Em 28 de abr de 2017, , Ruth Nelson
Olá meu querido
Obrigado pela sua resposta, por favor, não fique surpreso ou ofendido por receber esta mensagem de mim, é só que eu fui mover para colocar a confiança simples em yo devido à minha situação aqui no campo de refugiados, deixe-me em primeiro lugar revelar a mim mesmo Para você, e eu exijo o melhor de sua honestidade depois de seu conhecimento sobre mim e que eu sou, eu realmente gosto de nós ter um bom relacionamento, apesar de qualquer coisa (idade, distância ou cor) porque eu tenho a sensação de que você não está Vai me decepcionar,
Eu decidi contactá-lo devido à urgência da minha situação aqui e depois de ler o seu perfil, fiquei interessado em conhecê-lo mais e também para confiar em você com a minha vida.
Eu sou uma menina de 25 anos, sou solteira e nunca casei, sou da República Democrática do Congo em África, sou a única filha (Dr. Nelson Eric Nicole tarde ). O vice-ministro da segurança nacional antes de sua morte, ele também era diretor-gerente do presidente (Diamonds Group Company LTD) em Kinshasa, capital do meu país, e as exportações de diamantes, cobre, água, café, cobalto, petróleo bruto e muitos mais , Meu pai foi morto junto com minha mãe por alguns criminosos políticos, que desfila em nossa casa e acusou meu pai de tentativa de golpe (que ele nunca fez). E foi morto a tiros de sangue frio naquele dia fiel.
Minha família escapou durante a crise e eu não poderia ser capaz de localizá-los até agora e eu perdi todo contato com eles, felizmente para mim Meu pai me deu um arquivo contendo alguns documentos através de nosso advogado de família antes de diadema, então eu decidi correr para O acampamento com a ajuda do Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Refugiados (ACNUR) em Dakar-Senegal de onde estou escrevendo esta mensagem, onde estou atualmente buscando asilo como refugiados aqui na República do Senegal.
Gostaria de contatá-lo pessoalmente para um relacionamento de longo prazo que pode levar a um lugar melhor se trabalharmos bem nele. Naquele arquivo dado a mim por meu pai e nosso advogado de família. Eu encontrei um testamento que diz que meu pai depositou a soma de (US $ 3,6 milhões) em uma conta bancária no Reino Unido Londres com meu nome como o parente mais próximo desse dinheiro.
Então eu entrei em contato com o banco e lá pediu que eu deveria nomear um representante em meu nome como sócio trustee para me ajudar a transferir o dinheiro em sua conta devido ao meu status de refugiado eu não poderia ser capaz de fazer a transação eu ea lei deste país Não permite que os refugiados façam transacções internacionais.
Entretanto, envie todos os documentos e contatos necessários na confirmação de sua aceitação para me ajudar nesta transferência. Eu também quero que você me envie seu contato completo eu não tenho alternativa para dar-lhe uma chamada, mas você pode me ligar através de Dr. Joseph que é o nosso supervisor de campo como publicado pela Autoridade das Nações Unidas para Refugiados. Ligue para a sua linha de escritório de 10 horas GMT para 16 horas GMT para ele estar no escritório e dizer-lhe que você quer falar com Miss Ruth.
( +221 76847 2618 )
Era seu computador do escritório que eu uso escrever esta massagem a você que eu uso para vir a seu escritório quando é menos ocupado seu endereço de E-mail é (drjosephbasil@hotmail.com)
Note que eu só posso falar o idioma Inglês, mas se você me escrever massagens em seu idioma, vou usar o tradutor para ler e responder a sua massagem).
Por favor me ligue ou me envie suas informações, como.
