terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2013


Se você receber uma mensagem de um destes emails abaixo , tenha certeza que você está diante de um golpista e criminoso virtual
Envie-nos o email recebido para:  golpesvirtuais@gmail.com , e adicionaremos a nossa database antiscam Depois disto delete esta mensagem recebida
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De: Canguo Zhao [mailto:canguozhao40@gmail.com]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2013

Assunto: Re: VENDA - Um novo usuário está

interessado no seu imóvel - XXXX


Bom dia e elogios,

Obrigado por sua pronta resposta ao meu pedido ,

eu estou entrando em contato de base em sua

localização país Lamento porque não estou

falando Português estou usando o tradutor do

Google para isso você tem que ler esta mensagem

muito cuidado , por favor, permita-me usar este

meio para informá-lo a parceria com me em gestão

imobiliária ou qualquer outro negócio rentável

podemos investir, esperando que você não vai me

decepcionar de qualquer forma , eu sou Canguo

Zhao, consultor financeiro pessoal e planejador

de investimento em um ligustro assuntos para o

final Líder Muammar Gaddafi ,

por outro lado eu quero lhe informar que eu

tenho em minha posse a soma de ( 15,8 milhões

USD ), que é o meu próprio dinheiro suado ,

quando eu estava no serviço com o ex- chefe de

Estado Muammar Gaddafi , e eu tenho depositado

esse dinheiro com a CRUZ VERMELHA AGENTE dE

SEGURANÇA EMPRESA. Eu quero investir esse

dinheiro em seu país, em imóveis ou em qualquer

outro negócio rentável , logo que eu passar o

dinheiro / caixa para fora da Líbia para o seu

país no Brasil, e eu vou buscar o seu conselho

sobre isso, já que eu não sou a origem de seu

país, que é a razão pela qual eu tenho contato

com você para obter ajuda para conseguir este

projeto concluído em boa fé, então eu preciso de

alguém que eu pudesse confiar para canalizar

esta caixa de dinheiro.

Se você aceitar eu vou mudar a caixa de dinheiro

com você, onde você será o beneficiário , eu sou

um ex- consultor financeiro e planejador de

investimento até o final Líder Muammar Gaddafi ,

e eu não posso estar desfilando com uma tal

quantidade , então eu tenho um 100% autênticos

meios de mover o dinheiro de caixa para você,

através de uma cruz agente de serviço de correio

vermelha. eu só preciso de sua aceitação ,

confiança, honestidade e tudo é feito. Todo o

documento que vai fazer a caixa está pronto e

será encaminhado para você assim que nós estamos

prontos para isso.

Por favor, se você estiver interessado nessa

transação me avise para que eu possa dar-lhe

todos os detalhes completos de que precisamos

para que possamos realizar este negócio com

sucesso , eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real

e não um imaginário que é por isso que eu fui

para um site seguro onde eu possa ter certeza de

que a pessoa é real e não imaginário , a questão

agora é que posso confiar em você? Porque esse

dinheiro é enorme quantia de dinheiro.

 Onde eu estou agora só podem se comunicar

através de e-mail que está muito garantiu que

ninguém pode monitorar nossas conversas , então

eu posso explicar em detalhes para você , no

momento eu só posso chegar até você através de

e-mail, porque nossas chamadas pode ser

monitorado por altos funcionários aqui, eu só

tenho que ter a certeza de quem eu estou

lidando. Vou dar-lhe 30 % do valor que é ( $

4,740,000.00 USD ) e 70% para o meu investimento

sob seus cuidados . Espero am sido justo neste

negócio , por favor voltar para mim com o seu

informações completas , como Se você está

interessado :

A) O seu nome completo ,

B) seu endereço completo ,

C ) O seu telefone celular direto ,

D) Profissão & Age .

E) cópia digitalizada do seu ID .

Se você estiver interessado por favor me envie

os seus dados pessoais para obter mais

informações , agora que eu estou escrevendo a

partir de uma conta de e-mail fresco , então se

você não estiver interessado , não responda a

este e-mail e apague esta mensagem , se não

houver resposta depois de algum tempo i irá

procurar outra pessoa. Aguardo o seu contacto

para que possamos seguir em frente.

O seu Sincerely,


Canguo Zhao
responder para - allancook55@yahoo.co.uk

Allen Cook tint@unitx.onmicrosoft.com por  na01


Dear sir,

My name is Allen Cook,I am working With ANDACK

VETERINARY COMPANY based in, London.
I got your contact during my comprehensive

search for a reliable and trustworthy

individual/company in your country.
I decided to contact you for a business with our

company. The company I work with is into

manufacturing of Veterinary Medicines,

injection,vaccine,food dietary and supplement

for Horses, Elephants, Cows and Lions.

The company procures most of their raw materials

from India in past 3 years; there is a chemical

which the company used to send me to India to

buy. Right now I have being promoted to the post

of marketing manager. The company cannot send me

to India again to buy the chemical,they will

send a more junior staff,the company procurement

officer has asked me for the contact details of

the supplier in India. I need a person I will

present to the company as the supplier in

India,I contacted you if you can fill the

space.You will buy the chemical from the local

dealer and supply to our company upon their

arrival in India for verification and

payment,the company will give advance payment

upon verification of the sample of the chemical.

