terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2013


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Return-Path: <macdes@clear.net.nz>

(sem assunto)
Benz Office mercedes.benz2346@hotmail.co.uk por 

para info


-- Original Message ----
From: Mariana Yama <yama_mariana@ymail.com>
To: xxxxx
Sent: Ter, Set 17, 2013, 12:51 PM
Subject: De Miss Mariana Yama

 De Miss Mariana Yama.

Querida um,

Bom dia e como você faz? Espero bem.

Estou muito feliz em receber a sua mensagem.

Obrigado por honesto sincero para me ajudar, que

eu não sei como lhe agradecer. Eu estou entrando

em contato a partir de Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire,

África Ocidental, Cote D'Ivoire é um pequeno

cristão e ilha colonizada por colônia francesa.
Falo Inglês e francês fluentemente. Tenho 20 anos

de idade não se casou. Larguei minha educação após

a morte de meus pais e que eu gostaria de

continuar em seu país após a minha chegada.

No entanto, como expliquei na minha proposta, o

fundo é atualmente mantido em um lote depositado

em uma empresa de armazenagem privada aqui em

Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire. Nós definitivamente precisa

recuperar a remessa ea transferência de fundos

para a sua conta indicada ou qualquer conta que

você abrir em relação a esta transação.
Para que você possa me ajudar, temos duas opções

disponíveis que permitirá que você para me ajudar

e você tem que escolher um dos dele.

1. Você tem que vir aqui para que nós dois vai e

recuperar a remessa até ao armazém onde foi

depositado e transferir o fundo de sua conta e, em

seguida, voltar mesmo tempo, para o seu país, mas

não é aconselhável pedir-lhe para vir aqui razões

de segurança, como estamos próximos de apenas de

uma guerra civil.

2. O Escritório de armazenamento também pode

enviar a remessa para você em seu país, através de

lá significa imunidade diplomática de entregar com

um bom acordo mútuo, se você não pode ser capaz de

vir aqui.

Ele vai me por favor para você vir até aqui para

que veremos face a face e concluir esta transação

com a empresa de armazenamento, mas como eu disse

é por causa da confiança e também para que você

possa assistir a remessa na Firma de armazenamento

antes de me ajudar a recuperar mas se você me der

a confiança e prosseguir com a empresa de

armazenamento para entregar a remessa para você em

seu país e eu acredito que também é mesma coisa

quando você vem aqui.
Eu concordou em dar-lhe 15% do total do fundo para

qualquer assistência que presta neste caso e

também mapear outros 3% para qualquer despesa que

você pode feito como resultado de contas de

telefone ou a sua despesa de viajar para cá, etc

Mas, a coisa mais importante é que eu gostaria de

saber mais sobre seus potenciais de negócios. Em

um negócio desta natureza, você vai sempre ter em

mente que, o fato de que, tanto de nós não

conhecemos nem a nós mesmos sabíamos antes, vai

tornar as coisas um pouco difícil para nós

trabalhar como uma mente e corpo. Estou seriamente

perturbado com isso porque pode fazer o

entendimento mútuo entre dois de nós para ser


Mas podemos confiar em nós mesmos, uma vez que são

totalmente estranha para o outro, podemos cooperar

de forma eficaz, eu tenho a confiança para liberar

o fundo para você.

Sem saber mais sobre, vou precisar de garantia de

que você só vai fazer o que quer de nós concordou

em fazer, que você não vai / NUNCA me trair nessa

empreitada, e me ajudar na
me uma boa escola para a continuidade da minha

carreira educacional que foi interrompida pela

morte repentina dos meus pais recebendo.

Estou prestes a lançar uma soma enorme para você e

você deve entender que é preciso que você me

enviar algumas garantias, é por isso que eu

preciso da sua foto ou identidade formal também.

No entanto, eu vos envio o meu.

Por favor, diga m mais sobre si mesmo, incluindo

suas informações de contato,
Seu nome completo ...........
O seu endereço de ............
número de fax .........
sua linha móvel pessoal ...
Sua idade .....
Nacionalidade ...........

Finalmente, é a certeza de que todos os processos

envolvidos para a realização desta matéria deve

ser legal e transparente e eu vou enviar-lhe mais

informação relativamente a esta operação, à medida

que prosseguimos!

Espero ouvir de você
sinceramente seu
Mariana Yama.
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital

12:23 (4 horas atrás)
para jegah, Cco:mim
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  Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Job ref:     HJUK/213-TKEC
Site:  Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Town: London
Salary:    Competitive Rates
Closing: 29 Sep 2013
The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital London are

currently recruiting new
workers, so employment opportunities are available

in various careers
which suite into these working sectors such as

Nursing & midwifery,
Medical & dental services, Health science

services, Support services
And administrative services.
Interested Applicants should kindly send their C.V

with an application letter
stating His/Her interest to work with us and

His/Her job sector and description
to the below e-mail address for further

We look forward to your prompt response for more

Personnel Manager
Tom Nettel
Dear Winner <weboffice.uk201_26@libero.it>
16 de set (1 dia atrás)
99.0.docx    99.0.docx
47K   Visualizar   Baixar

responder para - revphillip467@yahoo.com

selee <selee@zoominternet.net>

Dearest Beloved

I am prayerfully letting all to you.I am Reverend

Phillip presently undergoing medical treatment for

cancer,due to my health I have decided to donate

£8 Million to you for the good work of God to

assist the less privileged.

Rev Phillip.

