terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2018


Se voce receber uma mensagem semelhante a uma destas abaixo, tenha a certeza que
está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um  tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais, 
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para - golpesvirtuais@gmail.com
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.

Email golpista - viktorfilip37@gmail.com


Nome usado pelo golpista - David Giroud
Fotos roubadas por scammers do modelo Andrea Zanchini

Fotos roubadas por scammers do modelo Andrea Zanchini

Fotos roubadas por scammers do modelo Andrea Zanchini

Nome usado pelo scammer - Alex Frankly
 Scammers stolen pictures of Wojciech Penkalski
Scammers stolen pictures of Wojciech Penkalski

Scammers stolen pictures of Wojciech Penkalski

Scammers stolen pictures of Wojciech Penkalski

Nome usado pelo golpista -  Alexander Zachary





Nome usado pelo scammer = Helton Williams
Scammers stolen pictures of Westland Mayor William Wild
De: Helton Williams = heltonwilliams621@gmail.com
Data: xx de junho de 2018

Assunto: Olá


Como vai você? Espero que tudo esteja indo bem e livre de

estresse para você? Obrigado por me fornecer seu ID de e-mail,

pelo menos você me criou a chance de contar e saber mais sobre

você ... Eu só quero que você saiba que haverá um pouco mais

de privacidade na nossa comunicação, pois não posso entrar em

contato com você através do site de namoro, porque eu não vou

lá sempre. Eu sei que você também deve estar se perguntando

por que eu entrei em contato com você, eu gosto de tudo sobre

você em seu perfil e sua foto. Esta é a razão pela qual eu quero

encontrar e saber mais sobre você - o que você gosta, quais são

seus sonhos e tudo de bom e ruim em você?

Em uma breve introdução sobre mim mesmo, Meu nome

verdadeiro é HELTON WILLIAMS, nascido em 23 de setembro

de 1966 em Oslo, Noruega. Eu sou originalmente de Oslo, meus

pais se mudaram para o País de Gales na Inglaterra quando eu

tinha 16 anos.Eu estudei engenharia mecânica na Universidade

de Cambridge ... Após a graduação, eu trabalhei com ford por

algum tempo antes de ir para um extenso curso de engenharia

de petróleo em Harvard, depois disso eu comecei meu próprio

negócio. Sou consultor de profissão, sou especialista em

exploração e fornecimento de petróleo e gás. Também estou

envolvido no gerenciamento de derramamento de óleo. Meu pai

morreu em um acidente de carro enquanto estava de férias com

minha mãe no Havaí em 1998, mas como Deus pode tê-lo Deus

poupou a vida da minha mãe para mim. Eu me divorciei com

minha esposa há 4 anos porque ela me traiu com minha melhor

amiga Nós nos divorciamos oficialmente no dia 8 de abril de

2014. Eu moro sozinho agora e meu filho que tem 16 anos, seu

nome é David também mora sozinho em outra cidade, ele

normalmente cuida da minha mãe doente também, então minha

mãe mora sozinho com meu filho em outra cidade agora ..
Manchester onde eu trabalho. Eu sou 5'8 de altura, olhos

castanhos, cabelo raspado e eu pesar 72 kg de peso.

A única coisa que me manteve vivo é meu filho, ele é minha

espinha dorsal. Desde o meu divórcio, eu senti como se o mundo

tivesse desmoronado, Por muito tempo depois do meu divórcio

eu mantive minha vida muito pequena - trabalho, casa, Muito

pouco socializando e definitivamente sem namoro, simplesmente

não estava pronta. Levei muito tempo para passar por aqueles

dias sombrios .. Depois do meu divórcio eu nunca pensei que

poderia superar algo assim em vez disso eu tenho que passar por

isso e sentir a dor para que eu possa eventualmente curar meu

espírito Mas depois de um enquanto eu percebia que se eu

tentasse manter minha vida pequena e segura para não me

machucar, eu também estava me impedindo de sentir qualquer

alegria novamente, porque alegria e dor são dois lados da

mesma moeda. Então, gradualmente, eu me permiti emergir de

volta ao mundo real, e aqui está minha primeira tentativa de

namoro online!

