De edwardfilip980@gmail.com
Para xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DATA 12 de maio, de 2017
Oi querido,
Olá? Obrigado por me fornecer seu e-mail, pelo menos, ele me criou a oportunidade de dizer e saber mais sobre você. Como você está hoje? Espero que tudo esteja bem e que aconteça do jeito que você esperava. Você realmente está linda e bonita, exatamente o que eu estou procurando! Que tal se nos encontrarmos um pouco melhor e vermos o que vai acontecer. Eu quero falar sobre o meu destino quando eu sinto que os poderosos que é como se uma força fora do meu controle me guia para alguém que pode me fazer feliz além de meus sonhos mais selvagens. Eu realmente não sei como começar e terminar, você sabe que às vezes na vida você começa a sentir se você pode lidar com um relacionamento de acordo com o que isso significa, porque muitas pessoas agora abusar dela. Mas aqui está o caso e seu destino está levando para a pessoa que você está destinado a ser. Eu quero falar sobre o meu destino quando o sentimento é tão poderoso e além do meu controle que está me levando para alguém que pode me fazer feliz além de meus sonhos mais selvagens .. Para começar sobre mim, eu sou Edward Filip, 56 anos, vivendo E trabalhando na Inglaterra. Meu pai é da Itália e ele está atrasado, Enquanto minha mãe é do Reino Unido e ela está vivendo com a minha única filha. Eu sou um engenheiro. Estou trabalhando como engenheiro de mineração na British Petroleum Company em Manchester. Tenho trabalho há anos. Eu trabalho como Engenheiro Operacional de Projeto, minha seção está perfurando a construção de plantas de óleo e refinarias. Adoro relaxar durante os fins de semana; Vá para o shopping, ver futebol e de vez em quando eu vou para a minha casa de mãe para visitá-la e minha linda filha com sua babá. Eu sou um homem que é energético e espontâneo. Eu respeito a religião diferente existe neste mundo porque ele tem ensinamentos semelhantes que trazem paz a todos e fazem de você um homem melhor. Minha querida, eu ainda não tenho certeza de um lugar que isso vai nos levar, mas eu estou mais do que dispostos a fazer esta viagem. Meus sentimentos são mútuos quanto a um desejo, mas eu também preciso que você dê a sua atenção para esta amizade se ela vai funcionar para nós dois independentemente da distância. Eu vou te contar mais sobre mim assim que você me contar um pouco sobre você. Eu gostaria de conhecer sua ocupação, onde você mora, seu país. Você já esteve no Reino Unido antes, eu esperarei sua resposta e por favor não se apresse, apenas tome seu tempo e escreva para mim quando tiver a chance de fazer isso .
Com amor e beijos,
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From Vincent Morris
De: morris22v@gmail.com
Data: ter, 9 de mai em 2017
Para: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How are you doing? I hope everything is going fine and stress-free for you? Thanks for providing me your email id, at least you've created me the chance to tell and know more about you. First i want to introduce myself.
I am Vincent Morris, born in 23th of April 1967, in Barbados Caribbean Island. I am originally from Barbados, My first degree was in Mechanical Engineering at Liverpool University and I am a consultant in Oil and Gas exploration and supply and I do most importation contracts projects. The reason why I was in the dating chat was to meet people, nothing more... but you came out of the blue (a nice surprise, I must say). I was really surprised with your honesty.
I have a daughter she is 10 years old her name is Mary and i also take care of her and the nanny help me also when I leave to work, together we all live now in manchester were i work. I am 5'8 tall, hazel eyes, Grey brown hair and i weigh 72kg in weight. And my wife died in 2006 of blood cancer, no uncles, or cousins, a very small family.
After my wife's death, is as if life stopped for a long time I could not come in myself and my distraction was work and kids! Little communication and even more fun, I just wasn't ready. I never thought about Dating, especially online.
I never thought anything serious with any woman until recently. I had time to sit down and think again, and I found that I do want to live the rest of my life in peace, given the fact that I have many more years ahead. I want to love and be loved! In the near future and live with the man to understand the beauty and sanctity of marriage. But it is very scary to even think about marriage, when you look at the rate at which people get married today here and tomorrow in the divorce, but I still hope to meet the right woman for me. I would love to spent time with the rest of my life with her, a WOMAN who knows what real love is!
