domingo, 10 de junho de 2018

Scammers roubaram fotos do empresário brasileiro José Carlos Gomes Ricci Oliveira
Scammers roubaram fotos do empresário brasileiro José Carlos Gomes Ricci Oliveira

Scammers roubaram fotos do empresário brasileiro José Carlos Gomes Ricci Oliveira

Scammers roubaram fotos do empresário brasileiro José Carlos Gomes Ricci Oliveira

Scammers roubaram fotos do empresário brasileiro José Carlos Gomes Ricci Oliveira

Scammers roubaram fotos do empresário brasileiro José Carlos Gomes Ricci Oliveira

Scammers roubaram fotos do empresário brasileiro José Carlos Gomes Ricci Oliveira

Nome usado - Marten Tylor Miller
Foto roubada por scammers do ator sírio Tim Hassan
Foto roubada por scammers do ator sírio Tim Hassan

Nome usado pelo golpista - Michel Rousseff
Fotos roubadas do Cirurgião Plástico - Guga Kashibadze
Fotos roubadas do Cirurgião Plástico - Guga Kashibadze

Fotos roubadas do Cirurgião Plástico - Guga Kashibadze

Nome usado golpista - John Micheal


Nome usado pelo golpista - Alexander Williams

Nome usado pelo golpista- Etta Cliuvert

Nome usado pelo golpista - Robert Paul Smart

email do golpista -
Nome usado pelo golpista - Aaron Duke
Scammers roubaram fotos do modelo Andrea Zanchini
Scammers roubaram fotos do modelo Andrea Zanchini

Scammers roubaram fotos do modelo Andrea Zanchini

Scammers roubaram fotos do modelo Andrea Zanchini

Scammers roubaram fotos do modelo Andrea Zanchini

Scammers roubaram fotos do modelo Andrea Zanchini

Scammers roubaram fotos do modelo Andrea Zanchini

From: veronikabiktimirovabest 
Sent: Thu, Jun 7, 2018
Subject: I will inform you on my news...

Darling, how your day ? I hope you're okay !
I am on work! At me good mood!
I hope to you it is pleasant to read my letters?
Thanks, that you find time for me and can write to me! It is

very important for me !
I have asked you very important question. I would want that

we have met you. I think that our relations should grow and

develop and I hope that you agree with me.
My eyes shine with happiness, I can not put into words what I

feel right now! I wish to be to you face to face that you could

see shine of my eyes and hear palpation of my heart !
As any woman, I want attention, caress and passion.
I often think about our meetings! I think, that our meeting

will be unforgettable!
I always think about you! Last night, I had a dream. in my

dream we were together. my dream was so real, and when I

woke up this morning, I thought you were next to me!
All our dreams will come true, when we will be together.
Now I know, when there will be my holiday.
Today the chief has told to me, that my holiday will begin in

some days.
I think, that next week I will be on a vacation.
This news has very much pleased me.
My chief to me has allowed to take a vacation of 45 days as I

have explained to it, that in my life there was a man from

other country, it's you my darling !
You are glad to learn about it ?
Soon I will receive my salary, before leaving on a vacation, to

me should pay my salary and I plan to buy at once the new

laptop, the laptop to me will be necessary, for this purpose

what to write to you of the letter at any time.
I hope, that you are glad...
I really look at things and I think, that we should be well

prepared for it.
I will start to prepare for a trip if you agree with me !?
What clothes I should take with myself?
I should take warm clothes?
I need to know answers to my questions.
Brad, I will inform the information on my preparation for

travel, you really would like our meeting?
I have our sympathy and me pulls to you.
I am assured, that when we will meet, ours with you feelings

become stronger!
Please, promise to me, that you will care of me, I have trusted

in you.
I concern our relations with all my heart and souls.
Most the nearest international airport to be in the city of

It is airport Sheremetevo or Domodedovo.
Tell to me, please, what international airport is closest to

your house?
In what airport I should buy tickets?
I never was in your country.
If I arrive to you, you will meet me?
I do not know anybody, except you in your country.
I ask you that you have met me at the airport.
Darling, I will be glad to spend time with you.
Time which we will spend with you together, will help us to

learn each other better.
I will start to undertake some steps for our meeting.
I will do the utmost, that we have met you in the shortest

I will make all independently, as I the adult and responsible

I want, that you wrote to me every day!
Your support is very necessary to me!
Within the next few days I plan to learn that I should make

for my trip to you.
I promise, that I will inform you on my news.
Together with the letter I send you a photo and new video, I

hope it is pleasant to you. I have made these specially for you!
I wish to send you a card, but I do not have your address.

Write me the full address that I could send you a card with a

smell of my perfume. I will try to send a card at once as soon

as you will write me the address. The name of my perfume

"Nina Ricci".
I send you one million air kisses!!!
I am confident, they reached you !!!
Always yours,







From: Marina
Sent: Sat, Jun 9, 2018
Subject: J'attends des photos et une lettre...

Bonjour !
Je voulais vous demander, quel est votre nom complet ?
Comment avez-vous ete ? Comment allez vous ?
Merci pour votre attention a ma lettre.
Je pense que vous etes un homme bon ! J'ai raison ?
Je suis tres gentille, sympathique et modeste.
Je ne sais pas quoi vous ecrire dans cette courte lettre.
J'aime quand le dialogue est partage !
J'attends des photos et une lettre.
Bonne journee ou soiree !

Email golpista - 




Vamos ver este coronel do exército,viúvo, tem um filho de 12

anos e pro cura uma companheira,e quando se aposentar quer

abrir um negócio imobiliário e diz ter muito dinheiro


 email do golpista -


De: Ruth Hamson
Enviado: sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2018
Assunto: Mais bênção / Foto anexada abaixo

Meu querido em Cristo

Fico feliz em receber esta carta e quero que você entenda

antes que esta carta chegue a você, eu oro e peço a Deus que

me direcione para uma pessoa boa, eu oro para que Deus lhe

dê disposição para lidar com este projeto divino. de acordo

com o desejo de mim e meu falecido marido para a glória de

Deus. Depois de ler o seu correio eu gritei alleluyah ao mais

alto que ouviu meu clamor e oração de acordo com sua

palavra no livro de "(Salmo 66:20)" Louvado seja Deus, que

não rejeitou minha oração ou reteve Seu amor de eu .. Esta é

a promessa dAquele que ama você e eu! ...

