---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mariam - mariam182026@yahoo.com
Date: 2017-05-25
Subject: I would like you to help me to transfer $3,4m. : mariam18668@yahoo.com
My Dear Friend,
I know this proposal letter will be a pleasant surprise to you as we don't know ourselves before. I am from South Sudan, now seeking asylum in Dakar, Senegal. I contacted you because of my serious search for a reliable and trust worthy person that can handle a confidential transaction like this. I would like you to help me to transfer this amount
US$3,4millions (Three Million Four Hundred Thousand US Dollars)
to your account. If you are interested, you should reply me quickly to enable me give you full details about the deposit and our way forward to transfer the money to your account.
I am eagerly expecting your urgent response.
Yours sincerely,
-----E-mail d'origine-----
A: undisclosed-recipients:;
Envoyé le : Ve, 26 Mai 2017 21:26
Sujet : TOMBOLA HEINEKEN €150,000 : maitre_yvespaquis@consultant.com
La société HEINEKEN BEER (He sas) est une marque de bière ainsi qu'une brasserie qui dispose d'une forte identité publicitaire en Europe, en Amérique, au Canada, en Asie et plus récemment en Afrique.
Sur le marché des bières en Afrique, la marque Heineken est dominante avec 50 % de parts de marché depuis 2000. Heineken Beer, s'exporte aux quatre coins du globe et demeure Partenaire officiel de la LEAGUE DES CHAMPIONS.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que la compagnie HEINEKEN BEER a organisé une Spéciale Tombola Internet tenue la semaine dernière en Europe en France en présence des partenaires venant de divers continents. L’Europe a été choisie cette année pour abriter le tirage au sort. L’Amérique se préparera pour accueillir la sélection prochaine. A cet effet, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que votre email a été tiré au sort et vous êtes l'heureux gagnant du premier prix de la valeur de cent cinquante mille Euros
€ 150,000
et une réservation pour la finale de la League des Champions qui se tiendra 3 juin 2017 au Millennium Stadium à Cardiff (Wales). Ce tirage a été favorisé et supervisé par l’huissier de justice Me. Yves Paquis dont voici ci-dessous votre numéro de références, votre code gagnant, votre rang et votre prix gagné.
Réf: GAFV/DAG/901
Code gagnant: XS 001-0103-BAF/7206-15
Rang: 1er
Prix Gagné : 150,000 € et une réservation pour la finale de la League des Champions
Par conséquent il faudra confirmer de toute urgence votre identité complète et réclamer votre gain auprès de l'huissier de justice chargé de l'homologation du tirage et de la remise de votre chèque, Me. Yves Paquis au courriel :
en lui envoyant les informations ci-dessous.
Toutes nos sincères félicitations
-E-mail d'origine-----
De : Miss Sophie Salva - renveredpeterbro@aol.com
Envoyé le : Sa, 27 Mai 2017
Sujet : Re: World Vision International Applicants
Dear World Vision International Applicants
Greetings with peace and love from the World Vision International Headquaters in UNITED STATES / CANADA . you are welcome to the WVI montly Training Programmes. be informed that presently we are almost done with the acceptance of Candidates. however, since your recommendation comes from our top WVI Colleague, we shall approve your WVI Global Membership and grant you the opportunity to work with the WVI . Secondly, be aware that the WVI is only responsible for your Flight Tickets, accommodation, and Feeding when you arrive here to the montly WVI Training Programmes. this is after your successful Registration as a full member of WVI Organization, that is if you have been Registered as one of WVI Global Members, intended Applicants can been given the opportunity for a WVI Work Permit, WVI Global Membership Card, US Green Card and Canada Pamanent Resident Card for two months WVI Training Programmes before commencement of the project in their various Countries and you will also be enlisted into the WVI and be working with us Globally with a US Green Card and Canadian Pamanent Resident Card.you are therefore advised to get your International Passports ready because it would be needed during Registration and Visa processes. you will also have to get other nine (9) official members to form a competent group of nine applicants including yourself and get your team email addresses and telephone numbers sent. since you are not an American or Canadian , Registration involves the payment of
$250 US Dollars
for Single WVI Applicant and a competent Group Application Processing Fees involves the sum of $500 US Dollars, however note that it is also possible for you to apply as a Single WVI Applicant, in case you are not capable of forming a group of competent team. please note that we will open your file as soon as your names, telephone numbers, email addresses and CV gets to us here in WVI Headquarters, for your full participation and Visas approval from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
