Nosso email -
Não responda a estes scammer-mails e não clicar em seus links,
essas mensagens-scam foram enviadas com a intenção de fraudar você!
De:> Subject: Olá
> Date: Thu, 20 de setembro de 2012 19:20:28 -0500
> Para:
> Saudações,
> Espero que este e-mail encontra você e sua família em boa saúde. Tem sido um
> Enquanto sem qualquer correspondência e eu estou contente de escrever mais uma vez, mesmo
> Embora tenha havido um mal-entendido entre nós naquela época. Todo o meu esforço para
> Alcançá-lo em seu número de telefone ter sido em vão, ou talvez eu não tenho
> O número correto mais, e esta é a terceira vez que eu estou enviando este
> Mensagem para você apenas para notificá-lo do meu sucesso, mas seu e-mail parece não
> Estar passando e espero que este passa por um, caso contrário, vou concluir
> Que você não está mais usando seu e-mail e eu vou seguir em frente com a minha vida
> Desde que você não quer deixar de ir a incompreensão passado tivemos.
> Eu não quero incomodá-lo mais com essa transação nossa inacabada
> De 28 milhões de libras esterlinas da minha conta herdou a sua conta,
> Em vez de trazer informações delicioso para você. Eu finalmente concluiu o
> Transação sob a cooperação de um novo parceiro que acomodados 90
> Por cento de todo o montante em sua conta no seu país e encarregou-se de
> Despesa toda, eu estou atualmente com ele em seu país para uma imobiliária
> Projeto e eu não sei quando eu estarei de volta como eu estou achando a vida muito
> Tranquila e conveniente em todos os aspectos aqui.
> Seria muito indelicado e minha mente não vai estar em paz se eu esquecer de
> Apreciar o seu esforço passado e tentar ajudar-me em acomodar esta
> Mesma transação, pois sem as suas tentativas iniciais e diretrizes do
> Fase anterior, a idéia de que a operação poderia ser possível, não teria
> Embebidas em mim. Embora, de alguma forma, falhou-nos devido ao ceticismo,
> Incompreensão e falta de financiamento de ambos os lados para a transação
> Formalidades.
> Bem, prova em que é sempre bom ser bom e também para prova
> Que você tinha uma noção errada sobre mim, quando você saiu e me deixou
> Desviou no meio da transação sem aviso prévio. Decidi
> Deixar ir de 10 por cento da soma transação inteira na minha conta para o seu
> Beneficiar.
> De qualquer forma, eu não vou estar lendo meu e-mail novamente, já que eu não espero que você
> Responder e eu vou estar muito ocupado com meu novo parceiro investir o resto da minha
> Dinheiro, mas eu já disse ao meu oficial conta que um dos meu negócio
Parceiro> pode contatá-lo para uma transferência bancária direta da balança 10
> Percentual na minha conta e ele concordou em prestar o melhor da sua
> Assistente profissional sem qualquer restrição, desde que você entre em contato com ele através de
> É e-mail privado para discussão e orientações antes de qualquer outra coisa. Assim, todos
> Você tem que fazer agora é entrar em contato com ele como meu parceiro de negócios através de sua privada
> E-mail e fornecer-lhe os seus elementos que lhe permita processar o fio
> Transferência de sua participação de 10 por cento dos fundos para a sua conta diretamente.
> Você é fornecer a ele os detalhes abaixo também.
> 1. Seus nomes completos:
> 2. O seu número de telefone direto:
> 3. O seu endereço de / País:
> Você deve também confirmar informações da minha conta a ele como indicado abaixo para
> Fácil reconhecimento.
> 4. O Número de conta: 76 58 69 92
> 5. O nome da conta: Deborah Wilcox
> 6. Saldo atual na conta: 2.800.000,00 Libras Esterlinas
> Meu nome oficial conta é: Paul Hampton
> Endereço de e Privada:
> Por favor, esqueça o passado e aceitar o meu pequeno sinal que é apenas 2,8
> Milhões de libras esterlinas.
> Chame-me logo que o dinheiro ter sido ligado à sua conta, como eu não será
> Capaz de verificar meu e-mail devido a minha agenda lotada para agora.
> Best Wishes Atenciosamente e Meio
> Deborah Wilcox
> Date: Thu, 20 de setembro de 2012 16:07:46 0200
> Assunto: Aviso Western Union!!
> De:
> Para:
> Toda a equipe da Western Union Corporation (Departamento de Promoção) desejam
> Para informar que você acaba de ser selecionado como um vencedor do
> Prêmio Nacional promo que normalmente é realizada duas vezes por ano.
> Nações Unidas Corporação organizar esta oferta promoção em outro para
> Compensar indivíduos devido à sua crise econômica. Daí você tem
> USD 1,9 milhões dólares (um milhão novecentos mil dólares) e você está
> Deverá preencher e enviar o seguinte para reclamações:
> Nome completo ....
> O endereço ...........
> Sexo ...............
> Estado Civil ....
> Idade .............
> País ............
> Profissão ...
> Números de telefone ....
