From: Mrs. Mary Louis -
Date: 2017-05-03
My Dear Friend,
Greetings to you.
Please do not view my plea as a contrived plot.My trusted family attorney who would have executed my WILL & TESTAMENT on my behalf died early this year after a brief illness.I therefore prayed fervently and by the special grace of GOD,i was led to you.I am Mrs.Mary Louis,from United Kingdom,I am 62 years old. I am suffering from cancer of the lungs and it has affected part of my brain cells due to complications.My condition is deteriorating and according to my doctors i may not be alive in the next couple of months,unless there is a divine intervention.
I was orphaned as a child and got married to late Engineer.Steve Louis for twenty years without having an offspring.My late husband had chronic cardiovascular condition and died of cardiac arrest few years ago.Steve and I lived in Nigeria for over 18 years,where my husband a petrochemical engineer by profession worked and rose through the ranks and became an executive director in a multinational oil servicing and exploration conglomerate, before his untimely death.He also established huge private investments that i supervised before his death and which forms the major source of our fortune.
Consequent upon the shocking demise of my priceless husband, i opted as a rule, not to re-marry. When medical reports revealed that my cancer ailment have become terminal & more so because i do not have a direct next of kin to bequeath all that STEVE & I labored for,i sold off all our choice assets,landed properties and other valuable family treasures and deposited the proceeds amounting to USD$10,000,000.00 (TEN MILLION DOLLARS ONLY) with First Inland Bank of Nigeria plc. The management of the bank has written me as the sole beneficiary of the fund because of the unserviceable status of the fund over the years and suggested to me in a 2 paragraph statement to issue a letter of authorization to someone who can manage the fund on my behalf because of my terminal illness and also threatened that the fund could be confiscated upon my failure to adhere to their rules and regulations as clearly spelt out in their code of conduct.
I am on admission at the intensive care unit of a London hospital,located at Fulham road in west London United Kingdom. It is the leading cancer treatment hospital in the world.I am currently undergoing treatment there for late-stage terminal cancer of the lungs. I am computer literate, I rarely talk but has my personal laptop with me and has the permission of my physicians to use it,hence I am writing from my sick bed in the (ICU).It is my last WISH that 85% of this fund is invested substantially in any charitable organization of your choice and administered as you may deem fit,especially to the orphanage homes.You are at liberty to also donate part of the funds to churches and mosques and to those struck by natural disaster.I have earmarked 5% of the total fund to run cost of administration of WILL & TESTAMENT and also on logistics and other sundry arrangements that you may require.
I crave your indulgence as a God fearing individual that equally has high moral pedestal and who is also an uncommon humanitarian that cares so much about the plight of the less-privileged as much as i do, to take it upon yourself and use this fund for the above mentioned purposes. This is a painstaking decision i have taken in other to help humanity in my little capacity as a people driven entrepreneur and a very God fearing woman before i bow to God's sovereignty.
Note that as soon as I receive your reply and personal information as listed below, I shall avail you with the official contact information of the First Inland Bank plc officials,to enable you contact the Bank without delays.I will also issue you with an official letter of authorization,so that my bankers will recognize your status as the new beneficiary of my ESTATE, FUND, WILL & TESTAMENT. Interestingly 10% of the total sum is set aside as your compensation for accepting to play this significant role for me and i hope you will appreciate my kind gesture.
Let me remind you that the fund has an open beneficiary mandate and as such,it is whom i personally authorize or appoint to act on my behalf that the bank will ultimately recognize and release the funds to and by this memo,the onus has fallen on you to assume this selfless and noble responsibility that will catalyze change by exploring and promoting the development of new interventions that will benefit the poorest of the poor when the fund is transferred into your bank account.
Please assure me that you will not treat this offer with levity but will consciously yield my bequest continued existence.
Kindly send the information in this order:
(1) Your full names :=============================
(2) personal or official contact address:====================== =========
(3) Home or Office phone#:============Cellphone#: ==========Fax#:=======
(4) Your Age:===============
(5)Occupation:================ ===========
(6)Sex/Marital status:======================= =
I Await your kind response while hoping you will appreciate my helpless predicament.