Elliot C Tobin <etobin64@mit.edu>

Семьсот пятьдесят тысяч британских фунтов была

присуждена вашего ID BPO Грант. Укажите свое имя,

адрес и возраст. Отправьте информацию г-н Кен

электронной почты: bporedeemtioon@hotmail.co.uk

find attached our new order and send us

proforma invoice so we can proceed asap 

kind regards,
13K   Visualizar   Baixar  

mouissa madou <mouissa.mdaou779@gmail.com>
14 de set (3 dias atrás)
para Cco:mim
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We would like to inform you that our company has

Alluvial Gold Dust for Sale.

We are registered with all the necessary agencies

of the government and
are in the category of small scale mining company

that have the requisite
authorization to mine and export Gold .

Our Company is willing and ready to deliver to

your destination between
50-265 kgs of Gold Dust
for sale USD,34,500.00  per kilo, or we would like

you to use your
international marketing capabilities to assist us

in locating a reputable
buyer in which we will pay you an attractive

negotiated sales
representative commission. Agent commission is

USD2,000.00 per kilo.

Our conditions for delivery and sale are as


1) The buyer will come and examine the goods in a

bank or in our ware house.

2) The buyer will required to take samples from

the total consignment and
seal the boxes after taking the samples, the buyer

may place his own locks
on the boxes after the samples.

3) After test on the samples proves satisfactory

(i.e.22 carat) then the
payment terms will be discussed.
Standard Credit Finance Ltd

16:24 (1 hora atrás)
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  Você já pensou em conseguir um provedor de

empréstimo legítimo que você gostaria de investir

depois de muito dividendos?

Agarre esta época oferta financeira e dar a sua

vida negócios, educação,

casas e construção de um elevador a partir do

intervalo de US $ 3.000,00 para US $ 10 milhões

com um máximo de 25 anos em 3%.

Contacte-nos com as informações abaixo para que

possamos prosseguir. .

  1. Nomes completos:

  2. Valor do Empréstimo Necessário:

  3. Duração do empréstimo.

  4. país:

  5. idade:

  6: sexo:

Com a gente, a oportunidade não pode parar de



Padrão de crédito Finance Ltd


TELEFONE NO: +12403459149

SKYPE: standardcreditfinanceltd
responder para - mnlp1@careceo.com

Winning Notification!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Microsoft Lottery <cheerio@singnet.com.sg>

Your E-mail ID Has Won You £750,000GBP Send Your

Details For Claim: via (mnlp1@careceo.com)

Beneficiary Name:
Mobile Number:

Mr. Ray Collins
On-line Coordinator

EMPLOI/N.W.C <ilcarpentiere@tin.it>
14:53 (3 horas atrás)
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140, rue O'Connor, 9ème étage
Ottawa (Toeonto) KA 0R5

E- mail:directionnwc36@nokiamail.com

   Accord de publication N° Agrément/visa/ 2316om

/29 du Directeur Général.
Cadres et Jeunes diplômés Bienvenus,
Le Service Personnel de Corporation Commerciale

Canadienne est aujourd'hui à la recherche de

personnels expérimentés dans les Domaines suivants

: Contrôle de gestion, Expertise comptable,

Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Montage de Projet

Marketing, Communication d'Entreprise, Droits des

Affaires, marketing, Science sociale, commerce

international, Transport et logique, Employés de

bureau, Secrétariat bilingue, Secrétariat

informatisé, Agro alimentaire Bureautique,

Manutentionnaire, Opérateur bancaire, Financements

de projets, Assurance, Ingénierie, Informatique,

Marketing et Action Commerciale. Les activités ne

Nécessitant aucune qualification : gardiennage,

assistant de service, maçonnerie, électricité

industrielle, conduite, travail sur les champs

pétroliers, surveillance boutique,musisien,la

Nous recherchons avant tout des personnes capables

de s'adapter à notre environnement de travail.. La

main d'œuvre étant rare ici au Canada nous avions

ouvert notre marché vers le reste du monde afin de

permettre aux jeunes diplômés d'autres pays qui

sont sans emploi fixe de pouvoir toucher à la

réalité, Nous organisons ce recrutement dans le

cadre de la promotion d'emploi.  NATIONAL WORK

CANADA a des représentations dans certains pays

qui assurent la liaison entre leur pays et la

Direction principalement, celle du BENIN qui a été

choisi par le conseil d'administration pour se

charger de nous faciliter la tache dans le

recrutement des nouveaux personnels venant de

l'Afrique, de l'Asie, des Caraïbes et d'autres

sujets portant sur l'intérêt de notre chère

Pour avoir plus d'information sur le recrutement

ainsi que les conditions et formalités à remplir

pour nous soumettre votre candidature
*** Envoyer nous votre demande ici au canada, afin

de recevoir tous les papiers pour votre


E- mail: directionnwc36@nokiamail.com

-Lettre de demande d'emploi et de demande

d'information à propos du recrutement et de


-Votre CV

-Suivie de votre acte de naissance
Et c'est après cette demande que vous auriez le

formulaire de demande d'emploi qui sera remplir,

et acheminer à la direction. Si votre demande

retient l'attention de nos conseils, la direction

vous fera parvenir toutes les informations sur

l'emploi ainsi que les conditions et formalités à

remplir pour être des nôtres
Pooja Chaudhary <info@rds.live.com.nsatc.net>
13:13 (5 horas atrás)
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    Permit me for intruding your mailbox.