Espero encontrar uma mulher decente que esteja à procura de

um relacionamento sério, gosto de fazer algo claro como

começamos em nossa comunicação. Minha intenção deve ser

conhecida cedo o suficiente para que você possa saber por que

eu entrei em contato com você. A única razão pela qual estou

aqui escrevendo para você e pronto para dedicar tempo para

fazer toda a comunicação necessária é porque eu gosto do seu

perfil e desejo me aproximar de você e ver se há química para

unir o coração porque nada funciona até que alguém trabalhe

isto. Eu estou aqui para procurar a verdadeira mulher que pode

trazer o melhor em mim, Uma mulher que irá compartilhar a

base sólida do relacionamento comigo, que é confiança, amor,

relacionamento, companheirismo, compromisso, compreensão,

amizade, quem tem o espírito de dado. Uma que vamos

compartilhar nossas tristezas juntas e uma que nós estaremos lá

para o outro em termos de bem e mal.

Eu também sei que os dois problemas que vamos enfrentar é o

"LINGUAGEM E A DISTÂNCIA" .Eu quero que você saiba que

a distância não tem nada a ver com o amor se você encontrar

alguém que toque seu coração e define o amor de uma forma

perfeita pode viajar milhares de milhas para vir e ter ela. o

amor não tem nada a ver com idade, distância, personalidade e

o que você é, mas com quem você é. Eu realmente não sei o que

você está procurando, mas no caso de você estar atrás de um

relacionamento que levará ao casamento e durará para sempre,

talvez devêssemos nos dar uma chance na vida para ver se somos

compatíveis, mas por favor, seja informado que eu não teria

muito tempo para encontrar e conversar com você on-line todo

o tempo porque estou sempre ocupado, mas vou dedicar meu

tempo um pouco para saber mais sobre você.

Eu vou te contar mais sobre mim assim que você me contar um

pouco sobre você. Finalmente, vou esperar por sua resposta e

por favor não se apresse, apenas tome o seu tempo e me escreva

quando tiver a chance de fazê-lo, Meu coração é livre e aberto,

também serei feliz, se eu encontrar o mesmo coração e será


Espero ler de você em breve.

Scammers stolen pictures of Westland Mayor William Wild

Scammers stolen pictures of Westland Mayor William Wild

Offre de partenariat et de représentation commerciale. (Oferta

de Parceria e de representação comercial.)

Lamberto Andreotti
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Sede Social (Siege social)
811 Dixon Rua Des Moines, IA 50313Site
Web: http://www.bms.com/
Email: info.consulting@barid.com

Objetos: parceria e oferecer representação comercial.

É com grande prazer que tenho de segurar o seu endereço

através de nossos muitos contatos e nossos diretórios municipais

e muito prestados parceiros de pesquisa federais americanas e

inglesas em todo o mundo. A confiabilidade de nossa fonte de

pesquisa reforça a nossa escolha em sua pessoa. Nosso e-mail

que a nossa parceria oferece algo surpreendente, e vai incutir

em você dúvidas e suspeitas ou desconfianças especialmente no

que você não nos conhece. Isso seria compreensível e legítimo

sob as várias redes estabelecidas e cibercrime organizado, sua

relutância em responder-nos seria bem fundada.

O objetivo da nossa mensagem é parte de uma ampla política de

"Diversificação e instalação em todo o mundo." Nós

incentivamos o desenvolvimento do comércio com o resto dos

continentes (África, Ásia, ......). Assim, através desta carta

vamos apresentar esse pedido de oferta comercial de parceria e

de representação que poderia oferecer amplos horizontes de

prosperidade, especialmente muito poucas empresas americanas

e britânicas investir em (Africano, Asiático, ......) .
O grupo criado em 1968 sob a nossa pessoa impulso, é composta

por vários departamentos: saúde, trânsito, transporte

internacional, frete, armazenamento e investimentos com a

criação e gestão de complexos imobiliários, turísticos e

qualidade do hotel.

Nossas principais atividades estão focadas em saúde.