You don't have much to do like shipment, our

company will take care of that, the only thing

you do is to buy the sample of the chemical from

the local dealer and show to the company

purchasing officer for approval upon his arrival

in India to verify and pay,the profit would be

share between you and I in every successful


I am looking for a reliable Indian business man

that understands the India local language who

will assist me in contacting the local dealer of

these chemical in India. I don't want to contact

the company directly because they will take

advantage on me due to language problem; this

business is 100% risk free and will be another

income generating business outside your


Why I don't want the company to have direct

contact of the local dealer is that, I don't

want the company to know the actual price I was

buying the chemical before from the local

dealer. If you are interested to do the business

with me kindly contact me for more details.


THIS ADDRESS ONLY <allancook55@yahoo.co.uk>
Allen Cook

Que la paix du christ soit avec vous??? Bonjour,

Tout d'abord, je sollicite votre indulgence afin

de solliciter votre aide concernant le contenu

de mon e-mail, même si je suis mal à l'aise à

discuter de cette manière, à cause de beaucoup

de mails non sollicités sur Internet

actuellement, mais je n'ai pas d'autre moyen de

le faire autrement, car la situation de ma santé

se détériore. Je suis Mme ANNA LOMBOTO

originaire de République de Hongrie, j'ai

travaillé pour la Recherche sur la biodiversité

en Nouvelle Calédonie pendant 7 ans. J'étais

mariée à feu au Mr Ziemer Qui a été un p le

d'attraction pour des entreprises de bonne

réputation (dans le pétrole) au Royaume-Uni

depuis de nombreuses années, quelque années

après mon époux a été emporté par un arrêt

cardiaque. Nous avons vécu pendant 27 années

ensemble avec un seul enfant, comme fils unique,

qui lui aussi a trouvé la mort dans un horrible

accident de voiture l'année dernière. Etant

vivant mon
ANNA LOMBOTO <stispa@tin.it>
Desmund Dube <info@gmail.com>
14:44 (2 horas atrás)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem.Esta mensagem

pode não ter sido enviada por: info@gmail.com.

Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter

informações pessoais de alguns usuários.  Saiba

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Dear Prospective Partner,

Greetings to you and your family and I hope this

letter meets you in good health. My name is

Desmund Dube, a freelance independent investment

broker in Johannesburg. Previously I was

consulted by an erstwhile top-ranking member of

a front line liberation movement in Liberia,

whose organization had engaged the Liberian

government in a protracted civil war since 1985.

My client now wishes to channel his funds into a

productive or real estate ventures business

instead of war. He intends to make this

investment discreetly and under discretionary

asset management arrangement and I am seeking

for a very reliable and honest person who will

be capable to handle the project.

I have contacted you on the consideration that

we could discuss the possibility of my client

placing his money with you for management,

either in your existing establishment or other

venture to be undertaken at your discretion

under terms to be agreed upon. However, he

prefers that this investment be made in your

country and I will be expecting your response in

order to discuss further in details.

Respond directly to me on my contact details


NAME:             Desmund Dube
PHONE:            +27- 749- 797- 647 (DIRECT

EMAIL:            desmunddube@gmail.com

Sincerely Yours,
Desmund Dube
(sem assunto)
mark wather <mimiloanlender@gmail.com>
14:21 (2 horas atrás)
para Cco:mim
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Sie brauchen jede Art von Darlehen Fonds

einschließlich herkömmlichen
Business Immobilienkredite;
Kurz-und langfristige Investition

Immobilienfinanzierung; Factoring und SBA 504
Darlehen. Wir bieten niedrige und hohe Kapital

an unsere Kunden zu dienen "
spezifischen Anforderungen, die von gewerblichen

Immobilien reichen und fixiert
Erwerb von Vermögenswerten, als

Finanzinvestition gehaltenen
Immobilien Finanzierung, Refinanzierung, Partner

und Working Capital: markwather@gmail.com

Wir können Ihnen Darlehen, füllen Sie Ihre Daten

in das untenstehende
Formular aus. So, dass wir
senden Ihnen unsere AGB / Vereinbarung Form auf

Zeit. ausfüllen und
schicken Sie es zurück zu uns innerhalb von zwei


Voller Name;
Permanent Hause Adresse;
Beruf / Name des Unternehmens;
PLZ / Postleitzahl;
Telefon / Fax;
Benötigte Menge;
Zweck des Darlehens;
Dauer der Leistung;

Wir warten Ihre Antwort.
Hoffnung, von Ihnen bald zu hören.
I Request Your Partnership into this proposal
Rosdi Investors-relations@ocbc.com por 

14 de out (1 dia atrás)
para Recipients
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pelos filtros de spam.  Saiba mais
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I Humbly Request For Your Business Suggestion

into this proposal
I know this proposal will come to you as a

surprise because we have not met before either

physically or through correspondence. I believe

is the wish of gods. I am Mr. Asrar Bin,Finance

Manager of Arab OCBC Bank Plc Malaysia,

contacting you to seek partnership in a pending

business project. In my bank i have a business

proposal involving an amount of seventeen

Million Pounds. (17,000,000,.00GBP).In my Bank

there were no beneficiary avowed related to this

funds. The fund has been declared dormant in my


The reason why I contacted you is that I want us

to work together to transfer the funds out of my

bank into your bank account or any other account

of your choice for investment. I will be glad to

see if you can partner with me and also be a

good and trusted person. I have all modalities

fashioned out to give it an excellent outcome.

Once the funds has been transferred into your

nominated bank account. Both of us will share

the percentage as 60% to me and 40% to you. I am

open to negotiate your percentage. Your utmost

attention and sincerity is needed.
Please email me back for further details.