Reply me through my private email address:
May God bless your golden heart and soul.
Sincerely Yours,
Mrs.Mary Louis
(United Kingdom)
De: "Kakeem Karida" -
Data: 02/05/2017
Assunto: Re:
Obrigado por sua resposta. Lamento a minha resposta tardia. E por favor, está tudo bem em se comunicar em inglês? Eu não estou vivendo no Brasil atualmente. Nota, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não imaginário e que foi por isso que eu fui a um site seguro, onde posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você. Por favor, seja informado que é meu interesse sincero para comprar o seu carro, também eu ficarei feliz em pedir sua permissão para trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios no Brasil. Você pode reservar este carro para mim? Se isso for possível, estarei no Brasil no final do mês para conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
Sou a Sra. Kakeem Karida, uma mulher síria. Desejo mudar-me para o Brasil devido ao prolongado conflito / guerra civil na Síria, bem como aos ataques que ameaçam a vida diária do grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi minha família, meu marido e minha filha para as mãos frias da morte durante um ataque dirigido a nossa casa em 23 de março de 2016, para acabar com a nossa família. Eu e meu filho não estava por perto durante o fogo cruzado. Nós estávamos no hospital para check-up quando o atacou nossa casa matando meu amado marido e minha filha e definir a casa em chamas. Estou em lágrimas escrevendo-lhe este e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um empreiteiro muito bem sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria, e estava negociando privadamente em poeira de ouro e bares antes de sua morte prematura. Esperava, ele deixou para trás uma quantidade razoável de dinheiro, que eu desejo investir no setor imobiliário e outros setores interessantes no Brasil.
Como você pode ou não pode saber, as sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia tornaram quase impossível operar com êxito qualquer tipo de investimento aqui na Síria ou até mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui para outras partes do mundo. Por esta razão, estou contatando você com grande confiança com a esperança de que você poderia me ajudar a obter esse dinheiro no Brasil para fins de investimento:
Por favor, gostaria de saber como é conveniente para você me ajudar desta maneira. Todo o capital à minha disposição é de nove milhões de dólares americanos. Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em uma caixa de tronco e depositado isto com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera em escrever-lhe é plead com você para amavelmente aceitar a caixa de dinheiro. Isto é porque não podemos fazer qualquer transferência bancária a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões que me preocupam agora. Vou dar-lhe 30% do total do dinheiro como seu benefício para me ajudar.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem de minha família. Como mulher desde que meu marido e minha filha morreram, tudo o que tenho é meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida decente desde que eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente pacífico. Vou mudar para o Brasil com meu filho e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, o seu conselho e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recibo de sua informação eu fornecer-lhe-ei mais detalhes.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Kakeem Karida.
Thank you for your response. I am sorry for my late response. And please is it okay to communicate in English? I am not living in Brazil presently. Note, I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that was why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that you are for real. I believe I can trust you. Please be informed that it is my sincere interest to buy your car, also I will be glad to ask for your permission to work with you as my business partner in Brazil. Can you reserve this car for me? If this is possible, then I will be in Brazil by month end to meet you personally.
I am Mrs. Kakeem Karida, a Syrian woman. I desire to relocate to Brazil due to the prolonged civil unrest/war in Syria, as well as the daily life threatening attacks by ISIS terrorist group. I've already lost my family, my husband and daughter to the cold hands of death during an attack targeted at our home on March 23, 2016, to end our family. I and my son was not around during the cross fire. we were at the hospital for check up when the attacked our home killing my beloved husband and my daughter and setting the house ablaze. I am in tears writing you this mail. He (my late husband) was a very successful contractor in the oil city of Syria, and was privately dealing on gold dust and bars before his untimely death. Expectedly, he left behind some reasonable amount of money, which I desire to invest in the Real Estate sector and other interesting sectors in Brazil.