    I got your Contact via Internet during my

research for Interested and
Serious Person that will handle this business and

God directed me to
you. I am contacting you regarding our company

urgent need for
(DINOSILE OIL LIQUID) a raw Chemical material are

available in India
recently. It is the major liquid material our

company has been using
for the production of animal injections and

vaccines since 2005. Our
company is currently buying this product at the

rate of $42,000 USD
per One (1) gallon from the Original Company

supplier in USA and

Recently, I found out that this same material is

Produced and sold in
India at the rate USD $15,000 per 1 gallon and I

do not wish to let anyone
in our company to know about this because of my

interest in the business.
I intend to present you as a supplier in India

(You will be a Middleman
between our company and the local vendor in India)

so that my company will
not know the main-source of the material. This is

just a kind of buying
and selling business and all you will do is to buy

the 1 gallon of the
Chemical as sample and keep it ready with you, so

that you will show it to
our Company purchasing Manager as a sample as soon

as he arrive in India
for the purchasing of the chemicals and be

informed that our company use
to buy quantity of the chemicals and required more

than 50 gallons every

  If you are willing to co-operate with me, Kindly

send your reply to my
Direct E-mail Address: I will send you our
Company director contact detail then you will send

him an offer and as
soon as he indicate interest to buy, you will let

him know the stock is
ready and you are willing to supply as many as

required at a reduced
price per gallon. I will also forward you the

contact detail of the
dealer where you will get the material in India.

The dealer selling
price in India is $15,000USD per gallon and then

all profits accrued
would be shared between you and me, after

deduction of all your
expenses, etc. This would be a long term business

relationship between
you and our company.

NOTE, I am an India Citizen, born and brought up

here in UK and my parent
are late. Awaiting your reply immediately you

receive this mail.

With best wishes,
Mrs. Pooja Chaudhary.
Tel:    +4487 1915 9084
Email poojachaudharypc30@yahoo.com
RESPONDER PARA - eddynali@gmail.com
Return-Path: - root@srv61.haisoft.net

Product Needed For Supply

sales@kingstonint.com por  srv61.haisoft.net
13:10 (5 horas atrás)
para mim
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Descobrimos que muitas mensagens de

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Good day,

We are into import and customer representative

here in our country and we will like to enter into

full business relationship with your able company.

Kindly get back to us through our below details

with the items which you can supply to us along

with the full detail specification for our study

and order. Kindly confirm the below details so we

can proceed.

- Your minimum order quantity.
- Your FOB Prices and FOB Port.
- Your estimated delivery time.
- Your Method Of Payment
- Your Sample Policy

We want to place and order worth usd300,000 to

usd450,000 this month,We believe that your company

can serve better in the supply of the items.Can

you handle this contract?

We want to place an order worth THREE HUNDRED
THOUSAND DOLLARS this month But we could not find

some product in your cart/website because we have

had offers from other manufacturers/suppliers.

Please kindly in with your e-mail to check the

exact product photo and see if you can supply us

the same product.



Our company shall be acting as your representative

between you and the end buyer for the purpose of

this transaction, and you shall map out 2%

commission of the total contract value, as our

compensation upon the successful conclusion of

this transaction after you must have received your

total contract payment in your designated bank


We sincerely hope to establish a long lasting

business relationship with your firm in the

nearest future for our mutual benefit.

We anticipate your co-operation and prompt

response to our request soonest.

Awaiting your reply.

Best Regards,
Ali Hossain



240 - 9700 Jasper Ave  Edmonton

Direction des Ressources Humaines CIC
E-MAIL: cdirectioncic@yahoo.fr



                             Accord de publication

N° 001/GC/DRH/GOV-CA-CIC-2013. 
         Dans le souci de lutter contre le voyage

clandestin, la pauvreté,

de promouvoir l'emploi et à l'intégration

Africaine au processus de la mondialisation, le

gouvernement CANADIEN en collaboration avec la


(SCCI) lance un projet spécial  par le biais de la


pour but de favoriser l'immigration de toutes

personnes désireuses à venir vivre ou travailler

au CANADA. Après une longue étude dynamique du

phénomène de pauvreté dans les pays en voie de

développement notamment les pays d'Afrique,des

Caraïbes et du pacifique, en collaboration avec le

gouvernement CANADIEN et le plan à long terme du

MINISTÈRE CANADIEN  des affaires étrangères.

A cet effet toutes personnes désirant postuler

pour travailler ou pour continuer les études au

CANADA sont la bienvenue.Nous recherchons avant

tout des personnes capables sans distinction de

sexe qui pourront s'adapter à notre environnement

de travail.Par ailleurs le service C.I.C a des

représentations partout dans le monde qui assurent

la liaison entre leur pays et la Direction

principalement celle de l'Afrique-Europe et de

l’Amérique qui ont été choisis par le conseil

d'administration pour se charger de vérifier

l'authenticité et l'originalité des dossiers qui

nous parviendront de l'Afrique, Amérique ainsi que

de l'Europe et d'autres sujets portant sur

l'intérêt de notre projet

Ci-après toutes les informations dont vous aurez

besoin pour nous faire parvenir votre candidature.