Best Regards,
Mr. Asrar Bin Rosdi
Executive Director.
Banking & Chief Casher
Tel: (+60176048783)
Email: rosdi_asrarbin@yahoo.com.my

Este mensaje puede contener información

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Arquitectura Punta.
Si recibió este mensaje por error, por favor,

comuníquelo al emisor y elimínelo de su

ordenador. Gracias.

This message may contain confidential

information exclusively addressed to its

intended recipient.
The copy or distribution of this message is not

permitted without the prior express consent by

Arquitectura Punta.
If you are not the intended recipient of this

message please advise the sender and delete it.

Thank you.

Este mensaje puede contener información

confidencial dirigida exclusivamente a su

No se permite su copia o distribución sin la

autorización expresa y por anticipado de

Arquitectura Punta.
Si recibió este mensaje por error, por favor,

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This message may contain confidential

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intended recipient.
The copy or distribution of this message is not

permitted without the prior express consent by

Arquitectura Punta.
If you are not the intended recipient of this

message please advise the sender and delete it.

Thank you.
Valencia Coppell <VCoppell@fusdaz.org>
17:12 (18 minutos atrás)
para Valencia
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Loan offer,We at Lotan Finance Solution give out

loan at 2% interest rate, interested person

should contact us via email address

lotanfinace@gmail.com  or call +447024089563
responder para -


Free Loan Apply Now!!...
Advance Loan Company <info@loan.com>

Are you in need of a loan, short or long term

loan? we offer loan to individual, private and

public on a low interest rate of 2% basic, if

you are interest respond to this email with your

name to enable send you the loan application

Mrs. Regina Mudil.

Ref:Mrs.Elizbeth Usha,
Mrs.Elizbeth Usha

13:19 (4 horas atrás)
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marcaram mensagens semelhantes como golpes de

phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo perigoso.  Saiba

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Ref:Mrs.Elizbeth Usha,

Calvary Greetings in the name of Almighty God, I

want to tell you this because I don’t have any

other option than to contact you after going

through your profile as i was touched to open up

to you. I am Mrs.Elizbeth Usha, A widow to Late

Dr.Harry Usha (former Counselor of the Benin

Embassy in Madrid, Spain. We own Treasure Art

Inc and Treasure Crude Oil Marketers; we are

very wealthy we have a lot of properties

including Shares and houses. I am 69 years old a

new Christian convert. I am suffering from

cancer of the Pelvic my condition is serious;

according to my doctor it is quite obvious that

I may not survive the sickness.

My late husband and my only son died in the

crash of Swiss air Flight 111 on the 2, of

September 1998. After the death of my husband I

made up my mind to do the work of God as a

missionary. I sold all my husband's properties

and shares to enable me raise some money to

continue my mission. I raised the sum of US

$11.5M(Eleven Million Five Hundred Thousand

United State Dollars) which I deposited with a

Bank here. Now that my sickness has gone to this

stage, I am scared and I want the fund to be

used for the work of God all over the world.

I have prayed to God to direct me to an honest

PERSON who will receive this fund and utilize it

for things that will glorify the name of God,

after my prayers, I searched your site in the

Internet, I found your email address and I

decided to contact you to receive the fund. This

is on the condition that you will take only 40%

of the fund for yourself, 5% for any expenses,

while you will use the remaining 55% for the

less privileges people in the society.

If you are interested in using this fund for the

work of God, please send to me your full name,

address, telephone/fax number, occupation and

age to enable me give it to the Bank for

immediate arrangement to release the fund to

you.I will also give you a text of the

application Letter which you are going to fill

up and send to the bank.

I can not predict what will be my fate by the

time the fund will be transferred into your

account, but you should please ensure that the

fund is used as I have described above.

I await your urgent reply through my private

email address bellow for security reason: (

mrs.usha@drivehq.com )

Thanks and GOD bless you and your family at

large have a great day.

Most sincerely,
Mrs.Elizbeth Usha.
Bonjour Je vous contacte par la volonté de DIEU

car c’est grâce à lui que mon choix a été porté

sur vous. Et le choix de Dieu est toujours le

meilleur. Je suis Buriere Corine de nationalité

française mais pour raison de santé je suis

actuellement dans un centre hospitalier à

Londres. Malheureusement je n’ai pas un héritier

légal qui pourra jouir de ma fortune c’est pour

cela je vous aie contacté pour que vous Héritier

de mes biens pour la réalisation des projets

humanitaires. Puisque mes jours sont comptés du

faite de mon état de santé dégradé donc je ne

voudrais pas mourir Et laisser cet argent a

cette banque or il y a des personnes qui en sont

dans le besoin. Donc je voudrai passer par votre

canal pour faire du bien à ces enfants

déshérités. Si vous êtes d’accord pour mon offre

de donation .Veuillez m’envoyer une réponse A

mon adresse Email : buriere-corine@outlook.com

Que Dieu vous bénisse
Mme Corine Buriere <claudicans@alice.it>
oferta de empréstimo aplicar agora
pastor Nancy <mrsfaith01@gmail.com>
13:02 (4 horas atrás)
para Cco:mim
Por que esta mensagem está no Spam? Ela é

semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas

pelos filtros de spam.  Saiba mais

  Você precisa de um empréstimo urgente para

ajudar a encontrar-se com
suas necessidades imediatas ? então você não tem

escolha a não ser
fazer um empréstimo imediato e muito acessível a

partir de nossa
grande empréstimo obter Agência. Empréstimos de

carro , empréstimos
hipotecários, empréstimos de consolidação , etc

você precisa olhar
mais longe , estamos aqui à sua porta passo para

ajudar e ajudá-lo em
todas as áreas de sindicação de empréstimos ,

que oferecem empréstimos
garantidos e não garantidos a pessoas reais e as

empresas de muito
baixa taxa de juros em 48 horas, entre em

contato conosco

formulário de pedido de empréstimo para

preencher e devolver .

