Se voce receber uma mensagem semelhante a uma destas abaixo, tenha a certeza que
está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Existe uma pessoa que venho conversando ha mais ou menos 2
meses e agora ele quer vir para o Brasil. Diz ser militar e estar
na siria em missão. está pedindo que eu mande um email para
OTAN dizendo ser esposa e que precisa que eme venha com
urgencia para cá. veja parte das mensagens.
+19094434211 • Disp. móvel
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div>----- Mensagem encaminhada -----
De: "Nick
Donovan" -
Olá meu amor,
Como vai você hoje? Espero que você esteja bem. Sinto muito,
nossas comunicações se desvalorizaram um pouco. Espero que
você entenda que é por causa dos esforços envolvidos em ser um
palestrante principal nesta conferência internacional e os
esforços para completar minha papelada de aposentadoria.
Querida, eu estou tão feliz porque logo vou me aposentar do
Exército daqui a algumas semanas.
Enviei dinheiro para o meu agente de voo para reservar um voo
para mim antes da minha viagem ao seu país assim que me
aposentar. Mais cedo, como eu lhe disse, fui a um shopping
center chamado Istinye Park, um dos maiores de Istambul, para
comprar alguns presentes para você e algumas coisas que todos
precisarão para as próximas férias. Eu apenas oro para que os
tamanhos combinem com você, como eu os adivinhei, a julgar
pelas lindas fotos que você me enviou.
Pensei em carregá-los, que contém alguns importantes
documentos de aposentadoria e carreira, para a Síria e trazê-los
consigo ao vir para o Brasil, mas considerei que seria muito
arriscado. Assim, a conselho de um colega, deixei-o para
embarque aéreo para o seu país com uma empresa de courier
respeitável aqui em Istambul. Eu paguei por tudo quanto ao
Poucas horas atrás, nossa equipe foi transportada com um jato
de volta para a Síria. Neste momento, estamos atualmente na
capital Damasco, onde dormiremos e prosseguiremos para as
frentes de guerra de Aleppo e Raqqa amanhã de manhã.
Geralmente é um trabalho muito tedioso e arriscado, então você
tem que estar orando mais por mim.
Alguns dos itens dentro do pacote são: 1, perfume chefe Hugo e
outros perfumes, ursinho de pelúcia e pulseiras, relógio de
pulso de ouro e anéis e ouro sem coração, 1 PAD, laptop da
Apple e uma Apple iphone7. Uma caixa de maquiagem.
Algum dinheiro para permitir que você use e receba uma
reserva onde podemos ficar quando eu venho, pagar suas contas,
comprar algo que você precisa e manter o resto, nós usaremos
quando eu estiver lá com você. Como não houve tempo para
contatá-lo para os detalhes da sua conta bancária para fazer
uma transação bancária.
Meu anel de noivado que eu anexei no e-mail e meu documento
pessoal lacrado em um envelope marrom dentro do pacote.
Um certificado de casamento que obtém do meu advogado para
você, o que permitirá que você me siga para os Estados Unidos
(EUA), se desejar, quando você recebê-lo, preencha-o e envie-o
de volta para mim para que eu o encaminhe para meu advogado.
Uma soma de quinhentos e cinquenta e sete mil dólares (US $
Denin calças, vestidos novos e alguns designers sexy underwear,
sutiãs e vestidos de noite (eu vou fechar meus olhos quando
você vai estar testando-os). Meu amor, eu decidi enviar-lhe
através de um serviço de correio para que você possa mantê-los
até que eu chegue em seu país, porque eu não posso levá-los
comigo para a zona militar.
Querida, quero que você cuide de si e de sua família com alguns
objetos de valor no pacote até que eu possa vir ao Brasil dentro
de algumas semanas. Não precisei pensar duas vezes quando lhe
pedi para ser minha esposa. Eu sabia que você era a Sra.
Perfeita para mim, é por isso que eu não acho que existe, ou
poderia haver, alguém melhor do que você para mim. Eu te amo
com todo meu coração querido. Eu nunca confiei em ninguém
do jeito que confio em você. Às vezes até duvido de mim mesmo,
mas sei que nunca duverei de você porque você é meu
verdadeiro amor. Eu sei lá no fundo que você nunca quebrará
meu coração ou nunca me decepcionará de qualquer maneira.
Há tantas outras coisas que são importantes para mim na caixa
que eu te enviei, então eu confio que você vai mantê-las seguras
até eu chegar. Eu usei o endereço que você me enviou como
destino de entrega do pacote. Por favor, acesse o site da
empresa e acompanhe o pacote on-line para saber quando ele
chegará ao Brasil. Deve demorar 2 a 3 dias.
E-mail da empresa:
Deixe-me saber quando você receber o pacote querido. Eu
agradeço a Deus que agora tenho uma grande oportunidade de
vir e encontrá-lo cara a cara logo depois de tudo isso. Por
favor, cuide de si e do pacote quando chegar até você. Não se
preocupe, eu vou cuidar de mim para você. Minha consideração
por sua família e amigos. Diga-lhes que os verei em breve.
Todo meu amor e carinho, de Nicholas.
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Alexander Bradwell Eddy
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-----Original Message-----
From: Mrs. Selima Aroua
Sent: Thu, Jun 21, 2018
Subject: 100% risk free donation :,
Dear Sir,
I am glad today when I read your message,fearing not i am
good and honest God fearing person,meanwhile i hope you also
understand my health situation,presently i am hospitalized
suffering from cancer and I have short time to live, therefore
the reason why i decided to donate this fund as a donation to
charities and need’s is to support the Charities, Orphanages and
cancer researchers for the solution to treat those who are
suffering from this disease. In this reason i really need a
serious person who will be able to hand this fund and use it for
its purpose, as i promised God, This means that the person must
be a good and God's fearful person who will really accomplish
this mission in the name of God. Therefore if i may ask, are
you sure that you will be capable to handle this fund and use it
for its purpose ?
