"....está em um relacionamento virtual com um homem chamado David Smith Nathan, se conheceram por um site de relacionamentos ele diz ser de Londres com esse email smnathan311@gmail.com
e diz estar vindo para o brasil em algumas semanas para conhece-la.
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
De: "Dave Smith Nathan" - smnathan311@gmail.com
Data: 06/06/2017
Para: xxxxxxx
Olá, minha querida, como foi a sua noite? espero que você durma bem? Desculpe por escrever tarde, a apresentação de ontem no escritório foi legal, mas voltei para casa tarde, nunca tive tempo de escrever você ontem à noite, obrigado pelas suas orações, na verdade eu acredito que o deus que estamos servindo nos concederá nosso desejo de coração e Eu realmente não posso esperar para conhecê-lo pessoalmente,
Na verdade eu estava dormindo ontem à noite, minha mão estava procurando, porque eu estava estressada na semana passada que eu tenho tido no trabalho ... Eu quero que você saiba que você fez um crente fora de mim. Todas as noites antes de eu
Dormir, um sorriso vem à minha cara porque você está em minha mente. Na parte da manhã com o medo de um longo dia à frente. Que doce é estar em êxtase com alguém que você pensa ser tão perfeito depois de r, me cativou, seu
A benevolência me deixou com admiração. Obrigado por ser você ... Eu sei que ambos estamos muito ocupados com o trabalho, mas se eu tiver que lhe pedir um favor agora é para você. Coloque-me como um selo sobre o seu coração, como um selo no seu braço;
Pois o amor é tão forte como a morte, o ciúme é inflexível como o túmulo. Queimadura como fogo ardente, como uma chama poderosa. Eu sei que todos nós queremos amar como Jesus. Queremos ser generosos, indulgentes e compassivos
O suficiente para amar as pessoas incondicionalmente. Mas não importa o quão duro nós tentamos, alguns como ficamos aquém devido à nossa dedicação ao trabalho que nos torna muito ocupados, nossa humanidade fica no caminho. 1 Coríntios 13: 4-8a
O amor é paciente, o amor é gentil. Não inveja, não se vangloria, não é orgulhoso. Não é rude, não é auto-buscando, não é facilmente irritado, não guarda registro de erros. O amor não se deleita com o mal, mas se alegra
Com a verdade. Sempre protege, sempre confia, sempre espera e sempre persevera. O amor nunca falha ... Então, Querido, quero agradecer muito por me permitir sentir o maior sentimento que já senti, e eu
Prometo valorizá-lo e sempre ser sincero e sincero com você e fazer o meu melhor para mantê-lo feliz. Eu só queria que você soubesse o quanto você quis dizer comigo, eu quase desisti de encontrar aquele que eu poderia cair
No dia anterior a você, eu estava pronto para me contentar com menos do que com o amor e não muito mais. Não houve tal coisa como um sonho, mas isso aconteceu no dia anterior, porque eu acho que você é o único
Procurando, estou dizendo estas palavras porque, se você tem fé tão pequena como uma semente de mostarda, você pode dizer a esta montanha, mova-se daqui para lá e se moverá. Nada será impossível para você, para
Deus não nos deu um espírito de medo e timidez, mas de poder, amor e autodisciplina 2 Timóteo 1: 7 ... Caro A Bíblia diz em 2 Pedro 1: 3 que, à medida que crescemos em nosso conhecimento de Deus, Através de seu poder divino ele
Nos dá tudo o que precisamos para a vida e piedade. Jesus confiou apenas na Palavra de Deus para superar obstáculos, incluindo o diabo. A Palavra de Deus é viva e poderosa (Hebreus 4:12), útil para nos corrigir quando
Estamos errados e nos ensinando o que é certo (2 Timóteo 3:16). Então, faz sentido que possamos levar a Palavra de Deus em nossos corações através da memorização, estar pronto para enfrentar qualquer problema, cada dificuldade e qualquer coisa
Desafio que a vida pode seguir nosso caminho.
Você já tem o meu número +44 2033229924, você pode me ligar
Desejando-lhe um dia adorável, tenha um Dia abençoado. Esperando ouvir de você em breve
Bom Dia Anjo
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor DubinnikovEMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
De: "Dave Smith Nathan" - smnathan311@gmail.com
Data: 03/06/2017
Olá, minha querida, como você é, primeiro, eu realmente gostaria de contar tudo sobre você. Primeiro meu nome é Engr Dave Smith Nathan, eu vou completar 53 anos de idade Hoje, e você é meu presente de aniversário, eu acho que (rsrs) 1,82 cm de altura .. Sou de origem canadense ... Meus pais são canadenses. Nasci no Canadá em uma pequena cidade em Quebec. Mas eu mudei para os EUA depois da morte do meu pai, mas atualmente eu moro no centro de Londres no Reino Unido ... Sou um homem legal e atencioso procurando por amor novamente. Eu já fui casada. Mas a morte a tirou de mim, eu a perdi com meu único filho, mas agora estou sozinho e também sou o único filho do meu pai ... Perdi meu pai quando ainda era menino ... Minha mãe morreu quando eu Tenho 32 anos, eu cadenciei e fiz um site há alguns meses atrás, quando eu estava no Brasil, por um contrato, e eu estaria disposto a conhecê-lo novamente pessoalmente, então espero ouvir você em breve para mais apresentações. Beijos
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor DubinnikovEMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
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SCAMMERS ROUBARAM FOTOS DE Igor Dubinnikov EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - smnathan311@gmail.com |
De: Mary Jane - maryjane6754@outlook.com
Data: 6 de junho de 2017
Assunto: Minha identidade e fotos03
Olá querido'
Eu recebo seu correio com alegria. Estou muito feliz por sua resposta
rápida. Desculpe pelo atraso em responder a sua correspondência, não
tenho computador, tenho sorte de ter permissão da Irmã Reverenda hoje,
estou usando seu computador para escrever esta mensagem. Eu não me
encontrei com você antes, mas acredito, é preciso arriscar a confiança
em alguém para ter sucesso, às vezes na vida. Eu fugi da casa do meu
pai porque o irmão do meu pai assumiu todas as propriedades
pertencentes ao meu pai e também queria que eu lhes desse documentos
cobrindo os US $ 8.200.000,00 dólares e eu disse a ele que os
documentos não estavam comigo, mas ele insistiu que eu devo fornecê-lo
. Ele apreendeu meu documento de identidade nacional e passaporte e
outros documentos e ameaçou me matar se eu não lhe desse os
documentos, é por isso que escapei para o campo de refugiados onde eu
estou vivendo agora porque eu não tenho nenhum outro lugar para ir .
Sobre o ($ 8,200,000.00 dólares) em uma empresa de segurança na
República de Benin com o meu nome como o parente mais próximo do meu
pai. Que a empresa de segurança disse que eu ainda sou muito jovem
para controlar essa enorme quantidade de dinheiro que eu deveria
apresentar guardião que iria me ajudar a investir o dinheiro.
Neste sentido, estou solicitando que você fique como meu guardião,
então você me ajudaria a reivindicar o fundo. É minha intenção de
compensá-lo com 30% do dinheiro total para sua ajuda eo saldo será o
meu capital em investimento. Você me ajudaria sinceramente? Eu confio
em você e acredito que você seria sincero o suficiente para mim e não
me trair quando o dinheiro finalmente transferido para você? Lembre-se
que sou órfão e toda a minha esperança e futuro está no dinheiro.
