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De: Frederick George -
Enviado: sexta-feira, XX de abril de 2017
Para: xxxxxxx
Assunto: Nice to meet you here xxxxx,
Nice to meet you here xxxxx, very sorry for late reply i am busy with
my work today, thank you so much for your respond to my email, I will
try to always check my email because of you, I feel so nice meeting
you here and is nice meeting new friends, I work with the US-Army I'm
presently redeployed here in Afghanistan but I will be going back to
Modesto California on June 15th, how long have you been here and what
do you want from here, please feel free to ask me any thing you want
to know about me and I will always get back to you as soon as I get my
I'm working today but I will get back my email as soon as I get off
work, tell me what you are doing today i will like to know more about
you Thanks so much for your email I will appreciate your constant
communication, what do you want from here I'm looking for a long term
relationship because I'm tired of single and loneliness I want to love
and be loved, I don't mind visiting you before my going back home if
we are compatible
Enjoy the rest of your day
Enc: More about me
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sexta-feira, 28 de abril de 2017 17:26
Assunto: More about me
Hello xxxxxxxxx
Thank you for your very nice e-mail, I really did like & enjoy it a
lot, I think is right I tell you more about me, so if we are
compatible I will be happy to meet you in person when I complete my
service here by June.
A little more about me, My name is Fredrick George, I'm 46 years old I
was born & raised & lived in Modesto Cali all my life, I have
colleges from Modesto high school,My duty as infantry officer is I'm
responsible in leading the infantry and combined armed forces during
land combat.
I do not come from a big family, My fathers died when I was 14 years
all my life is with my mom before I had my son Alex, my mom have been
all my life and she have the custody of Alex when I am in service, I
have no brother and no sister, I'm presently serving in Afghanistan
with the US-Army but hopefully I will be done with my service by 15th
of June and go back home for good,
I like mostly all kinds of food, Eastern European, Italian, Chinese
etc, My favorite color is red, My favorite music is vocals/standards,
movie & show music + early 70's pop & disco/dance. Favorite kind of
movie is scary & my favorite flower is carnation.
I am looking for someone who has attributes such as caring, generous,
sincere & honest with an optimistic attitude about life & down to
earth, I believe I possess these qualities. I am a bit shy but just
at first & after that, I can talk for hours. I do enjoy going to the
movies & watching live concerts though. I have been working with the
US-Army for 16 years now,
I love the color Red as its the color of romance & passion. I love to
eat pasta & Italian cuisine, but my favorite food is Eastern European.
I hate liars & dishonest people, gossips, lazy people,drugs, &
criminals. Also, I dislike insecure people & people who put others
down to make themselves feel good.
I hope I have all the qualities you are looking for in a man. I
believe that communication is very essential for a successful
relationship I will always keep in touch from here till I make it home
to see you in person
Till I hear from you
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: domingo, xxxx de abril de 2017 xxx
Assunto: Re: XXXXXX waiting for xxxx
XXXXXX thank you so much for your compliment I promise you will never
regret giving me a chance because I want a long time relationship with
you that will lead us to something more I know we will have so much to
talk and do together if I make it to see you in Brazil, I'm tired of
loneliness and single and meeting you is a dream come true if you will
be patient to wait for me till the month of June that i will complete
my service here, you sound so nice and caring and I want you to
confide in me I know is destiny that brought us together and I want to
see what the future hold for us
I will check on you here tomorrow I appreciate your compliments and I
want this to continue because I'm interested in dating you
Have a blessed weekend
Kisses n big hug
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: segunda-feira,xx de maio de 2017
Para: xxx
Assunto: Re: xxxx:-D <3 p="">
Wow thank you so much my sweetheart xxxxx, I'm so happy reading from
you again and feel so free to call me any nickname that you feel you
like to call me, I can't wait to see you in person, is also May 1st
here and most offices here is closed because of the workers day
celebration, I'm so happy for all you said to me and believe me I
meant well and I want this relationship to take us to something more
because I want both of us to make a difference,
I'm so happy you made my day
Thank you so much my angel Sheila
Kisses n big hug!
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017 XXX
Para: XXXX
Assunto: My sweetheart XXXX,
My sweetheart XXXX, honestly I have not met you before but you are
all over my head since we have started sharing emails back and front
here I'm so desperate to see you in person to know what the future
hold for us, I have never been to Brazil before neither do I have any
body apart from you, I only love Brazil as a country because of the
natural culture of your footballing country, I like to watch Brazilian
team in any world cup, I use to watch some Brazilian's stars play in
some good clubs in Europe like Neymar JR because I'm a fan of
Barcelona, apart from this I have never been to Brazil of have any
friend in Brazil, you are the only Brazilian person I can say I have
now in my life that we have things to share together
So nice to read more about you and your family, I wish they will all
like me when I make it to Brazil in June, that is the only time I can
come more earlier because I want to fly straight from here to Brazil
to see you in person then after that I can fly from Brazil to
California if possible we can both fly together to see my family in
July during your vacation, we will work it out together when I make it
there because I really want to see you to know what the future hold
for us
I'm already falling in love with you Sheila, and I want this to
continue till we meet and never to part again, please always remember
that I think of you so much and want this relationship never to end
Till I hear from you
Kisses n big hug !
