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From: Esther Edward
Date: 2012/8/31 Subject: Donación de la Sra. Esther Edward To:
Donación de la Sra. Esther Edward Mi estimado en el señor, Te saludo en nombre de nuestro señor Jesús Cristo nuestro señor que soy señora Esther Edward de Angola, yo me caso con Sr. Paul Edward, para quien trabajó con la embajada de Angola en Ivory Coast nueve años antes de que él murió en 12/01/2004. Nos casaron por once años sin un niño. Él murió después de una breve enfermedad que duró por solamente cuatro días. Antes de su muerte éramos ambos otra vez nacido cristiano. Puesto que su muerte que decidía no casar otra vez o no conseguir a un niño fuera de mi hogar contra el cual la biblia está. Cuando mi tardío marido estaba vivo él depositó la suma de $3.500 millón de dólares una de la empresa de seguridad principal aquí en la Costa de Marfil Abidjan, África Occidental. Ahora, este dinero es todavía en la seguridad compnay. Recientemente, mi doctor me dijo que no voy a para durar durante próximos ocho meses debido al problema del cáncer. El que me disturba es más mi enfermedad del movimiento. Sabiendo mi condición decidía donar este fondo a una organización de la caridad que utilizará este dinero la manera que voy a mandar adjunto.Deseo una organización que utilice este fondo para los orphanages, escuelas, iglesias, viudas, propagando la palabra del dios y se esfuerce que la casa del dios está mantenida. La biblia nos hizo para entender que “bendecida es la mano que da”. Tomé esta decisión porque no tengo ningún niño que herede este dinero y mis parientes del marido no son cristianos y no deseo los esfuerzos de mi marido de ser utilizado por la gente que no cree en dios. No deseo una situación donde este dinero será utilizado en una manera diabólica. Esta es la razón por la cual estoy tomando esta decisión. No estoy asustado de muerte por lo tanto que sé adónde voy. Sé que voy a estar en el pecho del señor. El éxodo 14 CONTRA 14 dice que “el señor luchará mi caso y yo llevará a cabo mi paz”. No necesito ninguna comunicación del teléfono en este respeto debido a mi salud por lo tanto la presencia de los parientes de mi marido alrededor de mí siempre. No quisiera que supieran sobre este desarrollo. Con el dios todas las cosas son posibles. Tan pronto como reciba tu contestación te daré el contacto del la empresa de seguridad principal aquí en la Costa de Marfil Abidjan, África Occidental. También te publicaré una letra que te pruebe el actual beneficiario de este fondo del ministerio federal de la justicia, Cote D'Ivoire. Quisiera que tú y la iglesia rogaran siempre para mí porque el señor es mi pastor. Mi felicidad es que viví una vida de un cristiano digno. Quienquiera que desea servir al señor debe servirlo en verdad. Rogar por favor siempre todos con tu vida. Entrarme en contacto con en el email arriba, cualquier retrasa en tu contestación me dará el sitio en sourcing otra iglesia para este mismo propósito. Asegurarme por favor que actuarás por consiguiente como indiqué adjunto. El esperar recibir tu contestación pronto. Por favor, no me la respuesta a mi correo electrónico privet Abidján, Cote d'Ivoire África occidental 04 pb mancory 14 Atentamente en Cristo, La señora Esther Edward
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Date: 2012/8/31 Subject: Confidentail Business To: Greetings! I am Sarah T.Cole the Personal Assistant{P.A} to a Director of one of U.K's biggest bank based here in Scotland-United Kingdom. My boss{Name Withheld}has advised that i should contact you on a multi-Million business-deal transaction that will be mutually beneficial to all parties involved. Please be re-assured that everything about this business will be done through the Legal channels and your involvement in this business will NOT breach any local or international laws,as we have all legal documents to back up the payment of this money into your designated bank account in a very short while. We shall obliged you full details of this business and also the web link to see my boss resumes and profiles,meanwhile,we urge you to keep this offer very confidential and secret. For a start,send to us by e-mail now the following:- Your Full Names:- Contact Street Address:- Age:- Profession:- Nationality:- Your private e-mail address:- As it is said the taste of the pudding is in the eating,so give this business a positive consideration,please reply Now. Sarah T.Cole. {Scotland-U.K
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2012/8/30 Mr.Omar Ahmed. -
Dear Friend. Please accept my apologies if this request does not meet your personal ethics as it is not intended to cause you any embarrassment in what ever form. I got your contact email address from the internet Business directory and decided to contact you for this transaction that is based on trust and your outstanding.I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($11.5) million to your account.The transfer is risk free on both sides hence you are going to follow my instruction till the fund is transfered to your account. If you are interested in this deal, kindly send me your complete information, your full names and address, Your Private telephone and Fax numbers,Your Private email address,Your Age,Your Country,Marital Status,Your Occupation and Your Personal Mobile Number. Having gone through a methodical search,I decided to contact you hoping that you will find this proposal interesting.Please on your confirmation of this message and indicating your interest, I will furnish you with more information also note that the fund is going to be share at the ratio of 60/30 30% for you and 60% for i and my family which we are going to use for investment. And 10% for outstanding expenses. Endeavor to let me know your decision. Kindest Regards. Mr.Omar Ahmed.
