De - mayarx2@hotmail.com
Meu caro XXXX ,
Como você está hoje? Espero que você esteja bem e bem Obrigado pela sua mensagem, eu realmente gosto e me dá muita alegria lendo de você. Meu nome é Mayar Kipkalya, uma jovem bonita em busca de um homem digno, honesto e confiável confiança. Espero que honestidade e confiança eles dizem construir um relacionamento forte, não importa a distância que nos mantém separados ainda me dá a confiança para escrever-lhe este e-mail. Estou escrevendo esta mensagem para você com o devido respeito, confiança e humildade, apelo para que você exerça um pouco de paciência para ler minha carta. Eu me sinto muito seguro lidar com você nesta importante questão da vida
Estou constrangido a entrar em contato com você por causa da brutalidade e maus-tratos que estou recebendo de minha madrasta. Ela planejava tirar todo o tesouro e bens de meu falecido pai de mim desde a morte inesperada de meu amado Pai. Minha mãe morreu há muitos anos, quando eu era uma garotinha e fiquei sozinha com a minha madrasta para cuidar de mim. Enquanto isso eu queria viajar para a Europa, mas ela esconder meu passaporte internacional e outros documentos valiosos. Felizmente ela não descobriu onde eu mantive o arquivo de meu pai, que continha documentos muito importantes. Agora estou atualmente hospedado no Campo das Nações Unidas Buduburam aqui em Gana para minha segurança. Estou à procura de relacionamento de longo prazo e assistência ao investimento para me permitir ter uma vida melhor novamente.
Meu pai de abençoada memória depositou a soma de três milhões, setecentos e trinta mil dólares americanos (US $ 3.730.000,00) em um dos principais bancos aqui em Gana com meu nome como parente mais próximo. Eu tinha entrado em contato com o Banco para reclamar o fundo, mas o Gerente da filial me disse que meu status de refugiado de acordo com a lei local não me autoriza a realizar a operação de receber o fundo. No entanto, o gerente me aconselhou a obter um administrador fidedigno e confiável e representante que vai ficar em meu nome para reivindicar o fundo em meu nome. Estou agora à procura de um homem digno de confiança e confiável que vai me ajudar a receber o fundo para que imediatamente após a transferência, vou limpar o meu estatuto e vir para começar uma nova vida e completar meus estudos.
Eu tenho o recibo do depósito que foi dado a meu pai atrasado quando depositou o dinheiro e eu emiti-lo-ei a você quando a necessidade se levantar
Oro para que Deus use você para salvar minha vida e me devolver a esperança e um futuro melhor. Imediatamente após a transferência, vou vir para o seu país para estar com você e se você me ama o suficiente, podemos ser amantes e começar uma bela relação e eu te asseguro, vou te fazer feliz e ser leal a você para o resto da minha vida
Assim que eu receber sua aceitação para me ajudar, vou colocar as coisas em ação imediatamente.
Estou esperando sua resposta positiva em breve
Saudações de
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De: JEFFERY WINSTON - winstonjeffery248@gmail.com>
Data: X de junho de 2017
Meu Deus! Doce, acabei de me lembrar que não terminei de pagar os encargos de IVA do contrato.
Querido, lembre-se de que eu te disse que estou lá fora aqui estou dentro do mar agora, então não posso fazer mais transações daqui a partir da minha conta porque tirei mais do que os meus limites desde que comecei a trabalhar aqui. Por favor, meu amor, eu quero que você procure dinheiro para fazer o pagamento para eles, tente tudo o que puder para enviar o dinheiro para eles o mais rápido possível para que, quando o dinheiro é transferido para sua conta, você irá retirar o dinheiro que você Pago do dinheiro que será transferido para você, tudo bem.
Estou realmente preocupado agora por causa disso e não posso me concentrar no meu trabalho. Lembre-se de me informar assim que receber o dinheiro. Eu amo e aprecio tanto amor e sempre estará lá para você.
Estou tão preocupado agora e não posso me concentrar no meu trabalho agora por causa desse problema. Por favor, tente o melhor e faça o pagamento para a empresa, de modo que, quando receber o meu dinheiro, retire seu dinheiro do dinheiro que será pago na sua conta e também use algum dinheiro para comprar qualquer carro de sua escolha e alguns dos As coisas que você pensa que possamos precisar quando eu venho para seu país, então deixe o dinheiro restante em sua conta bancária.
Querido, mesmo que você não tenha chegado a esse valor, você pode procurar um empréstimo do banco ou de qualquer indivíduo com qualquer quantidade de juros ou onde você pode facilmente emprestar dinheiro para efetuar o pagamento imediatamente para que a empresa comece a processar nosso pagamento imediatamente Então você paga o empréstimo com o interesse assim que você receber o nosso dinheiro. Ou deixe-me saber o quanto você pode aumentar para que eu tente e veja se a empresa nos dará pouca consideração e liberar nosso dinheiro.
Seu marido.
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De: ECOGIB ENGINEERING - ecogibengineering@gmail.com
Data: x de junho de 2017
Para: xxxxx
I'm please to receive your complete information regarding the $ 750,000 USD to be transferred into your account as authorized by Mr Jeffrey Winston Carey.
You're hereby given the authorization to access the client I.D of Engr Jeffrey Winston Carey in order to access his details to enable you confirm the exact amount to be received from the details and also to see his VAT outstanding balance of ($ 58,000 USD) to be paid as the company policy demands before the money will be transferred into your account.
Client I.D: ECOGIB_002016
Website: http://www.ecogib.cf
INSTRUCTION: Go to the website click on client ID then enter the above client I.D given to you.
