Olá tudo bem..estou aqui para fazer uma denuncia de um scammer que entrou em contato comigo me mandando um convite pro meu face com o nome se Henry, se dizia um militar da ARMY em missão no Afeganistão..este scammer tem varios perfis ko facebook com a foto deste militar. Chegei a conversar com ele por alguns dias mas quando me passou a pedir dinheiro eu logo desconfiei e o bloquiei.. os vários facebook dele com todos com nome Henry(um militar) está ativo e provavelmente este Militar não sabe disso até tentei procuralo através das redes socias mas não o encontrei..estas são as varias fotos dele utilizadas pelos scammer.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015092803246 henry swayze
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Em Sábado, XX de Março de 2017 diva kenedy drdivakenedy@gmail.com escreveu:
boa notícia
Estou feliz para informá-lo sobre o meu sucesso na obtenção de meus fundos transferidos através da ajuda de um novo parceiro Mr.Fernando Alvaro Gomez de Mexico.Presently Estou no México. Tudo foi feito com perfeição porque nós chegar a um acordo com um dos Senhora contador que trabalha com o Ministério Federal das Finanças Senegal (FMFS) e ela prestado uma tremenda ajuda para us.My novos parceiros iniciou esta ideia e tudo funcionou com sucesso.
Deixei um Master Card ATM com o valor de US $ 250.000,00, antes de viajar para o México (duzentos e cinquenta dólares Thousand dos EUA) na United Bank of Africa para you.It é apenas um símbolo de apreciar pelos seus esforços na tentativa de me ajudar a fundos de obter este quando eu ainda estava em Dakar Senegal, apesar da reputação que falhou porque não foi a adequada time.so você tem que ser rápido e em contato com o United Bank for Africa imediatamente que receber este e-mail.
Aqui é o contato:
United Bank for Africa (U.B.A)
Email: bankforafricauba@barid.com
telefone; +221 33548
Entrar em contato com este banco a fim de lhes entregar o seu cartão de MESTRE ATM para you.With este cartão você pode retirar o dinheiro a partir de qualquer banco worldwide.As o mencionado anteriormente, eu realmente aprecio seus esforços, entro em contato com o banco e enviar-lhes o seu endereço de postagem para que eles pode enviar o cartão para você e não se esqueça de me enviar um e-mail assim que você recebê-lo e também lembre-se de usar os fundos sabiamente.
Ainda From Me Diva.
De : Aisha Gaddafi - mrsmariazongo20@gmail.com
Envoyé le : Sa, 1 Avr 2017
Sujet : Contact him about your $800,000 ATM Visa Card : agent9.westernunion@cash4u.com
Dear Friend,
How are you and your family ? Hope all is well with you all, if so glory be to God.
For the effort you made trying to help me accomplish my past deal despite the fact that you gave up on the way but by the special grace of God I succeeded with another partner and I have travelled for establishment. Meanwhile, a left an ATM VisaCard valued the sum of
- eight hundred thousand dollars - with the western union money transfer to be transferred/send to you. They told me that they will be sending the sum of $5,000.00usd - five thousand dollars - to you everyday until the total sum is completed; that is the western union maximum sending there. So feel free to contact the Western Union in Burkina-Faso with their contact information listed below, and furnish them with your information as listed below :
Your full name:…………
Contact the Western Union office :
Mr. Mohammad Jawad
Foreign Operation Manager
Av. du Conseil de l'entente
Ouagadougou, Kadiogo 01 BP 4955
+226 76375048
Aisha Gaddafi
USAA - Web-usaacustomers@servicemail.net>
This email is to notify you that there is an E-Credit pending payment on your USAA account.