nviado: terça-feira, xxx de maio de 2017 xxx
Para: xxxxx
Assunto: Re: My sweetheart xxxx,
I strongly believe that destiny have brought us together here after so
many years of waiting my sweetheart xxxxx you have always be in my
mind and thank God i finally find you and I promise i will never let
you go, thank you so much for telling mom about us and I can't wait to
see your parents together because we need there blessings, I love you
so much I thankk God for blessing me with you I know you are the one
for me and I can't wait to meet you in the airport when I arrive, I
have this strong feelings for us also and I'm so desperate to see you
in person
Thank you so much xxxxx for putting smiles in my face,
God bless you my princess I love you so much
Kisses n big hug !
De: Frederick George ->
Enviado: terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: My sweetheart XXXXX,
You have brought back my happiness XXXX, I can't wait for that
moment to be with you because I know is destiny that have made this
possible for me and you, I don't have any doubt because I know you are
the woman for me and I know you will always love and respect me just
as I will take good care of you as my one and only wife because you
deserve the best for coming into my life, you complete me Sheila, i
can't wait to see this relationship take us so far, I know you will
never regret the choice you made to have me for the rest of your life,
you are the angel of my life each time I read from you I feel like the
best man in the whole wide world and I promise I will never let you
down, my mom will welcome you to my family with open heart because I
have told her and my son Alex about you and they are so happy I will
bring you to my family by July, I can't wait to be in Brazil I love
you so much my princess
You complete me and i have made up my mind to love you with all I have
and there is no going back, thank you so much my love
Have a good night sleep
kisses n big hug !
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: sábado,xx de maio de 2017 xxx
Para: xxxxxxxx
Assunto: Re: xxxxx <3 p="">
My angel the choice is your, I have never been to Brazil before that
is why you will have to show me the beautiful places you will want us
to visit when I make it to Brazil by June, I have the same feelings
with you my angel I know destiny have brought us here together and I
can't wait to start a new home with you, I have this deep feeling that
you are the one for me and I want this to come true
I have been so busy at work that is why I have not email but I will
check back again if you have send me email
I hope you enjoy you class today
I love you so much xxxx
Kisses n big hug !
Your husband to be
Enc: Atlântico Sul Hotel-RJ Brazil
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: terça-feira, XX de maio de 2017 XXXXX
Para: xxxxx
Assunto: Re: Atlântico Sul Hotel-RJ Brazil
Wow this are so beautiful my angel I know when I make it to Brazil we
will both visit the hotels you have beautiful country my angel I can't
wait to be there with you and see us start a new home together the
more I read from you here the more you are so deep in my heart and I
know we are going to make a better team together
You have always be the source of my happiness I will forever love you
How is your day going ? you are the owner of my heart
In love you XXXXX
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: quarta-feira, 10 de maio de 2017
Para: xxxx
Assunto: Re: New pictures for you
You are so caring my angel xxxx, thank you for everything you are doing over there to give me the best in Brazil when I arrive, I understand my love and I will be so happy you make arrangement of the hotel so before my arrival I can send you some money to pay for the hotel room
Thank you for the pictures, you are beautiful I love you so much
I will email you when I'm done with work later today
have a nice day my angel
kisses n big hug !
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: sexta-feira, 12 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: New pictures for you
Hope you are doing Okay my princess I have not heard from you I miss
you so so much
I hope to hear from you soon
De: Frederick George
Enviado: segunda-feira, 15 de maio de 2017
Para: xxxxx
Assunto: Re: Where are you? :-/
I miss you so so much my wife xxxxx, you have been the owner of my
heart you possesses me I can't stop thinking and looking at your
picture every moment of the day because you have always be the source
of my happiness, I know is destiny that have made us to fall in love
with each other this way after we have waited so long for true love to
come into my life, you have touched my heart so much that I can't do
without you,
The Pousada da Chegada hotel is fine I have checked it out and the
price is so reasonable, we will look at it when I arrive I think is a
very good place to spend sometime when I arrive Brazil, I just don't
know what you did to me I know nobody have ever talk to me the way you
do and that makes me so happy, I just can't wait to see this
relationship grow so far that we will be each other soul-mate
You are my dreams come true, how is your studies and how is the
weather over there, is sunny day today and very hot, I worked today,
hope you had a nice time also
Thank you so much for been the owner of my heart
Kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George ->
Enviado: quarta-feira, 17 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: Your wife
Wow my princess you are the best thing that ever come to me I can't
wait to be with you and we both start a new home together, you make me
feel so special and I want this to continue till eternity, I'm so
happy I found you also and I will never let you go, you are the best
XXXXX and I love you with all my heart
every day I check my email I read your email over and over and I know
is by the grace of God in my life that God have blessed me with you,
I'm so happy I really love you my wife and I know I will make a good
husband to you and take good care of you
I love you more and more every day
God bless you my angel
kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017 02:33
Para: xxx
Assunto: Your thought saved my life
Omg my sweetheart xxxx, I know is strange I have never been so happy
in my life this way, This suddenly came when you came into my life
and I never knew my death was drawing nearer but God saved me, is
terrible here early yesterday morning the Taliban attacked our camp,
You can't believe what happened to me, Your thought saved my life, am
so glad you came into my life, If not for you I would have be a dead
man, but God saved me because I always have you in my heart ever
since I met you here, Can you imagine that now that I have find
happiness in my heart I would have be a victim of circumstance in the
hands of the wicked world the Taliban's.
