De : Hayley Wilfred -
Envoyé le : Me, 31 Mai 2017 20:01
Sujet : Please contact them now :,
Greetings from the Military Base, how are you doing today ? it is my prayers that you will always be in good health where ever you are presently, as for me i am fine, but only thinking and meditating on how to handle and fulfill this my desire of being together with you.
Thanks for your information and I am doing everything possible to make sure you receive the money successfully, I have contacted the courier firm, they are reliable and trustworthy. They will tag the box as diplomatic luggage and bring it to your doorstep in your country and as personal luggage, I have handed the box to them through their agent here, you will receive it as personal items, They pick all packages to their head office Lome-Togo before departing to other parts of the world, I have chosen this fast service so that you can receive the package within 72 hours after departure, they will bring the package to your home address that you have provided, I have registered the box/consignment and handed it to the company through their agent here, the company is with all your details, Here in our Military Base, the government provide us with everything we need, our paycheck is paid to our bank account in the United States till we go back home after the assignment, so as far as i remain in Libya, i cannot receive or send out money, i have paid for the registration of the consignment and have placed a shipment instruction to the shipment company for the delivery of the box to your door step in your country. Note that the diplomat does not know the content of the box for security reason and Below is the company's contact details, please contact them now, tell them your name and country, that you are the rightful person to receive the cargo from Perious, the US Army Officer and the name of the delivery company are below,
Mr. Greg Dvorachek,
+228 966 129 74
Meanwhile, i have forwarded your contact details to the company but still advice that you write to the company to the email above immediately, the company will attend to you as soon as you contact them, i have started with the arrangement to meet you before this month. Please permit me to pause so far, and i will be waiting to receive your positive update as soon as you contact the company.
God bless you and your family.
Hugs and kisses.
Love and care from
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--------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: Lori J Robinson -
Data: 29 de maio de 2017
Para: xxxxxx
Lori J. Robinson é um general da Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos que atualmente serve como comandante do Comando Norte dos EUA (USNORTHCOM) e comandante do Comando de Defesa Aeroespacial da América do Norte (NORAD). Ela é a primeira oficial feminina a comandar um Grande Comando Combatente Unificado na história das Forças Armadas dos Estados Unidos. No Afeganistão aqui no Afeganistão. A Base Militar dos EUA está localizada ao norte do rio Eufrates, a três milhas da cidade de Raw-ah, ao longo de uma rota principal que liga a fronteira do Afeganistão às estradas que levam ao norte em direcção a Mosul e a leste a Bagdá. Quero que saiba que estamos Sendo atacado por insurgentes todos os dias e carros-bomba aqui no Afeganistão.
Em 1º de janeiro, durante a missão de missão de resgate de um piloto jordaniano (refém) na ISIS Oil Facility, houve um tiroteio particularmente brutal em Raquel a, capital de Isis no Afeganistão, depois de derrotá-los, encontrei uma caixa de dois cristais que contém enorme Dinheiro que pertence aos patrocinadores e apoiadores do ISIS, o que eu acredito que o dinheiro foi destinado para a compra de armas e munições, por isso concordamos com 9 oficial do Exército naquela missão de resgate que o dinheiro será fechado e ser compartilhado entre todos de nós.
Depois que nós compartilhamos o dinheiro, eu comecei uma parte de $ 9.000.000 (nove milhão EU Dólares)
O governo dos EUA ordenou o deslocamento da minha equipe para outra base militar dos EUA localizada na fronteira entre a Jordânia e a Síria, por isso preciso de sua ajuda para evacuar minha parte do dinheiro deste país (Afeganistão) para seu próprio país. Antes que altos oficiais do Exército o descobrirem.
Estou solicitando em você para mantê-lo seguro em meu nome até que eu venha para o seu país, Está claro para mim que você pode ter medo desta proposta, mas eu quero que você saiba que eu fiz acordos sólidos com uma carga de segurança Empresa que se especializam na entrega diplomática e eles prometeram entregar o fundo através do método diplomático a qualquer um de meu destino escolhendo.