> Parabéns! Mais uma vez.
> Seu em serviço,
> Mr. Patrick Morgan
> Inquérito Linha: +4915705259090
> Western Union Equipe
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 16:40:07 +0200
From: sessad.alaniers@wanadoo.frTo:
Subject: Tr: RE: Fwd: Fw: Re CONFIRMAÇÃO
São contatá-lo por esta presença de carta para informá-lo que você etesgagnant (e) de 250.000 euros. Somente em contato com o mestre FAURE DAVID forma a aderir ao arquivo anexado
Tel.: (00225) 05 31 29 81
2012/9/25 GARRY -
Dear sir/madam
With trust and confidence that i write to make this urgent
business proposal to you. My name Is Mr.Garry Smiths A
public figure in my country ,But Iam presently in Emirate
for safety and also seeking for a reliable and
trust-worthy fellow from any foreign country to assist me
in investing in any of lucurative venture i made some
funds when i was in government in my country when crisis
broke up i have to relocate to the Emirate, This said funds
was deposited with one of the Banking vault Department for
safety and investment Purpose.The said amount is {Fifteen
million United States dollars,($15 Million).my area of
interest of investiment is Real Estate or hospitality ,oil
and gas or if you have other idea of any lucurative
business that we can invest into in your country you can
also advice me as we are partner. please get back to me
( as I was strictly informed that
a foreigner cannot operate a bank account that will carry
such an amount and direct foreigner investment is not
allowed in some country except on a joint venture. So I
want you to assist me so that we can move this fund to your
Country and 25% percent will be offered to you for the
transaction I am eagerly waiting for your reply.
Mr.Garry Smiths
2012/9/26 -
Good Day,
I am Mrs.Lyna Anni. 68yrs old widow, my husband and I worked
with Petro-Ivoire oil Cote d'Ivoire before he died seven years ago, I
am writing you this message on my sick bed at the hospital where I am
undergoing medical treatment I have been diagnosed of Endometrial
cancer unfortunately for me my doctor said I don't have any chance to
survive except by a miracle I have spent a lot of money on medical
treatment yet no improvement.
I want you to stand as beneficiary to the sum of my 3.5 Million
(Three Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) I want to
donate this money to support the vulnerable, less privileged children
and widows by building orphanages in your country so if you are willing
and capable to receive this money please I will like you to contact me
King Regards.
Mrs.Lyna Anni.
2012/9/26 brent achmud -
Hello dear
how are you doing today! am Brent by name single searching
for a life partner i come across your profile here
and become interested in you if you don't mind u can mail
me back for more communication i will be waiting thanks
2012/9/26 Mr. Smith Isaiah -
It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the tune of $7,000,000.00 (Seven Million United States Dollars) due to past corruption Government officials who almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reasons and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many loses from your end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund.
The national central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully pass a mandate to the current Chief of IMF MRS. CHRISTINE LAGARDE to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals/contractors and organizations who have been found not to have received their Contract/Lottery/Merit Fund/Inheritance and the likes.
Now your payment will be sent to you by ATM card that will be coming alongside a custom pin which you will use to withdraw up to $10,000 per day from any ATM machine that has Master card Logo on it. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your funds to your bank account, because the ATM card will be registered with Interswitch. The ATM card comes with handbook or a manual to enlighten you about how to use it. Your ATM card would be sent to you via UPS COURIER SERVICE COMPANY. Because we have signed a contract with UPS which should expire by December 30th 2012.
Noted: Everything that will impede the process of transfer has been taken care of, to effect the release of your fund valued $7 million. You are advice to RE-CONFIRM your below information as stated correctly, for the shipping of your ATM card parcel:
Reply immediately here: (
Your full Name:
Your Full Address:
Home/Cell Phone:
Mr. Smith Isaiah.
2012/9/26 Mack Pendleton -
Global Finance Support Program,
As part of efforts towards injecting funds to support the Global Economic Growth program 2012, the Asian business community has approved a $5 Billion (USD) loan financial stimulus package, under the Asian Finance Support Program (AFSP) towards supporting thousands of INDIVIDUALS and small/medium scale businesses across several countries.
This loan is being given in conjunction with several of our partner financial institution.
We hereby offer you this special opportunity of receiving a loan as guaranteed by our correspondent bank in Korea, without security/collateral requirement from you.
You will only need to provide minimal information to apply.
Note that under this Program the MINIMUN amount you can apply for is: $120,000 United States Dollars.
You may use this loan to achieve your goals in life.
To accept this offer, please send us an email at:
with this assigned reference: DGB/911472X-17
Yours truly,
Global Clearing Services/GFSP
2012/9/26 NatWest -
Security Message - Please read carefully
For security reasons your Customer Number has been temporarily locked.
The reason for this action is:
unusual account activity
You are required to:
Click: Log On to NatWest Online Banking and change your PIN and password immediately.
We believe this notification meets you in a very good present state of mind and health. We the Federal bureau of investigation (FBI) Washington, DC in conjunction with some other relevant Investigation Agencies here in the United States of America have recently been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you presently have a transaction going on with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as regards to your over-due contract payment which was fully endorsed in your favour accordingly.