Por favor, envie-me as seguintes informações para que eu informarei a
empresa de segurança que você é meu tutor em troca eu vou dar-lhe o
seu contato para que você entre em contato com eles.
1. Seu nome completo e idade
2. Número de telefone
3. Endereço
4. ocupação / emprego
5. Seu país
6. Sua identidade
Eu anexo minhas fotos para sua visualização e espero receber o seu também.
Obrigado, Deus te abençoe.
Do Fundo do meu coração,
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Em 13 de junho de 2017 09:22, Mary Jane - maryjane6754@outlook.com escreveu:
>> Caro guardião,
>> Como você está hoje? Oro para que tudo esteja bem com você. Por favor,
>> ajude-me a receber o meu fundo de herança da empresa de segurança para que
>> eu venha sobre o seu país para começar uma nova vida porque estou sofrendo
>> aqui.
>> Eu escrevi para a empresa de segurança e informei que você é meu guardião,
>> Que eles devem reconhecê-lo como tal e transferir minha soma do fundo de
>> herança de $ 8,200,000.00 dólares para sua conta.
>> Senhor, eu quero que você escreva a CARTA DE APLICAÇÃO à empresa de
>> segurança e informe que você me representa como meu tutor, que você quer que
>> eles transfiram meu fundo de herança para sua conta.
>> Endereço de e-mail da empresa de segurança: efsgi@groupmail.com
>> Número de telefone da empresa de segurança: + 229-625-66379
>> Depositário do fundo (meu pai): Abel Kanayo Christopher
>> Em seguida de parentes (eu): Mary Jane Christopher
>> Código de depósito: EFSGI / 076TW / CSD90T
>> Código de referência: s0a00
>> Valor: US $ 8.200.000,00 dólares
>> Data de depósito: 12 Dezembro 2011
>> Por favor, escreva o pedido e envie para a empresa de segurança agora. Anexo
>> a este e-mail, minha identidade, certificado de depósito, carta de
>> concordância entre meu pai e a empresa eo documento de morte do meu pai.
>> Estou esperando para ouvir de você em breve.
>> Obrigado, Deus te abençoe.
>> Do Fundo do meu coração,
>> Mary Jane Christopher
fotos doc mary jane
"Eu sou um único pai de uma jovem garota jenny estou procurando uma mulher que seja legal cuidar e entender oka"
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FOTO ROUBADA E USADA POR SCAMMERS EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - maryjane6754@outlook.com ================================================================= |
"Eu sou um único pai de uma jovem garota jenny estou procurando uma mulher que seja legal cuidar e entender oka"
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FOTO ROUBADA POR SCAMMERS DE Stephen Murphy Endereço de email do golpista = tomdavide@gmail.com |
Esse golpista se passa por Francesco Bernardo Rinaldo, fala que: mora em Toronto no Canadá, engenheiro, viúvo, filho único, os pais morreram quando era criança, tem uma filha que se chama Benedita, e tem apenas 10 anos, suas conversas são amorosas, carinhosas e educadas.
Me adicionou em um site de relacionamento, enviou vários emails, logo começamos a falar pelo telefone (wahatsapp).
Real dono da foto- Marc Gervais
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FOTO ROUBADA E USADA POR SCAMMERS EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - francescobernardorinaldo@gmail.com |
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FOTO ROUBADA E USADA POR SCAMMERS EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - francescobernardorinaldo@gmail.com |
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FOTO ROUBADA E USADA POR SCAMMERS EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - francescobernardorinaldo@gmail.com |
DHL - ws0980@hanmail.net
Anexos19:16 (Há 45 minutos)
para noreply
Por que esta mensagem está no Spam? Ela é semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam. Saiba mais
Dear Customer,
We received your parcel today but we are sorry your parcel cannot be delivered because of incorrect address.
Please kindly download attached receipt and update your delivery details so that we can deliver your parcel
without any delay.
Asfari Amirah - mrssasfariamirah1@outlook.com
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Eu não estou vivendo em seu país atualmente, note, eu decidi encontrar alguém real e não imaginário e foi por isso que fui a um site seguro onde eu posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você, estou na Síria agora e preciso desesperadamente mudar para o seu país e é por isso que desejo entrar em contato com você.
Eu sou a Sra. Amirah Asfari, a esposa do engenheiro tardio (Baahir Asfari), um industrial sírio e membro dos empresários sírios no conselho de Damasco. Após a morte de meu marido, minha família está sob ameaça do presidente Bashar al-Assad por nosso decidido apoio a um verdadeiro governo democrata na Síria e é por isso que eles mataram meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais do país, muitas famílias estão correndo por vidas caras, pois soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças. Quero avisar que tenho na minha posse a soma de 9.900.000 USD. Este é o dinheiro que eu e meu marido salvaram para toda a nossa vida como um industrial.
Segurei secretamente o dinheiro em uma caixa de malha e depositei-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera ao escrever você é implorar para você aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isso ocorre porque não podemos fazer transferências bancárias a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Eu lhe darei 30% do dinheiro total.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Eu sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã, então não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem da minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido está morto, tudo o que tenho são meus dois filhos. Eles merecem uma vida decente desde que eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou me mudar para o seu país com meus filhos e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, seus conselhos e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para as nossas famílias.
Se possível, solicito que me envie suas informações? Somente se você estiver confortável com essa solicitação. Isto é puramente com o propósito de enviar o dinheiro para você. A informação necessária é: seu nome completo, seu número de telefone (celular), seu endereço completo.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de sua informação vou lhe fornecer mais detalhes. A aceitação da minha oferta pode mudar a sua vida e a minha também.
Amirah Asfari
---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: "Mariana Hossam" - hossammariana@gmail.com
Data: 13 de jun de 2017
Olá meu querido
Estou muito feliz em informá-lo sobre o meu sucesso na obtenção desses fundos transferidos sob a cooperação de um novo parceiro da Bélgica. Atualmente estou na Ásia para projetos de investimento com minha própria parcela da soma total. Significa que, eu não me esqueci de seus esforços e tentativas anteriores para me ajudar a transferir esses fundos, apesar de que nos falhou algum modo.
Agora, entre em contato com o nosso secretário do campo de refugiados em Dakar Senegal, seu nome é Reverendo Jonathan, seu e-mail é( reverendpastorgodswill@outlook.com ) Telefone: (00221767503580) Peça-lhe para enviar o cheque do banco para você o que soma de US $ 300.000,00. Isso é três cem mil dólares de cheque de banco que eu mantive para sua compensação com o reverendo para todos os seus esforços passados e tenta me ajudar neste assunto. Apreciei muito os seus esforços nesse momento. Então sinta-se livre e entre em contato com nosso secretário do campo Reverendo Jonathan, para receber o cheque bancário dele.
Por favor, deixe-me saber imediatamente você recebê-lo para que possamos compartilhar a alegria depois de todos os sofre naquele momento. Este período, estou muito ocupado aqui por causa dos projetos de investimento que eu e meu novo parceiro estão tendo à mão.
Finalmente, lembre-se que eu deixei uma instrução para o secretário em seu nome para enviar o cheque bancário de US $ 300.000,00 para você, então sinta-se livre para entrar em contato com ele sem qualquer demora.