Esta entrega será processada legalmente pela Security Cargo Company e não haverá qualquer forma de risco no processo eo dinheiro será selado com segurança em uma Caixa Diplomática ea Caixa Diplomática será entregue a você em seu país por um Diplomata. Eu decidi compensá-lo com 30% do total de dinheiro uma vez após o dinheiro é entregue a você, enquanto o saldo restante será o meu capital de investimento em seu país.
Por favor, eu preciso de sua garantia de que se este dinheiro é entregue a você, que você vai ser confiável para manter o dinheiro seguro até chegar ao seu país para conhecê-lo, então vamos planejar sobre como viver a nossa vida e investimento com ele .
Um apelo apaixonado que vou fazer para você não é discutir este assunto para um terceiro, se você não quer ajudar a este negócio por favor, apague esta carta de sua caixa de e-mail para evitar qualquer vazamento desta informação e será perigoso para Com base na minha posição aqui.
Eu escolhi entrar em contato com você após minhas orações e acredito que você não vai trair a minha confiança nem frustrar o meu sonho, embora você pode se perguntar por que estou tão logo revelando-me a você sem introdução formal, bem, vou dizer que minha mente convencida Que você é a pessoa verdadeira para me ajudar a receber e investir este Fundo.
Nota; Não sei quanto tempo vamos ficar aqui e meu destino desde que eu sobrevivi a dois ataques com bombas aqui, o que me levou a procurar por uma pessoa confiável e digna de confiança para me ajudar a receber e investir o Fundo, porque eu estarei chegando Sobre a seu país de origem para investir e começar uma nova vida como um soldado de tenente aposentado.
Espero que a minha explicação é muito clara, mas se você precisar de mais esclarecimentos, basta me informar e vou explicar mais, eu quero que você saiba que aqui no campo militar de base que não são permitem fazer uso do telefone móvel, só fazemos Uso de mensagens de rádio e comunicação por e-mail, por isso, deixe-nos continuar a comunicar através de e-mail para o tempo médio.
Em conclusão, gostaria que você poderia me enviar uma resposta imediatamente em relação a esta proposta, a sua resposta urgente será muito apreciada antes de nós relocated.
Anexado aqui é a minha imagem ea imagem da caixa de dois crista de dinheiro que encontramos.
I Espere para receber sua resposta aceitável assim que você ler esta carta.
Lori J Robinson
Recebi uma proposta de casamento de uma pessoa que diz ser um oficial militar dos Estados Unidos da América no momento servindo em Adam na Turquia querendo se aposentar e vir para o Brasil nome dele é Disk Steele e seu email é
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esta sendo denunciado como golpista? o nome usado é general conely robert
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Samantha Jackson -
Envoyé le : Ma, 30 Mai 2017 12:44
Sujet : World Vision International Applicants :
Dear World Vision International Applicants.
Greetings with peace and love from the World Vision International Headquaters in UNITED STATES / CANADA . you are welcome to the WVI montly Training Programmes. be informed that presently we are almost done with the acceptance of Candidates. however, since your recommendation comes from our top WVI Colleague, we shall approve your WVI Global Membership and grant you the opportunity to work with the WVI . Secondly, be aware that the WVI is only responsible for your Flight Tickets, Accommodation, and Feeding when you arrive here to the montly WVI Training Programmes. this is after your successful Registration as a full member of WVI Organization, that is if you have been Registered as one of WVI Global Members, intended Applicants can been given the opportunity for a WVI Work Permit, WVI Global Membership Card , US Green Card and Canada Pamanent Resident Card for two months WVI Training Programmes before commencement of the project in their various Countries and you will also be enlisted into the WVI and be working with us Globally with a US Green Card and Canadian Pamanent Resident are therefore advised to get your International Passports ready because it would be needed during Registration and Visa processes. you will also have to get other nine (9) official members to form a competent group of nine applicants including yourself and get your team email addresses and telephone numbers sent. since you are not an American or Canadian , Registration involves the payment of $250 US Dollars for Single WVI Applicant. and a competent Group Application Processing Fees involves the sum of $500 US Dollars .however note that,it is also possible for you to apply as a Single WVI Applicant, in case you are not capable of forming a group of competent team. please note that we will open your file as soon as your names,telephone numbers , email addresses and CV gets to us here in WVI Headquaters, for your full participation and Visas approval from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS).