Nome completo ______________
Endereço ____________
Telefone ___________
Profissão _____________
País _____________
Era ________________
Esta informação será útil para mim e para o banco assim que eu receber suas informações, vou apresentar o banco como meu representante / parceiro, e também vai me ajudar em um investimento, e gostaria de terminar meus estudos acadêmicos, todos sob O seu cuidado, como eu estava no meu primeiro ano na faculdade antes da crise começou, que me manteve sem-teto, órfão de pai e mãe. Após a transação você irá organizar para a minha viagem para se juntar a você lá para nós para investir o fundo. E ficar juntos, ou se você não quer que eu esteja em sua casa, será um prazer compensá-lo com 10% do dinheiro total para os seus serviços eo saldo será o meu capital de investimento no mercado imobiliário.
É por isso que decidi contactá-lo. Por favor, todas as comunicações devem ser através deste endereço de e-mail confidencial e apenas para fins certifique-se de manter tudo o segredo dentro de você, e você não gosta de perder dinheiro depositado por governos ou organizações não-governamentais e envolver um terceiro nesta questão. Assim que eu receber sua resposta positiva mostrando seu interesse vou colocar as coisas em ação imediatamente. À luz do acima, aprecie uma mensagem urgente indicando sua capacidade e vontade de lidar com esse relacionamento e transação sinceramente.
Aguardando sua resposta urgente e positiva. Por favor, mantenha isto apenas em seu próprio nome, por favor não o revele até que eu venha, uma vez que os fundos foram transferidos.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Senhorita Ruth
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From: Aisha Gadaffi - aishagaddafiqashi@gmail.com
Date: qua, 26 de abr de 2017 às XX
Subject: Re: Sinal de vida
To: xxxx
I am Dr. Aisha Gaddafi Al Qashi, daughter of Late Col. Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and Mrs Safia Farkash...Once a mighty family but now we are just commoners in this world.
please i will need you to be confidential about my identity.. i plead with you.. for my family safety and security.
i presently live as an incarcerated refugee in an isolated facility in the diplomatic enclaves of Muscat Oman with 2 kids, Ahmed and Safia aged 10 and 6 and also with my sick mother..
This is due to the current crisis happening in Libya for years now..
i am a Lawyer by profession with a PhD i n International Law from Paris France..
Thank you for taking me as a friend in the most difficult times me and my family pass through.
May Allah bless you.
My dear, it wasn't an easy transit from Libya into Algeria and finally to Oman as we escaped for our dear lives.. we were shot at, so many died.. but we thank Allah for life today. Allhamdulilah.
we were granted shelter by The Sultan of Oman on a stroke of Luck under strict environmental terms and conditions, so we do not get involved in any political activity concerning Libya and as such had an agreement with the Libya authorities to restrict us as this puts a full stop to our interference on political issues concerning Libya...
several bans/sanctions were placed on us from Traveling, indulging in any International activities, talking to the media, carrying out Legal transactions to avoid aiding and funding of terrorist attack against the Libyan Government and so many others i cannot really say at the moment.
like i said before "i am not allowed to make any form of call, no phones, just this desktop computer which i use in teaching my kids and that is why i can only write to you.
I am a Lady who has seen worse on this planet earth, i have passed through so many challenges that even you for one will not like to go through and now i am trying to create a better atmosphere for myself and my family in the future and turn away from the traumas of life.
i believe we are Muslims and i would love to know you more
RESPONDER PARA - abdul73karim998@gmail.com
Mr Abdoul Karim
Dear Friend,
I Mr Abdul Karim, chairman and chief operating officer with the Bank
of Africa. I want invite into a business overture which involve an
amount of $ 15.5 million. At your acceptance, this amount will be
transferred to your name as a foreign partner.
I need your help to get this fund to be transfer out from here to your
account, and we share at a ratio of 60% for me, while 40% is for you
for the assistance that you may require to give during the
transferring process of this fund into your account. You will receive
this amount by bank transfer.
Please send your full name and your directly phone numbers, and
address, and I will details you about this transaction. You have to
contact me
Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.