- Etre titulaire au moins du BEPC ou autres

Diplômes Professionnels
- Savoir parler le français ou  l'anglais
- Avoir de bonnes qualités relationnelles
- Avoir une bonne moralité


-Une lettre de motivation dans laquelel vous

mentionnez le but de votre immigration.
-Un curriculum vitae(CV) bien détaillé
-Un acte de naissance ou toute autre pièce pouvant

attestée votre identité
-Diplômes obtenus
-Une photo d'identité
-Votre passeport pour vérification de votre

disponibilité à voyager.
-Dans le cas où vous ne disposez pas de passeport

vous le signalez dans votre lettre de motivation

pour que nous puissions vous aider à rentrer en

possession de ce dernier en nous envoyant votre

carte d'identité.

 En outre après étude de dossiers et si votre

demande  a été acceptée nous serons en mesure de

vous fournir des documents nécessaires qui

suivront votre immigration en terre Canadienne.
  Ces documents  vous seront délivrés dans un

délai rentrant dans le cadre de votre immigration

et ceci par courrier DHL à votre adresse de



1-  Votre carte de résidence
2-  Votre permis de travail
3-  Votre certificat d'hébergement 
4-  Votre assurance  vie et famille
5-  Votre visa canadien
6-  Votre billet d'avion

  Si vous êtes intéressés veuillez envoyer votre

dossier à l'adresse de la direction par Émail qui

est la suivant:



                               Dr.Christ  BENOIT

                                    Le chargé de




Required Products needed for purchase


 Dear Sir/Madam

Kindly find full list of our purchase order on the

attached we need from your company,and confirm to

us with their prices details,all the products

reference are there

in the attached,sorry,but i had to make the

document confidential this way.

 Procurement & Logistics Manager
 Della Nelson
 KC trading company LTD
 cell +1673-329212

6K   Visualizar   Baixar  

RESPONDER PARA - kenthole111@gmail.com






International Monetary Fund

( IMF) Africa Regional Office.
 Resident Representative Office in Benin.


The IMF  , hereby receives your payment with

reference number EA2948-910. amounting to US$2.4 (

Two million, four hundred thousand dollars only)

This council was set up to fight against scam and

fraudulent activities worldwide, responsible for

investigating the legitimacy of unpaid contract,

inheritance and lotto winning claims by companies

and individuals and directs the paying authorities

worldwide to make immediate payment of verified

claims to the beneficiaries without further delay,

your said payment was deposited with DIAMOND BANK

PLC BENIN REPUBLIC and you will gain online access

for you to access and transfer your funds through

internet banking , we also confirmed that you have

met all statutory requirements in respect of your

pending payment except that you have to change the

name on the account which we opened for you with

your funds, presently the name on the account is

IMF  so you need to change it to your name..

This important notice is to let you know that your

payment is ready to be moved by DIAMOND BANK PLC

BENIN REPUBLIC Online banking transfer system

where the account was opened.

All you are to do now is to contact Diamond Bank

for your online account in formations so that you

can Logon to the account to confirm the

availability of your funds then after that you

will have to change the name on the account to

your own personal name because the name we used in

opening the account for you is IMF . Please note

you will not be able to transfer your funds until

you change the name on the account so you are to

contact Diamond bank with your information’s as

needed below.

(1) Your Full Name:
(2) Home Address:    
(3) Phone, Fax and Mobile
(4) Company Name  
(5) Bank Name:
Here are the contact details of Diamond Bank which

you are to contact immediately for your online

account information's to confirm the availability
of your funds.

BANK NAME: Diamond Bank Plc .
EMAIL: diamondbank877@yahoo.es

You have to try to contact them as soon as

possible so they can send you the online account

information's as we have already informed them

that you will be contacting them for the request

of the account information's, please do not forget

to contact them with your details as your request

might be ignored if your information's is not

included to prove that the message is coming from


Yours Faithfully,
Abdikarim Mohamed Farah
Director, Special Dutie
 Abdikarim Mohamed Farah
Resident Representative in Repubic of Benin
E-mail: RR-BEN@imf.org
DIRECT>TELEPHONE +2296886354300
DIRECT. EMAIL:imfo01@hotmail.com



Business Opportunit​y

nurul masrom <binti_sea119@msn.com>

Attention: Please.

I am Mr. Mohd Naim Haji Mokhtar, the manager Audit

& Accounts dept. in the CIMB Groups Malaysia. I am

writing to request your assistance to transfer the

sum of $15, 000.000.00 (Fifteen million, United

States dollars) into your accounts. The above sum

belongs to our deceased customer late Mr.Mohamad

Naguib Mahfodz, who died along with his entire

family in the Benin plane crash 2004 and since

then the fund has been in a suspense account.

After my further investigation, I discovered that

Mr.Mohamad Naguib Mahfodz, died with his next of

kin and according to the laws and constitution

guiding this banking institution, it states that

after the expiration of (9) Nine Years, if no body

or person comes for the claim as the next of kin,

the fund will be transferred to national treasury

as unclaimed fund.

Because of the static of this transaction I want

you to stand as the next of kin so that our bank

will accord you the recognition and have the fund

transferred to your account. The total sum will be

shared as follows: 60% for me, 40% for you and all

incidental expenses that may occur during the

transfer process will be incurred by both of us.

The transfer is risk free on both sides hence you

will follow my instructions till the fund get to

your account. More detailed information’s with the

official application form will be forwarded to you

to explain more comprehensively what is required

of you. You are free to call me through my private

telephone number.

Your Full










Your Personal Mobile



Best regards,

Mr. Mohd Naim Haji Mokhtar.






