Ele disse q eh soldado no Iraque, q já esteve no BR e q quando vier quer se encontrar comigo. Enfim pelo menos dinheiro até agora não pediu.
Segue uma foto q ele me enviou, agradeço a atenção.
EMAIL DO SCAMMER - jamesdonald549@gmail.com
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Em 04/04/2017 09:56, Julia Nyblniger - julia.nyoun@katamail.com escreveu:
Boa tarde de Dakar - Senegal e muito obrigado pela sua resposta rápida com a sua foto anexa para que eu possa conhecê-lo melhor. Você realmente é muito bonito e bonito e eu acho que a maneira que você escreveu em seu e-mail que você deve ser um homem muito honesto, sem mente você está feliz casado como você disse corretamente. Minha querida, quero que saiba que por agora não estou buscando um relacionamento com você. O que é importante para mim agora é a educação e essa foi a principal razão para entrar em contato com você é me ajudar a vir ao seu país para a continuação de meus estudos médicos em qualquer uma das universidades lá no BRASIL.
As razões são que eu não tenho nenhuma outra família aqui, eu não teria contatado você se eu tiver, mas eu estou sozinho desde a morte de meus pais. Eu sou a única filha de meus pais, ou irmãos ou irmãs.O único problema que me preocupa é completar meus estudos médicos na universidade que eu não poderia terminar devido à morte que aconteceu aos meus dois pais que me fez entrar Contato com você para ver a possibilidade de você me ajudar a vir para o seu país para a continuação dos meus estudos na universidade, mas no seu país desta vez em que é a maior razão pela qual eu entrei em contato com você.
Por favor meu caro você não tem que ser cético ou preocupar-se sobre minha subsistência quando eu venho a seu país com sua ajuda, mim não dependerá de você para minha subsistência porque eu tenho os meios de minha subsistência e de instrução para meus estudos em a Universidade. O único problema é como conseguir os meios de meu sustento através de seu país devido à demasiada burocracia que eu lhe digo em detalhe muito mais tarde, isto é, se você é competente e capaz o suficiente para me ajudar como amigo para vir para o seu País para a continuação dos meus estudos na universidade. No entanto, vou dar-lhe uma explicação detalhada quando eu obter o seu consentimento para isso.
Meu querido, mesmo estando tão distantes uns dos outros por agora, eu acredito que a distância, a idade, a raça, a religião ou a cultura nunca serão uma barreira entre nós somente se você for muito honesto e Sincero comigo. E eu Quero que você saiba que a idade é apenas um número, não importa a diferença de idade, nunca será uma barreira entre nós. E para sua observação, eu sou um cristão árabe (católico).
Estou esperando ansiosamente ou sua resposta urgente.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Julia Nyblinger
----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Caren Ndadaye caren_ndadaye@hotmail.com
Envoyé le : Je, 6 Avr 2017
Sujet : UBA Senegal about your transfer : ubaalert-sengal@accountant.com
My dear, i am so sorry for my late writing.
the money is for you, i didn't ask you to help me, i only give you the money, so you have to write to the bank and collect the money.
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: AMBASSADOR JAMES KNIGHT. - augustineejike720@gmail.com
A: undisclosed-recipients:;
Envoyé le : Me, 5 Avr 2017 23:34
Sujet : US Embassy - $120 fees for your $6.2m. : www.usa_embassy@contractor.net
Attn. my dear, hackers take our hotmail account that is the reason why you did not hear from me back. So get back to me here.
Please i want to inform you that your fund was brought to my desk this morning because the director of the western union here in Benin said that they will divert your fund to the government treasuries account, just because that you refused to pay for the transfer fees of your fund which is
But i told them to wait until i hear from you today so that i will know the reason why you reject and abandone such amount of money
$6.2 millions
which will change your life just because of $120. i want your urgent response as soon as you receive this email and tell me the reason why you have abandon your fund or if you are not interested in it again then i can change your name to another person name so that the government will not claim this fund. Please you get back to me with this contact information and i will tell you where and whom to send the
if you are really interested in receiving your fund. Send me your full contact information as required below...
Full name .................
country and city........................
home address ...........................
private phone number........................ .
age ........
occupation ..................
scanned copy of id card.......................