Atenciosamente, Miss Mariana Hossam.
De: "Reverend Pastor" - reverendpastorgodswill@outlook.com
Data: 14 de jun de 2017
Assunto: Do Reverendo Pastor Jonathan Godswill Dakar Senegal.
Olá, meu querido filho,
Eu sou reverendo Jonathan Godswill pastor no Ministério de Deus, Dakar Senegal, escrevo você em nome da sua ex-sócia, Miss Mariana Hossam, que Deus libertou desse campo de refugiados, e ela deixou para você um cheque bancário escrito de 300 mil dólares americanos que é Trecientos mil dólares. Este cheque foi escrito pelo seu nome e ela me pediu para enviar esse cheque quando você me contatou por sua compensação na tentativa de ajudá-la no passado. Aqui estão os detalhes que eu preciso de você para que eu lhe publique esse cheque bancário através da DHL Company assim que receber seus dados de você.
Seu nome completo................
Seu endereço de residência ...
O nome do seu país.................
Seu número de telefone..........
Meu querido filho, uma vez que recebo essa informação de você, então irei à empresa postal da DHL e publicarei esse cheque bancário através de seu endereço residencial e sua informação que você apresentará pode ser a paz do senhor com você e com sua família, amen.
Linha telefônica 00221767503580.
Do Reverendo Pastor Jonathan Godswill Dakar Senegal.
De : HSBC BANK hsbcbankatmvisacarrd40@yahoo.com
Envoyé le : Me, 14 Jun 2017
Sujet : €188 fees about your $15,8m. transfer : hsbcbankatmvisacarrd40@yahoo.com
Attn: Beneficiary.
We have this day received a payment credit instruction from the Federal Government of Senegal to credit your account with your full inheritance fund of
from the Senegal reserve account with our US FEDERAL HSBC BANK WORLDWIDE. However, you are required to provide the followings data below :
{1}. Full Name and Address.
{2}. Confidential tel, cell and fax:
{3). Bank name and address.:
{4). A/c Name and A/c Numbers.:
(5). Swift Code / Routing Numbers.:
Please do provide the above information accurately, because this office cannot afford to be held liable for any wrong transfer of funds or liability of funds credited into a ghost account. Secondly, the only money you pay for the transfer to take place is just
being the fees for approval payment certification from the government of Benin, and you are giving a limited time to send the payment and please be advise that you are to send the payment to American Embassy office in Benin and you are to use this information to send the €188 and please be informed that you are not going to pay any other payment to any body and do not be deceived by any body to send any other payment. Here is the information you will use to send the payment through Money Gram money or Western Union transfer only.
Name: Charles Benny
Country: Senegal
City: Dakar
Question: Good
Answer: Yes
Amount: 188 Euro
Send to me the following info once you send the payment.
Sender's name:
MTCN / Reference #:
Upon confirmation of the payment, note that your funds will be credited into your provided account within 24hours
-E-mail d'origine-----
Envoyé le : Me, 14 Jun 2017
Sujet : This fund wire transaction is 100% risk free : officefile1963@gmail.com
ATTN: Sir,
I acknowledged your email message. Sir, please view attachment in this message, you will find a scanned copy of my International Passport and also my CitiBank working ID card.
I have heard all what you have said, and I am ready to work with you as long as both of us are going to work as a team to finance and conclude this transaction into any of your nominated bank account, but if you can agree with me for both of us to contribute and finance the process together to obtain the needed documents in your name, because without the relevant document being obtained in your name, the CitiBank cannot release the
into your nominated bank account. Sir, as you also requested the proof of this fund, view attachment also and you will find a Certificate of deposit of this fund and also the last Statement of Account of this said fund, and as well as some of my pictures which I took to present to you. Sir, if you need any other information, please don't hesitate to ask me, and please I want you to keep these documents and my ID I am presenting to you in absolute confidentiality, I am telling you this for security reasons. Please if you are satisfy with this arrangements, provide the following information to me :
Please I want us to keep every single information of this transaction confidential for security reasons. As soon as I confirmed from you that you are ready to work with me for us to achieve this goal, I shall give you all the guide lines, but bear in mind that this fund wire transaction is 100% risk free.
I look forward to hear from you.
Mr. Dinesh Sharma
Citibank Dubai (DIFC)
De: Hanna Barake
Data: 14 de junho de 2017 23:33:39 BRT
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Lamento a minha resposta tardia. E por favor, é bom se comunicar em inglês? Atualmente não estou morando no Brasil. Note, eu decidi encontrar alguém que seja real e não imaginário e por isso fui a um site seguro onde posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você. Seja informado de que é meu sincero interesse comprar seu carro, também ficarei feliz por pedir sua permissão para trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios no Brasil. Você pode reservar este carro para mim? Se isso for possível, então eu estarei no Brasil no próximo mês para conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
Eu sou a Sra. Hanna Barake, uma mulher síria. Eu desejo deslocalizar-me para o Brasil devido ao prolongado conflito civil / guerra na Síria, bem como aos ataques terroristas do grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi minha família, meu marido e minha filha nas mãos frias da morte durante um ataque direcionado à nossa casa em 23 de março de 2016, para acabar com nossa família. Eu e meu filho não estavam por perto durante o cruzamento. Estávamos no hospital para verificar quando atacou nossa casa matando meu amado marido e minha filha e incendiando a casa. Estou com lágrimas escrevendo esse e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um empreiteiro muito bem-sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria, e estava lidando de forma particular com pó e barras de ouro antes de sua morte prematura. Esperativamente, ele deixa para trás uma quantidade razoável de dinheiro, que desejo investir no setor imobiliário e outros setores interessantes no Brasil.
Como você pode ou não saber, as sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e pela União Européia tornaram quase impossível operar com sucesso qualquer tipo de investimento aqui na Síria ou até mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui para outras partes do mundo. Por esta razão, entre em contato com você com muita confiança com a esperança de que você possa me ajudar a obter esse dinheiro no Brasil para fins de investimento:
Por favor, eu gostaria de saber o quão conveniente seria para você me ajudar dessa maneira. Todo o capital à minha disposição é Nine Million US Dollars. Segurei secretamente o dinheiro em uma caixa de malha e depositei-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera ao escrever você é implorar para você aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isso ocorre porque não podemos fazer transferências bancárias a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Eu lhe darei 30% do total de dinheiro como benefício para me ajudar.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem da minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido e minha filha estão mortos, tudo o que tenho é meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida decente, porque eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou mudar para o Brasil com meu filho e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, seu conselho e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de sua informação vou lhe fornecer mais detalhes.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Hanna Barake.
Thank you for your response. I am sorry for my late response. And please is it okay to communicate in English? I am not living in Brazil presently. Note, I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that was why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that you are for real. I believe I can trust you. Please be informed that it is my sincere interest to buy your car, also I will be glad to ask for your permission to work with you as my business partner in Brazil. Can you reserve this car for me? If this is possible, then I will be in Brazil by next month to meet you personally.