Bank of Africa.(Boa).BF
Mr.Abdul Karim
RESPONDER PARA - mrallenibrahimabankerinadbbank@gmail.com
Do Contact Me for More Details
mr allen ibrahim mrallenibrahim237@gmail.com por yahoo.com
Hello Dear Friend,
Pls i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must apologize for berging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue and i know that this message will come to you as a surprise. It is true that we have not meet each other in person,but I strongly believe that no trust, no friendship in every business.
I am Mr Allen Ibrahim, a staff in African Development Bank (A.D.B)Ouagadougou, Burkina faso West Africa. I Hoped that you will not expose orbetray this trust and confident that i am about to extablish with you forthe mutual benefit of you and i.
I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $15.2 )millionusd into your bank account within 7 banking days. This money has been dormant for years in our Bank without claim due to the owner of this fund German billionaire Adolf Merckle has committed suicide on 5 January 2009 by throwing himself in front of a train near his hometown and his family,wife and kids is not aware of this fixed deposit. i want you to apply in our Bank as the inheritance claimer, though I will
be directing you on what to do.Then the bank will process the tranfer since I am here you don't need to worry on how this will be done only what I need from you is
constant communication and do whatever I ask you .Being a Banker I know the rules and regulation for effective smooth and safety transfer of huge money oversea and the bank will be apply it by spiting the huge amount into smaller units and let the transfer be carried out slowly and steady.
Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interesting. Upon the receipt of your reply and indication of your capability, i will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum ifyou agree to handle this business with me while 60% will be for me then after you confirm this fund into your account i will come over to you country for the sharing of the fund. Please dont entertain any atom of fear because thetransaction is 100%risk free.Note that, to be relation with the deceased or not will not impose or prevent you to claim the money, the fact is that whatever information wewill present to the bank should be accurate. Rests assured that I will provide all the necessary information which the bank may require from you during the process to make sure everything goes well and fast. as you reply i will give you the full details information about the business.
RESPONDER PARA - dubediplomat@yahoo.com
rev dr charles brown
Attn package Beneficiary
Please i will like to inform you regarding the delivering of your fund,with the dhl company Benin agent, he will need your information to complete the delivery of your package consignment box with him,Worth's of $7.2million dollars,with the help of Mr. James George Attorney General of Federal High Court of Justice so you Are advised to reconfirm your full delivery information to the agent Right now as he is currently at JFK International Airport in New York right now, please make sure you take care of him and understand he is not American Citizen thanks. his Name:Agent Dube John Email please note that he did not know the content of the package.
1 Your Full Name:
2 Mobile Phone Number:
3 Current Home Address:
4 Fax Number:
5 Country:
6 City:
7 Nearest Airport:
Dear Friend,
victoryarancha@ono.com - victoryarancha@ono.com>
Dear Friend,
I am soliciting your partnership to relocation $12 .5 Million to your
country for investment on my behalf and you will be entitled to 30% of
the sum once the transaction is successful made, please indicate your
interest if you are capable so that i will send you details of the
Thanks with my best regards.
Miss Aisha Gaddafi
Nous offrons tous les types de prêts à 2%. (Oferecemos todos os tipos de empréstimos para 2%.)
info financialss
Oferecemos todos os tipos de empréstimos para 2%. O candidato interessado deve escrever
Nós da info.wiretransferloans@gmail.com envie-nos os seguintes detalhes
Nome completo:
Número de telefone:
montante do empréstimo necessário:
prazo do empréstimo:
Empréstimo Objectivo: Nota:
Todos os e-mail deve ser enviado para:
info.wiretransferloans@gmail.com para mais informações.
Attention my dear friend.
Dr. Nnamudi J. Mark <"www."@shirt.ocn.ne.jp>
05:54 (Há 5 horas)
Por que esta mensagem está no Spam? Ela é semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam. Saiba mais
Attention my dear friend.
This is to inform you that this office has given mandate and instructed to pay
your over due unclaims fund ($3.750Million U.S.A Dollars) by America security
leading team and America representative embassy between now until end of this
year, per day you will receive the sum of $5,000 Dollars, However be informed
that we have send the sum of $5,000 Dollars this morning to unknown receiver
to avoid cancellation of your payment, you have only four hours to call this
office upon the receipt of this email the maximum amount you will be receiving
per day starting from today is $5,000. Therefore reply back shortly with the
needed information, so that the payment will redirect to your name.