Contact me through this email address below
I await your urgent response
US Ambassador to the Benin
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Creio que cai em um golpe e_mail rickanderson67@gmail.com,
facebook Richard Anderson, diz que é viúvo perdeu esposa e filha, diz que ia me mandar um pacote com um presentes, e que eu devia pagar as taxas 1200 euro,
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quando foi no outro dia recebi uma ligação de São Paulo, me dizendo que estava aguardando depósito pra caixa prosseguir assim fiz e nada aí no outro dia me disseram que tinha ouro na minha caixa e que depositasse 15 mil aí fui conversar com meu pai que disse que era golp
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Oi Meg,
O nome dele é Michael P Rodriguez : micprodriguez01@gmail.com
Ele se contradiz em algumas informações.
Segue uma foto.
De: Kalila Habib - kalilahabib@gmail.com
Enviado: quinta-feira, 6 de abril de 2017
Para: XXXX
Assunto: Re: Chegou proposta para o seu xxxxxx
Obrigado por sua resposta. Lamento a minha resposta tardia. E por favor, está tudo bem em se comunicar em inglês? Eu não estou vivendo no Brasil atualmente. Nota, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não imaginário e que foi por isso que eu fui a um site seguro, onde posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você. Por favor, seja informado que é meu interesse sincero para comprar o seu carro, também eu ficarei feliz em pedir sua permissão para trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios no Brasil. Você pode reservar este carro para mim? Se isso for possível, estarei no Brasil no final do mês para conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
Sou a Sra. Kalila Habib, uma mulher síria. Desejo mudar-me para o Brasil devido ao prolongado conflito / guerra civil na Síria, bem como aos ataques que ameaçam a vida diária do grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi minha família, meu marido e minha filha para as mãos frias da morte durante um ataque dirigido a nossa casa em 23 de março de 2016, para acabar com a nossa família. Eu e meu filho não estava por perto durante o fogo cruzado. Nós estávamos no hospital para check-up quando o atacou nossa casa matando meu amado marido e minha filha e definir a casa em chamas. Estou em lágrimas escrevendo-lhe este e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um empreiteiro muito bem sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria, e estava negociando privadamente em poeira de ouro e bares antes de sua morte prematura. Esperava, ele deixou para trás uma quantidade razoável de dinheiro, que eu desejo investir no setor imobiliário e outros setores interessantes no Brasil.
Como você pode ou não pode saber, as sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia tornaram quase impossível operar com êxito qualquer tipo de investimento aqui na Síria ou até mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui para outras partes do mundo. Por esta razão, estou contatando você com grande confiança com a esperança de que você poderia me ajudar a obter esse dinheiro no Brasil para fins de investimento:
Por favor, gostaria de saber como é conveniente para você me ajudar desta maneira. Todo o capital à minha disposição é de nove milhões de dólares americanos. Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em uma caixa de tronco e depositado isto com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera em escrever-lhe é plead com você para amavelmente aceitar a caixa de dinheiro. Isto é porque não podemos fazer qualquer transferência bancária a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões que me preocupam agora. Vou dar-lhe 30% do total do dinheiro como seu benefício para me ajudar.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem de minha família. Como mulher desde que meu marido e minha filha morreram, tudo o que tenho é meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida decente desde que eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente pacífico. Vou mudar para o Brasil com meu filho e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, o seu conselho e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recibo de sua informação eu fornecer-lhe-ei mais detalhes.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Kalila Habib.
Thank you for your response. I am sorry for my late response. And please is it okay to communicate in English? I am not living in Brazil presently. Note, I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that was why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that you are for real. I believe I can trust you. Please be informed that it is my sincere interest to buy your car, also I will be glad to ask for your permission to work with you as my business partner in Brazil. Can you reserve this car for me? If this is possible, then I will be in Brazil by month end to meet you personally.
I am Mrs. Kalila Habib, a Syrian woman. I desire to relocate to Brazil due to the prolonged civil unrest/war in Syria, as well as the daily life threatening attacks by ISIS terrorist group. I've already lost my family, my husband and daughter to the cold hands of death during an attack targeted at our home on March 23, 2016, to end our family. I and my son was not around during the cross fire. we were at the hospital for check up when the attacked our home killing my beloved husband and my daughter and setting the house ablaze. I am in tears writing you this mail. He (my late husband) was a very successful contractor in the oil city of Syria, and was privately dealing on gold dust and bars before his untimely death. Expectedly, he left behind some reasonable amount of money, which I desire to invest in the Real Estate sector and other interesting sectors in Brazil.
