"....Há alguns dias tenho me correspondido com um homem que se diz do exército americano em missão na Síria. O nome dele é Colton Shields.
Agora ele veio com uma conversa sobre pedir férias no exército para vir ao Brasil me ver, pediu que eu envie um email para - info@unationsorg.com - pedindo ajuda para que ele possa sair em férias e vir ao Brasil me conhecer.
Em 31 de mai de 2017 , Colton Shields - coltonsheilds901@gmail.com escreveu:
Hello dear,
Thanks for your reply I really love what I read and thanks for taking the time to tell all about you I will like to share some few things with you again this will help us know more about each other and also to know if we both match for each other.
I'm a man that is healthy, happy and comfortable in her life. I love to laugh and make others smile. Im looking for my knight on a white horse to sweep me up and treat me like a king, as I treat her like queen. I like nature,animals.. I like about every kind of music. I love the sounds and smell of the beach and to take a nice walk along the shore. I love full moons and counting the stars and making wishes. My Faith is a big part of my life but I'm no where near perfect but God is very important part of my life.I try to become better each day. I believe the past few years have provided me with some experiences that have made me a more appreciative person in terms of my relationships with others. I've always been a person who values character, honesty and sensitivity.
Let’s see my favorite color is blue.once in a great while it is red, if I'm feeling adventurous. To me the more color people have the better moods people are in. They are much happier. I like the smell of Lilacs and Lavender. As far as movies I'm an old movie buff. I mean I like the older movies, Documentary, Romance and action movies the most. The Sound of Music is one of my favorites. My favorite flowers are wild flowers because on the many smells and colors and Lavender. As far as music I love Gospels, light rock, country easy listening and JAZZ. I even like some classical music. I like swimming, camping,fishing,reading & writing,tennis,American Football,Basketball,Baseball,golfing etc
Always smiling, that's what I'm known for. Years back,lol when I was in 9th grade, a girl stopped me and said, "Why are you always smiling?" I'm not sure she meant it as a compliment. Smiling incessantly wasn't cool in junior high school. But, we are, ultimately, who we are. And, apparently, what I was then, and I'm now, is happy. Maybe it's genetic. Good friends, I notice, always seem to find reasons to be grateful for what they have, as do I. Or, maybe I just have a high happiness setpoint that doesn't budge much. Or, maybe I was just lucky to land in this place where a ride on my cruiser with the ocean glimmering beside me or a hike up Torrey Pines Hill with the sun warming my shoulders reminds me daily that life is good. Whatever the reason, I seem to find ample evidence for joy.
I come from happy people. I like to take walks to burn off the little fat cells, hehe..
Food, I eat healthy meal, drink mineral water, I like to eat Spanish food mostly with German and Italian food next. I will try anything once or almost anything hehehe. I like some sweet foods but the cannot be to sweet. I like chocolate ice cream and love just about any fruit. This morning I had oatmeal as breakfast. Do you like breakfast in bed? if you don't mind me asking.
I like yellow tulips and the smell of coffe in the morning. I believe in people and love. I'm a real dreamer, I like to arrange parties and holiday dinners.
About my wear; my cologne I wear is Armani, Prada,Gucci and CK. I like those smells. As far as clothes, I wear casual clothing like nice dress pants with a nice polo, nautical or Tommy shirt and also i like wearing suits. I do like wearing jeans as well and I love to dress up for occasions. Okay that brings me to my next subject. I'm very honest, caring, open, romantic, dependable, soft touched and respectful to my partner.
As far as what I'm looking for here is well, in any relationship I feel becoming a best friend is best start of a good relationship. To become a husband and lover to a woman should be second. This getting married should come when both people are comfortable with each other and know them pretty well and have accepted them for who they are. But to be a lover and husband there also has to be a spark between them. The spark is sharing that part in a relationship for intimacy. It’s special and both husband and wife need to have that between them. Companionship is what l have been looking for and now is the time. I want to be able to treat her like a queen and share and laugh do all the home duties together.
If she wants to work then I would support her in what ever she want to do if only she need my help or whatever she decides she wanted to do then I would support that. I do not want someone who thinks they have this chain and ball around their ankle. I want to meet a God fearing,caring,kind woman to be with. I want to find a woman with a good communication. I want to live in harmony with my soul mate, to share her interests, to support her in everything. I'm skeptical and very patient, eager to love and to be loved, to feel needed and cared about and give the same in return..
I value education, especially in terms of learning from experiences and those around me every day. I am looking for THE ONE, partner for life, however will be slow to commit as jumping into relationships too soon and being more invested in a relationship than my partner has been a problem for me in the past. I am on my own for the first time in my life and now that I have had a year and a half to adjust, as much as I want a true partner, I am enjoying the time to figure out what I want and do things I did not do before because family or spouse did not support it. I am enjoying life. While I hope to find the man that really flips my heart and who is crazy about me too, hope to make some friends and have some fun along the way.
I guess I really am looking for a good friend I can fall in love with..
I dont know why i am already missing you just after our chat.but i think i like the feelings as a starter.it makes me feel hopeful that when we concentrate much on each other we could be what ever we want to be.
It was nice talking to you today,i am glad that after such a long time of the horible loneliness with no one to talk to with happiness and hope,i have actually had a session of that talk..
Hope to read from you soon!I will be in an hour meeting with my general,i will message you when the meeting is over!
Lot of Hugs!!