1) O Departamento de Saúde Farmácia: Nós temos laboratórios

de pesquisa, drogas de fabricação sintéticos e de especialidade e

genéricos anti-retrovirais, incluindo menores custos de bolsas

de estudo disponíveis para os pobres. Mas como parte da

instalação de nossa subsidiária em seu país, este departamento

será responsável pela construção de um hospital privado com

um laboratório de análises, um Compra Central e venda de

drogas e venda de equipamentos hospitalares (scanner de

raios-X, imagens etc).

2) O Departamento de Comércio Geral: Será responsável pela

distribuição de produtos farmacêuticos, produtos e

equipamentos farmacêuticos, dispositivos médicos consumíveis.

Gostaríamos de serviços em saúde e farmácia Novas

Tecnologias. A criação de um parque para a venda de

equipamentos médicos novos e usados ... e, portanto, fora da

comercialização de produtos norte-americanos e britânicos em

primeiro lugar, vamos proceder em uma segunda vez para

exportação para a Inglaterra, Canadá e EUA de plantas

medicinais no seu país (Polygala virgata, LAPACHO etc.). E no

final de um programa de trabalho, buscamos seu apoio para

uma oferta. Nós simplesmente dizer-lhe a administração geral

da Representação do continente Africano. Você terá que

garantir a gestão e acompanhamento de projectos de

investimento que irá iniciar trabalhando para valorizar o

património da Representação por um rigoroso ea boa gestão

financeira serão mobilizados e fez

Disponíveis. Após esta troca, vamos organizar para colocar seus

fundos de investimento disponíveis e instalação do projeto você


Chamado para dirigir. O Acordo de Representação projecto de

protocolo que desenvolvemos dá-lhe uma série de vantagens e

remuneração favorável. Para enviar o seu Contrato de

apreciação Protocol   Representação irá determinar todos os

aspectos e contornos da nossa futura colaboração e registro

final de seus dados no documento MoU enviado a você muito em

breve. Por favor envie-nos uma carta de motivação o seu desejo

de se juntar a nós nesta aventura nobre, uma cópia do seu CV,

o seu endereço completo, uma páginas cópia do seu documento

oficial de identidade (passaporte válido)

Então, depois de sua nomeação, você receberá uma notificação

formal registrado com o Gabinete do Procurador do Estado de

Iowa, e os registos técnicos, comerciais e financeiros dos vários

projectos a ser controlado pela associação regional sobre

período de 2018-2030, você também será enviado por DHL com

todas as referências e disse projectos estimation estatísticas.

Se necessário, vamos considerar todas as oportunidades de

convidá-lo para melhor lhe permitir absorver os nossos métodos

de trabalho, vamos cobrir o seu visto, o seu bilhete de / para o

seu país para nós, sua casa, seu apoio. Em seguida, ele será

acordado para o estabelecimento de uma equipe técnica especial

que vai organizar conjuntamente uma reunião com você no seu


Nota: Enquanto nós estamos falando, nós enviar-lhe esta carta

em francês para melhor atender a exigência de seu ambiente

muito francês e para fornecer provas legais para facilitar uma

melhor compreensão dos atos nos comprometemos a comum

acordo pela autoridades competentes do seu país para obter


Uma simples pesquisa sobre a nossa empresa, visite nosso

website: http: //www.bms.com,vous será melhor nos conhecer e

verificar as nossas palavras. Email: info.consulting@barid.com

Enquanto se aguarda que a nossa oferta parceria vai prender

sua atenção, agradecemos antecipadamente para a grande marca

de atenção que você vai dar a nossa oferta de colaboração.

Dr. Giovanni Caforio
contact me back

Paolo Serra <>

Good day to you. I am Mr. Paolo Serra a Brazilian citizen and

i have a beneficial proposal to discuss with you.

Please, contact me back as soon as possible so i can better

inform you about this proposal.

Have a blessed day.

Paolo Serra (serra.p@yandex.com)

Mrs. Rita Obiekwe no-reply@cbn.com por


Dear Beneficiary,

Hurry now and claim your fund from the Central Bank of

Nigeria or your fund will be confiscated by the wicked officials

of the CBN.

My name is Mrs. Rita Obiekwe, I am a Computer Scientist

working with Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). I am 25 years

old, just started working with CBN.

