terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2018


Se voce receber uma mensagem semelhante a uma destas abaixo, tenha a certeza que
está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um  tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais, 
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para - golpesvirtuais@gmail.com
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.

Nome usado pelo golpista - Christ Willson
Scammers stolen pictures of  
 Demokrata Dragan Šutanovac
Scammers stolen pictures of  
 Demokrata Dragan Šutanovac
Nome usado pelo scammer - Alex Watson

Nome usado pelo golpista - Berry Graig


De: Susan Tyler - susantyler81@gmail.com
Data: 25 de junho de 2018 


Como você está hoje eu estou escrevendo para você como eu 

prometi? ? Eu gosto de ser aberta, eu sou uma mulher que tem 

visto a vida, eu tenho estado no círculo social por muitos anos, 

Realmente não importa a idade ou cor ou realização, o que 

importa em nossa vida não é nada além de Cuidado e expressão, 

expressão do coração ..

Essa é a coisa mais importante da vida, para mim a coisa mais 

linda criada por Deus, nunca é vista, apenas sentida no coração. 

Eu tenho trabalhado toda a minha vida agora, eu devo pensar 

em algo melhor, aproveitar minha vida e provavelmente ter uma 

família, talvez me mudar e começar a investir em outras coisas.

Enfim, gosto de lhe contar pouco sobre mim, Meu nome é Susan 

Tyler, 34 anos, sou da França, nasci na França, e deixei a 

França na idade de 12 anos para a Inglaterra, para a glória de 

Deus, estou trabalhando Como auditor sênior / banqueiro perdi 

minha única filha aos 4 anos de idade. Eu tenho um esporte 

especial pelo qual anseio, e é o Golf. Eu não posso fazer com 

esse esporte.
Eu participarei de competições mais tarde, depois que terminar 

minha carreira como banqueiro.

Estou trabalhando como Auditor / banqueiro sênior no (AL 

RAYAN BANK) Ex-Banco Islâmico da Grã-Bretanha Plc 

Reino Unido. Eu era casado, mas meu ex-marido se casou com 

outra mulher, o que causou nosso divórcio, mas está bem, já 

que ele me acusou de estar tão ocupada com meu trabalho e 

com o banco e sua contabilidade / auditoria, que eu não estava 

tendo tempo para ele , mas ele se recusou a entender que eu 

estava perseguindo um gol, eu disse a ele que logo

Eu renunciaria e nós teríamos tempo suficiente um para o 

outro, mas ele estava impaciente. Mas acabou entre nós, estou 

feliz sozinha porque tenho tudo que preciso. É por isso que eu 

penso em me mudar para o seu país para investir em 

investimentos e talvez ter uma pequena empresa que eu possa 

ser capaz de gerenciar ... Chega de mim mesmo, você me 

contaria mais sobre você também ???? Eu gosto de conhecê-lo 

melhor, o que você realmente faz e sua posição em seu trabalho, 

seu estado civil e onde você reside agora.
Eu amo ouvir de você em breve.





....o nome dele é Richard Sanchez, se diz viuvo e tem uma filha, 

diz morar em Londres, mas está atualmente a negocios na 

Africa Ocidental, na cidade Ghana
Scammer Richard Sanchez









RESPONDER PARA - josanowak@yahoo.com
This is Ms. Josan Nowak, from Estonia writing from hospital 

here in Ivory Coast; therefore this email is very urgent to 

attend. I want you to know that I’m dying here in this hospital 

right now which I don't know if i will see more days to come. 

My Beloved, i was informed by my doctor that i got poisoned 

and it affected my liver and i can only live for some days. The 

reason why i contacted you today is because i know that my 

step mother want to kill me and take my inheritance from my 

late Father. I have a little adopted child name Eric C. Nowak 

that i adopted in this Country when my late Father was alive 

and $3,5 million dollars i inherited from my late father. My 

step mother and her children they are after Eric right now 

because they found out that Eric was aware of the poison, and 

because i handed the documents of the fund over to him the day 

my step Mother poisoned my food, for that reason they do not 

want Eric to expose them, so they are doing everything possible 

to kill him.
Hello my dear, 

Elaine Smith

Hello my dear,

In accordance to my religious persuasion, I felt expedient to 

write and inform you on the wicked conspiracy hatched by the 

duo of (Mr.kelly frank and Mr.Anthony ) from Ministry Of 

Finance to divert your funds to their designated account in 

Cayman Island but unfortunately, they begin to find it difficult 

to divert the funds due to their inability to provide an adequate 

identity of the funds, they now moved the funds down to Africa 

and hide it in a security company in other to buy time to enable 

them embezzle the funds at their own convenient time, but God 

stopped them.

