Se voce receber uma mensagem semelhante a uma destas abaixo, tenha a certeza que
está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
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Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
EMAIL da pessoa do Badoo é esse:
Esse foi o e-mail que ele me enviou
Oi meu querido,
Como você está hoje e como foi sua noite minha querida? Devo primeiro agradecer por fornecer seu endereço de e-mail para mim. Eu tenho que admitir que você é uma mulher maravilhosa e linda. Eu gosto de você e acredito que nosso encontro não foi por acaso ou acidente, mas foi predestinado por Deus, para que juntos pudéssemos descobrir o plano de Deus para nós dois. Mais uma vez meu nome é Mark Donald, tenho 59 anos. Do Monte Savage, Maryland, Estados Unidos da América. Estou feliz em encontrar você no meu presente e eu gostaria de estar associado a você, o que eu desejo é simplesmente em seu atributo eu tenho que trazer amor ao meu mundo novamente porque eu sou um pai solteiro. Eu perdi minha esposa há três anos em um acidente de carro. Eu tenho um filho que tem 14 anos. O nome do meu filho é Barry, Ele é um menino bom e inteligente e eu o valorizo muito porque ele é minha cópia de carbono. Eu sou um exército americano que trabalha em Cabul, a capital do Afeganistão, mas voltaremos para casa no mês que vem depois da minha aposentadoria. Eu acredito no amor porque ele cura coração ferido e espírito quebrado, eu não tenho nenhum relacionamento após a morte da minha esposa porque eu tenho estado ocupado na cidade de Cabul lutando contra o Taleban, para restaurar a paz no país. Quero que você entenda que o Amor não tem barreira de cores, não há barreiras educacionais, barreiras socioeconômicas, religiosas, idioma, idade, nacionalidade ou distância, a única coisa importante é amor e compreensão e daqui a pouco estaremos permanecendo juntos pela graça especial de Deus
Meu querido geralmente há um sorriso no meu rosto e eu fui abençoado. Eu tenho minha própria parcela de retrocessos na vida, mas apesar de tudo eu nunca deixo de ser grato a Deus por suas misericórdias sobre a minha vida e todas as experiências que foram expostas. Eu sou um homem amoroso, jovial, gentil, amável e apaixonado. Eu gosto de me divertir, trabalhar, viajar, brincar e sorrir. Eu penso em mim mesmo como sendo inteligente, mas inofensivo. Meus hobbies incluem correr, música, andar a cavalo, viajar, nadar, cozinhar etc. Estou à procura de uma mulher que eu ame, e também a mulher com quem eu poderia passar o resto da minha vida. Eu acredito que a felicidade de um homem nunca será completa até que haja uma mulher ao lado dele. Eu quero alguém que seja feliz com sua vida. alguém que está disposto a compartilhar sua vida comigo e eu posso compartilhar minha vida com ela e juntos seremos felizes para sempre. Espero que você seja a mulher certa para mim, e espero que a nossa união possa abrir portas de bênçãos e afetos em nossas vidas. Por favor, verifique o seu anexo você vai ver minhas fotos. E também por favor, sinta-se livre para me contar sobre você e também enviar suas fotos para mim
Desejo-lhe um dia maravilhoso minha querida e espero ouvir de você assim que receber este e-mail
Obrigado. Mark Donald beijos
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Mike Anderson
email usados pelos golpistas =
-----Mensagem original-----
De: Suvo Sarkar mailto:
Enviada em: terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2018
Assunto: Olá
Eu tenho procurado alguém com este sobrenome, então quando eu vi o seu nome, fui forçado a contatá-lo e ver como podemos nos ajudar melhor. Eu sou o Sr. Suvo Sarkar, um oficial do banco aqui nos Emirados Árabes Unidos. Eu acredito que é o desejo de Deus para eu encontrar você agora. Estou tendo uma importante discussão de negócios que gostaria de compartilhar com você, que acredito que lhe interessará, porque está relacionada ao seu sobrenome e você vai se beneficiar dela.