The reason why i am asking this because you must know that
there are so many bad things happening through this internet
communication of a thing, so many bad people and cheaters
who wish to profit from other peoples hard aim funds to survive
on their own, therefore because of this i am afraid to trust
people, but i can only put everything in the hand of God,
because he who will make me to trust him or her and I accept
to move this fund to him or her hoping that the person will use
this fund to accomplish its purpose and along the line it turns
to be a cheating or fraud to me, Know that God Almighty will
never forgi wethat person. So if you know that really you are a
good and honest God fearing person, and you are really ready
to use this fund to accomplish its purpose, Please let me know
clearly by given me your word and full assurance of your
honest and trustworthy for me to believe and trust in you. As
you can see i am here laying in the hospital bed waiting for my
day to come so that i will go and have rest in the Lord, because
i am tired of this sickness with much pains, Therefore if i can
trust and count on you, kindly let me know in your next mail
As soon as i hear from you again i will tell you more,
My special greetings to you and your family
Yours faithfully
Mrs. Selima Aroua,
De: michael smith =
Enviado: segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2018
Como vai você? Espero que tudo esteja indo bem e livre de
estresse para você? Obrigado por me fornecer seu ID de e-mail,
pelo menos você me criou a chance de contar e saber mais sobre
você ... Eu só quero que você saiba que haverá Um pouco mais
de privacidade em nossa comunicação, pois não posso entrar em
contato com você através do site de namoro, porque eu não a
visito sempre. Eu sei que você também deve estar se
perguntando por que eu entrei em contato com você, eu gosto de
tudo sobre você em seu perfil e sua foto. Esta é a razão pela
qual eu quero encontrar e saber mais sobre você - o que você
gosta, quais são seus sonhos e tudo de bom e ruim em você?
Em uma breve introdução sobre mim mesmo, Meu nome
verdadeiro é Michael Smith, nascido em 4 de março de 1966 em
Oslo, Noruega. Eu sou originalmente de Oslo, meus pais se
mudaram para a New York EUA quando eu tinha 17 anos. Eu
estudei engenharia mecânica na Universidade de Nova York.
Após a formatura, trabalhei com ford por algum tempo antes de
fazer um extenso curso de engenharia de petróleo em Harvard,
após o qual comecei meu próprio negócio. Sou consultor de
profissão, sou especialista em exploração e fornecimento de
petróleo e gás. Também estou envolvido no gerenciamento de
derramamento de óleo. Meu pai morreu em um acidente de
carro enquanto estava de férias com minha mãe no Havaí em
2001, mas como Deus pode tê-lo, Deus poupou a vida da minha
mãe para mim. Eu me separei com minha esposa há 6 anos
porque ela me traiu com meu melhor amigo, nos divorciamos
oficialmente no dia 8 de abril de 2011. Eu moro sozinho agora
com minha filha de 10 anos, o nome dela é Pamela e eu também
cuido da minha velha mãe doente também, todos nós vivemos
juntos agora em
Nova York, eu trabalhei. Tenho 5'8 de altura, olhos azuis,
cabelo castanho escuro e peso 82kg.
A única coisa que me manteve indo é minha filha, ela é minha
espinha dorsal. Desde o meu divórcio eu senti como se o mundo
tivesse desmoronado, Por muito tempo depois do meu divórcio
eu mantive minha vida muito pequena - trabalho, casa, Muito
pouco socializando e definitivamente sem namoro, simplesmente
não estava pronta. Levei muito tempo para passar por aqueles
dias sombrios .. Depois do meu divórcio eu nunca pensei que
poderia superar algo assim em vez disso eu tenho que passar por
isso e sentir a dor para que eu possa eventualmente curar meu
espírito Mas depois de um enquanto eu percebia que se eu
tentasse manter minha vida pequena e segura para não me
machucar, eu também estava me impedindo de sentir qualquer
alegria novamente - porque alegria e dor são dois lados da
mesma moeda. Então, gradualmente, eu me permiti emergir de
volta ao mundo real, e aqui estou minha primeira tentativa de
namoro online!
Espero encontrar uma mulher decente que esteja à procura de
um relacionamento sério, gosto de fazer algo claro como
começamos em nossa comunicação. Minha intenção deve ser
conhecida cedo o suficiente para que você possa saber por que
eu entrei em contato com você. A única razão pela qual estou
aqui escrevendo para você e pronto para dedicar tempo para
fazer toda a comunicação necessária é porque eu gosto do seu
perfil e desejo me aproximar de você e ver se há química para
unir o coração porque nada funciona até que alguém trabalhe
isto. Eu estou aqui para procurar a verdadeira mulher que pode
trazer o melhor em mim, Uma mulher que irá compartilhar a
base sólida do relacionamento comigo, que é confiança, amor,
relacionamento, companheirismo, compromisso, compreensão,
amizade, quem tem o espírito de dado. Uma que vamos
compartilhar nossas tristezas juntas e uma que nós estaremos lá
para o outro em termos de bem e mal.
Eu também sei que os dois problemas que vamos enfrentar é o
"LINGUAGEM E A DISTÂNCIA" .Eu quero que você saiba que
a distância não tem nada a ver com o você encontra
alguém que toca o seu coração e define o amor de uma maneira
perfeita você pode viajar milhares de milhas para vir e tê-la. O
amor não tem nada a ver com a idade, a distância, a
personalidade e o que você é, mas com quem você é. Eu
realmente não sei o que você está procurando, mas no caso de
você estar atrás de um relacionamento que vai levar ao
casamento e durar para sempre, talvez devêssemos dar a cada
outra chance em nossa vida para ver se somos compatíveis, mas
por favor, seja informado que eu não teria muito tempo para
encontrar e conversar com você on-line todo o tempo porque
estou sempre ocupado, mas vou dedicar meu tempo um pouco
para saber mais sobre você.
Eu vou te contar mais sobre mim assim que você me contar um
pouco sobre você. Finalmente, vou esperar por sua resposta e
por favor não se apresse, apenas tome o seu tempo e me escreva
quando tiver a chance de fazê-lo, Meu coração é livre e aberto,
também serei feliz, se eu encontrar o mesmo coração e será
Espero ler de você em breve.