Nome completo


Efectivos ............................

Endereço ......................................

Estado ..............................
Idade .............................

Candidatou-se antes? ......................

Estado civil .................................

Montante do empréstimo , você precisa de crédito

Prazo do empréstimo


Ocupação ....................................

Renda mensal .............................


pastor Nancy

(sem assunto)
Have a nice day <goli01@alice.it>
10:58 (6 horas atrás)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Muitas pessoas

marcaram mensagens semelhantes como golpes de

phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo perigoso.  Saiba

Traduzir mensagem
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Attention Please!
I obtained your contact through the secret

database of foreigners who are
owed vast sums of money by the Government, the

Central Bank and by individual Banks and

I have put in place a system to pay you this

money sum of $5.5Million immediately,so contact

us for more details(collins_khan@yahoo.fr)
 Mr collins khan
(sem assunto)
imukzn <imukzn@hot.ee>

Good day,
We are christian organization, we give out loan

to those that are in need , please contact us at


RAKESH VINORD KREDIT 25@prvt104.onmicrosoft.com

por  emea01-am1-



racy Taylor (God Bless You)
Mr. Raj Agarwal

info@notiffication357.onmicrosoft.com por 

08:41 (9 horas atrás)
para Recipients
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semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas

pelos filtros de spam.  Saiba mais
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Dear Friend

I am here because i read there are people here,

to make a lot of
difference in this life.i think you can make a

lot of difference if we
talk , become good friends in our lord , and see

that with greater power ,
comes greater responsibility . You can make a

change in the life of
others,most especially the poor at heart , and

the less privileged. first.
I think i would start all with a proper

introduction of myself .

I am Missionary Tracy Taylor, a widow to Late

Paul Gaston. I am 57
years old,suffering from long time cancer of the

breast . From all
indications , my condition is really

deteriorating and is quite obvious
that I may not live more than two months after

my next surgery , because
the cancer stage has gotten to a very severe

stage . My personal physician
told me that I may not live for more than 2

months and I am so scared
about it . I have no child of mine , even though

i wish i had . It is late
now you know , since i can not get married again

, and age is no longer on
my side.

Psalms 119:116 Uphold me according unto thy

word, that I may live, and let
me not be ashamed of my hope.
Psalms 138: 7 Though I walk in the midst of

trouble, thou will revive
Psalms 145:18Psalms 57: 7 My heart is fixed. O

God my heart is fixed, I will
sing & give praise
Psalms51: 17 The sacrifices of God are broken

spirit, a broken & contrite
heart, O God thou will not despise.
psalms 41: 1 Blessed is he that considereth the

poor, the Lord will
deliver him
in time of trouble.

Two of my favorite verses: Philippians2:27: For

indeed he was sick nigh
unto death, but God had mercy on him & that on

him only, but on me
also,lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.( I

always say this in my mind)

So, I now decide to divide part of my wealth, by

contributing to the
development of the motherless baby homes, needy,

poor, charity homes and
widows too.i am willing to donate the sum of

$5.000,000.00, which is still
the major inheritance i have left.i wish you

could be someone who i could
trust with all my heart,to make this wish of

mine come true.

Please note that, this fund is lying in a bank.

so i need you to use the
funds to help the poor . I know this is hard ,

and it take a very strong
heart to get this done , but you should keep

this saying in your heart , I
am like Moses in the Bible . He came to the Red

Sea and Pharaoh behind him
and no way to turn but God delivered him all by

a miraculous deliverance .
It will be a miracle from God to be able to help

all the dear people God
has laid on our hearts .

This is why with God in my heart,i contact

you,and i want you to contact
me,so we be in contact with all the poor souls

out there . Give new lives
, hopes and days . I have come to find out that

wealth acquisition without
Christ is vanity and i hope you will agree with

this also . I will be
praying hard that Satan will not stop this

effort . Do contact me on

emil:tracytaylor692@yahoo.com and i
will tell you more of what you wish to know

God bless you.

Yours in Christ,
Return-Path: <mr.micheal101@yahoo.com>

Dr Ali Ibrahim aliibrahimdr@gmail.com por 


From Dr.Ali Ibrahim

Dear Friend;

This message might meet you in utmost surprise.

However, its just my urgent need for foreign

partner that made me to contact you for this

transaction. I hope i can trust you in what am

about to disclose to you. am a banker by

profession and currently holding the post of

Senior Manager Corporate Communications and

Accounting unit of the bank. I have the

opportunity of transferring the left over funds

($10.5million USD) belong to the Late Libyan

President Muammar Gaddafi who was confirmed

killed recently why I have to do this,

I don,t want the Burkina Faso government to take

over the fund Due to the economic problem going

in the country below However, I am inviting you

for a business deal where this money can be

shared between us in the ratio of 60/40%.

All I need is for you to set up an online

account in your name with African Development

Bank(A.D.B) and I will have the money deposited

into this account of yours to enable you

complete the transfer online to your designated

bank account in your home country; Online

banking is the safest way of doing business of

such value no matter where you are located. It

is as simple as it looks and as soon as the fund

is transferred to your account, I will put away

all documents to cover any trace of the fund. I

know you will be very much interested, kindly

provide me with the details below.