ORION FINANCE <orion.net.ci@gmail.com>

Honorable Correspondant (e),
 Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que vous

avez gagnй la somme de Soixante Douze mille Cinq

Cent Euros (72.500,00 Ђ) suite а la Tombola

organisйe par le groupe ORION FINANCE а l’occasion

de la mise en service de sa Carte Visa Prйpayйe

dйnommйe « AFRICARDS »
 Tous les gagnants ont йtй tirйs au sort par un

logiciel de pointe  parmi plus de 200.000.000

adresses emails d’individus.
 Votre prйsente adresse email a йtй retenue dans «

LA CATEGORIE C» durant ce robot ballotage et

attachйe au ticket CB-4861 7360 0030-03 vous

dйsignant laurйat de la somme de Soixante Douze

Mille Cinq Cent Euros (72.500,00 Ђ)
  Pour rйclamer votre gain, veuillez nous envoyer

un mail de confirmation comportant les

informations suivantes :
 -       NOM et Prйnoms
 -       Adresse complиte
 -       Profession
 -       Tйlйphone
 -       Numйro de Ticket
 -       Montant  du gain
 Cordialement votre,
  M. Laurent MONIN
 Coordonnateur Central
 Tйlйphone : 00225 66 69 50 87




View the attached filE

Microsoft Promotion <claimmagnt@gmail.com>

 View the attached file

107K   Visualizar   Baixar  

Responder Para - claimagennt@rediffmail.com




sanusi lamido <lamido551@rediffmail.com>


 Finance Minister Federal Republic Of Nigeria.

 This is to notify you that after our meeting

today with the President, Accountant General Of

The Federation, The Senate House, And House Of

Representatives, we came to a conclusion that we

have to pay you the sum of USD$10.Million dollars,

as your Contract Entitlement. The Payment Will

come to you via Gld Diplomatic Courier Service;

Therefore You are to Re-Confirm the following: (1)

Full Name (2) Home Address (3) Telephone Numbers

 Your Immediate Response is highly needed on this

development please to enable me up-date our

records as usual.

Best Regards,
 Honourable Minister for Finance & Economic

 Federal Republic of Nigeria.
 Telephone =+234-803-814-9565



 Finance Minister Federal Republic Of Nigeria.

 This is to notify you that after our meeting

today with the President, Accountant General Of

The Federation, The Senate House, And House Of

Representatives, we came to a conclusion that we

have to pay you the sum of USD$10.Million dollars,

as your Contract Entitlement. The Payment Will

come to you via Gld Diplomatic Courier Service;

Therefore You are to Re-Confirm the following: (1)

Full Name (2) Home Address (3) Telephone Numbers

 Your Immediate Response is highly needed on this

development please to enable me up-date our

records as usual.

Best Regards,
 Honourable Minister for Finance & Economic

 Federal Republic of Nigeria.
 Telephone =+234-803-814-9565


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686K   Visualizar   Baixar  





Barrister Ole Bjorn Tellefsen


Your E-Address was selected for category B in this

Year's Annual Electronics
 Promotions, e-Mail programme. These are your


Ref Number: EUM DN 0508-9T6 Batch Number: EUM QY-

3LJ4 Ticket Number: 3510-EM
 47 Serial Number: NPU-34 Lucky Number: 05 13 27

33 42 (02-04) Please contact
 the program attorney & coordinator.
 Complete the information below and forward same

and above stated details
 strictly to the program attorney & coordinator.

Your draw has a total value of 3,400,000.00 euro.

nb:. Kindly note the
 attorney will handle every cost of transfer, so

you're liable to complete
 transfer at no extra cost.

Full Names:
 Country of Residence:
 Bank Name:
 Date of Birth:

Name: Barrister Ole Bjorn Tellefsen
 E-mail: info.ole.bjorn.chamber@gmail.com

Tel: +44-7031-958-670
 Tel: +44-7005-800-498
 Fax: +44-7005-800-757




 This message (including any attachments) is

intended only for the use of the
 individual or entity to which it is addressed and

may contain information that
 is proprietary, non-public, and confidential to

Annual Electronics Promotions.
 If you are not the intended recipient, you are

hereby notified that any use,
 dissemination, distribution, or copying of this

communication is strictly
 prohibited. If you have received this

communication in error, please contact
 the sender and delete this message immediately.




Mrs VENISE TOLSON <purchase1@yongjin.co.id>

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of California Human Right Foundation

CHRF USA, It is a great privilege for us to invite

you to global Congress meeting against Economic

Crisis, Child Protection & HIV/AIDS Treatment,

Prostitution, Sex Work and forced Labor. The aims

of the conference are to bring together

researchers and practitioners in an effort to lay

the ground work for future collaborative research,

advocacy, and program development as well as to

educate social service, health care, and criminal

justice professionals on human trafficking and the

needs and risks of those victimized by the

commercial sex industry.

The global Congress meeting against Economic

Crisis, Child Protection & HIV/AIDS Treatment,

Prostitution, Sex Work and forced Labor is

scheduled to take place from October 20th – 24th

203, in California the United States and in

Dakar-Senegal, from October 26th – 30th 2013. The

global congress is hosted by the Campaign against

Child Labor Coalition and sponsored by (The Bill &

Melinda Gates Foundation, The William J. Clinton

Foundation and other benevolent donors worldwide.

Note that all interested delegates that requires

entry visa to enter the United States to attend

this meeting will be assisted by the organization,

in obtaining the visa in their passport. Free air

round trip tickets to attend this meeting will be

provided to all participants. The Workshop

welcomes paper presentation from any interested

participants willing to present papers during the


For registration information you are to contact

the conference secretariat via Email:


Please share the information with your colleagues.