NEED VISA ? UN/WVI really want to help you.
Work & Live in USA / Canada
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Work Visa USA/CANADA Immigration and citizenship
STEP ONE - Recommended WVI applicants should form a group of 10 or a family of 7 persons and forward their datas,email addresses to obtain their WVI application Reference File Numbers to WVI Training Programme in USA / Canada Kindly use the Western Union / Money Gram Informations to send your WVI Registration Fees to DAKAR, SENEGAL.
Mode of Payment: Money Gram / Western Union
Receiver Names : PAUL GABRIEL
Receiver Address : DAKAR, SENEGAL
Text Question: WVI
Text Answer: FEES
Amount Sent in US DOLLARS : ..........................$ USD
Telephone +221781017043 ,
You must provide Scan Copy of your MONEY GRAM / WESTERN UNION Payment Receipt urgently via Email Attachment to enable the US Embassy in Dakar Senegal issue your Visa Seal into your various International Passports accordingly. Provide us with the following informations below :
Receicer Country...........
Sender Names...............
Receiver Names.............
Amount Sent in USD..............
Sender Country............
STEP TWO - Send the following details below by email attachment
These includes the following :
1)Names of applicants in the group/family
2)Passport numbers for each applicants if available
3)Name of country of origin and resident country
4) Group/family contact telephone numbers
5) Email addresses of WVI Applicants
Members without International Passport should forward the following requirements for processing of United Nations Emergency Travelling Certificate.
1) Applicant's scanned passport size photograph by e-mail attachment.
2) Names, dates of birth and name of resident country
3) Height measure and colour of eyes
Note informations for those with International Passports and those without International Passports,email addresses and telephone numbers of all Participants should be sent together same time. On receipt of the above requirements, your WVI group Application Files will be approved and certified. your WVI group / family Application Reference File Numbers will be forwarded to you .
FOR IMMEDIATE APPROVAL - 5 persons is the least number we can receive from any group / family. your WVI group/family application will automatically be approved and certified to the WVl Training Programmes If you can forward your group / family informations that consist of 10 persons with their email addresses and telephone numbers sent also.that means no other Applications will be accepted from your country after yours. interested WVI Applicants without International Passports can also apply along with those with International Passports as provisions for the United Nations Emergency Travelling Certificate have been made available for WVI Applicants without International Passports.
Thank you for your co-operation: success is your limit, we do hope to
hear from you soon.
Yours in service,
Kevin Jenkins.
President and Chief Executive Officer,WVI .
America / Canada / Australia / Europe.
Address: United States Washington, DC Office:
World Vision
311 "I" Street Ns
Washington, DC 20011
De: banqueatlantique -
Data: 1 de junho de 2017
Quartier Assivito, Rue Koumore.01 B.P 3256- Lomé– TOGO
Foreign REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE:- + 228- 98-644-057 /(+228) 22 20 80 91
FAX NUMBER:-(+228) 22 00 88 93
Attention:Dear Diego Antune da Conceição,
RE:RFE/ TRANSFER OF FUND: $3,500.000.00 (Three Million Five Hundred Thousand USD Dollars ONLY)
With reference to the above captioned, we wish to inform you that we received your contact information from Mrs.Hally Meehan and her family Lawyer Mr.Blue yamam declaring and confirming you as the beneficiary of the sum valued $3,500.000.00 (Three Million Five Hundred Thousand USD Dollars ONLY), deposited in our bank.We hereby admit that the said fund with Account No EBID0000416358 is still in our custody.
This email further serves to update you in respect to the transfer of this fund deposited with our bank BANQUE ATLANTIQUE LOME TOGO to you as the beneficiary for charity work according to Mrs. Hally Meehan.
Therefore you are required to acknowledge the bank message to you and get back to us with your international passport or ID card to help the bank confirm your identity before proceeding with the processing and transferring of the said fund into you nominated bank account.
Follow the bank instructions to help us serve you better.
Note/ your urgent attention is highly needed because We Are Eager to give You the Efficient, Speedy Service You Deserve And Deserve And To The Best Of Our Knowledge To Make Sure You Have A Hitch-Free And Successful Funds Transfer Into Your Nominated Bank Account.