As you may or may not know, the sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union have made it nearly impossible to successfully operate any type of investment here in Syria or to even transfer money from here to other parts of the world. For this reason, I am contacting you in great confidence with the hope that you could help me get this money into Brazil for investment purposes:
Please I would like to know how convenient it might be for you to assist me in this way. The entire capital at my disposal is Nine Million US Dollars. I secretly locked up the money in a trunk box and deposited it with the Red Cross here in Damascus. My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to kindly accept the money box. This is because we cannot do any bank transfers from here following the war. These are the major issues of concern to me now. I will give you 30% of the total money as your benefit for helping me.
I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody. I cannot risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage. As a woman since my husband and daughter is dead, all I have is my only son. He deserves a decent life since I want him to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to Brazil with my son and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and support; we can work together and achieve.
I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Kakeem Karida.
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Danielle Flora Pipkin -
Envoyé le : Je, 4 Mai 2017 8:43
Sujet : Dear, i have very important issue to share with you :
Hello Dear,
Thanks a lot my dear friend for your reply and it is my pleasure having you as my friend, you look very cool and responsible that makes me attracted to your profile. Like i said my name is Sgt. Danielle Flora Pipkin, I am American Citizen and also an Army officer, single, I am serving in the UK Army base in Scotland but right now I am leading a troop in Iraq, I am working with United Nations keeping troop in Iraq against terrorism. I am serving in the military of the 3rd Infantry Division in Iraq but i will be going back to my country soon.
About me, I have a good heart, I have a loving heart and am very respectful and kind woman, my own Religious is Catholic Christian, I never judge others and am very compassionate, i love to appreciate the little things in life and am very respectful. Dear, i have my reasons to contact you as i have something very important to share with you in my next mail. I wish to start a very strong relationship with you and my relationship with you will bring a lot of great changes in our life. I want you to understand that relationship does not count distance and age, maybe we can start as friend. Knowing one another is a gradual process i will like to know your occupation, your country, your age and your marital status. I know we just know each other but we can share ideas and discuss about important things and more issues as we talk about ourselves, I like to think positively and I care about other people's feelings. I will be very happy to know more about you, like your hobbies, interest, life style, religious believe, i will also love to see your recent pictures, like i always says i have very important issue to share and discuss with you in my next mail so that you will give me a solution about it. I am glad reading your message and as it stands now Iraq is some how calm and there is no much conflicts except that there are some bomb explosives attack on the NATO tanks last week. Let me stop here for now, i expect an urgent respond from you soon.
Yours faithfully
Sgt. Danielle Flora Pipkin
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Responder Para -
Message From Mrs. Favor mashela Ahmed
Dr. Favor Ahmed
Message From Mrs. Favor mashela Ahmed
Attention; Beneficiary,
This is to official inform you that we have been having meetings for the past
three (3) weeks which ended two days ago with MR. JIM YONG KIM the world bank
president and other seven continent presidents on the congress we treated on
solution to scam victim problems.
Note: we have decided to contact you following the reports we received from
anti-fraud international monitoring group your name/email has been submitted to
us therefore the united nations have agreed to compensate you with the sum of
(USD$1.5 Million) this compensation is also including international business
that failed you in past due to government problems etc.
We have arranged your payment through our ATM MasterCard and deposited it in
DHL Office to deliver it to you which is the latest instruction from the World
Bank president MR. JIM YONG KIM, For your information’s, the delivery charges
already paid by U.N treasury, the only money you will send to DHL office
Cotonou Bein Republic office is $165 dollars for security keeping fee, U.N
coordinator already paid for others charges fees for delivery except the
security keeping fee, the director of DHL refused to collect the security
keeping fee from U.N treasury, the Director of DHL office said that they don’t
know exactly time you will contact them to reconfirm your details to avoid
counting demurrage that is why they refused collecting the $165 dollars from U.
N treasury for security keeping fee.
Therefore be advice to contact DHL Office agent Coonou Benin Republic. Rev:Jin
Modestus who is in position to deliver your ATM MasterCard to your location
address, contact DHL Office immediately with the bellow email & phone number
as listed below.