Um Peter atrasado, um cidadão do seu país tinha um depósito fixo no meu banco em 2005 por 108 meses, no valor de US $ 30.000.000,00 (Trinta Milhões de Dólares dos Estados Unidos) a data de vencimento para este contrato de depósito era 22 de janeiro de 2013. Infelizmente Peter estava entre as vítimas de morte no desastre do terremoto de 27 de maio de 2006 em Java, na Indonésia, que matou mais de 5.000 pessoas. Ele estava na Indonésia em uma viagem de negócios e foi assim que ele encontrou o seu fim. Meu gerente do banco ainda está para saber sobre sua morte, eu sabia sobre isso porque ele era meu amigo e eu sou seu oficial de conta. Pedro não mencionou nenhum parente / herdeiro quando a conta foi aberta, e ele não era casado nem tinha filhos. Na semana passada, minha Gerência do Banco solicitou que Pedro desse instruções sobre o que fazer com seus fundos, se renovasse o contrato. Eu sei que isso vai acontecer e é por isso que eu tenho procurado meios para lidar com a situação, porque se os meus diretores de banco souberem que Peter está morto e não tem nenhum herdeiro, eles vão pegar os fundos para seu uso pessoal, então eu não quero que isso aconteça. Foi por isso que, quando vi seu sobrenome, fiquei feliz e agora estou procurando sua cooperação para apresentá-lo como parente mais próximo da conta, já que você tem o mesmo sobrenome com ele e o meu banco vai liberar a conta para você. Não há risco envolvido; a transação será executada sob um acordo legítimo que protegerá você de qualquer violação da lei. É melhor que reivindicemos o dinheiro, do que permitir que os Diretores do Banco o aceitem, pois já são ricos. Eu não sou uma pessoa gananciosa, por isso estou sugerindo que compartilhemos os fundos de igual para 50/50% para ambas as partes, a minha parte vai me ajudar a iniciar a minha própria empresa, que tem sido o meu sonho. Deixe-me saber sua opinião sobre isso e, por favor, trate essas informações como altamente secretas. Vamos passar por cima dos detalhes assim que eu receber sua resposta urgente estritamente através do meu endereço de e-mail pessoal.
Podemos também discutir isso no telefone; deixe-me saber quando você estará disponível para falar comigo. Tenha um bom dia e que Deus abençoe. Antecipando sua comunicação.
Suvo Sarkar.
From: Helen Kamara
Sent: Wed, Jun 6, 2018
Subject: l would like you to assist me to transfer my money...
Hello my Dearest,
How are you and your family today ? l hope you are fine. As for me, my day is very boring over here in Dakar (Senegal). In this camp we find it hard to go out because we are not allowed to do so, it’s just like one staying in the prison and l hope by the grace of God l will come out of this horrible situation soon, I don't have any relatives now that i can go to, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the Civil war, and the only person i have now is Rev. Father Emmanuel Joachim who is the Reverend father of the Christ for all Churches in the camp he has been very good to me since l came to this camp, but meanwhile, l am not living with him rather l live in the women's hostel (*C*) because the camp have three hostels (*B*) for men and the other for missionary Sisters alone. You can reach me on phone through Rev’s phone, his office phone is
if you call, tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me to come and answer your call from our hostel. As a refugee, i don't have any right or privilege to anything pertaining money or whatever because it is against the law of this country. I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place. Dear, please l would like you to know that l have my late father's deposit certificate and death certificate here with me which l will like to send to you to assist me, because when my father was alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leading Bank in London which he used my name as the next of kin. The amount in question is
$5.7 millions us dollars
So l would like you to assist me to transfer this money to your account over there in your country and from it you will send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you in your country. I can't withdraw this money myself due to my refugee status here in this country which does not permit me to, rather the money can't be transferred here in Senegal while i am still in refugees camp. I want you to send me your contact information's such as your: because i want to introduce you to my late Father's bank for the transfer. Dear, I will give you 20% of the total amount for your assistance to me in this transfer, please i need your help.
Names ....................
Address ........................
Telephone .......................
Occupation .....................
Age ..............................
I have got in touch with the bank and made them know about my plans to withdraw this money, l also got them aware of the death of my father and they have acknowledged it with all their investigations. However, they advise me to get in touch with a very responsible person who will stand on my behalf and my trustee as regards to this money since l am presently of refugee status over here and wouldn't be permitted to handle this amount of money, they also let me know about the bond which they signed with my late father that the money will be handled to me in bulk which means that l should decide on if l will continue banking with the bank or not. I just have to let you know about this so that you can assist me to be my trustee on this money. Like l said l want you to call me because l has a lot to tell you. l kept this secret to people here in the camp the only person that knows about it is the Reverend Father because he is like a father to me.
