Todavia, encontrei um senhor de nome OSCAR DAVISON que se diz americano , mas tem negocios em Montreal no Canada. É divorciado por motivo de infidelidade da esposa. Tem um filho de 13 anos que reside com ele. Diz que negocia com cacau vendendo e comprando
Disse-me que foi para Bahrein comprar 300 toneladas de cacau e no intervalo entre o embarque da mercadoria para Montrea ele viria ao Brasil me conhecer. Meus filhos não aceitaram. Acham que ele queria dá um golpe.
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De: Karimah Halim =
Data: 17 de abril de 2017
Para: a
Assunto: Re: Sobre XXXX 2010
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Lamento pela minha resposta tardia. E por favor, está tudo bem para comunicar em Inglês? Eu não estou vivendo no Brasil atualmente. Nota, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não imaginário e fez o que por isso que eu fui a um site seguro onde possa ser surethat você é para real. Eu acredito que eu posso confiar em você. Informamos fez isso é meu interesse sincero para comprar o seu carro, então eu vou ser feliz para pedir sua permissão para trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios no Brasil. você pode reservar este carro para mim? Se isso for possível, então eu vou estar no Brasil no próximo mês para conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
Eu sou a Sra Karimah Halim, uma mulher síria. Eu desejo de mudar para o Brasil devido à prolongada civil, agitação / guerra na Síria, bem como os fatais ataques diários por grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi a minha família, meu marido e filha para as mãos frias de morte durante um ataque dirigido a nossa casa em 23 de Março, 2016, para acabar com a nossa família. Eu e meu filho o que não em torno durante o fogo cruzado. estávamos no hospital para check-up Quando o atacaram a nossa casa matando meu amado marido e minha filha e definindo a casa em chamas. Estou em lágrimas escrevendo este e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um empreiteiro muito bem sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria, eo que lidar privada em pó e barras de ouro antes de sua morte prematura. Expectedly, ele deixou para trás alguma quantidade razoável de dinheiro, o que eu desejo para investir no setor imobiliário e outros setores interessantes no Brasil.
Como você pode ou não pode saber, as sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e pela União Europeia tornaram quase impossível de operar com sucesso qualquer tipo de investimento aqui na Síria ou até mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui para outras partes do mundo. Por esta razão, eu estou entrando em contato em grande confiança com a esperança de que você poderia me ajudar a conseguir esse dinheiro no Brasil para fins de investimento:
Por favor, eu gostaria de saber como conveniente que poderia ser para você me ajudar neste caminho. Todo o capital à minha disposição é nove milhões de dólares norte-americanos. Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em uma caixa tronco e depositou-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha sincera intenção, por escrito, você é a pleitear com você para aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isto é porque nós não podemos fazer quaisquer transferências bancárias a partir daqui Depois da guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Vou dar-lhe 30% do total do dinheiro como o seu benefício por me ajudar.
Tenho de aproveitar esta oportunidade porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar a minha vida aqui para evitar acabar com a minha linhagem familiar. Como uma mulher desde o meu marido e filha está morta, tudo o que tenho é o meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida decente desde que eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente pacífico. Eu quero mudar para o Brasil com meu filho e investir o dinheiro em Accor dança com a lei, o seu aconselhamento e apoio; podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar.
I antecipar sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de suas informações que irá fornecer-lhe mais detalhes.
Karimah Halim.
Em 14 de abril de 2017 16:12, Nathan Anita escreveu:
Bom Dia
Permita-me falar com você algo muito particular e pessoal.
Senhora Anita
Thank you for your response. I am sorry for my late response. And please is it okay to communicate in English? I am not living in Brazil presently. Note, I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that was why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that you are for real. I believe I can trust you. Please be informed that it is my sincere interest to buy your car, also I will be glad to ask for your permission to work with you as my business partner in Brazil. Can you reserve this car for me? If this is possible, then I will be in Brazil by next month to meet you personally.