The money will be transferred to your account as soon as you meet the requirement but NOTE that you have a given time of (7) working days to complete this process or the payment will be cancel till further notice.
So you're advise to respond as soon as possible to facilitate the process of the transfer in order to be among the first persons to be paid as we have other clients to be paid.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Yours Faithfully.
Mr. Michael Brown,
Human Resource Manager.
For Ecogib
Em segunda-feira, maio 29, 2017, 7:58 PM, JEFFERY WINSTON - winstonjeffery248@gmail.com escreveu:
Olá querido,
Como vai você? Espero que tudo esteja indo bem e sem estresse para você? Meu nome é Jeffrey Winston de Oslo, Noruega, mas atualmente vivo no Reino Unido do Manchester United e fiquei divorciado por seis anos agora eu tenho uma filha, ela se chama Susan Ela é a amor da minha vida. Ela mora com a minha ex-esposa.
Eu sou um contratado privado. Estou em exploração de petróleo bruto e gás, e controle de derramamento de óleo e construção de drenagem rodoviária. Viajo muito por contratos. Mas, nesta fase da minha vida, quero abrandar as coisas e concentrar-me no que mais importa, a FAMÍLIA.
Eu tenho olhos castanhos, esbranquiçados em Complexion.i medem 186 de altura e 93kg de peso. Meus hobbies estão assistindo futebol, ouvindo música, indo à praia, lendo livros mais especialmente livros motivacionais porque eu leio para me inspirar e ser criativo e também pensar positivo .
Eu sou um homem muito simples e natural que ama a sinceridade e a honestidade dos corações e também ama respeitar o ser humano e fazer as pessoas à minha volta felizes porque acredito que a beleza da vida não é apenas sobre o quanto você está feliz, mas sim Quão feliz são as pessoas ao seu redor.
Conte-me mais sobre você. Estou ansioso para ouvir de você o mais rápido possível. O único meio que podemos usar para saber mais uns sobre os outros através de mensagens constantes uns dos outros, então eu espero ter uma carta de você constantemente. Tome cuidado e tenha um momento agradável cheio de alegria.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Trans. : Dear friend, I need your assistance in transferring $11.3m. : weaselhouse4@gmail.com
----E-mail d'origine-----
De : weaselhouse - wease.lhouse1@gmail.com
Envoyé le : Ve, 2 Jun 2017
Sujet : Dear friend, I need your assistance in transferring $11.3m. : weaselhouse4@gmail.com
Dear Friend.
I hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our families. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of
$11,3 millions US dollars
into your account. The money has been dormant for years in our bank here without anybody coming for it. I want to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer (the owner of the account) who died along with his supposed next of kin few years ago. I don't want the money to go into our bank treasury account as unclaimed fund. So this is the reason why I contacted you, so that we will release the money to you as the nearest person to the deceased customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret or delete it from your mail box, if you are not interested.
Mr. Weaselhouse
Em Quarta-feira, 31 de Maio de 2017 9:47, Hasadi Lamya - hasadilamya5@aol.fr> escreveu:
the Director of the International Audit
unit ATM Payment Center,
IUM # 248, Rue De D’hôtel De Ville
Ouagadougou, Centre Burkina Faso.
This is to Inform you that an ATM Card Payment Reference No. 6363836
Password No: 006786
Pin Code No: 1787
Your Certificate of Merit Payment No: 05872
Released Code No: 1134;
Immediate Telex confirmation No:- 043612
Secret Code No: TBKTA28
Worth$3.5Million US Dollars has been accredited by international monetary fund as Fund Compensation currently approved in your favour. You are
receiving this message as a result of the FBI working closely with
IMF and World Bank in order to
fully compensate victims that had problems in receiving their funds
or lost funds in the process.Your name is among the list of beneficiaries
for the above payment which was just recently approved in your favour.Do
send your information bellow for the delivery of your ATM Card.
Re-Confirm your
Full Names:
Home Address:
Mobile Telephone Number:
To - crusier1@outlook.fr
Phone Number: +22675481251
Best Regards,
Mrs Lamya Al-Hasadi
Executive Secretary.
Em 2 de jun de 2017 01:45, "Halima Farida"- faridahalima6@gmail.com escreveu:
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Lamento a minha resposta tardia. E por favor, é bom se comunicar em inglês? Atualmente não estou morando no Brasil. Nota, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não imaginário e que foi por isso que eu fui a um site seguro, onde posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você. Seja informado de que é meu sincero interesse comprar seu carro, também ficarei feliz por pedir sua permissão para trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios no Brasil. Você pode reservar este carro para mim? Se isso for possível, estarei no Brasil por mês para conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
Eu sou a Sra. Halima Farida, uma mulher síria. Eu desejo mudar-me para o Brasil devido ao prolongado conflito civil / guerra na Síria, bem como aos ataques terroristas do grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi minha família, meu marido e minha filha nas mãos frias da morte durante um ataque direcionado à nossa casa em 23 de março de 2016, para acabar com nossa família. Eu e meu filho não estavam por perto durante o cruzamento. Estávamos no hospital para verificar quando atacou nossa casa matando meu amado marido e minha filha e incendiando a casa. Estou com lágrimas escrevendo esse e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um empreiteiro muito bem sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria, e estava negociando privadamente em poeira de ouro e bares antes de sua morte prematura. Esperativamente, ele deixa para trás uma quantidade razoável de dinheiro, que desejo investir no setor imobiliário e outros setores interessantes no Brasil.