I am Mrs. Hanna Barake, a Syrian woman. I desire to relocate to Brazil due to the prolonged civil unrest/war in Syria, as well as the daily life threatening attacks by ISIS terrorist group. I've already lost my family, my husband and daughter to the cold hands of death during an attack targeted at our home on March 23, 2016, to end our family. I and my son was not around during the cross fire. we were at the hospital for check up when the attacked our home killing my beloved husband and my daughter and setting the house ablaze. I am in tears writing you this mail. He (my late husband) was a very successful contractor in the oil city of Syria, and was privately dealing on gold dust and bars before his untimely death. Expectedly, he left behind some reasonable amount of money, which I desire to invest in the Real Estate sector and other interesting sectors in Brazil.
As you may or may not know, the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union have made it nearly impossible to successfully operate any type of investment here in Syria or to even transfer money from here to other parts of the world. For this reason, I am contacting you in great confidence with the hope that you could help me get this money into Brazil for investment purposes:
Please I would like to know how convenient it might be for you to assist me in this way. The entire capital at my disposal is Nine Million US Dollars. I secretly locked up the money in a trunk box and deposited it with the Red Cross here in Damascus. My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to kindly accept the money box. This is because we cannot do any bank transfers from here following the war. These are the major issues of concern to me now. I will give you 30% of the total money as your benefit for helping me.
I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody. I cannot risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage. As a woman since my husband and daughter is dead, all I have is my only son. He deserves a decent life since I want him to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to Brazil with my son and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and support; we can work together and achieve.
I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details.
Yours faithfully,
Hanna Barake.
De: MRS AMINA MEDJAHED - msaminamedjahed@hotmail.com
Enviado: quinta-feira, 15 de junho de 2017
Assunto: Re: MRS MEJDAHED sent you a new message
My name is Mrs Mrs Amina Medjahed and I am a staff of Gulf Bank Algeria, here in Algeria attached to Private Banking Services, I am contacting you concerning a customer and an investment placed under our banks management; as a matter of fact it was roughly 5 years ago. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail private and also to kindly respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this email. I contacted you independently and no one is informed of this communication; I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you and benefit the both of us.
At the very beginning of 2010, the subject matter came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our Private Banking Services Department. He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of $20 Million United States Dollars, which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. I was the officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de-facto chief operations officer of the Private Banking Services Department, especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank.
We met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed, and however I encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings. The favoured route in my advice to customers is to start by assessing data on 600 traditional stocks, bond managers and 200 managers of alternative investments. Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit with interest included, stood at this point at over US$27, 712,068.00, this margin was not the full potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed returns on investments and in trading market the lower the risk the lesser the profit.
Towards the end of 2011, he asked that the money be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in Europe. He directed that I liquidate the funds and have it transfer to a firm in Europe. I informed him that our bank would have to make special arrangements to have this done and in order not to circumvent due process, the bank would have to make an 8.9% deduction from the funds to cater for banking and statutory charges. He complained about the charges but later came around when I explained to him the complexities of the task he was asking of us. Cash movement across borders has become especially strict since the incidents of 9/11 but nevertheless I contacted the firm in Europe and had the funds transfer to mainland Europe, I undertook all the processes and made sure I followed his precise instructions. He told me he wanted the money there in anticipation of his arrival from Norway later that week. This was the last communication we had.
After about a week I got a call from the security firm informing us of the inactivity of that particular portfolio. This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact that I managed the private banking sector, I was the only one who knew about the deposit, and I could not understand why he had not come forward to claim his deposit. I made futile efforts to locate him; I immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of our bank. Four months later, information trickle in from British homeland security, that he was apparently dead, a person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in Norway; we were soon able to gather more information and the cause of death was confirmed. With this information at hand I inform the security firm to return the transfer back to our bank in Algeria.
Then my bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to alert about the situation and also to come forward to claim his estate. If you are familiar with private banking affairs, those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also some levels of detachment from conventional processes. In his bio-data form, he listed no next of kin. In the field of private banking, opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence, accounts are rarely held under a name; depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous. This bank also gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself, ensuring that there are no traces of the account and as I said, rarely do they nominate next of kin. Private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care, in this case; he died Intestate.
In line with our internal processes for account holders who have passed away, we instituted our own investigations in good faith to determine who should have right to claim the estate, this investigation for several months were futile. We have scanned every continent and used our private investigation affiliate companies to get to the root of the problem. It is this investigation that resulted in my decision to obtain your contact details and contact you, being as a foreigner, as a potential benefactor of the estate even if you are in no way affiliated with this individual (the deceased).
My official capacity dictates that I am the only party to supervise the investigation and the only party to receive the results of the investigation. What this means, with you being a foreigner, I have considered the fact that our dear late fellow died with no identifiable family member. This leaves me as the only person with the full picture of what the prevailing situation is in relation to the deposit and the late beneficiary of the deposit. According to normal practice, after all investigation has been done and there is no one to come forward and make claimed, the portfolio will be left dormant and as a result of the protracted inactivity of the portfolio, and by the end of the current financial year a broadcast request is been made for statements of claims to our bank by the Chinese government, and failing to receive viable claims we will most probably revert the deposit back to the Algeria government. This will result in the money entering the Algeria government treasury. This will not happen if I have my way.
What I wish to relate to you might be a smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something; it is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational. The world of private banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios; you should have begun by now to put together the general direction of what I propose. On this moment there is US$27, 712,068.00 deposited, I alone have the deposit details and my bank will release the deposit to no one unless I instruct them to do so. I alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as the finance firm is concerned, the transaction with our deceased customer concluded when the funds was return back to sender (my bank), all outstanding interactions in relation to the file are just customer services and due process. This bank has spent great amounts of money trying to track the family of the deceased; they have investigated for months and have found no family but however the investigation has officially come to an end in 2012 and since then the portfolio have remain dormant and it is now on the edge of been turned to the Algeria government.
My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position whereby an instruction is given to officially release the deposit to you as the closest surviving associate, and all etiquette shall be done in accordance with the rule of banking law, I certainly can guarantee you that, by the common law, the power of bequeathing is coeval with the first rudiments of the law, and this power has been extended to all. There is no ruling which prevents an inheritance from being so exhausted by legacies as to render it unworthy of the heir's acceptance; basically all persons of sound mind are competent to bequeath and devise real and personal estate, excepting infants, with all this I would say we have the clear advantage to carry out a smooth and perfect operation whereby the paper work shall be coordinated in such a way that your status as a sole beneficiary is confirmed. Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half and no more; that is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you; afterwards we share the proceeds in two equal parts.
I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit, but on the other hand, you as a foreigner would easily pass as the beneficiary with the rights to claim, I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you in a few days. I will simply inform our bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer, and instruct them to release the deposit to you; with these two things: all is done.
We can fine-tune this based on our interactions, I am aware of the consequences of this proposal and I ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail. I ask also, that you do not be vindictive or destructive, if my offer is of no appeal to you, delete this message and forget I ever contacted you; please do not destroy my career because you do not approve of my proposal. You may not know this but people like me who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run a whole private banking sector, I am not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such opportunities only come ones' way once in a lifetime.
I cannot let this chance pass me by and I hope you understand, because for once I found myself in total control and face to face with my destiny. These chances won't pass me by, I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me, please let me know, and hence move on with my life, but do not destroy me; I am a woman with family and this is an occasion to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking, I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank; I am the only one who knows of this situation, good fortune will bless you and plant you into the centre of relevance in my life, let share the blessing.