As you may or may not know, the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union have made it nearly impossible to successfully operate any type of investment here in Syria or to even transfer money from here to other parts of the world. For this reason, I am contacting you in great confidence with the hope that you could help me get this money into Brazil for investment purposes:
Please I would like to know how convenient it might be for you to assist me in this way. The entire capital at my disposal is Nine Million US Dollars. I secretly locked up the money in a trunk box and deposited it with the Red Cross here in Damascus. My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to kindly accept the money box. This is because we cannot do any bank transfers from here following the war. These are the major issues of concern to me now. I will give you 30% of the total money as your benefit for helping me.
I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody. I cannot risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage. As a woman since my husband and daughter is dead, all I have is my only son. He deserves a decent life since I want him to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to Brazil with my son and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and support; we can work together and achieve.
I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details.
Yours faithfully,
Kalila Habib.
Mr Mohammad Ali - mohammad.ali15215@gmail.com por yahoo.com
Greetings My Dear Friend,
Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax mail and I urge you to treat it serious. This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidentiality of this business and I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. Please this is not a joke and I will not like you to joke with it ok,
With due respect to your person and much sincerity of purpose, I make this contact with you as I believe that you can be of great assistance to me. My name is Mr Mohammad Ali, from Burkina Faso, West Africa. I work in African Development Bank (ADB) as telex manager, please see this as a confidential message and do not reveal it to another person and let me know whether you can be of assistance regarding my proposal below because it is top secret.
I am about to retire from active Banking service to start a new life but I am skeptical to reveal this particular secret to a stranger. You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially because we are not going to suffer again in life. It has been 10 years now that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold
and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the continent. Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transferring to foreign accounts, so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers were being closed after transfer. I acted as the Bank Officer to most of the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act; I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control. They laundered over $5billion Dollars during the process.
Before I send this message to you, I have already diverted ($17.4million Dollars) to an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank. The bank is anxious now to know who the beneficiary to the funds is because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more than Eight years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas. The ($17.4million Dollars) has been laying waste in our bank and I don want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver (a foreigner). The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you. There is no one coming to ask you about the funds because I secured everything. I only want you to assist me by providing a reliable bank account where the funds can be transferred.
You are not to face any difficulties or legal implications as I am going to handle the transfer personally. If you are capable of receiving the funds, do let me know immediately to enable me give you a detailed information on what to do. For me, I have not stolen the money from anyone because the other people that took the whole money did not face any problems. This is my chance to grab my own life opportunity but you must keep the details of the funds secret to avoid any leakages as no one in the bank knows about the my plans.
Please get back to me if you are interested and capable to handle this project, I shall intimate you on what to do when I hear from your confirmation and acceptance. If you are capable of being my trusted associate, do declare your consent to me. I am looking forward to hear from you immediately for further information.
Thanks with my best regards.
5 de abr (Há 1 dia)
para Cco:mim
Inline image 1
From: F.B.I - jamep4PU@space.ocn.ne.jp
Date: 2017-04-06
Subject: From Federal Bureau of Investigation.......
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc
Customers Service Hours / Monday To Saturday
Office Hours Monday To Saturday:
Dear Beneficiary,
We hope this notification arrives meeting your good health
and mind.Series of meetings have been held over the past 7
months with the secretary general of the United Nations
This ended 3 days ago. It is obvious that you
have not received your fund which is to the tune of 10.3M)
million due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who
almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason
and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund
all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so
many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the
receipt of your fund.for more information do get back to
The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the
United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have
successfully passed a mandate to the government of the
states the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to
you and other individuals and organizations who have been
found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/,
we are happy to inform you that based on our recommendation
your outstanding contract inheritance funds of over-due
payment in tone of USD 10.3M) has been credited in your
favor in Citibank.
Having said all this, we will further
advise that you go ahead in dealing with the Citibank, IL
accordingly as we will be monitoring all their activities
with you as well as your correspondence at all levels.
NOTE: There are numerous scam emails on the internet,
imposters impersonating names and images. We therefore warn
our dear citizens to be very careful with any claim email
you receive prior to these irregularities so that they do
not fall victim to this ugly circumstance anymore.
And should in case you are already dealing with anybody or
office claiming that you have a payment with them, you are
to STOP further contact with them immediately in your best
interest and contact the real bank (Citibank) only where
your fund is laying, with the below information:
Bank Name: Citibank
Address: 2022 South Archer Ave, Chicago, IL USA.
Attn: Lambert Donelson
(Remittance Director)
E-mail: lambertdonelson20@gmail.com
Contact the bank today and furnish them with this
information below for processing of your payment/funds
NOTE: In your best interest, any message that does not come
from the above email address should be nullified and avoided
immediately for security reasons. Meanwhile, we will advise
that you contact the Citibank office in Illinois immediately
with the above email address and request that they attend to
your payment file as directed so as to enable you receive
your payment/fund accordingly.
