scammer- Smith Brandts
Essa foto me foi enviada pelo golpista. Nome usado: Wesley Draven e-mail
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De : Ann Aubery Holiday -
Envoyé le : Me, 24 Mai 2017
Sujet : Arrangement to safe delivery of the cash box to you :
My beloved,
Good day to you and how is your health today ? i hope your health is fine.
I want to say thanks to you for making out time to write to me again, the content of your letter are well understood. The name written on my u niform is my grand late father name, i do not want you to see this business as some thing that will bring problem to you, but i want you to trust and believe me when i say that there is nothing to worry about in this deal, honestly i have made every necessary arrangement that will lead to safe delivery of the cash box to you without any form of problem nor risk, all the necessary arrangement that will lead to safe delivery of the cash box to you without any form of problem nor risk have already been made.
I'm a woman that does things in accordance to the directives of my spirit, i chose you to be my partner and also help me in receiving this cash box because my spirit has been bearing me witness that you are the rightful person for me and i know you will not disappoint me, i chose to use you as partner in this deal because am not permitted to send package down to any of my friends nor relatives since am still in the military camp outside USA , if i eventually send out any thing to the USA it will be suspicious and i will be query for the action, so i chose you because i know you are the ideal person for this deal as foreigner who is not a USA citizen. Please put away fear or doubt and make up your mind to help me in this matter, i promise you you will not regret been part of this matter, i do not know what else i can say to convince you and make you to believe me, but i pray that God will give you the grace to make up your mind. One more time i want to let you know that there is no complication on this matter, if you follow my instruction every thing will go smooth and well in the process of receiving the cash box, Please try and keep this matter between you and i, because if you and i should agree on one thing with our heart with seriousness then we must surely achieve success at the end. Please, i want to remind you once again that every arrangement towards this project is intact between both of us and on no account should you let the security and delivery company to know the content of the box, remember that the consignment was registered as diplomatic package to the security company and that is what they believe to be in the box, so you should not let them know that the content of the box is money.
Please I will like you to send your contact informations to me so that i can forward to the security company to enable them proceed to your country for the final delivery of the cash box to your door step. Send your below informations to me urgently :
full names:...........
post code:.................
phone no. :................
profession :................
Once i am through here with my official assignment i will come over to meet you one on one in your country and after that we shall decide on how to carry on with our life, but for now please i will appreciate us to be more focus on this issue of you receiving the cash box and safe keeping it on my behalf till i come over then i will handle the depositing of the money in the bank by myself.
I await your immediate response
Love and care from,
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de Maio de 2017 17:30, Sara APHA
> querido
> Como você e família?
> Espero que estejam todos em boa saúde? desculpe
> por não escrever para
> você Ultimamente ok, eu estou feliz para
> informá-lo sobre o meu
> sucesso na obtenção de meus fundos transferidos
> para uma conta suíça com
> a cooperação de um novo parceiro de Portugal,
> que é um homem de
> negócios internacional. Atualmente estou em Espanha
> agora para projectos de
> investimento com meu marido. Enquanto isso, eu
> não esquecer os seus
> esforços e tentativas de me ajudar na
> transferência desses
> fundos, apesar disso, não nos Alguns como
> passadas.
> Agora eu quero que você
> entre em contato com o Reverendo Padre com este endereço
> Nome reverendo Jude
> Jack
> endereço de
> e-mail (
> Telefone nenhuma. (+
> 221-785908443)
> Instrua _him_ para onde
> enviar-lhe o valor de $ 350,000..00 Check
> (trezentos e cinquenta mil
> United State dólares) qui eu continuei para
> sua compensação para
> todos os esforços passados ??e tentar me ajudar
> neste assunto. I apreciado
> seus esforços naquele tempo muito. Tão à
> vontade e entrar em tocado
> com o Reverendo Padre no Senegal agora e
> instruir _him_ para onde
> enviar o projecto para você ok.
> No momento
> eu estou muito ocupado aqui, porque dos novos projectos
> de
> investimento com qui
> eu e meu novo parceiro estão à mão e TENDO aussi
> pré-pago para os meus
> planos qui casamento será em dezembro deste ano,
> de volta ao meu país de
> origem, realmente o Senhor é bom e eu sou
> muito grato, porque eu
> mais tarde sobreviveu a partir desta pesadas
> tempestades da minha
> vida.