Meu querido em Cristo, você e seus familiares devem

interceder por mim através de orações por um milagre de

cura. de modo que o espírito ungido do senhor descerá sobre

mim, para que eu possa receber a cura, mesmo que eu não

tenha nada que eu sempre glorifiquei é o nome.

Eu quero que você me envie seu nome completo e endereço

para que eu possa jurar uma declaração juramentada que

oficialmente e legalmente aprovará você como parente mais

próximo deste fundo, de modo que, mesmo que eu não seja

mais, sua reivindicação o fundo não ficará em dúvida.

Enviar-lhe-ei o certificado de depósito deste fundo

imediatamente após o depoimento estar pronto.

Seus nomes completos

Endereço ____________________________
foto ________________________
Ocupação ______________
Era __________________

Que o poder da unção do Senhor esteja convosco, Amém.
Permanecer abençoado,
Sua irmã em Cristo,
Irmã Grace Makola em nome da irmã Ruth Hamson
2 anexos



De: Mrs. Marissa Hogan

email golpista -
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2018
Para: x
Assunto: Olá meu Amado xxxxo, Por favor envie-me sua


Olá meu Amado xx,

Meus sinceros cumprimentos sinceros e sinceras apreciações

para você. Como você está hoje e sua família? Espero que

todos vocês estejam bem pela graça divina de Deus. Muito

obrigado pela sua mensagem e sugestão. Eu realmente aprecio

a expressão do seu amor em realizar este projeto divino que é

o meu último desejo na terra. Lamento muito a minha

resposta tardia à sua mensagem, porque tenho sofrido muito

durante todo esse tempo. O tratamento quimioterápico

introduzido em mim antes da minha cirurgia final está tendo

tantos efeitos colaterais em mim. Anexei minhas fotos para

você me ver e entender como minha situação é crítica no

hospital daqui. Eu acredito fortemente que você é

verdadeiramente enviado por Deus. Por favor, eu quero que

você receba este dinheiro diretamente e realize a distribuição

a seu próprio critério, porque eu acredito que você é uma

pessoa tão boa que eu realmente preciso para este projeto.

Ouça, por que eu precisava de alguém como você para lidar

com esse projeto é porque eu só queria um estrangeiro de fora

do nosso país e não aqui no Reino Unido a ter este dinheiro

para realizar o meu último desejo. Eu nem quero que meus

parentes falecido marido de estar conscientes quando e onde

esse dinheiro é transferido para e todos os meus amigos me

deixaram desde que eu caí doente desse tipo de câncer. Essa é

a razão por que eu precisava de sua ajuda principalmente

agora estou na cama câncer doente aqui no hospital em

Londres e minha última cirurgia será mais rápido que eu

acredito não sobreviver, eu tenho pensar muito bem antes de

eu tomei a decisão minha querida, por favor tentar entender

minha situação e levar a cabo este projecto comigo

imediatamente. Por favor, tudo sobre a transferência é

genuína, legal e 100% livre de risco.

Por favor, por favor me ajudar e tem todo esse dinheiro em

sua posição, você pode construir uma escola ou uma casa

segura em seu próprio país para os órfãos e menos privilégio

ao seu redor. Eu realmente acreditava que Deus quer usar

você para ajudar os pobres em torno de você que não tem,

deixe o Deus que você adora usá-lo e ajudar os pobres em

torno de você e você adorar o Deus sempre te abençoe.

Por favor, eu não tenho muito tempo comigo de novo neste

mundo, vamos começar a processar essa transferência só com

você antes da minha última cirurgia, que eu acredito que não

para sobreviver, de modo que você terá esta $ 12.5million USD

como minha beneficiário na sua posição dentro de poucos

trabalho bancário dias.

Mais uma vez, eu gosto de você para transmitir-me sua

informação completa para que eu possa enviar ao banco uma

carta de recomendação que você é o beneficiário.

1. Seu nome completo: .............................

2. Telefone: ...................

3. Endereço Contato: ......................

4. Data de Nascimento: .............................

5. Sexo: ........................

6. Ocupação: .........................

Assim que eu receber as informações acima vou enviar uma

carta para o banco e enviar-lhe os documentos de depósito do

dinheiro e eu vou dar-lhe o contacto do banco para que você

possa entrar em contato com o banco diretamente para a

transferência. Além disso, se possível, eu vou te amar para

viajar ao banco para testemunhar o crédito e transformar a si

mesmo, porque eu não preciso de qualquer atraso.

Por favor, eu estou esperando ansiosamente para receber as

informações de modo que eu vou saber o que fazer ao lado. As

mais calorosas saudações a sua família. Obrigado e que Deus


Mais uma vez obrigado e Deus te abençoe.

Permanecer abençoado,

Sra. Marissa Hogan


From: Priscilla Jones - 
Sent: Sun, Jun 10, 2018
Subject: Hi my Dearest ! please update me soon about the


Hello my Dearest !

How is weekend today ? i hope fine. It has been a long time,

though I am sorry for not responding to your email for long

due to my inability to access my old email account since almost two weeks now, due to i

lost my password to sign in my email account since then,

though God so kind i didn't forget where i wrote your email

account on the wall in our hostel room, so i decided to create

this similar email address to use it to write you this message

since i can not open my email account anymore, so i created

this new email account just to

inform you what happened to me all these while you have not

hear from me, and i want you to please stop writing me on my

old email address because i am afraid some one might have

change my password trying to do something funny with it, so i

will advice you to please stop sending me an email there

because i don't want anything to happen to me or the fund in

the bank even you as well. I have built my world around you,

and I really like the world that we have built together. I

always want to stay in that world and never want to leave it,

and I hope that you feel the same way too. I will also like to

touch and see you face to face one of these days, please try as

much as you can to call me through this Rev. father phone



! am very happy for your concern towards my freedom! I will

be waiting for your call due to it have been the cry of my

heart to hear your voice ! I want to inform you that before i

contacted you, I saw your profile that you matched mine and

you are the type of man i am looking forward to spend the

rest of my life with. Now is the hardest part for me to do. I

have to say "goodbye" and "goodnight," because I need to go to

sleep soon. But I know that as soon as I close my eyes I will

be there with you, and it makes me so happy again. I love you

with all my heart, and I want you to know that I really miss

you. Please take care and have a nice day tomorrow. May you

feel me wanting to be with you now, and may I touch your

heart and let you feel my love. Take care, and know that I am

sending all my love to you across the miles. Please my dear if

you have not yet contacted the bank as i have directed

you all these while, please try and make sure that you contact

the bank for the transfer to your account as soon as you

finish reading message and get back to me immediately so that

i will be knowing what is going on, once again please don't

forget to resend me your contact information again because i

lost everything in my previous email address, please note ! i

will like to live and spend the rest of my life with you ! i am

not much far from you if you decided and want to help me !

below is my still old picture because i have not yet getting an

opportunity to snap another one due to the law here in the

camp and will try as much as i can to get you another one as

soon as i have the opportunity to any camera around me.