First Name............
Telephone No........
Occupation ......
Date of Birth
(date/m/yr) ......
Copy of International Passport Or ID card.....

Further details will be provided when next I

hear from you; remember this transaction is risk

free as I would never jeopardize my future and

that of my family by getting involved into what

is illegal.

Have a great day Yours sincerely,
Dr.Ali Ibrahim

Quick Loan.......Quick Loan......Quick Loan
Sirrama post058@post058.onmicrosoft.com por 


Good day,

We offer the right solution to your financial

needs.We stand apart from other lenders because

we believe in customer service, and we stay with

you until you get the results you want.In

general we offer home loans,car loans,hotel

loans, commercial loans, business loans,e.t.c,

at lower interest rate of 3% contact us today to

apply for any type of loan you may need with our

company okay.
responder para - hawshabi269@yahoo.co.jp

Farkash Gaddafi <grhimdub@gmail.com>

Greetings Dear Friend,

I am the second wife of the Libyan leader Safia

Farkash al-Baraasi  Gaddafi.

We came to know each other in 1971 when Gaddafi

was admitted to a
hospital where I worked as a nurse. We got

married the same year and
have six sons and one daughter.

I am writing this mail with tears and sorrow

from my heart asking for
your help at this time, I have passed through

pains and sorrowful
moment since the death of my husband.I got your

contacts through
personal research and had to reach you through

this medium I decided
to contact you on this vital issue. As you may

be aware of the death
of my husband, me and my three family members

had moved to one of our
hiding estate unknown to any body all our

documents have be ceased to
prevent us from traveling.

Please, presently I and my entire family have

what I will called MY
FAMILY LAST RESORT to the tune of U$40 (Forty

million United States
Dollars) and ready to be TRANSFER to you with

the hope that you will
invest this funds into any good business in your

country, pending when
the political turmoil is over.Yesterday I

received an urgent email
from one of the security Vaults abroad that both

their government and
new Libya government are tracing hidden deposit

and assets deposited
by my family, I don't want them to be aware of

this particular fund
U$40 (Forty million United States Dollars)

deposited through my PA and
she has been arrested last week.30% of the total

funds will go to you
and my son Alaa will come to your country

immediately to start up a
business with your assistance so we will be able

save for raining day.
You can found out some of the story on this web



I guarantee you that this will be executed under

a legitimate
arrangement that will protect you from any

breach of Law and is 100%
Risk Free Venture. Please, keep these offers

safe, secret and
confidential.Please due Kindly indicate your

interest in assisting my
family by providing the basic information such

as Full name, Address,
Age, occupation and cell number

I cannot talk to you on phone because all

telephone conversion are
monitor by the Algeria 's Government and the new

Libya Government
Please, keep this offers safe, secret and

confidential .Await your

Thanks for your service in advance.

Sincerely yours
Safia Farkash al-Baraasi Gaddafi
Attention!!send the filled copy of the above

Information to us via email:

United nations organization

06:41 (11 horas atrás)
para unitednations5.
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Telephone:- :  Tel- +44-8712343096

Dear Email Owner/Fund Beneficiary,


We have actually been authorized by the newly

appointed United Nation secretary general, and

the governing body of the UNITED NATIONS

Monetary Unit, to investigate the unnecessary

delay on your payment  of your Compensation

payment fund , recommended and approved in your

favor. During the course of our investigation,

we discovered with dismay that your payment has

been unnecessarily Delayed by corrupt officials

of the Bank who are Trying to divert your

Compensations payment   funds into their private

To forestall this, security for your funds was

organized in the form of your personal

Identification number   and this will enable

only you to have direct Control over your

payment fund , We will monitor this payment

ourselves to avoid the hopeless situation

created by the Officials of the bank or the

customs officers in your country.

An irrevocable payment guarantee has been issued

by the World Bank Group and the International

Monetary Fund (IMF) on your Payment. However, we

are happy to inform you that based on our

recommendation/Instructions; your complete

Compensations   funds will be credited in your

favor through the central bank in your country.

Reserve Bank Of India,
You are therefore advice to contact: Dr. Paul

cool  the fund depositor through his via e-mail

address:- paulcool80@yahoo.com   of the

immediate transfer of your fund,

Contact Email Address: paulcool80@yahoo.com
Direct Office lines:  Tel- +44-8712343096
Contact him now for the delivery. As soon as you

establish a contact with him, an order will be

issued to you immediately which you can use to

transfer your winning amount in your local bank


you like to receive your funds through this

means you're advised to contact (Dr. Paul cool)

with the following bank information as stated

1.      Your Full Name
2.       Your Personal Bank Account Details and

To or (P.O Box)…………………..
3. Your Age:……………………
4. Occupation:………………………..
5. Annual Income…………………
6. Telephone Numbers:
7. Sex……………………
8. Country:…………………………….
You are advised to furnish Dr. Paul cool   with

your correct and valid bank details for

immediate crediting of your fund, Also be

informed that the amount to be paid to you is


POUNDS STERLINGS. We expect your urgent response

to this email to enable us monitor this payment

effectively thereby making contact with ( Dr.

Kassym )as directed to avoid further delay.