 (M.D) Activities Coordinator

responder para - roselyne@secretary.net




(sem assunto)

cubra <cubra@hot.ee>

Good day
We are Christian organization, we give out loan to

those that have given there lives to Christ, and

also those that are trust worthy, contact us via

email marieloanlenders@gmail.com

responder para - marieloanlenders@gmail.com


Invitation​: Attention @ Sat Aug 17, 2013

Manty Sillah <mantymali@gmail.com>


De Google Calendar

Dear friend,Warm greetings from me,I apologies for

intruding into your privacy, since we don’t know

each other, but pay attention and understand my

reason of contacting you Please don't be angry

with me   Dear,if you see this message in Spam of

your mailbox, it will be because I sent it with

low internet connection.It is quite a pleasure to

notify you of this incident, I crave your

indulgence knowing that this will be a surprise to

you i am Miss Manty Sillah 27 years of age ,

Following the recent Military coup and Touareg

Rebel rebellion in my country (MALI) and the

brutal death of my Father on the 28 march 2012, I

have been thrown into a state of utter confusion,

frustration and hopelessness; My Mother have been

subjected to physical and psychological torture by

the current state of things in my country and the

death of my fatherMy Father was killed by the

rebels during there offensive attack in Tombouctou

on his way back to the Capital city (Bamako) with

my mother who was abuse by the Rebels As there

only daughter that is so traumatized, I have lost

confidence with anybody within the country. You

must have heard over the media reports and the

internet about the Sanction and problems in my

country.  http://www.france24.com/en/20120404-un-


islamist-rebelMy late father has a local Gold

mining company and some other international

business he is into and he has some of his capital

base fund kept with some security company , due to

this problems in my country i wish to safe keep

this fund to make my late father and my suffering

mother happy by investing it out side my country.I

got your contact profile address through my

research and out of desperation decided to reach

you through this medium. I will give you more

information as to this regard as soon as you

reply. I repose great confidence in you hence my

approach to you due to security network placed on

my country day to day affairs as i cannot afford

to visit the embassy as many are closed here so

that is why I decided to contact you and I hope

you will not betray my confidence in youI shall be

grateful if you could receive this fund into your

account for safe keeping. This arrangement is

known to you and me alone. I am seriously

considering  relocating to your country once the

fund is transferred to you. I will be wiling to

offer you 20% of the total fund if only you will

receive this fund and keep it for us in good faith

Please note that you are not being ask to pay or

spend any amount of money in the act of doing this

only when arose in your country and that honesty

is the watch word in this transaction. I wilfjl

require your Email , telephone and fax numbers so

that we can commence communication immediately and

I will give you a more detailed picture of things.

In case you don’t accept please do not let me out

to the security as I am giving you this

information in total trust and confidence .I will

greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in

good faith.I appreciate your  timely suggestion

and interest over this matter.You can reply to my

person email address: sillah_manty@yahoo.comBest

RegardsManty Sillah


Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:30am – 1:30am GMT (no daylight


Manty Sillah (mantymali@gmail.com)





+++++++++S​gt.Gloria Miller seeking your


Miller <millerglo@live.co.uk>


2K   Visualizar   Baixar  

RESPONDER PARA - carmanlapoi1@e-mail.ua



Dear Friend


Dear Friend,

I am Mark an American serviceman currently in

Helmond provicen Afganistan, for security reasons

this is the little i will disclose based on the

view of your fate towards this email, i have been

working as troop commandant with the effort of the

allied forces, I came to discover from the

operations we carried out in the past attacks we

lunched some of the treasures which contains

valuables and cash, am in need of your help to

receive, secure and protect my boxes till my

assignment elapses here in few months time. I

cannot afford to leave the boxes with the military

Base since here is getting unsafe and dangerous

every day I had to ship the boxes through the help

of one Mr. Leh working for U.N and Red Cross

organization here.

Now I have no idea what could happen next as

everything remains inconclusive at this point. If

you did accept to work with me in this development

which has no risk whatsoever, In my next mail I

will include my data and details with picture (ID)

for you to know whom you are dealing with. I

assure and promise you shall be rewarded

handsomely for this effort, However feel free to

let me know your view and opinions.

Please assure me of your keeping this topmost

secret within you so that my job would not be


My Sincere Regards,

RESPONDER PARA - mark_mark2023@yahoo.com



Your Mailbox Has Exceeded It Quota Limit®

Administrator <zimbra@zimbra.com>

Your Zimbra Mailbox Has Exceeded It Quota/Limit As

Set By Zimbra Team, And You May Not Be Able To

Send Or Receive New Mails Until You Re-Validate

Your Zimbra Mailbox. To Re-Validate, Please CLICK:

Re-Validate Your Zimbra Mailbox

Administrator (zimbra@zimbra.com



Nigerian Living Abroad - firstbankdiaspora.com/ -

Do Not Have a Nigerian Bank? Open One Today With

First Diaspora

Ticket #: 5647560054​5 188

Brookover, Bob <bbrookover@phillynews.com>

para winners

You'Re A Winner
Ticket #: 56475600545 188
Ref UK/5142/1840
Draw 1840
Winning 14 15 17 26 35 BONUS 46
Special Notification to you, You have won

£950.000.00 Pounds'in the London-anniversary final

win draw Jackpot-Top prize, Kindly contact Mr Jame

Harry for more details and claims instructions on

Email: mrjamesharry@rogers.com

sem assunto)

Mr. Cham <iinfo@connect.com>

 Good day,

I am Mr. Cham Tao Soon, Chairman Audit Committee

of UOB Bank, Singapore. I
 have a project for you in the tons of One Hundred

& Five Million EUR,
 after successful transfer, we shall share in the

ratio of forty for you
 and sixty for me. Please reply for specifics.