I will be stopping here, my love.
Have a nice day.
I hope to hear from you soonest.
Yours sincerely.
Helen Andrew
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e: John Wright
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2018
Assunto: Prezado beneficiário
Prezado beneficiário
Obrigado por nos contatar. Isso é para informar que seu pagamento de US $ 3.000.000,00 foi aprovado pelas Nações Unidas para ser pago a você como seu fundo beneficiário como parte do esforço das Nações Unidas para apoiar vidas e reduzir a pobreza em todo o mundo. Gostaríamos de informar que seu e-mail foi selecionado para receber este fundo através de um sistema de sorteio de uma lista de endereços de e-mail selecionados em todo o mundo.
Para nos permitir começar com a transferência do seu fundo para você, é aconselhável nos enviar as informações abaixo imediatamente.
Nomes completos:
Número de celular:
Uma cópia digitalizada de sua identificação
Os detalhes da sua conta bancária
Depois de recebermos todas as informações de você, seu fundo será transferido para você pelo nosso banco afiliado aqui em Londres, Reino Unido.
Anexado abaixo está a minha identificação e você é aconselhado a manter esta transação confidencial para si mesmo, a fim de evitar o dobro de créditos do seu fundo.
John Wright
De: Lise Scoty =
Enviado: sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2018
Gracias por su respuesta, estoy feliz de conocerte. Ten en cuenta lo que dije en mi mensaje anterior, sé que te estarás preguntando qué es lo que quiero decirte. Querida, quiero que leas esto con total comprensión sin una sola duda porque es verdad. Como sabes, Yemen ha estado bajo la insurgencia terrorista desde hace algunos años. Estamos siendo atacados por terroristas constantemente. Algo sucedió hace un par de semanas, y he estado buscando a alguien que vea las cosas desde mi punto de vista, alguien en quien pueda confiar.
Te abro esto porque realmente necesitaba confiarle a alguien porque no puedo hacerlo solo y creo que eres la persona adecuada para esto. Durante una de nuestras misiones de rescate, encontramos una caja fuerte que contenía una enorme cantidad de dinero que pertenece a los partidarios militantes del gobierno de Yemen, que creíamos que era dinero destinado a comprar armas y municiones para ataques terroristas.
La cantidad de dinero en la caja de seguridad es de $ 19,200,000 dólares y los 6 oficiales del ejército presentes en esa misión de rescate acordaron que el dinero será compartido entre nosotros y lo hicimos. Del fondo total, mi parte fue de $ 3.2 millones de dólares tres millones doscientos mil dólares de los Estados Unidos. Estoy buscando su ayuda para evacuar mi parte de este dinero fuera de este país Yemen a su país hasta que venga a reunirme con usted. He decidido usar mi propia parte del dinero para construir un orfanato en casa, una organización de caridad para beneficiar a los menos privilegiados que fueron afectados de una manera u otra.
Este es un tema muy urgente porque mi tarea aquí terminará más pronto y debo enviar este dinero desde aquí, por eso decidí contactarme con usted de inmediato. Vi su perfil. Te ves bien y decente. Sin embargo, sé que es demasiado pronto, pero debemos actuar con urgencia debido a mi tiempo limitado aquí. Realmente necesito su ayuda para que vaya a verlo directamente desde aquí antes de ir a ver a mis padres. Iré a su casa para planificar cómo usar el dinero para la organización y más. Espero que mi explicación sea muy clara, pero si necesitan más aclaraciones, háganmelo saber y les explicaré más a fondo.
Es claro para mí que podría tener miedo de esta propuesta. Pero quiero que sepan que hice un acuerdo sólido con la empresa de entrega de la Cruz Roja aquí y me han prometido asegurar la entrega en cualquiera de mis destinos. Mis colegas también usaron la misma compañía de entrega de la Cruz Roja y la suya fue exitosa. Quiero que me asegure que si le entregan este dinero, será digno de confianza hasta que llegue a encontrarlo cara a cara. Esta entrega será manejada legalmente y no habrá ninguna forma de riesgo involucrado en el proceso y el dinero será estacionado o escondido de manera segura en una caja y será entregado a usted en su domicilio como un paquete mío.