Michael Smith - +16313415436.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Theresa
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Sent: Thu, Jun 21, 2018
Subject: I'm waiting for your decisive action... -,
Hello my friend.
I decided to write you a letter, because I can not hide my
feelings and desires anymore. My name is Theresa. I few weeks
ago I saw you the first time. You really liked me. But I did not
attach any importance.
I thought that just a handsome man. Many of these beautiful
meet on the street.
A few days ago, you came to meet me again. You were smiling
and hiding from the sun.
At night, I saw you in my dreams. We did have sex with you.
Everything was wonderful.
You held me, put in a pose dog. You drove your cock into me. I
screamed with delight.
You have a big penis, and you plunged into my vagina. I was
very hurt. But after a few movements I was very pleased. You
caressed my breasts, biting his nipple. I did oral sex for you. It
was so wonderful.
But it ended when I woke up. I was all wet. When I took a
shower, I realized that our meeting is real. I want you. I wish
that the dream has become a reality.
I found your email and write you a letter.
I really want to see you.
I'm waiting for you.
Perhaps now you want to see me.
I send you my photos.
-----Original Message-----
From: Magareth Benoit
Sent: Thu, Jun 21, 2018 10:46 pm
Subject: I will be waiting to hear from you.
Dear God Chosen One,
Please kindly pardon me for any inconvenience this letter may
cost you because I know it may come to you as a surprise as we
have no previous correspondence. I sent this mail praying for it
to reach you in good health, since I myself are in a very
critical health condition in which I sleep every night without
knowing if I may be alive to see the next day.
I am Mrs. Magareth Benoit the wife of late Engineer Ralph
Alphonso Benoite from Paris France but based here in Burkina
Faso West Africa since eight years ago as a business woman
dealing with gold exportation and Sales. We have been married
for years before his sudden death although we were childless. I
have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and I have been
battling with the sickness when my late lovely husband of a
blessed memory was alive. May his soul rest in peace, amen. My
late husband left the sum of
€7.900.000.00 (Seven millions nine hundred thousand euros)
in a fix/suspense account in one of the prime bank here in
Burkina Faso. Recently, my doctor told me that I have few
days to live due to the cancer problem. The one that disturbs me
most is my blood pressure sickness. Having known my health
condition I decided to seek for your kind assistance to transfer
this fund into your account and you will use it to establish an
orphanage home in my name. I will give you more details about
the project as soon as I receive your reply in my private email
to handle this project because I do not want to state all here
until I see your reply, desire and commitment to handle this
My regards to your family.
Mrs. Magareth Benoit.
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From: Lone Star National Bank
Sent: Thu, Jun 21, 2018
Subject: About your fund transfer from
Lone Star National Bank
Address: 206 W Ferguson Ave,
Pharr, TX 78577,
United States
We the staff of Lone Star National Bank, Pharr Texas want to
confirm that your partner have
informed us about you and we have been waiting for your mail,
her father deposited this money long ago before his death, it
was her father's lawyer that informed us about her parents
death and we sympathise with the young girl for the death of
her parents because her father is a good man and one of our big
costumer. We want you to get back to us with Your bank
account details where you want us to transfer the funds to and
please sir, make sure you handle the money very well for her
and God will bless you as you do so.
Please we also need the below stated documents from you and
your partner before we will transfer the funds to you. You have
to contact her and tell her to get a lawyer that will help you
people secure the following documents as soon as possible so
that we will transfer the funds to you without any further
You need to bear in mind that the lawyer that will issue you
people this 4 documents most be a good one so you need to
contact her immediately you receive this mail so that both of
you will put heads together and know how you are going to
secure the documents, immediately you get back to us with your
bank details and the documents the funds will be release to you
without any further delay.
We wait to hear from you as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully.
Mr. Rene Lopez Jr.
Lone Star National Bank
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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bahira Maimun -
Date: sex, 22 de jun de 2018
Subject: Re: Autoline -
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Eu não estou vivendo em seu país
atualmente. Note, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não
imaginário e foi por isso que fui a um site seguro onde posso
ter certeza de que você é de verdade. Eu acredito que posso
confiar em você. Ficarei feliz em pedir sua permissão para
trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios.
Eu sou a senhora Bahira Maimun, uma mulher síria. Desejo
mudar-me para o seu país devido à prolongada agitação civil /
guerra na Síria, bem como os ataques fatais da vida diária por
parte do grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi minha família, meu
marido e minha filha para as mãos geladas da morte durante
um ataque contra nossa casa em 23 de outubro de 2017, para
acabar com nossa família. Eu e meu filho não estava por perto
durante o fogo cruzado. Nós estávamos no hospital para checar
quando eles atacaram nossa casa matando meu amado marido e
minha filha e incendiando a casa. Eu estou em lágrimas
escrevendo-lhe este e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um
empreiteiro muito bem sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria,
e estava lidando com pó de ouro e barras antes de sua morte
prematura. Como esperado, ele deixou para trás uma quantia
razoável de dinheiro, que eu desejo investir no setor imobiliário
e em outros setores lucrativos em seu país.
Como você pode ou não saber, as sanções impostas tornaram
quase impossível operar com sucesso qualquer tipo de
investimento aqui na Síria ou mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui
para outras partes do mundo. Por essa razão, estou entrando em
contato com você com grande esperança de que você possa me
ajudar a obter esse dinheiro em seu país para fins de
Por favor, gostaria de saber o quão conveniente pode ser para
você me ajudar dessa maneira. A capital inteira à minha
disposição é de US $ 7.500.000,00, Sete Milhões e Quinhentos
Mil Dólares Estaduais Unidos. Eu secretamente trancado o
dinheiro em uma caixa de tronco e depositou-o com a Cruz
Vermelha aqui em Damasco na Síria. Minha intenção sincera
ao escrever para você é pedir que você aceite gentilmente a
caixa do dinheiro. Isso ocorre porque não podemos fazer
transferências bancárias daqui após a guerra. Essas são as
principais questões que me preocupam agora. Eu lhe darei 30%
do dinheiro total como seu benefício por me ajudar.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra
alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar minha
vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem de minha família.