I will expect to read from you soon !
Yours forever beloved
Priscilla Jones.

Em 06/06/2018, Larry Anika -

> Olá querida
> Obrigado pela sua atenção e oro para que minha decisão de

entrar em contato com você seja genuinamente aprovada. Eu

anseio por sua permissão para me apresentar. Senhora Anika

Larry, a única filha do falecido Larry Matins, escrevo

humildemente para solicitar sua parceria e assistência na

transferência e investimento de meus fundos de herança em

seu país da conta bancária de meu falecido pai que morreu

> O montante que ele deixou para mim é (5,8 milhões de

euros) Por favor, se eu puder confiar na sua sinceridade e

honestidade para me ajudar, eu lhe darei 20% do fundo total,

incluindo quaisquer despesas durante a causa da sua ajuda.

Uma vez que você aceitar para me ajudar nesta transação, eu

lhe darei mais detalhes.
> Eu estarei esperando para ouvir de você em breve.
> Obrigado Atenciosamente
> Senhorita Anika Larry
De: em 

nome de Dr Pieter Swart
Enviado: quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2018
Assunto: Ref: inquiry ,


Ref: inquiry ,

After my official inquiry from the foreign trade office of the

chambers of commerce & industry here in Johannesburg South

Africa, I decided to contact you but I did not disclose the

intention to anyone else because of the delicate nature of the

project. I found your profile very interesting and decided to

reach you directly to solicit for your assistance and guidelines

in making a business investment and transfer of US

$51,000,000.00(Fifty One million) to your country within the

next few days.

Please I must plead for your confidence in this transaction. I

am a high placed official working with Department of (Energy

and Mineral Resources) in South Africa. I am currently in

need of a silent foreign partner whose identity we can use to

transfer this sum of money. But at this moment, I am

constrained to issue more details about this profitable business

investment until I get your response by email, please if you

can take out a moment of your very busy schedule today to

respond back to my private email for more details and include

your private telephone number in your response  which I will

highly appreciate.

This fund accrued legitimately to us as commission from

foreign contracts, through our private connections.The fund is

presently waiting to be remitted from the bank here in South

Africa to any overseas beneficiary confirmed by us as

associate/receiver. By virtue of my   positions as civil servants

in my country, I cannot acquire this money in our names.

Because as high placed civil servants, we are not allowed by

the civil service code of conduct to own or operate bank

accounts outside of our shores. On the other hand, it is not

safe for us to keep the money here due to unstable political

environment. I have decided to look for an overseas silent

partner who could work with me to facilitate transfer of this

fund for our mutual benefit,

My proposal is that after you receive the funds, it would be

shared as follows: (1) 25% to you as commission for your co-

operation and assistance in facilitating the transfer, while the

remaining 75% belongs to me.   You will be free to take out

your commission immediately after the money hits your

account in your country. Since our objective is to invest the

money in a foreign country, it would be appreciated if you

could also help me with advices and direction on investing into

profitable ventures in your country.

However, this is optional, and if it is not convenient for you

to further assist me with investing the money, we can end our

cooperation after you make available to me our part of the

money. The transaction, although discreet, is legitimate and

the money will be transferred successfully with all necessary

back-up official documents showing the legitimate

source/origin of fund. The transfer will be effected within a

period not longer than two weeks as soon as we reach an

agreement and you furnish me with a suitable response

indicating your interest for processing the transfer. I plead

with you on one issue, whether you are interested or not,

kindly do not expose this information to any one else. I

confirm that the transaction is legitimate and without any

risks either to me   or yourself. Please, I wait for your urgent

Yours Faithfully,
Mr Pieter Swart
Tel: +27 620355464 
Energy & Mineral Resources Dept. (South Africa)
Urgent message to you

You have won the € 450,000.00 (four hundred and fifty

thousand euros) and the e-mail program for Spain's

International Charitable Program "El Gordo We will Email

you' your Prize, Batch number in our next email:
Contact the representative security administrator
Mr Juan Carlos
our application department by email:
His job:
Send your answer to the e-mail address:
Congratulations again
All the best
jose Anthony
De: Vanessa Brandon []
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2018
Assunto: Re: Querido em senhor

Querido em senhor

Agradeço sua resposta à minha mensagem. Eu quero te contar

mais sobre mim e sobre este projeto. Eu sou a Sra. Vanessa

Brandon, uma viúva que sofre de uma doença de longa data

(Câncer de Coração) e (Acidente Vascular Cerebral). Sou

casado, sem filhos, com o falecido Sr. Vincent Brandon, que

trabalha com a embaixada do Kuwait na Costa do Marfim há

tantos anos. Atualmente estou internado em um hospital

privado aqui em Abidjan Costa do Marfim por causa da minha

doença, e tenho alguns fundos que herdei do meu falecido

marido, que morreu há seis anos em um acidente de


Quando meu falecido marido estava vivo, ele depositou a soma

de US $ 4.500.000,00 (quatro milhões, quinhentos mil dólares

dos Estados Unidos) com um banco aqui em Abidjan, Costa do

Marfim, e atualmente esse fundo ainda é mantido com o banco

aqui na Costa do Marfim. No entanto, faço a minha mente

para lhe escrever esta carta porque o meu médico disse-me

recentemente que não vou durar pelos próximos 3 meses devido

ao meu problema de cancro, e isto tem estado à minha volta

desde o dia em que anunciou isso para mim. Para este efeito,

decidi doar este fundo para uma pessoa honesta e temente a

Deus ou uma organização que pode usar este fundo para

caridade e finalidade humanitária, como construir escola,

orfanato casa, construção de hospital para os pobres e também

para a propagação de a palavra de Deus etc.

