Sehr geehrte Frau / Herr
Ich habe ein Kapital, das von 2.000 bis 2.500.000 € CZK verwendet werden soll im Bereich Kurz- und langfristigen persönliche Darlehen zur Verfügung zu stellen, um eine ernsthafte Person, die das Darlehen will. 2% Zinsen pro Jahr abhängig von der Menge ausgeliehen , weil sie nicht vor allem das Wuchergesetz verletzen wollen. Sie können maximal 3-45 Jahre, abhängig von dem geliehenen Betrag zahlen. Kontaktieren Sie mich für mehr
E-Mail-infor :
Excelentíssima Senhora / Senhor
Eu tenho um capital de 2.000 € até 2.500.000 czk para ser usado na área de curto e longo prazo empréstimos pessoais para disponibilizar para ser uma pessoa séria que quer o empréstimo. 2 % de juros ao ano, dependendo da quantidade de emprestado, porque você não o wuchergesetz principalmente magoar. Você pode ter no máximo 3-45 anos, dependendo do montante emprestado os números. Contacte-me para mais
E-mail: Bankenfranceunion@Gmail.Com-INFOR
Hello viewers, i wanna use this opportunity to thank Mrs. Patricia who finally helped me to become a full member of the Great Illuminati Brotherhood I'm living happily now I was once indigent and lived extreme poverty the standard of living became so poor and low I even thought of killing myself I was deeply strangled up by poverty and I had no body to help me to eat was a problem to me and my family Until I meet with Mrs. Patricia on fb a great member of Illuminati who told me there would be no need for me to die and he introduced me into realm of riches and fame. She told me to contact European LORD Kingdom which i did and he told me to get ready for my initiation day and that all new members will be given a certain reward of $6m cash, and golden ring, on my initiation day i was so happy and few days later i was awarded a contract worth millions of Dollars in my business I'm doing very well right now I did exactly what i was ask to do and today the story has change I'm living happily with my family I'm a living testimony to my dream wealth, fame, success and riches, i have ever desired is been made a reality all the same thanks again Mrs, Patricia who made my dreams a reality by helping me become a member of the great Illuminati hurry up now and call our help desk and also be a happy person like me bcos we are not getting any younger Opportunity for you today do not hesitate this is our European LORD Kingdom contact whatsapp or call (+393512387988) Via email
Lima Bassel =
I’m Ms. Lima Bassel a widow, am Seeking for a reliable business partner that I can do some investments there as my country's economy has been ravaged by the war. There is no economic activities going on again in my country since the Islamic State militants captured the bulk of the oil fields in city when they over ran Deir
al-Zor Privince and my late husband’s company was involved in Oil Well Services sector. Now I want to get our funds invest in a conducive country that will be safe for me and my two kids since my husband is no more. Please email me back so we can discuss further.
Ms. Lima Bassel
De: Lima Bassel -
Data: 10 de abril de 2017
Assunto: Re: Greetings From Ms. Lima
Obrigado pela sua resposta ao meu e-mail. Estou interessado em trabalhar com você para facilitar o movimento eo investimento de dinheiro em seu país. Situação no meu país é muito crítico e não mais seguro ambiente para realizar negócios. Também espero que ao trazer investimentos para lá, possa ajudar eu e minha família a migrar para o seu país. Eu tenho dois filhos adolescentes. Os fundos são quatorze milhões de dólares americanos.
Meu objetivo é transferir e garantir o dinheiro o mais rapidamente possível e, em seguida, trabalhar com o parceiro no exterior para a criação de negócios ou investir através do negócio existente do parceiro. Eu entrei em contato com você para ser meu associado em seu país para esta finalidade. Confirme que você é capaz e tem a capacidade de receber essa quantia de dinheiro sem problema, também ajudar com o investimento em áreas rentáveis de negócios em seu país. Estou fazendo uma oferta de comissão de 15 por cento para o seu trabalho em facilitar o movimento do dinheiro.
Estou ansioso para a sua resposta e conselhos sobre como podemos cooperar para benefício mútuo.
Sra. Lima
Helen Raymond
Foto do perfil de Helen Raymond
este email que estava tentando se relacionar comigo, zzzpediu dinheiro para essas contas
Agencia: 7918-9 Conta: 0001790-6
Nome: Innocent Emeka Aroh
CPF: 23114105807
Banco: Bradesco
Por favor, vá a qualquer WESTERN UNION ou DINHEIRO GRAM Store e transfira o dinheiro para o nome do destinatário abaixo.
Nome do Destinatário: JONATHAN O. OTUMOR.
Endereço: 6419 Riedel Road Crofton, Maryland
Zip .. 21114, Estados Unidos
Querido amigo,
Rezo para que Deus envie muitas bênçãos a seu modo e muitos favores e boa sorte ao longo do dia, e eu devo confessar, você não é arrogante a maneira que você escreve suas palavras, seu tão polido e calmo em suas frases.
Minha mente diz-me que você deve ser um marido muito bom, E eu gosto de você apenas eles maneira ele é. E eu sou tão orgulhoso, e tão afortunado tê-lo como meu amigo.
