quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2013


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* Empréstimo pessoal
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* Empréstimo de consolidação
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Se você estiver muito interessado, por favor

entre em contato conosco via e-mail:


Mr. Richard Walters
Tel: +918373952906
responder para - bpldesk@live.com

BP Oil UK 001@borrert.onmicrosoft.com 
Winning Notification From British Petroleum UK.
Franca Bellotti <franca.bellotti@provincia.tn.it>


Je suis Franca Belloti et j'aimerai vous faire

une proposition qui pourra vous intéressé.
Veuillez me répondre sur mon adresse mail privé

pour en savoir plus.
e-mail: lamarcheveronique@yahoo.fr
GYTHNILE MESTRE <boudour@umbb.dz>
12:20 (6 horas atrás)
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Bien Aimé Bonjour

Bien vrai que vous ne me connaissez pas; Moi je

me nomme GYTHNILE MESTRE d'origine Française. Le

véritable but de mon message de ce jour est que

je me sens si mal chaque jour car je ne sais pas

si je vais survivre suite aux différentes

opérations alors que j'ai un projet de DONATION.
Bien aimé, j'ai peur de mourir mais la vie ne me

laisse pas le choix. Je prie l’éternel, notre

Dieu de bien vouloir m'accorder une place dans

les cieux. J'ai tant souffert avec ce mal bien

Mon plus grand souhait que vous pouvez m'apporter

est de rester en prière avec moi car je sais que

vous êtes un croyant de Dieu. Je ne voulais pas

quitter cette terre sans me rendre compte que mon

argent a servis aux enfants démunis, pauvres,

orphelins et autres, un grand soulagement bien

aimé. Cette responsabilité est lourde à prendre

mais je vous offre cette somme (2.500.000 €) pour

que vous la gérer comme si c'était la votre dans

l’intérêt de réaliser mes vœux les plus chers au

Si vous estimez que vous pouvez donner a ces

pauvres enfants un espoir a travers de ces

projets, alors faites moi savoir votre avis afin

que nous puissions échanger d'avantage.
Je vous souhaite de passer de bons moments et que

le Seigneur tout puissant vous protège et ainsi

que votre famille.
Veillez m’écrire a cet adresse e-mail:

Que la grâce du Seigneur soit avec vous. Amen.
RESPONDER PARA - mrharrisonmark22@gmail.com

Partnership REf22134
Mr. Harrison Mark <web99@att.net>

Partnership REf22134.rtf    Partnership

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Greetings for Partnership
Greetings for Partnership <KIBY1@angel.ocn.ne.jp>
09:40 (10 horas atrás)
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pessoais de alguns usuários. Se não conhecer o

remetente, não clique em links nem responda com

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Greetings for Partnership
I am Mr.Kiby George, Director Contract

Administrator working with the Ministry of

Finance here in Birmingham -UK,here to solicit

your urgent assistance to claim the sum of US

$22.4M (Twenty Two Million Four Hundred Thousand

United Stated Dollars).
The money was deposited in the affiliated

reservoir Bank via Europe as unclaimed Fund

belonging to one of the Mrs.Janet Leech a Foreign

Contract who died with her entire Family on the

Air crash.
The deal is a risk free and legitimate, furnish

your private telephone and fax

numbers,home/office address together with scan

copy of your international passport or identity

card and The 30% will be for you while I take 60%

Mr.Kiby George

De: WesterUnoin Office

Data: 30 de maio de 2013 07:05



EMAIL;(   westerunoinoffice@yahoo.fr )
DATE; 30/MAY/ 2013
WEB SITE;www.westernunion.com


Atenção; Beneficiário Cliente.

Isto é, em reconhecimento do seu e-mail para este

escritório sobre a transferência do seu fundo.

Gostaríamos de informar que enviou-lhe um

pagamento de US $ 5000.00usd hoje de acordo com o

acordo que tinha com Mrs.Patricia dos mais dued

contrato, herança, prêmio e embuste vítima

departamento de distribuição de compensação, sob

Ministério Federal das Finanças, República do

Benin , o que indica que devemos estar enviando-

lhe o pagamento diário de R $ 5.000,00 até o

valor total de US $ 2.500.000.00us dólares é

completamente transferido para você.

Nós também queremos notificá-lo de que o seu

titular tenha pago a taxa de transferência e seu

primeiro pagamento já tenha sido enviado, mas

estava em espera, porque a taxa de re-ativação

não foi pago.
A taxa de re-ativação é de apenas $ 100usd.