Tomei esta decisão porque não tenho um filho meu que possa

herdar este fundo. Quando meu falecido marido estava vivo,

ele sempre me avisou para não expor sua riqueza à sua

relação, porque eles também tentaram de muitas maneiras

eliminá-lo por causa de sua riqueza. Além disso, eu e meu

falecido marido nascemos de novo cristãos antes de sua morte,

e suas relações sempre estiveram com raiva por causa da

religião que ele escolheu. Para este efeito, eu decidi seguir as

instruções do meu falecido marido e não vou informar ao meu

falecido marido sobre a existência do seu fundo, porque eles

são incrédulos (MUSLIMS).

Eu tomei esta decisão sozinho para doar este fundo para a

obra de Deus, porque eu quero que Deus seja misericordioso

comigo e aceite minha alma, desde que eu sei que com Deus

todas as coisas são possíveis. Eu quero que você responda a

esta carta o mais rápido possível, porque o espírito de Deus me

orientou a escolher você para a realização dessa doutrina.

Espero uma resposta imediata sua, para que eu saiba o

próximo passo a seguir, pois quero que o fundo seja

transferido para fora deste país, porque passarei por um

tratamento de diálise nos próximos 8 dias.

Na esperança de receber sua resposta e permanecer abençoado.

Sra. Vanessa Brandon

De: Natasha Kaur ->
Enviado: quinta-feira,  de maio de 2018


Hello beloved brother,

I got your mail and i want to let you know that the money in

question is going to be paid when he arrive there at the Brazil

airport and is 3500 Brazilian real not dollar if you don't have

upto that you can tell me let me know if i can assist you with

half of it then you can look for 1500 Brazilian real so that

the diplomat dont get delayed there in the airport,Please let

me know when that will be ready so i can let the diplomat

know when he will be moving to brazil so i will be waiting to

hear from you as soon as possible remain bless thanks.

Mrs Natasha
De: Sheila Gezirah =>
Enviado: quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2018
Assunto: 4417-Caro

Caro xxxxx

Desculpe pela minha resposta tardia, estamos apenas voltando

da fronteira militar da Síria

Sim, recebi sua correspondência com a foto em anexo de você

para ter mais confiança em mim para saber com quem estou

lidando com confiança

Obrigado pela sua resposta e sua total garantia para este


Estou muito feliz por sua ajuda e também gostaria que

usássemos sempre esse código (4417) como assunto para

estarmos se comunicando com cada ordem para evitar erros, e

tome nota de que estarei no Brasil com minha família até 29

de julho. 07/2018 que tenho certeza

Enquanto isso eu só quero informá-lo hoje em andamento que

enviei suas informações vitais para a empresa de segurança

através da ajuda do agente de entrega aqui.

Eles designaram para fazer o registro da consignação em seu

nome e para incluir a caixa em um jato de avião que partirá

da Síria para Londres por amanhã, entre 9h55, horário da


Eles costumam viajar para Londres duas vezes por semana

com seu avião Air Jet, para distribuir algum alívio de

materiais e artefatos para a filial filiada em Londres, onde

têm imunidade diplomática em terra,

Eu decidi usar esta oportunidade para combinar com um dos

agentes de entrega aqui que aceitaram ir junto com as caixas

Ele prometeu entregar a caixa para um de seus agentes de

entrega em Londres para ajudar a continuar o envio para o

Brasil para entregar as caixas para você

Portanto, assim que eu mover a caixa para Londres, o

diplomata entrará em contato com você para ter uma

entrevista com você para sua entrega ao Brasil para entregar

as caixas a você, e gostaria que você cuidasse do que pudesse

ser necessário para a liberação. a caixa em seu país para

garantir que a caixa seja liberada diplomaticamente e

entregue a você sem demora,

Tome nota que tomei todas as medidas de precaução para ter

certeza de que tudo funcionou com sucesso,

A caixa é bem (codificada) com gadget de alta segurança e eu

sou o único que tem o direito de bloquear e desbloquear o

código de combinação para a caixa, que será pessoalmente

liberar para você após a conclusão bem sucedida da entrega de

entrega do caixas para você em breve

Vou mantê-lo informado sobre o andamento das informações

de contato do agente de entrega que você deve contatar para

recuperar as duas caixas assim que eu finalizar com a

empresa de segurança para liberar as duas caixas até amanhã.

Desculpe pelo meu mau Inglês e você fala árabe?

Obrigado pela atenção

Mrs Sheila Gezirah
De: Elizabeth Jabber [mailto:
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2018
Assunto: Dearest in the Lord,

Dearest in the Lord,

My name is Mrs. Elizabeth Jabber I am 52years old . an aging

widow suffering from long time illness. i am currently

admitted in a hospital here in Abidjan cote d' Ivore, I have

some funds I inherited from my late loving husband Mr.Tom

Jabber The amount of (4 MILLION EURO) which he

deposited in one of the clearing house Here in cote d'ivore and

I need a honest and God fearing person who have the feelings

of human that can use this funds for God's work and 20% out

of the total funds will be for your compasation for doing this

work of God. I saw your email from internet and decided to

contact you. Please if you would be able to use these funds for

the Lord's work kindly reply to me.
May the Grace of our Lord the love of God and the sweet

fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and your family's

Amen. Nurse help me to write this email.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Elizabeth Jabber
From: Dianna Stokes
Sent: Fri, Jun 8, 2018
Subject: Nous cherchons des partenaires dans votre ville...,

Madame, Monsieur, Compagnie anglaise spécialisée dans le

transport des marchandises pour l'élargissement de son

personnel cherche des candidats pour les nouvelles fonctions

dans votre ville en France. Le salaire 3009 euros par mois

avec bonus. L'enseignement sera aux frais de notre entreprise.