My love is a long story the Taliban threatened after the inauguration
of president Donald J Trump and his controversial Muslim ban after he
took over the oval office The Taliban's came over to my camp and
engaged on continuous shooting that lasted for about 1 hour 30
minutes, I thank God we where able to overcome them and followed them
up till we where able to destroy there hide out, My love i know God
that we serve will never forsake us, I couldn't believe what happened
but thank God we overcome them, We had the red alert on the
inauguration day and we tried to combat the attack and protest the
I'm happy they where unable to destroy our strong rooms where I have
all my life time savings and arrears, please my love I want to confide
in you since I only have just one month left to come to you because of
my savings of $860,000.00 I have here with me I no longer feel
comfortable keeping it here any more, I don't feel comfortable in me
any more keeping my hard earned money here in the war zone, I feel it
will be more saved in your custody if I can send it out to you through
diplomatic courier delivery to your doorstep since I will be coming
straight from here to come and meet you so you can keep my cash money
along with my valuable items in your safe custody till I make it home
next month
Is so good that I can not stop thinking about you that today have
saved my life and because of this I will make sure that both of us
benefit from this fund, Please I want you to assure me that you will
keep this fund in a safe place till I come over, I sustained a minor
injury on my knees I will be going to see the medical personal as soon
as I get of the communication center,
Please honey tell me that I will count on you, I will be online after
my treatment later in the day so we can chat as usual, i love you so
much my princess i know is because you have me in your heart that is
why am alive today,
please let me know when you be online I will check on you immediately
after my treatment, I need urgently your house address and your
telephone number including your full names, to enable me send my
baggage to you tomorrow as I will not be allowed to carry along with
me access luggage to meet with you and moreover I want the fund to be
in your safe custody till my arrival, I know our future is better than
any thing material please I am counting on you my love,
I need you now honey please am waiting
Thank you for your understanding,
Yours forever husband
De: Frederick George =
Enviado: sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017 X
Assunto: Information well received,
My darling sweet wife XXXXXX, I know from the day we met that God is
taking us to a greater height and I can't wait to be with you, you are
my world I have been thinking of you even through out my pains after
the Taliban's attacked my camp, all i see is you,
I got the details thank you so much for your help and concern to get
me home to you forever together, I can't wait to see you face to face
when I make it home, I will be going early tomorrow morning to send
the luggage to your doorstep. Please my love I am putting all my hope
and trust in your care please have it save in your custody so when I
come back home we will start our own life together. I'm so sorry I
kept you so worried
I trust you with all my heart and soul and I believe you are the only
woman after my heart, I know God destined us to be and i will do all I
can to meet up to your expectation when i come over to be with you.