From my position as a lowly clerk in this office, Miami 

Finance Department (444 SW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33130, 

USA), I discovered that the duo criminals moved the fund from 

United States to China, and then moved it again to Banco 

Italiano in ITALY. Yesterday, I found out through the Central 

computer database that they are about to reroute the funds to a 

security company in Republique Du Benin where they will be 

able to maneuver the strict IMF money laundering regulatory 

orders. With this, I felt that it is important for me to alert you 

on this development. They are still using your name and 

contract/inheritance identification number as the beneficiary 

but they have changed the account co-ordinate and this is the 

reason why they are frustrating you by delaying the transfer of 

your funds to you, so in order to buy time pending on when 

they will transfer your funds to their designated account.

I have the reference number of the transaction and also I have 

the number of the official who is directly in charge at the 

SECURITY COMPANY. Your payment is supposed to go 

through the Euro-Asia Credit Control Financial Clearing 

Department before final Lodgement into the security company. 

All the data/information about your funds file are within my 

reach. I do not need gratification from you either in cash or 

kind. I can never be a part of evil because the bible said YE 



Please respect my discretion in this matter! I will send you the 

reference number, the name and contact information of the 

officials of the security company were they kept your funds in 

Republique Du Benin when I receive your response. I repeat, 

please do not expose my person, it is not easy to get employment 

around here and I cannot contend with these powerful 

individuals because they can eliminate me.

You are advice to reply me immediately at - 

elainesmith5011@gmail.com  as I access this e-mail more often.

God bless you,
Mrs. Elaine Smith
De: hemiz Zaye = h_9650@outlook.com>
Data: 26 de junho de 2018 
Assunto: Mrs Hemiz


Primeiramente, deixe-me pedir desculpas pela minha resposta 

tardia ao seu e-mail. Foi devido a minha tarefa ocupada na 

Obrigado pela sua pronta resposta ao meu pedido; parece-me 

que você é uma pessoa muito sincera? Estou interessado em 

comprar o seu carro ao seu preço, e por favor você deve me dar 

pouco tempo para vir e vê-lo para negociação eu mesmo. Eu vou 

fazer uso do carro assim que eles se reposicionarem da Síria 

para o Brasil em breve com meus dois filhos
Eu sou o Hemiz Zayah. a esposa do falecido Zayah, 

Industrialista, que foi morto enquanto cobria os confrontos 

entre as forças do regime e os rebeldes na província síria de 

Daraa. Após a morte de meu marido, minha família está sob 

ameaça do presidente da Síria por apoio resoluto a um 

verdadeiro democrata. Governo na Síria é por isso que eles 

mataram meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais na Síria, muitas famílias estão em 

busca de vidas preciosas, pois os soldados estão matando civis, 

mulheres e crianças, e você pode dar uma olhada em 



Quero levar ao seu conhecimento que tenho em minha posse a 

soma de (11,4 milhões de dólares). Esse é o dinheiro que eu e 

meu marido poupamos para toda a nossa vida como 

Eu secretamente trancei o dinheiro no baú e o coloquei com o 

serviço de correio aqui em Damasco, informei-lhes que estou 

fazendo contato com o verdadeiro dono da caixa no exterior e 

quem quer que seja designado para a empresa de segurança da 

Cruz Vermelha será o beneficiário da caixa de dinheiro para 

determinada reivindicação, e Minha intenção sincera ao 

escrever para você é pedir-lhe que gentilmente me ajude a 

determinar a reivindicação e retirar o dinheiro da Síria para o 

seu país, isto é simplesmente porque não podemos fazer nenhum 

banco transferências eletrônicas aqui, nem para fazer qualquer 

tipo de chamada internacional aqui, seguindo a guerra ..