Puede que se pregunte por qué me revelo tan pronto a usted sin una presentación formal. Bueno, diré que mi mente me convenció de que usted es la persona real que me ayuda en esto y no tengo otra opción que confiar en usted a pesar del corto período de tiempo. La confianza no importa cuánto tiempo haya conocido a la persona. La gente todavía puede traicionar la relación de larga edad y la confianza. He decidido compensarle con el 30% del dinero total una vez que se le haya entregado el dinero, mientras que el saldo restante se invertirá en la Organización como mencioné anteriormente. Podemos dirigir la Organización juntos si desea ser parte de ella.
Una apelación apasionante que le haré a usted es no discutir este asunto a un tercero, si no desea ser asistido, por favor amablemente elimine este mensaje de su casilla de correo electrónico para evitar cualquier fuga de esta información y será peligroso para mí basado en mi posición aquí. Quiero hacerte saber que aquí, en la zona militar, no permitimos el uso de teléfonos móviles, solo hacemos uso de los mensajes de radio y la comunicación por correo electrónico, así que déjanos continuar comunicándonos por correo electrónico, por el momento OK. En conclusión, desearía poder enviarme una respuesta inmediata con respecto a esta propuesta, su respuesta urgente será muy apreciada.
Espero para recibir su respuesta aceptable tan pronto como lea esta carta.
Con amor y abrazo
Sargento Lisa Scott
From: Nancy Nugent =
Sent: Sat, Jun 2, 2018
Subject: I can come over anytime you want, babe...
We can meet together if you really wish to be my girlfriend, babe, been single for 5 years and actively looking for someone real who's honest and serious to chat with seeing what we have in common together as chemistry has its role to play between the two hearts... I work in construction company and haven't been happy with my job planning on changing it as soon as possible if I can find the right soulmate to relocate and meet.
I can come over anytime you want me if you're ready to secure my flights ticket fund, babe.
Gold prices are up $ 106 in the last 3 months
Gold Spike -
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Act now and simply request your FREE INVESTOR GUIDE so you can see how easy it is to protect your IRA/401(k).
Thank you,
Gold Spike Precious Metals Associates
Responder para -
From the desk of Dr.Jerome Hayden Powell
From the desk of Mr. Jerome H Powell
Of Federal Reserve Bank ,
33 Liberty St
New York, NY 10045-0001
Phone Number +1 (917) 473-1702)
We apologies for the delay of your payment and all the inconveniences we might put you through, while we were having some minor problems with our payment system which in all case not meeting up with fund beneficiary payments, we apologies once again.
From the records of outstanding contractors due for payment with federal Government of U.S.A your name was discovered as next on the list out of the 11 outstanding contractors who have not yet received their payments during the 3 years tenure of the previous administration in office please bear with us for making this initial contact through email.
Meanwhile, a woman came to this bank a few days ago with a letter claiming to be your true representative. Here is her information-is below.
Name: Mrs.Annette Stillman
Bank name: Citibank , Arizona , USA .
Account Number: 6503809008
Routing number: 322271627
Swift code#:WMSBUS66
Address: 1723 Palm-dale Bulv
Palm-dale ca..93550
Please do reconfirm to this bank as a matter of urgency if this woman is from you or not so that the federal government will not beheld responsible for paying into wrong account, if this woman is not your representative, you requested to fill and send this information-is for verifications purpose so that your fund valued ($15.700, 000.00 usd) will be remitted in to your nominated bank account.
Kindly reconfirm to the bank the following
1. Bank Name:
2. Bank account number:
3. Route number:
4. Swift code:
5. Bank name:
6. Company name:
7. Position:
9. Working Id/ intil Passport:
10. Age:
11. Your telephone number:
As soon as this information is received, your funds will be wired to your bank account directly from Federal Reserve Bank New York USA . We shall proceed to issue all payments details to the said Mrs. Annette Stillman if we do not hear from you within the next three working days from today. We are sorry for any inconvenience the delay in transferring of your fund must have caused you.
You alerted reply urgent
Dr.Jerome Hayden Powell
Director Federal Reserve Bank
33 Liberty St New York , NY 10045-0001
You can text SMS to (917) 473-1702) (text if I did not pick may be busy with meetings).