Si le supplementaire salaire vous est necessaire, si vous,

personne honnete et consciencieux, avez déjà 23  annees, nous

vous proposons d'envoyer votre résumé.
Tres cordialement,
Caterina Zhang,
Global Marketing Manager.,
-----Original Message-----
From: elizabeth edwin
Sent: Fri, Jun 8, 2018
Subject: Donation to you/churches/motherless babies/less


Greetings to you,

 Hope you are fine
Writing with humanitarian heart, my name is Elizabeth

Edwin, I am 64 years old,  from USA but living in Dakar,

Senegal, in West Africa. I am a dying woman who have

decided to donate what I have to you / churches / motherless

babies / less privileged / widows. I went through your profile

and counted you worthy for this transaction.

I was diagnosed for cancer for about 2 years ago. Immediately

after the death of my husband, Life for me in this world is

not that important since we are passing our life in this world

so we can have a place in Heaven I have been touched by God

to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband

for the good work of God, rather than allow his relatives to

use my husband's hard earned funds ungodly. As I lay on my

sick bed in the hospital, I want you to help me in carrying out

my last wish on earth which will be very profitable to you. I

want to WILL a total sum of

$2.7 millions

to you which I want you to distribute part of it to any charity

home help the motherless and less privilege and also for the

assistance of the widows because am one of them, for your

kindness on this work you are to carry out, I am offering you

40% while 60% of the fund will go to any Charity organizations

of your choice for me, please I am looking forward to hearing

from you soon.

Mrs. Elizabeth Edwin

From: James berry
Sent: Sat, Jun 9, 2018
Subject:About your transfer, please get back...,

                                  MAITE  ADVOCATE &


                                   Unite 101 Rue X 178 parallels

Dakar Senegal
                                                          P.O  BOX.  31894
                                                   PHONE ( +221)



That all paper works concerning the said deposit must be duly

and lawfully obtained from all relevant government

Authorities concerned on your name, address, ID number, and

phone number as the original owner beneficiary of the said

deposit. That our team of learned men should back you up as

your only appointed/authorized attorney to secure/obtain all

important documentation/certificate required/needed for the

prompt release of this particular deposit to your custody as

you may advise/instruct in the nearest future. Therefore, to

secure/obtain legal vital documentation/certificate from the

relevant government Authorities concerned, you have to meet

up with the items and official charges listed below :

Power of Attorney Legal fee: …………….. $ 10 dollars…….
Change of Ownership Legal Fee: ………… $20 dollars…….
Legalize fee: ………………………………. ....$60 dollars…….
Affidavit of Oath fee: ………………………$90 dollars…….
Government Tax: …………………………..  $10 dollars…….
Mobilization: ………………...………………. $70 dollars…….
Total: ------------------------------ ---- $260 dollars…….

In a proper view of the above, therefore, you're advised to

send the foretasted fees to me immediately with  my

information  via Western Union MONEY TRANSFER or

Name ---------James Berry.
address... Unite 101 Rue x178 parcels
Dakar Senegal.
phone +221.705859532
Senior Advocate
Principal Partner
Office address Unite 101 Rue x178 parcels
Dakar Senegal
De: Charis Kynigou
Enviado: viernes, 8 de junio de 2018 13:42
Para: Manu umbe
Asunto: Re: Manuel Torre Diego

Hola querido, ¿cómo estás? Gracias por su respuesta oportuna.

Soy optimista con respecto a este proyecto. Esta es una gran

victoria para nosotros.

 Tendrá que enviar una solicitud previa para el reclamo al

departamento bancario designado. Te guiaré a través de esta

aplicación previa y te guiaré paso a paso en todo el proceso.

Asegúrese de que sus datos personales estén destinados a

mantenerse en secreto y no tengan la intención de robo de


Deberá proporcionarme los siguientes datos para que pueda

adquirir todos los documentos legales.
Encuentre a continuación una lista de verificación de la

información requerida de usted. Por favor, bríndelos tan

pronto como sea posible y sin ningún orden en particular.

1) Nombre completo
2) Nacionalidad
3) Dirección
4) Ocupación
5) Número de teléfono
6) Una copia de su licencia de conducir, identificación laboral

o su pasaporte internacional. Es esta copia la que utilizará el

abogado para perfeccionar toda la documentación necesaria.

Su respuesta urgente es muy necesaria, ya que tenemos que

trabajar con el tiempo ... Tenga un gran viernes y un fin de

semana encantador.


(sem assunto)

Mr Richard Wahl
10:53 (Há 1 hora)

Por que esta mensagem está na pasta "Spam"? Ela é

semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas por nossos

filtros de spam.  Saiba mais
Dear Friend,

I am Mr Richard Wahl the $533 million Mega Millions

jackpot on March
30 after playing the lottery two times, I'm donating to 5(Five)

individuals if you get this email then your email was selected

after a
spin ball.I have spread most of my wealth over a number of

and organizations. I have voluntarily decided to donate the

sum of $2(Two)
Million USD to you as one of the selected 5, to verify my

please see my you tube page below.



Winner Of $533 million Mega Millions jackpot Comes

Forward To Claim Prize

Mr Richard Wahl of New Jersey claimed the largest single

jackpot in American lottery history.

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this mail, so that i can give you

further details.

I honestly hope you improve the lives of people around you

importantly the children and less privileged.

Yours Sincerely.

Responder Para =

Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters

Bank of America -

Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters,
New York, Our Ref:BOA/IRU/SFE/15.5/WD/013
United States of America
Call or send SMS: +1 (754) 205-1424
8 a.m.-9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT)

Dear esteemed customer,

The Management of the Bank of America Corporate Office

Headquarters here in 100 N. Tryon St Charlotte NC 28255,

wishes to inform you that after a brief meeting held by the

Bank executives on the 8th Day of June 2018 at precisely 8am

Eastern Daylight Time(EDT), we deem it appropriate to

intimate you that your funds will be transferred into the

United States Treasury Account with the JP Morgan Chase

Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue in New York according to

the record we got from Africa due to your inability to

complete the transaction and your failure to meet up with a

minor payment obligation. The actual transfer of your funds

($10,700,000.00) into the government account comes up next


This is in line with the instructions of the USA Treasurer;

Mrs. Rosa Gumataotao Rios that all unclaimed funds be paid

into the United States Government Treasury Account as

unpaid funds in compliance to section 3, subsection 1(a) of the

United States Financial Law enacted in 2001 after an attack

on our dear country on 7th October 2001. Find below the

profile of the banking institution where your funds will be

transferred into following the government directive if you

don't claim it:

Name of Bank: JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park

Avenue in New York.JP Morgan Chase Official Bankers for

the United States Treasury Department
AC NO: 68302345093
Routing NO: 021109593
Account Name: United States Treasury Department, USA.