Meu Amigo tenho uma boa notícia para você, Como você sabe que eu sou um soldado trabalhando como tropas de manutenção da paz das Nações Unidas no Afeganistão, na guerra contra o terrorismo. E eu disse a você antes que eu tenho a minha posse a soma de US $ 3,5 milhões USD que eu fiz aqui no Afeganistão, que eu quero que você me ajude a transferir esses fundos para fins de investimento em seu país ou qualquer país que você vai recomendar. A política das Nações Unidas sobre o Afeganistão, há um plano para retirar algumas tropas do Afeganistão para que eu esteja entre as pessoas que estarão saindo. Eu não posso levar esse dinheiro para os Estados Unidos, porque desde que eles me conhecem como pessoal militar, eles vão querer saber como eu venha sobre ele. Devido a isso, eu fiz um acordo com um agente da Cruz Vermelha e mover este fundo para STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Indonésia. A questão é quem será o responsável pelo dinheiro na minha ausência? Mas agora você enviou suas informações para mim minha mente me disse que você a pessoa para ajudar a receber o meu dinheiro, É exatamente por isso que eu preciso de sua ajuda. Quero garantir que você não vai arcar com nenhum risco nesta transação. Você tem que manter tudo confidencial até receber o fundo em sua conta direta.
E eu tenho informar o banco sobre você que você vai ficar como meu beneficiário e receber o fundo e mantê-lo seguro para que assim que eu venho para o seu país, você vai me ajudar a investir em um bom empreendimento rentável, como eu prometo Você antes que eu vou lhe dar 50% do total de dinheiro que mais ser dessa forma.
Então eu quero que você entre em contato com a INDONÉSIA STANDARD CHARTERED BANK com estes detalhes abaixo:
TELEFONE: + 62-877-8646-4408.
Aliyah Mohammed
Desculpe, não estou no WhatsApp. Mas eu tenho algumas informações que eu adorarei discutir com você.
Ontem às xxx· Enviado da Web
Sim... Pode falar.... Rsrsrs
Ontem às xxxx
Aliyah Mohammed
Eu acredito que você é a pessoa certa para compartilhar minha história de vida com. Meu nome é Aaliya Mohammed.
Eu sou muçulmano de nascimento e vivo na Síria.
Quando eu tinha 12 anos de idade eu era dado contra o meu desejo de casar com um homem velho o suficiente para ser meu avô, ele é muito rico, mas velho.
Todos esses anos tenho vivido com medo. Meu marido maltrata-me e faz tudo o que ele quer, porque ele é rico, você sabe no Islã que eles não permitem que a mulher a falar ou revolta contra os seus maridos.
Minha vida é um inferno vivo Eu não tenho felicidade. Agora ele está morto, eu pensei que seria livre finalmente, mas em vez de seu irmão mais novo Quem está em seu 70 está mantendo gaurd com seus gaurds não permitindo-me ter a minha liberdade. Minhas
Marido morreu me vivendo uma caixa de tresuerd e uma soma de 5 milhões de dólares em sua vontade de herança.
Eu quero fugir longe daqui onde eu posso estar com o homem que eu amo e explorar as coisas boas da vida.
De seu perfil eu posso dizer que você é a pessoa certa para pedir ajuda e você é bonito.
Se você puder me ajudar com meu plano de fuga para fugir e vir para o seu país para investir
eu quero que você me ajude
Ontem às xx · Enviado da Web
Como posso ajudar
Ontem às xx
Aliyah Mohammed
Obrigado. Eu quero que você me ajude a receber a soma de 5 milhões de dólares, e minha caixa do tesouro.
Falei secretamente com um diplomata das Nações Unidas que concorda em levar minha caixa de dinheiro para qualquer parte do mundo.
Mas eu preciso de alguém em quem possa confiar para me ajudar a sair desse trauma
Por favor me ajude a receber este dinheiro para que eu possa fugir daqui e vir e conhecê-lo em seu país para começar uma nova vida devido à razão de segurança Eu prefiro falar por e-mail porque ele definir algumas pessoas para estar assistindo cada movimento que eu faço.
Se você aceitar me ajudar
pediu pra retirar encomenda e eu pagar 4.500 Reais.
não cair no golpe
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Fatim sambo -
A: B
Envoyé le : Me, 12 Avr 2017
Sujet : Darling, you will have 30% of my money :
I have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money with your, you will have 30% of the total money for helping me and the remaining money will be managed by you in any business of your choice while i go back to my studies. In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information below, send an Email to the bank tell them that you are my foreign partner and you want to know the possibilities of assisting me to transfer my
£5.3Million pounds
deposited by my late father which i am the next of king to your bank account in your country. The contact information of the bank are as follows...
Promenade Level, Cabot Place East,
Canary Wharf, London 142-144 4QS, UK.
Mr. Kevin Luise
Dear, inform me as soon as you get a reply from the bank and forward there answer to me. Please take good care of yourself and put me in your daily prayers.