essas são as principais questões que me preocupam agora, eu 

tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque eu não tenho outra 

alternativa senão confiar em alguém no exterior, eu sou um 

órfão sem irmão ou irmã então eu não posso arriscar minha 

vida aqui para evitar um fim para minha linhagem familiar, já 

que meu marido está morto. Eu tenho é meus dois filhos e eles 

merecem uma vida decente como eu quero que eles cresçam em 

um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou me mudar para o seu país com 

minhas duas Filhas investindo o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, 

tudo que eu quero de você é confiança e tudo será feito, e com 

menos de 5 dias a caixa será anotada na sua posição,

Se possível, posso pedir-lhe para me enviar suas informações 

como abaixo e eu lhe darei 30% do dinheiro. A informação 

necessária é:
Seu nome completo,_________________________
seu número de telefone 

seu endereço completo________________________
sua idade______________________
Sra. Hemiz Zayah


Firstly let me apologize for my late response to your mail.   It 

was due to my busy task in Syria
Thanks for your prompt  reply to my request; it seems  to me  

that you are a very sincere  person,?  am interested to buying 

your car  at your price, and please you should give me little 

time to come and see it  it for negotiation myself. I will make 

use of the car  as soon as they  redeploy us from Syria to 

Brasil soon with my two kids
I am Hemiz Zayah. the wife of late Zayah, Industrialist, who 

was killed while covering clashes between regime forces and 

rebels in the southern Syrian province of Daraa, After  the 

death of my husband, my family is  under threat by the Syria 

President for resolute  support for a true Democratic 

Government in Syria that is why they  killed my husband.
Due to the current disturbances in the Syria many families are 

running for dear lives as soldiers are  killing civilians, women 

and children and you can have a look at 



I want to bring to your notice that I have in  my possession the  

sum of (USD$11.4 Million) This is the money me and my 

husband have saved for our entire life as an  Industrialist.
I secretly locked up the money in trunk box and deposited it 

with the courier service  here in Damascus, informed them that 

i am making contact for the real owner of the box abroad and 

whosoever that  appointed to the red cross security company by 

me will be the beneficiary of the cash box to certain the claim, 

and My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to 

kindly assist me ascertain the claim and to move the money  out 

of Syria to your country,  this is simply because we cannot do 

any bank wire transfers here, neither to make any kind of 

international call here, following the war..

these are the major issues of concern to me now, I have to take 

this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust 

somebody abroad ,  I am an  orphan with no brother or sister 

so I can not risk my life here to avoid an end to my  family 

lineage since my husband is dead.  I have is my two kids and 

They deserve a decent life  as  I want them to grow up in a 

peaceful  environment. I will relocate to your country with my 

my two Daughters invest the  money in accordance with law,   

all i want from you is trust and all will be done, and under 5 

days the box  will be noted in your position ,

If possible, may I request you to send me your information as 

below and  I will give you 30% of the money. The information 

needed  is:
Your  full name,_________________________
your phone number 

your full address________________________
your age______________________
Mrs Hemiz Zayah
Re: Re: Money Transfer Urgent. 

Jacques Hans <
Shammah Chambers & Associetes
Counselors At Law
Avocat 04 BP 551, Cotonou,
Industrial Quatier Des Elites,
R?publique du B?nin

Attn: My Friend,

I am contacting you with a regards to my late client last wish 

concerning you.

I am a legal practitioner and sollicitor to your country national 

business man base here in Republic of Benin. He was my client 

till 28/02/2015, when he died of accident leaving a deposit sum 

of $3.5 Million Dollars with a bank here without a surviving 

family members or a next of kin.

Since his death 3 years ago, I have made contact to your 

embassy all my effort proof no avali and the bank have ask me 

3 days ago to produce his next of kin within 14 working days as 

his lawyer or the funds will be declare unclaim and confsicate. 

To avoid the bank from taking over the money, I decide to go 

on internet where I came across your details and I have decided 

that you act as his next of kin to claim the money without any 

problem for us to share it 60% for you and 40% for me as the 

direct right person.

I also found out that some internet element has abused the 

legality of this humble letter so in case you may have receive 

similar letter from those scammer please forward it to me as I 

wait to hear from you urgently as to enable me give you further 


Anticipating your message as soon as possible.

Barr. Jacques Hans(Esq.)

