Zahrah Mohds -
Responder |
Hoje, 12:50
Querida xxxxx,
Obrigado por sua resposta a meu emaill. Meu principal interesse é comprar seu imóvel com toda a sinceridade mas meus principais desafios é que não posso fazer nada diretamente daqui na Síria devido as circunstâncias que cercam-me. Se você pode aceitar a ajuda e sócio no sentido de obter esse dinheiro entregue ao seu país com a finalidade de comprar seu imóvel e investir em seu país em bens imobiliários que nos beneficiará eu serei grato a você.
Eu primeiro pensei em investimento, mas dado que você sabe que seu país mais do que eu, eu gostaria de deixar esse plano para você, como eu sou muito aberto a sugestões desde que entramos em um investimento lucrativo e rentável, você irá administrar os assuntos do investimento. Razão para isto é proteger este dinheiro do governo sírio, atenção não será para mim vez que não estou diretamente envolvido no investimento de fundos depositados por meu falecido marido. Tudo o que preciso é a sua máxima cooperação para arquivo-em seu nome como beneficiário o objeto de confiança e para que possa receber os fundos na confiança para mim, até que eu e minhas duas filhas podem concluir um acordo para se juntar
Hoje, 11:02
boa tarde xx
eu so françes meu nome e françois durant e neste momento estou em paris porem eu gostaria conversar com vc sobre sua fazenda a venda no brasil 2244 has curvelo minas gerais
por favor mandar para mim as foto da sua fazenda em xx [ brasil ] quanto tempo vc esta com sua fazenda , porque vc quer vender sua fazenda ? qual es preço da fazenda ? e tambem eu gostaria saber sua fazenda e para ganadero , agricultura ?
eu gostaria compra sua fazenda e investir no brasil , mais eu poso mandar meu asesorio financiero no brasil para conversar com vc persoalmente ate porque negocio se faze persoalmente e tambem eu gostaria tratar com discreçao , cautela y sigilo absoluto ate porque eu nao tem como comprovar origem do meu recursos .
tenho 49 anos e estou com cancer de figado por isso nao poso viajar neste momento no brasil .
eu trabalhei com casa de moeda no portugal e tenho meu dinheiro ainda em semi pronto [ euros, dolares e reais em microfilm ] vai passar ultimo processos antes de ser usado e vc pode depositarlo em qualquer banco sem problema.
meu dinheiro em microfilm [ dinheiro codificado e cada nota tem seu numero de serie ] na verdade e um dinheiro desviado
quero tratar com confiança mutual , transparencia , claroquero fazer negocioe ambos seja felice e contento.
quero tambem investir em qualquer outro negocio lucrativo no seu pais mais tudo isso vou contar com sua orientaçao e sua ajudar para investir no seu pais considerando sua efficiença etc...
ficou atento na sua resposta
françois durant
Unidade de contas de pagamentos externos / ATM
Attn: xx
Senhor, vou aconselhá-lo a escrever os seus dados bancários da seguinte forma.
Nome do beneficiário:
Nome do banco:
Número da conta bancária:
Código Swift Bank:
Endereço do banco:
Endereço do Beneficiário:
Beneficiário Tel:
Isso ocorre porque achamos difícil ver as escritas no Formulário.
Ligue ou envie-nos um (SMS) +223 62406450.
Gerente de ramo: Anthony Morgan.
© 2017 - Atm Visa Card Headquarter, todos os direitos reservados.
Are you really a real man ???
I would really like to meet you!
Where do you live?
If you are truly free, then I ask you to answer me! Please forgive me for the indiscretion.
I am a businesswoman and I have no time for a personal life, and so I decided to get acquainted through the
My name is Lyudmila, I am from Slovakia, I'll tell you more about myself, if you answer me!
I'll wait for your answer with impatience.
You will invite me for a cup of coffee or glass of wine?
My e-mail:
With respect Lyudmila.
![]() |
---E-mail d'origine-----
De : chenault express -
Envoyé le : Me, 21 Jun 2017
Sujet : About your $400,000 Amex card from :
Attention Sir,
This is American Express Credit Card Centre Lome (Togo).
