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Facebook:Cohen H Georgana
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hola me puede investigar,ah whisley cracker?,
por favor es un estafador,ayudadme investigar,esta,persona me enamoro,
y me convencio ,lo mande 850,dolares,me dijo que hay un,paquete,para recoger,,
que hay en esa caja hay reloj,de oro cadena de oro.y dinero
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De: "Mrs. Amirah Asfari" - amirahasfari2017@hotmail.com
Data: XX de abril de 2017
Assunto: Meu nome é Sra. Amirah Asfari
Meu nome é Sra. Amirah Asfari, estou muito interessado em comprar o seu imóvel no último preço, estou disposto a não mais informações sobre a propriedade obrigado.
asilalasadi01@gmail.com escreveu:
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Lamento pela minha resposta tardia. E por favor, está tudo bem para comunicar em Inglês? Eu não estou vivendo no Brasil atualmente. Nota, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não imaginário e fez o que por isso que eu fui a um site seguro onde possa ser surethat você é para real. Eu acredito que eu posso confiar em você. Informamos fez isso é meu interesse sincero para comprar sua bicicleta, então eu vou ser feliz para pedir sua permissão para trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios no Brasil. você pode reservar esta moto para mim? Se isso for possível, então eu vou estar no Brasil no próximo mês para conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
Eu sou a Sra Asil Al Asadi, uma mulher síria. Eu desejo de mudar para o Brasil devido à prolongada civil, agitação / guerra na Síria, bem como os fatais ataques diários por grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi a minha família, meu marido e filha para as mãos frias de morte durante um ataque dirigido a nossa casa em 23 de Março, 2016, para acabar com a nossa família. Eu e meu filho o que não em torno durante o fogo cruzado. estávamos no hospital para check-up Quando o atacaram a nossa casa matando meu amado marido e minha filha e definindo a casa em chamas. Estou em lágrimas escrevendo este e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um empreiteiro muito bem sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria, eo que lidar privada em pó e barras de ouro antes de sua morte prematura. Expectedly, ele deixou para trás alguma quantidade razoável de dinheiro, o que eu desejo para investir no setor imobiliário e outros setores interessantes no Brasil.
Como você pode ou não pode saber, as sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e pela União Europeia tornaram quase impossível de operar com sucesso qualquer tipo de investimento aqui na Síria ou até mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui para outras partes do mundo. Por esta razão, eu estou entrando em contato em grande confiança com a esperança de que você poderia me ajudar a conseguir esse dinheiro no Brasil para fins de investimento:
Por favor, eu gostaria de saber como conveniente que poderia ser para você me ajudar neste caminho. Todo o capital à minha disposição é nove milhões de dólares norte-americanos. Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em uma caixa tronco e depositou-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha sincera intenção, por escrito, você é a pleitear com você para aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isto é porque nós não podemos fazer quaisquer transferências bancárias a partir daqui Depois da guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Vou dar-lhe 30% do total do dinheiro como o seu benefício por me ajudar.
Tenho de aproveitar esta oportunidade porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar a minha vida aqui para evitar acabar com a minha linhagem familiar. Como uma mulher desde o meu marido e filha está morta, tudo o que tenho é o meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida decente desde que eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente pacífico. Eu quero mudar para o Brasil com meu filho e investir o dinheiro em Accor dança com a lei, o seu aconselhamento e apoio; podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar.
I antecipar sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de suas informações que irá fornecer-lhe mais detalhes.
Asil Al Asadi.
(11) 91829-5666
(Public Affairs)( REF:012IMFA )
E-mail (officeheadofficial@yahoo.com )
Good Day!!!!