Responder Para = onlyjalo@gmail.com



mrsnubia.muhammad72@gmail.com por  yahoo.com 

Dear My Chosen One,

Greetings in the name of God,please let this not sound strange 

to you for my only surviving lawyer who would have done this 

died early this year.I prayed and got your email id from your 

country guestbook.I am Mrs Nubia Muhammad from Egypt,I 

am 72 year old,i am suffering from a long time cancer of the 

lungs,from all indication my conditions is really deteriorating 

and it is quite obvious that,according to my doctors they have 

advised me that i may not live for more than two months,this is 

because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage.I am 

married to Late (Muhammad Essem Shafik) who was former 

Ambassador in South Africa for nine years,Before he died in 


I married to my late husband for Thirty years without a 

child,my husband died in a fatal motor accident Before his 

death.Since his death I decided not to re-marry,I sold all my 

inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of (£25 Million 

British Pounds) with Bank in South Africa.Though what 

disturbs me mostly is the cancer.Having known my condition I 

decided to donate this fund to you,i want you as God fearing 

person,to use this money to Help,orphanages and widows,I took 

this decision,before i rest in peace because my time will so on 

be up.

I took this decision because I don`t have any child that will 

inherit this money and my husband's relatives are not around 

and I don`t want my husband hard earned money to go invain. I 

don`t want a situation where these money will be misused,hence 

the reason for taking this bold decision.I am not afraid of 

death hence i know where am going to.Presently,I'm with my 

laptop in a hospital here in London where I have been 

undergoing treatment for cancer of the lungs.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of 

the Bank.I will also issue you a letter of authority that will 

prove you as the new beneficiary of my fund.Please assure me 

that you will act accordingly as I stated.Hoping to hear from 

you soon.

Yours Faithful.
Dear Beneficial 

Williams Clark - www.farm510-30@piano.ocn.ne.jp

Dear Beneficial,
Firstly i will like to introduce myself, i am Mr,  Williams 

Clark. The Payment Senior Officer at Intercontinental Bank 

PLC, ATM payment Center Benin Republic. My bank identity 

card is intact in case you need it for confirmation.I am very 

glade to inform you that after crosschecking your payment files 

in the Headquarter of World Bank, we the bank management 

has been instructed to credit all your PAYMENT of US$5.5 

Million dollars into VISA ATM Account that will allow you to 

withdrawing all your fund in any ATM machine in your 

country which we did already on your name last week.

And according to the approval of your ATM statement account, 

the maximum amount sign for you to be withdrawing per day is 

(us$5000 dollars) till you withdraw all the total fund credited 

into your ATM visa account which is US$5.5 Million dollars 

only and here is your ATM Account number been credited your 

total fund in your name last week  also the ATM card and 

order particulars will deliver to your home address once you 

contact the TNT Courier Agent Mr, Williams Clark.However, i 

believe that Mr, Williams Clark is responsible to deliver your 

ATM VISA CARD he is presently now in John F Kennedy 

International Airport, Address:5700 Avenue new york, IL 

60638 USA and if you would like to claim your payment in 

ATM VISA CARD kindly contact our agent Mr, Williams Clark 

immediately you get this massage for further information’s, on.

Contact Person: Mr, Williams Clark .

Email Him at(intercontinentalbankplc225@yahoo.com): 

also make sure you send him your full delivery information as 

we list in this massage to insured that the ATM CARD in parcel 

is deliver to your door step.

Your Full Name................
Your Home Address.............
Your private phone no.........
A copy of id passport.........  
Nearest Airport...............

Immediately you send the information needed to our agent, be 

rest guarantee that your ATM VISA CARD contains all your 

funds and PIN CODE NUMBER both all the vital 

documentation backing up your ATM account will deliver to 

you in 4hours working bank service without any delay.Finally 

Notice: you will pay the demurrage fee for your package as 

soon as you contact the agent he will let you know how much it 

will cost.immediately you pay the fee you will receive your 

ATM card and this way you will receive your card i thank God 

the ATM card is already in your country with diplomatic agent, 

so make sure you contact  the agent immediately with this 

email( intercontinentalbankplc225@yahoo.com):                 
Thanks for your time and fast response in this transaction as it 

will help us more to serve you better.