Honey, I will let you know as soon as I send so you will know when to
look out for my baggage, I promise you will never regret the choice
you made in taking me as your soul-mate,
Thank so much I am so proud having you in my life
Kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017
Para: xxxxxx
Assunto: Thank you so much for your prayers
My wife xxxxx I'm coming to Brazil for good am no longer serving here any more after the 15th of June, God have been saving me from all danger here and I can't continue to try God, I think this is a warning to me to leave here for good and start a new life and I thank God for blessing me with you, I'm coming to you from 15th I will send you my flight schedule so you will know the exact time and date I will be with you so you can come to the airport to pick me up, my mind no longer belong here any more, I'm coming to Brazil for good and nothing will change my decision
I love you with all my heart my sweet wife, I know I now belong to you
Thank you so much for your prayers
kisses n big hug
Your husband
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: Thank you so much for your prayers
Yes I already told my mom about you and I have told her of my intention of visiting you after my service here and she is so happy that I have a woman in my life that love me as much as I told her, I have been here in Afghanistan for 2 years 8 months now and I think is the right time to take a bow and go, depend on how we see each other face to face, if we are compatible I will try to take you to my country to visit my mom and my son so we can come back because of your job, but we have so much to talk and do together when I make it to Brazil that will determine how long I will stay for my first visit from the 15th June
I love you so much my wife XXXX
kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017
Para: xxxxxxx
Assunto: Re: Thank you so much for your prayers
My darling wife you don't have to be worried on the documents you need to fly with me to the United States, I will do all that and coming with you will make it easier since I have served my country I have the documentations and I can invite you to stay in my country till how many years i do wish to have you with me so that is not a problem,when I arrive brazil we will both visit the United States embassy close to you, I love you so much I'm so desperate to see you
You are my wife and there is no going back I know we are compatible
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017 XXXX
Assunto: Re: Thank you so much for your prayers
I promise you will never regret to have me as a husband I know you are a blessing from God to me after so many years of waiting your problem is also my problem i will treat you with my tender heart, thank you for making me a better person,
i love having you till eternity
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017 xxxx
Para: xxxxxx
Assunto: Re: Thank you so much for your prayers
Wow thank you so much my darling wife Sheila for your sweet words to me, I know you will never regret accepting me because I will love you for who you are and respect you for winning my heart always, you deserve the best from me always and i will do everything I can to meet up to your expectations, I'm so happy I met you here after so many years of searching for a woman that is for me and I have no doubt my waiting is not in-vain because you are already the source of my happiness and I'm so desperate to see you, I have so deep respect for woman, honestly I do because of the love I have for my mom and so many years I spent with her as a child, so I see woman that with me the way I see my mom because they are so fragile and need our care and respect, you have got me till eternity I promise I will never disappoint you my wife Sheila, thank you so much for your compliments,
I love you with all my heart
kisses n big hug
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017
Para: XXXX
Assunto: Good night and sweet dreams
I love you XXXXX my sweet wife, you are always in my head I'm so
anxious to be with you, thank you so much for been the owner of my
heart, I will be going first thing tomorrow morning to send my baggage
to your secured custody, I will email you as soon as is done, I know
we are both destined for each other and I can't do without you, thank
you for making my day, I will forever love and cherish you, good night
my angel, sweet dreams
Yours forever
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sábado, 20 de maio de 2017
Para: xxxxx
Assunto: I sent my luggage this morning
Good morning my sweetheart xxxx, thinking of you have been part of
me ever since I met you here, I have this morning handover my baggage
to the diplomatic delivery company as I told you and the company have
assured me that the luggage will be sent to you within few days from
today I believe by early next week you will receive the luggage in
your address as you provided to me, the content in my baggage is my
valuable items my clothes my shoes some vital documents and my
briefcase that I hide in my baggage that contain my savings of
$860,000.00 and only me and you know about this I hide it and locked
it up the code to open my baggage is 1048 and the weight of the box is
46.3 KG,
Please my love I am putting all my trust in your hand, I know you will
not let me down because anything that belong to me also belong to you,
When I make it to Brazil, I know the money I hide inside my briefcase
in the baggage will go a long way to help us together start our new
home together as husband and wife and we can be able to visit the
embassy there to enable me apply for your visa so we can both visit my
mom and my son in the United States, I know we have so much to do
together when I make it and I'm always planning ahead for us together
for a brighter future
I am counting on you my sweet wife I know we are going to be so happy
been together sharing every moment together sleep in one room and
share one bed together, I really want you to be happy with me and i
will do anything I can to make sure you are happy for accepting, The
Delivery company promised to reach you soon to enable you confirm your
address correctly to avoid wrong delivery so my love try to always
keep your phone on and check your email regularly because they will
contact you to let you know when the diplomat will arrive your
doorstep with my luggage. always keep me posted as soon as they send
you email with the tracking number to know the exact date the delivery
man will handover my baggage to you
I love you so much my princess xxxxx I really do love you , I can't
stop reading your emails to me you are a good woman with a golden
heart, thank you for making me a better person, I will forever cherish
you because you are the best thing that ever come to me for a long
time now.... Will talk to you when i get off work later today
I know you must be happy having me in your life,
Kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sábado, 20 de maio de 2017 07:18
Assunto: I love you so so much my darling wife
Wow my sweetheart you are so amazing, I like the way you talk to me
Sheila, I just can't wait to be with you, I'm so happy I already
taking treatment today and I'm more better now, I owe you my life and
I know you will not regret the opportunity you gave to me, when I was