Note: if you still wish to receive your funds do get back to us

immediately with your DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY SEAL OF

TRANSFER (DIST) so that we will remove your funds

transfer from the list of those transactions to be seized by the

United States Government. Also be informed that we need only


to complete the wire transfer. The fee to obtain the SEAL was

reduced from $850 to $250 and no other fee is involved. You

are required to send the fee of $250 through money gram or

western union to the issuing officer as stated below and send

your payment information's to  ( )

and also send a copy of the payment information to us ( ) for filling and record purpose.





Receiver Name: Emmanuel Onuorah
Country: Nigeria.
City: Abuja
Test Question: Be Rest
Answer: Assure
AMOUNT to send:$250
MTCN numbers (............)
Sender's name: .......
Sender's country........

Contact the issuing officer with information below:

Name: Ben .A. George
Email Address:
Phone: +2348038326864

So you are therefore advised to send $250 as instructed and

contact: Ben .A. George of (DIST) office via e-mail:

( with the payment information's


TRANSFER (DIST) Also Re-confirm the information below

to avoid error or discrepancies in your payment file:

{1}.Your Full Name and Address
{2}.Your Confidential Tel, Cell
{3).Your Bank name and address
{4).Your A/c Name:
{5}.A/c Numbers:
{6}.Your Swift Code:
{7}.Routing Numbers:
{9}.copy of your ID or Drivers License


TRANSFER (DIST) today, we will transfer your funds

($10,700,000.00) before we close office and the funds will

reflect in three (3) hours after the transfer. We shall send

you all the transfer documents to enable you start making

cash withdrawals from your account same day the funds are

transferred. We have waited for so long and we cannot

continue to wait.

Your urgent email response is highly anticipated. Contact us

through my official email addresses:
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking


Yours faithfully,
Brian .T. Moynihan CEO Bank of America
Call or send SMS: +1 (754) 205-1424
Corporate Office Headquarters,New York.
Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC 2017 Bank of America

Corporation Insurance products are offered through Merrill

Lynch Life Agency Inc., Bank of America, N.A. and Bank of

America Insurance Services, Inc., all of which are licensed

insurance agencies and wholly-owned subsidiaries of Bank of

America Corporation. 2018 Bank of America Corporation. All

rights reserved


Thomas Mills

From: Mr. Thomas Mills                                         

Tel: +442033897179

Union Bancaire Privée; (UBP SA)

Jersey Channel Islands,



I am Mr. Thomas Mills, and I am contacting you on business

transfer of a huge sum of money from a deceased account.

Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make

anyone apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that

all will be well at the end of the day. I decided to contact you

due to the urgency of this transaction.


I am an account manager with UBP Bank here in Jersey

Channel Islands, in charge of all nonresident accounts. I have

been in this capacity working with the bank for the last 15

years and I joined this institution in 1983 as a junior clerk

and worked my way up through the ranks. On assumption of

duty in November 2002 I discovered a dormant account in my

branch that was opened in 1985 in the name of Karl Henning

and I have kept close tab on this very account for the last 15

years and it has remained dormant even from the day the first

deposit of (US$37, 000,000,00)Thirty Seven Million United

States dollars was made  to this moment, we have been

investigating this account for the past 15 years and discovered

that Karl Henning was used as Pseudonym Name to open the

account while the original owner of the funds in question was

the late president of Philippines Ferdinand Marcos. The next

of kin part was left blank hence it was impossible for them to

have claimed the funds these past years or they have forgotten

the existence of the funds entirely., in agreement with my

senior executive officer we have agreed to expunge the blank

portion of the next of kin and fill it up with the name of a

would be partner who we can insert his or her name and start

the process of transferring the funds out of the account to the

new would be beneficiary. I also have secured from the

probate an order of mandamus to locate any member of

deceased Karl Henning family to become beneficiary of this

fund. Please acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance

of our mutual business Endeavour by furnishing me with the


1.Beneficiary name and address

2.Identification documents

3.Direct Telephone and Private Email Address.

These requirements will enable me make some internal re-

adjustments and file your name in all the forms and other

vital documents as next of kin to the Pseudonym Name Karl

Henning which before now was left blank when the account

was opened many years ago. Upon your reply, we shall then

discuss the sharing ratio and advice you the detailed procedure

to follow and achieve this once in a life time opportunity

without any hitch. I must assure you that if you are serious

and follow my lead religiously, these funds will be processed

and released to you within 14-working-day period. If this

proposal is acceptable by you, do not take undue advantage of

the trust I have bestowed in you, I await your Immediate




Miss nesreenIbrahim =>

My Dear Belove Friend

My Name is Miss nesreen Ibrahim from Libya, I am 22 years

old, I  am in St. Christopher's Parish for refugee in Burkina

Faso under United  Nations High commission for Refugee ,I

lost my parents in the recent war in  Libya, right now am in

Burkina Faso, please save my life I am in danger I  need your

help in transferring my inheritance funds my father left

behind for me  in a Bank in Burkina Faso here, All I need is

a foreigner who will stand as  the foreign partner to my

father and beneficiary of the fund.

The money deposited in the Bank is US$10.500.000, (TEN


DOLLAR) I just need this fund to be transfer to your account

so that I will come over to your country and complete my

education as you know that my country have been in deep

crisis due to the war and I cannot go back there again, I have

nobody again all of my family were killed in the war.

If you are interested to save me and help me receive my

inheritance fund Please get back to me for more details about

me and the inheritance me on this email Adress

Yours faithfully
Miss nesreen  Ibrahim.

rom: Soulafa Lababidi ->
Date: 2018-06-10
Subject: Hello

Hello XXX,

Thank you for your response to my mail on your property

which i am interested in, i read the details of your property

and i like it and i am ready to pay for it on your said price.