We apologize for the little delay in contacting you for your platinum Amex card which we were directed by one of our Client who is currently now in London with her partner for investment project, she directed us to package total sum of Four Hundred Thousand US dollars
into our facilities Amex card and send to you. The total sum has been packaged into the Amex card. You can withdraw from the Amex Card maximum of three Thousand US dollars per day and you can withdraw from the card in any country of the world, where United States Dollars are not used it will pay you in the country's local currency. We request you send to us the following information immediately :
1. Full Name (surname first)
2. current home address
3. telephone number
Thanks and waiting for your reconfirmation of address and phone number to enable us to send your Amex card through FedEx courier company.
Mr. Charls Lambert.
Amex Card Centre Lome (Togo)
---- Original Message ----
From: Rev Father Benard cletus -
Sent: Tue, Jun 20, 2017
Subject: your partner left with me a check of $250,000 for you.
Praise The Name of Lord my Beloved In Christ, Marvin G. Chase,
I bring greetings to you in name of our Almighty God,and i hope you are doing good by the grace of God and I pray may God's hands be powerful and Mighty in your life today and forever, amen !
My beloved in the Lord, after your mail, I contacted the DHL international courier services office to make enquirer about the cost of sending the bank draft to you,and after my enquirer from them DHL international courier services office, and that is why am sending this email back to you now, your partner left with me a bank draft worth of
$250.000 USD
TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to send to you. and according to courier officer he said it will cost you only the sum of $375 dollars for the courier service charges. So, you have to kindly send this required total sum of
$375 dollars
immediately through Money-gram to enable me post your bank draft cheque as soon as i receive the money,and i will post your bank draft cheque to you very fast in your address, and once you receive it, you will simply take it to your bank, or any International bank near you to cash the fund. Make the payment for the DHL fee with my name and my address...
Receiver name: Benard Cletus
Location: DAKAR, Senegal.
Address: United Nations Refugee Camp, Villa 18 Nord Forie Dakar Senegal.
As soon as you send the require fee, furnish me with the payment information :
(A): the code.
(B): the full name of the sender
(c): the text question and answer
And you have to re-confirm you postal address to me in other to avoid any mistake while sending your bank draft cheque to you.
God bless you
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foto hollis wilbert 5
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foto roubada por scammers email- |
Email do scammer -
![]() | foto roubada por scammers |
From: Inez Yak-
Date: 22 May 2017
Subject: De Senhorita Inez Yak.
Reply-To: Inez Yak
Meu Querido XXXXX
Saudações como eu oro para que este e-mail irá encontrá-lo em boas condições de saúde e boas condições de espírito. Tenha a certeza de que eu estou precisando de sua ajuda sincera e entrei em contato com você com intenções genuínas. No entanto, antes de eu continuar mais eu gostaria de esclarecer-lhe como precisam urgentemente de sua ajuda porque eu estou enfrentando um perigo e situação perigosa.
Embora eu tenho que ser honesto com você que eu não posso explicar por que eu escolhi você para me ajudar, mas eu senti que há uma força que me leva a você, porque eu tenho que divulgar toda a minha auto-vos e eu tenho todo o seu contacto através de um investimento diretório após o jejum ea minha oração sobre ele eu decidi que entrará em contato com você e solicitar o seu apoio total em me ajudar, mesmo que nós não sabemos uns dos outros antes.
Como eu informei-lo em meu e-mail anterior, meus pais morreram em um ataque aéreo que eu suspeito que foi conduzido por um tio, devido às suas ações após a morte de meu pai. Meu tio colaborou e saquearam propriedades desembarcaram do meu pai me forçando a nossa casa e tendo a vantagem de minha idade e impasses. Após isso, eles ainda não estão satisfeitos com medo de que eu poderia lutar para trás, no futuro, eles agora conceber um meio para me matar, então eu tive que deixar a escola onde eu era uma parte dois estudante de ciências biológicas e correu a Costa do Marfim para a segurança da minha vida. Eu estou vivendo com um completo estranho, que eu sei que pode ser muito perigoso se ela ficar a conhecer nada a respeito do dinheiro meu falecido pai tem no banco.