Seeking For Investment Relationship.!!!
ELUCHI MARK ABIA <a.giorgio@poliba.it>
06:22 (11 horas atrás)
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                        FROM MR ELUCHI MARK ABIA
                            PHONE +44 701 290

                            FAX +44 709 298 7503
Dear Friend,
Good day, Firstly, I apologize for sending you

this sensitive information
via e-mail instead of a Certified/Post-mail. It

is understandable that you
might be a little bit apprehensive because you

do not know me, But I have a
lucrative business offer of mutual interest to

share with you,hence, this
letter to you.
I humbly crave your indulgence to read this e-

mail with all seriousness of
purpose devoid of any doubt in your mind because

this project is based on
Trust, Confidentiality and Sincerity of purpose.

I was a personal aide to
a Former President of Liberia
I need you to assist me in repatriating some

funds.I need your foreign
partnership to assist me to invest in your

country.I have interest in
stocks,real estate and any other profitable

businesses you may wish to
I realized this fund from sales we made in cash

from Liberia Diamond and Timber
trade when i was in government in my Country

I assure you that this project will bring us

together for a long lasting
relationship.I need your private phone

number,full names,address so that i
can forward to you more details.
All i intend to do now is to safe guide this

fund, by making sure that this
fund moves from  where it it now to your

Once this money is  transferred to you in your

country, i will come over
immediately for the investment.
Thank you for your anticipated

cooperation.Please indicate your interest by
sending an email.
I await your response as soon as possible.
Best Wishes,
Eluchi Mark Abia
PHONE +44 701 290 8263
FAX +44 709 298 7503
Email < markabia@diplomats.com>
Good Day My Dearest One,
Miss Allen Ibrahim Coulibaly

06:19 (11 horas atrás)
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Good Day My Dearest One,

Please permit me to introduce myself, I am Miss

Allen Ibrahim Coulibaly 23 years old female from

the Republic of Ivory Coast, West Africa, I'm

the Daughter of Late Chief Sgt. Ibrahim

Coulibaly (a.k.a General IB ). My late Father

was a well known Ivory Coast military leader.He

died on Thursday 28 April 2011 following a fight

with the Republican Forces of Ivory Coast

(FRCI).You can read more about my father in the

link below:



I am constrained to contact you because of the

maltreatment which I am receiving from my step

mother. She planned to take away all my late

Father’s treasury and properties from me since

the unexpected death of my beloved Father

because my mother died during child birth and I

was left alone with my step mother to take care

of me. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe,

but she hide away my international passport and

other valuable documents. Luckily she did not

discover where I kept my father's File which

contained important documents. Now I am

presently staying in the Mission in Burkina

I am seeking for long term relationship and

investment assistance. My father deposited the

sum of US$ 8.5 Million in Coris Bank

International here in Burkina Faso with my name

as the next of kin. I have confirmed from the

bank on my arrival here in Burkina Faso, I had

contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the

Branch Manager told me that being place an

instruction on the fund that I must present a

foreign trustee who will help me in investment

of the fund. However, he advised me to provide a

trustee who will stand on my behalf for the
Transfer. I had wanted to inform my stepmother

about this deposit but I am Afraid that she will

not offer me anything after the release of the

money because she threatening to kill me.
Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in

transferring the money into your bank account

while I will relocate to your country to

complete my studies which I promise to my

father. As you indicate your interest to help me

I will give you the account number and the

contact of the bank where my late father

deposited the money with my name as the next of

kin. It is my intention to compensate you with

30% of the total money for your assistance and

the balance shall be my investment in any

profitable venture which you will recommend to

me as I have not any idea about foreign

I will send you my pics and details about the

fund and the bank as soon as I receive your

reply to my yahoo address

( allenibrahim553@yahoo.com )

Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Miss Harriet morrison

05:47 (12 horas atrás)
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My dear in Christ Jesus,

My name is Mrs.Harriet morrison  from Texas USA.

I lived in Africa for
many years and
now currently hospitalized in a private hospital

here in Texas as a result
of brain

My purpose of writing you is because I was led

by the spirit of God to
offer you the
money that I have in my private account in

Africa now that is clear that I’m
approaching the last days of my life.

I’m 86 year old and may not even need the money

again for any thing. I’m
you the sum of $2.5 million us dollars as a

donation for the work of God and
charity.May the good Lord bless you for the work

you are doing already and
may he
give you wisdom to continue it.

When I hear from you, I will direct you on how

to receive the money.Please
pray that
God will accept my soul even if I die today.

Mrs.Harriet morrison.
RESPONDER PARA - maleeq-22@qq.com

Business Issue
Barr. Hassan Khan <tamas.sandor90@upcmail.hu>

How are you doing ? It will be a reckoned day if

this opportunity is granted for both of us to

come together and reason what I have to share

with you.It's not a trade but an important roll

you play to get 35% of the total sum of $189

million dollars .Let me know if you are

interested as you wont regret this, please if

you are kindly reply for specifics, thanks.

Dear Friend
Mr. raj Agarwal <alitalia82@tin.it>


   Please i need your urgent attention if

possible send email and telephone for more

details. Thanks.  Mr. raj. Agarwal 


Greetings to you - Lieber geliebter. Grüße an

Amanda Adams Johnson <amanda.adams@qq.com>
03:56 (14 horas atrás)
para mim
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Dear Beloved. Greetings to you.

First of all let me introduce myself to you I am

Sister Amanda Adams Johnson from Gambia .

I was married to late Chief Adams Johnson of

blessed memory.