NEED VISA ? UN / WVI really want to help you Work & Live in USA / Canada
US Citizenship and Immigration Services Work Visa USA/CANADA Immigration and citizenship Work Visa CANADA
uscisgovforms@gmail.com, u.s.customs.and.border.protectio@aol.com,
paulgabrielusrp@gmail.com, paulgabrielusrp@hotmail.com,
reveredandrewwashingtonsn@aol.com, worldvisioninter@aol.com,
natashanicholaswvidcusa@aol.com, renveredpeterbro@aol.com
STEP ONE - Recommended WVI applicants should form a group of 10 or a family of 7 persons and forward their datas,email addresses to obtain their WVI application Reference File Numbers to WVI Training Programme in USA/Canada. Kindly use the Western Union / Money Gram Informations to send your WVI Registration Fees to DAKAR (Senegal). Mode of payment: Money Gram/WUMT
Receiver Names : PAUL GABRIEL
Receiver Address : DAKAR, SENEGAL
Text Question: WVI
Text Answer: FEES
Amount Sent in US DOLLARS :.......................$ USD
Telephone +221.781017043
You must provide Scan Copy of your MONEY GRAM / WESTERN UNION Payment Receipt urgently via Email Attachment to enable the US Embassy in Dakar Senegal issue your Visa Seal into your various International Passports accordingly. Provide us with the following informations below...
Receicer Country...........
Sender Names...............
Receiver Names.............
Amount Sent in USD..............
Sender Country.............
STEP TWO - Send the following details below by e-mail attachment. They include the followings :
1)Names of applicants in the group/family
2) Passport numbers for each applicants if available
3) Name of country of origin and resident country
4) Group/family contact telephone numbers
5) Email addresses of WVI Applicants
Members without International Passport should forward the following requirements for processing of United Nations Emergency Travelling Certificate.
1) Applicant's scanned passport size photograph by email attachment.
2) Names, dates of birth and name of resident country
3) Height measure and colour of eyes
Note informations for those with International Passports and those without International Passports, email addresses and telephone numbers of all participants should be sent together same time. On receipt of the above requirements, your WVI group Application Files will be approved and certified. your WVI group / family Application Reference File Numbers will be forwarded to you.
FOR IMMEDIATE APPROVAL - 5 persons is the least number we can receive from any group / family. your WVI group/family application will automatically be approved and certified to the WVl Training Programmes If you can forward your group / family informations that consist of 10 persons with their email addresses and telephone numbers sent also.that means no other Applications will be accepted from your country after yours. interested WVI Applicants without International Passports can also apply along with those with International Passports as provisions for the United Nations Emergency Travelling certificate have been made available for WVI Applicants without International Passports.
Thank you for your co-operation.
success is your limit,
we do hope to hear from you soon.
Yours in service,
Kevin Jenkins.
President and Chief Executive Officer, WVI
America / Canada / Australia / Europe.
United States Washington, DC Office:
World Vision
311 "I" Street Ns
Washington, DC 20011
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Beauty Mashutika - kubotani03@yahoo.co.jp
Envoyé le : Sa, 27 Mai 2017
Sujet : My dear friend, I want to find my soulmate : sweetliollla@gmail.com
Hello, unfortunately i do not know exactly how your name. And what your country, but i hope that is civilized country. Read my letter carefully, it will not take long.
I'm Maria. I live in Russia.
I hope that you not to frighten my message, that i'm live in Russia Federation ! To be frank, i got your mail in a dating site, I don't remember the name a site, it was for a long time. I wanted to write you for a long time, but i have been occupied. As my girlfriend has made earlier. also she gave me some advice. Now i don't have with her contact, i do not know what happened with her. She has found happiness and now lives with very good person from your country. I also decided to try the fate and to find the love and more in the Web ;) I want to find my soulmate - careful, passionate, serious man. The best ! I hope it you ! I want to find kind, Real Man ! I ask you to write to me only in ENGLISH :) I love sex, well, as everybody i think, so let's be straight :) So, i want to make a offer to exchange a couple of photos, maybe even an intimate ?! I have a lot of lovely intimate photos, and even it is more) I'm a student, and sometimes i am doing striptease, but i'm not a prostitute. So please, send me a message and also write me your REAL NAME ! I ask you write me only on ENGLISH, and i want you to know, I don't play game, i'm serious, trustful and good girl. I'll wait your letter with big impatience.