Entrei em contato com você para me ajudar e manter a negociação com o banco onde meu falecido pai depositou esse dinheiro para a transferência subsequente desse dinheiro para você como o receptor da família nomeado do fundo. Você também vai ajudar-me mudar para o seu país, após a transferência deve ter sido concluído para continuar com a minha educação e também me ajudar muito em investir o dinheiro em seu país.
O primeiro passo para isso é para mim escrever um pedido a eles para informá-los que eu você é meu guardião e administrador de insolvência nomeado de depósito de dinheiro de meu falecido pai e, a fim de dar este primeiro passo, eu preciso de você para me enviar a seguinte informações que eu preciso incluir no pedido que eu deve apresentar ao banco:
1) seu nome completo
2) Você endereço de contato
3) a sua profissão e idade.
4) Número de telefone
Vou usar as informações de notificá-los das minhas intenções e instruí-los a lidar diretamente com você como meu guardião e administrador de insolvência nomeado do dinheiro. Agora, depois de escrever e apresentação do pedido Agora vou fornecer-lhe as informações de contato do banco é para que você possa entrar em contato com eles sobre o procedimento necessário para a transferência.
Por fim, os documentos necessários relativos a este lodgments está comigo e eu gostaria de lhe assegurar que esta transação é 100% livre de risco e legal. Anexei uma foto minha e eu vou fornecer mais detalhes sobre como obter uma resposta sua.
Tenha um bom dia.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Senhorita Inez Yak
![]() |
From: Lt General USAF. Susan Lawrence -
Sent: Tue, Jun 20, 2017
Subject: GOOD NEWS...
How Are You Doing Today Hope Good, Please I Have Good News For You, Get Back To Me Immediately
e : Marylin Freya-
Envoyé le : Me, 21 Jun 2017 4:35
Sujet : Contact my rev. about your cheque of £160,000 :
Hello My Dear Friend.
How are you over there in your country ? I believe you are fine and doing well. I hope my mail meets you in good health today.
I am much delighted and privileged to contact you once again after all these time, it takes destiny and courage to remember Good friends like you and at the same time, show gratitude to you despite circumstances that made us separate and disrupted our transaction, which ultimately did not work out as we had projected then.The good news is that I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the funds transferred with the cooperation of a new partner from Netherlands.I use this opportunity to inform you that the transaction finally worked out and I am contacting you to let you know that I have left a bank cheque of
£160,000.00 Pounds
in your name, I send the bank cheque through Rev. Father John Mark. He has traveled with his group on a mission for Hope Worldwide Aid support to Dakar (Senegal) precisely. I will like you to accept it as this is from the bottom of my heart. I have raised and signed an International bank draft cheque £160,000.00 Pounds One Hundred and Sixty Thousand Pound only, in your name for your efforts and contribution as it were.I really appreciated your tremendous effort and contribution to start off and make things work to the stage you were unable to continue. I believe that the Rev. Father John Mark with his group is camping in Senegal right now, might be closer to you or your resident country. You should contact him via his organization private email address email :
May God bless you.
Marylin Freya. (10 11)
Scammers stolen pics from Carmen Elizabeth Ejogo - atriz e cantora britânica
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----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Lt General USAF. Susan Lawrence -
Envoyé le : Me, 21 Jun 2017 7:11
Sujet : I have something very important to share with you :
Hello my Dear Friend,
How is life ? hope you and your family are fine.
My name is Susan Lawrence a USA citizen, from Washington. I graduated from London Senior High School, University of Cambridge., Presently i am in Afghanistan at war zone for peace keeping mission due to the war crisis going on here in Afghanistan.
About me, I have a good heart, I have a loving heart and am very respectful and kind Woman and self control, I never judge others and am very compassionate, i love to appreciate the little things in life and am very respectful.
Dear good friend, i have my reasons to contact you as i have something very important to share with you in my next mail. I wish to start a very strong relationship with you and my relationship with you will bring a lot of great changes in our life. I want you to understand that relationship does not count distance or even age, maybe we can start as friend or go into business partner with my funds which i need to invest with urgent assistance.