Ensure you follow all directives from Citibank as this will
further help hasten up the whole payment process in regards
to the transfer of your fund to you as designated. Also have
in mind that the Citibank equally has their own protocol of
operation as stipulated on their banking terms.
All modalities has already been worked out before you were
contacted and note that we will be monitoring all your
dealings with them as you proceed so you don't have anything
to worry about. All we require from you henceforth is an
update so as to enable us be on track with you and the
Citibank. Without wasting much time, we will want you to
contact them immediately with the above email address and
phone number so as to enable them attend to your case
harold diamond www.@friend.ocn.ne.jp
Beneficiary Email ID Owner.
I Mr. Harold Diamond is the current winner of US$326 Million on the 2015 concluded Euro million Jackpot Draw, See link for proof: www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/01/13/retired-principal-wins-326-million-jackpot-in-new-york/21682481, I donated {$12.5 Millions} to you as a gift, respond is needed for more information.
Remain Bless from Harold Diamond Fund Donation Families.
Email at harolddiamond1948@hotmail.com
REPLAY TO - veuve.lietoodettemelanie@outlook.fr
Besoin de votre urgence réponse ( Mme LIETO Odette Mélanie ).
"Mme Odette Mélanie LIETO" orfp@superig.com.br
português Traduzir mensagem
Desativar para: francês
Je me nomme LIETO Odette Mélanie , chrétienne née le 18 Mars 1955 de nationalité Française et vivant actuellement à la maison de retraite St James Nursing Home de Manchester. J'ai dû vous contacter de la sorte parce que je souhaite me libérer d'un fardeau qui me tient le plus à cœur. Il y a toujours une raison quand une personne ne va pas bien, différentes raisons que l'on peut montrer ou ne pas montrer... Mais des fois, certaines raisons,certaines erreurs peuvent faire si mal que l'on ne peut les oubliées, on ne peut pas passer au-dessus, on est obligé de montrer ce mal qui nous envahit... Il nous suffit d'avancer, de refermer cette cicatrice et ne pas se retourner, détourner le regard du passé et vivre le présent. En effet,je vous contacte car mon défunt mari et moi avions mobilisé une petite fortune que nous envisageons investir dans les œuvres humanitaires afin d'aider les plus démunis, construire des centres d'aide, des orphelinats, des hôpitaux et églises mais compte tenu de mon état de santé et de mon âge,je ne pourrai plus m'en occupé personnellement. Bien sûre que je ne vous connais pas, mais après une longue ballade dans les moments perdu sur le net que je suis tombé sur votre courrier électronique et j'ai décidé de vous exposez mon situation. Je vous fais profiter cette petite fortune de 1.950.000,00 € car j'ai la ferme conviction que cet argent pourra mieux servir ailleurs et faire profiter d'autres personnes qui en sont le plus dans le besoin. Je vous prie donc d'accepter cet argent que je veux mettre gracieusement à votre disposition contre votre prière pour moi et fait profiter les autres autour de vous.Alors, si vous approuvez accord à mon message,veuillez bien vouloir me contacter sur mon adresse privée car je suis dans une situation critique.
REPLAY TO - sarh.edward@hotmail.com
Mrs Edward S - sarhdward@gmail.com
Glad to write to you this message,
I seek for your kind help in setting up a charitable organization to
help the less privileged people and also the elderly people under
your care,
I was diagnosed of breast cancer and the doctors told me that i may
not live long due to the bad stage of my cancer because of this i
decided to use my late husband wealth to help the poor,
I want to use my late husband wealth of $3,000,000.00 to set up a
charity foundation to help the needy and the less privileged ones in
your country under your care, Can you help to build this project in
your country?
All i need from you is your sincerity to use this funds to do this
project as i desired to use it for less privileged ones and orphanage
We are the one who will make the world a better place when we help the
needy sincerely,
Reply and let me know your opinion in doing this noble work,
Be blessed,
Mrs Sarah Edwrd
GALAXY BANK - transfer.dept@galaxyhit.com
Senhor. xxxxxxx
Bem-vindo ao Galaxy Bank International UK.
Código de referência: GBI-745608902546 / UK / 2017 / A.
Cód. Depósito do Fundo: [Neil / 631 / 2017BDB] refere-se.