Yours Service
Mr.Mathew Pudik
Fund transfer department Manager.
B.A.N.Q.U.E A.T.L.A.N.T.I.Q.U.E L O M E -T O G O
-----Original Message-----
From: Sandrine Nzi -
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Wed, May 31, 2017
Subject: I have important thing that could be brought your way very much :
Greetings !
I have important thing that could be brought your way very much, but the details shall be given when you confirm the receipt of this email.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Sandrine Nzi.
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : mrnasajirma
Envoyé le : Je, 1 Jun 2017 17:06
Sujet : $10.5m. 50% for you, 50% for me :
I am Mr. Nasa Jirma , I currently hold the post as the Audit Account Manager of our bank, we are imposition to reclaim and inherit the sum of US $10,5millions without any trouble, from a dormant account which remains unclaimed, Once this fund is transferred into your account, we will share the fund accordingly.
50% for you, 50% for me, if you are interested to help without disappointment or breach of trust, please reply me with your full details...
1. YOUR FULL NAME:.............
3. YOUR AGE:...............
4. YOUR SEX:.................
5. YOUR OCCUPATIONS:.................
6. YOUR COUNTRY AND CITY:..................
8. YOUR FAX NUMBER.............
So that I will guide you on the proper banking guidelines to follow for the claim. After the transfer, I will fly to your country for sharing according to our agreement.
Assurance : Note that this transaction will never in any way harm or foiled your good post or reputation in your country, because everything will follow legal process.
I am looking forward to hear from you soonest.
Contact me with my PRIVATE email :
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Nasa Jirma
Mr. Mike Parker
17:04 (Há 33 minutos)
para Cco:mim
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários. Se não conhecer o remetente, não clique em links nem responda com suas informações pessoais. Saiba mais
Google Gmail, Yahoo!®Mail,Rediffmail
Windows Live Lottery Incorporation.
Stamford New Road,xxxxx Cheshire,Wxxx 1xx
London,United Kingdom.Winning No: GUK/247/666/2017
Ticket No: GUK/799/01/2017Notification Date: 01 /06/ 2017
We wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for being part
four winners selected this year. This promotion was set-up to
encourage the active users of the Google search engine and the Google
ancillary services.
Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be
active and patronage to the Google search engine. Google is now the
biggest search engine worldwide and in an effort to make sure that it
remains the most widely used search engine, we ran an online e-mail
beta test which your email address
won ?950,000.00 {Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds
Sterling}We wish to formally announce to you that you have
successfully passed the requirements,statutory obligations,
verification, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for
all online winners.
A winning quench will be issued in your name by Google Promotion Award
Team,You have therefore won the entire sum of ?950,000.00 {Nine
Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling}and also a
certificate of prize claim swill be sent along side your winning
Mr. Mike Parker.
Foreign Transfer Manager
Google Promotion Award Team
You are advised to contact your Foreign Transfer Manager with the
swallowtails to avoid unnecessary delay and complications:
1) YOUR FULL NAME:................
2) ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND COUNTRY:...................
3) PERSONAL CELL PHONE, FAX AND MOBILE:...................
5) OCCUPATION, AGE AND MARITAL STATUS:..........................
The Google Promotion Award Team has discovered a huge number of double
claims due to winners informing close friends relatives and third
parties about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers. As a
result of this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of
the real winners. The Google Promotion Award Team has reached a
decision from headquarters that any double claim discovered by the
Lottery Board will result to the canceling of that particular winning,
making a loss for both the double claimer and the real winner, as it
is taken that the real winner was the informer to the double claimer
about the lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised once more to
keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Google interactive
Lotteries Board Commission.
Rodney E Johnson.
Foreign Transfer Manager
Google Promotion Award Team
Particulars attached!
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It is important to note that your award information was released on the 25th of May 2017 with the following Particulars attached to it.
Email Ticket NO: 5, 1, 1, 8, 3, 2, 0
Reference NO: 32 01 09 01 26 05
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Your Full Name & Telephone Number:
PLEASE NOTE THAT all winners must report immediately.
Jefferson Wang
CITY / COUNTRY: Beijing China
Congratulations'' from all our staff (thank you for being part of our program).
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