God bless you,
With best love and kisses,
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----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters ->
Envoyé le : Me, 12 Avr 2017
Sujet : Bank of America Corporate Office :
Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters
100 N.Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28255
Customer care no. only text message :+1 646 502 9644
Our ref. : BOA/IRU/SFE/15.5/WD/011
Dear Beneficiary,
The Management of the Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters here in 100 N.Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28255 wishes to inform you that after a brief meeting held by the Bank executives on the 30th last Month, 2017 at precisely 8 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), we deem it appropriate to intimate you that your funds will be transferred into the United States Treasury Account with the JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue in New York according to the record we got from Africa due to your inability to complete the transaction and your failure to meet up with a minor payment obligation.The actual transfer of your funds
into the government account comes up next week. Note this fund was shifted from West Africa (Benin) to this bank through the help of US Ambassador to Benin Mr. Jeffrey J. Hawkins, Jr who instructed the
United State Embassy of Benin to transfer your fund out from Africa to our bank here where it will be easy for you to obtain. This is in line with the instructions of the USA Treasurer, Mrs.Rosa Guantanamo
Rios that all unclaimed funds be paid into the United States Government Treasury Account as un-serviceable funds in compliance to section 3 subsection 1 (a) of the United States Financial Law enacted in 2001 after an attack on our dear country on September 11, 2001. Find below the profile of the banking institution where your funds will be transferred into following the government directive :
JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue, New York.
JP Morgan Chase Official Bankers for the US Treasury Department
AC no. : 68302345093
Routing No.: 021109593
Account Name: United States Treasury Department, USA
Note that if you still wish to receive your funds do get back to us immediately so that we will remove your funds transfer from the list of those transactions to be seized by the United States Government. Also be informed that we need only a DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY SEAL OF TRANSFER (DIST) to complete the wire transfer, we shall commence the transfer of your funds
immediately and the funds will reflect 48hrs after the transfer. We will send you all the transfer documents to enable you start making cash withdrawals from your account same day the funds are transferred.We have waited for so long and we can not continue to wait.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs.
Yours faithfully,
Nicholas Gross (CEO)
Tel. : +1 646 502 9644
Bank of America®
Corporate Office Headquarters, Charlotte, N.C.
Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC.
© 2011 Bank of America Corporation.
All rights reserved.
De : Terra Magaya -
Envoyé le : Me, 12 Avr 2017 1:23
Sujet : Ask him your $300,000 ATM Visa Card :
Hello my dear,
I'm Mrs. Terra, happy to inform you about my success in getting the fund transferred to a Swiss account with the cooperation of a new partner from UK who is an international businessman. Presently I'm in United Kingdom for investment projects with my own share of the total sum. Meanwhile, I did not forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring those funds despite that it failed us some how.
Now contact my assistant Rev. Maximino, his contact is...
Rev. Maximino Tigo
Dakar, Senegal.
Ask him to send you ATM Visa Card the total sum of $300,000.00 (three hundred thousand US dollars) which I kept for your compensation and my appreciation for all the past efforts and attempts to assist me in this matter. I appreciated your efforts at that time very much. So feel free and get in touched with reverend. Maximino Tigo and instruct him where to send the ATM Visa Card to you. Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy after all the suffering at that time. In the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects, which my new partner/loving husband and I are having at hand. Finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to the Reverend on your behalf for you to receive that ATM Visa Card, so feel free to get in touch with Rev. Tigo and he will send the card to you without any delay. Anyway my husband name is Mr. George Hutchinston
With best wishes
Mrs. Terra Magaya
De : Lola Richard -
Envoyé le : Ma, 11 Avr 2017
Sujet : when will you be able to help me get it sent ?
I will really appreciate if you can help me but it's a fine incurred for the release of the license so I can be able to get it back and sell the orphanage home. I really need you most to help me get it sent... once i get the orphanage home sold as it's going to take me 2-3 days to get it sold once I get the license back I will go to you over there.
I need you to help me with the money, when will you be able to help me get it sent ?
I need you to help me send it through Western Union Money Transfer :
NAME : Lola Richard
COUNTRY : Nigeria
STATE : Ogun
CITY : Abeokuta
POST CODE : 23439
QUESTION : My mother's name ?
ANSWER : Aikaterine
You will send me a copy of the receipt so that i can be able to collect the money here.
Thanks so much for your help.
De: Ark Global Security company Ltd
Enviado: terça-feira, 11 de abril de 2017
Assunto: Re: The Letter To The Security Company
4 Swan Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC4R 3BF.
Prezado Senhor,
Recebemos uma ordem de entrega irrevogável de consignação por sua sócia Sra. Katie Higgin, do Estado Unidos. Fizemos o nosso processo de verificação interna para a libertação imediata da caixa de remessa Número de Identificação de Referência: NB / AIP-GB / 9GBXX10754 /). Precisamos de uma caixa de consignação mudança de propriedade certificado, procuração e affidavit de reivindicações que nos permitirá processar e liberar a caixa de consignação. Estes documentos declarados serão obtidos pelo advogado da base britânica. Os documentos legais devem legalizá-lo oficialmente como beneficiário e parente mais próximo da Sra. Katie Higgins.