I am Mrs. Karimah Halim, a Syrian woman. I desire to relocate to Brazil due to the prolonged civil unrest/war in Syria, as well as the daily life threatening attacks by ISIS terrorist group. I've already lost my family, my husband and daughter to the cold hands of death during an attack targeted at our home on March 23, 2016, to end our family. I and my son was not around during the cross fire. we were at the hospital for check up when the attacked our home killing my beloved husband and my daughter and setting the house ablaze. I am in tears writing you this mail. He (my late husband) was a very successful contractor in the oil city of Syria, and was privately dealing on gold dust and bars before his untimely death. Expectedly, he left behind some reasonable amount of money, which I desire to invest in the Real Estate sector and other interesting sectors in Brazil.
As you may or may not know, the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union have made it nearly impossible to successfully operate any type of investment here in Syria or to even transfer money from here to other parts of the world. For this reason, I am contacting you in great confidence with the hope that you could help me get this money into Brazil for investment purposes:
Please I would like to know how convenient it might be for you to assist me in this way. The entire capital at my disposal is Nine Million US Dollars. I secretly locked up the money in a trunk box and deposited it with the Red Cross here in Damascus. My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to kindly accept the money box. This is because we cannot do any bank transfers from here following the war. These are the major issues of concern to me now. I will give you 30% of the total money as your benefit for helping me.
I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody. I cannot risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage. As a woman since my husband and daughter is dead, all I have is my only son. He deserves a decent life since I want him to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to Brazil with my son and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and support; we can work together and achieve.
I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details.
Yours faithfully,
Karimah Halim.
Em 15 de abril de 2017 02:50, NATHAN ANITA-> escreveu:
Obrigado pela rápida resposta à minha mensagem e por permitir que eu fale com você, por favor, como eu disse no meu e-mail anterior o que eu quero falar com você é muito particular, mas eu escolho confiar em você.
Sou a Sra. Anita Griffin Nathan, tenho 59 anos e sou de Bordeaux na França e sou casada com Griffin Nathan, dolorosa por não termos filhos, talvez seja assim que o destino decidiu por nós.
Meu marido antes de Sua morte trabalhou sob a força de manutenção da paz das Nações Unidas na República da Costa do Marfim, mas infelizmente Ele foi vítima de um ataque rabel sangrento.
Ele finalmente desistiu após 3 dias na unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital especializado em Abidjan, República da Costa do Marfim.
Antes da morte de meu marido, Ele me chamou e me disse que Ele depositou a soma de Três Milhões Oitocentos Mil Dólares dos Estados Unidos com um banco em Abidjan, República da Costa do Marfim.
De acordo com meu falecido esposo Ele salvou o dinheiro porque Ele tem um desejo de fazer obras de caridade, para fornecer cuidados de saúde de qualidade e tratamentos para as pessoas idosas pobres e construção de escola para crianças órfãs.
Eu sou o próximo de Kins para a conta bancária, mas atualmente estou em um centro de cuidados de câncer em Paris, França, onde eu estou tomando o meu tratamento, mas devo confessar a você que eu perdi a esperança de sobrevivência, porque o meu último relatório médico confirmou que Eu tenho um tempo muito curto para viver.
Se eu morrer, o dinheiro com o banco será perdido eo purppose de meu marido salvando que o dinheiro não será alcançado.
Por favor, eu quero que você ajude a alcançar o desejo e o sonho de meu Falecido marido, transferindo esse dinheiro para seu país e fazendo o trabalho de caridade como Ele desejou.
Se você pode ajudar a alcançar esse desejo e sonho em nome de meu falecido marido, peço que você me responda imediatamente, o seu atraso vai me fazer procurar por outra pessoa.
Senhora Anita Griffin Nathan
Data: 17 de abril de 2017 13:43
Assunto: Re: Como está o seu dia?
Meu querido,
Obrigado pelo coração disposto a ajudar, eu quero acreditar que o destino que me conectou a você.
Por favor, se você pode ajudar a obter a transferência de dinheiro para o seu país e fazer obras de caridade como instruído sem decepcionar-me e meu marido Tarde, peço que você me envie seus detalhes que é;
Seus nomes completos
Sua idade
Seu endereço residente
Seu número de telefone
Uma vez que eu receber o seu detalhe, vou escrever a minha declaração em seu favor, vou declarar que você é o meu parente mais próximo e do beneficiário do meu dinheiro herdado.
Vou enviar o documento de declaração para o banco onde meu marido Tarde depositado o dinheiro e dizer-lhes sobre você.
Então eu vou dar-lhe o contato do banco para que você vai abrir uma comunicação direta com eles e lidar com eles oficialmente para a liberação e transferência do dinheiro para o seu país.