Don't be so smart, Stop deceiving your-self, But I will still brief
you that you are running out of time because there is no way you will
get any funds from Africa since you refused to Register and to respond
to our previous mails,Even if you like you pay money to every body in
all Africa contents as a whole, There is no way you can get your funds
or your consignment too,Because our 24/7 tracking surveillance is
monitoring all your transaction and those you are working with all
this while with those people you called your lawyer or representative
in Benin and other country here in Africa, By the way what have they
done for you just for you to trust them? What have you gain or get in
return in all the transaction these lawyer's or representative have
verify for you? It is only a stupid fool will seek someone who is
younger to be your own child to investigate a transaction on your
behalf, what a shame? Why you never received any money from Africa
internet compensation is that you did not register as a member to IMF
AND CDA Try today.
Just (3) days ago we arrested 14 scammer's who are under the age of
18-22yrs old, impersonating different office in Benin, due to the
Benin lawyer they were sentence to 5yrs imprisonment for fraudulent
activities in Benin, due to investigation, some of this arrested
victim has a luxurious cars etc. So imagine your money used or spend
for women and beer due to their confessions.
This are some of the reason most of you are ask to be a registered
member to the IMF And CDA which give you 100% security of getting all
your funds from Africa within a second. It is only those who are
member to the U.N/U.N.A.O are advice not to make any further payment
to us since they will get their individual documentation both from IMF
and the U.N/U.N.A.O office but investigation will carry out to know if
you are any register member to any of the organization mentioned to
But If you are not a member, please kindly pay your IMF and CDA
membership certificate and identification card which will cost you
$121 uSD SEND it today or fall to do so you lose your fund and
kindly send it to our cashier bellow:
Reciever Name: AELX OKEY
City: Cotonou
Country: Benin Republic
City . cotonou
Code: 229
Amount: ($121.00 )
sender name-
I wait to hear from you immediately to enable your transfer take place
immediately without any further delay or stress . E-mail
(officeheadofficial@yahoo.com )
Regards, Mr. POULA LABANA +229 63422 008 call me once you send it .
MR ROBERT WILLIAMS - leganord.como@alice.it
I want to acknowledge you that we have finally succeeded in getting your
package worth’s of $7.5USD out of ECOWAS department with the help of Mr.
James George Attorney General of Federal High Court of Justice so you are
advised to reconfirm your full delivery information to the Agent Jerry cook
right now as he is currently at J.F.K International Airport new York USA, you
have to call him with this number (+1 505 501 7335) because he have be
with your two CONSIGNMENT BOX and also has already called me with his number
on his arrival 4hours ago So contact him to deliver your boxes first thing
tomorrow morning possibly today Make sure the bellow stated codes are
identified when contacting him and the content of the boxes should not be
revealed for his does not know the content as it's a VIP Delivery dispatched
directly from my office and tT56he director of the Company
TRANSACTION CODE 7126/JLFS/7138/17305/
Full Name=============
Mobile Phone Number========
Nearest Airport ===========
Current Home Address========
Email ;(agentjamesbrown034@gmail.com)
Phone Number text me or call (+1 505 501 7335)
Notice for payment
Bophelo Azwinaki - bopheloazwinaki@yahoo.com
Attached is the payment proof, please verify and revert.
Financial Accountant
Área de anexos
RESPONDER PARA - mr.neiltrotter019@gmail.com>
Mr Neil Trotter - mrneiltrotter888@gmail.com
A Donation Of 1 Million British Pounds To You In Good Faith
RESPONDER PARA - dperkins001@inbox.lt
Re: Reservation
David Perkins
I want to make a reservation in your facility for Six (6) newly ordained priest from Greece they will be visiting your country for a seven (8) days religious program in the month of June 2017.
Arrival Date : 12th June.2017
Departure Date:19th June.2017
Number of guest:7
Number of rooms:4
Kindly confirm availability and get back to me with the cost, so that we can pay a deposit for the rooms to be reserved for them, am waiting for your swift response.
Mr David Perkins
RESPONDER PARA - michellepatte@mail15.com
Michelle Francoise Patte
24 de abr (Há 1 dia)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários. Se não conhecer o remetente, não clique em links nem responda com suas informações pessoais. Saiba mais
Good Morning ,
I hope that you have a wonderful health, I saw your profile and I would like to discuss an important and confidential business with you, your profile is perfect for a project i need your assistance for that so , let me know if you agree and I will send you all the necessary details.