Como mulher desde que meu marido e minha filha estão mortos,
tudo o que tenho é meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida
decente desde que eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente
pacífico. Vou me mudar para o seu país com meu filho e
investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, seus conselhos e apoio.
Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um objetivo de sucesso.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e, ao receber suas
informações, fornecerei mais detalhes.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Bahira Maimun
Mrs.Rakia Abube -
Good day :
The cheque has been deposited with Bank Of Africa under the
care of ( Dr.Henry Cosh ) as we discussed. Please mail him
immediately to do the wire transfer to you. I am in Brasil now.
I kept ( USD $4.5 Million USD ) cashier cheque and will send
you the rest of money after my business trip here.I send you so
many mails but all bounced back.
So mail ( Dr.Henry Cosh) with below email for him to send the
cheque to you:
here is his email:( ) or call him at:
(+229) 60397733
Kindly re-confirm to him your personal information per as
Your full name..............
Your house address ...............
Your direct phone number ...................
Your occupation ....................
Your country's name ................
Your age ...................
Bank details as he requested
Thanks and do let me know when you receive it.. Please, i have
paid for the remittance of this cheque, the only Money they
might demand from you is the transfer charges which is
Best regards.
Mr. X
Name: ===
Amount needed: ===
Duration: ==
country ===
Purpose: ===
Mobile number
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus
Responder Para -
Bihari János =>
I have an urgent business for you,
Contact me if you are interested
My private Gmail:
flat 21 nba Hong Kong
Linda Wagner por
Dear E-mail User,
Your e-mail ID and Name has emerged as a winner of
$600,000.00 USD (Six
hundred thousand dollars please contact the Facebook Award
Fiduciary Agent (Audrey Moore) neatly filling the verification
Contact Email:
Kindly forward your verification details as stated below to the
Fiduciary Agent;
1. Full Name:....................................
2. House Address:......................
3. Direct Phone No:.............................
4. Country:.......................................
9. Ticket Number: 00869575733664
10. Serial Number: BTD/8070447706/06
11.Lucky Number: 12-12-23-35-40-41(12).
Please remember to attach your ticket number,serial number
and lucky
number also.
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Facebook
interactiveLotteries Board Commission.
Promotion Award Manager.
C2018 Facebook Corporation.
Responder para -
Attention Beneficiary:
Robert Landry =
I want to acknowledge you that we have finally succeeded in
getting your package worth’s of $2.5Million out of (ECOWAS)
Economic Community of West African States department with
the help of Mr. Anderson Talon Attorney General of Federal
High Court of Justice Nigeria Republic which act as your
foreign Attorney representative here in Nigeria Republic.
Meanwhile every necessary arrangement has been made
successfully with the Agent Paul Hillary for the delivery of
your Consignment Box and every Document guiding your
delivery is well updated so you are advised to reconfirm your
full delivery information to the Agent as he is currently in
John Kennedy International Airport with your Consignment
You are advice to reconfirm your full delivery information to
the diplomat to enable him get your Consignment Box delivered
to you and hand you over your Consignment Box safe and
sound, Furthermore you are advice to be very fast as the Paul
Hillary has no time to waste due to his flight ticket. So the
Information you are required to reconfirm to the Agent are as
Your Full Name
Mobile Phone Number
Current Home Address
Nearest Airport
Kindly contact him via his email address, Contact person, Name
Agent Paul Hillary Email Address (
) So contact him to deliver your consignment box first thing
tomorrow morning possibly today.
Mr. Robert Landry:
The Director of DHL Courier Company Nigeria Republic
My Dear One,
Mrs. Anne Bennett
My Dear One,
I am Mrs. Anne Bennett, i need you to help me to instruct the
Boa Bank to transfer my late husband money Contact me my
email Id for More Details (
Business of $7.5 Million
(1.) your Name:
(2.) Country:
(3.) Phone Nb:
Best Regards,
Mrs. Anne Bennett
US Federal Reserve Bank Corporate Office
Constitution Ave NW & 20th Street Northwest,
Washington, DC 20551, United States
Our Ref:USRB/0Zv/CIA/15.5/DC/019
United States of America
Federal Reserve Bank®
Your payment files from three (3) different banks, Natwest
Bank of
London, Central Bank of Nigeria and Bank of America was
and submitted to my desk this morning for review. The total
owed to you by the 3 banks mentioned above was sum up to the
of US$15,500,000.00 (Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand
States Dollars).
Now the fund has been totally lodged in one particular Escrow
account (non deductible) here in the Federal Reserve Bank
Washington, DC
on your name, while waiting for accreditation to your personal
bank account in any part of the world.
Meanwhile, after due scrutiny and verification, I confirmed
you have fulfilled all the necessary obligations that will enable
the release of your payment to you, but yet your payment was
released to you due to one flimsy excuses or the other from the
Bank officials in charge of your payment, because they had the
intention of diverting your funds to their private accounts in
order to satisfy their selfish interest.
You are however lucky that we the management of the US
Reserve Bank detected their evil plans and therefore call for
submission of your payment file to us so we can personally
the payment assignment to ensure that you receive your funds
Now, all modalities regarding your fund release has been put in
place here in the Reserve Bank of America, thus, your funds
been made ready for transfer in our sophisticated macro
system, what we need from you now is to provide to us the bank
account of your choice which you want us to transfer your
funds so
we can expedite action for the accreditation of your funds into
your account immediately.
Below are the information needed for now for your transfer.
1. Personal Details:
Full Name:
Current Address:
Direct Mobile Number:
Passport Copy, ID card or DL:
2. Banking Details:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Account Name
Account Number:
Routing Number:
Swift Code:
Note: If you prefer to receive your funds in form of a Visa
we could load and ship your Visa Card to your address which
permit you a daily withdrawal limit of US$3000 or write a
check which can be deposited in any bank and send to you.
In anticipating for your urgent cooperation
Yours sincerely, the new President US FRB
Mr. Jerome Hayden Powell
President & Chairman Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank Washington DC
Direct Phone No' +1(202) 765-1843
Pr, Email ( )
© 2018 Federal Reserve Bank® Corporation.