Contact Email:  chtaosoon@yahoo.com

 Mr. Cham Tao Soon.



Kindly Get Back To Me...

Tariq Asghar <tariq@rusd.com>

My name is Tariq S. Asghar,an executive with the

International Institute of Finance,Inc (RUSD) bank

malaysia.I have a legitimate prospect in my office

that will be of great benefit to us,All i require

is your honest co-operation,dedication and trust

for the success of this deal.

I'll send you details of the proposal if you are

interested and any other requirements you desire

to confirm the authenticity of this proposal.

 Tariq S. Asghar

Responder Para asghartariq@yahoo.com.hk



Lening bieden .. Sollicitee​r nu

Loan Company quickfinaid@live.com p

Ik ben een investeerder en Lender, ik ben

geïnteresseerd in de financiering van een goede

business plannen, maken we Bouw fondsen, 100% JV

Equity, Laag Inkomen Wonen, Grootschalige Schuld,

Kleine Balans, DIP (Schuldenaar in bezit), Apt.

Equity Participatie, Niet beroep voor Multi Family

& Assisted Living, Commercieel Bridge / Hard Geld,

Mezzanine Programs, inkomen produceren woning,

Commercieel Land Development, Stock leningen

evenals startkapitaal. Onze rente bedraagt 4% per

jaar. Geïnteresseerd zijn in het krijgen van uw

projectfinanciering. finaidltd04@gmail.com

responder Para  - finaid02@gmail.com



FREE LOTTO <free22.22@hotmail.com>

Kindly open the attached file to view your full

winning details.

30K   Visualizar   Baixar  

FREE LOTTO (free22.22@hotmail.com)



Dearest One

dennis toure <co104go@hotmail.com>

From Dennis and Alice.

Dearest One

I know this mail may come to you as a surprise,

since we have not known or written before. I am

Dennis Toure, 20 years old, I am contacting you on

behalf of myself and my youger sister Alice. We

are an orphans.
Nationality: Ivoirians. Our late Father Mr

Lawrence Toure was a successful business-man whom

before his untimely death , was a Cocoa and

Diamond Merchant based here in abidjan, Cote

d'lvoire.Both our Father and Mother were poisoned

at a party organised by one of his business


Before he died in a private hospital here, my

Father called me and told me that he deposited the

sum of US$3.5m (Three Million Five Hundred

Thousand American Dollars), in a bank here which

he used my name as next of kin to deposit the

funds as the only son. So we want a Godly person

who will help us transfer the fund to his account

So plaese reply to me for full details

Mr Dennis toure       

responder Para dennistoure300@yahoo.com



Peace be unto you

Safia Abdel Halim Hassan <infoweb26@gmail.com>

 Peace be unto you, I am Safia Abdel Halim Hassan

from Syria i have a
 proposal that would be of interest to you. Please

reply me so that i
 enlighten you

more regarding this proposal.
 Thank you Madam Safia
 Email: safia.ahh@gmail.com


Your Qualificat​ion Number is CCF/766/20​13/1470

Siti Nor Aishah Bt. Abdul Razak


CashAid Project Committee
Children Charity Foundation
47 Moorfields
London EC2Y 9AL
Qualification No: CCF/766/2013/1470
Batch No: 100-919-10-021

Attn: Grant Nominee

Compliments of the season and congratulations as

you have been nominated for our Second Quarter of

the year/30th Anniversary grant/donation in the

business, economic, social and research

development category. This Category is the most

prestigious of all grant awards given out by our

organisation this years. It is being Sponsored by

the British Council and other well meaning and

esteemed donors.

Children Charity Foundation had since 2007 been

giving out grants to individuals/organisations

from different parts of the world. In our usual

tradition of selecting grant nominees, random

selections of individuals/organisations where

drawn automatedly from millions of Internet and

Credit card users worldwide and your email was

drawn among the lucky recipients to receive the

award sum of US$3,000,000 (Three Million United

States Dollars) as charity donations/aid from the

Children's Charity Foundation in accordance with

the enabling act of Parliament. Of the awarded

Grant, US$2,000,000.00 (Two million US Dollars) is

earmarked for community development in your area

and $1,000,000.00USD(One million United States

dollars) will be solely for business upliftment,

research and personal growth.

Your Grant Category will be disbursed from our

London Office, so you are required to contact the

Disbursements Officer in charge of your category:

Brian Shaw for the processing of your grant. Reach

Brian Shaw  on this telephone numbers:  +44 703

193 4590 and Email him at:ccfgrant4@hotmail.co.uk 

.  Please Quote your Qualification Number:


On behalf of the CashAid Project Committee kindly

accept our warmest congratulations in advance.

Siti Nor Aishah
(CashAid Project Cordinator)
Children Charity Foundation

Siti Nor Aishah Bt. Abdul Razak





Amon Yann <amonyann6@bol.com.br>


Hi to Ivory Coast. I am contacting you today,

based on little information gathered in their

country through an international chambers of

Commerce with your email address.