RESPONDER Para - dannysmithluv@gmail.com
Are you there?
Danny Smith
My name is Danny Smith, I am the branch manager of Israel discount bank Yehuda Halevi, how're you doing today my friend do you know any one called Edward ? i am contacting you because you have the same surname.
Notice for payment
clement johnson - clementjohnson129@yahoo.com>
Anexos24 de abr
Attached is the payment proof, please verify and revert.
Financial Accountant
Área de anexos
Em 23 de abr de 2017 17:08, "Ami Barake" - amibarakee@gmail.com escreveu:
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Lamento pela minha resposta tardia. E por favor, está tudo bem para comunicar em Inglês? Eu não estou vivendo no Brasil atualmente. Nota, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não imaginário e fez o que por isso que eu fui a um site seguro onde possa ser surethat você é para real. Eu acredito que eu posso confiar em você. Informamos fez isso é meu interesse sincero para comprar sua bicicleta, então eu vou ser feliz para pedir sua permissão para trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios no Brasil. você pode reservar esta moto para mim? Se isso for possível, então eu vou estar no Brasil no próximo mês para conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
Eu sou a Sra Ami Barake, uma mulher síria. Eu desejo de mudar para o Brasil devido à prolongada civil, agitação / guerra na Síria, bem como os fatais ataques diários por grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi a minha família, meu marido e filha para as mãos frias de morte durante um ataque dirigido a nossa casa em 23 de Março, 2016, para acabar com a nossa família. Eu e meu filho o que não em torno durante o fogo cruzado. estávamos no hospital para check-up Quando o atacaram a nossa casa matando meu amado marido e minha filha e definindo a casa em chamas. Estou em lágrimas escrevendo este e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um empreiteiro muito bem sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria, eo que lidar privada em pó e barras de ouro antes de sua morte prematura. Expectedly, ele deixou para trás alguma quantidade razoável de dinheiro, o que eu desejo para investir no setor imobiliário e outros setores interessantes no Brasil.
Como você pode ou não pode saber, as sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e pela União Europeia tornaram quase impossível de operar com sucesso qualquer tipo de investimento aqui na Síria ou até mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui para outras partes do mundo. Por esta razão, eu estou entrando em contato em grande confiança com a esperança de que você poderia me ajudar a conseguir esse dinheiro no Brasil para fins de investimento:
Por favor, eu gostaria de saber como conveniente que poderia ser para você me ajudar neste caminho. Todo o capital à minha disposição é nove milhões de dólares norte-americanos. Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em uma caixa tronco e depositou-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha sincera intenção, por escrito, você é a pleitear com você para aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isto é porque nós não podemos fazer quaisquer transferências bancárias a partir daqui Depois da guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Vou dar-lhe 30% do total do dinheiro como o seu benefício por me ajudar.
Tenho de aproveitar esta oportunidade porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar a minha vida aqui para evitar acabar com a minha linhagem familiar. Como uma mulher desde o meu marido e filha está morta, tudo o que tenho é o meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida decente desde que eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente pacífico. Eu quero mudar para o Brasil com meu filho e investir o dinheiro em Accor dança com a lei, o seu aconselhamento e apoio; podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar.
I antecipar sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de suas informações que irá fornecer-lhe mais detalhes.
Ami Barake.