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FOTO ROUBADA DE JOE CROSS EMAIL DO GOLPISTA = coltonsheilds901@gmail.com |
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FOTO ROUBADA DE JOE CROSS EMAIL DO GOLPISTA = coltonsheilds901@gmail.com |
Richard Collins = richardcollinss@outlook.com
Como vai você hoje? Espero que tudo esteja bem contigo.
Obrigado por me dar seu e-mail no Parperfeito.
tudo que eu preciso de você é me dar a chance de entrar em sua vida e eu prometo fazer você feliz. Seu perfil é muito interessante, eu poderia ver um monte de características comuns que poderíamos ter juntos. Estou muito feliz que estamos a conhecer melhor uns aos outros e também conhecer a nossa história, vou dizer-lhe um pouco sobre mim. Eu nasci no Suécia, mas cresceu na país de Gales. Eu sou o único criança dos meus falecidos pais, eu perdi meus pais em uma idade muito jovem. Meu pai era um pintor. Ele caiu de um andaime enquanto pintura a Igreja Católica na Suécia e morreu. Minha mãe teve um ataque cardíaco por causa da tragédia e morreu cinco meses após o incidente. Eu foi levantado pelo padre católico falecido Reverendo pai Nicholas da abençoada memória que era o imitar padre, do a catedral meu pai morreu em. mas Reverendo pai Nicholas foi transferido mais tarde para País de Gales. Ele me disse que minha mãe é uma Brasileiro e meu pai é de Gales.
Estou curioso, tem um monte de interesses e hobbies e gostaria de aprender coisas novas. Gosto de esportes ao ar livre, atividades e viagens; Agradeço, também, ficar em casa para ler, pintar, ouvir música e histórias, assistir filmes. Eu amo animais, crianças e natureza. I falar honestamente sobre os meus pensamentos, sentimentos e desejos, e sou honesto. Eu sou viúvo,eu tenho uma filha que é de 12 anos de idade, seu nome é Mary. ela disse que quer ser uma irmã Reverendo e ela está em um Colégio Seminário no País de Gales.
Meu trabalho
Eu sou um homem de negócios, eu vender todas as formas de estrangeiros jóias masculino e feminino, incluindo Cadeias de ouro, relógio de pulso de ouro e um anel de diamante. Eu compro a maioria de minhas jóias na Rússia, Austrália, Dubai, Arábia Saudita e Itália.
Eu estou atualmente no Sao Paulo. Tenho vindo a fazer negócios no Brasil por um ano e quatro meses mas eu decidi estabelecer-se em Brasilia ao invés de arriscar a minha vida sempre viajando do que aqui. Eu quero abrir uma loja onde eu vou estar vendendo jóia. Eu tenho todo o documento necessário para viver e trabalhar no Brasil. Fui aconselhado a se juntar ParPerfeito por um conselheiro matrimonial para conhecer novos amigos. Embora, a minha prioridade é encontrar um parceiro de vida. Eu gostaria de encontrar uma mulher que está pronto para algo sério. Uma mulher, que eu posso confiar e amar com todo meu coração .Someone, o que é consistente com as suas palavras e ações ... Eu estou realmente interessado em querer saber mais sobre você, eu juntar-se ParPerfeito por causa de suas histórias de sucesso e você? você pode por favor me diga mais sobre si mesmo?
Foto Richard Collins
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Este também é americano, mora no Texas; não me pediu nada, me passou o telefone;
Tem Skype e email.
Email - David_anderson2010@yahoo.com
Fone +30 697 802 6425
email da suposta filhinha do Scammer
m 16 de jun de 2017 21:23, "Hailey Anderson" - hailey.anderson20@yahoo.com escreveu:
Hi,my name is Hailey Anderson, I am the daughter of Mr David Anderson...how are you doing?i hope you are good. I am so happy to write you because my dad has told me a lot about you...he said you are the kind of woman he want in his life and I am so happy to hear that from him.
Please I hope you will stay with him forever because I don't want anyone to hurt him,he is my small god and he means a lot to me.
He is a perfect gentle man,easygoing who does not like trouble... I am sure you will enjoy him because he is so caring lol.
I hope we get to know each other better and I hope to read from you soon.
Yours faithfully
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FOTO ROUBADA E USADA POR SCAMMERS EMAIL GOLPISTA - David_anderson2010@yahoo.comhailey.anderson20@yahoo.com |
"....outro soldado americano, conhecido em site relacionamento , este estou falando por watsap, tem um número de telefone internacional e outro local, ele me pediu para enviar.."um presente" para um endereço de Gana- África
Fone 11 973560711
+233 23 830 1667
Nome- Paul Cordeer
Endereço do Mugu
Ezekiel boosman
28 okudan street
eu conheci nesses aplicativos de namoro o POF, ele diz que é da Suíça, viúvo se encaixa no perfil, disse que mandará alguns presentes para mim, porém terei que pagar U$ 300,00 para retirar a mercadoria.