If you find yourself interested to work with me, please do respond to my email positively, then I will initiate this process towards a quick conclusion. It is necessary to inform you that under no condition should you contact me via official channels; I will simply deny knowing you and about this project. I repeat, I do not want you contacting me through our official lines neither do I want you contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only through this email address; I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management policy, do observe this instruction religiously. Please note that I am a woman; happily married with three children.
I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences might be, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold, this is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients; do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord I shall have the pleasure of meeting you, after this task has been completed.
I await your response with interest, to enable us proceed with the project.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Amina Medjahed
Bank Guarantees
Oleg Marysin - Oleg@marysinclan.net
(Há 1 hora)
Dear Sir/Ma,
I write to introduce our financial services to you. I am a direct mandate to a Financial Institution who is also known as private lender specialized in the Lease of Bank / Financial Instruments in the form of Bank Guarantees (BG), Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC), Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC), Letter of Credit (LC), Performance Bonds (PB), Medium Term Notes (MTN) et al with funds is purely earned from private and corporate investment portfolios without criminal origin. We are able to issue from AAA Rated bank such as HSBC Bank Hong Kong, HSBC Bank London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt, Barclays Bank , Standard Chartered Bank and others on lease at the lowest available rates depending on the face value of the instrument needed.
We offer these from a genuine and certifiable finance company as the provider hence we are able finance your signatory projects and help you enhance your business plan. Furthermore, our financial instrument can be used for the purchase of goods from any manufacturer irrespective of their location. It can also serve as collateral with any bank in the world to secure loans for your project or to activate credit line to finance your business plan.
Our financial instrument can be invested into High Yield Investment Trading Program {HYITP) or Private Placement Program (PPP). All bank instruments are for lease and/or sale from a genuine and reliable source without broker chain / joker broker story or chauffer driven offer while having your required time frame in mind.
We will be glad to share our working procedures with you upon request to help us proceed towards closing deals effectively.
Mr. Oleg Marysin
For Moleg.Guarantees
Email Address: moleg.guarantees@gmail.com
Skype ID: moleg.guarantees@gmail.com
Dearest One,
Miss, Mary Tony
13:21 (Há 1 hora)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários. Se não conhecer o remetente, não clique em links nem responda com suas informações pessoais. Saiba mais
Dearest One,
I Hope This Mail Meets You In Good Health And Spirit, I Am,Miss, Mary Tony ,
A Nationality of ( Cote d'Ivoire ) .Presently, I Live As a Refugee In UNITED
KINGDOM, I Am A Victim Of War Late Chief Tony Douglas The Assassinated Former
Assistant Director Of Cote d'Ivoire Gold And Diamond Mining Corporation.
My Father Was Killed With Other Government Officials During Official Hours When
The Rebel Troops Stormed And Raided The Mining Corporation Office At The Heat
Of The Crisis In My Country. Few Weeks Later, The Rebels Also Invaded Our
Residential Building In Which My Mother And Two Of Our Security Men Were Killed
In The Compound While I Was Out For A Special Research Program.
I had a singular shock and trauma, which compelled me to flee from the country
to UNITED KINGDOM by the help of an army colonel, who is a close friend to my
late father. I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek your
assistance to transfer of Eight Million dollars, ( $8 Million United State
Dollars) now in the custody of a bank in EUROPE ITALY to your private account
pending MY arrival to your country.
We are Making This Request To You With Tears In our Eyes And I Feel That God
Almighty Will Touch You With His Spirit for you To Listen To My Cry For Help
And Answer Me Without Delay. For your assistance, We will be glad to offer you
15% of the total sum for your effort assistance,
In your reply, i will like you to send to me your contact information stated
bellow and i have in this attached in attachment my identity card for more
1) Your Full Name:-...............
2) Your Age:-.....................
3) Marital Status:-...............
4) Your private Cell Phone Number:..........
5) Your Country:-.................
6) Your Occupation:-..............
7) Sex:-.......................
Am waiting for your acceptance reply to help me out.
Your Urgent Reply is needed.
Best regard
Miss, Mary Tony,
sem assunto)
Maureen Hinckley - poonsm@singnet.com.sg
(Há 2 horas)
I am Maureen Hinckley and my foundation is donating (Five hundred and fifty thousand USD) to you.Contact us via my email at (maureenhinckley06@gmail.com) for further details.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Maureen Hinckley•
Copyright ©2017• The Maureen Hinckley Foundation• All Rights Reserved
Mr. David Moore Jnr. < davidm.@triton.ocn.ne.jp
(Há 3 horas)
Meanwhile, This is a true compensation Approved from the UNITED NATION to compensate you due to past experience effort maybe you has been scam before and again you may be victim of scam by wrong people that you made a contact
before, who paraded them selves on what they are not so because of this, the United Nation approved the Coris Bank International in Africa where your fund originated to process ATM MASTER CARD with valid cash of usd $24,000.000.00 million in your favor in order to compensate you so that if you have been scammed before this is a compensation and you will be making your withdrawals from the ATM MASTER CARD as you will be allowed in making withdrawals minimum of usd$20,000 (Twenty Thousand usd$) per a day or every 24hrs from any ATM MACHINE around you.
Your ATM MASTER CARD will be delivered to your address through courier delivery services within 3 days. please note that we are only using DHL INTERNATIONAL COURIER COMPANY, as it is the only company that we signed a contract with so we can actually monitor the delivery, so many complaints are rising up every day, concerning the inability of the young courier companies unable to make deliveries, we have also learned that the UPS/ FedEx company asks for security fees, IMF fees, FBI fees,my dear there is no such thing as that, the only payment that the courier companies anywhere in the world asks of is just the delivery fee and the security fee, which is very understanding, please you have to be very careful in your dealings as there is no such thing as IMF fee. or documents,,,,, the united nations has warned all the security agencies to desist from an illegal act, as this fund is been sent to you due to the rate of poverty, and as such
no one has the power to stop your delivery,,, for you to be safe, we will assign a special task force team to
YOUR ATM CARD ACCOUNT # : 4033052100311896
EXPIRING DATE : 12/08/2019
PIN CODE # : 840*
You are required to send me your full details information to avoid mistake such as:
(1). Your Full Name,
(2). Your Country,
(3). Your Direct Telephone Numbers,
(4). Your Direct Office Phone Numbers,
(5). Mobile Phone Number,
(6). Your Correct Home Address,
(7). Your Office Address,
(8). Your Current Occupation,
(9). Your Weekly/Monthly Income,
(10). Your age,
(11). Your Copy of your International Passport or Driver's lic.
Other beneficiaries are receiving their ATM card package
and kindly check on www.dhl.com then insert the below
tracking number to confirm that other beneficiaries are receiving their ATM card package without problem or delay and you own would not be different.
1: 2393927896
2: 2393927266
3. 3717133873
4. 3717133070
5. 3717135951
6. 3717135962
7. 3717136850
8. 4221579541
Here is the information to send the fee of $98US dollars or €87 Euro through Western Union OR Money Gram office anywhere around in your City OK.
Pay-Out Country:...Benin-Republic
Pay-Out City:...Cotonou.
AMOUNT:....$98.00 or €87.00
TEXT ANSWER:...Urgent.