> Por favor, eu gostaria que
> você aceitar este token com boa-fé, pois
> esta é a partir do fundo
> do meu coração, e également não cumprir as
> diretrizes assim Reverends
> que ele vai enviar o projecto para você sem
> qualquer demora.
> Portanto, ó deveres _him_
> enviar seus nomes completos e número de
> telefone com o seu _him_
> endereço correto onde você quer enviar o
> projecto para você.
> Na esperança de ouvir de
> você assim que você descontar o projecto, e
> deixe-me saber o seu tempo
> imediatamente Receba-o para que possamos
> compartilhar a alegria
> depois de tudo isso sofrimentos naquela época.
> Finalmente, lembro que eu
> tinha transmitido todas as instruções para o
> Reverendo Padre
> Quem-ter-sido uma fonte de inspiração para mim desde
> que eu estava no campo de
> refugiados, e aussi Ele foi o que me ajudou
> a atravessar com toda
> Incluindo o apoio secreto com o meu novo
> parceiro que é um homem
> muito bom, então eu dei-lhe as suas instruções
> _him_ todos Behalf para
> você recevoir seu dinheiro.
> Ainda mais,
> você não pode ser qualquer receptor enviar mensagens de
> mim Porque meu novo
> parceiro aqui não aceita me agora falar com as
> pessoas devido à forma
> como as coisas correram between me, assim que
> tomar notas e não esperar
> minha resposta até qualquer momento eu tenho
> uma chance.
> Permanecer abençoado e
> orar por mim e me abençoe quando você recebeu
> seu token ok.
> Com os melhores votos
> Sarah.
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Yulka>
Envoyé le : Me, 17 Mai 2017
Sujet : I look forward to your letter tomorrow...
Hi my Darling !
The last night I carried out in the house of my parents... I like to remain in the house of parents. I feel like the little girl, my parents care for me. For example, yesterday mother made a big dinner. The whole evening we were at a table... talked much and had supper.
I did not see the father long ago, and he asked me about work and about my life. Yesterday I told the father about ours with you communication.
My father asked, what is your name. My father asked me many questions... interested him how we got acquainted ? From where you ?
Your social status? I sincerely answered the father each question on which I know the answer. Brad, I have no secrets from my parents...
I told my parents that perhaps shortly, we with you will have a meeting... I told that I begin to plan a travel to your country.
The father and mother warned me against possible disappointment. Also the father told that cases when girls from Russia fraudulently are enticed into other countries are known to him, and take away their documents, thereby doing the girl by the sexual slave. I hurried to calm my father. I told that you are absolutely normal man, also I told my parents about trust which exists between us. Please,
do not leave me one at the airport when I arrive to you... We never met you, but we communicate, and you never deceived me. I trust you my life. I do not want anything special, I want to be only near you and to lead your everyday life. I think that our meeting will be fine time for us to know each other better. Your letters, give every day me great mood. you communicate with other girls ? Please, sincerely answer me this question. Now I do not communicate with anybody, except you. You are the only man in my life now, and I do not need nobody else.
I look forward to your letter tomorrow.
your Yuliya.
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Yulka -
Envoyé le : Sa, 20 Mai 2017
Sujet : I miss you...
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Hi lovely darling,
I just read your letter... I understand everything that you tell me. It is pleasant to me to know that ours with you feelings mutual.
Never earlier I thought that it is possible to have some feeling to the person which never met. I am not frightened that between us thousands of kilometers... Between us with you distance, but our new feelings will help us to overcome distance. Still my laptop under repair, some motherboard burned down there and I cannot see your letter every time when I want. Brad, after our meeting, we will be able to refuse letters... We will be together. Ours with you the first meeting will give us the chance to know each other better.
Though, already I think that I am familiar with you throughout the whole life. I have a passport which allows me to travel around the world.
Never earlier I traveled to your country, and I should find information. which is necessary for me for a travel. Earlier, when I had a rest to Egypt, I used services of travel agency. But now because of terrorism threat Russians do not go to Egypt. Tomorrow I plan to visit travel agency and to learn everything that is required for arrival in your country. You did not expect to hear it ? I do not say that I will come to you tomorrow. I only want to learn what documents will be necessary for me. You understand me ?