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De: UNITED NATIONS - H.brown_Un.diplomats@live.com
Enviado: segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2017
avion02.gif (20271 octets)
Attn: Sra. xxxxx
Estamos felizes em informá-lo que concluímos o acordo com o Sargento Ben Williams para entregar uma remessa à sua informação de endereço da casa indicada no Brasil. Nós também confirmamos seu endereço e sua identificação, conforme necessário. Ele nos fez entender que você não fala inglês, então eu tenho que traduzir para o português para você entender
Abaixo está o nosso itinerário Informações
Hoje segunda-feira,xx de junho de 2017
Middle East Airlines - Flight 571 Confirmado
Número de reserva da Middle East Airlines: D / 11 FIIB Confirmado
Partida: Kabul, Aeroporto Internacional, Afeganistão. LB (SDA) 11:55 pm
Chegada: Aeroporto Internacional Abu Dhabi Dubai, U.A.E (DXB) 02:30 am
Amanhã terça-feira, 6 de junho de 2017
Tenho alguns pacotes para entregar em Dubai, U.A.E amanhã de manhã, que depois disso, voarei imediatamente para a África Ocidental, Gana. Para um pouco de entrega e depois da minha missão no Gana, estarei no Brasil para entregar o seu pacote na quarta-feira 7 de junho de 2017
Verifique este número de telefone (xxxxxxx) e verifique se o número está correto e mantenha o seu telefone perto de você, pois vou me comunicar sempre com o E-mail e a comunicação telefônica. Espero que você considere esses arranjos mais adequados para você, espero também sua cooperação para garantir que você não me espere quando eu chegar ao Brasil para entregar seu pacote. O arranjo que fizemos com seu Sargento do Marido Ben Williams é que sua remessa será entregue a você pessoalmente no endereço da sua casa, mas eu o chamarei por telefone quando eu chegar ao seu Aeroporto Internacional para notificá-lo da minha chegada segura antes de chegar ao seu casa
Encontre em anexo meu cartão de identidade para que você saiba quem você está esperando, obrigado pela sua cooperação sincera
Com os melhores cumprimentos
Diplomata. Henry Brown
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E-mail d'origine-----
De : Royalbankoscotland Plc - royalbankfscotlandplc@yahoo.co.uk
Cc: jeniferlov10 - jeniferlov10@yahoo.com
Envoyé le : Sa, 17 Jun 2017
Sujet : Procedure of the $6.3m. bank transfer from : jeniferlov10@yahoo.com
Dear Sir.
Sequel to your outstanding fund transfer arrangement with our Bank, kindly be informed that we have been informed by Miss Jennifer Ryan Alexander jeniferlov10@yahoo.com asking us to commence official transmission of the sum of US$ 6,300,110.00 in your favor as an Appointed Trustee cum Mandate Beneficiary on her behalf.
However, to enable us carry out this instruction, we urgently needed the following information viz :
1. Name of the Receiving Bank
2. Contact Address
3. Your Account No.
4. International Banking Access No. (IBAN)
5. Swift Code if available
6. Name of the Beneficiary
7. Phone Number
However, we have also forwarded your Payment File Ref No. 284/AH-MM/RBC-1144 36300 42922 to our Legal Services Department for necessary Legal Reference and approvals.
And while waiting for you to us with the above requested information which shall be greatly needed by our Data Processing and International Payment Office/Telex Services Departments respectively for the processing of the fund transfer.
Ray Paulson
Principal manager
Credit Administration Dept.
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FOTO ROUBADA POR SCAMMERS EMAIL GOLPISTA - jeniferlov10@yahoo.comroyalbankfscotlandplc@yahoo.co.uk |
Dieu est Grand,
o.rufli@bluewin.ch - o.rufli@bluewin.ch
(Há 47 minutos)
para o.rufli
Sempre traduzir: francês
Bonjour Très Cher(e)
Avec tout le respect de votre personne et beaucoup de sincérité.
J’ai un fonds d’investissement dont je voudrais traiter avec vous de 1,3 € millions Euros. Soyez rassuré que tout est légal et sans risque comme j’ai conclu tous les arrangements et les papiers légaux qui vont sauvegarder la transaction. Veuillez m'indiquer votre intérêt pour que je puisse vous en dire plus sur la transaction. Je vous pris de bien vouloir me répondre à mon adresse E-mail personne qui est : viauclaudie@gmail.com
Au Plaisir de vous lire,
Mme. V.Claudie
Attention: Please! Your fund is ready to delivered
Hon. Brett S. Peterson
Attention: Please! Your fund is ready to delivered.
I have registered your Compensation Fund of ($4.8million) with DHL Courier
Company with registration code of (011-827-8947) for 72hours Delivery. I
packaged the total sum in a Consignment Box sealed as family Gift & succeeded
in it with DHL Courier Company to ensure the delivery is complete within
72hours as we agreed. What you have to do is to contact them with the given
information below and reconfirm your home,phone number and office address to
Attn: Mr. Anthony Ubah
DHL Courier Company
Benin Republic West Africa States,
Tel: +229-9855-2889
E-mail: - kellybrown155@outlook.com
Base on the charge involve for the delivery, I have paid all the fee involved
for the Delivery except their Security Keeping Fee of (US$35.00) which you
to pay them as beneficiary of the Consignment. NOTE that as soon as you pay
them the Security Fee your Delivery will take place and arrive to your home or
Office within 72hours. Please indicate the registration Number of (011-827-
8947) to them when contacting or calling them.
Best Regards,
Hon. Brett S. Peterson
My Dear Love,
How are you doing together with your family, I hope all is well?...
Kindly make sure that this information will be between you and me until we realized the success of this transaction. What i want you to do now is to apply for the release of the fund into your account. Make sure you keep a top secret of this transaction because i don’t want any staff of the bank to know that i am responsible for this transaction. This is where i lay the future survival hope of our future ,family and its was the reason I tried to explain for your best understanding.