I came across your payment file marked X and your released

disk painted RED. I took time to study it and tried to find out

why the funds were not released

to you. Those evil officials can never tell you the truth that

they won't release the fund to you; instead they allow you spend

your hard earned money


I do not intend to work here forever; I can help you claim your

fund if you can certify me of my security and assure me that

you would compensate with me

after you must have received your payment. I must do this

because you need to know the status of your payment and cause

for the delay. This is like a Mafia

setting in Nigeria and you may not understand because you are

not a Nigerian.

The only thing needed to release this fund to you is the


which will be tendered to any of your nominated bank

and the Internal Revenue Service IRS for clearance of the

transferred amount in your account.

Once the Original TRANSFER PERMIT Certificate is secured,

fund will immediately reflect in your bank within 24 HOURS.

The only authorized and sincere person

who will issue you the Original Documents is Barr. Clement

Orbed. Make sure you indicate your file letter X and tell him

its painted color Red so he will be

able to recognize your file. The president made a compensation

fund release for all unpaid beneficiaries/contractors and scam


Therefore, you are going to receive a total sum of

$12,000,000.00 (TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS) for this year

2018 as recorded in your file here and will be

transferred to your bank account as soon as the Original

document is obtained.

Do get back to me ASAP if you are still interested in claiming

your fund so that I can give you further direction and contact

of Barr. Clement Orbed.

So kindly contact me through my private email ID below.

MY Private Email ID:  tirrocke@gmail.com

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Rita Obiekwe.
Email:  tirrocke@gmail.com
From: Mi Anastasiyunka jun7551_n@m2.pbc.ne.jp
Sent: Mon, Jun 18, 2018
Subject: Looking for a serious man...


Salutations man Hope you have a beautiful day, when you read

this. I'm Nastya, I am a mature, singlegirl, do not have any bad

habits, with sense of humor and gentle nature :) Do not judge

strictly if I'm somewhere made a bugs in the text. I'm in Russia

right now, but would like to meet a male from US or Canada to

build a long-term relationship. I'm not scared the distance,

because the distance can be overcome. Years old and the

difference of nationalities is not so important for me, if I meet

my soul mate. My heart is open for the special male in my life

and I'm ready for a strong relationship, because I'm tired from

loneliness. I'll tell you more about my life, if you want.

Perhaps you might be interested to look at me before we start a

dialogue :) therefore I attached a couple of my photos here. If

you are interested in me as a girl and you are ready to try to

talk, I'll be glad to see from you a letter with some information

about you (preferably with your pics) in the near future. PS:

Please not spend your and my time, if you want just a fun time

or friendship by email. Looking for a serious man with whom I

would like to grow old.
Till next time,
Anastasiyusha !

Welcome Message!!!

United Bank for Africa

Welcome Message!!!

This is to report to you that our United Bank for Africa

bureau have received a correspondence from the federal high

court as cancellation notice for your funds transfer to be

deleted from foreign payment file .The United Bank for Africa

management desires to inform you that your funds transfer

with us has been programmed among the five (5) transactions

that would face cancellation soon.

We have waited long time enough for you to fulfill the required

obligations and claim the funds like other beneficiaries that

have claimed their funds before March ending this year but

nothing comes up from you as indication from the funds

owner.Your payment total US$8,400,000.00

The management of this United Bank for Africa held an urgent

meeting in my office today, regards to the transferring of your

funds by On line Account and they have asked my office to

submit all the paper works and files containing your funds

confidentiality but i refused and asked the board members to

give me from now till one week time so that i consult you

personally for you to declare your interest on the funds


Further more, you are advised to reply to this email after

reading, and feel free to tell us why you abandoned such huge

amount here. let us know if you are no longer interested to

complete your transaction. Finally, if you still have the interest

of being paid your funds by Online transfer; you should kindly

forward your name and Bank address including your phone

number immediately.

This Service will afford you the luxury and convenient of

transferring your fund through the use of your Computer by

accessing your account Online and subsequently making

Transfers with the use of the Details that we will provide to

you. It is a new and modern form of Fund Transfer and its is


Inconclusive we wish to enlighten you our conduct of operation

and service rendering. Their customer we are to inform you

that it the obligation of every of our customer to open Non-

Resident account here in our bank in which he/her will use to

transfer the fund into your local bank account over there in

your country and it will cost you the sum of $50usd.