in high school calculus was one of my most difficult courses, i will
learn more from you when I make it to Brazil, we have so much to learn
from each other, thank you so much Sheila, I know we will live
together as husband and wife till eternity, I will always keep in
touch till I make it to Brazil
I love you so so much my darling wife
you complete me
kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: sábado, 20 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: I love you so so much my darling wife
I love your great vision and I know I will always give you the support
you need to achieve your goal, I'm so happy I met a great woman with
so much dreams and I know we are going to work this out together to
achieve the best in life, I just don't know what you did to me but all
I see in you is true love and I want this to come in reality where I
will hold you in my big arms where you belong and caress you all over
and tell you how much I love you, you are the best Sheila and I thank
God for blessing me with you, you don't have to learn more English
because I know the more we both stay together the more you will
improve in your English speaking and i will also learn your local
language from you because I have a listening ear so I will be able to
communicate with your family when am with you
I love you my wife, thank you so much for bringing the best to me and
I will always give the best to you because we both deserve the best
Have a nice day my angel
I love you with all my heart
Kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George ->
Enviado: sábado, 20 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: I love you so so much my darling wife
My sweetheart, I got the email thank you so much for your good news
update message, I will always love and cherish you with all my heart,
I know soon we will be together and never to part again, you are my
dreams come true
Thank you xxxxx, I love you
kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George
Enviado: sábado, 20 de maio de 2017
Para: xxxxxxx
Assunto: Re: I love you so so much my darling wife
We both belong to each other my wife I'm so happy I have you in my
life I can't wait to have you as my lawful wife, I never thought love
we come to me again till you came into my life and everything changed
for good, you complete me xxxx
Kisses n big hug
De: Frederick George
Enviado: domingo, 21 de maio de 2017 xxxx
Assunto: Re: You Make Me Feel Brand New
wow you are so amazing XXXXX, I have search to find a word to express
the true feelings you have made me feel, you have my life in your hand
XXXXX, you are a true friend XXXX, I love you so much XXXX, God
bless you XXX you truly make me feel brand new, I love you my
I have this listen to this song over and over all today because you
know what I have inside me that is why you have remind me of this song
and I'm still listening to the song right now, you are so precious to
me Sheila and I love you with all my heart
Thank you so much for making my day
Kisses n big hug !
De: Frederick George
Enviado: domingo, 21 de maio de 2017 xxxxx
Para: xxxxx
Assunto: I love you my angel xxxxxx
You are my life my angel xxxx, my world is incomplete without you
also I love you so much, you are so special to me more than you know,
I'm better now my sweetheart my knee is going gradually, I'm now fine
thank you so much for your love and concern you are a good woman and I
love you for who you are, I'm also counting down I can't wait for that
special day I will meet you face to face, we are going to be happy
together have lot of fun,
Thank you so much I feel so loved each time I read from you
kisses n big hug !
Your hiusband
De: Frederick George ->
Enviado: segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017 03:46XXXX
Assunto: Have a nice day my princess
You are a strong woman my angel, thank you so much for what you are
doing, I appreciate you can solve calculus and thermodynamics this are
so difficult courses to be a mechanical engineer and I will keep
praying you achieve your goal, I will always stand by you Sheila, I
know God blessed me with you and I don't want to lose to because I'm
completely in love with you, we have so much to do together as husband
and wife when I make it to Brazil next month and I can't wait any more
I'm so anxious to see you face to face
I'm doing well honey and I'm working today but I will always check on
you here from time to time because I like reading from you, you came
into my life and filled the vacuum of single and loneliness, I'm so
glad I have you right now in my life and I don't want this to stop
because I will not leave you
I wish you all the best today in your studies
Have a nice day my princess
kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: Have a nice day my princess + I LOVE YOU :-*
Wow my angel you are so amazing and I'm the luckiest man to have you and I promise I will never let you go because you already won my heart and I'm completely in love with you, the same here I told my mom about you and me and my plan to have you as my wife once I visit you and we are compatible, she has been so happy because I have never for over 2 years now discuss such issue with her, honestly she can't stop asking what of Sheila and I will say she is doing good, I know my mom is waiting patiently to hear we are both together, we both have so many things in common my angel, I know yes sex is good and I will always do all my best to make you happy for accepting me for who I'm and there are some other things that keep couples strong not just sex but caring and thinking about our self, I know we have so much to talk and do together when i make it to Brazil. we are both made for each other, without you there will not be Frederick, you are made for me and I love you with all my heart, thank you so much for your understanding about relationship and believe me we both share the same ideals and believe, we will make a strong team together Sheila, I have a listening ear, I will love you for who you are and always give my listening ear to you when you need me to, I know our both waiting is not in vain because my heart belong to you
I'm happy both our mom support this relationship, I pray your mom will like me when I make it to Brazil
I promise to always take good care of you Sheila. you are in a save hands having me for the rest of your life
Thank you so much for been the owner of my heart
Till I hear from you
Have a nice day !
Kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: Have a nice day my princess + I LOVE YOU :-*
My mom will love you just like she loves me, she have always wish I marry and she is so willing to see me bring you to my family, I know you will be welcome with open heart, I love you so much my princess I can't wait to be your husband, I'm working today baby I wish you are here with me
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: My thoughts are yours
My angel you have to reserve that tears as tears of joy when I make it home to be with you in Brazil, I know we have a lot to share with each other and I'm so happy you like my pictures, thank you so much for your compliments, the more we talk here the more I love you more and more and I can't wait to see you in person, you complete me Sheila I love you with all my heart and soul
Kisses n big hug !