Yours sincerely
Mr, Richard Ben.
Secretary General
Intercontinental Bank PLC, Benin
To: Email ID Owner, congratulations, for United Nations grant 


Information Officer - cccccc.@forest.ocn.ne.jp

To: Email ID Owner, congratulations, for United Nations grant 


 From the Desk of:
 Mrs. Steinberg Ross

 Dear Sir / Madam,

We write to inform you that your United Nations Compensation 

payment valued US $5,000,000.00 (Five million United States 

Dollars) only is been processed and will be scheduled for 

release upon your prompt response to this letter. It is also 

important you note that from our record, you have been in 

contact with some unauthorized officials and some 

abnormalities have been observed in your file, which has to be 

corrected. Also, you are to confirm you’re personal information 

to the accredited payment officer, for verifying and authenticity 

of the formal information for onward rectification.

Here are the information’s to confirm below;

Name: . . .
Home address: . . .
Phone Number: …
Sex (gender) and age: . . .

The United Nations, United States of America Payment 

Clearing Center has been instructed to use the approved Foreign 

Exchange Allocation Order (FEAO) to clear all outstanding 

payment with immediate effect with our bankers in New York 

City, United States of America.

You are hereby advice to contact the payment officer for final 

release of your payment.

 Bank Name: Federal Reserve Bank of New York City
 Contact Person: Mr. Herman Bull
 Email:  fedreserve_bnk@usa.com
 Phone Number: +1-585-209-1845

You will either receive your funds through Swift Transfer or 

Certified International Banker  Draft. This subject you can 

discuss with the officer in charge by quoting the following 

reference to him (UN-FM- GBXXX- 33NO22/018). To this end, 

we urge you to establish contact with Mr. Herman Bull to make 

necessary arrangements for the payment of the funds to you, 

should you need any further clarification or assistance, do not 

hesitate to contact the undersigned.

 Yours Faithfully,
 Information Officer
 Mrs.Steinberg Ross
Dear beneficiary, 

John F. Kelly

Dear beneficiary,

I’m John F. Kelly. The White house chief of staff. I am 

contacting you regarding your unclaimed fund.

The Executive Office of the President of the United States 

(EOPOTUS/EOP) recently became aware of your unclaimed 

fund in the tone of US$7,500,000.00 (Seven Million, five 

hundred thousand United State Dollar) that was held by the 

Benin financial authorities. EOPOTUS has partnered with the 

International Monetary Fund (IMF) to determine the quickest 

and most convenient way to receive your payment. 

You are receiving this notification because we have determined 

that the total fund will be released to you by uploading the 

total approved payment into a (Master/ Visa) Platinum Card 

that can be accessible at any ATM & Inter-Switch cash machine 

anywhere in the world. With this card, a maximum withdrawal 

value of US$5000.00 is permitted on withdrawal per day with a 

minimum of US$100 per withdrawal. In this case, you are 

expected to reconfirm your Full Name (as stated on your 

government issued photo ID), shipping address and your Direct 

Cell Phone number, for immediate delivery of your card. Please 

ensure that all details are correctly stated to avoid wrong 

delivery. EOPOTUS takes very seriously its responsibility to 

protect your information and ensure your privacy.

We expect your urgent response to this email as to enable us 

monitor this payment effectively. I can be reached directly at 

(john.k38@aol.com) or you can text me (202) 830-3491

Mr <




RESPONDER PARA - cricinfo071@gmail.com
Trustee Needed 


My investor living in Togo Capital-Lome,is ready to invest 

funds into
your existing and future Projects.He will be ready and willing 

provide funds to accomplish any good,genuine and available 


Get back to me if you have or know of any serious and 

individual who can invest this funds properly into his/ her 



Responder Para = bamijonathan@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Salif Musa = salif.musa201@gmail.com
Date: 2018-06-2​6 
Suject: 40​% will be your share... salif.musa201@gmail.com, 


Hi friend

I am a banker in ADB BANK. I want to transfer an abandoned 

sum of​
us​ $15.6m​illion​s​ to your ​b​ank account. 40​% will be your share.

No risk involved but keep it as secret. Contact me for more 

Please reply me through my alternative email id only for 

confidential reasons.


Dr​.​ Salif Musa


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