A maioria das pessoas sábias preferem usar este

meio (Western Union transferência de dinheiro)

agora como os meios melhores e confiáveis de

transferência / envio de dinheiro por causa dos

gagueja que utiliza as empresas de courier para

scam pessoas de suas moedas arduamente ganho.

Nós finalmente enviou o primeiro pagamento

mentais instalação de US $ 5000.00us conforme

indicado pelo seu depositante, ser a certeza de

que você nunca pode pegar o dinheiro de união

ocidental, porque você não ter cumprido as

obrigações necessárias quotas para a sua

  Ser informado de que seu fundo foi mantido em

espera devido a uma instrução do Gabinete do

Manager (Capital Bank Manager), de modo que você

não pode, por acaso, pegar o fundo até que pagar

a taxa de re-ativação de US $ 100us só.

Você está certo de que logo você pagar esta taxa

de reativação de US $ 100.us, o texto da pergunta

e resposta para o primeiro pagamento de R $

5.000,00 usd será liberado para você, para que

você será capaz de pegá-lo de qualquer escritório

da Western Union ou agente mais próximo de você

em sua área.

Abaixo está a informação para o seu primeiro

pagamento de US $ 5000.00us mas ele permanecerá

em suspenso até o pagamento da taxa de reativação

de US $ 100us é confirmado.

Eis as informações para o seu primeiro pagamento

(de US $ 5.000.00usd), mas o texto da pergunta e

da resposta será enviado para você imediatamente

confirmamos a taxa de R $ 100usd.

Acompanhe o seu pagamento em nosso site:

www.western union .pt

VALOR ======== US $ 5.000
TEXT.QUEST ====???
RESPOSTA ========????
M.T.C.N ======== 771-236-5487
SENDER ======== Edwin Nnaemeka

Este pagamento foi agendada e deverá ser


Informamos que não podemos liberar a

transferência sem você ter cumprindo todas as

suas obrigações financeiras conforme requerido

pela Capital Bank Manager.
Vou aconselhá-lo a fazer este pagamento o mais

rápido possível para que o seu texto da pergunta

e da resposta será lançado hoje para o seu

imediato pegar.

Então, por favor envie os US $ 100 através da

Western Union transferência de dinheiro;

CIDADE ....................... Cotonou
PAÍS ======== Benin república
VALOR ======== 100 dólares
TEXT.QUEST ==== Quando?
RESPOSTA ======== Agora
M.T.C. ========
remetente ========

Além disso, o valor total a ser transferido para

você a partir deste escritório é a soma de US $

2,500.000.00 dólares americanos) como indicado

pelo Presidente.

Vamos esperar para receber as informações de

pagamento, hoje,


Oficial de pagamento.
TEL .. 229 982-007-48
Western Union Money Transfer Pagamento Sede

República Cotonou-Benin.

 Open your attach
Claim your attach <infoa13@libero.it>
03:25 (14 horas atrás)
form1..docx    form1..docx
313K   Visualizar   Baixar  
Dear Winner <we45_69@libero.it>
02:08 (16 horas atrás)
46K   Visualizar   Baixar  
We have in stock 75kg gold dust.
mike kofi <mikekofi2012@hotmail.com>
22:23 (19 horas atrás)
para mim
Traduzir mensagem
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Dear Sir/madam

We are the Local gold Miners in republic of


We have gold dust & gold bar for sale, we are

looking for buyers,

we need an organization or individual that can

help us sell our gold
then invest with,
us, then we shall go into partnership with them

as to develop our
mining concession,

We will be pleased to go into partnership with

you.If Only You Can
Understand Our
Primary Problems. We Are
Facing a lots of Problems in Our Mining

concessions, Because we Lack
Modern Mining Equipments And Machines.
We have in stock 75kg gold dust.

Purity :--------------------------- 96.5%.
Carats:----------------------- --- 22 carats

Price:------------------------ ---- 32,000 USD

per kg.
Origin:----------------------- ---- Ghana.

Interested buyers are welcomed for a transparent

business discussion.
Contact us for more information.