You should not change your name and nationality in this transaction because you are going to apply as the business partner to the deceased customer. Note, if you send this letter to the bank, the bank will not delay to contact you, but you should not respond back to the bank until i direct you on what to do.
This is to avoid mistake from your part. See the official letter below, complete it and send it to the bank through the bank email address of the bank as follows.
Al Rayan Bank PLC Formerly Islamic Bank of Britain
Sultan Choudhury, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Address PO Box 12461 Birmingham B16 6AQ United Kingdom
Phone; +44 797 794 6608 or 0044 797 794 6608
Bank Email; infoislamicbank@yahoo.co.uk
Immediately this fund is transferred into your account, then i will obtain visas to your country for the disbursement of the fund according to my proposal ratio.
Immediately you apply, write me to update me that you have sent the letter to the bank.
My best regard to you and your family,
Yours harriet Hulbert.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
To The Chief Executive Officer and Director Al Rayan Bank PLC Formerly Islamic Bank of Britain
Al Rayan Bank PLC Formerly Islamic Bank of Britain
Sultan Choudhury, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Address PO Box 12461 Birmingham B16 6AQ United Kingdom
Phone; +44 797 794 6608 or 0044 797 794 6608
Bank Email; infoislamicbank@yahoo.co.uk
Sir / Madam,
I am .................... from .......,the business partner to Late Dr. Benjack Dennis, who was assassinated on February 06, 2008 when Gun men shot him while still inside the Libya capital, Tripoli
After his funeral celebration, i discovered that he have an unclaimed and balance account Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. ($15.5 Million) deposited in your bank when he was alive.
I hereby wish to bring to your notice that i am eager to apply for the funds claim as his business partner to enable your bank release and transfer his balance account of ($ 15.5 Million) into my nominated bank account. Upon your urgent response to this effect, I will send you my bank account information for the transfer of the above mentioned sum.
So i expect that your bank management will pay an urgent attention to my request and communicate me further with the related forms and documents necessary to claim this above mentioned sum without delay.
I apologize for late application for this claim as i have been arranging other things left since his sudden death occurred.
Yours sincerely,
Contact telephone number: ..................................
Contact e-mail address: ........................................
Contact Address: ...................................
Country: ........................
Age: .................................
Sex: .................................
harriet harriet - harriet509@hotmail.com
Jun 14 em 3:22 AM
Meu querido,
Como você está hoje?
Eu realmente estou feliz cada vez que penso em você
Desejo que você faça o mesmo que eu
Enquanto isso, você já fez o pedido no banco hoje?
Como eu lhe disse na minha proposta de que um dos nossos falecidos clientes deixou esse fundo em nosso banco há alguns anos e nenhum órgão já veio para o pedido desde então, é por isso que eu decidi entrar em contato com você como parceiro estrangeiro solidamente Mantenha a reivindicação como o parente mais próximo para que o dinheiro seja transferido para sua conta privada, porque o banco quer mover o dinheiro para o tesoureiro bancário como fundo não reclamado após um determinado período se ninguém vier para o pedido e no final deste ano Complete o período dos anos, já que eles começaram a fazer uma reunião sobre isso.
Por favor, eu não quero que o dinheiro entre no tesoureiro do banco porque acredito que esta é a única oportunidade que Deus me deu com a posição que tenho no banco, então eu não gostaria de perdê-lo. Aperfeiçoei todas as estratégias Para garantir uma transação livre de engate sem qualquer risco envolvido, mas eu imploro sua indulgência para manter todos os assuntos relacionados a esta transferência confidenciais até o fundo atingir sua conta
Observe que você tem direito a receber seus 40% da soma total para sua assistência, enquanto meu parceiro estrangeiro, enquanto 2% abrangerá qualquer despesa imprevista e os restantes 58% serão para mim como iniciador na conclusão dessa transferência. Contudo, Vamos incorrer em algumas despesas suaves durante o evento dessa transferência com o banco, portanto, eu aconselho você a manter um registro de quaisquer despesas incorridas no seu final como ele será devidamente abordado de acordo com as porcentagens indicadas na minha proposta imediatamente o fundo atinge sua conta
Este projeto significa tudo para mim NOTA NÃO HÁ RISCO ENVOLVIDO É 100% SEGURO Estou trabalhando aqui no banco e eu vou defender você e dar-lhe toda a linha, vou excluir todas as suas informações do sistema bancário depois de termos tido sucesso Reivindicar o fundo deste banco, assegurou-lhe que nenhum risco envolvido,
Esta transação não é Risco porque o Dr. Benjack Dennis, foi assassinado com sua família em 06 de fevereiro de 2008, quando Gun men ostirou enquanto ainda estava dentro da capital da Líbia, Tripoli
Não faça essa transação parecer infantil, não tenha medo porque estou trabalhando aqui no banco, estou pronto para lhe dar qualquer informação e linha a seguir para garantir que transferimos este dinheiro com sucesso
Faça todos os esforços para enviar o aplicativo ao banco hoje
Enquanto isso, adoro ver suas respostas
Amor de
---E-mail d'origine-----
De : Me Yves PAQUIS - maitre_yvespaquis@consultant.com
Envoyé le : Ve, 16 Jun 2017
Sujet : Gain €150.000 : maitre_yvespaquis@consultant.com, maitre.yvespaquis@gmail.com
15 Rue du Retrait,
75020 Paris, France
Tel: (+33) 644 682 922
Fax: (+33) 806891623
Honorable Gagnant,
Code gagnant: XS 001-0103-BAF/7206-15
Je suis Me Yves Paquis huissier chargé de l’homologation des gains du tirage de la Tombola organisée par la COMPAGNIE HEINEKEIN BEER en partenariat avec la LOTERIE NATIONALE DE LA FRANCE pour le bon déroulement de la manifestation. J'accuse bonne réception de vos informations personnelles ainsi que votre code gagnant et je viens par ce courrier vous confirme que vous êtes effectivement le gagnant par tirage aléatoire de votre adresse mail, le montant est de cent cinquante mille euros (150.000 € ) et une réservation pour la finale de la League des Champions.