Prosper Sow por
Dear Beneficiary,
This is to officially inform you that we have written to you before without getting respond from you and we believe that our previous mail did not get to you therefore we write you again.The United Nations Compensation Commission payment exercise has deposited your payment of (US$ 3.5,million US dollars with UNITED BANK OF AFRICA,This is regarding the draws the Secretary General Antnio Guterres organized on his visit to Africa to help individuals / Internet Scam victims and charity organization,Inheritance / Lottery / international businesses which your Email address was listed among those who are to benefit from the compensation exercise.
We have done and concluded all then necessary arrangement for your payment worth (US$ 3.5,million US dollars) which have to be pay with ATM VISA CARD Finally,Therefore you are warned to stop any further communication with anybody concerning your inheritance fund. You have to reconfirm the information's below for security reasons. And also be informed that delivery agent will leave this country as soon as you comply with Courier Company requirement Contact the verification officer in charge Mr Daniel POWELL
Account Officer, Porto-Novo,
His email
HOT LINE; +229 997 169 56
Therefore you have to stop contacting anybody or offices regards your fund and you should send him your full Name and telephone number/your correct mailing address where you want him to send the ATM card to you.Note that you are going to be responsible for the delivery can view this page for your perusal: We found your e-mail address in our list that is why we are contacting you. Contact with your delivery information such as,Your Name, Your Address and Your Telephone Number:
Hoping to hear from you.
Mr.Prosper Sow
Maria Warlord =
I know this mail will come to you as a surprise since we haven't known or come across each other before considering the fact that I sourced your email contact through the Internet in search of trusted person who can assist me.
I am Miss Maria Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly 24 years old female from the Republic of Ivory Coast,West Africa ,am the Daughter of Late Chief Sgt.Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly (a.k.a General IB ). My late father was a well known Ivory Coast military leader . He died on Thursday 28 April 2011 following a fight with the Republican Forces of Ivory Coast(FRCI). I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment which I am receiving from my step mother.
She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe, but she hide away my international passport and other valuable documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father's File which contained important documents. Now I am presently staying in the Mission in Burkina Faso.
I am seeking for long term relationship and investment assistance. My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$ 27.5 Million in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I had contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the Branch Manager told me that being a refugee, my status according to the local law does not authorize me to carry out the operation. However, he advised me to provide a trustee who will stand on my behalf. I had wanted to inform my stepmother about this deposit but I am afraid that she will not offer me anything after the release of the money.
Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in transferring the money into your bank account while I will relocate to your country and settle down with you. As you indicated your interest to help me I will give you the account number and the contact of the bank where my late beloved father deposited the money with my name as the next of kin. It is my intention to compensate you with 40% of the total money for your assistance and the balance shall be my investment in any profitable venture which you will recommend to me as have no any idea about foreign investment. Please all communications should be through this email address for confidential purposes.(
Thanking you a lot in anticipation of your quick response. I will give you details in my next mail after receiving your acceptance mail to help me ,
Yours sincerely
Miss Maria Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly
Demande de partenariat
Nicolas DO REGO <>
Je suis monsieur Nicolas DO REGO banquier de profession. Je suis gestionnaire du compte bancaire d’un pétrolier libyen qui est décédé dans la dernière guerre de la Libye.Ce compte est créditeur à nos jours d’un montant très important. J’aimerais collaborer avec vous afin de déplacer ces fonds dans votre pays pour un bon investissement.Ma prise de contact avec vous s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une collaboration pouvant me permettre de bénéficier de votre partenariat dans cette affaire qui révèle d’une confidentialité absolue.
Après mes analyses, nous pouvons disposer aisément de ce capital financier sans aucun problème et les investir dans les domaines d’activité de vos connaissances. Veuillez me répondre pour plus de détails sur mon adresse courriel
Espérant que vous voudriez bien considérer ma requête, je vous prie de recevoir l’expression de ma profonde gratitude.
Mr Nicolas S. DO REGO
Reply me
Tony Johnson -
My Name is Tony Johnson i have a business proposal for you. Please
contact me for more details.
Mr Tony Johnson
responder para -
Responder para -
welcome to the united states of America Embassy
mr james mike =
2700 Naches Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98057.
P.O. Box 3567, Seattle, WA 98124.