Como você pode ou não pode saber, as sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia tornaram quase impossível operar com êxito qualquer tipo de investimento aqui na Síria ou até mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui para outras partes do mundo. Por esta razão, entre em contato com você com muita confiança com a esperança de que você possa me ajudar a obter esse dinheiro no Brasil para fins de investimento:
Por favor, eu gostaria de saber o quão conveniente seria para você me ajudar dessa maneira. Todo o capital à minha disposição é Nine Million US Dollars. Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em uma caixa de tronco e depositado isto com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera em escrever-lhe é plead com você para amavelmente aceitar a caixa de dinheiro. Isto é porque não podemos fazer qualquer transferência bancária a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Vou dar-lhe 30% do total do dinheiro como seu benefício para me ajudar.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem da minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido e minha filha estão mortos, tudo o que tenho é meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida decente, porque eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou mudar para o Brasil com meu filho e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, seu conselho e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de sua informação vou lhe fornecer mais detalhes.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Halima Farida.
Venho me correspondendo
pela internet (Facebook) com Clifford Omat Benson, que disse ser militar dos Estados
Unidos e está na Síria.O email dele é Clifordomatbenson@yahoo.com . E o email do suposto General
que eu enviei os documentos é jatmikorudy@yahoo.com
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Ella - ms.ella.eiena@aol.co.uk
Envoyé le : Sa, 8 Avr 2017
Sujet : I'll be online today after 21.00 at night... ms.ella.eiena@aol.co.uk
Hello my darling.
I now sent you a message through my skype. I hope you received my message? If you still haven't seen my message, then know that today after 21 hours night I will be online in skype. I really want to meet you online. I want to see you via webcam, so please try to be online after 21 hours of night in my Estonian time, okay ?
By the way, can i ask you a question ? What do you think of virtual sex ? Have you ever tried to have sex via webcam ? Personally, i have never engaged in virtual sex, but i have one friend of the woman who loves to have virtual sex with men via webcam. She really told me a lot about this virtual. She said virtual sex as pleasurable as in reality. I don't know if it's actually true, but after talking with her, i had a strong desire to try to have virtual sex with you. Damn it, you probably now think of me as a depraved woman. I am very ashamed in front of you due to the fact that i offer you this... I'm not a loose woman but i have almost gone six months without sex, so i burn with the desire to feel that passion again, what do you think, if we're to try to have virtual sex via skype ? I now even have some idea how it will happen... at first, when we only see each other, we just talk about everything - then you're complimenting me and i told you that you look beautiful - i suggest you to have virtual sex, and in response you say, "let's see each other" - i take off my blouse and you see my half-naked body - then you also take off their shirt and show me your beautiful male body - when i see your naked body i say to you, "Oh, i want to touch your body" - in response to my words you're telling me that i'm beautiful and that you wanted to touch your lips to my nipples - i take off my bra and my breasts exposed for you - then i touch my breasts and i see in your eyes that you're so excited to touch my breasts - then you're telling me that your dick is already up in excitement - i continue to touch my breast, you at the same time touch your cock - then, i see your dick is already bulging out of your pants and it just makes me doubly excite - then, i feel like seeing you, my pussy starts to get wet with desire and with one hand i begin to caress my pussy pushing hand into panties - at this time you continue to caress your dick and start to take off your pants and panties, so i can see your raised cock - then seeing you, i also take off pants and show you my pussy, which was wet from your excitement - then we continue to look at bare on each other and begin to have an orgasm - i start to moan from the orgasm and you're also ejaculate your sperm from the tested orgasm...
Damn it, i'm so ashamed to write to you about my sexual dreams, that my face even blushed... and probably right now you think of me as a hooker who does not know what writes. But i'm not a hooker... I just wanted to try to excite you with my dreams. And i hope i did it excite you... it is a pity that you live so far away from me. If you lived here in Estonia, we could meet you somewhere in a cafe and could just spend time together. But unfortunately you are far from me, so i can only hope that one day we will be able to meet you in real life and can in reality make love.
This is my home address in Tallinn :
10134 Estonia, city Tallinn, street Ravi 6
If one day you will be in Estonia, then come to visit me at this address. I'm happy to meet you at home.
By the way, if i decide to send you any gift via FedEx, on what postal address can i send ? I still wonder what gift i can send to you, but if you give me your address, maybe in the near future i will send you something as a gift from Estonia.
Ok, i need to work now. I still have some paperwork that i need to do today. I'll see you tonight after 21 hours of the night, okay ?
De : Ella - ms.ella.eiena@aol.co.uk;
Envoyé le : Ma, 11 Avr 2017
Sujet : Please do not be silent, write me... ms.ella.eiena@aol.co.uk
My sweetheart, tell me honestly, what's going on with you ? Why are you silent ? Or maybe you don't want to know me more ?
This is already the 5 letter that i write to you. I wrote you on Saturday night... then i wrote to you on Sunday and also yesterday on Monday. I have three days waiting for a letter or a phone call from you, but unfortunately there is still no response from you and your silence is very frustrating for me...
You know ,darling, up to this point, i thought that we with you become closer. I thought you love me, because i myself in this time of our acquaintance began to feel closeness to you.
I don't know what is lately happening to me... I really miss you, you ain't getting off my head and right now i can't even concentrate on my work because all my thoughts are of you. Why... tell me why you don't write to me anymore ?
Damn it, i do not know what to do now. I'm afraid to lose you, but if it is your decision and if you do not want to know me, then i'll leave you alone. But i ask you, write to me and tell me directly that you no longer want to know me, okay ?