Best regards,

Mr Mike K.John
attach open ugnet

2 de out (1 dia atrás)
D.docx    D.docx
19K   Visualizar   Baixar  
responder para - majorgenroberta@hotmail.com

(sem assunto)
Major General Robert Abrams


I am Major General Robert Abrams, the Chief of

General Staff,
I am mailing you in respect, of the present

development going on here
my country GHANA.
I decided to contact you, after much

investigation which was carried
by the Bureau of National Investigation (BNI) and

the Ghana Police
Service, to make sure our country is free of

these fraudulent
activities, which is going on here in Africa and

for our country to
a good name.
The Airport Authority detected that trunk boxes

after been scanned the
authorities detected that the boxes contains

funds on your name and
that has been tempered on, were been smuggled

into the country by
Personnel who were on transit from London.
These men were trying to enter the country with

the trunk boxes, when
airport authority detected that these boxes

contains, some huge amount
United State Dollars. After much investigation we

found out that these
men were among those men, spoiling the good name

of Africa.
They opened up to us that, they actually work

with a Lotto company
their dismissal and used the opportunity to

perpetuate their crimes,
told us that the funds inside the boxes was won

by you, but now they
planned to turn back on you and decided to take

the money all to
themselves out of the country. We later found out

on the investigation
that was carried that, these men are truly

members of a well
organization to act on their criminal activities.

As I write you this mail now, the three(3) men

that were caught are now
in the custody of the Ghana Police Service over

here in our country
Ghana, while we are trying to track the others

left, because they have
proved to us that they belong to one

That is why we have to reach you by your mail

address and name that was
tagged the boxes, Immediately we instructed a our

united nation
to deliver this boxes without wasting time with

the parcel
Your response will be very much appreciated as

soon as you have
received this email.

Thank you for your kind attention, for us to make

sure our beloved
country Ghana, bears a good name.
Please in your reply include your

As this information will be required, by the

authorities in Ghana to
draft the new change of ownership in your name as

the rightful owner of
the funds in our custody and also to verify the

information given to us
because the documentations covering the boxes

have been tampered on.
Major General Robert Abrams

 Peace be unto you.
Sarah Farmer <bourdon.eric@skynet.be>
17:29 (1 hora atrás)
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Peace be unto you.
I know my mail might be a surprise to you but

never mind 'cause I'm contacting you in good

faith. However, accept my sincere apologies if it

doesn't meet your personal ethics.
I am Sarah Farmer from Ascension Island, the

survivor of Mulvihill Farmer, a missionary who

until his death on September 2009 after a brief

illness served in the World Outreach Abidjan in

Ivory Coast. We were married for thirteen years

though we had no issue. Since his death I decided

not to re-marry at least for sometime.

When my husband was alive he deposited a certain

sum in a renowned Bank here in Abidjan, Cote

d'Ivoire (I'll give you the contact details when

I hear from you and more trust develops.)

However, I've been staying in the hospital for

sometime now diagnosed with pancreatic cancer,

and at present, my Doctor confirmed to me that I

have little chance to life due to the nature of

the sickness which is gradually spreading over

other parts of my body, so I eventually decided

to donate the fund to the Mission where my

husband served. However, the Bishop of Korhogo (a

town in the North-Central region) had recently

received information that my late husband

Mulvihill lived an immoral and lewd life, hence

my donation was considered to be tainted since I

inherited it from my husband. The Bishop now

rejects it. I don't know why he did this as I

believe that judgment belongs to God. On this

note, I've decided to donate this fund to a

religious organization, help foundation or a

trust worthy individual who will utilize this

money the way I am going to instruct herein.

I want the fund to be used on orphanages,

disaster victims, helping the widows and the

forgotten ones in the society. Such good work is

a teaching of true religion that is not defiled

in the way and that has always been in my heart.
I know that God does not discriminate and can use

any willing person to do his work.
I took this decision because I don't have any

child that will inherit this money and my health

has taken a turn for the worse, and my husbands'

brother who lives abroad is an atheist and

doesn't care nor show any interest in the affairs

of my family. I am not afraid of death because I

know where I am going. I want you to always pray

for me also. My happiness is that I lived a

worthy life.
Whosoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve

him in spirit and truth. Please always be

prayerful all through your life.
Write back to me today using this my private

email: liliolalizwelicha@rediffmail.com
responder para - tanhong45@163.com

Did you get my previous email?.
Tan Hongming <tanhong45@post.usts.edu.cn>


I am am contacting you again to find out if you

got my previous email.

Thanks and regards,

Tan Hongming
Job Openings at Perenco Oil and Gas UK
Adecco <mariaweiss@switched.com>
14:15 (5 horas atrás)
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Dear Expatriate,

Perenco Oil and Gas UK is looking for

enthusiastic, experienced, reliable, hardworking,

creative and fully qualified individuals capable

of rendering expertise services. Does this sound

like you or someone you know? Then we want to

hear from you!