All rights reserved.
e: Hemiz Zaye -
Data: 21 de junho de 2018
Primeiramente, deixe-me pedir desculpas pela minha resposta
tardia ao seu e-mail. Foi devido a minha tarefa ocupada na
Obrigado pela sua pronta resposta ao meu pedido; parece-me
que você é uma pessoa muito sincera? Estou interessado em
comprar o seu carro ao seu preço, e por favor você deve me dar
pouco tempo para vir e vê-lo para negociação eu mesmo. Eu vou
fazer uso do carro assim que eles se reposicionarem da Síria
para o Brasil em breve com meus dois filhos
Eu sou o Hemiz Zayah. a esposa do falecido Zayah,
Industrialista, que foi morto enquanto cobria os confrontos
entre as forças do regime e os rebeldes na província síria de
Daraa. Após a morte de meu marido, minha família está sob
ameaça do presidente da Síria por apoio resoluto a um
verdadeiro democrata. Governo na Síria é por isso que eles
mataram meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais na Síria, muitas famílias estão em
busca de vidas preciosas, pois os soldados estão matando civis,
mulheres e crianças, e você pode dar uma olhada em
Quero levar ao seu conhecimento que tenho em minha posse a
soma de (11,4 milhões de dólares). Esse é o dinheiro que eu e
meu marido poupamos para toda a nossa vida como
Eu secretamente trancei o dinheiro no baú e o coloquei com o
serviço de correio aqui em Damasco, informei-lhes que estou
fazendo contato com o verdadeiro dono da caixa no exterior e
quem quer que seja designado para a empresa de segurança da
Cruz Vermelha será o beneficiário da caixa de dinheiro para
determinada reivindicação, e Minha intenção sincera ao
escrever para você é pedir-lhe que gentilmente me ajude a
determinar a reivindicação e retirar o dinheiro da Síria para o
seu país, isto é simplesmente porque não podemos fazer nenhum
banco transferências eletrônicas aqui, nem para fazer qualquer
tipo de chamada internacional aqui, seguindo a guerra ..
essas são as principais questões que me preocupam agora, eu
tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque eu não tenho outra
alternativa senão confiar em alguém no exterior, eu sou um
órfão sem irmão ou irmã então eu não posso arriscar minha
vida aqui para evitar um fim para minha linhagem familiar, já
que meu marido está morto. Eu tenho é meus dois filhos e eles
merecem uma vida decente como eu quero que eles cresçam em
um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou me mudar para o seu país com
minhas duas Filhas investindo o dinheiro de acordo com a lei,
tudo que eu quero de você é confiança e tudo será feito, e com
menos de 5 dias a caixa será anotada na sua posição,
Se possível, posso pedir-lhe para me enviar suas informações
como abaixo e eu lhe darei 30% do dinheiro. A informação
necessária é:
Seu nome completo,_________________________
seu número de telefone
seu endereço completo________________________
sua idade______________________
Sra. Hemiz Zayah
Attention Please!!
Mr. David Glover =>
Dear Customer Here is the information to pick up your first
payment of
$5000 through Money Gram store close to you
The International Monetary Fund in Benin Republic.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is compensating some
scam victims and your email address was found in the scam
victims list. This MoneyGram®office has been mandated by the
IMF to transfer your compensation to
You via Money Gram®Money Transfer.
However, we have concluded to affect your own payment
through Money
Gram®Money Transfer, 5000.00 pay day until the total sum of
$4.5 Million
United States is completely transferred to you the receiver. We
cannot be
Able to send the payment with your email address alone, we are
Needed your information to where we will be sending the funds.
Here is the information to pick up your first payment of $5000
MoneyGram store close to you.
Your Reference # 59-87-00-36
Sender first Name Chris
Sender Last Name : Leung
Programed Amount : $5.000.00USD
(Track the MTCN by visiting::::::::: track)
You Can Text or Call once you fill below Information to avoid
(Receivers name)............
(Phone Number).....................
(You’re Age).......................... ........
(ID copy)...............................
(You’re Email Address)...................
Note that your payment files will be returned to the IMF
within 72 hours if we did not hear from you because this was
the instruction given to us by The IMF office here in Benin
Republic. We will start the transfer as soon as we received your
information. You are hereby warned not to communicate or
Duplicate this message for any reason what so ever because the
US FBI is Already on trace of any criminals from any where
I am waiting for your email or text message once you pick up
this $5,000.00. Please text me your direct telephone number
because I need to be calling you once we send any payment for
the information. Note we really need your current direct phone
number so that once we make any payment we shall call you
for the MTCN.
Reply to Email (
Text only: +1(470) 276-4063
You’re faithful
Hours: Open today · 8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Office Number: +22968865580
Attention !!!
This is to notify all our customer about the latest
development concerning all the payment that are left in our
custody,which yours are inclusive beside. Our Money Gram
is now offering a New year bonus for the being of year 2018 to
help all our
customer to receive they funds of $4.800 USD which you will
receiving $6,000 USD per day,Here is what we need from you
to complete
the transfer,
Your Name_______________
Your Country_____________
Mobile phone No____________
Your home address___________
A copy of your ID ________
Bellow is your first payment for $6000usd sent today in your
Sender Name: Rose Williams
Money Gram Reference # 16714293
Question= When
Answer= Today
Amount Sent: $6000.00
Note:that Only Fee Request for You is $88 for re-activate of
the Money
Gram Reference to your name No More Fee again after that.