Note that in your response to him, he will now tell you how you

will be receiving your payment. You are therefore advised to

contact him through this Tel: +229 63337268 (

uba.alert001@gmail.com )

Personal Information for fund Transfer Request. Your full

information needed.

i am looking forward to your positive cooperation fairly soon.

Yours faithfully,
Thanks For Banking With US!.
Group Managing Director/CEO
Phillips Oduoza


Sgt Sherri Gallagher = tonymansamul@gmail.com

Please reply me back I have something to tell you,

Responder Para = sherrigallagher212@gmail.com
Attention: Sole Beneficiary,

williams mark

Attention: Sole Beneficiary,

We have finally succeeded in getting your package worth of

$10.7 million out of
delivery your consignment with the help of Mrs Susan White

Attorney General of
Federal High Court of Justice BENIN REPUBLIC which act

as your foreign Attorney
representative here in BENIN REPUBLIC.

So every necessary arrangement has been made successfully

with the Ambassador
Williams mark of the Consignment Box and every Documents

guiding your delivery is well
updated so you are advice to re-confirm your full delivery

information to the
Agent right now as he is currently at  ?Washington DC

International Airport?
Address with your Consignment Box, As he called me this

morning to inform me that he
misplaced your delivery address which he had.

So you are advice to reconfirm your full delivery information

to the Ambassador
and call him with this number (509)728-9338 or text him sms

so as to have easy conversation with him and to enable you give

him full
direction to get your Consignment Box delivered to you and

hand you over your
Consignment Box safe and sound Furthermore you are advice to

be very fast as
the Ambassador Williams mark has no time to waste due to his

flight ticket,

So the Information you are Required to Reconfirm to the Agent

is as Follow.
Your Full Name
Mobile Phone Number
Current Home Address
Nearest Airport as he is at Washington DC International

Airport right
now because of the Searching and Scanning of the Consignment

which made him to
misplace your address

Contact person,
Name- Ambassador Williams mark
Contact number(509)728-9338
Email:  williamsmarke860@outlook.com
So contact him to deliver your Consignment box first thing

tomorrow morning
possibly today So get back to us immediately you contact the

Agent to make sure
that your fund has getting to you without any hitch

Attention Dear

Mike Miskill = AA.@eco.ocn.ne.jp

Attention Dear

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your email and the

content is well noted, Sequel to your email application i am

concerned for the delivery/shipping of your ATM CARD Valued

$4.5 Dollars United States Dollars) which was approved in your

name by United Bank For Africa Plc Nigeria.,and I have

received the Dispatch Requirements from the Courier Service

Companies that will send the (ATM CARD) to your giving

address in your Country.

Please note that the delivery charge or cost rate depends on the

company you want to use to receive your ATM visa card, you

can take a look at the below the delivery companies and their

delivery rates that you will be able to handle.

Secondly, you are required to pay the delivery charge before

you get your tracking number or before your item can be

registered at any of those delivery companies. Please get back to

me to inform me of any of the delivery company you wish me to

send your ATM card to you so that it can be done immediately

you send the charge.

Kindly acknowledge the following conditions for smooth

delivery of the ATM Card to you.

                              2018 Shipping Rate Information.

DHL: Shipping rate charges;...................$100,USD

FedEx: Shipping rate charges;.................$70,USD

Post Office: Shipping rate charges;............$80,USD

UPS: Shipping rate charges;.......................$50. USD

TNT_swc post_vert_PMS_POST NT: Shipping rate


Kindly chose one of the above mentioned companies and Let me

know, for the immediate Delivering of your ATM Card to your

giving address in your Country as I was instructed by United

Bank For Africa Plc Nigeria use only money Gram or Western

Union i will be waiting for your with the payment number form

money Gram only

Country.. Nigeria
City.. Lagos

NOTE: This payment includes Scam Victims and international

businesses that has failed due to government problems etc and

please take note that any other contact you made out of the

Ambassadors awareness is at your own risk.

    ( miskill0945@gmail.com )
    Yours Sincerely
    Mr.Macharia Kamau
    U.N Special Representative in Nigeria Federal High Court .