My real name is Maria, i live in RU.
Sweet kisses to you.
With good wishes,
Maria. waiting for early reply from you.
foto maria
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Mashenka Mashutik - suginoki_mic@yahoo.co.jp
Envoyé le : Sa, 27 Mai 2017
Sujet : I have decided to find the love and more in the Web ! mariadeargirl@gmail.com
unfortunately i don't know exactly how your name. And in what country do you live, but i hope that is a country with civilisation !
Read my letter attentively, it will not occupy a lot of your time. My name is Maria. I live in Russia Federation. I hope that you do not do to frighten my mail, that i am live in Russia ! At once i will tell, i bought your mail address in a site of dating, I can not remember the name of this site, it was a long ago. I wanted to write you for a long time, but have been occupied. As my girlfriend has made in the past. She also gave me some advice. Now i do not have with her contact, i don't know that what it was happen. She is happy now, married and living with a very decent man from your country. I too have decided to try the fate and to find the love and more in the Web ! I want to find my soulmate - careful, passionate, serious man, the best ! I hope it is you ! I want to find kind, Real Man ! I have to ask you to write to me only in ENGLISH :) I love sex, well, as everybody i think, so let us be straight :) So, i want to make a offer to exchange a couple of photos, probably even an intimate photos ! I have many beautiful erotic pictures, and even it is more. I'm a student, and from time to time i i am doing striptease, but i'm not a prostitute.
So please, send me a message and also let me know your REAL NAME ! But please write only on ENGLISH, and i want you to know, I do not play games, i am serious, kind and trustful girl. My real name is Maria, i live in RU.
I will be very grateful to you, if you can give me fast answer
I will wait your letter with big impatience
Sweet kisses for you.
With warm wishes,
...." Tenho recebido mensagem amorosas desse sujeito que diz estar em missão no Iraq..."
email: dukebrusevip100@gmail.com
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esses dois homens tem entrado no site de relacionamento e estão mandando juras de amor para mim um diz trabalhar com eletrônica e eo outro de uniforme é militar e está no afeganistão muito solitário ele assina coronel Kobalski e tem imagem dele no google com esse nome muitas imagens mesmo
General James M. Kowalski.
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",,,,ele me disse que se chama Gerard James, o e-mail que ele me passou dele é esse gerardjames245@gmail.com. Pois o mesmo me disse que é um engenheiro,
que quer vir para o Brasil no próximo mês, que vai se aposentar,
só que me disse que está vindo de navio, e que o navio deu pane que era pra eu resgatar uns documentos pra ele no valor de R$ 4.500,00 que quando ele chegar no Brasil me paga, só que eu não paguei nada
Scammers stolen pics from Vincent Rush speaker
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De: elizabeth dion - elizabethdion@outlook.fr
Enviado: sábado, 27 de maio de 2017 09:09
Para: xxxxx
Assunto: Honey,Please I want you to contact the bank for the possible transfer
Como você está hoje ?. Eu acredito que você está fazendo bem. Eu sou mais do que
Feliz com seu interesse em me ajudar a transferir meus 8,1 milhões
Dólares americanos depositados em um banco europeu pelo meu falecido
Que sou o parente mais próximo, por favor, meu amor, mantenha esta questão dentro de você, eu
Não quero perder esse dinheiro e minha vida, isso é uma enorme quantidade de
Dinheiro.Em curto este lugar é mais de uma prisão e minha esperança é para você
Para me ajudar a transferir esse dinheiro para sua posição para que eu possa vir
Para começar uma nova vida com você.Darling, por favor, tenha paciência comigo como eu
Não tenho mais fotos para transmitir. Sim meu amor eu confio em Deus com todos os meus
Meu querido, você sabe por que eu confio em você antes de fazer este contato com você i
Peça a Deus que me forneça um homem que me conduza ao Canal certo
Alguém que não vai me trair, mas você pode crença após o meu jejum
E rezando foi revelar-me a concedido mais confiança em você que você
Tem me dado por Deus, ouço, vou fazer tudo para fazer
Você será feliz e será animado para ouvir sua bela voz através do
Rev número do pai devido ao meu status de refugiado. No entanto, eu vou gostar de você
Para entrar em contato com o banco europeu onde o dinheiro foi depositado pelo meu
Confirmação e possibilidades de transferência para o seu
Conta no seu país. As informações de contato do banco são
E-mail do contato:
Endereço de e-mail (deptrbs.tranferr@yahoo.co.uk)
Endereço de e-mail (tranferrdeptrbs@usa.com]
Diretor de Transferência de Títulos, Sr.Paul LEEDS.