I do not know if you ever write to me, but in my heart i hope that you at least the last time i write.
I really miss you. Please do not be silent, write me.
Your Ella
E-mail d'origine-----
De : Ella
Envoyé le : Je, 13 Avr 2017 16:45
Sujet : Darling, i miss you a lot : ms.ella.eiena@aol.co.uk
Oh, my sweetheart, finally i saw your letter... I'm so happy... Thank you, that you wrote to me again !!!
Damn it, excuse me, but it turns out it was my fault that your letters did not reach me. It appears in my laptop was a virus and for this reason my skype and my email were blocked.
To be honest, i myself did not know that my laptop was loaded with a virus. But i decided to give my laptop for service because of problems with logging into my skype. And this morning i got a call from the service and they said that my laptop was loaded with a virus and that was the reason for everything. But now they removed the virus and gave me a guarantee that now everything will work well.
Oh, i've missed you so much so far that right now i can not even find the right words to convey to you that feeling of joy that i feel inside of me after i saw your letter. I do not know if you now believe my words, but i really feel happy when i see your letter. My mood really becomes joyful and... (damn, i can not find the words any further)... In general, i wanted to say that you make my day much happier with your letter (ha-ha-ha... at last i found The right word, what i wanted to tell you).
About our communication in skype... I'm sorry that i could not be online last Saturday. But honestly, i still have not lost hope of meeting you in skype to see you through the webcam.
I really want to do with you virtual love. I really want to see you naked through the webcam. I want to see your body... I want to see how your cock gets up from excitement when you see my naked body through the webcam. I hope you remember my erotic dreams, which i wrote to you in my previous letters?
Dear, maybe we could try again to agree with you about a meeting in skype ? Maybe again this Saturday also after 21 hours? I promise you that this time i will not fail you. And if you believe me, then please be online the day after tomorrow on Saturday after 21 hours a night, okay ?
I want to ask you a few questions. This concerns my arrival to you on my vacation in late April.
in the past my letter i wrote was to you that i plan to take a vacation for the period from 23 to 30 April. And i also told you that i could possibly come to visit you for 3-4 days. To be honest, i did not change my mind to come to you, but before i come to you, i would like to know about some of the nuances :
1. What is the nearest airport to you ?
2. If i fly to you, can you meet me at the airport ?
3. Where can i live? Can you meet me at your house or will i need to book a hotel ? (if i need to book a hotel, which hotel do you recommend ?)
4. This will be the last question... What kind of intentions will you have after meeting me ? I mean sex... Would you like to have sex with me when i come to you ?
I understand that i ask you many questions, but please let me know your answer, because for me it is important. And please do not worry about the costs. All the cash costs for my arrival to you i take on myself, so you do not need to worry about it.
Now about my phone number that i gave you, i gave you the correct phone number and this is
+ 372-591-20280
I really did wait for your call every day, hoping that you would call me. But unfortunately i did not receive any calls and even SMS from you and for me it was very sad. But recently i learned that it turns out this is not your fault that you can't reach me. The fact that today i had to make a call from Poland. Last week i signed a contract for the purchase of gold necklaces in Poland and today a businessman from Poland had to call me on my phone for the delivery of bought me a necklace to me in Estonia. But there was no call from him and after a long wait i decided to call him myself. I dialed his number on my mobile phone, but no call beeps was heard. It was very strange, because when you call, you always hear the ringing tones. But there were no beeps and after that i decided to call the provider of my telephone connection to find out about the problem. And the reason for everything was my provider. My provider cut off my international phone call service and it turns out that my phone was not available for international calls.
Today i wanted to reconnect this service for international calls, but my provider told me that for this i need to come to their office. But i do not have time today to go to his office, because in 3 hours i am leaving for Poland to meet with a Polish businessman. Today i phoned him from my colleague's phone and now he asks me to come to Poland to sign the final contract for the delivery of necklaces to Estonia.
I already bought a ticket for the train and in 3 hours i will have to take the train to Gdansk. It's a city in Poland, where i'm going today. It is about 1030 kilometers from Tallinn.
Do not worry about our meeting on skype on Saturday. On Saturday afternoon i will be back at home in Tallinn, so as i promised, i will be online after 21 hours a night.
Oh, i do not want to stop writing now, because when i write to you, i feel in another world where i'm happy. But unfortunately i must stop, because i now need to prepare for a trip to Poland.
Dear, i will write to you when i return home. And by the way, about my international call service. I will try to reconnect this service to my phone on Saturday, when i will come back from Poland. So, if everything goes well, then this Saturday i can call you myself.
Until Saturday, my sweetheart. Mmmuuuaaahhh... I hope it sounds like a kiss sound.
By the way, i sent these photos specially for you. I hope you like :-)
I hug and kiss you,
your Ella
De : Ella - ms.ella.eiena@aol.co.uk
Envoyé le : Ma, 18 Avr 2017
Sujet : Darling, tell me, can you help me ? ms.ella.eiena@aol.co.uk
Hello my sweetheart.
Oh darling, i do not know if right now you see this is my letter, but if you see it, then please answer me quickly, okay ?
Damn it, i do not even know how to write you about it right now. And please forgive me if my request offends you. God knows, i do not want to ask you for help, but it turned out that i was in terrible trouble and therefore i ask you to help me.
Dear, i'm now at the railway station in the city of Kaliningrad in Russia. And right now i am writing you this letter from a local internet cafe. Yes, of course it would be better if i could call you and explain my situation to you by phone, but unfortunately the tariff of my mobile connection does not have an international line, so i can just write to you.