Frederick George -
Enviado: sábado, 20 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Good night my angel
Good night my angel xxxxx, hope you are done with your calculus I will check on you tomorrow morning I wish you are here right now you are always in my mind I'm missing you already, can't wait to share the same room the same bed with you, I know we are going to have a lot of fun when I make it to Brazil, I love you so much my princess, have a good night sleep
Sweet dreams
yours forever
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 XXXX
Assunto: Re: My LOVE Good Morning!
Good morning my angel I love you so much, you make me fall in love and
I can't stop thinking of you, I'm working am on my coffee break and I
decided to tell you that I love you with all my heart, I wish I can
see you right now, love is all I want and together we will make a
better team, you are all over my mind and I want you to be my wife,
I'm so desperate to see you in person
Thank you for accepting me in your life
I will email you during my lunch again
kisses n big hug
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 08:04
Assunto: please my king tell him to hold on I have to see the operational manager
OMG, my angel xxxxx,
I just got a copy message of what the delivery company sent to you I
was at work just on my lunch and I saw the copy message, I just read
the copy message from the delivery man, I think there is a mistake
some where because I paid for the delivery services, Please tell him
to hold on, I have to rush to there office right now to find out
what's going on, I have to clarify to the operational manager here
that I have paid for the delivery charges to them before the departure
of Harold Peters the delivery man with my luggage,
Please I want you to send email to the delivery man right now tell him
that you have got the message he sent to you that you are already in
contact with your husband Frederick George, that you will get back to
him as soon as possible, Go ahead tell him to hold on that you are in
contact with me already
I believe there is a mistake I have to see the operational manager
here I will talk to you soon,
Let me rush now,
Thank you so much my sweet wife
I love you always
kisses n big hug !
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 0
Assunto: I'm already on my way to see the operational manager,
I love you so much my angel am already on my way to see the
operational manager I will have this fix soon, I guess is a mistake I
will let him know when I get to the office, I love you with all my
Talk to you soon
kisses n big hug !
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Please baby I need your urgent assistant. please hurry
My Angel xxxx, I'm in a big mess right now I don't know how to tell
you this because I don't want you to hate me I'm just coming back from
the office as I told you, I never wanted to discuss this with you
because I know we just met but if you can help me out with this I will
compensate you with $150,000.00 as soon as you receive my baggage from
the delivery man tomorrow when he arrive your doorstep as they assured
me in your save custody
The operational manager here told me that they did not even know
before that Afghanistan was among the country to enter the US/Brazil
with delivery seal as the country is on a black listed countries with
high terrorism as this occurred after the inauguration of the new US
president Donald J. Trump, They said that any consignment coming from
Afghanistan must pass customs scan and checks but because they don't
know the contents inside the consignment, they want it to go as a
diplomatic consignment because they don't want me to loose any of the
content/items inside, And Harold Peters was told to get a diplomatic
seal that will allow the consignment pass without customs scanning it,
So my love i am trying to see what i can do to sort out this problem.
I have $960 left with me here and I still need more $1460 to complete
the needed amount I wish you can help me with the remaining $1460 so
when Harold arrive your house tomorrow you can open my baggage with
the code 1048 to take back your refund
Please my love , because of the urgency of getting the vital delivery
seal I need your help because the amount I have here can not cover the
total amount that is needed to get the diplomatic seal, I need your
support my sweetheart so as soon as the delivery man Harold Peters,
arrive your house with my luggage you can deduct the amount you send
to them to assist me , Please my love go to any western union around
you send the amount you can raise now on the name : Mauricio
Below is the complete information to send to Mr. Mauricio HERNANDEZ,
as requested
Receiver Name : Mauricio HERNANDEZ
State : Pennsylvania
Country : United States,
Address : 1429 long shore ave Philadelphia pa 19111
Please my sweet heart, I'm counting on you over this urgent matter and
be rest assured as soon as he arrives you will deduct the amount you
contributed to easy the pressure on me , I have gone to the office
and see that we must send the diplomatic delivery seal fee to avoid
the customs authority not tampering with the content of my luggage,
Thank you for your understanding my wife, i love you and thanks for your concern
Kisses n big hug !