Mtcn Number#0441385973
amount sent $5,000
Once again be advice to reconfirm your information such as to complete the
Contact with below information to forward you the complete information to start
receiving your fund now. Furthermore you advised to call us as the instruction
was passed that within 10 hours without hearing from you. Count your payment
cancelled. Number to call is below listed Manager director office Mr Anthony
Mark, Phone Number: +229 61885054 E-mail:wwesternunion64@gmail.com
Thanks and my regards
Offre de prêt
Jean Claude Marty - bobi.jaya@brisyariah.co.id>
Desativar para: francês
Bonjour : Je suis Jean Claude Marty financier et Directeur de plusieurs entreprises, j’octroie des prêts à toute personnes particuliers honnête et de bonne moralité,entreprises, et associations sans distinctions de race , je mets à votre disposition un prêt à partir de 5000€ à 25.000.000€ avec des conditions très rentable à un taux d’intérêt de 3% .Je ne fais pas de l'usure sur prêt alors si vous êtes intéressé en moins de 72 heures tout vos problèmes seront résolus. Vous pouvez me contacter directement par mail: jeanclaude_marty@hotmail.com
Merci pour la compréhension
Sir Edward Matthew
Western Union Headquarters;
UBA Bank of Africa
Address: 1 Rockefeller Plaza # 8, New York, NY 10020, United States
United States.
Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Well, be informed that all you ought to do is to send us the
below requested details to enable us proceed with your
transfer today before it will be too late.
So please send us:
Your Receiver name:
Telephone Number:
The maximum amount you will be receiving per day is
$2,500 and you are expected to pay for your transfer
charge,Thank You.
Note!!! The fund is originated as a compensation from ECOWAS (Economic of West African State).
West African Banks Protocol and Compensation Unit. Other Western Union Branches is not aware
As soon as we get these above details we shall proceed with
your transfer immediately and send you your payment
details/slip for confirmation.
Kindly help and assist us in the fight against scam by adding
this code of conduct in every email conversations to
differentiate between our email and any other third party.
Contact Sir Edward Matthew via email on
Western Union Money Transfer®
UBA Bank of Africa
1 Rockefeller Plaza # 8, New York, NY 10020, United States
Octavia-Investment Unbeatable Proposal
Dear Sir / Madam,
Octavia-Investment and Loan Company Ltd is a London based Investment and Financial Facilitation Company established in United Kingdom. We are limited firm made up and funded by indigenous investors and lenders as its shareholders across europe and gulf region.
Our Sectors of Interest are as follows:
* Oil & Gas
* Agriculture & Health
* Aviation & Tourism
* Retail & Real Estate
* IT & Communications
* Technology & Education
* Energy & Engineering
* Utilities & Telecoms
* Mining & Maritime
* Construction & host of other profitable ventures.
Octavia-Investment Ltd provides assistance with International Project Finance / Funding and also corporate debt instruments such as;
* International Bank Loans
* Anonymous Bank accounts Opening services
* Mortgages
* Host of other financial service & corporate debt instruments (i.e BG's, MTN's, SBLC's, HYIP & Offshore Etc)
We are currently funding for:
* Starting up a Franchise
* Business Start-up
* Business Expansion
* Commercial Real Estate
* Contract Execution
Octavia Investment Ltd is open to having a good business relationship with you. If you think you have a qualified background, please do not hesitate to contact us for possible business co-operation.
All replies should be directed to Email: sarahma.octaviainvestment@gmail.com
Best Regards,
Mrs. Sarah .M. Alonso
Client Support Co-ordinator
Octavia-Investment and Loan Company Ltd
Orion House, 5 Upper Saint Martin's Lane
London WC2H 9EA United Kingdom
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