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2012/8/30 mark -
do you need a loan email us,amount,duration,country,phone number
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Atualizacao E Verificação De Segurança Spamx Bradesco -
Prezado(a) Cliente, O procedimento de atualização e verificação de segurança inspeciona seu acesso e toma as ações necessárias para correção de eventuais problemas existentes. Após esse procedimento, todas as condições de acesso deverão estar estabelecidas. Para evitar a suspensão automática desses serviços, habilite suas atualizações clicando no botão abaixo. Este recurso é ativado a partir de servidores certificados. [ Iniciar Atualização e Verificação ] Atenção: Caso os problemas persistam, por favor entre em contato com o suporte técnico.
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2012/8/30 Microsoft National Lottery -
Your E-mail ID has won you £750,000GBP reply for claim information
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2012/8/31 PayPal
Gentile Cliente socia PayPal, Questo è un messaggio automatico dal sistema per farvi sapere che è necessario confermare informazioni del tuo account entro 24 ore. Il tuo account è stato congelato temporaneamente per proteggerlo. Il conto continueranno ad essere congelati fino a quando non viene approvato. Una volta aggiornato i record account, le informazioni verranno confermate e il tuo account inizierà a lavorare come al solito di nuovo. Questo aiuterà a proteggere il futuro. Il processo richiede non più di 5 minuti. Per procedere, per confermare le informazioni di account clicca sul link sottostante e seguire le istruzioni che saranno necessarie. Clicca qui per controllare informazioni del tuo account Noi siamo qui per voi © 2012 Azienda PayPal. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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2012/8/30 ®Western Union Office NG. -
Good Day Beneficiary! I write to inform you that you are a beneficiary of $500,000 U.S Dollars in our online mega promotion and that we have been given the mandate to transfer to you your full compensation of Five hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00 USD) as you are a beneficiary of our end of year customer beneficiary promo via western union by this government. Please be informed that your email address was randomly selected from a random database sampling as your email address emerged as one of the lucky winning email. We tried to give to you the western union numbers and information through telephone, but we could not locate your numbers in our database to reach you last week hence we decided to send you an email. Please be informed that you will be receiving your benefits in bits of $5,000 dollars till the full compensation is fully paid to you. Below is the MTCN and Sender Names so you can pick up USD5, 000.00 as first payout so as to enable us send another USD5, 000.00 by tomorrow. Please pick up the below information and visit any western union office in your country to pick up the USD5, 000.00 MTCN: 6093223487 Sender's Name: Richard Thomas Question: Payment Answer: Yes Amount: 5,000.00USD Immediately you have received the funds, do kindly send to us an email notifying us that you have received the funds so we can send to you the other half of $5,000 dollars payment tomorrow. Best Regards Customer Service Mr. Mark Kroos Email: ®Western Union Office NG.
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2012/8/30 RedDot Design Award -
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Hyvä, Annamme laina selkeällä ja ymmärrettävällä ehdot. Tämä tarjous on ehdottomasti vakava ajattelevien yksilön yritykset tai yritykset. Jos olet kiinnostunut meidän tarjouksen ja haluat hankkia lainaa meiltä, ??älä ota yhteyttä. HAKULOMAKE Etunimi: ___________________________ Sukunimi: ____________________________ Sukupuoli: _______________________________ Siviilisääty: _______________________ Yhteystiedot Osoite: ______________________ Kaupunki / Postinumero: ________________________ Maa: ______________________________ Syntymäaika: ________________________ Määrä tarvitaan Laina: ________________ Laina Kesto: ________________________ Kuukauden Tulot / vuositulo: _________ Ammatti: ___________________________ Tarkoitus Laina: _____________________ Puhelin: ________________________________ Fax: __________________________________ Oletteko hakenut lainaa ennen? (Kyllä) tai (NO) ___________ Tunnustuksena näitä yksityiskohtia, lähetämme sinulle hyvin laskettu Ehdot ja toimitusehdot joka sisältää sopimusta. Teidän palvelussa, Roland Dupe E-mail:
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2012/8/31 Mrs.Elham Farah -
Peace be Upon You I am glad to know you, but Allah knows you better and he knows why he has directed me to you at this point in time so do not be afraid. I saw your e-mail contact at Tunisian ministries of commerce and foreign trade departments. I am writing this mail to you with heavy sorrow in my heart, My Name is Elham Farah. And am contacting you from my country Tunisia I want to tell you this because I don’t have any other option than to tell you as I was touched to open up to you, I am married to Mr. Toyo Farah who worked with Tunisia embassy in Burkina Faso for nine years before he died in the year 2005.We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only five days. Since his death I decided not to remarry, When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$ 8.2m(Eight million two hundred thousand dollars)in a bank in Ouagadougou the capital city of Burkina Faso in west Africa Presently this money is still in bank. He made this money available for exportation of Gold from Burkina Faso mining. Recently, My Doctor told me that