Please forgive me for asking you for help. I know that we are not so close to you. And i also know that we know each other only by correspondence, but if i'm even a little special to you, i beg you to help me, okay ?
Damn it, i do not even know how to explain to you all my situation. What's happening to me now is like a nightmare. It's all so complicated and honestly, right now i just do not know how to explain my situation to you with words.
Do you remember my last letter that i wrote to you on Thursday last week ? Then in my letter i told you that i would go to Poland to the city of Gdansk to sign a contract for the delivery of gold necklaces to Estonia. So, i came to Poland for these Polish necklaces, but when i arrived there, i was horrified to learn that there were no jewelry. Damn, this businessman from Gdansk, with whom i concluded the contract, deceived me. I paid him money for gold necklaces, but when i came to his meeting in Gdansk, i was horrified to learn from him that the jewelry i bought was not with him, but with his Russian partners in the city of Kaliningrad, which is located on the territory of Russia.
When i found out about it from him, i was in hysterics, because i felt his deception. I was very angry with him and i already wanted to terminate the contract with him. But unfortunately i could not terminate the contract with him, because in this case i would lose all my money, which i spent on the purchase of these necklaces.
As a result, i myself had to go to Kaliningrad to pick up the necklace i bought and take them to my home in Estonia. I have a business visa, so i had permission to go to the territory of Russia.
At first i was a little afraid of this meeting with a Russian businessman, because i thought that he would also deceive me. But thank God, our meeting with him went well. He was polite and after meeting me he just gave me all the jewelry i bought and wished a successful return home.
After i took away my jewelry, i immediately went to the railway station, so as to rather go home to Estonia. I hid all the gold necklaces in my baggage and thought that i myself could take them home. But when customs control passed through the station, the Russian customs arrested all my baggage with the necklace and from this moment the whole nightmare began.
Damn it, this is not a country, it's just some kind of shit called Russia. Russian customs arrested my baggage with a necklace because i did not have certificates for these necklaces i bought. And the Russian customs officer told me that for exporting so many gold ornaments, i need to have a certain permit issued by their government.
At first i could not at all understand what resolution he was telling me. But then the customs officer explained to me that according to their law for exporting so many gold jewelry, i need to have an international certificate that would give me the right to transport the necklace i bought across their border. But i did not have this certificate and therefore the Russian customs arrested all my baggage with a necklace.
Oh my God, it's just some kind of crazy house. I for the first time encounter such laws and therefore i feel confused. I have been in this business for a long time, but i've never heard of such a law on mandatory certification of gold necklaces. But here in Russia it turns out very different laws. I was not aware of their laws and so it turned out that i was in such a terrible situation with their customs.
Now the Russian customs has arrested all my baggage with gold necklaces and accuse me of illegally exporting gold ornaments. They require me to pay them an administrative fine for my offense.
The customs officer ordered me a fine and now if i do not pay this damned fine, then she will not let me go home. The amount of the fine is 50,000 Russian rubles or about 840 euro. If i had enough money now to pay this fine, i would not ask you for help. But the problem is that i do not have enough money now. I spent all my money on buying these gold necklaces and so i ask you to help me at least with some money so that i can pay this damned fine to Russian customs.
Darling, if i ask you to lend me some money, tell me, can you help me ? I now have about 270 euro in my hands, but these my money is not enough to pay a fine. I need another 570 euro so that i can fully pay the fine. Please just do not think badly of me. I myself hate myself because i now ask you for help. But i have no other way to find money, so i'm crying with tears in my eyes asking you to help me with the money.
Damn it, it's been 3 days since i was in Kaliningrad, but i still can not find a solution or money to solve my problem with Russian customs. I already applied for help to my friends in Estonia, but none of my friends wanted to lend me money. I also applied for help to my bank, but in my bank they told me that they can not transfer money to Russia, because because of European sanctions against Russia, Russian banks refuse to make financial transactions with my Estonian bank. The last hope for me was the help of my embassy. I went to my embassy to ask for their help. I told my embassy about my problem with the Russian customs, but the answer in my embassy told me that they can not interfere with the solution of my problems, because i myself am to blame for violating the Russian law. My consul told me that they could help me if this my problem concerned me personally or my human rights. But since this my problem is related to my business, my embassy refused to help me.
As you can see, i tried all the options to find money to solve my problem with Russian customs. But unfortunately somehow the whole world gave up on me and no one wanted to help me.
Dear, i do not want to interfere with you in my problems, but unfortunately you are my last hope. If you do not help me, then i will be arrested and put in jail because of avoiding paying a fine. Russian customs gave me only 7 days to pay a fine and if until next Monday until April 24 i did not pay this damned fine, then i would be arrested and put in jail. I promise you that this is only for a couple of days. I ask you to lend me 570 euro before i return home. If tomorrow you lend me this money, then i swear to you that the day after tomorrow i will return you your money back.
Please just do not turn away from me, as my friends did. I always thought that i have good friends, but my friends seemed to have conspired with each other. All my friends told me in response to my request for help that they now have no money and because of this they refused to help me.
I now began to think that my friends are fake, because a true friend would never give up in trouble. But my friends abandoned me, so now i think they just pretended to be my friends.
But i will hope that you are not like that. I will hope that you will take care of me and help me get out of this nightmare.
I'm very ashamed to ask you about money, but apart from you, i really do not really have anyone to turn to for help now, so now i'm crying with tears in my eyes to help me.
Please write me when you read my letter.
I will wait for your prompt reply.
With tears in my eyes,
your Ella
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Sir. Phillip D. Leonard - geekasx0025twzqremew@btconnect.com>
Attention: Sir.