Contact name: Rev: Jin Modestus
Email:( )
Tell: +229-98652007
Make sure you reconfirmed DHL Office your details ASAP as stated below to avoid
wrong delivery.
Your full name..........
Home address:.........
Your country...........
Your city..............
Let us know as soon as possible you receive your ATM MasterCard for proper
Mrs. Favor mashela Ahmed
Cotonou Benin Republic.
Responder Para -
RE: Donation Award
Mayrhofer Family
Good Day,
My wife and I have awarded you with a donation of $ 1,000,000.00 Dollars from part of our Jackpot Lottery of 50 Million Dollars, respond with your details for claims.
We await your earliest response and God Bless you.
Friedrich And Annand Mayrhofer.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Miss Fatimata Ibrahim musa -
My Name is Miss Fatimata Ibrahim musa.from Libya,I am 22 years old,I
am in St.Christopher's Parish for refugee in Burkina Faso under United
Nations High commission for Refugee ,I lost my parents in the
recentwar in Libya, right now am in Burkina Faso, please save my life
i am in danger need your help in transferring my inheritance my
father left behind for me in a Bank in Burkina Faso here,i have every
document for the transfer, all i need is a foreigner who will stand as
the foreign partner to my father and beneficiary of the fund. The
money deposited in the Bank is US10.5 MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLAR) I
just need this fund to be transfer to your account so that i will come
over to your country and complete my education as you know that my
country have been in deep crisis due to the war .and I cannot go back
there again because I have nobody again all of my family were killed
in the war.
If you are interested to save me and help me receive my inheritance
fund Please get back to me on this email address for maore details
about me and the inheritance funds.
Mrs Rose James
Season Bonus! Bonus!! Bonus!!! Bonus!!!!
I write to inform you that we have already sent you $5,000.00USD through
Money Gram as we have been given the mandate to transfer Part of your
payment of $3.5million USD through Money Gram Office by the United Nations and
ECOWAS assistance no more time again on our side and they want to make sure
you pick up your funds before we close for this month.
We offer special promo bonus and Your name was among our Promo winners for this
new month, This is because United Nations and ECOWAS are supporting
individuals due to the worldwide economy meltdown. and our head office order us
to release your payment for you now to able you pick up your first $5000 we
are offering a special bonus to all those among to be able to pick there fund,
you are to send only $40 now for the activation of your fund transfer paper
permit, the Normal cost of the activation is $140 but we offer special bonus
that is reason why we lowdown the cost to $40 OK,
I would have requested for your phone number to give you the information
through phone but internet hackers were many. i give you full Guarantee that
will stop you not to pick your first $5000 today as we offer this season bonus,
So be fast and go to Money Gram and send the $40 immediately today so that
you will pick up your first $5000 before we take on this New project, Remember
the faster you send $40 the faster we release the payment of $5000 to you
today so that tomorrow you shall pick up the next $5000 OK,
Go to Money Gram and send the $40 with This Information below Immediately OK,
Receiver Name :.........JUDE IKED
Country:::::::: Benin Republic
City::::::: Cotonou
Amount::::: $40.00
Test Question:::: Honest
Test Answer:: Trust
Sender's Name::::??
Money Transfer Control Number:::??
forward the sender name and your phone number,,,,,,,,
we are very serious and promise to make it up to you OK, after you sent the
money just forward the mtcn or Reference number to us here,
Number +229-9965-3283
Money Gram Marketing Director General
12 laminawa cotonou Benin Republic
Ms Safi Kabore - por
Dear Friend,
Sorry for intruding into your privacy search,This is Ms Safi kabore 38years old From Togo work with the department of Audit and accounting manager here in the Bank of Africa Togo,
There is this fund that was keep in my custody years ago if any one provide the rightful information of the fund and sign it can be approved to the rightful beneficiary which is unknown.Is only a Foreigner that has access to apply due to his business partner assosiciate,
I need your help applying for transfer (US$4.5M DOLLARS) to your bank account. I have every enquiry ‘details to make the bank believed you and release the fund in within 5 banking working days with your full co-operation with me for success.