Você tem o privilégio de usar o nosso advogado credenciado, este advogado irá ajudá-lo a processar os três documentos no tribunal superior britânico de Justiça.
Aqui está o contato do nosso advogado acreditado, por favor conatct o advogado e pedir-lhe para ajudá-lo a obter esses documentos obter a seu favor.
Barrister Alberto Jowel
57 Baker Street Londres Reino Unido W1U 3BW.
o email;;
Assim, aconselhamos você a entrar em contato com nosso advogado credenciado e pedir-lhe para emitir um poder de advogado, mudança de propriedade certificado e affidavit de reivindicações do Tribunal Superior britânico de Justiça. Enquanto isso, confirmamos o custo desses documentos de nosso advogado credenciado. O advogado disse-nos que custará a quantidade de (1200 libras) mil dois grandes libras britânicas. O advogado nos disse que ele deve ter que pagar em diferente unidade no tribunal britânico antes de obter esses documentos prontos em seu favor.
É nossa política e procedimento processar e realizar a entrega de todos os artigos, pacotes e caixa de consignação em ausente do proprietário do pacote ou caixa de consignação.
Após a confirmação dos três documentos do nosso advogado credenciado vamos liberar a ordem da caixa de consignação e nomeia diplomata e sua tripulação para entregar a caixa de remessa para o endereço de destino em seu país.
Nós prometemos prestar-lhe o melhor de nossos serviços de entrega assim que nós recebemos os dois originais de nosso advogado acreditado.
Director Geral
Bernard Johnson.
De : maman Morgane>
Envoyé le : Ma, 11 Avr 2017 10:39
Sujet : Donation $1.000.000 :
Bonjour, cher(e) Bien Aimé en Christ.
Je m'excuse pour cette intrusion, je me nomme Morgane Bourasse, née le 1er Juillet 1948 en France. Ex-consultante des affaires étrangères de l'Union Européenne près des institutions africaines où j'ai servi pendant 9 ans.
J'ai dû vous contacter de cette sorte parce que je souhaite faire une chose très importante. Cela vous semblera un peu suspect, il est vrai que vous ne me connaissez pas et que je ne vous connais pas non plus. Je souffre d'un cancer du cerveau qui est en phase terminale, mon médecin vient de m'informer que mes jours sont comptés du fait de mon état de santé dégradé. Selon ce que le médecin m'a expliqué, une boule s'installe présentement dans ma boîte crânienne, j'ai cette maladie depuis près de 8 ans. Je suis veuve et je n'ai pas d'enfants. J'envisage de faire une donation de tous mes biens. J'ai presque vendu mes affaires dont une compagnie d'exportation de lait au Canada où je vis depuis près de 30 ans, une partie de tout cet argent sera versé à différentes associations, et des centres d'aide aux orphelins et aux sans-abri. Je ne sais pas dans quel domaine d'activité vous êtes mais je souhaiterais vous aider. J'ai en ce moment sur mon compte personnel, compte bloqué, une somme de $1.000.000 que j'avais gardé pour un projet de construction. Je serais grée de vous donner cet argent qui pourra vous aider dans votre entreprise, je vous prie d'accepter cela car c'est un don que je vous fais et cela sans rien demander en retour. Je souffre énormément et j'ai très peur, je n'arrive presque pas à dormir, la nuit comme la journée, car je ne veux pas mourir sans avoir fait don de tout cet argent, sinon je pense que cela serait un gâchis. Veuillez me contacter sur mon email personnel :
dès que possible si vous êtes d'accord avec mon offre.
Que la paix du seigneur sois avec vous.
Morgane Bourasse
--------- Message transféré ----------
De : Chronopost -
Date : 12 avril 2017
Objet : Votre suivi de commande :
Bonjour, Je suis Luca Lenard : responsable Chronopost.
Je vous informe que vous avez un colis au bureau de poste.
Vous disposez d'un délai de 48 heures pour récupérer votre colis, sinon il sera retourné à l'expéditeur.
Veuillez confirmer l'envoi du colis à votre domicile en suivant les instructions ci-dessous:
1/ Appeler le Numéro de notre service clients: 08 90 61 24 95
2/ Recevoir le code de confirmation par téléphone.
3/ Envoyer le code de confirmation à l'adresse e-mail suivante:
De :
Date : 12 avril 2017
Objet : Important : Avis de remboursement :
Cher(e) client(e)
Apres les derniers calculs de vos impots sur le revenu, nous avons déterminé que vous
etes admissible a recevoir un remboursement d'un montant de 312.00 €
Nous vous invitons à consulter les démarches a suivre en cliquant-ici.