Por favor, abra o anexo que você vai fino a digitalizar cópia do documento bancário
--------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: qua, 1 de fev de 2017 às 22:29
Subject: Re: XXXXX com MYLINK e 9500 km
Hello Mister XXXXXX
I have just got in touch of your e-mail. Thank you for all this information on the car. I am suited for the purchase of this car. Announce me if you are of agreement for the payment by credit transfer. Announce me
I show the good reception of your e-mail. I renew my interest for the purchase of this car, I am of agreement for the price. I commit myself buying this car because it is appropriate to me. I would like to know current mileage of the car. In appendix of the e-mail I joined to you the copy of my identification papers.
With regard to the payment, I propose an international credit transfer to you. Once all in order and your credited account, you announce to me so that I find a date fixed to return to me to Brazil at your address. Once at your address I will undertake to make all the required documents to travel by the car on my Behalf. The car will be used in Brazil by me even.
Announce me of your news.
Number of cellular +22502429669
De: Doris Gomez -
Enviado: terça-feira, 18 de abril de 2017
Eu sou a Sra Doris Gomez do Kuwait Sou casada com o Sr. Muhammad Hussain Gomez, que trabalhou com o Kuwait embaixada na Costa do Marfim por nove anos antes de morrer no ano passado. Fomos casados por dezenove anos sem uma criança. Após a morte de meu marido, eu decidiram não se casar novamente. Meu falecido marido depositou a quantia de US $ 3,5 milhões de dólares em um banco aqui em Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire quando ele estava vivo. Quero que este fundo para ser usado por orfanatos, viúvas, escolas e propagar a mensagem do amor a toda a humanidade, por isso eu gostaria de doar este fundo para você porque eu estou sufferring da doença acidente vascular cerebral; i lhe dará mais informações assim que responder à minha carta. Por favor, estar sempre em oração durante toda a sua vida. qualquer atraso na sua resposta vai me dar espaço no fornecimento de outra pessoa ou organização para este mesmo fim. Por favor, assegurar-me de que você vai agir em conformidade como eu nele contidos. Na esperança de receber a sua resposta. Deus te abençoe Sra Doris Gomez.
De : foreverlove7 -
Envoyé le : Je, 13 Avr 2017 14:08
Sujet : My dearest, I do not know if I can ask you for it...
Hello, my dearest !!!
I am really happy to receive your letter again !! Waiting for your news became a special routine for me )) It is not along while since we correspond but I used to wait for your letter daily, I even cannot imagine how I lived without you before !! You are my the only one gladness here !!
I was really honored to read that you like my photos so much ))) Yes, i work on my figure shape and you can be sure that I will look good even being 60 y.o. )) I wrote you what is my age ))) Why do you ask ? Do you read carefully what i write you ? ;) Are you a serious man ?
You know, I often think about us and dream about our meeting in real life ))) I picture it with my imagination in many different ways !!! And i can tell you that each way is amazing !! And now, when I
am so happy to have you in my life I am also very scared at the same time... I am scared to lose our contact, I am scared to lose you...
I do not want you to have a wrong impression about me, I do not want you to think bad of me. But I have to be honest with you. I have to tell you that I do not know long long it will be possible to me to keep writing you. I am not normally paid now and even paying not big money for using Internet cafe is difficult to me. It is not much but still it is difficult to me. My wallet is empty (((( I try save on everything but... Still my possibilities are very limited. My dearest, I do not know if I can ask you for it, but... But maybe I can
count on you ? Please, do not think bad of me !! I am not a liar or cheater !! I am just a girl who was unluckily to live at place which became occupied but separatists and terrorists. I try to be positive but my life here is very difficult.
I will be waiting for your answer with a trembling heart... Please, please do not think bad of me. I have my own pride and I hate myself for writing you it !!! I just do not want to lose you.....
I hope to get you answer soon.
Your Luba, your love....