I have no secrets from you. You are my closest man, you are my one and only man. Each of people has shortcomings, and it is not the most pleasant subject for a conversation. Tell what shortcomings you have ? I do not want that between us there were secrets. I like to read before going to bed, sometimes I forget to turn off the light and I fall asleep. I can sometimes fall asleep under TV sounds. I think that all this from loneliness. I live alone, and it becomes boring for me especially in the evening. What qualities you appreciate in the person ? I appreciate such traits of character as tactfulness, punctuality, ability to listen, accuracy, kindness. I am a girl and what strong I would not seem, I like caress and tenderness. I dream of strong men's embraces in which I can feel weightless... I dream of your embraces. please, do not hesitate to repeat to me questions which I forget to answer. My work takes attention from me.
I have no many cases at work today. I already finished everything. Tonight I plan to visit cafe to have supper. To me a reluctance to cook food today at home. What plans at you for this evening ? Mmmm.... it would be fine if we were near. I want to hold your hand and to walk on the street... I think of you always. When I check mail and I do not see your letters, to me is very sad and lonely.
I miss you...
fotos yuliya
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Yulka -
Envoyé le : Ma, 23 Mai 2017
Sujet : I look forward to your letter...
Hello !
Today I have very intense day. Just I returned from the director. Our company is in a little difficult situation now. Since the morning we had a meeting, and just we finished discussion of all questions. Reduction of workers in connection with a difficult situation in the World was the most important question. The director told that I should not worry. I will also hold the position at work. The meeting was very intense, the most part of time was told by the director, and all listened carefully to it. After the meeting, I remained in a director's office. I talked to him about my forthcoming vacation.
The director told that he waited for this conversation because I already work without rest the whole year. I have good news to you today. I will have vacation soon. now I need to finish several important issues, and also to provide the report for my director. I think that in the next 3 - 5 days, I will finish all the affairs, and I will be able to have vacation.
I am very glad now. I already thought of what things I have to take with myself in your country... Now in our city air temperature is +11 degrees of C. I still walk in warm clothes, and perfectly I feel. Please, pay attention to it. I have a lot of different clothes, and I want to take with myself clothes that it had not to be bought when I am with you. I did not visit still travel agency because I had no time at all. I promise that in the next days I will find time, and I will visit travel agency to learn all details of a travel. Surely I will tell you all information which I will manage to learn in travel agency. Darling, I want to ask you one more important question. When I will be in your country, I can live together with you or I have to live in hotel ? I prefer to live with you, to sleep with you, is with you. I hope that my questions are not raised by difficulties. I worry now... Ours with you a meeting a serious step in our life, and we have to approach it responsibly.
You agree with me ? We have to act together and then we will be waited by success and happiness in the future.
Also I need to know the name of the airport in which ours will take place with you the first meeting ? I have to know this information at visit of travel agency. Tell me about it in the following letter. Ok ? I have to know your address of home. I have to go now. I need to begin to prepare the report for my director. This important task, and I have to devote much time. I look forward to finish all affairs at work, and to begin preparations for our meeting. I want to be only with you. I will think of you ! I think, several summer photos, will bring joy to your day. I look forward to your letter.
My kisses for you,
your Yuliya.
Estou há 17 meses conversando com um americano que diz estar na guerra da síria e ganhou um presente do presidente sírio e quer enviar para mim. Para que o diplomata da Onu me entregue o pacote devo enviar ao tal diplomata a passagem para ele me trazer no brasil.
o nome dele é albertson hubert (
10 de abr
Diz ser diplomataBruce Harrison =
Oi bom dia para você senhora, eu estou bem e como você está? Acabo de receber seu e-mail e quis responder-lhe imediatamente. Sim, o Sr. Albertson Hubert me pediu para vir para a Síria para receber um pacote que ele recebeu do presidente sírio como um prêmio. Eu combinei a negociação com ele e ele me disse que você vai me enviar os possíveis fundos no valor de 4.000.00 dólares,.
Eu tenho trabalhado com os militares por muitos anos agora e eu sou um diplomata da ONU que entregou tantos pacotes para várias famílias dos personels militares até agora e posso garantir que se você trabalhar comigo você está seguro e não tem nada para se preocupar. Vou entregar o pacote para você em sua porta em seu país Brasil. Eu quero saber quando e em que data você pode me enviar os fundos, porque no mês de maio eu tenho um monte de deliverings.
Eu também quero reprogramar meu tempo. Eu disse ao Sr. Albertson Hubert sobre como estou ocupado e que ele deveria deixar você saber sobre ele. Aguardo a sua resposta e obrigado.
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