Cordialement, Direction générale des Finances Publiques
Urgent Reply Needed Please
Mrs.Samira Ali
Dear Friend,
Peace be upon you,
Please kindly pardon me for any inconvenience this letter may cost you because I know it may come to you as a surprise as we have no previous correspondence. I got your contact as I was searching for an assistant in your country, and this is why I decided to appeal to you as a matter of urgency about (US$9.5Million) United State Dollar that belong to one of our customer who met his sudden death in Syrian civil war with his entire family. It is an unequivocal fact that we’ve not met nor communicated before but due to the true revelation that I should share this with you.
My name is Mrs.Samira Ali. Accountant of integrated finance of Islamic Development Bank IDB here in West Africa, Thus for your indulgence and assistance (morally and financially), i propose a 40% share of the total amount to you after receiving the funds successfully, they 60% would be for me, wish i need your assurance of trust that you will not deny me my share once the fund is credited to your personal bank account, so kindly state your interest by replying immediately and i shall furnish you with details and procedures preceding the transaction, Hoping to receive your reply to my private E-mail (
I am waiting for your urgent respond to enable us proceed further for the transfer.
Best Regards,
Mrs.Samira Ali
De: ladha Faizah -
Enviado: segunda-feira, xx de abril de 2017
Assunto: OLA
Em primeiro lugar deixe-me pedir desculpas pela minha resposta tardia para o seu e-mail. Foi devido à minha ocupada tarefa na Síria
Obrigado pela sua pronta resposta ao meu pedido; Parece-me que você é uma pessoa muito sincera ,? Estou interessado em comprar o seu carro ao seu preço, e por favor, você deve me dar pouco tempo para vir e vê-lo para a negociação eu mesmo. Eu vou fazer uso do carro, logo que eles redeploy-nos da Síria para o Brasil em breve com os meus dois filhos
Eu sou ladha Faizah. A mulher de ladha tarde, industrial, que foi matado enquanto cobrindo confrontos entre forças de regime e rebeldes na província síria do sul de Daraa, após a morte de meu marido, minha família está sob a ameaça pelo presidente de Syria para o apoio resoluto para uma verdadeira Governo Democrático na Síria é por isso que eles mataram meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais na Síria muitas famílias estão correndo para vidas queridas como soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças e você pode dar uma olhada em
Eu quero trazer para o seu conhecimento que eu tenho na minha posse a soma de (USD $ 11,4 milhões) Este é o dinheiro que eu e meu marido têm guardado para toda a nossa vida como um industrial.
Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em caixa de tronco e depositado-lo com o serviço de correio aqui em Damasco, informou-lhes que estou fazendo contato para o verdadeiro dono da caixa no exterior e whosoever que nomeado para a empresa de segurança cruz vermelha por mim será o Beneficiário da caixa de dinheiro para a certeza da reivindicação, e Minha intenção sincera, por escrito, é para rogar com você para me ajudar a verificar a alegação e para mover o dinheiro da Síria para o seu país, isso é simplesmente porque não podemos fazer qualquer banco Transferências aqui, nem para fazer qualquer tipo de chamada internacional aqui, após a guerra ..
Estas são as principais questões de preocupação para mim agora, eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém no exterior, sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã, então não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar um fim Minha linhagem familiar desde que meu marido está morto. Eu tenho meus dois filhos e Eles merecem uma vida decente como eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Vou mudar para o seu país com minhas minhas duas filhas investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, tudo o que quero de você é a confiança e tudo será feito, e em 5 dias a caixa será anotada em sua posição,
Se possível, posso pedir-lhe para me enviar as suas informações como abaixo e eu vou dar-lhe 30% do dinheiro. As informações necessárias são:
Seu nome completo,_________________________
seu número de telefone ___________________________
Seu endereço completo ________________________
sua idade______________________
Sra. Ladha Faizah
Firstly let me apologize for my late response to your mail. It was due to my busy task in Syria
Thanks for your prompt reply to my request; it seems to me that you are a very sincere person,? am interested to buying your car at your price, and please you should give me little time to come and see it it for negotiation myself. I will make use of the car as soon as they redeploy us from Syria to Brazil soon with my two kids
I am ladha Faizah. the wife of late ladha, , Industrialist, who was killed while covering clashes between regime forces and rebels in the southern Syrian province of Daraa, After the death of my husband, my family is under threat by the Syria President for resolute support for a true Democratic Government in Syria that is why they killed my husband.
Due to the current disturbances in the Syria many families are running for dear lives as soldiers are killing civilians, women and children and you can have a look at
I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession the sum of (USD$11.4 Million) This is the money me and my husband have saved for our entire life as an Industrialist.
I secretly locked up the money in trunk box and deposited it with the courier service here in Damascus, informed them that i am making contact for the real owner of the box abroad and whosoever that appointed to the red cross security company by me will be the beneficiary of the cash box to certain the claim, and My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to kindly assist me ascertain the claim and to move the money out of Syria to your country, this is simply because we cannot do any bank wire transfers here, neither to make any kind of international call here, following the war..
these are the major issues of concern to me now, I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody abroad , I am an orphan with no brother or sister so I can not risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage since my husband is dead. I have is my two kids and They deserve a decent life as I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my my two Daughters invest the money in accordance with law, all i want from you is trust and all will be done, and under 5 days the box will be noted in your position ,
If possible, may I request you to send me your information as below and I will give you 30% of the money. The information needed is:
Your full name,_________________________
your phone number ___________________________
your full address________________________
your age______________________
Mrs.ladha Faizah
How are you doing today my dear friend ??