Dear, what do you do for a living to overcome economical expenses and to sustain your life and family? I know we just know each other but we can share ideas and discuss about important things and more issues as we talk about ourselves, I like to think positively and I care about other people's feelings. I will be very happy to know more about you, like your hobbies, Interest, life style, religious believe, i will also love to see your recent pictures.
I have very important issue to share and discuss with you in my next mail so that you will give me a solution about it. Let me stop here for now, i expect an urgent respond from you soon, because i have a good news to tell you.
Lt. General USAF. Susan Lawrence,
Scammers stolen pics from Lt. Gen. Susan S. Lawrence
--- Message transféré ----------
De : omar kharboutli -
Date : 20 juin 2017
Objet : buraliste !!
À :
Merci infiniment d’avoir répondu à mon mail, si je t'ai contacté par E-mail, c'est parce que mon téléphone est hors service en ce moment. Je suis actuellement en déplacement à Athènes pour 4 jours, je vais très mal en ce moment après ce qui vient de m'arriver, j'ai oublié mes affaires ( mon téléphone, carte de crédit, argent)dans un taxi, garde cela confidentiel pour ne pas inquiéter mon entourage.
Dis-moi il y a un buraliste non loin de toi ?
O e-mail da pessoa é
e da agente diplomática que faria a entrega do pacote - De: Intersec Courier -
Data: quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2017
Assunto: Intersec Securities Delivery Service
Este é o agente diplomático. Charly da Intersec Securities Delivery Service. Estou no aeroporto de São Paulo agora com o pacote de Mr Charles Edwin
Por favor, senhora, como uma prova do verdadeiro dono do pacote, você deve enviar o nome completo para nós, sabemos que estamos lidando com a pessoa legítima, após o que você vai pagar a quantia de 4.500 reais (quatro mil e quinhentos reais ) Como uma taxa de imposto antes de seu pacote pode ser entregue em sua casa
Pedimos desculpas pelo inconveniente em enviar o seu nome completo para nós, mas é assim que operamos os nossos serviços, de modo a dar aos nossos clientes um melhor desempenho satisfatório do seu pacote.
Aqui está a conta para fazer o depósito.
Banco; ltau
Nome: omotayo taibat ogunlowo
Agencia: 3145
Conta: 04303-4
CPF: 236.255.608-52
Conta Corrente
Você é aconselhável enviar o recibo de depósito em outro para resolver e entregar ao seu endereço de casa.
Esperamos a sua resposta com urgência.
Contato via
Telefone: +5511983938964
E-mail: interseccourier1customer@
Coca Cola lottery -
(Há 2 horas)
Image result for coca cola
Dear Winner,
This Invitations from Coca Cola company.
We wish to congratulate you on this note. Your email address was selected to claim the sum $650,000.00 in the on going 2017 year promo lottery.
To claim your prize,please contact your agent immediately for more details .
Contact agent Name: Roger D. Wood
Email address:
@2017 Online Coca Cola Company Promotions.
File No /79/Details
Fund Recovery
14:55 (Há 2 horas)
Confirmation email to notify you that your payment was successfully release and transfer will be completed with the details of your contact address
Financial Asset Location and Recovery /procurement /Grant Releases 02/09/2016 thru 11/10/2017. TRF /Amount: Ј2,000,000. 00
I/We would like to inform you that Bank shall be making transfer to your account once we have received your details by replying this mail.
1.Your Full name……………….
2. Your telephone………………….
3. Your country……………………..
4. Copy of your driver”s license…………….
5. Your bank name…………………………………….
6. Your account number……………………………..
7. Bank routing……………………………………………
8. Swift code………………………………………………..
9. Account holder”s name……………………………..
Thank you for using Online Banking System (Wire Transfer) As a Payments . ... Approval Notification and get to our Transfer department/Technical Dept. Email : /or call +27 619871832
Help Desk at Sophia Adam
Yours sincerely,
Re Hello Friend!
(Há 0 minutos)
Electrical Appliances Ltd.,
Head Office: 3-1, Aisari Ichinoseli
Shi Iwate, 021-0853 China.