My late husband was into fishing merchant and

contractor to the government on export of Sea


We were married for eleven Years without a

child, since his death I suddenly fell into

ovarian cancer disease.

I have been battling with both cancer and

fibroid problem for the past years now.

Presently, I am admitted into Brikama general

hospital here in Gambia due to my critical

health condition and my doctor told me that I

would not last for few months.

having known my condition I decided to donate my

late husband's funds of (US$5.7Million) and

(€4million euros) deposited with a leading Bank

here to you.

I had donated  out my own personal fund to

Orphanages, widows and motherless organizations.

As for my late husband fund, i decided that i

should donate the fund to you, so  you can

Utilize this money for yourself and also for the

Orphanages, widows and motherless organizations

in your own country.

I will also issue an Order of authority to the

bank, authorizing them that the said sum has

been willed to you, and a copy of such

authorization will be forwarded to you.

don't be surprise why you.
i was searching the internet for the right

person, and you email came into my mind.

off all the emails i fund, only your email

address touch my heath.

Please do not delay in your reply,

You may ask why I took this decision to transfer

the fund to you??

why can't i withdraw from the fund to take care

of my health???.

once i hear back from you, i will give you more

details information of the fund and get you

cleared you of any  rhetorical questions.

I have instructed the bank to transfer the fund

to you as foreigner that will apply to the bank

after i have gone,

the bank should release the fund to him/her, but

you will assure me that you will take 50% of the

fund and give 50% to the orphanages home in your

country for my heart to rest in peace.

I look forward to your reply

Yours sincerely,

Sis. Amanda Adams Johnson.
from Brikama general hospital
intensive unit
Mr. Victor Oswedu
Mr. Victor Oswedu <odiris@wow.lk>
02:18 (16 horas atrás)
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You have a package that contains a bank draft of

$1,000,000.00 from the UN
International Development. Contact Mr. Victor

Oswedu ( Fedex Dispatch
Director ) for claims  via:

fedexpress24@careceo.com & Tel:+2348112004588
otak Mahindra Bank: Please Validate Your KMBL

Kotak Mahindra Bank <No-Reply-Kotak-Customer-

Net Banking Upgrade Notifications.

Dear Kotak Net Banking User,

Kotak Bank is constantly striving to provide you

with more convenience, control, and security to

assist in managing your finances online. As part

of our ongoing efforts to operate on ISO

requirements, and create an enhanced security

portal for your online banking services, we have

upgraded the Kotak Electronic-Sign Consent and

Online Access. To Upgrade your account security

status it is mandatory that you kindly Login to

your online banking using the link specified

below to update us on your account information.

Do kindly update and Unlock your E-Sign account

profile by downloading the attached file

Failure to update your account details within

seventy two (72) hours of receiving this notice

could lead to account being suspended and online

access restricted.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Kotak Bank Ltd.

Online Banking Security Unit
Copyright ? 2013 Kotak Bank
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 Account Suspension

    Security Notice   

ANZ Credit Card: Suspended
ANZ Internet account access: Suspended

This security notice is to advise you that a

unsuccessful Password Reset was recently

attempted on your ANZ Internet Banking account.

If you are unaware of these changes, please

restore your account using :

ANZ Online Banking - Log On

Thank you for using ANZ Internet Banking .
responder para western-unionoutlets@outlook.com

(sem assunto)
Western Union <westernunion@stcable.net>


you have awaiting funds for claim
responder para - willsukw@yahoo.co.jp

Re: Inheritance Claims.
John Wills <jwillsuk@hotmail.co.uk>
22:11 (20 horas atrás)
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Direct Tel. +44 702 408 9477

I am contacting you for a mutual beneficial

business,due to your geographical location and

the sensitivity of this project.
I am Mr John Wills,Head of Primeline at NatWest

Bank Plc.I have no cause to doubt your

credibility hence I send this offer
to you in good faith.I discovered a fixed-

deposit amount of (Twenty two million three

hundred thousand British Pounds sterling)
in a non-resident bank account which belongs to

our foreign customer,who died on September

11,2001. This fund is about to be
confiscated by the British Government treasury

because this account has not been operated for a

long time.

Therefore I wish to present you to my bank for

the claims,because there is no moral

justification for the British Government
to inherit this fund,as the bank management is

ready to approve the immediate payment transfer

to whomever that would be
presented for this fund.So I require your swift

response for further clarification, so we can

implement action.

Upon consideration and acceptance of this offer,

please proceed immediately and send to me the

below information,

Your Full Name,
Contact Address,
Direct Mobile/telephone Number.

This information will enable me to upload your

data into our bank database to reflect in the

bank network system that you are
the named next of kin/will beneficiary of this

fund, then I will guide you on communication

with the bank for onward transfer
of the fund to you, please note that we have few

days to carry out this deal.

Thanks in anticipation of your urgent response.


Mr. John Wills.
Head of Primeline,
NatWest Bank Plc.

Miss. Donna Gwen <info@fbi.org>
10 de out (5 dias atrás)
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        Attention: Beneficiary,

      Series of meetings have been held over the

past 7 months with the secretary general of the

United Nations Organization. This ended 3 days

ago. It is obvious that you have not received

your fund which is to the tune of

$3.5,000,000,00  Million us dollars due to past

corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held

the fund to themselves for their selfish reason

and some individuals who have taken advantage of

your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund

which has led to so many losses from your  end

and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your


        The National Central Bureau of Interpol

enhanced by the United Nations and Federal

Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed

a mandate to the current Governor of Washington

DC his Excellency Governor Jay Inslee to boost

the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owned

to you and other individuals and organizations

who have been found not to have receive their

Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling,Inheritance and

the likes. Now how would you like to receive

your payment? Because we have two method of

payment which is by Check or by ATM card?

      ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom

pin based ATM card which you will use to

withdraw up to $5,000 per day from any ATM

machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and

the card have to be renewed in 4 years time

which is 2017. Also with the ATM card you will

be able to transfer your funds to your local

bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook

or manual to enlighten you about how to use it.

Even if you do not have a bank account.

      Check: To be deposited in your bank for it

to be cleared within three working days. Your

payment would be sent to you via any of your

preferred option and would be mailed to you via

UPS. Because we have signed a contract with UPS

which should expire in next three weeks you will

only need to pay $280 instead of $520 saving you

$240 So if you pay before the three weeks June

2013 you save $240 Take note that anyone asking

you for some kind of money above the usual fee

is definitely a fraudsters and you will have to

stop communication with every other person if

you have been in contact with any. Also remember

that all you will ever have to spend is $280.00

nothing more! Nothing less! And we guarantee the

receipt of your fund to be successfully

delivered to you within the next 24 hrs after

the receipt of payment has been confirmed.

        Note: Everything has been taken care of

by the Federal Government of Washington DC, The

United Nation and also the United State FBI and

including taxes, UPS Courier service delivery

fee so all you will ever need to pay is $280 Us

Dollars. Do not send money to anyone until you

read this and have heard from me. The actual

fees for shipping your ATM card is $520 but

because UPS have temporarily discontinued the

C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when

package is delivered for international shipping

We had to sign contract with them for bulk

shipping which makes the fees reduce from the

actual fee of $520 to $280 nothing more and no

hidden fees of any sort!

      To effect the release of your fund valued

at $3.5 Million us dollars you are advised to

contact our correspondent in Washington DC the

delivery officer Mr. Mark Ruben with the

information below!

    Name:  Mr. Mark Ruben
    Email:  markruben61@yahoo.com.ph

      You are advised to contact him with the

information's as stated below:

    Your full Name............
    Your Address:..............
    Home/Cell Phone:........
    Your Occupation..........
    Your Identity................
    Zip code..................
    Preferred Payment Method............... (ATM

card / Cashier Checque)

        Upon receipt of payment the delivery

officer will ensure that your package is sent

within 24 working hours. Because we are so sure

of everything we are giving you a 100% money

back guarantee if you do not receive payment

package within the next 24 hrs after you have

made the payment for shipping.

        And make sure that you keep the receipt

of the $280 payment that you made because that

is the prove you will show to the delivery team 

when they arrive at your door step with your

package of delivery.

          Do disregard any email you get from

any impostors or offices claiming to be in

possession of your ATM card, you are hereby

advice only to be in contact with Mark Ruben of

the ATM card payment center who is the rightful

person to deal with in regards to your ATM card

payment and forward any emails you get from

impostors to this office so we could act upon

and commence investigation.
    CC. TO:
    Supreme Court of the United States
    U. S. Courts of Appeals
    U. S. District Courts
    U. S. Circuit Courts
    Courts of Special Jurisdiction:
    Bankruptcy Courts
    Court of Claims, 1855 - 1982
    U. S. Court of Federal Claims, 1982 -
    Customs Court, 1890 - 1980
    U. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals,

1910 - 1982
    U. S. Court of International Trade, 1980 -
    Commerce Court, 1910 - 1913

    Territorial Courts
    Courts of the District of Columbia
    Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals
    Judicial Panel on Multi-District Litigation
    Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
    Federal Courts Outside the Judiciary.

                  Note: This email fully under

supervision of the FBI and will be until you

have your ATM card at your door step, so kindly

follow the instruction and have this Card

delivered to your address without any more delay

by paying the UPS Courier Delivery service fee

and send to  United State FBI Approved officer

Mark Ruben As stated above.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Miss Donna Gwen


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responder para - msfarah@live.com

From:Kathleen Mohamed Ibrahim Farah
info@kathleen573.onmicrosoft.com por  emea01-


Dearest Friend.docx    Dearest Friend.docx
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Fabian luis <alvalrojamieloancompany@gmail.com>
13 de out (2 dias atrás)
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 Leder du efter en virksomhed lån, personlige

lån, hus, bil lån,
studielån, gæld konsolidering lån, kortfristede

lån, sikrede lån, risiko
kapital osv. .. Eller har du været nægtet et

banklån af grunde som
Capital? Vores virksomhed er en licenseret

kredit firma. vi giver lån
til virksomheder
 og enkeltpersoner på lav og overkommelige
rente på 2%. Er du interesseret? Kontakt os, så

vi kan begynde
behandling af dine lån inden 48 timer. KONTAKT:

med nedenstående oplysninger

ansøgning detaljer

1) Fulde navn:



2) Land:



3) Adresse:



4) Stat:



5) Køn:



6) Civilstand:



7) Beskæftigelse:



8) Telefonnummer:


9) I øjeblikket position i stedet for arbejdet:


10) Månedlig indkomst:


11) Lån nødvendige mængde:


12) Lån Varighed:


13) Formål med Lån:


14) Religion:



15) Har du søgt før ....................

16) foretrukne valuta


bedes komme tilbage til os med følgende

oplysninger, så vi kan begynde
behandlingen af lånet inden for 24 timer
Håber at høre fra dig.
Tak og Gud velsigne dig
    José Dennison

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