Telefone 44 - 7024-085-657
Fax 44-7031-882-738
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De: elizabeth dion - elizabethdion244@hotmail.com>
Enviado: quinta-feira, 18 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Olá querido
Olá querido
Meu nome é elizabeth dion
Estou, muito feliz em contatá-lo, hoje
E eu desejo estar em bom relacionamento, com você
E eu estarei muito feliz se você puder me responder
Através do meu privado (elizabethdion@outlook.fr)
Em 7 de mai de 2017 15:10, "JEFFERY WINSTON" - winstonjeffery248@gmail.com escreveu:
Olá querido,
Como vai você? Eu espero que tudo esteja indo bem e livre de estresse para você meu nome é Jeffrey Winston de Oslo Noruega, mas eu atualmente vivo em Manchester Reino Unido e eu tenho sido divorciado por seis anos agora eu tenho uma filha, ela se chama Susan Ela é a amor da minha vida. Ela mora com a minha ex-mulher.
Eu sou um empreiteiro privado. Eu sou em petróleo bruto e exploração de gás, e controle de derramamento de óleo e construção de drenagem de Estrada. Eu viajo muito para contratos. Mas neste estágio de minha vida, eu quero retardar coisas para baixo, e concentrar em o que importa o mais que é FAMÍLIA.
Tenho olhos castanhos, esbranquiçados em Complexion.i medir 186 de altura e peso 93kg.Meus passatempos estão assistindo futebol, ouvir música, ir à praia, ler livros livros mais especialmente motivacionais, porque eu leio para ser inspirado e ser criativo e também pensar positivo .
Eu sou um homem muito simples e baixo para a terra que ama a sinceridade ea honestidade dos corações e também o amor para respeitar o meu ser humano companheiro e fazer as pessoas ao meu redor feliz porque eu acredito que a beleza da vida não é apenas sobre como você está feliz, mas em Quão felizes as pessoas ao seu redor são.
Conte-me mais sobre você. Estou ansioso para ouvir de você em breve. O único meio que podemos usar para saber mais sobre o outro através da mensagem constante de cada um assim que eu espero ter uma carta de você constantemente. Tome cuidado e tenha um momento agradável cheio de alegria.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
The International Monetary Fund Annual Compensation From USA
Ms. Christine Lagarde - ww.@lagoon.ocn.ne.jp>
MoneyGram locations in Cleveland, OH
Address: 840 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114, United States.
Office Tel: (216) 810-4603 Text or Call SMS!
Attention ! Attention !! Attention !!!
The International Monetary Fund Annual Compensation From USA.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is compensating some scam victims and your email address was found in the scam victims list. This Money Gram®office has been mandated by the IMF to transfer your
compensation to you via MoneyGram®Money Transfer.
However, we have concluded to affect your own payment through MoneyGram®Money Transfer, $4,980.00 pay day until the total sum of $1.3 Million United States is completely transferred to you the receiver. We cannot be able to send the payment with your email address alone, we are hereby needed your information to where we will be sending the funds. You Can Text or Call us and fill below Information or email us via email.
(Receivers name)............
(Phone Number).....................
(Your Age)..................................
(ID copy)............. ..................
Contact the MoneyGram director with this information:
Name: Mr. Richard Maxwell
Manager Director for MoneyGram Ohio USA.