Mrs Rose Williams
Money Gram Supervisor
Telep +22968865580
Mr Daniel Darienzo ->
This message is the last notification about U USD14.5 million
bearing our
Name as Beneficiary, all effort to reach you have not be
Please if you receive this message kindly respond back stating
your Desire
To make the claim, reconfirm your full name and age
Responder Para-
Aramex Delivery Service California USA
Aramex Delivery Service California USA
To: email ID Owner, United Nations grant compensation
Serial Number: XXX / WO2 / UNWB2018
Package: Certified International Banker Draft
Delivery Schedule: Overnight Delivery (24hours)
From the Desk of:
Aramex Delivery Service California USA
Dear Sir / Madam,
We write to inform you that your United Nations Compensation
payment valued US $1.800,000.00 (One Million Eight Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars) only is been processed and
will be scheduled for release upon your prompt response to this
letter. It is also important you note that from our record, you
have been in contact with some unauthorized officials and some
abnormalities have been observed in your file, which has to be
corrected. Also, you are to confirm you’re personal
information to the accredited delivery company, for verifying
and authenticity of the formal information for onward
Your Certified International Banker Draft has been deposited
with Aramex Delivery Service California USA to coordinate
and process the delivery of your certified check to your
designated home address. Kindly furnish your personal details
as listed below when contacting the Aramex Delivery Service
California USA for the delivery of your check.
Full Name: ...
Home Address: ...
Contact Number: ...
Valid Id for identification: ...
Below are the contact details for the Aramex Delivery Service
California USA
Aramex Delivery Service California USA
Office address : 3750 W Century Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90303,
Contact Number: +1-(661) 231-3510
Contact Person : Mr. Carl Cruz
It is more advisable to call the Aramex Delivery Service on
this number + 1-(661) 231-3510 for onward delivery of your
certified check to your nominated home address. Should you
require any further clarification or assistance, please do not
hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Respective in Services
Mrs. Mary E. Anderson .
UN Office California.
Responder para -
Williams Johnson
I know it is because of your past expenses that make you not to
believe me
but I told you before that I cannot deceive you because my
bible says what
shall it profit a man to gaiGOOD NEWS,
I know it is because of your past expenses that make you not to
believe me
but I told you before that I cannot deceive you because my
bible says what
shall it profit a man to gain material things and loose your
soul, any way
their is goodGOOD NEWS,
I know it is because of your past expenses that make you not to
believe me
but I told you before that I cannot deceive you because my
bible says what
shall it profit a man to gain material things and loose your
soul, any way
their is good news now, i raised some money to help you out
and make sure
that your payment will be release to you the same day you send
the $188.00
as well. I borrowed money yesterday after service from my
Pastor, then you
have to send the remain balance now only $188.00 but i don't
see the reason
why you have keep silent on me not to respond back, honestly I
am just
disappointed at your behaviors before because you know that I
deceive you, Just pay the $188.00 and leave rest for me
watching me if I am
telling you lies or not.
Your payments is already approval today for you to receive it
but the
management here says that you must pay $188.00 for the Stamp
and activation
charge before you can receive the payment today, please send
the charge
through western union immediately, i have assured you a time
without number
that this is genuine and legitimate. I swear If I fail to release
payment after you send the $188.00 as I promise don't count on
me again, I
cannot fail you, I promise you, don’t fear as soon as you send
the $188.00
today please leave the rest to me and see if I am lie to you
because I can
not use my life swear because of $188.00, how can I swear
against my life
because of this small amount? it is to show you that I am
telling you the
You have an assurance of receiving your payment once this is
settled and
whatever that arises next shall be taking care of by this our
head office,
but i swear nothing is going to come up again after this and i
will make
sure you start receiving your funds immediately or i will write
a petition
against our headquarter office and they will have whatever you
have spent
on your funds sent it back to you first thing tomorrow. Just try
understand because i do not want you to loose your funds that
you have
spent so much on now you have only one step to receiving your
funds. Do not
allow the devil to turn your mind against this because by the
time you
realize you have a mistake, it might be too late to recover.
I will guarantee you 100% sure that you will not pay any more
money after
you send this fee because you will pick up your first payment
45minutes after receiving the last fee from you and I will bear
the cost of
the fee if it is any other fee but I believer that no any fee we
will ask
you to pay again I am makes sure that I must put smile on your
face in next
45 minutes I am waiting for your payment because this
transaction has taken
so long and I don't want you to lose this fund at the end This
are your
funds which is already in our system to transfer to you and it
will be
release to you as soon as you pay the (A.R.O) Authorization
Release Order
fees of $188.00 USD.
Please do not send any more money again now for you to know
that we are
100% sure that this fee is only money you will send in this
office here is
your western union information you will use to pick up your
first payment
is out already now and your total amount is $4.5Million the
each payment
you will receive per day is $4,500 everyday.
Receiver Name ::::: Donald Pele
Country :::::::: Benin Republic
City :::::::: Porto_Novo
Question :::::::: A
Answer :::::::: B
Amount :::::::: $188.00
Money Transfer Control Number :::::::: (M.T.C.N)
Sender's name ::::::::
Sender's Direct Telephone::::::::::
I promise you as soon as we hear from you with the payment of
Today we shall send your pick up information the same day you
send the
$188.00 I swear.
Yours Sincerely
Williams Johnson
Foreign Operation Manager
Phone Number:: +22969715796
before that I cannot deceive you because my bible says what
shall it profit a man to gain material thiman to gain material
things and loose your soul, any way
their is good news now, i raised some money to help you out
and make sure
that your payment will be release to you the same news now, i
raised some money to help you out and make sure
that your payment will be release to you the same day you send
the $188.00
as well. I borrowed money yesterday after service from my
Pastor, then you
have to send the remain balance now only $188.00 but i don't
see the reason
why you have keep silent on me not to respond back, honestly I
am just
disappointed at your behaviors before because you know that I
deceive you, Just pay the $188.00 and leave rest for me
watching me if I am
telling you lies or not.
Your payments is already approval today for you to receive it
but the
management here says that you must pay $188.00 for the Stamp
and activation
charge before you can receive the payment today, please send
the charge
through western union immediately, i have assured you a time
without number
that this is genuine and legitimate. I swear If I fail to release
payment after you send the $188.00 as I promise don't count on
me again, I
cannot fail you, I promise you, don’t fear as soon as you send
the $188.00
today please leave the rest to me and see if I am lie to you
because I can
not use my life swear because of $188.00, how can I swear
against my life
because of this small amount? it is to show you that I am
telling you the
You have an assurance of receiving your payment once this is
settled and
whatever that arises next shall be taking care of by this our
head office,
but i swear nothing is going to come up again after this and i
will make
sure you start receiving your funds immediately or i will write
a petition
against our headquarter office and they will have whatever you
have spent
on your funds sent it back to you first thing tomorrow. Just try
understand because i do not want you to loose your funds that
you have
spent so much on now you have only one step to receiving your
funds. Do not
allow the devil to turn your mind against this because by the
time you
realize you have a mistake, it might be too late to recover.