Dear E-mail Account User,
This is to inform you that your email address has won for you a cash prize of £550,000.00 GBP and a Model Range Rover SUV, from the just concluded Shop-P. Electrical Appliances Ltd., your E-mail ID Draws the winning MICROS ID N0: SHOP-APL-MM-TYUH, which luckily won the 2nd category prize of: £550,000.00 GBP and a Model Range Rover SUV. We are using this medium to appreciate our customers for the patronage and to also promote our business worldwide.
For Claims: Contact our Company Event Department Head Officer: Mr. Stephen Luczo, on this email:
With your below information:
Full Names:...........
Phone Number:.........
Home Address:.........
Claims officer: Mr. Stephen Luczo.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. William Houg.
For: Shop-P. Electrical Appliances Ltd.
Dear Friend. for security reason contact me Through this email (
Mrs Jillian Simmons
13:38 (Há 4 horas)
para Cco:mim
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Muitas pessoas marcaram mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo perigoso. Saiba mais
Dear Friend. for security reason contact me Through this email
Greetings to you and your family i am the manager of a bank, i have a
business of 6million dollars to be transfer to your account for
investment in your country if you are ready to assit me get back to me
i will give you full details on how the money will be transfer to
you.Note: That after the fund has be transfer into your account 38%
for you, and 60% for me while the remaining 2% will be mapout for the
expences incure during the transfer of the fund to your account,
You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially
because we are not going to suffer again in life. It has been 10 years
now that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to
Launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers.
Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa
was gold and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop
the continent.
Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transfer
to foreign accounts so I also used the opportunity to divert part of
the funds hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how
much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers were
being closed after transfer.I acted as the Account Officer to most of
the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to
succeed in their greedy act,I also cleaned some of their banking
records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the
money was too much for them to control They laundered over $38Million
Dollars during the process .As I amsending this message to you,
I was able to divert ($6M) million Dollars to an escrow account
belonging to no one in the bank. The bank is anxious now to know who
is the beneficiary to the funds because they have made a lot of
profits with the funds. It is more than Eight years now and most of
the politicians are no longer using our bank
to transfer funds overseas. The $6Million Dollars has been lying
waste but I don't want to retire from the bank without transferring
the funds to a foreign account to ena ble me share the proceeds with
the receiver.
for security reason contact me Through this email
(1.) your Name:
(2.) Country:
(3.)Phone Nb:
(4.)your passport:
(5.)your Occupation:
(6.)Your Age:
Best Regards,
Mrs Jillian Simmons
De: amirah asfari -
Enviado: quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2017
Para: XXX
Assunto: Re: Contato Imóvel
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Eu não estou vivendo em seu país atualmente, note, eu decidi encontrar alguém que seja real e não imaginário e foi por isso que fui a um site protegido onde posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você, estou na Síria agora e preciso desesperadamente mudar para o seu país e é por isso que desejo entrar em contato com você.
Eu sou a Sra. Amirah Asfari, a esposa do engenheiro tardio (Baahir Asfari), um industrial sírio e membro dos homens de negócios sírios no conselho de Damasco. Após a morte do meu marido, minha família está sob ameaça do presidente Bashar al-Assad pelo nosso decidido apoio a um verdadeiro governo democrata na Síria e é por isso que eles mataram meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais no país, muitas famílias estão correndo por vidas caras, pois soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças. Quero avisar que tenho em minha posse a soma de 9.900.000 USD. Este é o dinheiro que eu e meu marido salvaram para toda a nossa vida como um industrial.
Segurei secretamente o dinheiro em uma caixa de malha e depositei-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera ao escrever você é implorar para você aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isso ocorre porque não podemos fazer transferências bancárias a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Eu lhe darei 30% do dinheiro total.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Eu sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã, então não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem da minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido está morto, tudo o que tenho são meus dois filhos. Eles merecem uma vida decente, porque eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou mudar para o seu país com meus filhos e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, o seu conselho e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para nossas famílias.