Sir Peter Devlin Karimi
Dear Friend
Thank you and i hope am not spoiling mood today, I know you will be surprise the way i contacted you since we don't know each other before, but with faith i contacted you because i found your Email as a responsible one therefore i believe you must be a good person, I decided to add you as my friend and share with you little about what is happening here in Afghanistan that i don't like.
i believe me and you can use this great opportunity to help the poor hungry children instead of the Afghanistan Taliban's and the government to continue spending so much to Purchase war material to kill the innocent people i am in US military force; currently I am among the soldier in Afghanistan on peace keeping mission, I am serving as Medical/Nurse Corps, As a member of the Medical/Nurse Corps, We are the first team that move in first any where there is a strike or bomb blast for treatment and rescue of wounded soldiers several times we have discovered treasures like Gold, Diamond, Cash etc, these treasure are discovered after exchanging fire with the Taliban's at their hide out place, these are the treasures the Taliban’s uses to purchase war materials they are using to kill the innocent people while some innocent motherless children continue to suffer in hunger, look out this website to view
The Largest Navy Warship cost $7 Billion which is enough to elevate hunger. Because of the above reason, I have decided to stop sending any money to government because they are only using it to produce and manufacture dangerous war materials to fight the Taliban's while some innocent children continue crying for food.
After my last birthday celebration, I promised God that i am going to support the poor children, I believe it will be more reasonable to use this money in helping the innocent Children all over the world who are not responsible for this war and crisis in the world today but they continue suffering more pains and i grew up from a poor home and I understand what it means to be poor, every time when i am in silent and in deep thinking about what is going on in the world today and the future of our children after we might passed away, one question always came to my mind that we claim to love our children and care for them but still we give them war as inheritance instead of peace, what will happen to them when we are gone nobody can tell.
I always pray for their future because i love children so much and I am looking for individual who can work together with me in helping the hopeless children, I considered you as the person I can use to reach the needy children around your Location since you have already known my Mind and about humanity, Please I want you to consider the innocent children that are suffering out there and take this obligation of working with me to help the motherless children, I pray that God will touch your heart and use you to help the poor children around you.
I sent this friendship request to you based on humanity and I believe together we can work for good by helping the poor children and less privileged with this great opportunity, instead of the ungodly people to continue using it to produce and purchase war materials, I believe that every human being who love the children and care for their future need to join us in bringing peace to the youth by doing good and showing good example of life and there is no risk involve because I am going to use the Red Cross Humanity to cover the Luggage and Deliver it at your doorstep through a reliable delivery company without any problem.
I am going to package the Funds inside a Red Cross medical Luggage and seal it with Red Cross stamp, It will be delivered to you as a Red Cross medical aid to support sick children so that no authority will have right to examine the box, including the delivery Company because i don't want anybody to know the original content of the Luggage, it is going to be only between you and me, I will give you the key number to open the Luggage so it cannot be open without your present
All i need is your full support to receive the Luggage and your sincerity of distributing it to the Addresses of the poor children/ Less Privileged Children i will send you their Info's once you receive it, I will also need your full names and house address where you want the Luggage to be delivered and your email and telephone number to enable the delivery company contact you when they arrive in your Country.
I want you to keep our discussion Confidential because of my position in the Military, Please to save my job, honestly I don't want our communication to be disappointed
because is my pressure to meets you, i will prefer by Emailing only so that we can fully team up together and help the poor, the less privilege and the innocent children, there is no risk involve in this delivery because i am going to packaged the Funds (US$2.7 Million Dollars) inside a red cross Luggage and seal it as a red cross stamp, it will be delivered at your address as a red cross medical Luggage for sick children. Read it carefully and get back to me with trust and join me to make them Happy.
Please kindly move this to your inbox when replying it
Thanks and God bless you as i urgently wait for your Response and Details.
An artist rendering of the USS Zumwalt class destroyer which will be one of the more heavily armed and expensive ships in the U.S Navy
Yours Truly
The $7 billion dollar warship built to maintain American naval supremacy over China in the 21st...
Only three ships in the powerful and technologically advanced Zumwalt class built to counter Chinese expansion will be built because of its prohibitive cost
DIR. GLOBAL FUNDS RECOVERY OFFICE expecting to hear from you.
Mr.Hassan Habib
09:15 (Há 8 horas)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Muitas pessoas marcaram mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo perigoso. Saiba mais
Global Funds Recovery Office.
Address: 14 Gbetekwme St, Porto-novo 4870, Cotonou, Benin Republic.
Contact Person: Director In Charge: Mr.Hassan Habib.
Attn, Your Personal Information's Where Banned.