Cependant, ma mission est de vous assister en tant que huissier ayant supervisé la Tombola, durant toute la procédure de retrait de votre gain et ceci dans les meilleurs délais prescrits. J’adresserai une lettre au Ministère de la Justice pour l'homologation de votre gain afin d'obtenir son approbation pour l’établissement de votre chèque par la banque accréditée. Je vous tiendrai informer dans quelques heures.
Veuillez nous donner une suite après réception de cette lettre car ceci nous permettra de savoir si vous avez reçu très tôt cette lettre
NB : Voici en pièce jointe votre certificat de gain
Bonne réception
Me Yves Paquis
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mises à jour - b.rouffanche@numericable.com
Date: 2017-06-16 20:43 GMT+02:00
From: Mrs Samuela Biswell - mamg7610885@angel.ocn.ne.jp
Date: 2017-06-16 11:13
Subject: I need your help to move my money : samuelabiswell@yahoo.com
Good day, my dear, and how is life with you ?
I am Mrs. Samuela Biswell, a wife to late Engr. Marvel Biswell from Australia, last 3 years ago my husband late Engr. Marvel was awarded a contract in West-Africa by the past regime government of Nigeria before his sudden death as a result of Boko Haram bomb blast in Nigeria last year while at work site and since then my staying here in Nigeria is becoming more dangerous especially since the death of my lovely husband who left me without any child. Please I really need your good relationship towards my late husband life time acquired money worth
out of this country Nigeria for an investment over there than here in Nigeria where a lot of things are going wrong. and my late husband account manager has called me several time to come for an establishment with the money here in Nigeria but I am not comfortable with such idea here. So, my dear I, will appreciate if you can treat this humble request as urgency requires and once I confirm a good relationship between us, I will file a letter to the bank where my late husband deposited our life time acquired amount and advice the bank to move the money in your position for safekeeping and for further establishment.
Thanks and hoping for your reply for more information.
Mrs. Samuela Biswell
Barr.Frank Leo
(Há 4 minutos)
I'm Frank Leo, a lawyer in Cotonou, Benin Republic, late Mr. Joerg, a gold
merchant who was my client, died as a result of lung cancer without a will, now
I want to present your name to late Mr. Joerg bank so the money left behind by
late Mr. Joerg can be transferred into your account through my help.
The amount of U.S. $ 10.5 million deposited in a local bank here in Benin
Republic by late Mr. Joerg before his death on November 23, 2013 is what you
are going to receive into your bank account, I need your information so that I
can present you before the bank as next of kin to Late Mr.Joerg for further
processing of the fund transfer to you there in your country.
Please provide your name and full address, your age, profession and position,
mobile number for easy communication purposes,
I wait your positive response if willing to work with me, so I will send more
details of Mr. Joerg that you need to know.
Responder Para - frank.leo37@yahoo.com
De: Philipe Marie - p.marie225@yahoo.com
Enviado: segunda-feira, 12 de junho de 2017
Assunto: Obrigado pelo seu correio.
Eu sou uma senhora de 23 anos da Costa do Marfim; Mais
detalhes sobre mim serão dados quando você ouvir de você
novamente. Agora, não posso viajar até o fundo ter sido
Quero deixar você saber que o fundo que estou prestes a
investir é uma herança de meus pais e estou aqui com meu
primo. Eu quero investir em seu país e eu quero que você
me dirija nas áreas para investir. Desculpe por dizer-lhe
que não posso viajar imediatamente
até que o fundo seja transferido para fora do nosso
Por agora, tudo o que temos a fazer é planejar a forma como
o fundo que estou prestes a investir será transferido para
qualquer conta que você fornecerá ao banco, esta é a
parte mais importante dessa transação e após a
transferência estar completamente concluída,
então Agora vou planejar minha chegada ao seu país com
meu primo.
Além disso, eu gostaria de informá-lo que nós prometemos
dar-lhe 10% do total do fundo que será transferido para a
sua conta no caso de haver alguma despesa do seu lado e 30%
do lucro de investimento irá para você como bem.
Por favor, deixe-me saber se você concorda com a
porcentagem antes de avançarmos na transação. Tenha
certeza de que este é o início de uma relação eterna
entre nós e você.
Nós permanecemos sinceramente seu
Miss Marie Philippe
Avenida 14 Rue 5
Abobo Zoom Road
Abidjan, Costa do Marfim
Tel +22506997188.
--------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: basselnizar02@outlook.com
Date: Jun 2017. 17
Assunto: Startapró.hu - o remetente de uma mensagem para o anúncio
Caro xxxxxx!
Visitantes,Bassel Nizar xxxxxxxxxxxxxenviou a seguinte mensagem para o seu anúncio:
Entre em contato conosco você tem para oferecer, por favor contacte-me com urgência.