Responder para - wray.c945@gmail.com

FBI Dir. Christopher Wray

FBI Dir. Christopher Wray = wwwww.@chorus.ocn.ne.jp

Department of US Federal Bureau Of Investigation
At JFK John F. Kennedy International Airport New York.
Address: 26 Federal Plaza 23rd Floor New York NY 10278-

Director-Christopher Wray
Phone: +1 (320) 286-8511
Motto: Safety

Attn: Beneficiary,

The Federal bureau of investigation (FBI) Washington DC

believed you received the previous messages sent to you prior to

your dealings with the US Custom Authority at JFK John F.

Kennedy International Airport New York as regards to your

over due contract payment as consignment trunk box worth sum

of $468Million Dollars only) which was endorsed in your favor

and like we stated earlier, we have dully screened through this

project as stipulated on our protocols of operation and have

finally confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine

and hitch free from all facet and of which you have the lawful

right to claim your fund without any further delay.

However we hereby informing you that a Consignment Trunk

Box that worth sum of ($468) Millions United Dollars

accompanying/delivering to you By Diplomat-Frank D. Mark

from West-Africa who boarded an Air France with Flight no

547 (AF547/AFR547) was here because there is little issue

occurred after X-ray scanning of the box here in NYC.

We have waited enough, because we sent you an e-mail in your

local Language but no response from you, now I‘m sending

another email to you in English Language so if you don’t need

this delivery any more kindly let me know immediately you

receive this message today so that I will send a report to the

JFK Customs and concentrate on my duty while your

consignment trunk box will be release to you.A lady Mrs. Jane

Frederick whom you assigned as your Representative who told

us that you sent her to make sure that she come back home

with the consignment and she submitted all the documentation

with some evidence that you was sentenced to life


I personally want to assure you once again that you will have

every course to smile and be happy upon conclusion of this

project as we will continue monitoring all your services with

them at all level as well as your correspondence until you

received your Metal Trunk Box accordingly. We are hereby

protecting your interest, that is the reason why we are doing all

we can to make sure it goes well because this is a huge amount

of money we can not wish you to lose.

We understand that the imposed fee might be too much for you

to pay now so we further make things easier for you by

discussed with the US Custom Authority at JFK John F.

Kennedy International Airport New York on your behalf for

them to give you the grace of sending half of the charges/fee

which have to be only $150 now, after the Diplomatic Agent

deliver your consignment trunk box to you, once you confirm

your $468Million then you pay the remaining balance of $350

and they agreed.

Therefore the Customs Clearance Certificate CCC which was

initially on the high price of $700 has been cut-down to $350

considering the poor economic situations that make it difficult

for the middle class citizens unable to meet up with the

clearance of their entitlement. Its better you conclude these

matter within the given date since power of attorney we

received from Mrs Jane Frederick is that we have to change the

beneficiary name which is you and put her own name as the

fund owner,stating that you have been sentenced to life

imprisonment hence we are seeking for your confirmation.

She has also submitted her account and residence address for us

to either Deliver or Transfer the funds to her through one of

her options. I advise that you try your possible best to come up

with the payment as soon as possible so that your box will

directed to your dispatch before 12hours according to the

agreement paper,So try as much as you can to make sure that

you send the fee immediately after you have receive this e-mail

so that all your effort to receive your consignment trunk box

will not be in vain to another person‘s favor. Or shall we

release your fund to her ???

Just click reply to us immediately.

Yours sincerely,
FBI Dir. Christopher Wray.
Phone,+1(320) 286-8511
Department of US Federal Bureau Of Investigation

Maria Brian - wwwww@theia.ocn.ne.jp

Greetings in the name of God my names is Mrs. Maria Brian

am from United Kingdom but right now undergoing medical

treatment . I am married to late Eng.John Brian  who worked

as a contractor in oil and gas firm  before death in last Two

years, We were married for twenty years
without a child.

My condition is really deteriorating and is quite obvious that I

may  not live more than 2 to 3 weeks according to the doctor's
report,because the cancer stage has gotten its 3rd stage together

with  kidney affection.

l have decided to divide part of my fortune,by contributing to

the  Charities & Motherless. I am willing to donate the sum of

$6,450,000.00 USD to the poor through you.


Mrs. Maria Brian

Responder Para - Maria Brian (sgtmaria123@gmail.com)
Responder para - chember02@gmail.com

Supreme Court of California USA.