Se possível, solicito que me envie suas informações? Somente se você estiver confortável com este pedido. Isto é puramente para o propósito de enviar o dinheiro para você. As informações necessárias são: seu nome completo, seu número de telefone (celular), seu endereço completo.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e, ao receber sua informação, vou lhe fornecer mais detalhes. A aceitação da minha oferta pode mudar a sua vida e a minha também.
Amirah Asfari
Thank you for your response. I am not living in your country presently, Note, I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that was why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that you are for real. I believe I can trust you, I am in Syria now and desperately needs to relocate to your country and this is why I desire to contact you.
I am Mrs. Amirah Asfari the wife of Late Engineer (Baahir Asfari) a Syrian Industrialist and member of Syrian business men in council Damascus. After the death of my husband, my family is under threat of President Bashar al-Assad for our resolute support for a true Democratic Government in Syria that is why they killed my husband.
Due to the current disturbances in the country many families are running for dear lives as soldiers are killing civilians, women and children. I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession the sum of 9.900.000 USD. This is the money me and my husband have saved for our entire life as an Industrialist.
I secretly locked up the money in a trunk box and deposited it with the Red Cross here in Damascus. My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to kindly accept the money box. This is because we cannot do any bank transfers from here following the war. These are the major issues of concern to me now. I will give you 30% of the total money.
I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody. I am an orphan with no brother or sister so I can not risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage. As a woman since my husband is dead, all I have is my two kids. They deserve a decent life since I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my sons and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and support; we can work together and achieve a better future for our families.
If possible, may I request you to send me your information? Only if you are comfortable with this request. This is purely for the purpose of sending the money to you. The information needed is: Your full name, your phone number (mobile), your full address.
I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details. An acceptance of my offer can change your life and mine too.
Amirah Asfari
(Há 6 horas)
Reply To My Private E-mail:(
Dear Beloved Friend
Calvary Greetings in the name of the LORD Almighty and Our LORD JESUS CHRIST the giver of every good thing. Good day and compliments of the seasons, i know this letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through it carefully as the decision you make will go off a long way to determine my future and continued existence. I am Mrs. Edith Ahmed aging widow of 65 years old suffering from long time illness.I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of($15,200,000.00 Million Dollars)and I needed a very honest and God fearing who can withdraw this money then use the funds for Charity works. I WISH TO GIVE THIS FUNDS TO YOU FOR CHARITY WORKS. I found your email address from the internet after honest prayers to the LORD to bring me a helper and i decided to contact you if you may be willing and interested to handle these trust funds in good faith before anything happens to me.
I am sending this message to you praying that it will reach you in good health, since I myself are not in good health condition in which I sleep every night without knowing if I may be alive to see the next day. I am suffering from long time cancer and presently i am partially suffering from a stroke illness which has become almost impossible for me to move around. I am married to my late husband for over 20 years before he died and is unfortunately that we don’t have a child, my doctor confided in me that i have less chance to live. Having known my health condition, I want you to use this money for Charity organizations, orphanages, Moreover, my husband relatives are not close to me since I develop a cancer problem and it had been their wish to see me dead in order to inherit his wealth since we have no Child.
I accept this decision because I do not have any child who will inherit this money after I die. I want your urgent reply to me so that I will give you the deposit receipt which the COMPANY issued to me as next of kin for immediate transfer of the money to your account in your country, to start the good work of God, I want you to use the 40/percent of the total amount to help yourself in doing the project. I am desperately in keen need of assistance and I have summoned up courage to contact you for this task, you must not fail me and the millions of the poor people in our todays WORLD. This is no stolen money and there are no dangers involved,100% RISK FREE with full legal proof. Please if you would be able to use the funds for the Charity works kindly let me know immediately.I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality and trust in this matter to accomplish my heart desire, as I don't want anything that will jeopardize my last wish. Any delay in your reply may give me room to look for another good person for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my ill-health.
Unfortunately, I'm in a hospital in israel where I have been undergoing treatment for oesophageal cancer. I have lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only few months to live. It is my last wish to see this money distributed to any charitable organizations anywhere in the World. Because my relatives and friends have plundered so much of my wealth since my illness, I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them. If you are interested in my offer you are to submit the following information urgent.