I introduce myself as Sir. Phillip D. Leonard the Senior Portfolio Manager with Cass Asset Management in Europe. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail.
I got your details in my search for a reputable foreigner that will accept my private investment proposal. The content of my email is a bit detailed that is why I first seek your permission before emailing my proposal for your perusal, kindly permit me by return mail.
Sir. Phillip D. Leonard
RESPONDER PARA - Sir. Phillip D. Leonard - sirphillipdoughty21@gmail.com
responder para - bar.williamsdarvis1@yahoo.com
Mr. Rex W. Tillerson
1 de jun (Há 1 dia)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários. Se não conhecer o remetente, não clique em links nem responda com suas informações pessoais. Saiba mais
U.S Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520.
Dear Beneficiary
Your ATM Visa Card will be shipped through USPS to your address. I am Mr. Rex W. Tillerson, United States Secretary of State by profession. This is to inform you officially that after our investigations with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other Security Agencies in the Country for the year 2016 and 2017, we discovered that you have not yet received your over due fund.
I have made it my first point of call since taking office to settle all Outstanding Payments accrued to Individuals or Corporations with respect to local and overseas contract payment, Debt Rescheduling and Outstanding Compensation payment.
This is to make sure all Outstanding payments are settled beginning of this fiscal year 2017. On Behalf of the entire staff of the U.S. Department of State and the United Nations in collaboration with World Bank, we apologize for the delay of your contract payment, Winning or Inheritance funds from most of African Countries and all the inconveniences you encountered while pursuing this payment.
However, from the records of outstanding beneficiaries due for payment with the U.S Secretary of State, your name was discovered as next on the list of the outstanding payment who has not yet received their payments.
Note that from the record in my file, your outstanding contract payment is $1,850,000.00 USD (One Million, Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) loaded in an ATM Visa Card that allows you to make a daily maximum withdrawal limit of $5,000 Five Thousand Dollars) YOUR ATM PIN CODE ( 7250 ).
I have your file here in my office and it says that you are yet to receive your fund valued at $1,850,000.00 USD (One Million, Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand United States Dollars). This Funds will now be delivered to your designated address or your preferred payment option.
We have perfected all modules on how to bring this fund to your house without any problem, but be aware that United Nations and the United States Government has only authorised my office to release the Sum of $1,850,000.00 USD to you as true beneficiary of the Fund.
Note that your loaded ATM Visa Card will be mailed to you through Priority Mail Express (USPS) to your designated address immediately you admit full compliance to this email. Due to my busy schedules You are advised to kindly get in contact with our correspondent Barrister William Darvis with the below details enclosed to help ensure safe mailing of your ATM Visa Card:
Your Full Name:
Your Contact House Address:
Name of City of Residence:
Country of Residence:
Direct Mobile Telephone Number:
ID Card, DL or Passport Copy:
Age and Occupation:
Contact Barrister William Darvis immediately by replying to this email or emailing the address below:
Name: Barrister William Darvis
Email: bar.williamsdarvis1@yahoo.com
TELEPHONE: +1 (415)-494-8827
He is obliged to treat your case with utmost urgency as soon as you contact him and fill out your correct details including all reachable phone numbers for him to get in touch with you via phone and email.
NOTE: Every documentation proof for your fund have been packaged and sealed to be mailed together with your Visa Card to your address. Therefore, the only obligation required of you by the laws of the Government of United States and the financial Monetary Policy of the Supreme Court, states that; you as a beneficiary must officially obtain the irrevocable LEGAL STAY OF PROCEED from the Supreme Court of USA, as a means to justify the legitimacy, transparency and clean bill of funds from USA so that by the time your funds gets to you, no authority will question the funds as it has been legally certified free from all financial Malpractices and facets. The LEGAL STAY OF PROCEED is valued at a cost of just ( $320) please take note of that.
As soon as the above mentioned $320 is received, The LEGAL STAY OF PROCEED will be secured on your behalf immediately. I need all the compliance that I can get from you to ensure we get this project accomplished. Personally, I am very sorry for the delay you have gone through in the past years. Thanks for adhering to this instructions which are meant for your sole benefit, once again accept my congratulations in advance.
Thanks for your cooperation as your quick response to this email notice with adherence to the above instructions is highly anticipated.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Rex W. Tillerson.
_____________________________________Dearest One,
Mr.John Peter
16:24 (Há 2 horas)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários. Se não conhecer o remetente, não clique em links nem responda com suas informações pessoais. Saiba mais
Dearest One,
I Hope This Mail Meets You In Good Health And Spirit, I Am,mr, John Peter, A
Nationality of (Cote d'Ivoire) .Presently, I Live As a Refugee In Republic of
Benin, With My baby . I Am A Victim Of War And The Son Of Late Chief Tony
Douglas The Assassinated Former Assistant Director Of Cote d'Ivoire Gold And
Diamond Mining Corporation.
My Father Was Killed With Other Government Officials During Official Hours When
The Rebel Troops Stormed And Raided The Mining Corporation Office At The Heat
Of The Crisis In My Country. Few Weeks Later, The Rebels Also Invaded Our
Residential Building In Which My Mother And Two Of Our Security Men Were Killed
In The Compound While I Was Out For A Special Research Program.
I had a singular shock and trauma, which compelled us to flee from the country
to Republic of Benin by the help of an army colonel, who is a close friend of
my late father. I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek your
assistance to transfer our cash of Eight Million dollars, ( $8 Million United
State Dollars) now in the custody of a bank in Benin Republic to your private
account pending our arrival to your country.