You are Email Winner of 800,000.00 USD in the recent PCH Lottery.
Kindly send your contacts to -
*Full Names
*Residential Address
PCH Official Notification.
Best Regards
Michael Adlerstein
---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: Amirah Asfari -
Data: 3 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re:
Obrigado por sua resposta. Eu não estou vivendo em seu país presentemente, Note, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não imaginário e foi por isso que eu fui a um site seguro onde posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você, estou na Síria agora e precisa desesperadamente mudar para seu país e é por isso que eu desejo entrar em contato com você.
Sou a Sra. Amirah Asfari, a esposa do Engenheiro Tarde (Baahir Asfari), um industrial sírio e membro dos empresários sírios no concílio de Damasco. Depois da morte do meu marido, a minha família está sob ameaça do Presidente Bashar al-Assad pelo nosso firme apoio a um verdadeiro Governo Democrático na Síria, por isso mataram o meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais no país, muitas famílias estão correndo para vidas queridas como soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças. Quero fazer notar que tenho na minha posse a quantia de 9.900.000 USD. Este é o dinheiro que eu e meu marido guardamos para toda a nossa vida como um industrial.
Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em uma caixa de tronco e depositado isto com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera em escrever-lhe é plead com você para amavelmente aceitar a caixa de dinheiro. Isto é porque não podemos fazer qualquer transferência bancária a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões que me preocupam agora. Vou dar-lhe 30% do total do dinheiro.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Eu sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã, então não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem de minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido está morto, tudo que eu tenho são meus dois filhos. Eles merecem uma vida decente desde que eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Vou mudar para o seu país com meus filhos e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, o seu conselho e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para nossas famílias.
Se possível, posso pedir-lhe para me enviar suas informações? Somente se você estiver confortável com este pedido. Isto é puramente com a finalidade de enviar o dinheiro para você. As informações necessárias são: Seu nome completo, seu número de telefone (celular), seu endereço completo.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recibo de sua informação eu fornecer-lhe-ei mais detalhes. A aceitação da minha oferta pode mudar a sua vida ea minha também.
Amirah Asfari
De: "Amirah Asfari" -
Data: 01/05/2017
Assunto: Re:
Obrigado por sua resposta. Eu não estou vivendo em seu país presentemente, Note, eu decidi encontrar alguém que é real e não imaginário e foi por isso que eu fui a um site seguro onde posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você, estou na Síria agora e precisa desesperadamente mudar para seu país e é por isso que eu desejo entrar em contato com você.
Sou a Sra. Amirah Asfari, a esposa do Engenheiro Tarde (Baahir Asfari), um industrial sírio e membro dos empresários sírios no concílio de Damasco. Depois da morte do meu marido, a minha família está sob ameaça do Presidente Bashar al-Assad pelo nosso firme apoio a um verdadeiro Governo Democrático na Síria, por isso mataram o meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais no país, muitas famílias estão correndo para vidas queridas como soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças. Quero fazer notar que tenho na minha posse a quantia de 9.900.000 USD. Este é o dinheiro que eu e meu marido guardamos para toda a nossa vida como um industrial.
Eu secretamente trancado o dinheiro em uma caixa de tronco e depositado isto com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera em escrever-lhe é plead com você para amavelmente aceitar a caixa de dinheiro. Isto é porque não podemos fazer qualquer transferência bancária a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões que me preocupam agora. Vou dar-lhe 30% do total do dinheiro.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Eu sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã, então não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem de minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido está morto, tudo que eu tenho são meus dois filhos. Eles merecem uma vida decente desde que eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Vou mudar para o seu país com meus filhos e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, o seu conselho e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para nossas famílias.
Se possível, posso pedir-lhe para me enviar suas informações? Somente se você estiver confortável com este pedido. Isto é puramente com a finalidade de enviar o dinheiro para você. As informações necessárias são: Seu nome completo, seu número de telefone (celular), seu endereço completo.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recibo de sua informação eu fornecê-lo-ei com mais detalhes. A aceitação da minha oferta pode mudar a sua vida ea minha também.