De: "Mrs. Adila Alima Naifeh" -
Data: 17/04/17
Assunto: Please respond immediately seeking for your assistance
I am Mrs.Adila Alima Naifeh of Syrian citizen, there on going war going on in my country Syria. Myself and my two daughters lives are in danger my husband who happens to be a business man was murdered 3 months ago we lost everything but my husband had some money that he kept in our home a total amount of $18.750.000.00 million, that belongs to my late husband and due to what happened to him we can no long be safe in Syria so I decided to contact you, Please I seek for your help, to help me receive the fund to your country and help me keep its safe for us, The sum of $18.750.000.00 (eighteen million seven hundred and fifty thousand) is involved and it was well packaged in a consignment registered as United Nation refugee gift. It is registered as a diplomatic package.
We lost our International passport and we are searching means to travel out the rebel/opposition military has rendered us stranded and our houses and properties have damaged through bomb. Please respond immediately to enable me give you the delivery details. Thanks Mrs. Adila Alima Naifeh
l 25/03/2017 01:04 p.m., "post office" - escribió:
Australia Lotería Incorporación
6123 Coll Street Road,
Cementerio Graham Awx103, Australia.
Nuestra ref: A2017 SO / AUS / LI0011 / 017s
Número 02 / HW
Billete No.17212
Ref No.475061725
Serial: 7741137002
Lote nº: 7056490900/188
No del ganador: Gb8701 / LPrc
Estimado Señor / Señora:
Su dirección de correo electrónico ha ganado doscientos mil dólares estadounidenses ($ 200.000.00USD) en el número de archivo del borrador bancario: ILP / HW 47509/012 y se le pedirá que reclame su premio ganador.
Póngase en contacto con su agente fudicial;
Nombre del Agente: Reverend James Atherton
Correo electrónico:
Australia Lotería Incorporación Un afiliado de Caridad Internacional.
Arena Complejo 31Km 4830 Route de Rufisque, Australia.
responder para -
casimire kere -
I am Mr.Kere Casmire I Have a Business Proposal of $5.3 million For You.
I am aware of the unsafe nature of the internet,
and was compelled to use this medium due to the nature of this project.
I have access to very vital information that can be used to transfer
this huge amount of money.
which may culminate into the investment of the said funds into your
company or any lucrative venture in your country.
If you will like to assist me as a partner then indicate your interest,
after which we shall both discuss the modalities and the sharing percentage.
Upon receipt of your reply on your expression of Interest I will give you full details,
on how the business will be executed I am open for negotiation.
Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.
Note you might receive this message in your inbox or spam or junk folder,
depends on your web host or server network.
Mr.Kere Casmire
Notice for payment
jayden harrison -
Anexos05:35 (Há 11 horas)
Attached is the payment proof, please verify and revert.
Financial Accountant
Re : Hello i am waiting for your response
Mrs.Mellissa Bamba -
Hello My Dear Friend
First of all I will like to thank you for given your attention to read my mail
i live in Togo but my country of origin is Cote D'Ivoire and my name is
Mellissa Bamba the Wife of late Mr. Gorgers Bamba ,I pray that my plan with you
Shall be of good success. After reading my message please kindly get back
To me.
It's my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which i intend to
Establish in your country. Though I have not met with you before but I believe,
One has to risk confidence in someone to succeed sometimes in life.
There is this amount of 6.5 million U.S dollars (US$6.500, 000.00)
Which my late husband kept in a security company in republic of Togo before he was
Assassinated by unknown persons on his trip to France.
Now I and my daughter have decided to invest this money in your country or
Anywhere safe enough for security and political reasons. We want you to help us
To transfer these funds to your account for investment.
Purposes on the followings below:
1). Telecommunication
2). Automobile manufacturing
3). Five star hotel
I will give you more information consigning the transfer.
i am waiting for your response.
My Regards.
Melissa Bamba.
+228 9771 5497
Hello Dear
x -
My name is Sgt. Linda Posser, Am a Army personnel of the United States. I am very happy to contact you. I have an important thing to discus with you.Please contact me via my private email address which is (
Thank you Linda Posser.
responder para -
HR Management -
Dear Sir/Madam
I represent some Japanese/Chinese Investors who are willing to Invest in Malaysia. The Investment Project has already been approved by the Malaysian Prime Minister and a Company has already been registered in Malaysia. To enable us proceed with the Investment we need a Local representative from Malaysia which is in accordance to Laws of Malaysia.
Hence, I am contacting you to propose that you become our representative. If interested kindly advise.