Phone. +1 478 268 5387
Attn: My dear,
welcome to the united states of America Embassy Benin, this is Ambassador James, us. Embassy in. Benin. we write to notify you that us. embassy here in Benin has inter - vain in your case due your total sum of$16.500,000,00, inheritance funds owning you in Africa. we are here to represent and protect the legal interest of every American and any others country like uk and Asia that involved in such business of every foreigners and especially to the North Atlantic treaty organization (NATO) members country citizens domiciled here in Benin. this site contains information on the united states of America and Benin. it provides pages on the bilateral relationship between the two countries, as well as on foreign policy, economic affairs, domestic issues, and u. s. society and values. the various sections of the Embassy work together as team to address the goals of the mission.
we write to inform you of the breaking news about your inheritance funds (16.5million usd) which you have been expecting sending you money for so longer, without a good result up to date, even many of them contacted you in form of western union department or money gram stated your funds was with them, from the financial regulatory bodies of this country, from their report I gathered that your inheritance funds was schedule to have been remitted to your destination point ,by some corrupt officials with intentions of asking you to pay endless money. however, l went to Benin international criminal organizations after USA embassy board of directors for investigation, and in their bid to launch a full scale and investigation into the saga, they found out that the reason why you we're swindled in the past and still not been able to receive your expected funds till date was because your we're dealing with the wrong people without involved USA embassy representative, unscrupulous elements, and impostors that we're impersonating.
Further more, USA embassy have took the chance to an emergency meeting with the government of Benin republic and it was resolved that you shall be receiving $16.500,000,00, we have summon the amalgamated union governing all the officials office stores in this country and their MD referred your funds to step aside that we will handle your payment total sum of $16.500,000,00, by our self, so,it better for you to stopped communication with any other office here in Benin, because, if you do is for your own risk. through the claim funds origin certificate charges that we're supposed to pay was initially on the high price but has been cut down by the USA embassy Benin as part of our corporate social responsibility to considering the poor economic situation that make it difficult for the middle class citizens to meet up with the claim funds origin of their entitlement.
the fee will serve as reconfirmation to your original file, meanwhile you are advised to reconfirm the below information to us to avoid mistake
1. Your full name................
2. Your direct cell no..........
3 Your Home Address...............
4 Your country...............
and your subsequent payments note that any unclaimed funds will be return to the government of Benin after 3days so you are urgently advised to comply with us now please.
2700 Naches Avenue SW, Renton, WA 98057.
P.O. Box 3567, Seattle, WA 98124.
Phone.+1 478 268 5387
Attention: Sole Beneficiary,
mr james mike =
Attention: Sole Beneficiary,
We have finally succeeded in getting your package worth of $5.7 million out of
delivery your consignment with the help of Mrs Susan White Attorney General of
Federal High Court of Justice BENIN REPUBLIC which act as your foreign Attorney
representative here in BENIN REPUBLIC.
So every necessary arrangement has been made successfully with the Ambassador
mrJames mike of the Consignment Box and every Documents guiding your delivery is well
updated so you are advice to re-confirm your full delivery information to the
Agent right now as he is currently at ?Chicago International Airport?
Address with your Consignment Box, As he called me this morning to inform me that he
misplaced your delivery address which he had.
So you are advice to reconfirm your full delivery information to the Ambassador
and call him with this number (708) 858-4537 or text him sms message
so as to have easy conversation with him and to enable you give him full
direction to get your Consignment Box delivered to you and hand you over your
Consignment Box safe and sound Furthermore you are advice to be very fast as
the Ambassador Mr James Mike has no time to waste due to his flight ticket,
So the Information you are Required to Reconfirm to the Agent is as Follow.
Your Full Name
Mobile Phone Number
Current Home Address
Nearest Airport as he is at Chicago International Airport right
now because of the Searching and Scanning of the Consignment which made him to
misplace your address
Contact person,
Name- Ambassador Mr James Mike
Contact number(708) 858-4537
Email: (
So contact him to deliver your Consignment box first thing tomorrow morning
possibly today So get back to us immediately you contact the Agent to make sure
that your fund has getting to you without any hitch
I’m Gen. Mrs Elaine k Nielsen
Gen. Mrs Elaine k Nielsen -
I’m Gen. Mrs Elaine k Nielsen ,
The new secretary of U.S. Department of Homeland security appointed by President Donald Trump. Office Address: 3801 Nebraska Ave NW,Washington, DC 20016, United States. I received a report that you have an unclaimed/abandoned fund worth of 5.8M US in the West Africa.