Your husband
De: Frederick George ->
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017
Assunto: I never meant to bother you my wife
I know my sweetheart I never meant to bother you with this just that I don't know what to do because is impromptu, please anything you can send so when the delivery man come over tomorrow you can take back your refund, I'm going to sell my Omega wrist watch, I wish if you can raise some amount to easy the pressure on me here,
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 13:03
Para: xxxx
Assunto: Re: Worried
My darling wife I still need $650 left I have tried everything here I
just sold my Omega wrist watch I don't know what to do I wish there is
any way you can help me out of this mess as soon as the delivery man
arrive tomorrow you have my words open my baggage with the code 1048
and I will compensate you with $150,000.00 for helping me out of this
trouble please my wife go round see what you can do to easy the
pressure on me
I love you with all my heart
Thank you so much for your concern
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 13:29
Assunto: Re: Worried
My love know you got it wrong I paid the delivery charges that is what
I told you the fee that is needed is to avoid the customs from
checking the content in my baggage, that is why we are asked to pay
for diplomatic delivery seal, I have gone to the office to get this
resolved baby and we must pay for the seal to enable the delivery man
pass the customs without any interruption when he arrive Brazil
tomorrow please my love if I have the $650 left I will never bother
you with this, my baggage is coming from a special diplomatic delivery
to avoid any body from going through the content because of the
valuables and the cash money I hide in my briefcase, please understand
me that I can never do anything to lie to you because I know we both
have future together
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: IDEA
My love it can not go to my mom because she is diabetic and I don't
want her to know about the attack in my camp, I know when I tell her
about my baggage she will be worried and think that something bad have
happened to me and my son Alex is still a minor and the next person in
my life is you, please my love do all you can I will never let you
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017
Para: XXXX
Assunto: Re: IDEA
Please baby is only $650 that is left please do all you can as soon as
the delivery man arrive tomorrow open my baggage with the code 1048 so
you can take back your refund back and I promise to compensate you as
soon as I arrive Brazil, please help me I promise you will never
regret all you done for me as soon as you have the money go to western
union send to Mauricio Hernandez on the information I sent to you, I
love you XXXXX,
God bless you
Your husband
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 14:58
Para: xxxxx
Assunto: Re: Money
I'm so confused my love I don't want the customs to seize my baggage I
really don't know right now I'm so frustrated right now, please don't
give up on me keep trying my love
I'm so sorry for the troubles
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: Money
Is disabled baby if because of my problem you don't want to trust me
any more is okay I understand from the beginning i told you that the
video chat here is disabled because the management felt we don't
concentrate when we are on video chat, I wish I can do it right now
because I hate when you doubt me
De: Frederick George -
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: Money
It's Okay baby I know i said the video chat is disabled and we can
always chat from here since even when am at work I will always respond
to you,
Please my love do all you can I know you will get your refund as soon
as the delivery man arrive your house tomorrow, I love you Sheila and
I don't want you to hate me because of my problem, is only $650 that
is left I will forever cherish you
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: Money
Please my love don't give up I have exhausted all my avenue here I
have to sell off my Omega wrist watch, please I will never let you
down, I know is loan you are giving to me and I swear to my late
father in the grave I will pay you back as soon as the delivery man
arrive your house, I need you my wife please don't give up on me
De: Frederick George
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de
Assunto: Please don't give up on me
My love please do all you can I promise to compensate you with
$150,000.00 when I make it to your country, I'm so sorry for all the
trouble I'm just a victim of circumstances I never expected this I
know deep in my heart that I love you, I meant well for you and me
that is why I trusted you with my baggage, I never expected this bill
please do all you can I know it will go a long way to easy the
pressure on me, I have giving you my words I'm a man of my word as
soon as the delivery man arrive go ahead and open my baggage with the
code 1048 so you can take back your refund, as soon as I make it there
I will compensate you for saving me from this mess, thank you so much
my angel for your understanding
Please don't give up on me
I love you always
kisses n big hug !
Enviado: sábado, 20 de maio de 2017
Attention : ,XXXXXX
You are hereby informed that we are in receipt of the consignment sent to our office in Afghanistan by Capt. Frederick George, for immediate delivery to your designated house address in Brazil, I write to inform you that we have completed the delivery arrangement and that the Diplomat ( Harold Peters) will depart tomorrow Sunday 21st May to arrive in the Newark Liberty International Airport, New Jersey en-route rio de janeiro–galeão international airport on 24th May 2017. He shall be contacting you upon his arrival at rio de janeiro–galeão international airport for further direction to your address street Doutor Xavier Sigaud, number 150 - Urca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22290-180. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Física.
Consignment #:80GTS/WW/11
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this mail as confirmation of your consent /readiness to receive your consignment.
Martha Johnson
This communication is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. It is not to be forwarded to any other entity or copied without the permission of the sender and may be protected by professional privilege or which disclosure is prohibited by law. Unauthorized use is prohibited and may be subject to applicable penalties Please notify the sender in the event you have received this communication in error.