However, it will not be possible for me to come to your

country until  the middle of next month. But If it can be

arranged, i can pay you even before my arrival. Can you

reserve this property for me until then? I am contacting you

in great confidence hoping that you are a very reliable and

trustworthy person and therefore would be helpful to me.

I will need this property for my stay as I will be relocating to

your country because of the ongoing civil unrest in my

country Syria and also the daily treat from ISIS terrorist

group, and this is why I contact you so that we can put heads

together towards my plan to relocate and invest in your

country. As a result of this it will be important for me to

reveal to you that I have in my possession the sum of €3.2

million which I discovered in my husband's save ground, my

late husband Mizrahi oath Lababidi, who was killed in the

Al-Omari Mosque Massacre. He was a very successful

contractor in Kuwait oil city and was privately dealing on

gold dust and bars before his untimely death.

The ongoing civil unrest in my country Syria have changed my

future and if we come to a concrete agreement i will send the

money to you for safe keeping till i make my way and come to

meet you in your country very soon, please help me to achieve

achievement this.  I have already lost my husband and my 9

year old son in the chemical attack when i went to work to

save the lives of other people. Please my life is in danger in

the hands of Asaad military and ISIS terrorist group.

The sanctions imposed by the United States and the European

union has prevent us from securing our financial transaction

here in Syria. I decided to find someone who is real and not

imaginary and that is why I went to this secured site where I

can be sure that the person is real. I believe I can trust you. I

will give you 20% of the total money (3.2 million euros) for

your assistance. I hope I am been fair on this deal? Right now

I am very careful with the way I communicate so as to reduce

any kind of risk until this money is finally in your custody.

Where I am now we can only communicate through the Red

Cross communication facilities which only permit me to send

emails and can not make phone calls now because there is no

network at Bab Al Salaam area since it was blocked by the

Asaad government.

Please if you are interested in helping me in this transaction i

will give to you the complete details you need for us to carry

out this transaction successfully. I have a good means of

sending the money out of Syria to your country with the help

of a Red Cross jet that brings relief materials from Europe.

Please, you are in a position to help me start a new life.

I would owe you my life if you help me. I wait for your fast

response so i can give you further details upon hearing from

you. Please reserve the property for me and consider my

request for our mutual benefit and life ahead.

My sincere regards,
Mrs. Lababidi Soulafa.
From: Grace Alexander>
Date: Tue,
Subject: Hello Dear

Hello Dear, My name is Grace Alexander. I'm from Texas

USA but lives in western Australian, I am a dying widow who

has decided to donate some of her wealth to a reliable

individual that will use this money, $7Million Dollars to help

the poor and less privileged ones and the society for the work

of humanity as i don't have any child to inherit the fund when

am no more alive, So if you are willing to accept  this offer

and do exactly as I will instruct, then get back to me.
Grace Alexander.
Investment Manager Is Needed

ELDER Joseph Kruger -

I write to you based on a request by an investor who needs to

invest his funds in your country. My name is ELDER Joseph

Kruger, an investment manager here in Johannesburg South

Africa; we represent the interests of very wealthy Investors

mainly from East and North Africa. Due to the sensitivity of

their position they hold in their Organization and the unstable

investment environment of their countries, they prefer to

channel/move majority of their funds into more stable

economies and developing nations where they can get good

yield for their money and its safety.
This reserved group of individuals, whom our firm is

personally holding their assets instructed and approached us

with a mandate to seek for a firm or an individual such as

yourself who has the experience and capacity to receive their

assets and re-invest it into a good and lucrative investment

you will recommend.
Kindly let us know your acceptance to this offer. Also you

should furnish us with full comprehensive draft of your terms

and conditions. We also need to know about the area or idea

of investment plans you are to propose. Once we are convinced

on your capacity to handle these assets we will then provide

you with all necessary information including the unmentioned

amount involved.
Sincerely yours,
ELDER Joseph Kruger

Responder Para =
Money Transfer MTCN 144 763 1508

Mr Henry Howard -

Dear Friend,

This is to notify you that all our customer about the latest

development concerning all the payment that are left in our

custody, which yours are inclusive beside your.Our western

union office is now offering for 2018 to help all our customer

to received they funds of $12.8million USD which you will be

picked up and $5000usd per day.Here is what we need from

you to complete the transfer immediately you receivedit today,

Full Name: _______
Your Address: ______
House Telephone Number: ______
Current Cell Phone: _____
Country: _____
Age: ___
Current Occupation: ______Attach Copy of Your

Bellow is your first payment for $5000usd sent today in your


Transfer Static: Amount Transferred: Transfer Sending Fee:
First Transfer:..............$5000.00
Money Transfer Control Number MTCN 144 763 1508
Senders Name:............Henry Howard

Receiver Name :::::::EMMANUEL IKE
Country :::::::: Benin Republic
City :::::::: Cotonou
Question :::::::: God
Answer :::::::: Bless
Amount :::::::: $50

Dear Beneficiary, Your mtcn of 5000usd is showing available

for pick up


Mr Henry Howard

Email :( )
You're such a dick western union Supervisor
TEL Number: +229 60872093

Attorney Mrs Aaliya Hamid ->

Attn:  ,

I will present you to the bank as my client's business

associates, Late Paul Louis Halley to enable us claim his

deposited fund (USD$47,500,000.00) deposited with the bank.

If you're interested, kindly get back to me for more details.

Thank you.

Attorney Mrs Aaliya Hamid
Dubai,United Arab Emirates.

responder para -
por favor urgente respuesta

Rose Lewiss por

por favor urgente respuesta

Amado en el nombre de nuestro señor Jesucristo. Soy la

señora Rose Lewis, viuda del difunto señor Peter Lewis.

Ahora soy un nuevo pacto cristiano, que padece cáncer de

mama desde hace mucho tiempo, por todos los indicios de que

mis condiciones se están deteriorando realmente y es bastante

obvio que no viviré más. de 2 meses, según mis médicos.

Esto se debe a que la etapa del cáncer ha llegado a una etapa

muy mala. Mi difunto esposo murió los últimos tres años, y

durante el período de nuestro matrimonio no pudimos

producir ningún hijo. Mi difunto esposo era muy rico y

después de su muerte, heredé todos sus negocios y riquezas. los

doctores me han aconsejado que no puedo vivir más de 2

meses, así que ahora decidí dividir la parte de esta riqueza

para contribuir al desarrollo de la iglesia en África, América,

Asia y Europa.