Have you ever taken time to think why it is always stories after stories, fees
after fees, excuses after excuses whenever you where directed to a certain
Banks, Offices, Attorney, Companies in other to receive a Fund you where told
it belongs to you, and due to all these disappointments and failures, you might
have concluded there is no legitimate transaction for you from all the emails
you receive about your Funds.
The secret about the delay and your hard time on completing your transaction to
your end is not mainly on the fact that those transaction are fake or real,even
though most of the transaction you have dealt with are not legitimate and it
always got you confused as you don't know the hints/means of identifying the
legitimate transaction from the fake once, and it should be one of the things I
will explain to you, rather my purpose of writing this letter is to reveal to
you the secret behind your hard time on receiving all the Funds you have
expected which you might have send some fees for that.
The secret behind your hard time on receiving most of your Funds was because:
All your personal information's (Bank Account information and Home address)
which you have been sending online to most of the emails demanding for it with
purpose of using it to release your Fund, It was discovered that most of those
people you normally sends your personal informs to are not really who they
claimed to be, rather they are the Internet Fraudsters/Internet Scammers.
These Internet Fraudsters/Internet Scammers was confirmed to have attempted on
using your Bank Account information and your Home Address to carry-out ONLINE-
FRAUD TRANSACTION which was noticed and stopped by your State Government, and
during further investigation towards the ONLINE-FRAUD TRANSACTION, it was
confirmed that your Bank Account and home address was attached to the ONLINE-
FRAUD TRANSACTION, therefore your Bank Account and Home Address was listed and
labeled by your state Government as a FRAUD-ACCOUNT and likewise to your home
address was also labeled as a FRAUD-ADDRESS.
Your State Government did labeled your Bank Account and Home Address as a FRAUD-
INFORMATION, and they have been waiting for your complain in regards to that
just to prove your self right from the ONLINE-FRAUD TRANSACTION and due to your
silent towards the issue of you as a Suspect on ONLINE-FRAUD TRANSACTION which
was made using your whole personal information, your Bank Account was banned
from receiving any International transaction and your home address banned from
receiving any international delivery from any company or diplomat.
I know you might have tried to receive some Funds through Bank to Bank transfer
and it always fails you, therefore the reason for that is just because your
Bank Account was banned from such transfer as a result of what I explained
above, and likewise to your home address as am sure you might have expected to
receive so many delivery to your home address which always fails to get to your
home address just because your home address was also banned, most of those
people sending the delivery to you will always ask you to send fees for some
endless clearance but that is not the solution, Even when you where allowed to
receive an ATM Card, your State Government will also block the withdrawal
access of the ATM Card and you will always find it difficult to withdraw a
reasonable amount from the Card, They will always demand fees in regards to all
these issue but that is never a solution to that.
NOTE: If you continue sending fees from now till world end, you will never
confirm any Fund at your end just because of the above explained reasons, and
solution to that is just to contact your state Government and make a written
note to them explaining that you are not aware of the ONLINE-FRAUD TRANSACTION
that was made using your personal information, and that is only when your Bank
Account and Home Address could be removed from the WORLD FRAUD LIST so as to
enable you start confirming your real Funds to your end.
This Office are the only Office who are in the position to give you the contact
information to contact the right OFFICE where you will make the written note
and explain your unaware and innocent towards the ONLINE-FRAUD TRANSACTION that
was made using your personal information.
NOTE: In other to remove your personal information's, Bank Account and home
address from the World Fraud List, you need to obtain a LETTER OF APPEAL from
the Federal High Court and sent to your State Government, and this Letter Of
Appeal will contain all the necessary written explanation to plead to your
State Government that you where innocent of the ONLINE-FRAUD TRANSACTION that
was carried out using your personally information's by the unknown people,while
the Letter of appeal will cost you only $155, And after that, your state
Government will direct you to the legitimate Office where you will receive your
only approved Compensation sum of $5.5 Million being the only approved Fund in
your name, therefore stay away from all your previous transaction till further
AMOUNT: $155.00
Finally, the Content of this email should never be disclose to any third party,
it is meant for you all alone and no other person, not even those people you
have been dealing with in regards to receiving a Fund from them, therefore keep
this secret till further notice, Also reconfirm your names, home address and
phone number needed for the making of the written note as explained above.
Thanks for your understanding and I will be expecting to hear from you.
Brian Loan Firm -
Do You Need A Loan @ 3%, Email Us For More Info:
(sem assunto)
Maureen Hinckley -
I am Maureen Hinckley and my foundation is donating (Five hundred and fifty thousand USD) to you.Contact us via my email at ( for further details.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Maureen Hinckley•
Copyright ©2017• The Maureen Hinckley Foundation• All Rights Reserved.