It might interest you to know that we have taken out time in screening through this project as stipulated on our protocol of operation and have finally confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine and
hitch free from all facet and of which you have the lawful right to claim your fund without any further delay. Having said all this, we will further advise that you go ahead in dealing with the Central Bank office accordingly as we will be monitoring all their activities with you as well as your correspondence at all level.
In addendum, also be informed that we recently had a meeting with the Executive Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, in the person of Mallam Sanusi Lamido along with some of the top officials of the Ministry
regarding your case and they made us to understand that your file has been held in abase depending on when you personally come for the claim.
They also told us that the only problem they are facing right now is that some unscrupulous elements are using this project as an avenue to Scam innocent people off their hard earned money by impersonating the
Executive Governor and the Central Bank office.
We were also made to understand that a lady with name Mrs. Joan C. Bailey from OHIO has already contacted them and also presented them all the necessary documentations evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally by you prior to the release of your contract fund valued at about US$13,300,000.00 (Thirteen million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars), but the Central Bank office did the wise thing by insisting on hearing from you personally before they go ahead on wiring your fund to the Bank information which was forwarded to them by the above named Lady, that was the main reason why they contacted us so as to assist them in making the investigation.
They further informed us that we should warn our dear citizens who must have been informed of the contract payment which was awarded to them from the Central Bank of Nigeria, to be very careful prior to these
irregularities so that they don't fall victim to this ugly circumstance anymore. And should incase you are already dealing with anybody or office claiming to be from the Central Bank of Nigeria, you are advised to
STOP further contact with them in your best interest and then contact immediately the real office of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) only with the below information accordingly:
NAME: Mallam Sanusi Lamido
OFFICE ADDRESS: Central Bank of Nigeria,
Tinubu Square Tinubu
Lagos - Nigeria.
In your best interest, any message that doesn't come from the above official email address and phone numbers should not be replied to and should be disregarded accordingly for security reasons. Meanwhile, we will advise that you contact the Central Bank office immediately with the above email address and request that they attend to your payment file as directed so as to enable you receive your contract fund accordingly.
Ensure you follow all their procedure as may be required by them as that will further help hasten up the whole procedures as regards to the transfer of your fund to you as designated. Also have in mind that the
Central Bank of Nigeria equally have their own protocol of operation as stipulated on their banking terms. Once again, we will advise that you contact them with the above email address and make sure you forward to them all the necessary information which they may require from you prior to the release of your fund to you accordingly.
All modalities has already been worked out even before you were contacted and note that we will be monitoring all your dealings with them as you proceed so you don't have anything to worry about. All we require from you henceforth is an update so as to enable us be on track with you and the Central Bank of Nigeria. Without wasting much time, will want you to contact them immediately with the above email address so as to enable them attend to your case accordingly without any further delay as time is already running out. Should in case you need any more information in regards to this notification, feel free to get back to us so that we can brief you more as well are here to guide you during and after this project has been completely perfected and you have received your contract fund as stated.
Thank you very much for your anticipated co-operation in advance as we earnestly await your urgent response to this matter.
Best Regards,
2012/9/25 -
Mrs. Brown Janet Will Funds !! I have Charity assignment on physically challenged persons and orphanage.
responder para -
2012/9/25 Mrs. Lorri Kleen ->
Good day to you,
I am Mrs. Lorri Kleen., I am a US citizen, 48 years old.
I am one of those that took part in the Compensation in Nigeria many years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over USD20,000 while in the US,
trying to get my payment all to no avail. So I decided to travel to WASHINGTON D.C, And I was directed by the ( F B I) Director to contact Mr.
Thomas Ife, who works for the Gold Link Insurance Company in Nigeria, where all the unclaimed fund were been deposited for safe keeping.
I contacted him and he asked me to send my FULL NAME, SEX and DIRECT CONTACT NUMBER, for him to verify if my name is among the list of those
that are yet to receive the compensation fund.
After he verified my name, he gave me their website to confirm my name my self online, i saw my name on the list and right now i have received my
fund (USD 15 MILLION).
I will advise you contact Mr. Thomas Ife with your FULL NAME, SEX and DIRECT CONTACT NUMBER, so he can give you the link where you can cross
check if your name is on the list of those that are yet to receive their fund.
You have to stop contacting those impostors that are telling you that they have fund for you they are all liars and swindlers.
You are to contact Mr. Thomas Ife of the Gold Link Insurance Company directly on this information below.
Mr. Thomas Ife
Email : thomas_ife07@hotmail.comPhone: +234 808 033 9418
The only money I paid after I met Mr. Thomas Ife was just $275 for their insurance fee, take note of that. Once again stop contacting those people,
I will advise you to contact Mr. Thomas Ife so that he can help you to Deliver your fund instead of dealing with those liars that will
be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete your transaction.
Thank You and Be Blessed.
Mrs. Lorri Kleen.
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