We are Making This Request To You With Tears In our Eyes And I Feel That God
Almighty Will Touch You With His Spirit for you To Listen To My Cry For Help
And Answer Me Without Delay. For your assistance, We will be glad to offer you
15% of the total sum for your effort assistance,
In your reply, i will like you to send to us your contact information stated
bellow and i have in this attached in attachment my identity card for more
1) Your Full Name:-...............
2) Your Age:-.....................
3) Marital Status:-...............
4) Your private Cell Phone Number:..........
5) Your Country:-.................
6) Your Occupation:-..............
7) Sex:-.......................
we are anxiously waiting for your acceptance reply to help us out.
Your Urgent Reply is needed.
Best regard
mr, John Peter
Email: johpeter2017@gmail.com
service mail - ericapson288@gmail.com
Sempre traduzir: francês
Vimos uma tentativa de conectar a sua conta do Gmail! Uma vez que um .Suivez máquina de protocolo de segurança não reconhecido que irá excluir permanentemente sua conta dentro de 24 horas depois de ler esta mensagem. Clique em " LOGIN " Encha a grade informação:
--------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: Samihah Halim - samihahalim11@gmail.com>
Fecha: 1 de junio de 2017,
Asunto: Sra. Samihah Halim.
Para: xxxxx
Gracias por su respuesta. Me complace observar en su correo que su propiedad aún está disponible; Estoy absolutamente interesado en comprar la propiedad de usted. No estoy viviendo en su país en la actualidad, como para permitirme venir inmediatamente para una inspección personal de la propiedad antes de pagar por ella. En este momento, estoy en Siria, aunque quiero trasladarme a su país lo antes posible, por lo que deseo comprarle la propiedad y establecer una inversión en su país.
Mi difunto esposo era un industrial sirio y miembro del consejo de negocios sirio en Damasco antes de su muerte. Mi familia está bajo la amenaza del Presidente Basher al-Assad por nuestro decidido apoyo a un verdadero gobierno democrático en Siria, lo que conduce a la muerte de mi esposo.
Debido a la actual protesta del presidente Basher al-Assad en el país. Muchas familias corren por sus vidas mientras los militantes islámicos matan a civiles, mujeres y niños. Quiero traer a su conocimiento que tengo en mi posesión la suma de 11.7 MILLONES DE DÓLARES DE LOS EEUU. Éste es el dinero que mi difunto esposo ahorró para toda su vida como industrial y lo guardé en una caja de envío porque poner ese dinero en un banco es un riesgo muy grande en mi país.
He conseguido este dinero en una caja y he consultado a un enviado aquí en Damasco que me ayudará en mover mi caja de Siria para la custodia y la inversión posible. Esta es la razón por la que estoy en necesidad aguda de una persona fiable y digna de confianza que recibirá la caja, seguro y proteger hasta mi llegada que debe ser como se especifica. Tengo que aprovechar esta oportunidad porque; No tengo otra alternativa que confiar en alguien. Soy un huérfano sin hermano o hermana, así que no puedo arriesgar mi vida aquí para evitar el fin de mi linaje familiar.
Todo lo que tengo son mis dos hijos. Se merecen una vida decente ya que quiero que crezcan en un ambiente pacífico. Voy a trasladar a su país con mi familia e invertir el dinero de conformidad con la ley, su consejo y asistencia. Podemos trabajar juntos y lograr un mejor futuro para nuestras familias. Por favor, tendrá que tomar nota de que el enviado no es consciente de que mi caja contiene dinero y esto es por razones de seguridad.
Todo lo que pido es que me permita registrar el envío en su nombre como tesoro familiar y se espera que lo reciba una vez que llegue a su país. No habrá riesgo en este acuerdo; He hecho la disposición necesaria para la entrega segura de la caja de envío a su ubicación preferida. Asumiré que usted es capaz de manejar un trato de esta magnitud y también confiar en que usted mantenga absoluto secreto y confidencialidad para proteger este gran logro. En menos de 1 semana la caja debe estar en su posesión si usted es rápido de su parte y me uniré a usted tan pronto como sea posible. Tener cuidado; He tomado medidas preventivas para asegurar el dinero. La caja está codificada con gadget de alta seguridad y yo soy el único que tiene el derecho de desbloquear el código pin.
Le daré el 30% de la suma total de $ 11.700.000 para su ayuda y cooperación mientras que el 70% será mi propia parte. Creo que este es un trato justo. Escríbame en este (correo electrónico) para obtener más detalles si está de acuerdo en asociarse conmigo.
Espero su respuesta positiva y en la recepción de su información le proporcionaré más detalles. La información necesaria es: Su nombre completo, su dirección completa y su número de teléfono privado. No tenemos el tiempo de lujo para desperdiciar tan amablemente responder tan pronto como sea posible.
Sra. Samihah Halim.
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Becky Miles info@talentscout.com>
A: Recipients - info@talentscout.com>
Envoyé le : Je, 1 Jun 2017 23:53
Sujet : Talent Scout $560,000 : sonypicturesstudio@usa.com
Dear Talented,
I am Talent Scout For Sony Pictures Animation, Present Sony Pictures Animation Movies a Film Corporation Located in the United State, is Soliciting for the Right to use Your Photo/Face and Personality as One of the Semi -Major Role/ Character in our Upcoming ANIMATED Stereoscope 3D Movie-The Story of Peter Rabbit (Peter Rabbit 2018) The Movie is Currently Filming (In Production) Please Note That There Will Be No Auditions, Traveling or Any Special / Professional Acting Skills, Since the Production of This Movie Will Be Done with our State of Art Computer -Generating Imagery Equipment. We Are Prepared to Pay the Total Sum of
$560,000.00 USD.