I will guarantee you 100% sure that you will not pay any more
money after
you send this fee because you will pick up your first payment
45minutes after receiving the last fee from you and I will bear
the cost of
the fee if it is any other fee but I believer that no any fee we
will ask
you to pay again I am makes sure that I must put smile on your
face in next
45 minutes I am waiting for your payment because this
transaction has taken
so long and I don't want you to lose this fund at the end This
are your
funds which is already in our system to transfer to you and it
will be
release to you as soon as you pay the (A.R.O) Authorization
Release Order
fees of $188.00 USD.
Please do not send any more money again now for you to know
that we are
100% sure that this fee is only money you will send in this
office here is
your western union information you will use to pick up your
first payment
is out already now and your total amount is $4.5Million the
each payment
you will receive per day is $4,500 everyday.
Receiver Name ::::: Donald Pele
Country :::::::: Benin Republic
City :::::::: Porto_Novo
Question :::::::: A
Answer :::::::: B
Amount :::::::: $188.00
Money Transfer Control Number :::::::: (M.T.C.N)
Sender's name ::::::::
Sender's Direct Telephone::::::::::
I promise you as soon as we hear from you with the payment of
Today we shall send your pick up information the same day you
send the
$188.00 I swear.
Yours Sincerely
Williams Johnson
Foreign Operation Manager
Phone Number:: +22969715796
before that I cannot deceive you because my bible says what
shall it profit a man to gain material thiman to gain material
things and loose your soul, any way
their is good news now, i raised some money to help you out
and make sure
that your payment will be release to you the samen material
things and loose your soul, any way
their is goodGOOD NEWS,
I know it is because of your past expenses that make you not to
believe me
but I told you before that I cannot deceive you because my
bible says what
shall it profit a man to gain material things and loose your
soul, any way
their is good news now, i raised some money to help you out
and make sure
that your payment will be release to you the same day you send
the $188.00
as well. I borrowed money yesterday after service from my
Pastor, then you
have to send the remain balance now only $188.00 but i don't
see the reason
why you have keep silent on me not to respond back, honestly I
am just
disappointed at your behaviors before because you know that I
deceive you, Just pay the $188.00 and leave rest for me
watching me if I am
telling you lies or not.
Your payments is already approval today for you to receive it
but the
management here says that you must pay $188.00 for the Stamp
and activation
charge before you can receive the payment today, please send
the charge
through western union immediately, i have assured you a time
without number
that this is genuine and legitimate. I swear If I fail to release
payment after you send the $188.00 as I promise don't count on
me again, I
cannot fail you, I promise you, don’t fear as soon as you send
the $188.00
today please leave the rest to me and see if I am lie to you
because I can
not use my life swear because of $188.00, how can I swear
against my life
because of this small amount? it is to show you that I am
telling you the
You have an assurance of receiving your payment once this is
settled and
whatever that arises next shall be taking care of by this our
head office,
but i swear nothing is going to come up again after this and i
will make
sure you start receiving your funds immediately or i will write
a petition
against our headquarter office and they will have whatever you
have spent
on your funds sent it back to you first thing tomorrow. Just try
understand because i do not want you to loose your funds that
you have
spent so much on now you have only one step to receiving your
funds. Do not
allow the devil to turn your mind against this because by the
time you
realize you have a mistake, it might be too late to recover.
I will guarantee you 100% sure that you will not pay any more
money after
you send this fee because you will pick up your first payment
45minutes after receiving the last fee from you and I will bear
the cost of
the fee if it is any other fee but I believer that no any fee we
will ask
you to pay again I am makes sure that I must put smile on your
face in next
45 minutes I am waiting for your payment because this
transaction has taken
so long and I don't want you to lose this fund at the end This
are your
funds which is already in our system to transfer to you and it
will be
release to you as soon as you pay the (A.R.O) Authorization
Release Order
fees of $188.00 USD.
Please do not send any more money again now for you to know
that we are
100% sure that this fee is only money you will send in this
office here is
your western union information you will use to pick up your
first payment
is out already now and your total amount is $4.5Million the
each payment
you will receive per day is $4,500 everyday.
Receiver Name ::::: Donald Pele
Country :::::::: Benin Republic
City :::::::: Porto_Novo
Question :::::::: A
Answer :::::::: B
Amount :::::::: $188.00
Money Transfer Control Number :::::::: (M.T.C.N)
Sender's name ::::::::
Sender's Direct Telephone::::::::::
I promise you as soon as we hear from you with the payment of
Today we shall send your pick up information the same day you
send the
$188.00 I swear.
Yours Sincerely
Williams Johnson
Foreign Operation Manager
Phone Number:: +22969715796
before that I cannot deceive you because my bible says what
shall it profit a man to gain material thiman to gain material
things and loose your soul, any way
their is good news now, i raised some money to help you out
and make sure
that your payment will be release to you the same news now, i
raised some money to help you out and make sure
that your payment will be release to you the same day you send
the $188.00
as well. I borrowed money yesterday after service from my
Pastor, then you
have to send the remain balance now only $188.00 but i don't
see the reason
why you have keep silent on me not to respond back, honestly I
am just
disappointed at your behaviors before because you know that I
deceive you, Just pay the $188.00 and leave rest for me
watching me if I am
telling you lies or not.