11) 91829-5847
Miss Samira Kipkalya - hytwavq@aol.com
My Dearest,
My name is Samira, am an undergraduate, a young, lovely, honest and caring lady from Kenya but am staying at the refugee camp in Burkina Faso now , considering the fact that I have not meet you before but my condition compelled to write this mail to you after reading your profile and it is fascinating, I decided to mail you due to the urgency of my present situation here in the refugee camp for you to rescue me , please I really want to have a good relationship with you if you will accept me because I have an important issue about my inherited fund 6.7 million USA dollars deposited in Islamic Development Bank here in Burkina Faso by my late father, please I want you to assist me and stand as my foreign Trustee and partner, that is what the bank demands of me which is in accordance to my late father will and instruction , please you will provide an account for this money and transfer it into your bank account as my foreign partner and Trustee , it will involve some expenses and Am willing to offer you 30% of the total money for your help and services , I have all the document for prove and I want you to please be honest with me if you have accept to assist me, to reply here is my Email misssamirakipkalya023@gmail.com
Yours sincerely
Miss samira kipkalya
Miss Samira Kipkalya (hytwavq@aol.com)
RESPONDER PARA - angelinarichardsonn@yahoo.co.jp
DONATION FOR less-privileged
Angelina Richardson
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem.Esta mensagem pode não ter sido enviada por: ang854485@gmail.com. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários. Saiba mais
DONATION FOR less-privileged
I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears in my eyes and great sorrow in my heart. I am (Mrs.) Angelina Richardson a widow to late Wright Richardson, I am 63 years old, suffering from long time Cancer of the breast. From all indications my condition is really deteriorating and it's quite obvious that I won't live more than 2 months according to my doctors. I have some funds I inherited from my late loving husband Mr. Wright Richardson, the sum of (USD$2.300.000,00) which he deposited in a bank here and I need a very honest and God fearing person that can use these funds for Charity work, helping the Less Privileges, and 30% of this money will be for your time and effort, while 70% goes to charities.
1: For the sick, less-privileged
2: For the Widows and the motherless babies
3: Orphanage or Charity Home
As soon as I receive your reply I shall use the little money I have for my drugs and Medicare to procure and issue you a letter of authority which will prove that you are the new beneficiary of my funds and I shall release the contact of the Bank to you.
Yours sincerely.
Mrs. Angelina Richardson
responder para - dunnstella14@yahoo.com
Bonjour a toi
Bonjour mon cher,
Je m'appelle Stella DUNN, de nationalité franco-canadienne, âgée de
Vingt huit ans sans enfants. Je travaille en tant que médecin
généraliste de formation pour une organisation de la place. Le but de
mon message est de tisser avec votre personne un lien réciproque
d'amitié, culturelle et pourquoi pas professionnel, je suis chrétienne
mais je n'ai rien contre les autres religions et je ne suis pas
raciste non plus, je serai en attente de votre réponse dans mon émail
si vous
n'y trouvez aucun inconvénient.
RESPONDER Para - robertscott2012@yahoo.co.jp
Robert Scott
Dear Beneficiary
I wish to notify you that the sum of US$5 million United States
Dollars only, has been approved to you.
This action, was the final resolution taken by United Nations/IMF to
clear up all outstanding debt by cutting all debt payments down to
US$5million only to each beneficiary.
We have so far, reconciled and have paid over 62 beneficiaries, who
have had various problems receiving their payments in the past. We
have been able to ascertain the cause of some of these delays, which
was pointed to divert of beneficiary's funds by officials of payment
agencies or Banks.
Fraudulent officials and banks that unfeelingly extort money from beneficiaries.
All these problems have been removed and most beneficiaries whose
records have been submitted to us have been paid directly by
International Certified Bank Draft.
Acknowledge receipt of this letter urgently and state in your response
to us on how you want to receive this money.
You are to send your,
(1)Your Full Name:
(3)Home Address:
(6)Marital status:
scan copy of your international passport or Driver's license.
I await your response.
Best Regards,
Mr. Robert Scott
RESPONDER Para - robertscott2012@yahoo.co.jp
RESPONDER PARA - mrs.aminata2015@hotmail.com
From: Mrs. Aminata Idrissa Coulibaly
Aminata Idrissa Coulibaly
From: Mrs. Aminata Idrissa Coulibaly
Residence Address is:
Address: Bp. Rue` de`207 Avenue 102 Cotonou
Republic De` Benin.
Peace Be With You.