I want to bring to your notice that i have instructed ECOWAS and the concerned authorities to bring the consignment box containing your total fund to our Head office in Washington DC. The said fund will be here today.I want you to kindly Reconfirm
So that arrangement can be made for the delivery of the consignment box to you I can be reached at (206) 629-6156. Leave me a text or Voice Message if i am unavailable to answer. I look forward to hearing from you. EMAIL DIRECT CONTACT ( Secretary of The U.S. Department of Homeland security USA
Hello Dear
Mrs. Eva Sophia.Danita =
Hello Dear
My name is: Engineer Mrs.Eva Sophia Danita, I am a citizen of Austria, a business woman specialized in mining of raw Gold in Africa; but now I am critically sick with esophageal cancer which has damaged almost all the cells in my body system and I will soon die according to my doctors.
My late husband died in an accident with our two daughters few years ago leaving me with our only son whom is just 10 years old and he is my most concern now as he is still a child and does not know anything about live and has nobody to take care of him after I am dead; because I and my late husband does not have any relatives, we both grew up in the orphanage home and got married under orphanage as orphans. So if I die now my innocent child would be left alone in this wicked world and
I do not wish to send him to any orphanage home, I want him to grow up in the hands of an individual, not orphanage.
Please, i am begging you in the name of God to sincerely accept my proposal; let me instruct my bank to wire transfer my fund worth the sum of US$ 15,000,000.00 (FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS) to your account in your country immediately, then you take my son to your home and raise him as your own son.
As you receive the fund into your account, you are entitled to take 30 percent and invest 70 percent for my son so that he will not suffer in his entire life.
Please reply immediately with your full data if you agree to help me, so that we can arrange the transfer of the fund before anything happens to me because i will be undergoing surgery by coming week, and i do not know the fate of the surgery as the doctor has told me already that i may not survive.
Please i wait to hear from you now, its a matter of urgency
Yours Sincerely,
Engineer. Mrs. Eva Sophia.Danita
Responder para - Mrs. Eva Sophia.Danita -
Bank of America Office North Carolina ->
Co-Chief Operating Officer Of Bank of America
100 North Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina, 28202 U.S.
RE/NO: 002-BOA/0047/2018
Website: [http:/]http:/ /
Founded: 1928
PHONE =+ 1 334 218 7675
Dear Esteemed customer;URGENT REPLY NEEDED,
I believed you have received this letter before.On behalf of the entire
staff of the Bank of America, The Management of the Bank of
America Corporate Office Headquarters here in Charlotte NC, wishes to
inform you that after a brief meeting held by the Co-Chief Operating
Officer Of Bank of America on the june 4th 2018, We deem it
appropriate to intimate you that your funds will be transferred into
Mrs.Annette Cang bank account of Treasury bank account of the united
state of America if you failed to send the required fee, According to
the record we got from our payment Office due to your inability to
complete the transaction and your failure to meet up with a payment
obligation. The actual transfer of your funds US$36.5MILLION USD into Mrs.
Annette Cang account comes up next of ( 1 day)
The United States Insurance Policy fee is mandatory for any transfer of
funds here in the USA involving amounts above $36.5MILLION USD .The
amount to be transferred into your account is US36.5MILLION USD and is
far above This is why the $242 fee is required and the fee cannot be
deducted from source in accordance,with section 3 subsection 2(a) of the
Huge Funds Transfer Regulation Act HFTRA of 2001 promulgated by
law after the terrorist attack on our dear country.
Meanwhile, note that this $242 is the only fees that you will bear the
cost and your approval funds sum of US$36.5MILLION USD Dollars) will
transfer to you without any delays, and will are doing Auditing for the
year 2018, so we want your funds US$36.5MILLION USD to be
transferred into your nominated bank account the same day we receive
this fees from you.
We are doing banking Auditing for the year 2018, so we advise you
to treat as matter of urgency and try as much as possible you can to
raise and come up with the fees of $242 dollars for (Fund Legality
Certificate and Bulk Money Transfer Permit Certificate) and send it to
Bank of America Accountant Officer in Nairobi Kenya as the funds
origin/Cashier Office within 5hours you receive this email, so that
we can transfer your Funds into your bank account before closing for the
We are doing banking Auditing for the year 2018 and all unclaimed fund
will be cancel and send back to Mrs. Annette Cang account as true
beneficiary of this funds. Note that if you still wish to receive your
funds do get back to us immediately so that we will remove your funds
transfer from the list of those transactions to be seized by the United
States Government.