For more information/understanding, please write us on the email below...
All Reply to: sonypicturesstudio@usa.com
Note : only the response send to this mail will be given a prior
Talent Scout
Becky Miles
--E-mail d'origine-----
De : Genie Ven - genie_ven@yahoo.com
A: xxxxxx
Envoyé le : Me, 24 Mai 2017 9:04
Sujet : Still looking for love ?
Hello ! Im still single here..please send me photos of you.
Im 29 y s old... im older than you... hehehe
Im here in the pesonet cafe... using computer
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Lavalentina - lavalentina@i.ua
Envoyé le : Ve, 25 Mai 2017
Sujet : I am so scared that I will lose you now... lavalentina@i.ua
Hey !
How are you today ? How is mood ? Hope it is fantastic! enjoying your day ? Hope work does not bring you much stress ! You really enlightened my bad day with your message ! Amazing how words can make me feel better ! You bring me good feelings and I really love that :)
How do you spend evenings ? My evenings are always boring because we can not even go outside when it is dark here. At least I have a roommate, but instead of her, I would rather have you close to me :) Do you like to cuddle ? I love touches and tickling! Are you very ticklish ? :)) Do not want to sound rude, but what is your favourite part of the body that you like in woman ? Today I was quite stressed at work... and have decided to do crazy thing for you ! I took a special photo right in the dressing room ! Yummy photos it is! and also a short dance for you ! please tell me what you think of it :))))
Remember I told you about my bad day ? I was writing you this letter, when boss came and told that he is closing down the place in some days so I will lose the job now... needless to say how sad I am after this news :(( things were not going well here so I should have expected that to come anyway... but this is not even the main thing why I am so depressed now. I am so scared that I will lose you now... as you know I
am writing from work and I will lose opportunity to write you :(( I went around town searching for internet cafes, but no cafes working here in the town... war here changed life of people... everything I could find was a used computer here to buy... but now I can not afford it :( it is a bit less of 200 dollars, honey, and I simply have no money for that... sorry for letting you down. I feel so stupid and helpless :( Roommate can not help either...
I know that you might not reply to me now... hate to be disappointing for anyone... especially one I like so much ! Hope you will not be way too angry at me, darling !
with all my love and kiss to you,
Tessy olds - tessyolds26@hotmail.com
Hello Dearest
I decided to contact you because of the urgency of my situation here and after reading your profile ,I am interested in you,Well I am Miss Tessy Barsharn, 24 years old girl from Sudan,the only daughter of Late Col.Isaiah Abraham Barsharn, the deputy minister of national security under the leadership of the formal rebel leader Vice president John Garang who died in plane crash, after many innocent soul were killed ,My father was killed by government of Vice President John Garang ,he accuse my father of coup attempt,My late father Col.Isaiah Abraham Barsharn, was the Chairman,Gruv-Melton Oil and Gas Company a private extracting oil firm in Khartoum the capital of Sudan,The brutal killing of my mother and my father, one kid sister and kid brother took place one early morning by the rebels as a result of the civil war that is going on in my country.
It was like a dream coming true,when i received your letter today that you sincerely want to help me, I am happy to know some one that is honest and sincere like you, You have changed my days and my life today,However, i wish to give you detail explanation on the letter that i sent to you, I lost my mother, junior ones and my father during the war in my Country Darfur Sudan,while i came to Senegal with the help of a good Samaritan, that later drop me at the refugee camp here in Senegal,
I want you to understand more about my situation here in the camp, I am e-mailing you from the office of the Rev.Father who is pasturing at the church in the refugee camp, I have explained to him a little about my life though not every thing, i told the Rev.Father about my communication with you and he permitted me to access my e-mail in his office computer here in the refugee camp, mean while life is just not easy since I don't have any body here to take care of me,the church Address : Church of God Mission,Dakar Senegal,Dear you can call me through the reverend phone number,The Reverend Telephone number is (+221-773457465),Please when you call ask of Miss.Tessy Barsharn,and he will send for me to answer your call,The Reverend name is Reverend Father. George Kalifah .
Mean while I wanted to escape to Europe but my late fathers brother's hide away my international passport and other valuable traveling documents, Luckily they did not discover where I kept my father,s File which contains important documents, So I decided to run to the refugee camp where I am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Dakar UNHCR, Republic of Senegal,because they wanted to kill me also and made a way with my late father's money, I wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship and investment assistance in your Country,My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$5.700, 000.00 in a Bank with my name as the next of kin, However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and investment of the fund,As you will help me in an investment, and i will like to complete my studies, as i was in my 1styear in the university, when the crisis started, This is the reason why I decided to contact you, Please all communications should be through this email address only for confidential purposes,Please i am asking you to stand on my behalf as my partner as well as the beneficiary to claim this money out from the bank and transfers it into your position, I have made up my mind to offer you 20% of the total money, while the remaining will go into a productive business for us.
Like i told you, i have my father's death certificate, Trust account last statement, and also a writing Will, that the money must be transferred abroad before withdrawal, this is for my security and the safety of the money and this is the main reason why i need your help.
I want you to know that the money is with Bank in London, and it is going to be transferred to you in a legal manner.
Dear Send to me Your Full names, address, occupation and telephone number,Up on receiving this information from you i will then draft a mail to the bank to present you as my partner after which i will equally give you their contact details,so that when you contact the bank, they will honor your letter,I am happy to know you, I hope to hear from you.
Miss Tessy Barsharn.
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