I am Mrs. Aminata Idrissa Coulibaly, a financial consultant of Mrs.Simone
Gbagbo the wife of the former president of Cote`D Ivoire Laurent Gbagbo.
Actually Mrs. Gbagbo has the sum of USD$6.500,000.00($6.5 Million dollars)
under my care, to invest in real estate. The present government of Cote d'
Ivoire (Ivory Coast) has impounded all assets and cash belonging to family of
ex President Laurent Gbagbo and these funds is still safe because it was
already moved to a separate and secured financial institution. During my last
visit to her in prison, she advised that I make an arrangement to move the
money out immediately and invest the money abroad which was why I contacted
I choose to contact a complete stranger for this transaction because so
many people have betrayed them since they are no longer in power.
I need someone who can be trusted because this is the only thing left for
this family and for the future of their family, since all have lost.
I need your urgent response so that I can give you more details to enable
us move forward. We shall give you 15% of the total sum for this sincere
assistant.I assure you that you will never regret your efforts. This
transaction is programmed to be completed in 10 days. Please do forward your
information as listed below if you are willing to handle this transaction.
Your full name:
Your contact address:
Your phone number:
Date and Place of Birth:
Country of Origin:
I wait to read from you on: private e-mail. (mrs.aminata2015@hotmail.com ) and
keep this information top secret.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Aminata Idrissa Coulibaly
Mr. John Lee (I.M.F).
23 de abr (Há 2 dias)
para Recipients
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários. Se não conhecer o remetente, não clique em links nem responda com suas informações pessoais. Saiba mais
( I.M.F ) Head Office
Senior Resident Representative
9 Hon. Justice Mohammed Bello St.
Asokoro Abuja
E-mail: RR-NG@imf.org
Attention; Fund Beneficiary,
This is to intimate you of a very important information which will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting your long over due payment, due to excessive demand for money from you by both corrupt Bank officials and Courier Companies after which your fund remain unpaid to you.
I am Mr. John Lee, a highly placed official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on the uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks and Courier Companies/ Diplomat across Europe to Africa and Asia /London Uk. We have decided to put a stop to that and that is why I was appointed to handle your transaction here in Nigeria.
All Governmental and Non-Governmental prostates, NGOs, Finance Companies, Banks, Security Companies and Courier companies which have been in contact with you of late have been instructed to back off from your transaction and you have been advised NOT to respond to them anymore since the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is now directly in charge of your payment. Your name appeared in our payment schedule list of beneficiaries that will receive their funds in this first quarter payment of the year because we only transfer fund twice in a year according to our banking regulation. We apologize for the delay of your payment and please stop communicating with any office now and attention to our office payment accordingly.
Now your new Payment, United nation Approval No; UN5685P, White House Approved No: WH44CV, Reference No.-35460021, Allocation No: 674632 Password No: 339331, Pin Code No: 55674 and your Certificate of Merit Payment No: 103, Released Code No: 0763; Immediate (IMF) Telex confirmation No: -1114433; Secret Code No: XXTN013.
Your part payment inheritance fund is USD$10.7Million. Having received these vital payment numbers, therefore you are qualified now to received and confirm your payment with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) African Region immediately within the next 168hrs. We assure you that your payment will get to you as long as you follow my directives and instructions. We have decided to give you a CODE, THE CODE IS: 601. Please, any time you receive a mail with the name Mr.John Lee, check if there is CODE (601) if the code is not written, please delete the massage from your box!
You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any institutions with respect to your transaction as your fund will be transferred to you directly from our source. I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk. Respond to this e-mail on (johnlewis0901@yahoo.co.jp) with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your fund will be released. Also call me as soon as you send the e-mail so that you will be given an immediate response:Direct Hot-line: Call:+234-802-934-1610
Mr. John Lee (I.M.F).
responder para - office301@163.com
WASHINGTON, DC 20535-0001
This is to officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that your E-mail address was among the email that won National lottery Award which you did not claim, we want to let you know that one of the bank worker where your fund was deposited arrange with his friend to come as the owner of the E-mail that won the
prize which they claim your fund, but now your fund has been recovered from them and the people that claim your fund has been arrested.