Also be informed that we need only a Fund Legality Certificate and Bulk
Money Transfer Permit Certificate to complete the wire
transfer.The fee to obtain the Fund Legality Certificate and Bulk Money
Transfer Permit Certificate was reduced to $242 and no other fee
is involved. You are required to send the fee of $242 by WESTERN UNION
or MONEY GRAM to the Bank of America Accountant Officer/Cashier Office
where your transaction originated as stated below:
Receivers Name:..Abou Soule
Country:......Republic Kenyan
AMOUNT to send:... $242Usd only
Sender's name:.......
MTCN or REFERENCE Number:.......
Email Address:...................... .
If we receive the MTCN today, we will transfer your funds
US$36.5MILLION USD Dollars) before we close office and the funds will
reflect 3 hours after the transfer.We will send you all the transfer
documents to enable you start making cash withdrawals from your
account same day the funds are transferred.
We have waited for so long and we cannot continue to wait. Meanwhile,a
woman came to this bank a few days ago with a letter claiming to be
your representative and she agreed to pay the charges of the $242Usd.
Here is her information below.
Bank Name:Bank of America
Bank address:2075 S. Victoria Ave, Ventura, CA 93003
Acct. Name: Mrs.Annette Cang
Type: Checking
Account# 003767127294
Routing # 063100277
Failing to reply this email and pay the required fee of $242 urgently we
shall proceed to issue all payments details to the said Mrs.Annette
Cang if we do not hear from you within the next 6hours from today.We are
sorry for any inconvenience the delay in transferring of your
fund must have caused you.
I need your urgent reply with the payment information.
Mr.Brian Moynihan,
Co-chief Operating Officer,
Bank of America Office North Carolina
John Paul =
PHONE NUMBER (+2348133120971)
Your name............
country.... ..........
phone ...........
Thanks and Remain Blessed
Mrs. Patricia Williams por
FYI: About My Previous Message
Hello ,
I sent you an email few days ago and have not heard from you up till this moment... Please am in urgent need of someone "a Humanitarian Manager" who can handle Charity Project for me for the poor families and Less Privileged in your country with the fund i inherited from sales of my late husband assets, businesses and bonds. The fund is 100% legal.
Please if you can help facilitate this charity project; contact me for more details
Best Regards
Responder Para= Mrs. Patricia Williams (
(sem assunto)
Mavis L Wanczyk <>
I am Mavis Wanczyk i know you may not know me but am the latest largest US Powerball lottery winner of $758.7m just of recent, am currently helping out people in need of financial assistance, i know it's hard to believe anything on the internet, so if you don't need my help please don't reply to this message.
Responder Para =
x <>
On m'appelle Rosine DUFIN. je suis de nationalité Franco-Hollandaise mais
actuellement travaille au suis Délégué Médicale Chargé de la
Publication et des Missions Étrangère au sein de S.A.Q (Société des Alcools du
Québec), célibataire, âgée de 29 ans.Ma motivation pour cette demande de
correspondance est très simple: j'aimerais faire de plus amples connaissances
avec vous afin de tisser un lien de correspondante pouvant aboutir à une
rencontre si possible et pour plus d'ouverture d'esprit concernant la
connaissance pluridimensionnelle de la personne humaine que nous sommes. âpres
ta répons je t’enverrai mon numéro wathsap et mes images . Merci de me
répondre sur mon adresse privée qui es le :
Have You Received Your Fund?
Barr. Reece Jason ->
I write to know from you if you have received your fund so far from the Ulster Bank, London. Please, it is important you keep this Chambers updated on this issue for our own record purposes, as we have perfected every paperwork to facilitate the release of your Inheritance Fund into your account.
Kindly write us today and confirm if your fund has been transferred to your account.
Yours faithfully,
Barr. Reece Jason
St. Mary’s Chambers
24-26 High Pavement, The Lace Market
Nottingham, NG1 1HN, United Kingdom
Tel: +447012947677
responder Para- Barr. Reece Jason (
Email Address:
Mr. Bouzou Tour =
Get Your Bank Atm Card, I Prepare Card That Worth Huge Amount Of Money
Loaded In The Card Is $3,000.000m Us Dollars, With This Card You Can
Make Maximum Withdrawals Of $500 Us Dollars Daily From Any Atm Machine
In Your Country.
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