Mr. Kobayashi Koki
(sem assunto)
Maureen Hinckley -
I am Maureen Hinckley and my foundation is donating (Five hundred and fifty thousand USD) to you.Contact us via my email at ( for further details.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Maureen Hinckley•
Copyright ©2017• The Maureen Hinckley Foundation• All Rights Reserved.
Represent South Korea. Congratulations, You have been selected!
The South Korean Selection Committee - por
You have been selected through our nomination algorithm to represent SOUTH KOREA in our upcoming Multi-National publication, known as "Who's Who in The World"
The special invitation for you is from an esteemed United States publisher of professional Biographies.
I am the editor-in-chief of Who's Who in the World Publications.
My organization has dedicated over 117 years in creating and updating a database of influential people
from around the world in business, academia, society and the arts.
My organization would like to learn more about you, to see if you will be a good fit in our community.
Please visit our "Who's Who in The World" Biography Submission Form where you will be prompted to provide information about your various achievements.
After a secondary screening by our editors, those selected will be included in our "Who's Who in The World 2018 edition"
The networking and promotional benefits have often proven to be invaluable to these individuals and their various projects, practices and businesses.
I strongly urge you to act now and submit your professional information to our selection department for review...
Selection Department
Who's Who in the World Publications®
B&G Inc
6977 Navajo Rd #101 San Diego CA 92119 USA
Remove Me | Never Mail
From Ms. Mariamma Akash
Ms. Mariamma Akash -
How are you doing today?
I am Ms. Mariamma Akash, Please do condone me for invading your privacy through this medium.
Nevertheless, I desire to convey a very important message which in the long run will be conjointly beneficial to us.
This entails a business dealing which I will make known to you the full details in my next mail upon your response and readiness to work with me.
Please do take this mail in earnest.
View attached link for proper understanding.
Respectfully Yours,
Ms. Mariamma Akash.
Regards Mr. Kevin Bryner -
I am Mr. Kevin Bryner, Chief Inspection Agent United Nations Inspection Unit at
Spokane International Airport, working hand in hand with Department of
Security and U.S Customs and Border Protection.
During our investigation, I discovered an abandoned shipment from a Diplomat
from Africa and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a metal
trunk box weighing
approximately 25kg each.
Contact me right now through this email if you are still interested in the
boxes (
Regards Mr. Kevin
---------- Message transféré ----------
De : Mattie Schmitt -
Date : 17 avril 2017 à 03:14
Objet : Tu veux acheter une voiture en un mois ? Demande-moi comment :
À :
Mon ami, je m'empresse de te réjouir !
Tu peux commencer déjà aujourd'hui à se servir du logiciel, l'intelligence de qui surpasse les esprits de mille meilleurs des spéculateurs en bourse !
Le logiciel analyse le marché, prend la décision des achats et les fait seulement alors, quand le bénéfice fera 100 % !
Tu comprends ? Dès que l'échelle de son utilisation deviendra menaçante, le commerce sera interdit aux robots !
Mais aujourd'hui tu peux te faire encore une vraie fortune, tout ce qu'il faut c’est ouvrir cette référence et apprendre les détails …
De: Fabien Barou
Enviado: terça-feira, 18 de abril de 2017 10:34
Assunto: De Sra. Fabien Barou
Amado em Cristo,
Eu sou deputada Fabien Barouu do Kuwait. Sou casada com o Sr. Vincent Barouu que trabalhou com o Kuwait embaixada na Costa do Marfim por nove anos antes de sua
morte. Fomos casados por onze anos sem uma criança. Ele morreu após uma breve doença, que durou apenas quatro dias. Antes de sua morte estávamos cristão renascido. Desde sua morte Eu decidi não voltar a casar ou ter uma criança fora do meu lar conjugal que a Bíblia é contra. Quando meu marido era vivo ele depositou o montante de US $ 3,5 milhões (3.5 milhões de dólares E.U.) em um banco aqui em Abidjan em conta suspense.