Tendo recebido as informações de e-mail e aprovação nomeando você como o beneficiário por Barr. Jennifer Johnson Advogado de Neil Trotter que está vivendo atualmente em (53 Abbey Road Londres NW8 9AY Reino Unido) Eu confirmo o recibo de seu código de referência de correio [Neil / 631 / 2017BDB] e esta é nossa resposta oficial.
Seu código de arquivo de pagamento. Neil / 631 / 2017BDB foram revistos, certificados e aprovados para pagamento por nossos serviços jurídicos e contas / remessas departamento de fundos, respectivamente. Após esse desenvolvimento, fui orientado pelo Diretor de Transmissão de Remessas do Fundo de Pagamentos Internacionais / Serviços Télex (JPR-104). A partir daí o fundo depositado em nosso banco em cheque será transferido para você o beneficiário, mas não temos detalhes de uma conta para usar. Forneça a sua conta para a transferência bancária no seu próximo e-mail.
E para efetuar transferência legal em seu favor como um beneficiário nomeado por Neil Trotter da soma de £ 1,000,000. Herdado do Certificado de Colocação de Fundo do Fundo de um cidadão britânico Ref.: GS101454. Assim, você foi nomeado como Beneficiário. Galaxy banco está aqui para atendê-lo. No entanto, antes de nosso banco vai começar a transferência do fundo, você tem que fornecer o seguinte:
1. Uma procuração (Certified) e declaração jurada de juramento que lhe permite reclamar e transferir o fundo para sua conta bancária. Isto é para garantir o fundo aqui e no seu país da comissão de crime econômico, eu acho que você entende isso?
Nota. (I): Esta procuração deve ser endossada por um advogado recomendado pelo banco Galaxy Reino Unido ou Neil Trotter.
Além disso, tem de fornecer a sua identidade e as informações da sua conta, o que facilitará a transferência deste fundo para a sua conta no seu banco assim que estes documentos forem fornecidos e tiver opções de escolher transferir por transferência bancária para a sua conta ou entrega em numerário Pessoa por um diplomata. Após a recepção das informações acima, teremos o poder de dar valor à quantia de £ 1.000.000,00
Obrigado por Bancar connosco.
Lembre-se que nosso horário de trabalho é segunda-feira = sexta-feira 8 am-6pm hora padrão do Reino Unido. Sábado das 10h às 16h30 Horário padrão do Reino Unido.
De Galaxy departamento de transferência bancária, Mail aprovado pelo diretor de finanças Sr. Michael Brierley
GALAXY BANK OF Hr. Reino Unido
Telefone +447989150273
Adicionar: 807 Tottenham Court Rd.
Fitzrovia, Londres W1T 7QF. Reino Unido
E-mail: transfer.dept@galaxyhit.com
Invitation for U S conference from June 26th - 30th June 2017
Kate Morgan sundar716112@nitw.ac.in
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is a great honor for me to invite you and your colleagues to attend the 2017, Symposium meeting on Child & Women's Protection, Rapist & forced marriage, Political Crisis & Human Violence, Economic growth & Global Security. The 2017 Symposium Meeting will be taking place from June 26th - 30th June 2017 in Dallas Texas United States.
The symposium meeting will contain various talks and mini workshops related to the issues of Challenges.The organizing committee sponsors are responsible for visa processing to those who requires visa to the United States and provide free round-trip air tickets from your country to the United States and back to your country. Hotel Accommodation will be your responsible during your stay in United States. Interested participants are to contact the organization office directly by e-mail: intregistrationdesk@zoho.com
We look forward to your honorable presence.
Dr. Kate Morgan
Assistant Director - Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy.
Reply-To: wwwwesternunion269@gmail.com
Mrs jOy Frank - giosuedvn@alice.it
This is your first Payment of $5000.00 usd register today in your name,So
kindly reconfirm as, Your Receiver Name, Your Address, and your Telephone ,
your text
Question and Answer your Age to the office For your approval payment of
$4.8Musd sign to release immediately to you, Contact Western union Office
Full Address ...................
Telephone ......................
Age / sex ......................
Your western union, maximum amount receiving each day From tomorrow is
daily until the funds completely Transferred.
(General Director)
Mr Johnson Mark
Telephone:Tel:+229 99869480
E-mail: wwwwesternunion269@gmail.com
Western union Management COTONOU-Benin
REPLAY TO - lisa.johnrob@gmail.com
JOHN & LISA ROBINSON lisa.johnrob.@chive.ocn.ne.jp
02:36 (Há 14 horas)
Por que esta mensagem está no Spam? Ela é semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam. Saiba mais
Dear Sir / Madam,
This is a personal email directed to you. My wife and I won a PowerBall of $528 jackpot on January 15, 2016 and we have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of ONE MILLION Dollar to you as part of our own charity project to improve the lots of 15-20 lucky individuals all over the world plus 15 close friends and family.