O remetente da mensagem pode contactar o seguinte endereço electrónico: basselnizar02@outlook.com
número de telefone do remetente da mensagem: xxxxxx
Comece pequeno equipe
De: veronikakardova@gmx.de - veronikakardova@gmx.de
Enviado: quarta-feira, 14 de junho de 2017
Para: tashidamiyuki@gmail.com
Espero que esta carta não vai perturbar você, como nós não temos nenhuma discussão anterior sobre este assunto. Eu sou deputada Miyuki Tadashi do Japão, a esposa do falecido Sr. Tadashi Akashi que trabalhou com Comida kawasho e ajinomoto Oeste Africano tempero antes de morrer de junho de 2013, em um acidente de carro drástica em seu caminho para uma reunião de negócios em Yamoussoukro.
Estávamos shinny o à religião antes que se converteu no ano de 2009 com a ajuda de um christain siters. Shinto é a maior religião no Japão, praticado por quase 80% da população, mas apenas uma pequena percentagem destes identificar-se como xintoístas.
Fomos casados por tantos anos, sem filhos, mas a maior alegria em mim é que nós dois cristãos nascidos de novo. Desde a morte do meu do meu falecido marido, decidi não voltar a casar ou voltar para o meu país, porque não dos nossos memebers família acreditar em nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. No entanto, quando o meu falecido marido era vivo ele depositou a quantia de US $ 3,5 milhões no acumulado de um contrato de engenharia onshore concedido a ele durante o regime militar do general Robert Guei com um dos bancos na Costa do Marfim.
Atualmente, o dinheiro ainda é com o Banco não reclamados, recentemente, meu médico me disse que eu tenho pericardia aguda, uma inflamação do revestimento em torno dos problemas do coração, que vêm em cima de uma queixa de rim de longa data. Minha condição piorou e é óbvio que eu não iria sobreviver a não ser por graça especial de Deus, embora o que mais me perturba é que estou diagnosticado estar tendo anormalidade espinhal.
Por esta razão eu decidi doar o fundo a você ou melhor ainda, uma pessoa temente a Deus Isso vai usá-lo para apoiar casas orfanato, viúvas e propagação da palavra de Deus e ao assegurar que casa de Deus é mantido. Bendito seja a mão que dá.
Tomei esta decisão porque não têm filhos herdará esse dinheiro e os parentes de meu falecido marido está me maltratam com o único motivo para tirar os nossos propriedades, incluindo os fundos de mim por causa da minha fé e confiança em Deus. Desde sua morte, portanto, eu não quero dinheiro suado do meu marido a ser mal utilizado. Portanto, eu pedir-lhe para aceitar esta proposta e me ajudar a realizar meu coração desejo.
Eu não tenho medo da morte, portanto, eu sei onde estou indo. Eu sei que eu vou estar no seio do Senhor um dia. Se você vai ser de ajuda, eu certamente irá apreciar e obrigado por sua gentileza em me dar esta ajuda.
Por favor, escreva-me através deste e-mail tashidamiyuki@gmail.com por razões de segurança: Telefone +225 77 01 26 88.
Miyuki Tadashi.
Mr Bush
(Há 3 horas)
The management of Marriott Hotel Canada is recruiting new workers whose careers suites into these categories below. Interested candidates should forward their cv to this email address -
(1) Doctors. University graduate, Monthly salary...$9,500
(2) Stewards and Nurses. Monthly salary...$8,000
(3) Pharmacist. University graduate in medicine sciences. Monthly salary...$9,000
(4) Accountants and Auditors. University graduate in economics or accounting. Monthly salary...$7,000
(5) Deputy manager. University graduate or Two years experience. Monthly salary...$7,000
(6) Bar manager. University graduate or Two years experience. Monthly salary...$6,800
(7) Shop manager. College graduate. Monthly salary...$6,500
(8) Engineers and Mechanics. University graduate or One year experience. Monthly salary...$6,000
(9) Purchasing manager and Food & Beverage manager. University graduate or Three years experience. Monthly salary...$6,000
(10) Sounds & Light Technicians. College graduate or Six months experience. Monthly salary...$6,000
(11) Maintenance manager University graduate or One year experience. Monthly salary...$6,600
(12) Supervisors. University graduate or One year experience. Monthly salary...$6,000
(13) Catering supervisor. Monthly salary...$6,000
(14) Computer engineer. Monthly salary...$6,000
(15) Drivers. Six months driving experience with no accident record. Monthly salary...$5,500
(16) Tennis/Squash/Swimming/Golf/gym instructors. college graduate or six months experience. Monthly salary...$5,500
(17) Club Bouncers. Monthly salary...$5,000
(18) Cooks and chef. College graduate or One year experience. Monthly salary...$5,000
(19) Clerks and receptionists. College graduate or Six months experience / Computer skills. Monthly salary...$4,500
(20) Cashiers. College graduate. Monthly salary...$4,500
(21) Secretary and Graphic designer. University graduate or Two years experience with good computer skills. Monthly salary...$4,500
(22) Professional messenger. Monthly salary...$4,500
(23) Professional chauffeurs. Monthly salary...$4,500
(24) Store Keeper. Monthly salary...$4,500
(25) Bakers. College graduate or Six months experience. Monthly salary...$4,100
(26) Comedians and entertainers. Monthly salary...$4,000
(27) Bar Tenders. no level experience. Monthly salary...$4,500
(28) Butcher’s. no level experience. Monthly salary...$4,200
(29) Professional beauticians and massage. College graduate or Two months experience. Monthly salary...$4,250
(30) House Keepers. no level of experience. Monthly salary...$3,500
(31) Security. Able with no level experience. Monthly salary...$3,500
(32) Porters and ushers. no level experience. Monthly salary...$3,300
(33) Cleaners Gardener and Florist. no minimal Education requirement or no level experience. Monthly salary...$3,500
RESPONDER PARA - Mr Bush - marriottht.ca@gmail.com
(( Congratulations Beneficiary ))
U/N - info@un.org por server.njdynamic.com
(Há 4 horas)
This is HTML source of message you composed. Do not modify here. To modify this message press HTML Messages Editor button.