Atualmente, o fundo continua a banco. Recentemente, meu médico me disse Eu tenho uma doença grave, e ch é o problema do câncer. O que eu doença. Tendo incomoda o meu estilo conhecido a minha condição eu decidi doar este fundo de uma igreja ou
indivíduo que vai utilizar esse dinheiro da maneira Estou indo para in struir aqui. Eu quero uma igreja que usa o fundo para orfanatos, viúvas, propagação da palavra de Deus e se esforcem por a casa de Deus é mantida. A Bíblia nos faz entender que o beato é a mão que dá. Eu tirei essa decisão, porque eu não tenho filho que herdará esse dinheiro e meu marido parentes não são cristãos e não quero que meus esforços marido ser usado por não-crentes. Eu não quero uma situação em que este dinheiro será usado de uma forma ímpios. É por isso que tomamos essa de decisão. Eu não tenho medo da morte, portanto, eu sei para onde ir. Eu sei tobe no seio do Senhor. Êxodo 14 VS 14 diz que o senhor vai lutar contra a minha caso, e eu estava em silêncio. Eu não preciso de qualquer comunicação telefónica a esse respeito por causa da minha saúde, então a presença dos parentes do meu marido ao meu redor desde que não quer saber sobre esse
desenvolvimento Com Deus todas as coisas são possível. Assim que eu receber a sua resposta vou dar-lhe o contacto do banco Abidjan. Eu aqui que você ea igreja para orar sempre para mim, porque o Senhor é meu pastor. Minha felicidade é que eu vivia uma vida
digna de um cristão. Qualquer pessoa que queira servir ao Senhor deve servi-lo em espírito e em verdade. Por favor, sempre em oração por toda a vida.
Para saber mais, qualquer atraso em sua resposta vai me dar espaço no terceirização outra igreja ou individuais para o mesmo efeito. Por favor Certifique-se de que você vai agir em conformidade como afirmei na mesma. Com a esperança de receber sua resposta.
Permanecer abençoado no Senhor.
Sua irmã em Cristo,
Sra. Fabien Barouu.
17 de abr
Por que esta mensagem foi colocada em "Spam"? Descobrimos que muitas mensagens de são spam. Saiba mais
I know that message come to you as a surprise. I am the Auditing and Accounting section manager with Bank Of Africa BOA . I Hope that you will not expose or betray trust and confident which I am respose on you the mutual benefit for families. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of($6)million to your account within 10 or 14 banking days. Note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum while 60% will be for me
The money has been dormant for years in our Bank without claim. I want the bank to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer,besides I don't want the money to go into government treasury as an abandoned fund. So is the reason why I am contacting you so that the bank can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer. Please I would like you to keep proposal as a top secret between me and you. Upon receipt of your reply,
I will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum while 60% will be for me, if you agree to handle business with me reply immediately.DO NOT FAIL TO REPLY MY PRIVATE Email(
(1.) your Name:
(2.) Country:
(3.)Phone Nb:
(4.)your passport:
(5.)your Occupation:
Best Regards,
Mr Johnson Abu
Mr. Femi Adesina -
It is imperative to notify you about your payment presently reading unclaimed in your favor, we have carefully scrutinize your payment, we discovered that you did not visit Nigeria during the period this funds was awarded to you rather your partners did not tell you the truth of the matter for their selfish reasons, many genuine beneficiaries have been paid after a satisfactory confirmation of their genuinely but your case is complicating since your payment file presently under my custody, have not been approved just because you don't have (Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate), How can you be transacting business without the obtainment of Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate, which will legally clarify and instruct you of the beneficiary obligation.
You are just patronizing fraudsters who will demand unsolicited fee from you and as soon as you paid them the money, they will come up with another fee which will continue until you are bankrupt, this is how they operate, and they will fake! a wire transfer or document which after two or However, Nigeria government cannot pay any beneficiary without the procurement of an (Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate) which will guide and protect your transaction from any illegality/ abnormality ranging from unofficial extortion, those people you are sending money to are just fooling around with you as you cannot receive one dollar cent elsewhere without Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate.
You just have to caution yourself or you will end up rendering yourself useless from the presidency precisely this office. Presidency wants to inform you that your funds has not left the onshore of Nigeria to any country and moreover know body is authorize to pay you at the moment hence our approval is not signified, consider whatever thing you are doing as fraud! . Finally, it will be of your own
interest to contact us as soon as you receive this mail because your file is the next to be treated; this might sound funny but is the truth of the matter. Presidency has mandated that every foreign beneficiary must secure Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate but before that beneficiary will be issued with a (Currency Concentration Appraisal Permit/Approval Certificate) in other to devoid your funds from fraud and also mark it clean bill.