Amirah Asfari
Thank you for your response. I am not living in your country presently, Note, I decided to find someone that is real and not imaginary and that was why I went to a secured site where I can be sure that you are for real. I believe I can trust you, I am in Syria now and desperately needs to relocate to your country and this is why I desire to contact you.
I am Mrs. Amirah Asfari the wife of Late Engineer (Baahir Asfari) a Syrian Industrialist and member of Syrian business men in council Damascus. After the death of my husband, my family is under threat of President Bashar al-Assad for our resolute support for a true Democratic Government in Syria that is why they killed my husband.
Due to the current disturbances in the country many families are running for dear lives as soldiers are killing civilians, women and children. I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession the sum of 9.900.000 USD. This is the money me and my husband have saved for our entire life as an Industrialist.
I secretly locked up the money in a trunk box and deposited it with the Red Cross here in Damascus. My sincere intention in writing you is to plead with you to kindly accept the money box. This is because we cannot do any bank transfers from here following the war. These are the major issues of concern to me now. I will give you 30% of the total money.
I have to take this chance because I have no other alternative but to trust somebody. I am an orphan with no brother or sister so I can not risk my life here to avoid an end to my family lineage. As a woman since my husband is dead, all I have is my two kids. They deserve a decent life since I want them to grow up in a peaceful environment. I will relocate to your country with my sons and invest the money in accordance with law, your advice and support; we can work together and achieve a better future for our families.
If possible, may I request you to send me your information? Only if you are comfortable with this request. This is purely for the purpose of sending the money to you. The information needed is: Your full name, your phone number (mobile), your full address.
I anticipate your positive response and on receipt of your information I will provide you with further details. An acceptance of my offer can change your life and mine too.
Amirah Asfari
boumack troutti
This is mrs Boumack troutti from Germany. I am writing from the hospital in Ivory Coast , therefore this mail is very urgent as you can see that
I'm dying in the hospital which I don't know what tomorrow will be. I was told by my doctor that I was poisoned and has got my liver damaged and can
only live for some months.
I inherited some money ($8.5 Million) from my late husband and I cannot think of anybody trying to kill me apart from my Late husband's second wife
here in Ivory coast in order to inherit the money, she is an Ivorian by nationality.
I want you to contact me back As soon as i hear from you that you are competent to execute my desire,
I will instruct my lawyer and the bank management to make the immediate transfer into your account.I will give you the documents of the money and
will direct you to my lawyer who will work it out legally for you, the lawyer will assist you to change the documents of the money to your name to
enable the bank transfer the money to you.
This is the favor I need when you have gotten the money :-
(1) Give 20% of the money to Churches for the work of God.
(2) Give 30% of the money to handicap people and charity organization, then the remaining one is yours.
And if I don't hear from you, I will look for another person or an organization.
Please get back to me as soon as possible
May Almighty God bless you and use you to accomplish my wish.
Thanks yours mrs Boumack
responder para -
ATM Master Card
Daren Greggio
Attn: Beneficiary,
In line with the United Nations millennium development goal to eradicate poverty and hunger by the year 2020 I am directed to inform you that your payment verification and confirmation is completed, therefore we are happy to inform you that arrangements have been concluded to effect your payment as soon as possible in our bid for transparency.
It is my pleasure to inform you that ATM Card has been approved in your favor, The ATM Card Value is $1,000,000 USD (ONE MILLION US DOLLARS). You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $5,000.00 USD is permitted on withdrawal per day and is ably supported by Inter Switch so you can make withdrawal at any location ATM Center of your choice.
Simply contact this bona fide agent on the information below so that he can send the ATM card to you;
Name: Godwin Peter
Telephone: +229 9654 0795
Kindly be informed that the delivery will be made to your address within 48 hours (2 days) after the confirmation of your email for delivery. Treat urgently and note that your ATM Card is ready and available for dispatch to you.
Daren Greggio
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