UPS Delivery Company Service International Operations Division Jonesboro Arkansas 628 Oak Office Hours: Monday To Saturday:
Mrs. Janet Yellen,
UPS Delivery Company Service
International Operations Division
Jonesboro Arkansas 628 Oak
Office Hours: Monday To Saturday:
Dear Beneficiary: Diamond Bank
This to Notify you that Series of meetings have been held over the past 6 months with the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization, which ended 2 days ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is now in the amount of $11,000,000.00 USD (Eleven Million United States Dollars) as a compensation award to you, due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held your fund to themselves for their selfish reasons and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to unnecessary delay in the receipt and so many losses from your end.
The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the current Chairman Director Federal Reserve Bank New York USA Mrs. Janet Yellen, to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign deberal owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have received their Compensation Awards.
Now, how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have two method of payment which is by Check or by ATM card?
ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin based ATM card which you will use to withdraw up to $10,000 USD (Ten Thousand Dollars) per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 3 years time which is 2018. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your funds to your local bank account. Even if you do not have a bank account, the ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it.
Check: A cashier check will be issued in your name and you will deposit it in your bank for it to be cleared within two working days.Your payment would be sent to you via any of your preferred option above and would be mailed to you via UPS. You will only need to pay $100 USD.
Take note that you will have to stop communication with every other person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you will ever have to spend is $100 USD only. nothing more! Nothing less! And we Guarantee the receipt of your Fund to be successfully Delivered to you within the next 48hrs after confirmation receipt fee of (UPS).
Note: Everything has been taken care of, including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty. So, all you will ever need to pay is $100.Dollars only. Apply Your Claims Promptly: For immediate release of your Fund valued at $11,000,000.00 USD (Eleven Million United States Dollars)
Your Full Name:_________________________ __________________
Your House Address:______________________ _________________
Home/Cell/Phone Number:_______________________ ____________
Choose ONE Preferable Payment Method (Visa ATM Card OR Cashier Check):_______________________ _
Your package will be sent to you within 2 working days upon confirmation receipt of UPS fee of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. We are so sure of everything and we are giving you a 100% Money back Guarantee if you do not receive payment/package within the next 48hrs after you have made the payment for shipping.
Secondly, you should know that Argument or delay can not do any thing or solve this problem if you can not find solution to solve this matter by trying your possible best for the final conclusion of this Transaction and send only $100 Right Away it means that i have no Other Option than to make down my Report.
However, note that below is the Approved Payment information which you are advice to use and send the fee Via Western Union or Money Gram Post Office / Walmart to Walmart Office and get back to us with the MTCN immediately. bear in mind that all you will ever have to spend to received this fund is $100 Dollars Nothing more Nothing less.
AMOUNT; $100,Dollar
Be advised that this is the only delay we have now and you must do what you can to comply with the fee so that we can get this done Tomorrow, so do get back to us when you have send the fee as well, Your package will be sent to you upon confirmation receipt of the fee.
We are so sure of everything and we are giving you a 100% Money back Guarantee if you do not receive payment/package within the next 48hrs after you have made the payment for Shipping. kindly get back to us as well with the MTCN and also be advice to reconfirm your full Delivery Address to avoid any Wrong Delivery of package. Attachment to this urgent and Important Message is ID CARD MRS. JANET L. YELLEN and i Mrs. Jasmine Pierre, as well.
Thanks and God Bless You
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Jasmine Pierre
UPS Delivery Company Service
International Operations Division.
Note: Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your ATM Card or Cashier Check, you are hereby advice only to be in contact with this Office and also be advice to forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation.
My name is Ms Li Wong,I am an Chief Executive, Southeast Asia in a bank, where I manage private accounts, as in reality,i was responsible for thistask for a period of 12years. your last name struck my attention and i thought it wise written a massage to you.
It a Confidential business information and i will appreciate if we could discuss further more for details.
Hope to read from you
RegardsMs Li Wong
ar Friend ( I Am Lieutenant Gen Stephen .J. Townsend)
J .Townsend "ERIC BROWN" -
Enviada: 2017/04/10
Attention Fabiog Felisberto .
In a recent meeting held with the new FBI Director concerning debt reconciliation, this is to inform you that we have agreed to release your fund worth ($500.000.00) which will come via Global Automatic Teller Machine debit master Card as instructed from our headquarter by JAMES B. COMEY, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). However, the below information is needed as to enable the profiling of your ATM card and its delivery to you:
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Underneath is the contact information of appointed dispatch person whom you are to forward the above requested details:
Contact Person: Mr.berry don
I am Lieutenant General Stephen .J .Townsend of UNITED STATES Army, currently am carrying out my duty here in Syria. Few days ago I and my group carried out a massive attack against the Isis terrorist group and luckily we came across a very huge amount of money which the Isis terrorist group is using in purchasing of arms. I have settled few top officers who are involved in attacking the terrorist group and right now I have a very huge amount of money which now belongs to me. The reason why I emailed you is to know if you can help me in safe guiding mine after which I will reward to you exactly the amount of thirty percent (30%) of the total amount for your help in safe keeping of the money.
I will wait for your positive response as soon as possible; please you should ignore this mail if you are not willing in this deal.
Here is my personal email address ( you can contact me as soon as possible so that I will give you guide lines on how to go about it.
Thank you.
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