Check Attachment to Approval Payment
Pending payment will be credited into your account within 24 to 48 hours after your approval
Thank you,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: alice pena - alicepena5@hotmail.com
Date: 2017-03-29 00
To: xxxxxxx
i must thank you once again for your humble reply to my mail. I really appreciate it so much and i am very happy to read from you, well from your respond i'm convinced that the future has a special place for us, if only we could trust each other and also be honest and faithful to each other as well
Like i told you earlier, i was looking forward to accomplish a particular mission, which my ''ex'' husband was unlucky to achieve with me, I think with the little you have told me about you, it would be very wise to disclose this secret to you and also tell you my aim and plan. Because it would be of mutual benefit to us and maybe you could be the right person to utilize the opportunity with me, because i believe our knowing each other is the way God have destiny it
Remember i told you i am an Auditor of my bank and also the Chief of the International Relation Foreign Remittance Unit. Prior to my position here at my bank, i have the opportunity to loot out some amount of money of a deceased customer, whose autopsy result showed that he died as a result of gun shorts by unknown gunmen. As i was his personal accountant officer, before he died and from the account opening records, he did not indicate anybody as his beneficiary next of kin. Since 2008 to date, nobody has come forward as his beneficiary next of kin to administer the fund. The amount in question is the total sum of $:14.500,000. (Fourteen Million Five Hundred Thousand USD).
I can provide all the required legal papers from the British Court to present you as the legal beneficiary to these funds if you would accept to partner with me in this deal. A lot of abandoned money lay around in this bank as a result of abandoned bank accounts, stock holdings, unclaimed life insurance pay-outs and forgotten pension benefits. I will definitely give you comprehensive details on how we would achieve this legally, without going against the laws of the country. Once you reply to me indicating your interest to work with me. I have worked with the bank for several years and have taken time to study the British inheritance claims procedures. I would appreciate it if you would treat this issue with every bit of confidentiality and maturity, putting my integrity foremost, because i wouldn't need any mistakes or regrets. I assure you that you will never regret it if you would take the bold step to partner with me in this deal. It would be wise if we make every effort not to loose this golden opportunity. This happens in every bank around the world, even in your own country, but people outside the banking industry do not know this.
The fund will be shared at the ratio of 58% for me, 40% for you and 2% will be set aside to cover any expenses and tax in your bank, We will use the fund there in your country to build companies and for investment which both of us would manage, Please this is an honest request for you and i. i only plead for you to make this transaction a top secret because we do not have to trust anybody unless you and i alone.
Please i repeat treat this business proposal with utmost confidentiality and send me the following Information(s) for further application for this transfer if you are interested.
A. Your Full Name,
B. Your Home Address
C.Your Identification copy
D.Your Nationality
Thanks and best regards
Yours Faithful Alicepena
REPLAY TO - info.mgt@rogers.com
Joanna.Kowalska - vmax@mail2broker.com
We offer private loans and loans for business creation at the preferential interest rate (2% per year). For your questions we are happy to help you. Contact us via email for more details of funding.
REPLAY TO - mrsmichelinawende@hotmail.com
Mrs. Michelina Wende
Mrs. Michelina Wende - moses_sandra@yahoo.co.uk
Dear partner,
My name is Mrs. Michelina Wende. The regional manager of BIB Bank Burkina Faso. I am a America by birth,47 years of age and married with two children. Am from Burkina Faso
Although i am not comfortable to send this proposal to you because of increase in SCAM and FRAUD especially in Africa , but i am too sure that this is not Scam because you have access to confirm, provided you did not let my Bank know the source of your information. I have pack agenda financial transaction that will benefit both of us. As the regional manager of the bank, it is my duty to send financial reports to my head office in the capital city of Burkina .On the course of the last year 2016 end of the year's report, i discovered that my branch in which i am the manager ,made twenty-four million us dollars.($24,000,000.00 ) of which my head office is not aware and will never be aware of it. I have since then PLACED this fund in an ESCROW CALL ACCOUNT without a beneficiary. As the regional manager of the bank , I cannot be directly connected to this Money thus, i am Impelled to request for your assistance to receive this money into your bank account.
I intend to part 35% of this fund to you while 65% shall be for me and two officers who will assist me move the fund to your account. I do need to assure you that there are no risk involved in this Business. It’s going to be a ATM VISA CARD TRANSFER.