My name is Amon Yann Michel Jnr, I am the only son

of my late parents Mr.and Mrs. Emmanuel Michel. My

father had a very good reputation-Tycoon (a trader

of cocoa) that operated in the capital of Ivory

Coast during his days. Sad to say that he died

mysteriously in France during one of his trips

abroad to September 9, 2008. Though his sudden

death was linked or suspect provided by an uncle

of his who travelled with him at this time. But

only God knows the truth!
My mother died when I was only 11 years old, and

since then my father took me so special. Before

his death in September 9, 2008, he called his

Secretary, who accompanied him to the hospital and

told him that he had a sum of $ 5.5 million ($ 5.5

million) deposited in a suspence account protected

with a large ban k here in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

He also said that the Secretary that the money was

intended for one purpose of investment abroad

before he met his untimely death, however, as his

only son, he has to use my name as the closest

relative to deposit the funds. In addition, he

said the Secretary to tell me that whenever I'm

ready to go and claim that the funds from the bank

where it was deposited what should seek a foreign

partner in a country of my choice, where to go to

do the transfer and use it to invest in the

sectors below.

(1) Telecommunications
(2) the transportation industry
(3) five stars hotel
(4) the management of real property.

Now, I want you to help me this compensation fund

to your account abroad, such as a new beneficiary

of the Fund and also use it for an investment in a

region of suggestion, I mentioned more top.
I am a young boy and the following, do not know

anything about the business world. The m ore I get

out of school certificate holder and don't really

know what to do. Now I want an account abroad,

where you can transfer this money for. That's why

I suffered a lot of backup set following incessant

political crisis in Côte d'Ivoire. The death of my

father, in fact, has sadness in my life.
Now, let me ask these questions:-.
1. You can honestly help me because I am a black

2 can I fully trust you?
3. What is the percentage of the amount in

question will be good for you
Once the money is in your account?

Please look into it and get back to me as soon as

possible, I will also send you your phone and fax

number as private and if you are willing to that

the relevant documents in order to confirm the

existence of the audit of the Fund and Bank to

confirm the authenticity of my proposal to you

very easy.
Thank you very much.
Best regards

Amon Yann Michel Jnr




WESTERN UNION OFFICE <fakaho@slingshot.co.nz>

 You have been Granted with the sum of $1.5

million usd by United Nation
 (UN) We will be sending you $7500.00 daily until

the $1.5 million USD is

completed. The first $7500.00 has been sent

already, Again forward Mr. Jeff
 Anderson the following details

full name----------------------------

Telephone number----------------------


so that he will be sure.

responder Para jeffandersonwestern1000@gmail.com


Attn REF No: EGS/075061725,

This is to notify you that you are the sixth

winner of $500.000 USD (Five Hundred Thousand

Dollars) in our Australia lottery Draw in which

e-mail addresses were picked randomly by

computerized balloting powered by Microsoft.Your

email address was among those chosen in this

draw.Your winning numbers are : REF N:

EGS/075061725,BATCH N:5056490900/188
 For your prize claim,contact your coordinator Rev

Alexandra Davis for full information

at:rev72alexx@gmail.com and


+447035934119) with the following information :
 (1)Full Names (2)Address (3)Nationality (4)

Occupation (5)Telephone No (6)Age.Please kindly

quote your REF and BATCH number on your to


Mrs Anne George
Executive Director







United Nations <in@un.org>


United Nations House, 617/618.

Belgrave House,

76 Buckingham Palace Road,

London SW1W 9TQ,

United Kingdom.



Our Ref: YBNGWB/UN/2013.



Attention: Dear Beneficiary,




                            RE: APPROVED




We found your email in our list and that is why we

are contacting you, This has been agreed upon and

have been signed.



Therefore, we are happy to inform you that an

arrangement has perfectly been concluded to effect

your payment as soon as possible in our bid to be




However, it is our pleasure to inform you that

your ATM Card Number; 7876 3100 0300 1420 has been

approved and upgraded in your favour.


Meanwhile, your Secret Pin Number will be

available as soon as you confirm to us the receipt

of your ATM CARD.



The ATM Card Value is $2,300,000.00 USD Only (Two

Million Three Hundred Thousand United States

Dollars). You are advised that a maximum


value of US$5,000.00 (Five Thousand Dollars) is

permitted daily.




Please contact Dr. Lucas Morris, Email: 

atmservicecardc@yahoo.com.hk with the following

information to facilitate your claims.











Best Regards,

Mr. Larry Whites



RESPONDER PARA - fabp2010@outlook.com



Business Proposal

marry anderson <marryanderson8@gmail.com>

I am Mr.Jason Gledhill a manager with a Bank.I

have a business Deal to
 discuss with you.Kindly get back to me via

email.I will send you more
 Explanation info as soon as i receive your email.
 Mr.Jason Gledhill.




WU <plafer@montevideo.com.uy>

This message is from Western Union to inform you

that your first payment of $5,000 has been


RESPONDER PARA - harry_markpay@yahoo.com




Gillian Bayford Donation Grant


 --800,000 Pounds Has Been Donated To You. Kindly

Contact The Donator via E-mail @ {

grantdept2013@live.co.uk }

© Donation Grant, 2013. All Rights Reserved.

RESPONDER PARA - grantdept2013@live.co.uk


I need your assitance

Ruck, Martin MRuck@gc.cuny.edu

Email: kangbeng01@live.com


MR ZHANG YONG <waylin@insightbb.com>

Did you get my proposal?


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