We believe that this wonderful opportunity came to us from God and we cannot keep it to ourselves alone, Your contact was submitted to us by Google Management Team and you received this email because we have short listed you as one of the lucky recipients, If you have received this email then you are one of the lucky winner and all you have to do is get back to us this email ( jlisa.robinson19@gmail.com ) with your particulars so that we can send your details to the pay-out bank.
You can verify this by visiting the web pages below to see our interview and send your response back to us.
And one more thing, this donation is made out to you as to enable you strengthen your personal issues and mostly to generously help us extend hands of giving to the less privilege, orphans and charity organizations within your locality.
We await your urgent response Via email jlisa.robinson19@gmail.com
lisa and John Robinson
I’m Gen. John F. Kelly, The new secretary of U.S. Department of Homeland security appointed by President Donald Trump. Office Address: 3801 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016, United States. I received a report that you have an unclaimed/abandoned fund of US$5,000,000.00 (Five Million United State Dollar) in the West Africa. I have instructed ECOWAS and the concerned authorities to bring the consignment box containing your total fund to our Head office in
Washington DC. The said fund will be here today.
I want you to kindly Reconfirm
So that arrangement can be made for the delivery of the consignment box to you.
I can be reached at (202) 852-3022. Leave me a text or Voice Message if i am unavailable to answer.
I look forward to hearing from you. EMAIL DIRECT CONTACT:::(John.F.Kelly@aol.com)
Gen. John F. Kelly
Secretary of
The U.S. Department of
Homeland security.
Washington DC.
REPLAY TO -galvinjerry2@e1.ru
JERRY - importventas@andinanet.net
From: MR. Brian Moynihan (CEO)
ResponderExcluirE-mail: "lisa.johnrob."@chive.ocn.ne.jp
Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters
100 N.Tryon St Charlotte,NC 28255
Our Ref:BOA/IRU/SFE/15.5/WD/011
United States of America
TELEPHONE +1317-456-0388
8 a.m.-9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Saturday and Sunday
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Dear esteemed customer
The Management of the Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters here In 100 N.Try on St Charlotte, NC 28255 wishes to inform you that after a Brief meeting held by the Bank executives on, the 1St of May, 2017 at Precisely 8 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), we deem it appropriate to Intimate you that your funds will be transferred into the United States Treasury Account with the JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue In New York according to the record we got from Africa due to your Inability to complete the transaction and your failure to meet up with a Minor payment obligation. The actual transfer of your funds ($15,500,000.00) Into the government account comes up next week.
This is in line with the instructions of the USA Treasurer, Mr. John Jacob Lew that all unclaimed funds be paid into the United States Government Treasury Account as serviceable funds in compliance to Section 3 subsection 1(a) of the United States Financial Law enacted in 2001 after an attack on our dear country on September 11, 2001.Find below the profile of the banking institution where your funds will be Transferred into following the government directive:
Name of Bank: JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue in New York.JP
Morgan Chase Official Bankers for the United States Treasury Department
AC NO: 68302345093
Routing NO: 021109593
Account Name: United States Treasury Department, USA
Note that if you still wish to receive your funds do get back to us Immediately so that we will remove your funds transfer from the list of Those transactions to be seized by the United States Government. Also be Informed that we need only a DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY SEAL OF TRANSFER (DIST) to complete the wire transfer. The fee to obtain the SEAL was reduced From$300 to $85 and no other fee is involved. You are required to send The fee of $85 by MONEY GRAM only to the issuing officer at The bank where your transaction originated as stated below:
Receivers Name:..Nzelou Mmaduka Godwin
Country ...Kenya
City ....Nairobi
Test Question....when
Answer ...today
AMOUNT to send...$85
Sender's name...
MTCN Number.......
If we receive the MTCN today, we will transfer your funds ($15,500,000.00) Before we close office and the funds will reflect 3 hours after the Transfer. We will send you all the transfer documents to enable you start Making cash withdrawals from your account same day the funds are Transferred. We have waited for so long and we cannot Continue to wait.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs.
Yours faithfully,
MR. Brian Moynihan (CEO)
Bank of America®Corporate Office Headquarters, Charlotte, N.C.
Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC.
© 2011 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved.
TELEPHONE +1317-456-0388