1.Your Full Name...
2.Your Address...
3.Your Tel Number....
8.Your photo or identity card.......
You have to treat urgent by reconfirming your full information to me immediately you receive this massage to enable me send you the authorization letter that you will send to the company Manager. I have also notified the bank that I am willing to give the amount to you for a good, effective and prudent work. I know That I do not know you but I have been directed to do this by God.
Please kindly respond quickly through my private e-mail address: (
Thanks and Remain blessed,
Mrs. Edith Ahmed
(sem assunto)
Fisher, Kathryn -
08:35 (Há 9 horas)
Por que esta mensagem está no Spam? Ela é semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam. Saiba mais
Good Morning, I'm Hirano from Minato-Ku Japan., I have a business to discuss with you to your country. KINDLY REPLY VIA : Fisher, K For Sir Hirano Nobuyuki.
Bank of America -
(Há 16 horas)
Bank of America
115 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036, USA
From Desktop of Mr. Jeff Anderson
Our Ref: BOF-0XX2/987/20
It is my modest obligation to write you this letter as regards the Authorization of your owed payment through our most respected financial institution (Bank of America). I am Mr. Jeff Anderson, TRANSFER INSPECTION OFFICER, foreign operations Department Bank of America, the British Government in Conjunction with us government, World Bank, united Nations Organization on foreign Payment matters has empowered my bank after much consultation and consideration to handle all foreign payments and release them to their appropriate beneficiaries with the help of a Representative from Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
As the newly Appointed/Accredited International Paying Bank, We have been instructed by the world governing body together with the committee on international debt reconciliation department to release your overdue funds with immediate effect; with this exclusive vide transaction no.: wha/eur/202,password: 339331, pin code: 78569, having received these vital payment numbers, you are instantly qualified to receive and confirm your payment with us within the next 96hrs.
Be informed that we have verified your payment file as directed to us and your name is next on the list of our outstanding fund beneficiaries to receive their payment. Be advised that because of too many funds beneficiaries, you are entitled to receive the sum of $14.5M,(Fourteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars only), as to enable us pay other eligible beneficiaries.
To facilitate with the process of this transaction, please kindly re-confirm the following information below:
1) Your Full Name:
2) Your Full Address:
3) Your Contact Telephone and Fax No:
4) Your Profession, Age and Marital Status:
5) Any Valid Form of Your Identification/Driver's License:
6) Bank Name:
7) Bank Address:
8) Account Name:
9) Account Number:
10) Swift Code:
11) Routing Number:
As soon as we receive the above mentioned information, your payment will be processed and released to you without any further delay. This notification email should be your confidential property to avoid impersonators claiming your fund. You are required to provide the above information for your transfer to take place through Bank to Bank Transfer directly from Bank of America
We Look Forward To Serving You Better.
Mr. Jeff Anderson,
Bank of America
De: Asita Hussain -
Enviado: terça-feira, 20 de junho de 2017 17:38
Assunto: Hello,
From Mr. Asita.Hussain
This message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it's just my urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I got your contact from yahoo tourist search while I was searching for a foreign partner. I am assured of your capability and reliability to champion this business opportunity when I prayed about you.
I am a banker by profession in Burkina-Faso, West Africa and currently holding the post of manager in account and auditing department in our bank. I have the opportunity of transferring the left over funds ($ 20 MillionDollars) belonging to our deceased customer who died along with his entire family in a bomb attack.
Hence; I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60/40 if you agree to my business proposal. Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail as soon as you receive this letter.
Please indicate your willingness by sending the below information for more clarification and easy communication.
Please Contact me with the following information's for more details.
(1) YOUR FULL NAME.......................... .....
(2) YOUR AGE AND SEX........................... .
(3) YOUR CONTACT ADDRESS..................
(4) YOUR PRIVATE PHONE N0..........
(5) FAX NUMBER..............
(6) YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN.................
(7) YOUR OCCUPATION.................... .....
Please Contact me for more details in this E-mail address (
Trusting to hear from you immediately.