United Nations Compensation Unit in Affiliation with World Bank Organization, UNO/WBO/10/06/2017.
Congratulations Beneficiary,
However, until this moment you have failed to receive your payment. We must get you informed that the previous official you have dealt with have been apprehended and would soon be charged to court and brought to justice.We have been having a meeting for quit sometime now and we just came to a logical conclusion 72 hours ago in affiliation with the World Bank president. Your email was listed among those that are yet to receive their compensation payment. The United Nations in Affiliation with World Bank have agreed to compensate them with the sum of USD100, 000.00 (One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) only.
For this reason you are to receive your payment through a certified ATM CARD. With this ATM Card you can withdraw money from any part of the World without being disturbed or delay and please for no reason should you disclose your account information as your account information is not and can never be needed before you receive your card payment.All that is required of your now is to contact our 100% trusted official by the Name of Mrs. Joy Ngene. Below is her contact information:
Name: Mrs. Joy Ngene
Zenith Payment Center
Email: joy.ngenezenithgroup@gmail.com
We write to get you informed that everyone have received their card payments and until this moment you have refuses to receive yours.
Below is the tracking number of beneficiaries from different countries that have received their payment without any problems:
Name: Taher Mohammed
Country: Kingdom of Saudi Aarabia
Tracking number:4019923854
website: www.dhl.com
Name: Mohammed Al Aswad
Country: Kingdom of Bahrain
Tracking number:4019923305
website: www.dhl.com
Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tracking number:3814456730
website: www.dhl.com
Name: Mr. S.VIBHA
Country: India
Tracking number:5131549415
website: www.dhl.com
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Wu Hongbo
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
REVEREND DR. RICHARD JOHNSON - ishimoto.@titan.ocn.ne.jp
(Há 4 horas)
Our company's diplomat, who has your ATM CARD, is currently stranded
at Newark Liberty International Airport . .
In order to smoothly complete the delivery of your ATM CARD, he will need the
information (listed below) to release the delivery of your ATM CARD. It is
suggested that you do not reveal that the ATM CARD contains 10.5 million dollars
States currency.
Information needed is:
Your Full Name=============
Current Home Address========
Mobile Phone Number========
Nearest Airport ===========
Your occupation ===========
RESPONDER PARA - diplomatlexhugo11@outlook.com
RESPONDER PARA - mr.godwinemefiele8@outlook.com
MR. GODWIN EMEFIELE - giovanni.ingaramo@alice.it
(Há 5 horas)
Based on the meeting we have with United Nations and IMF officials on your
payment, I writing to inform you that your files appeared on our desk to pay
you a partial
payment of $10.5million US Dollars of your funds for this First quarter of the
But we are having misunderstanding because one Ms.Carman Lapointe called
yesterday that she is your new next of kin that you instructed her to receive
the funds on
your favor that you are totally sick and you can not work or answer any calls.
But we were so confuse that is why the authority instructed me to contact you
for us to know if she is telling us the truth or not.
She even forwarded this bank details to us.
Bank Name: Credit Union Na
Account Name: Carman Lapointe
Account number: 908374912
Swift code: cwd1u
After he provided this account to us, he instructed us not to inform you and we
should transfer the funds into his account directly because she is your next of
Kindly check this account and name if we can go ahead and transfer the funds
into his account.
We wait to hear from you soon. Don't keep us waiting for your own good.
Fresh Cut BG, SBLC and MTN.
Donald Kendrick - dkendrick@cantv.net
We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC and MTN which are specifically for lease, our bank instrument can be engage in PPP Trading.
The instrument will be reserved on euro clear to be verified by your bank, after verification we will make an arrangements for necessary bank documents and stock testing expenses. The cost of the Bank Guarantee will be paid after the delivery of the MT760. Lease cost is 6+2% and purchase is 38+2%. For details contact me on Skype ID: donaldkfranchise
Donald Kendrick.
Attention, Needed
(Há 5 horas)
Good day My dear We have finally arranged to deliver your consignment box which
worth $4,500.000.00usd,and The other things inside your consignment box, like
Cloth, iphone Six, shoes and your ATM Card, through the national UPS company.
The agent is already in san Francisco Int'l airport (USA) with your package
We were able to accomplish this through the help of IMF director John Andy and
every necessary arrangement has been made successfully with UPS Agent Mr.James Felix.
Contact person: diplomat Mr James Felix with your delivery information such as
(Receivers name)............
(Country)...................... .
(Home Address)...................... ..........
(Phone Number).....................
(Male/Female )........................... .......