If you receive any E-mail that you did not understand that is from unknown person to you please do forward it to us to verify and bring the person to justice.
It has come to the attention of our Money trafficking investigation department, that you have some funds valued $800,000.00 USD on your name, the said payment is awaiting adjudication and we have authorized this winning to be paid to you, this funds are from NATIONAL LOTTERY.
Re-confirm, Names, Address, Phone Number, Age / sex, Occupation and Country, to avoid double claim of your fund.
Shaw McBride
I am Mr Shaw McBride the mega winner of $318 Million USD In Mega Millions Jackpot,
I'm giving away the money to the people who need it more than me.
I have spread most of my wealth over a number of charities and organizations.
I and my wife have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of TWO MILLION $ to 5 people each as part of donation.
I'm in Cambodia now for preaching the word of God to the people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b43yGPgbGL0
THIS IS YOUR DONATION CODE: [ 2312011 ] Send me back the DONATION CODE by responding back to this email: shaw02mcbride12@gmail.com
Shaw McBride.
From: Ousman Jahateh -ousmanjahateh1@gmail.com
Date: sáb, 22 de abr de 2017
Subject: Más detalles,
Estimado xxxxxx.
Gracias por su respuesta y elogio del día, soy el Barrister Ousman Jahateh, abogado especializado en Derecho, abogado personal de (tarde) Alexander Soares, un ciudadano de su país, que trabajó con Shell Development Company en Lomé-Togo para más Más de veinte años.
El 1 de abril de 2010, él y su esposa y su hija única estuvieron involucrados en un accidente automovilístico mientras visitaban un país vecino de vacaciones. Fueron enterrados dos semanas después y he agotado todos los medios de llegar a quienes pudieran haber estado relacionados con ellos.
Esto se ha hecho más difícil porque no se mencionó a ningún familiar mientras estaba vivo. Después de estos varios intentos fallidos de localizar a su familia, decidí contactar con usted desde que mi cliente murió sin testificar (WILL) que es el pariente más cercano De este fondo para presentar y solicitar esta reclamación.
Usted me permitirá como el abogado que toma la lista apropiada cuidado documental de esta propiedad, para llenar su nombre en mi archivo como pariente más cercano y beneficiario de este fondo depositado, por lo tanto mi cliente atrasado no fue firmado ningún nombre en mi chaqueta de archivo como el Heredero de esta voluntad. Con el fin de ayudar a la repatriación del fondo valorado en US $ 4,5 millones dejados por mi cliente antes de que sea confiscado o declarado inutilizable por la firma de Finanzas donde esta enorme cantidad fue depositada.
La mencionada firma de Finanzas me ha enviado un aviso para dar a conocer a los familiares o hacer que se confisque su cuenta y se pierda, ya que he fracasado en localizar a los familiares, ahora busco el consentimiento para presentaros a ustedes como los parientes más cercanos El fallecido ya que voy a llenar su nombre en mi chaqueta de archivo como los familiares de esta finca, para que los ingresos de esta cuenta se puede pagar a usted. Tenga en cuenta que al completar esta transacción, usted tomará el 45% y yo tomaré el 45% mientras que donamos el 10% a la organización de la caridad.
Mientras tanto, usted tiene que proporcionarme sus detalles completos como los enumerados abajo para permitirme preparar una carta oficial de la aplicación a la cual usted remitirá a la firma de las finanzas para la aprobación y el proceso del fondo en su nombre.
Nombres completos,
Direccion de casa,
Fecha de nacimiento,
Número de teléfono móvil
Número de teléfono
Tenga en cuenta que todo lo que necesitaba de usted es su cooperación honesta para permitirnos ver esta transacción a través de. Le garantizo sinceramente que este acuerdo será ejecutado bajo un acuerdo legítimo que le protegerá de cualquier infracción de la ley en su país.
Espero tener noticias de usted con la información necesaria.
Ousman Jahateh, Esq.