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 06:48
Assunto: New development with your consignment : my phone number : +1551-226-4126
Attn: xxxxxxxxxxx
New development with your consignment
Your consignment with registration number consignment# 80GTS/WW11, Will need a SEAL PERMITT, Please call me now on my phone number : +1551-226-4126
The consignment was scheduled to be delivered to your designated house address tomorrow as stated in my previous email, There is a new development with your consignment, I have been with the Customs to properly enter and document your consignment for delivery as earlier scheduled to your house address as provided street Doutor Xavier Sigaud, number 150 - Urca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22290-180. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Física, but there is an urgent need for a diplomatic clearance and certified seal to enable me move it locally to your country when I arrive rio de janeiro–galeão international airport, I have successfully landed in Newark Liberty International Airport, New Jersey about to board my next flight to rio de janeiro–galeão international airport, The consignment needs to be attached with this Diplomatic clearance and certified seal that will be very visible to everyone to differentiate and excempt it from inspection and screening. This was stated clearly to me by the US Authorities while trying to get your consignment out properly from the authorities for further delivery to your country in Brazil as scheduled, it was further explained to me that it's a newly adopted security measure and a boost effort by the US/Brazil securities to combat terrorism in the regions due to the fact that your consignment emanated from Afghanistan, and it was also registered as high priority. The considered and reduced cost for this seal is US$2,395(Two Thousand, Three Hundred and ninety Five United States Dollars).which is obtainable from the United Nation (ESCAP) Central Office. Since I couldn't have a direct flight from Afghanistan to your country Brazil. I have to connect from the United States, You can call me now on : +1551-226-4126
Following a brief meeting I just had with the authorities in regards to the application for the certified/clearance seal for the release of your consignment for delivery to your home, it was resolved that the payment should be made directly to the issuing office in Pennsylvania, Following the resolution of the G-20 Summit recently held in Turkey, which states that such document shall be issued from the United Nations Organization Central Office in Pennsylvania for easy acceleration and conclusion of the process owing to the fact that the consignment is coming from that region. Note that this does not affect the issuance of the certified/clearance seal in any way. We went further and made swift contact with the UN (ESCAP) to obtain the payment instruction because my time is limited here in the United States for this transaction, I need you to act quickly and meet up with the requirement.
You are hereby advised to make the payment with the information below via Western Union or Money Gram (ONLY): to the Admin Officer.
Receiver Name : Mauricio HERNANDEZ
State : Pennsylvania
Country : United States,
Address : 1429 long shore ave Philadelphia pa 19111
The payments of US$2,395.00 (Two Thousand, Three Hundred and Ninety Five US Dollars) should be made as instructed above to allow smooth remittance of the funds for the procurement of the certified/clearance seal.
And forward the payment details as follows: send payment details via E-mail to me, so I can pass it over to the relevant office and also for record purpose. Be also notified that an application has already be forwarded to the UN office on your behalf properly endorsed by the US authorities for the procurement of the document and will be issued upon confirmation of your payment as directed above which a copy shall be forwarded to you for your perusal. Please make the payment details available in the format below:
Sender’s Name:
Amount sent:
If you are using western union provide the (MTCN 10 digit number)
The Certified/Clearance seal shall be issued as soon as the payment is confirmed by the issuing officer.
You have nothing to worry about; I am officially assigned to deliver your consignment to your home and will make the delivery only on procurement of the document as stated by the US authorities. Our customer’s satisfaction is our priority. All you need to do is comply with the above directives and your consignment shall be released to me for further delivery to your home. I have noted the closest airport to your home and will confirm my flight details to you as soon as your consignment is ready to be delivered. You can always count on our services.
Be informed that this fee was not known to us initially until now, the sender of the consignment ( Capt. Frederick George, ) took care of the handling fees to get the consignment to your home at the point of registering the consignment for delivery at our office in Afghanistan, hence I advice you contact the sender immediately to get this resolved quickly as the US authorities would not release the consignment until the certified clearance seal is obtained and attached to your consignment, this was clearly stated to me by the officer in charge, and they would not go contrary to this, So please get in contact with the sender and update me accordingly.
I would need a time frame to work with to enable me schedule my to rio de janeiro–galeão international airport, I will be having another meeting with the top officials’ later in the day and shall advice you after the meeting.
This is detailed information on your consignment as at when this mail is being sent, I hope you have been well briefed.
Dip. Harold Peters
This communication is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee. It is not to be forwarded to any other entity or copied without the permission of the sender and may be protected by professional privilege or which disclosure is prohibited by law. Unauthorized use is prohibited and may be subject to applicable penalties Please notify the sender in the event you have received this communication in error.
Enviado: terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2017 07:49
Assunto: you can dial on your phone 001551-226-4126
Kindly note that my number is open you can dial on your phone 001551-226-4126 or you put the plus sign as +1551-226-4126 before you dial, I have been waiting to hear from Sgt Frederick George, but he has not respond to my email,
He must contact me for detailed explanation so I will be able to complete the delivery by tomorrow you can try my number again 001551-226-4126
I will be waiting
Dip. Harold Peters
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