I would not last for the period of seven months due to cancer problem. Whoever that wants to serve Allah must serve him in spirit and Truth because Allah is the Most High, Please always be prayerful all through your life. The one that disturbs me most is my cancer sickness. Having known my condition decided to hand you over this money to take care of the less-privileged people, you will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want you to take 50 Percent of the total money for your personal use While 50%of the money will go to charity" people in the street and helping the orphanage. I don't have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not good not even good at all because they are the one that responsible for the death of my late husband in other to have all my late husband properties and I don't want my husband efforts to be used by those that conspired for his death. I grew up as an Orphan and I don't have anybody as my family member, just to Endeavour that the name of Allah is maintained.... Am doing this so that Allah will forgive my sins and accept my soul because this sickness has suffered me so much. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank in Burkina Faso and I will send authority letter that will prove you as the present beneficiary of the money in the bank that is if you assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein. Hoping to receive your reply. Yours Faithfully. Mrs.Elham Farah written from Hospital in Tunis
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Personal message from CORINE DUFLOT: Mes Salutations. Ce sont nos œuvres qui resteront quand tombera sur nous, le rideau de la mort. En mourant nous n'emportons aucun bien matériel avec nous. Les prières et la foi en son Seigneur valent beaucoup plus que l'or, le diamant ou toutes autres pierres précieuses. Le destin m'a orienté vers vous, non pas par hasard mais certainement votre destin serait ainsi tracé par le Seigneur et Maître de l'Univers tout entier. Le Seigneur est prêt à vous bénir dans des situations où lui seul peut vous aider à y garder foi. En effet, je suis Veuve Corine DUFLOT. Et C'est tout à fait un réel plaisir pour moi de vous écrire en vue de vous faire une proposition car j'ai besoin d'un collaborateur. J'envisage de faire une donation de tous mes biens. Je dispose en ce moment dans mon compte-coffre en option bloquée, la somme de 2.025.000 dollars (DEUX MILLION VINGT CINQ MILLE DOLLARS U.S.) que j'avais gardé pour des projets humanitaires c'est à dire investir dans le domaine social, venir au secours aux démunis car le monde entier en compte tellement. Au nom de Dieu créateur du ciel et de la terre, je vous prie de me contacter par mon adresse mail: pour avoir de plus amples informations sur ma proposition QUE DIEU vous bénisse. Veuve Corine DUFLOT ----------------------------------------------------- Multiply isn't like other networking sites you may have heard about. While those tend to emphasize connecting with strangers, Multiply fosters a new type of communication that makes it easier (and more fun) to stay in touch with those you already know.
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2012/8/31 micro soft -
Follow Rediff Deal ho jaye! to get exciting offers in your city everyday.
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2012/8/31 -
PREMIUM OIL PLC Head Office: 23 Lower Belgrave Street London SW1W 0NR United Kingdom Hello Prospective Applicant, I am Mr. Williams Peters, a recruiting personel to the Premier Oil Plc. This is a great moment for an exotic candidates (Outside UNITED KINGDOM) who wish to work here in the United Kingdom in different skills, such as Primary Skill Labour(PSL), Secondary Skill Labour(SSL) and Semi Skill Labour(SSL) under the management of our Company . The Premium Oil UK Limited is eagerly in need of successful candidates to occupy the newly erected branch here in United Kingdom. Get back to us as soon as possible for further action through the e-mail below. Email: Phone Number:00447014222615 Thanks. MANAGEMENT. Email: Phone Number:00447014222615 NOTE: THE PREMIUM OIL PLC MANAGEMENTS DOES NOT ACCEPT CANDIDATES WHO ARE LIVING IN UK, WE REQUIRE FOREIGN WORKERS FROM OTHER LOCATIONS WORLD WIDE.
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2012/8/31 urgent
Dear Beloved , I am Cynthia, 19 years the only daughter and the only child of my late parents Mr. Michael and Mrs.Veronica. My father was a highly reputable business man-(a cocoa merchant) who operated in the Cote d'Ivoire during his days.It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad year. Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that time. My mother died when I was just 4 years old, and since then my father took me so special. Before his death he told me that he has the sum (USD$17 000 000) left in a bank here in Cote d'Ivoire. I am just 19 years old and really don't know what to do. so, I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards to help me claim and invest the money in your country and also help me to come over to your country to further my education while you invest and manage the money. Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. I will like that you keep this transaction confidential for the security of the money. Now permit me to ask these few questions:- 1. Can I completely trust you? 2. Can you be able to keep this transaction confidential for the security of the money? 3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you? Consider this and get back to me Thank you so much. My sincere regards, (Cynthia Michael
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2012/9/1 Mr lasson moyse Company
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