All i need From you is to stand as the original depositor of this fund. If you accept this offer, i will appreciate your timely response and then we shall discuss on how you will keep our share...
NB: Your early reply is highly welcomed and attach your profiles, such as your name and address, and also your contact telephone number for easy means of communication.
Best Regards,
BIB Bank Burkina Faso
REPLAY TO - federalreservebank010@zoho.com
Federal Reserve Bank - frb.@estate.ocn.ne.jp
Greetings From Federal Reserved Bank
Dear Respected Customer,
My Name Is Mr. Sylvester Carlos, And I Am Reaching Out To You Regarding A Recent Consolidation Of Your Bank Funds. Your Compensation Files From Four World
Banks Were Compiled Earlier This Month And Submitted To Me For Review, Your Accrued A Trust Sum Of $15,500,000.00 Usd.
We Attempted To Contact You Multiple Times, And Hope This Gets To You. Because You Had Not Claimed Your Trust Before The International Fund Transfer Changes In 2016, Your Account Was Compiled And Locked As A Non-Deductible Escrow Account At The Federal Reserve Bank. This Account Is In Your Name, And Requires Accreditation Before We Can Release The $15,500,000.00 Trust.
In Order To Speed Up The Process, I Have Conducted A Thorough Verification Process To Confirm That You Are The Individual Attached To This Account. I Have Also Confirmed That You Have Fulfilled All The Necessary Obligations And Have A Proper Credit Rating To Enable The Release Of Your Payment Into A Personal Account Of Your Choice.
The Trust Fund Has Been Authorized For Release By The Federal Reserve Bank, Which Has Your Registered Consolidated Account. You Are Approaching A Three Year Non-Response, And Your Fund Will Be Released Back To The Four Banks If You Do Not Contact Our Office Within The Next Four Weeks.
The Federal Reserve Bank Utilizes A Secured Macro Transfer System, And Your Funds Can Be Transferred In 2-5 Days If You Reply To This Authorized Email With The Following Information. The More Information You Provide, The Quicker The Approval Process Will Be Completed.
First Name*:
Last Name*:
Residential Address*:
Email Address*:
Phone Number*:
Marital Status*:
If You Prefer To Receive Your Funds On A Pre-Loaded Visa Card, We Could Ship Your Card To Your Address. Please Note That Cards Have A Daily Withdrawal Limit Of $10,000 Usd. We Can Also Write You A Draft Check, Which Can Be Deposited In Any Bank.
I Anticipate Your Timely Response Before The Account Deactivates.
Thank You,
Sir. Sylvester Carlos
President And Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank Of North Carolina
Phone;+1(901) 443-8410
Note: According To Our Agreement With The Assigned Legal Solicitor From The Imf And Un, All Our Communications Should Be On E-Mail, Or Sms +1(901) 443-8410 For Record Purpose.
REPLAY TO - atmcustomercare012@gmail.com
From Central Bank of Nigeria
From: Rev Kenneth Williams
Remittance Manager
Central Bank of Nigeria.
Attention please:
This is to officially notify you that one Mrs. Cynthia Edward, came to my office to let me know that you are DEAD, and before your death, you instructed her to come for the claim of your fund which worth the sum of US$8 Million, that was long abandoned in your name with Central Bank of Nigeria.So here comes the big question....
(i) Did you authorize Mrs. Cynthia Edward to come for your claim?
(ii) Are you truly Dead or Alive?
If (NO) you are hereby advice as a matter of urgency to reconfirm the details of this message within 24 hours, hence your ATM MASTER CARD shall be deliver to her without any more delay.
Below is the information provided by Mrs. Cynthia Edward to this bank, are you also the one who ask her to provide this bank account information to us?
Washington Mutual Bank
2075 S. Victoria Ave
Ventura, CA 93003
800 788-7000
Acct. name: Mrs. Cynthia Edward.
Type: Checking
ABA # 322271627
Account # 1951204345
Amount: US$8 Million.