Thanks & Best Regards,
From Mr.Asita.Hussain
seeking your urgent assistance Syria is not safe for us anymore.
Mrs. Adila Alima Naifeh =
(Há 18 horas)
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mrs.Adila Alima Naifeh of Syrian citizen, there on going war going on in my country Syria. Myself and my two daughters lives are in danger my husband who happens to be a business man was murdered 3 months ago we lost everything but my husband had some money that he kept in our home a total amount of $18.750.000.00 million, that belongs to my late husband and due to what happened to him we can no long be safe in Syria so I decided to contact you, Please I seek for your help, to help me receive the fund to your country and help me keep its safe for us, The sum of $18.750.000.00 (eighteen million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollers) is involved and it was well packaged in a consignment registered as United Nation refugee gift. It is registered as a diplomatic package.
We lost our International passport and we are searching means to travel out the rebel/opposition military has rendered us stranded and our houses and properties have damaged through bomb. Please respond immediately to enable me give you the delivery details. Thank.
Mrs. Adila Alima Naifeh
Aisha Gaddafi -
(Há 1 dia)
Hello My Beloved One, i need your assistance,
Please bear with me i am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart.
I am Aisha Muammar Gaddafi, the only daughter of the embattled president of Libya, Hon. Muammar Gaddafi. I know my mail might come to you as a surprise because you don t know me, but due to unsolicited nature of my situation here in Refugee camp Ouagadougou Burkina Faso i decided to contact you for help. I have passed through pains and sorrowful moment since the death of my father. At the meantime, my family is the target of Western nations led by Nato who wants to destroy my father at all costs. Our investments and bank accounts in several countries are their targets to freeze.
My Father of blessed memory deposited the sum of $5.8M (Five Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars) in Africa Develoment Bank (ADB) Burkina Faso which he used my name as the next of kin. I have been commissioned by the (ADB) bank to present an interested foreign investor/partner who can stand as my trustee and receive the fund in his account for a possible investment in his country due to my refugee status here in Burkina Faso.
I am in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so that I will present him to the Bank for the transfer of the fund to his bank account overseas. I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust but rather take me as your own sister or daughter. If this transaction interest you, you don't have to disclose it to any body because of what is going with my entire family, if the united nation happens to know this account, they will freezing it as they freeze others, so please keep this transaction only to yourself until we finalize it.
Sorry for my pictures i will enclose it in my next mail and more about me when i hear from you okay. Please reply me to my private email
Yours Sincerely
Best Regard,
Aisha Gaddafi
De: Mrs Amina Medjahed -
Enviado: miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017
Asunto: Commencement Requirement
I really appreciate your response and readiness to work with me; I want to reassure you that I will do everything as I have told you in my previous email to archive our aim in this transaction. Since I have resolved to entrust this transaction into your hands, let me remind you that I need your full commitment and diligent follow up, knowing that this transaction is worth US$27,712,068.00 and we will split it on equal bases once this transaction is concluded so I expect that you will be very diligent and keep the affairs of this deal very confidential.
Before we commence, I will want to know precisely the type of occupation that you do, you should know that this project is highly capital intensive, this is why I have to be very careful, I need your total devotion and trust to see this through, I know we have not met before but I am very confident that we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we need to execute this project.
In order for the attorney to start the necessary paper work that will place you as the beneficiary of the said fund, I will need you to send me a scanned copy of your identification (International Passport) and your current full residential address. I will give them to the attorney who will do the paper work and it will also prove me that I am doing this transaction with the correct person, as soon as I get this from you I will commence the paper work that will place you as the beneficiary, all document will be done at the Algeria justice department. I hope you will understand why I need all this; the money in question is big, so we need do everything to meet with all international inheritance claims standards and I want to ensure that I know you well before I proceed with transferring the fund to your account, I have my international passport attached to this email, so you can know me too.
Ensure that you keep this project confidential; do not discuss it with anybody, because of the confidential nature of this transaction and my work, your best friend today can be an opponent against you tomorrow so never knows what can happen. You might be surprise that my husband do not know anything about this transaction. I will be waiting for the copy of your identification.
Please reply soonest.
Amina Medjahed
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