Money Transfer Control Number:::(M.T.C.N) OR Reference:::(REF)
Sender's name ::::::::
Sender's Direct Telephone::::::::::
Once you send these above information your ATM MASTER CARD will be processed and delivered to your Address and you can as well move down to any nearest ATM PAYING MACHINE and apply your pin code # :840* to make your withdrawals without any delay. if you will be finding it difficult to make use of the card,the lady that will be assigned to you will assist you ok..I am waiting to hear from you and your advice .. forward your details Congratulations!!
RESPONDER PARA - gomark023@qq.com (gomark023@qq.com)
Mr.Bryon Young <"www."@coffee.ocn.ne.jp
09:23 (Há 6 horas)
offices icludes both washington DC and Washington State
Tel (419) 558-6657
Due to delay,Your funds has been deposited in the bank by Mr Phillip Trimel and an ATM Card will be delivered to you by American Express for the withdrawals of your funds daily
Please fill this form and send it to me now
1) Name
2) Address
3)Apt,Suite,Floor,ETC ( Optional )
4) City
5) State
6) Zip
7) Phone
?? Email address
9)Date Of Birth
10 ) Social Security Number ( Enter Full 9 digits )
Please fill the form now and send it to me immediately so that the ATM Card will be delivered to you immediately. Your entire $4.8 Million United State Dollars is intact and you will withdraw $10,000 daily
I will be waiting for your next email and the form filled properly to avoid delay or any more excuses
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Bryon Young
official service - officialservice08@gmail.com
Dr. Siao Kabore
08:41 (Há 6 horas)
Dear Friend,
How are you with your family , hope you are all fine over there in your country.
I was a banker before when i was in my country, so i did transaction and i recieved
an abandoned funds in our abroad.
I'm happy to inform you about my success in getting the funds transferred
under the cooperation of a new partner from South Korea . Presently I'm in
South Korea for investment projects with my own share of the total sum.
Meanwhile, I didn't forget the promised i gave to the Almight Allah that after receiving
those funds sucessfully i will give some part of the funds to the needy ones.
So i kept the total sum of $1,500.000.00 [ One Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only] for you in the in the Coris bank , Burkina Faso to transfer to you. despise that you did not respond to me when i sent you message about the transaction .
Now contact my secretary, her name is Mrs. Koumbousi Gulmancema and her
Email Address: ( mrs.koumbousigulmancema@gmail.com ) ask her to send you
the total sum of $1,500.000.00 [ One Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only] which i kept for your compensation , so feel free and get in touched with the secretary Mrs. Koumbousi Gulmancema and instruct her where to send the amount to you.
If you want you can receive it in your bank account or by western union money transfer ,
i am very busy here in South Korea because of the investment projects which me and
my partner are having at hand. please give some part of this money to the motherless babies in your country.
Finally, i will not be checking my email because i am too busy here now in south Korea, I have instructed the my secretary to direct you how to receive the funds, so feel free to get in touch with Mrs. Koumbousi Gulmancema and she will send the money to you without any delay.
With best regards,
Dr.Siao Kabore.
Investment opportunity in your Country
H.E Ali Shareef Al Emadi - alishareef.alemadi@hotmail.com
(Há 7 horas)
I am H.E Ali Shareef Al Emadi Manager Account Finance, Qatar Petroleum.
I have $60m for Investment in your country.
Contact me if you are interested, I have all it will take to move the
fund to any of your account designate as a Contract Fund to avoid every
query by the authority in your Country. I sent this message from my
private Email, I will give you more details through my official Email
upon the receipt of your response to prove myself and office.
H.E Ali Shareef Al Emadi
Account Finance
Sai al - aish976h@gmail.com
(Há 9 horas)
I would need your partnership in a transaction and details will
disclose to you once i receive your reply.
RESPONDER PARA - mmzu_2@nate.com
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Rosemary Schmidt - rioreusu042@yahoo.co.jp
Envoyé le : Je, 15 Jun 2017
Sujet : Vacancy ! nnicole.ler@gmail.com
Dear candidate,
I really hope you are all good.
My name is Ms. Nicole L. I'm Responsible Party and I'm sending this email on behalf of Ltd. Buro immobiliervillaret, an France-based real estate agency.
We are expanding the borders of our activities and want to propose our rental servicing to Americans. As a result, we are in search of additional personnel with the following responsibilities :
Supervision implementation of transactions Strong trouble shooting attitude Overall reporting.
Who are we looking for :Team builder with great interpersonal skills quick learner precise & self-motivated If interested in getting more information, simply answer me.
Best regards
Ms. Leroy
Head Manager
Ltd. Buro immobiliervillaret
Ian Bladen - ianbladen@mail2consultant.com>
(Há 15 horas)
I am an investment bank here in London, United Kingdom. I have a viable
business to discuss with you, get back to me for details
Best Regards
Barrister Philip Micheal. - bamerica711@yahoo.com
(Há 21 horas)
Dear Sir/Madam
Last update about your over due shipment. I am Barrister.Philip Micheal, I work with Ministry Of Foreign Affairs & Regional Integration here in Cotonou, Republic Of Benin, A delivery Agent by name Mr.John Mark came down last week from your country with a package that contained Atm Visa Card worth of $5.5 Million Dollars. He submitted the package to our office on his arrival for safe keeping and later his body was found dead in a ghastly auto crash in the city. We have sent the package back to your country via diplomatic services because there is no other way to locate you in respect of the package.
The only information we have about you is your email address/name which he wrote somewhere in the document attached to the package. So we are emailing you in respect of this to know if you are the rightful owner of the Atm Visa Card so that you can contact the assigned diplomatic who arrived your country with your package a while ago. Please if you are the owner,kindly contact the diplomatic Agent by Name MR.Richard Peterson email- richardpeterson45@zoho.com or phone (832) 376 761 reconfirm your full information such as your full name your home address, your contact phone number and nearest airport include your Id to enable him deliver the package to you safely; I anticipate your update once you get in contact with the diplomat.
Best Regards,
Barrister.Philip Micheal.
(sem assunto)
Paul Hince - P.Hince@boxhill.edu.au
(Há 1 dia)
Good Morning,
I am Hirano Nobuyuki from Japan, I will like to seek your partnership and mutual understanding regarding a beneficial Business transaction to your country.
Kindly Reply for more details. mr.nhiranodesk@outlook.jp
平野伸之 P.Hince For
Mr.Nobuyuki Hirano
Mid Year 2017
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017
To: amtulla01h@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: FW
What your need?
---- Minaya escreveu ----
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 I Need Your Help.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sun, 11 Jun 2017
I Need Your Help.
Repondez moi s'il vous plait (Répondez me por favor)
Rose Duca
português Visualizar mensagem original
Sempre traduzir: francês
Eu sou a Miss Rose Ducas com 65 ans.Je estou actualmente a sofrer
e, como grande parte da população mundial, eu o faria
se é possível ter um
entrevista com você para um projeto? Caso contrário, eu tenho uma condição de saúde
degradada e isso não me dá o seguro sobre o resto da minha vida
na terra, então eu quero fazer uma doação para as pessoas
pessoas desfavorecidas e em situações difíceis, criando
uma ONG internacional para que eu procurar uma corporação,
respeitosa e responsável para liderar este projecto. No seguinte I
você dar mais detalhes. Essa é a minha visão e meu objetivo para você
ter contactado durante a apresentação de desculpas pelo inconveniente se
tal é o caso. Espero ouvir de você o mais cedo possível se você
realmente me ajudar neste projeto, por favor escreva para mim.