Call the
agent at +1(864)280-7650 Email: dunnclifton2@gmail.com
ATM CARD registration code (GL-1416) and
Your Pin code (4917).
Yours Sincerely
UPS MANAGER Attention, Needed
RESPONDER PARA - UPS MANAGER - m_ups@yahoo.com
Hello Beautiful,
(Há 7 horas)
Good day dear, i hope this mail meets you well? my name is Jack, from the U.S. I know this may seem inappropriate so i ask for your forgiveness but i wish to get to know you better, if I may be so bold. I consider myself an easy-going man, adventurous, honest and fun loving person but I am currently looking for a relationship in which I will feel loved. I promise to answer any question that you may want to ask me...all i need is just your attention and the chance to know you more.
Please tell me more about yourself, if you do not mind. Hope to hear back from you soon.
RESPONDER Para Jack - jackalways17@outlook.com
Hello beautiful, I'm just seeking for serious friendship
Wesley (Há 8 horas)
I hope you are doing well and this email meet you in good health condition. My name is Wesley.I`m from the US but currently in Syria for peace keeping mission. I want to get to know you better, if I may be so bold. I consider myself an easy-going man, and I am currently looking for a relationship in which I feel loved. Please forgive my manners am not good when it comes to Internet because that is not really my field .Here in Syria we are not allowed to go out that makes it very bored for me so I just think I need a friend to talk to outside to keep me going. Please tell me more about yourself, if you don't mind.
Hope to hear from you soon.
RESPONDER PARA - Wesley - wesleywesley_coolguy@outlook.com
DONALD TRUMP - www.@iris.ocn.ne.jp
(Há 13 horas)
I am MR,PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP and I am writing to inform you about your Bank Check Draft brought back by the United Embassy from the government of Benin Republic in the white house Washington DC been mandated to be deliver to your home address once you reconfirm it with the one we have here with us to avoid wrong delivery of your check draft
Eighteen million united states dollars $18,000,000,00usd that was assigned to be delivered to your humble home address by Honorable president Donald Trump the president of this great country this week by a delivery agent MR ROCHAS JESUS
Also reconfirm your details for the check delivery by filling the form below and send it immediately to our Email:(706) 622-9540). collection of your fund.
Fill The Form Below:
1. Full Names :
2. Residential Address :
3. Mobile Number:
4. Fax Number :
6. Sex :
7. Age :
8. Nationality :
9. Country :
10. Marital Status :
Accept my hearty congratulation again!
RESPONDER PARA - DONALD TRUMP - donaldtrump170@outlook.com
Mr. Anthony Bucci - www.@spice.ocn.ne.jp
16:33 (Há 10 minutos)
Por que esta mensagem está no Spam? Ela é semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam. Saiba mais
Dear Friend,
Re: Your Abandoned Metal Trunk Box For Delivery:
I have very vital information to give to you, but first I must have your trust before I reveal it to you, as this may cost me my job, so I want to believe that I can trust you enough to review this top secret with you.
I am Mr.Anthony Bucci, the head at the Luggage/Baggage Storage facility here at J.F Kennedy International Airport New York- USA. During my recent routine check of loss in transit and withheld luggage at the Airport Storage Vault, I discovered an abandoned consignment brought in by a Diplomat from London Heathrow International Airport. When the Baggage was scanned at our arrival lounge, it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a metal trunk baggage.
This Baggage was abandoned because the contents of the consignment was not declared by the consignee as "MONEY" rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid interrogation on arrival and most importantly the inability of the diplomat to pay the United States Non Inspection Charges which was billed at $4,500 only.
The consignment is still held at our Storage Facility here at the airport terminal. Interestingly, the details on the air freight log includes your name, telephone number, email address and some official documents from the United Nations in Geneva are listed as contents of the trunk box.
In a bid to confirm beyond reasonable doubt that you are the actual recipient of this consignment, in my capacity as the director of Baggage Inspection Unit,
Reconfirm your details
1. Full Name
2. Residential Address
3. Age
4. Occupation
5. Direct Telephone Numbers
6. Nearest Airport
then I can cross check if it tallies with the address on the official documents. include the name of nearest airport closest to your residence.
So note that this shipment was supposed to have been returned to the United States Treasury Department as unclaimed shipment due to the delays in concluding the clearance processes, so as a result of this, I will not be able to receive your details through my official email account, because our office email accounts are monitored but I will feel safer if you can send the details to my private email account for a quick review, processing and response.
As soon as I confirm that you as the intended recipient of the trunk box in question, I assure you that I can get everything concluded within 48 hours upon your acceptance and proceed with the delivery to your address as scheduled.
For your information, the reason I took it upon myself to personally contact and notify you of the situation on your abandoned consignment is because I want to retire soon and we transact this business and share the money 70% for you and 30% for me, since the consignment was not returned to the United States Treasury Department despite being abandoned by the diplomat.
Do we have a deal?
Can I trust you to complete this?
I need your confirmation and honest response to my questions, if you assure me, then I will go ahead and settle the United States Non Inspection Fee of $4,500 then clear the baggage for delivery to your doorstep, I will bring it myself but you have to assure me of my 30% share.
Looking forward to read from you urgently, if you are still alive and I will appreciate if we can keep this deal confidential. You can call me on +1-(478) 292-1553 for oral clarification, but note that if am not available to accept your call, kindly leave a voice message or send an SMS, I will surely get back to you.
My private E-mail address is: - kingpato2016@outlook.com
Thank you.
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