We advise you to suspend further discussion with any group of person or persons hence this office has contacted you, tell those fraudsters that you will be traveling so that you will have the time to receive your fund, within three working days you will receive your funds without any obstacles or hiccups as you may have been encountering in the past or haven't you ask yourself why after all the fees you paid nothing was transferred to your bank account rather more fees will come up. I will be waiting for your urgent response, Also send me you phone number for easy communication. What will be transferring in your account is the total sum of $25.5million to your account.
You can contact me on his phone: +234-8113887072
Mr. Femi Adesina
The new special Adviser to the presidency
on Foreign matters about payment
Greetings fom elena
Elena Gubeva -
para Elenagubareva
Hello dear, I want to use my fund to a charity work in your country. This
amount is about $7,600,000, just for the work. I need a sincere person
could assist me to do this as a channel. I have ill and doctor's report
about is not promising. I would not want the money to go to the bank when
I die. I want to help humanity. Kindly write me at ( you can with good heart help me to achieve
this in your country. thanks. Elena Gubareva. Contact my Email ( )
Re: Re:Salam,
Mr Mark David por
Compliments of the best of Moment!
There is a viable Business opportunity in our Company to Supply the Raw Materials we use in our Production which I've been Buying from your Region in my former capacity as Purchase officer of our Company. I require Partnership of a reliable and trustworthy individuals in your Region, the Raw Materials is hugely available in your Region.
The opportunity will not interfere with your present job as it doesn't matter your area of Specialization.
Should you desire to know more about the opportunity, kindly write me back to enable me Avail you the full details of the offer.
Thanks and Regards,
Mr Mark David
Mr.Williams Wood -
Federal Reserve Bank New York while we looking forward
Call our office line Mobile Phone (+229 99 32 32 92 )
Attn:Our Customer,
The Ministry Of Finance Benin Republic was notify us your Email and your
address as those that is paid to wrong people in Africa since past years and
your fund still remain unclaimed and after meeting held on 19th of January 2017.
The Executive Governor of Ministry Of Finance Benin Republic Dr.Felix Martins
has Instructed this UBA Bank Plc ATM Payment Department to
code your total sum of $10.000.000 millions us dollars into ATM MASTER CARD for
Easy delivery to your destination address for you to make use of your CARD in
any ATM MACHINE around you.Executive Governor of Ministry Of Finance Benin
Republic Dr.Felix Martins have paid the delivery fee of your ATM MASTER CARD.
He paid it because the ATM MASTER CARD of $10.000.000 millions us dollars has
no less than three
WEEKS to expire and when it expires,The money will go into Government purse.
Because you have paid a lot of money to wrong people which The Ministry Of
Finance Benin Republic has decided to help you pay the money so that the ATM
MASTER CARD will not expire,In view of that the United Bank for Africa ATM
Payment Department want you to pay only your re-activation fee of $99 for
immediate used of your CARD and you will advised to send the money today so
that your ATM MASTER CARD will be re-activate and get it delivered to your home
address through Diplomatic System without any further delay.Please bear it in
mind that there is no way the money can be deducted from the card because that
is against the law and you should be informed that the ATM card and the pin
code would be enclosed in the envelope and you can make. withdrawals from the
ATM CARD any moment
you receive the parcel.Please, below is their account officer info's for you to
send the $99,through Money Gram only As soon as payment is made, do send an
email with the 1-Digit MTCN numbers so that we can proceed with dispatching of
your parcel without wasting time. Be rest assured that the $99 is the only
payment you will have to make for the delivery of the ATM card and nothing more.
The ATM CARD re- activate charges is only $99 and as soon as payment is
confirmed we shall immediately dispatch your parcel and email you with the DHL
tracking numbers so as for you to be able to track your parcel online and know
when it get to your home to receive it.
Receiver Name (NDUKU PAUL )
Country Benin Republic
City Cotonou
amount $99 Dollar only
Then get back to us with below information.
Your Sender Name.........
Your Sender Address........
Your Sender telephone number..........
Thanks for Banking with Federal Reserve Bank New York while we looking forward
to serving you better.
Thanks and God bless you
Yours in Service,
Mr.Williams Wood
Cooper, Danielle M.
You have been approved Two Million Euro in the Vittorio Foundation. email us at: with Your
Full Name:
De : Contact -
Date : 15 avril 2017
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