Abogado en SCP Yadis International
Abogados / Abogados.
Lome Hd qurt sucursal
085 Blvd Lomé Regional Togo
Teléfono: +228 939-009-78
hello how are you doing
Hello Dear
My name is Mr Jimmy Johnson, your Diplomatic agent I am form DHL Deliver Company, I want to inform you that your ATM MASTER CARD package is here with me in the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport usa, so I want you to email me or text me on (915) 320-0283) with your full information where I will deliver you package to you, and go back to my country.
1 Your Full name_____
2 Your country_____
3 Your Address______
4. Your Phone Number____ +
5. Your age/sex______
6. Your occupation_____
7 your ID card photo_____
Diplomat Mr Jimmy Johnson, and this my number (915) 320-0283),
txt me or call me
And this airport address with I am (2400 Aviation Dr, DFW Airport, TX 75261, USA)
And this is my Directorat name is DR. Mikel Kelly,DHL Directorat, numbe +229 995 34666
email.( dhl.directorat230@gmail.com )
Good day to you
My Name is Mrs Inga Beale the Chief Executive Officer of the Lloyd's TSB International Bank of England. I write to seek your urgent proposal for a business transaction that will be of immense benefit for both of us. Please contact me via this email mrsingabeale123@yahoo.com if you are interested only.
Looking forward to hearing from you soonest
Thank you
Dhl Delivery Company Head Office Cotonou Benin Republic
You are welcome to Express Delivery Company
Finance Department Director
Attention Dear Beneficiary.
I'm written to inform you that your Fund valued of (US$7,5 million) was
converted to ATM Card and it was deposited here in our office and need to
deliver to your designation address,So Please contact us with your full
information!NOTE:If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder that is
because of the restrictions implemented by your Internet Service Provider we
the (DHL DELIVERY COMPANY) urge you to treat it genuinely.
This is the second notice we are sending to you in regards to your fund left
here in our office,we notified you about this few weeks ago but we haven’t
heard from you up till this moment.Many other packages,which we are supposed
deliver together with yours,had already been delivered to their various owners
and yet yours is still here in our company.
We are very grateful to be at your service.You have a fund in our office which
required to summit the following personal details listed below to our office
via e-mail so that your ATM CARD will be delivered to you at your door step
within 48hours without any delay or stoppage from anybody.
Your Full Name...................
Your Mobile Phone Number............
Your Current Home Address...........
Your Country..............
Your Nearest Airport..............
Yes your ATM Card has being registered here in our office needed to be delivery
I want you to know that you have to pay for the delivery of your ATM
Card and note that the delivery fee will cost you the sum of $180usd only.The
delivery agent Mr,James Brown to avoid wrong delivery process.Furthermore you
are advised to call us as the instruction was passed that within 1hours without
hearing from you,Count your funds canceled.Number to call is below listed
manager director office of release order:
Thanks for your kind understanding,hope to hear from your soon, God bless.
DHL Senior Delivery Company Officer Official
Office tell:+1 505 501 7335:+229 98 61 22 83
Best Regards
Dr Mike Ben
jessica johnson
Olá meu nome é Jessica por favor
contacte-me com o meu e-mail (jessicajohnsonn9@gmail.com)
Vou te dizer mais sobre mim Okey?
You need a loan to pay your bills and pay the debt? We need an emergency loan or a company loan? You can be denied credit from a bank or financial company? You need a loan to pay bills or buy a home? I need a loan to start a business, get affordable loans at a rate of 3% contact us michealstoneloancompany@gmail.com
Fill in an application for a loan and ask for compensation
Name: ...........................
Contact person: .............................
Country: ...................
Age: ............................
Monthly Income: ....................
I need a loan: ..............................
Repayment of loan: ............................
Occupation: .............................
Phone: .............................. ...
We will contact you within 24 hours with loan terms:
Michael Stones.
Tel: 0030 21 0747 1107
Mobile: +30 69968 73,803
Email: michealstoneloancompany@gmail.com
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