Usman Ahmad <"www."@gaea.ocn.ne.jp
14 de jun (Há 1 dia)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Muitas pessoas marcaram mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo perigoso. Saiba mais
Dear Friend
Good Day to you. This might come strange, but I will like you to carefully read my letter and give a
good thought about this business proposal. Before I proceed I will like make a formal introduction
about myself.
My name is Usman Ahmad, I am the head of fixed income at the Emirates NBD Asset Management. I am
responsible for the management of over USD1.6 billion fixed incomes funds and portfolios. I believe
it is the wish of Allah for me to come across you. I have been in search for someone who is reliable
and trust worthy so we can both work together, I came across your email and I was pushed to contact
you and see how best we can assist each other in business.
I have an important business proposal I wish to share with you. I believe it will interest you and i
want you to handle it with utmost sincerity and commitment so it can benefit us both.
One late Peter Souza, a foreign investor with my bank, had a fixed deposit with the bank since 2011
for a period of 60 calendar months, valued at US$40,000,000.00 (Forty Million United States
Dollars). The due date for this deposit contract was 30th May 2016. Sadly Peter Souza met his end
during a business trip to Russia. He was among the victims who lost their lives in a plane crash by
FLYDUBAI FLIGHT 981 (FZ981/FDB981) after twice aborted landing on March 19 2016. This was how I lost
my business friend. You can verify this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Flydubai_Flight_981 . The
bank management is yet to know about the death of Peter Souza. I only knew about his death because
he was my friend and also his personal account officer, managing his fixed income at the bank. I was
the one who introduced him to fix his income with the bank so his assets can be managed properly.
Interestingly he never mentioned any Next of kin/ Heir when this account was opened and he was not
married during this time.
Last week my bank management requested that Peter should give instructions on what to do about his
funds, if to renew the contract. I knew this would happen because I have been giving a long thought
since the death of my friend and this is why I have been looking for a means to handle the situation
because if my bank directors get to know about the death of Peter they will divert the funds for
their personal use and I don’t want to lose out so I seek a means to get this done. I am proposing
this to you and seek your co-operation to present you as the next of kin/heir to the account so my
bank can release the funds to you.
As the account officer to Peter, I will give you guideline on how to achieve this. This transaction
will be executed under a legitimate arrangement. It is better that we claim this money than allowing
the bank directors to take it because they are rich already. I am not a greedy person so am
suggesting we share the funds equally (50% each) when this done. My share will be more than enough
to start my own company. Let me know your mind on this and please kindly treat this information as a
Top Secret. I shall go over the details with you as soon as I receive a confirmation of trust and
co-operation from you.
Please I advise you message me directly on my private email- ahmadusman492s@gmail.com . I am highly
waiting in anticipation on this business proposal. Thanks
Usman Ahmad
Dear supplier
Jose Francisco (Há 1 dia)
Dear supplier We are interested in buying your products ,please send me the list of your products and we can send you also our samples,,
Please send the quotations to the email below texcamdr@gmail.com
Regards Jose Francisco
MRS SURAN YODA - mrsurayoyoda01@gmail.com
14 de jun (Há 1 dia)
Dear Friend
Greetings in the name of God,please let this not sound strange to you
for my only surviving lawyer who would have done this died early this
year.I prayed and got your email id from your country guestbook. I am
Mrs Suran Yoda from London,I am 72 years old,i am suffering from a
long time cancer of the lungs which also affected my brain,from all
indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite
obvious that,according to my doctors they have advised me that i may
not live for the next two months,this is because the cancer stage has
gotten to a very bad stage.I am married to (Dr Andrews Yoda) who
worked with the Embassy of United Kingdom in South Africa for nine
years,Before he died in 2004.
I was bred up from a motherless babies home and was married to my late
husband for Thirty years without a child,my husband died in a fatal
motor accident Before his death we were true believers.Since his death
I decided not to re-marry,I sold all my inherited belongings and
deposited all the sum of $6.5 Million dollars with Bank in South
Africa.Though what disturbs me mostly is the cancer. Having known my
condition I decided to donate this fund to church,i want you as God
fearing person,to also use this money to fund church,orphanages and
widows,I took this decision,before i rest in peace because my time
will so on be up.
The Bible made us to understand that blessed are the hands that
giveth. I took this decision because I don`t have any child that will
inherit this money and my husband's relatives are not Christians and I
don`t want my husband hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers.
I don`t want a situation where these money will be used in an ungodly
manner,hence the reason for taking this bold decision.I am not afraid
of death hence i know where am going.Presently,I'm with my laptop in a
hospital here in London where I have been undergoing treatment for
cancer of the lungs.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the
Bank.I will also issue you a letter of authority that will prove you
as the new beneficiary of my fund.Please assure me that you will act
accordingly as I stated.Hoping to hear from you soon.
Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs Suran Yoda
RESPONDER PARA - redkeyopals@gmail.com
Trade Finance Services
14 de jun (Há 1 dia)
para Recipients
Algeco Working Capital Partners.
Facilitating Receivable Finance
Professional in The Asset-based Lending and Factoring Industry
We offers a wide range of consulting services to help you improve business operations and boost efficiency. You can count on us to help develop your business for investors, lenders and others.It is our determination to deliver the best, Our services and Offers include :
Trade Finance Services
Letter of Credit – L/C
Standby Letter of Credit – SBLC
Bank Guarantee – BG
Performance Guarantee Bond
Tender Bond Guarantee
Advance Payment Guarantee
Bank Comfort Letter
Alternative credit
Direct lending
Liquid loans and high yield bonds
Insurance Guarantees
Private Equity Fund Investments
Medium Term Notes {MTN}
Confirmable Bank Draft {CBD}
Senior secured loans
Proof of Funds (POF)
For More Details Contact : Petters Marvel Email : marvelpetters@gmail.com
Urgent Letter From Hospital
Vivian Brown - vivian4allinchrist01@gmail.com
14 de jun (Há 1 dia)
My dear beloved one, this is Ms Vivian Brown from Estonia writing from hospital here in Ivory Coast; therefore this email is very urgent. I want you to know that I’m dying here in this hospital right now and i don't know if i will see some days to come according to my Doctor. I was informed by my Doctor that i got poisoned and it affected my liver and i can only live for some days. The reason why i contacted you today is because i know that my step Mother wanted to kill me and take my inheritance from my late Father. I have a little adopted child named Andrew C. Brown that i adopted in this Country when my late Father was alive and $3.5 million Dollars i inherited from my late father. My step mother and her children they are after Andrew right now because they found out that Andrew was aware of the poison, and because i handed the documents of the fund over to him the day my step Mother poisoned my food, for that reason they do not want Andrew to expose them, so they are doing everything possible to kill him.
My Beloved, please i want you to help him out of this country with the money, he is the only one taking good care of me here in this hospital right now and even this email you are reading now he is the one helping me out. I want you to get back to me so that he will give you the documents of the fund and he will direct you to a well known lawyer that i have appointed, the lawyer will assist you to change the documents of the fund to your name to enable the bank transfer the money to you.