Following several recent contract awards, Perenco

Oil and Gas UK is currently welcoming

applications in the following disciplines at

their UK office:

Engineering, Construction & Installation, NDT,

Geology, Project Management, Welding &

Fabrication, Plant/Start-Up, Maintenance,


Engineering, Information Technology,

Administrative, Commissioning, Front Office/Guest

Relations Executive/Manager, Duty Manager,

IT/Telecom-Software, Accountants, Health Workers,

Electronics Operators, Customer Care, Security,

Foreign/International Language

Translators/Interpreters and many more others

depending on your field of specialization.

Whatever stage you are in your career, if you are

interested in working in an environment where

innovation is encouraged, experience is abundant

and talent is nurtured, simply reply us with your

CV/resume for our consideration.

Please note: We do not entertain approaches from

recruitment agencies.

Maria Weiss
Adecco World
projet finance
Michel MARCOS <marcosmichel2011@gmail.com>

Hello Mr / Ms
My name is Mr Marcos michel I am a consultant I

have an investor
abroad, which would invest in profitable projects

in your
country, and more specifically in the industrial

field. My goal is to
find a partner who will be also a representative

for the investment in your
country. I will be very honored if you accept to

work with us.
I remind you that the initial capital is

28million dollars
and we would like your suggestions for projects

which can be profitable in
your country.
Thank you and I hope to see you very soon.
Return-Path: - webttwebtt@yahoo.in

From Mrs. Grace Manda mrsgracemanda45@gmail.com
From Mrs Grace Manda.doc    From Mrs Grace

26K   Visualizar   Baixar  
Return-Path: - mrale.jandro@yahoo.co.nz

From alimata yaku,
yaku alimata.yaku77@gmail.com
From alimata yaku,

Greetings my dearest one,my name is Alimata Yaku

am 25 years old Girl from Southern sudan.I want

to have a common relationship with you, I need to

tell you more things, but first I need your help

to Stand for me as a trustee. My father Dr.

Justin YAK Arop was the former Minister for SPLA

Affairs and Special Adviser to President Salva

Kiir of South Sudan for Decentralization. My

father Dr. Justin YAK, my mother including other

top Military officers and top government

officials where on board when the plane crashed

on Friday May 02, 2008. You can read more about

the crash through the below site:


Some months after the burial of my father, my

uncle conspired with my step mother and sold my

father's properties to a Chinese

Expatriate. On a faithful morning I opened my

father's briefcase and found out document which

my beloved late father used and deposit money in

a Bank in Burkina Faso , with my name as the next

of kin. I travelled to Burkina Faso to withdraw

the money so that I can start a better life and

take care of myself. The Branch manager of the

Bank whom I met in person told me that my present

status does not permit me by the local law to

clear money or make a transfer of money into an

account, he advice me to provide a trustee who

will help me and invest the money or I should

wait till when I will get married it demand by

their Authority......... I have chosen to contact

you after my prayers and I believe that you will

not betray my trust. But rather take me as your

own blood sister and help me. Though you may

wonder why I am so soon revealing myself

to you without knowing you, well, I will say that

my mind convinced me that you are the true person

to help me. More so, I will like to disclose much

to you if you can help me to relocate to your

country because my uncle has threatened to

assassinate me. The amount is ($22.5 Million

DOLLARS and I have confirmed from the bank in

Burkina Faso . You will also help me to place the

money in a more profitable business venture in

your Country. I am writing this email to you with

the private office computer of the coordinator in

charge of the refugee camp where I leave now, his

name is Rev. Father DAVID FRANK of sacred hearth

Catholic Church Burkina Faso, However, you will

help by recommending a nice University in your

country so that I can complete my studies. It is

my intention to compensate you with 20% of the

total money for your services and the balance

shall be my capital in your establishment. As

soon as I receive your interest in helping me, I

will put
 things into action immediately. In the light of

the above, I shall appreciate an urgent

message indicating your ability and willingness

to handle this transaction sincerely. Please do

keep this only to your self. I beg you not to

disclose it till i come over because I am afraid

of my wicked uncle who has threatened to kill me.

Sincerely yours

Alimata Yaku
RESPONDER PARA - kerandin01@yahoo.com

officefile201333 <officefile201333@cantv.net>

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I am LEE WALTER, a Lawyer in Cotonou, Benin

Republic, Late Mr. Peter ERIC, a gold merchant

who was my client died as a result of Brain

cancer. Now i want to present you to Mr.Peter's

bank, so that the money left behind by Him can be

transferred to your account through my help. The

money value 21.5M was lodged in a local bank here

by Mr. Peter before his death on 4th of July

2011, upon your response i will provide details.

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