare Ltd is looking for Partnership scope includes placing
orders for products from customers and receiving payments for products supplied.
Please advice if you are interested in working with us.
Nourlan Sougourov
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