This is the favor i need when you have gotten the fund:
(1) Keep 30% of the money for Andrew until he finish his studies to become a man as he has been there for me as my lovely Son and i promised to support him in life to become a medical Doctor because he always desire for it with the scholarship he has won so far. I want you to take him along with you to your country and establish him as your son.
(2) Give 20% of the money to handicap people and charity organization. The remaining 50% should be yours for your help to Andrew.
Note; This should be a code between you and my son Andrew on this transaction "Hospital" any mail from him, the Lawyer he will direct you to, without this code "Hospital" is not from the Andrew, the Lawyer or myself as i don't know what will happen to me in the next few hours.
Finally, write me back so that Andrew will send you his pictures to be sure of whom you are dealing with. Andrew is 14 years of age now, therefore guide him. And if i don't hear from you i will look for another person or any organization.
May Almighty God bless you and use you to accomplish my wish. Pray for me always.
Ms Vivian Brown
Greetings From Mrs. Aleena Faruk.
Mrs. Aleena Faruk - ouedraogoadama@aol.fr
(Há 2 dias)
Dear child of God,
I am writing this mail to you praying that it reach's you in good health, for I myself is in a very critical health condition in which I go to bed every night not sure if I will be alive to see the next day. My name is Mrs. Aleena Faruk from Syria but I am contacting you from a hospital bed. I want to tell you of my ordeal as I am left with no choice but to be open to you. I am married to the late Mr. Usman Faruk who until his death in October 2015 was a Syrian government contractor. We were married for thirteen years without any child until the morning he died. My husband has the sum of eleven million dollars with a bank in Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso. As it is now, I am the only person who knows of the existence of this fund and presently, I am in a hospital bed here dying from this cancer which started after our neighborhood was attacked with a chemical atomic gas which left over three hundred people dead including my husband.
The government is blaming the rebel fighters for the attack while the rebels are blaming the government fighters for the said attack. I am confuse and do not know who to believe. Now the doctor has made it clear that I no longer respond to medications, indicating that I have only but a short time to live. The cancer is not my main problem but the partial stroke which makes it hard for me to write my mails. Having considered my position, I have decided to use you to carry out my plan. I will guide you to receive the eleven million dollars and you will take 30% of it for yourself and your family while you will take the remaining 70% and build an orphanage home for the motherless children in your location or anywhere of your choice because I am an orphan and does not have any relative. This has been my wish before this sickness came between my plans.
Please you must follow this directive or I will look for another person. I would have given this task to someone in this country but I have sworn with the death of my beloved husband that Syria will know no peace. However, if you are not capable of handling this task or do not have confidence in this message, quickly delete the message and forget about it, but if you have confidence in it and can handle the task then kindly indicate by responding. I will be waiting to hear from you.
Please get back to me on my private e-mail address (mrs.aleenafarukinfo@gmail.com)
Thanks and regards.
Mrs. Aleena Faruk.
Contact your sender
MR eric patrick - www.@ninus.ocn.ne.jp
(Há 2 dias)
From the desk of Mr. Eric Patrick
Email: moneygrama797@gmail.com
Tell: +(902) 903-0419
We here by today receive this payment from Mr. Anderson Rose from Central Bank of Benin Republic, afterward we discover that this payment is not on your name here U.S.A, therefore you are going to communicate with your sender to change the telex transmission to enable us channel your fund to any money gram branches for pickup.
Use this link to track it online for your confirmation.
Your payment is available.
1) Receivers Name: Mark Ambros
2) MTCN Number: 94575379
3)Amount: 5,000.00 USD
Below is the sender information to contact immediately, get back to us or you can call on us with the above given number for more details?
Contact your sender with below info.
Mr. Anderson Rose
Tell: +229-99651282
Use it to contact the sender and get back to us.
Mr.Patrick Joseph - mrpatrickj09@mail.ru
de jun (Há 2 dias)
Dear Friend,
It's my pleasure to write you today, I am Mr. Patrick Joseph, I work with the African Development Bank, I wish to place your name as the beneficiary to $17.5 million US dollars only due to the death of the depositor who died years ago along with her family.
However, I assure you that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law both in your country and here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, West Africa once the fund is transferred to your bank account.The funds I am referring to is right here in this bank floating in suspense account, therefore I solicit for your to be in collaboration with me to have this done, it will be transferred into an account you will provide any where in the world. When you receive this letter, kindly send me an e-mail sigifying your decision including your full name and country, your home & office address, your phone / fax number urgently to enable the attorney start the processing of the all the relevant legal documents for the fund remittance.
Waiting for your reply soon.
Mr. Patrick Joseph.
RESPONDER PARA - mrpatrickj09@hotmail.com
DI LOANS - wwwww@space.ocn.ne.jp
(Há 2 dias)
I wish to invite you to participate as broker/agent to our individualized equity investment portfolio management program. We are a Dubai-based international investment company with a primary focus on private and public equity in the Middle East with over 500 billions of private and corporate investment portfolios.
We are privately looking for businessmen and women who will be willing to act as investment portfolio holders and administrators. We currently seeking means of expanding and relocating our business interest abroad by granting soft loans to both cooperate/private entities at a low interest rate of 3% ROI per annum in the form of Soft Loan in the following sectors: oil/Gas, banking, real estate, stock speculation and mining, transportation, health sector and tobacco, Communication Services, Agriculture Forestry & Fishing,thus any viable sector and we wish to re-invest this fund by putting it into the management of private businessmen and corporations with good business ideas.
The fund will be disbursed based on a clear Soft loan term of 3% interest rate per annum for 5 years renewable tenure. All sign-up contracts briefings and investment portfolio management files will be handled in Dubai,UAE. Please contact us directly on- intlinvestorsfirm@gmail.com for more details.
From: Mrs Ivan Tatianan
Mrs Ivan Tatiana - edsalles@enst.fr>
13 de jun (Há 2 dias)
para Recipients
My name is Mrs Ivan Tatianan,a Age 72 year old investor and philanthropist.I have been diagnosed for cancer two years ago,Apperently I will be going in for an operation later today.I hope you have a God fearing and compassionate heart? becasuse i have decided to give out an undisclosed amount to you under the conviction that you can help perform charitable children projects and humanitarian good works for the lord.please Contact my barrister with the stated information below
Name: Barrister Michael Lynn (BSc, LLB, LLM, MSc).
Attorney at-Law
Email Address: bar.lyn@consultant.com
Phone: (+44) 203 389 5114
Tell him to disclose in details the amount by quoting my file reference code (SEA/UKL/QPRFLF8976) with notification that i told you to.As soon as you contact him with this details quoted above, he should be able to recognize you and assist in gaining access to the amount from my Bank(I have to undisclose the amount because of self-security purpose).
God Bless
Mrs Ivan Tatiana
RESPONDER PARA - bar.lyn@consultant.com
Hello dear
Mralfieri Morgan - mralfieri.morgan4@aol.fr
Hello dear
Please handle this message private. I am Mr. Alfieri Morgan, a professional career banker residing in Burkina Faso. Right now, i am in possession of a long time deposit receipt of (USD $13.250,000.00), an unclaimed balance from inoperative non-domiciliary account of a deceased foreign customer of our bank.
Upon my final decision to link a foreigner for this deal, you are the person my consent accepted to share this deal with. If you are interested, reply at - mralfieri002@yandex.com for more details.
Mr. Alfieri Morgan
This is my number +226 69151564
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