Private Email: richardmaxwell@citromail.hu
Office Tel: (216) 810-4603 Text or Call SMS!
NOTE: That your payment files will be returned to the IMF within 72hours if we did not hear from you because this was the instruction given to us by the IMF office here in Ohio, USA. We will start the transfer as soon as we received your information. You are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message for any reason
what so ever because the US FBI is already on trace of the criminals from Africa.
NOTICE: To text or call this office for any question.
Ms. Christine Lagarde
International Monetary Fund!
RESPONDER PARA - charlesfeeney71@gmail.com
Visit the web page to know more about me
Charles Feeney
Hello Dear
My name is Charles Feeney, a philanthropist and the founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, one of the largest private foundations in the world. I believe strongly in ‘giving while living.’ I had one idea that never changed in my mind ? that you should use your wealth to help people and I have decided to give $12.9 USD to randomly selected individuals worldwide. you should count yourself as the lucky individual. Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience, so I know your email address is valid.
Visit the web page to know more about me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Feeney
Charles Feeney
Payment Advice 20170527
UAE Exchange Centre LLC - toto@macoline.co.id
Dear sir,
Today we have able to remit the total amount of US$ 261,704.97 to your account. Details of our payments are as follows:
Cont. #41 SPV001/MAY/24 US$180,299.13 - 11,748.82 (50% disc. For R008 & R016) =
Cont. #42 EXSQI013/JUN/24 US$69,154.66
Total Remittance: US$ 261,704.97
Attached is the TT copy, check with your bank and let us know when you will proceed with shipment.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Mituhu Rini
+62 815800 8950/ +62 878 78009531
Em 23/05/2017 07:44, "Brian and Mary Lohse"
> Hello, XXXXXXX
> You can read more about us and our Power Ball lottery Winnings via
> https://www.lottery24.com/powerball/powerball-winners/powerball-winners-mary-and-brian-lohse
> As a couple we are donating $ 800,000 to you from our $202.1 million Dollar Lottery drawn on 26th September 2012, this is not to gain fame as a matter of fact both of us have decided to put this away from the media. We claimed our win on the February 2013. We as a couple are involved in many donations and scholarships both that of children with cancer and School for the blind including many more we may not like to mention here,we believe in the word givers never lack. I want you to be rest assured that you received this message because you are among the individuals to receive from our "DONATION PROJECT". I'm very sure that if you read or watch our interview via the link above you will see the history on how we became a winner. After the heavy TAX imposed on us we got $129.8 million.
> I had to move over here in Germany to relax with my family as advised by our family attorney,so we are currently here in the Germany as a nice tourist environment although we are traveling to India tomorrow or next. We are monitoring this donation to you be rest assured. We think donating this to you is not a mistake because contributing to you and putting smiles on your face is a good thing and we might not have been a perfect Christians but we believed in God and never believed miracles were real until we won the Power-ball Lottery we confirmed then that there is God no matter your religion.
> We may not know you, but we believe you were chosen by God to receive our donation of Eight hundred thousand usd, you may be a God fearing person i have always believed that Good things happens to those people who believe and we have no idea on how our winners will be selected but our financial adviser and the email rotary company said our winners will be notified on email and they will be directed to contact us on our email.
> We plan to deposit Eight Hundred thousand United State Dollars in a master card account and the Automated teller machine card will be shipped to the receiver via a reputable courier service (DHL), for the master card to be ready we will need some information's from you as stated below,these information are to register the Master Card in your name as the receiver of the $800,000 representing your organization.
> Full Name:
> Residential Address:
> Country of Residence and Country of Birth:
> Occupation:
> Phone Number:
> We are Brian and Mary Lohse by name,from the Des Moines suburb of Bondurant USA, By profession I am Mary Lohse, 43, a certified medical assistant at the pediatric clinic at Mercy Hospital in Des Moines but i lost my job in 2010 not knowing i would be a millionaire in the coming years and my lovely husband is Brian Lohse, 44, an attorney at EMC Insurance in Des Moines. As our prospective beneficiary to receive our donation of Eight Hundred Thousand United State Dollars i would like to know more about you also.
> May the Good lord bless your heart to be a blessing to your family and your society as soon as our donation gets to you.
> Our Regard
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