Te seleccioné después de visitar el sitio web y recé por ello.

Estoy dispuesto a donar la suma de 2,450,000.00 dólares a los

menos privilegiados. Quiero que sepan que este fondo está en

un banco en Abiyán. Una vez que tenga noticias suyas, le

enviaré toda la información que utilizará para que este fondo

se libere del banco y se transfiera a su cuenta de inmediato.

tu hermana en Cristo
Señorita Rose Lewis ...
Responder para -

   Traduzir mensagem
Desativar para: francês
Pour tout personne,ONG,association et autre qui désire

prendre part à
notre  forum international qui aura lieu au Canada très

pour  voir leur projet se réaliser sont invités au 14ème

congrès  de la
fondation A C S S A (Association Canadienne de Santé et la

Sécurité des
Adolescents) qui a pour but de venir en aide aux Adolescents

des pays
en crise et de lutter afin d'avoir des solutions à plusieurs

sur la santé et la sécurité des Adolescents à le vif plaisir de

annoncer que notre prochain congrès portant sur le thème de

environnement, la santé, la lutte contre le sida, la drogue et

travaux forcés des enfants dans le monde surtout en Afrique

est lancé
et la fondation en partenariat avec d’autres organisations
internationales comme le P N U D / Rapport humain 2008,

L’ONU, la
Banque Mondial (B M) le Fonds Monétaire International

(FMI) et le
Centre International du Crédit Mutuel (C I C M) invite des

Les ONG, Associations, Médecins, Délégués médicaux,

collectifs des
agents de santé et toutes autres personnes ayant du gout pour

œuvres humanitaire à participer à cet congrès en assurant tous

papiers qui constitue leur voyage au Canada. Chaque

participant invités
et présent lors du congrès bénéficieront d’une subvention

évaluée par
la fondation .
Les Conditions particulières à remplir
1-Avoir entre 18 et 70 ans au plus.
2- Être de bonne moralité.
3- Être disponible a voyagé.
4- Savoir bien parler le français si possible l'Anglais.
5-Avoir du gout pour les œuvres humanitaire
Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez envoyer votre demande de

à notre bureau administratif au Canada via notre adresse

courriel: et vous mentionnez le but de

participation contenant votre:
Date de la Conférence : 06 au 09 Aout 2018 . Nous serons très

de vous compter parmi nos futures Participants à cette 14 ème

de notre congrès internationale
A C S S A 2018
Le chargé de l'information

Responder Para =


NGUBA0000001; Legal Form: Other non-liability limited;

Operational Status: Operational; OUR SWIFT CODE:


Kennedy Uzoka

FROM: Kennedy Uzoka
United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA).
You can call Me  +234 7066822307
WEBSITE: https://ibank.


NGUBA0000001; Legal Form: Other non-liability limited;

Operational Status: Operational; OUR SWIFT CODE:


Dear Esteemed Customer,

You were informed that, the United Bank for Africa Plc,upon

receipt of your payment approval and draft from the Central

Bank of Nigeria and the office of the Presidency to settle

your overdue outstanding payment considering how drafts

from Nigeria and Africa in general are been handled in

Europe, Asia,Middle east  and America inline with the

International Monetary Transactions policies of our bank

decided to set up a none resident US dollars U-Direct account

in your name.
your full amount to be transferred $10.2 million USD to be

transferred bit by bit.

This account will enable you transfer your funds gradually

unconditionally by yourself through the UBA Inter Switch

Transfers platform electronically at zero COT to any Bank

account of your choice at any time.
The access/log in to your none resident US dollar U-Direct

website: https://ibank., then tick the Corporate

space and allow for a few minutes to enter the information

Account Number/Corp. ID: 2012301293
User ID: UBA234766876
WEBSITE: https://ibank.

Your prompt compliance to our Bank's stipulated policy

which is inline with the International Banking transactions

standard policy will enable this account be activated/validated

and you will have access to carry out any transactions and

transfers to your designated bank account.

If you want to be sure of whom I am or to know more about

me, Phillips Oduoza, log on to our bank's website

viz: mc/ bios, click on Philips Oduoza

Or click directly to: bio?id=


For the Management,
United Bank for Africa Plc.
Yours sincerely,

Kennedy Uzoka
Group Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA).
Please call Me on my Direct Line  +234 7066822307

 responder para -
De: steven beresford ->
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2018
Assunto: Olá

Prazer em conhecê-lo, meu nome é Krista Searle, de Illinois,

Estados Unidos. Eu sou um oficial militar, espero que este

e-mail esteja bem e saudável e espero que possamos estabelecer

um relacionamento desde que nos conhecemos pela primeira

vez, eu passei por um perfil que fala bem com você neste site e

fiquei impressionado quando eu vi seu perfil e decidi me

comunicar com você. É meu desejo te conhecer, gosto de

honestidade, confiança, amor, carinho, verdade e respeito,

tenho todas essas qualidades em mim, gentilmente responda

através da minha caixa de email privada

( para que possamos saber uns aos

outros melhor e eu te envio minha foto e lhe falo mais sobre

mim, espero ler de você muito interessante.

Assalam alaikum

Matata Delmar =

Dear friend,

Greeting to you and may the peace of gracious God be with

you and your family, I am Mr. Matata Delmar, Personal

attorney to late Engineer. Ahmed, a national of your country

who died as a result of car accident with his entire family

here in my country Republic of Togo in West Africa and after

all investigation even with the relevant embassy has yielded no

results showing that there is no living next of kin and you

bear the same last name with (Late Engineer. Ahmed) that's

why I am
contacting you to put claim on his fund to transfer to your

account for our mutual benefit.

I hereby solicitor for your immediate response and positive

committed efforts to facilitate the fund remittance of total

sum of $9.5 Million United States Dollars, before it get

confiscated by the bank.

This fund was left behind with a bank by my late client. And

I have every document to present to the bank for the money to

be transfer to your account in your country upon your

positive response to this covenant; I will make all necessary

information known to you.

Contact me at my private email address:

( for more details and further

clarifications. Respond to me with your Telephone number for

easier communication.


You can reach me if you have any question: 0022890291790 /


Matata Delmar Esq.

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