This card centre will send Her the ATM CARD if we do not hear from you and this Card can be used to withdraw money in any ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum is ($10,000.00) Ten Thousand Us Dollars per transaction. So, if you like to receive your fund this way, $10,000 usd for you to withdraw for a day and each transaction is $ 100, $500, or $5000 usd minimum which you have to withdraw $5,000 usd for one working day also be informed that the total amount in the SWIFT ATM CARD is $8 million usd.
Mrs. Cynthia Edward suppose to send this bank the sum of $950 USD for the balance of Certificate of Ownership and the dispatch fee but we want to be very sure if you are truely dead or you are the person that instructed Mrs. Cynthia Edward for the claim of your fund.
Please if you are not dead call this number immediately. +2348064717043 and speak with the manager Rev Kenneth William
Receiver's Name:Anukwa Onyekachi Kenneth
Country: Nigeria
Text Question: For
Answer: You
Amount to Balance: $950USD
Scan copy of the payment is needed for verification.
We wait for your urgent response today. You need to act very fast, because if this bank wait for your urgent reply Within seven working days without hearing from you or receive any message from you, you will be consider dead, and your ATM MASTER CARD will be sent to Mrs. Cynthia Edward. An immediate telephone call will be better on +2348064717043 so that you can speak with the Rev Kenneth Williams or you email me.
Best Regards,
Rev Kenneth Williams
Remittance Manager
Central Bank of Nigeria.
Tel: +2348064717043
responder para - mrsmargretedward017@gmail.com
MRS MARGRET EDWARD - mrsedwardoi7@themis.ocn.ne.jp
3 de mar
My name is Margret Edward (Mrs.).Naturally, this letter might come to you as a surprise, since we have not met before. it is by the grace of God that this took ocurred, knowing the truth and the truth shall set me free. Having known the truth, i had no choice than to do what is
lawful and rightful in the sight of God for eternal life and in the sight of man for witness of God's mercy and glory upon my life. I have the pleasure to share my life briefly history with you and also prayed over it, God revealed to me that you are genuine hearted and can do
this work.
I am the above named person from USA. I am married to Dr.Martins Edward who worked with USA embassy in UNITED KINGDOM for nine years before his death on March 2014.we were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for
only four days. Before his death, we were both born again Christians.When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of Twenty Five million, five hundred thousand us dollars ($25.5) with FINANCE HOUSE.
Altogether, I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E,London and Ireland. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I
cannot do this myself any more. Presently, this money is still with the FINANCE HOUSE. And the management just wrote me as the wife of the depositor to come forward to receive the money or rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my
behalf since I cannot come over there due to my illness. Again, I’m with my laptop in a hospital where i have been undergoing treatment for cancer which had indicated to my doctor that i would not last for the next four months according to his statement.
So it is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity organizations, churches because our relatives have plundered so much of our wealth after my husband's death and my illness got deteriorated. I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge
responsibility to any of them. Please, I beg you in the name of god to help me and utilize the above mentioned funds and its interest and distribute it accordingly.
Having known my condition i decided to donate this fund to church or a Christian individual that will utilize this money the way i am going to instruct herein. I want a person that has God fearing. Someone that will use this money on churches, orphanages etc propagating the word
of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. The bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because i don't have any child that will inherit this Money. My husband relatives are not Christians and i don't want this
hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers. I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner.
My happiness is that i lived a life of a worthy Christian. So i am not afraid of death hence i know where i am going. I know that i am going to be in the bossom of the lord. Exodus 14 vs 14 say that; the lord will fight my case and i shall hold my peace. Whoever that wants to
serve the lord must serve him in spirit and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.
Please i don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health and the presence of my husband's relatives around me always. I don't want them to know about this development. Any delay in your reply will give me room in searching for a church or Christian
individual for this same purpose.
Please kindly contact me for arrangements regarding this transaction and assure me that you will act accordingly as i stated herein and you can not betray me once you receive this money into your account. I want you and the church to always pray for me. Please for more details
contact me.
Thanks and may God Almighty Guide and bless you upon helping me with this project Amen
Hoping to hear from you soonest for more details
Yours sister in the lord,
Mrs. Margret Edward
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