Supreme Court of California USA. - cccccc.@forest.ocn.ne.jp

Supreme Court of California USA.
Address : 350 McAllister St, San Francisco, CA 94102
Office Tel : +1 (661) 582-0895

Date: 6 /18/ 2018
From Desk of
Hon. Anthony P. Powell

The Truth You Need To Know About Your Long Overdue


Sequel to the above specifications, the management of the Fund

Reconciliation Department here in California USA, wishes to

let you know that your fund worth total amount of

$15.500.000.00 is long overdue payment, every precept regarding

your funds has been concluded. You will be receiving your

funds from this  Office any moment from now. We take, keep

and make report of every transaction done here in the USA.

Investigations gathered by the Fund Regulatory Agency {IMF},

shows you have been receiving numerous emails from several

offices requesting you to claim your funds. In some cases, you

tried a lot but still the transfer or delivery was not completed

due to one reason or the other. The fact is that you are stuck

between the chains which make it impossible for you to

differentiate the real office from its counterfeit.

I know you will be expecting to hear from me regarding this

Fund after the last attempt to get it over. The fact is that I

understand you're been into so many transaction and I decided

to stay clear so that you will understand the truth about

everything going on within the internet.

Like you were told by the Federal Reserve Bank

aforementioned, your funds was transferred from about Two

different banks; Nat west bank London and Bank of America .

In total, your funds were amounting to the tune of USD15.5

Million United State Dollars As we speak, your funds have been

credited in your Visa Card and also available as Cashier's

Check well documented and packaged. The documented package

will be shipped to your mailing address by the Aramex Delivery

Company CA, USA. The ONLY thing needed before we can


FILE of your funds. The procurement file is at the Origin

Country of your funds in United Kingdom. (UK)

for the purpose to avoiding double payment on your end, we had

an agreement with the IMF and Federal Reserve to document

every charge necessary until the package gets to your home

address. The analytical group of the two offices mentioned

above had an accurate sum of USD450.00 for Procurement. So

it was constituted and officially submitted to the "Court of

Justice" that the ONLY charge you will EVER pay before your

package leaves our office here in USA to your home address is

USD450.00 for your Procurement File to be signed and

conveyed down here in the USA and YOU WILL NEVER pay a

dime again as agreed. We are renowned and reputable USA

Agency and we don't like an undocumented process that is why

it had to be written down in Court that you will never pay any

other money apart from the USD450.00 "PROCUREMENT

FEE" (That is for someone to sign your file on your behalf).

Therefore, the days of you being subjected to paying twice

Double Payment is over as that is the case with some corrupt

officials down there in Africa, whom always strife to subject

beneficiaries to hard bureaucratic bottleneck, thereby making it

impossible for most innocent citizens spread across the globe

and the likes to claim what rightfully belongs to them. Thank

GOD that your funds are here in UNITED STATES  and so we

decided to follow the USA constitutions so as to ensure that

your money is in your hands this within 12 hours . Without

mincing words, it will be desirous if you consciously adhere to

the above instruction by remitting the PROCUREMENT FEE

calculated to be USD450.00 down to the office so that your

ATM CARD or you’re Check depending on your choice, could be

shipped to your home address .



Receivers Name : Mauricio A Eckholt
Address : 1805 S Euclid Ave Ontario CA 91762 USA
Amount : $450

We hope your immediate positive response with payment details

or payment slip attachment once you make the payment to

enable a speedy shipment of your Check to your home address.



Kindly Still Update Us With:

1. Your Name which you prefer we use when shipping your

2. Your Current mailing (Delivery) Address where your Check

should be mailed
3. Your Private Mobile Number for the Priority Express Mail

to Contact
You when they arrive at your door step.02
4. Copy of your id card.

Yes we are sorry for the inconveniences you might have

encountered in the past, in pursuit of your funds. Now that this

office, Fund Reconciliation Department is involved, you will

have no cause to ever regret again as soon as you adhere to the

above given instructions.

Hon. Anthony M. Powell ,
Supreme Court of California USA.
Address : 350 McAllister St, San Francisco, CA 94102
Office Tel : +1 (661) 582-0895


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