Your payments is already approval today for you to receive it
but the
management here says that you must pay $188.00 for the Stamp
and activation
charge before you can receive the payment today, please send
the charge
through western union immediately, i have assured you a time
without number
that this is genuine and legitimate. I swear If I fail to release
payment after you send the $188.00 as I promise don't count on
me again, I
cannot fail you, I promise you, don’t fear as soon as you send
the $188.00
today please leave the rest to me and see if I am lie to you
because I can
not use my life swear because of $188.00, how can I swear
against my life
because of this small amount? it is to show you that I am
telling you the
You have an assurance of receiving your payment once this is
settled and
whatever that arises next shall be taking care of by this our
head office,
but i swear nothing is going to come up again after this and i
will make
sure you start receiving your funds immediately or i will write
a petition
against our headquarter office and they will have whatever you
have spent
on your funds sent it back to you first thing tomorrow. Just try
understand because i do not want you to loose your funds that
you have
spent so much on now you have only one step to receiving your
funds. Do not
allow the devil to turn your mind against this because by the
time you
realize you have a mistake, it might be too late to recover.
I will guarantee you 100% sure that you will not pay any more
money after
you send this fee because you will pick up your first payment
45minutes after receiving the last fee from you and I will bear
the cost of
the fee if it is any other fee but I believer that no any fee we
will ask
you to pay again I am makes sure that I must put smile on your
face in next
45 minutes I am waiting for your payment because this
transaction has taken
so long and I don't want you to lose this fund at the end This
are your
funds which is already in our system to transfer to you and it
will be
release to you as soon as you pay the (A.R.O) Authorization
Release Order
fees of $188.00 USD.
Please do not send any more money again now for you to know
that we are
100% sure that this fee is only money you will send in this
office here is
your western union information you will use to pick up your
first payment
is out already now and your total amount is $4.5Million the
each payment
you will receive per day is $4,500 everyday.
Receiver Name ::::: Donald Pele
Country :::::::: Benin Republic
City :::::::: Porto_Novo
Question :::::::: A
Answer :::::::: B
Amount :::::::: $188.00
Money Transfer Control Number :::::::: (M.T.C.N)
Sender's name ::::::::
Sender's Direct Telephone::::::::::
I promise you as soon as we hear from you with the payment of
Today we shall send your pick up information the same day you
send the
$188.00 I swear.
Yours Sincerely
Sehr geehrter Herr / Frau
Jagtap Shashikant (Contractor)
Subject: Sehr geehrter Herr / Frau
Mein Name ist J.Wu, Executive Officer und Direktor von
Far Eastern International Bank China.
Ich schreibe heimlich, um Sie wissen zu lassen, dass ein
Kunde bei meiner Bank, Alexandra, gestorben ist und eine
Anzahlung von 78 Millionen Dollar auf seinem Bankkonto
hinterließ, ohne dass ein überlebender Verwandter das Geld
Sein Konto in meiner Bank ist derzeit gesperrt. Nun will
meine Bank bis Ende nächsten Monats die nicht beanspruchten
78 Millionen Dollar an die Staatskasse der japanischen
Regierung zurückgeben.
Ich bin Leiter der Abteilung meiner Bank, die nach
überlebenden Verwandten des toten Kunden suchte, um das
Geld jahrelang erfolglos zu erben.
Ich habe festgestellt, dass Sie beide einen ähnlichen
Nachnamen haben. Also, ich möchte dem Gesetz von Japan und
dem Bankwesen folgen und Sie zu den einzigen überlebenden
Verwandten des toten Kunden machen, um dieses Geld von
meiner Bank zu erben. Ich habe alle gesetzlichen und
Bankvereinbarungen sorgfältig getroffen.
Es ist streng geheim. Ich würde nur eine Antwort erwarten,
wenn Sie interessiert sind
From Mrs Ethel McGuire Text Me now Phone: +1 (509) 240-
Mrs Ethel McGuire -
Good Day!
I am contacting you regarding a special cargo that has been
abandoned here at our warehouse In Los Angles International
Airport for over a period of 2 years and when scanned, it
revealed an undisclosed sum of money in it. From my findings,
the cargo originated from Benin Republic and the content was
not declared as money by the consignor in order to avoid
diversion by the shipping agent. So after our discovering, we
decided to break the box and we found cotton wool lining
wedged into the plywood box, the box contained $8.5 Million
USD dollars. And we also found out that the box also contained
one certificate which is LEGALITY CERTIFICATE. Please I
want you to text me message so that I can show you everything.
Click below Link to know about me
Best Regards
Assistant Chief Ethel McGuire
Los Angeles International Airport
1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045, United States
Code: LAX Elevation: 38 m
RES´PONDER PARA - Mrs Ethel McGuire (infor-
Hello Dear Friend.
Mrs Favour Solomon
20 de jun (Há 2 dias)
Cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas
para roubar informações pessoais. Caso não confie no
remetente, não clique em links nem envie informações
confidenciais para este e-mail. Saiba mais
Hello Dear Friend.
Am Mrs.Favour Solomon . i work in one of the prime bank
here in Burkina
Faso, i want the bank to transfer the money left by most of the
African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas
through the
help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they
transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold and oil money
was supposed to have been used to develop the continent.
can you investment this money and also help the poor' the
value at ($6.5million Dollars) (six Million Five Hundred
United States American Dollars), left in his account still
More details will be giving to you if you are interested
Thanks with my best regards
Mrs.Favour Solomon,
Telex Manager
United Bank for Africa (UBA)
Burkina Faso.
Dear friend,
I know this means of communication may not be morally right
to you as
a person but I also have had a great thought about it and I have
to this conclusion which I am about to share with you.
INTRODUCTION: I am a banker and in one way or the other
was hoping you
will cooperate with me as a partner in a project of transferring
abandoned fund of a late customer of the bank worth of
(Eighteen Million Dollars US).
This will be disbursed or shared between the both of us in these
percentages, 45% for me and 45% for you while 10% will be for
both parties might have incurred during the process of
Also according to the agreement if the payment year expires
and the
account holder or partner wishes to claim the said funds, the
has to re-activate the account. The cost of the re-activation will
paid by both of us.
Contact me immediately if that is alright for you so that we can
in agreement before we start processing for the transfer of the
If you are satisfied with this proposal, please provide the below
details for the Mutual Confidential Agreement:
1. Full Name and Address
2. Occupation and Country of Origin
3. Telephone Number and Next of Kin
I wait for your response so that we can commence on this
project as
soon as possible.
Mr. Mussa Ali
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