I want to say that I am calm, smart and funny, caring, hardworking and with a sense of humour. I love nature, walks in the woods, to travel, prefer to listen to good music, swim, and walk on the beach barefoot. I try to be pragmatic about life; I believe that people come into our lives for a reason. I'm a very busy person, but I believe there's a part of me that loves adventure and romance. My favourite flowers are roses and lilies. My favourite colour is red and blue, and I appreciate the calm and soothing atmosphere of partnership.
I am really interested in wanting to know about You, I want to know more about your family, your background, Your experience, past relationships, your goals and dreams, your interests, I want to know more about you and what makes your heart and soul, as the friendship I want to build with you I want to be like no other you have ever seen or felt.
I will tell you more about me as soon as you tell me a bit about you. Finally, I will wait for your response and please do not hurry, just take your time and write me when you have the chance to do so, my heart is free and open, also I will be happy, if I find the same heart and it will be mutual.
Hope to read from you soon.
Best Regards,
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RESPONDER PARA - abi.azi@bol.com.br
TELEFONE DO GOLPISTA - (11) 89888-3737
De: Omar Ali - blessmeg104@gmail.com
Data: 11 de maio de 2017
Para: xxxx
Ola xxxxxx,
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Meu nome é Omar Ali da Síria. Tenho
contactado você, porque estou planejando investir o montante em
dólares $ 2 milhões de dólares em seu país. Eu preciso da sua
aceitação para me ajudar e também aconselhar-me sobre como eu posso
fazer um investimento bom e lucrativo no seu país. Vou dar-lhe% 20 do
USD 2 milhões $ para a sua assistência e aconselhar. Aguardo a sua
resposta urgente. Deus te abençoê.
De : lexx jones lexxjones2016@gmail.com
A: undisclosed-recipients:;
Envoyé le : Je, 11 Mai 2017 23:56
Sujet : About your $105,000 cheque, contact : apex.d@post.com
Greetings to you & your family.
I am Miss Lexx Jones the USA Military Army Officer who you are communicating with before, i am very happy to informe you about my success in getting the fund delivered to a new partner in Canada. However i don't forget your past efforts toward me then, i decided to signed a cheque of
US$105,000 dollars
for your past effort toward me which i drop to Apex Courier Delivery Company, Lome (Togo). What you have to do now is to contact the Apex Courier Delivery Company Lome (Togo) as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of the expiring date. For your information, I have paid for the delivering charges. The only money you will send to the Courier & Security Company to deliver your cheque direct to your postal address in your country is
$99 dollars only
being their Security Keeping Fees of the Courier Company so far. Again, do not be deceive by anybody to pay any other money except $99 dollars. I would have paid that but they said no because they don't know when you will contact them and in case of demurrage. You have to contact the Apex Courier Delivery Company now for the delivery of your cheque with this information below...
Apex Courier Delivery Company Togo
Registration ref. no. : wwdsc/xxx/101
Code no. : xxxdcsc/6546
Finally, make sure that you reconfirm your postal address and direct telephone number to them again to avoid any mistake on the delivery and let me repeat again, try to contact them as soon as you receive this mail to avoid any further delay and remember to pay them their security keeping fees of
$99 dollars
for their immediate action.You should also Let me know through email as soon as you receive your cheque. Apex courier delivery company do not know the contents of the parcel.I registered it as my photograph (pics) being sent to a friend overseas. They do not know that it contains a cheque of such a huge amount of money. This is to avoid them tampering with the package. Do not let them know the content.
i am waiting to hear the good news from you.
Yours faithfully
Miss lexx
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De : Abdul Katta - lynddc2@gmail.com
Envoyé le : Je, 11 Mai 2017
Sujet : About your ATM card delivery, contact : info-axainsurancesn@insurer.com
ATTN : About your ATM card delivery, contact : info-axainsurancesn@insurer.com
The Senegalese Police have discovered your ATM Visa card with the UBA Bank Senegal and we have today submitted the card to an insurance company who will facilitate the delivery of the card to you without further delay. You must adhere to the instructions of the above mentioned company if you wish to secure your card and your funds in Senegal. You are advised to contact AXA INSURANCE immediately and re-confirm your full contact details for verification as follows :
1. Your full name
2. Your contact address.
3. Your Phone Number.
Send an email immediately to : info-axainsurancesn@insurer.com
Contact person : Mr. Joe Makilo
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Abdul Katta.
De: "Brenda Sanchez" - mathewdudash30@hotmail.com
Data: 5 de mai de 2017
Recebi seu e-mail de (legis.senado.leg.br)
Gostaria muito de ter uma palavra com você sobre uma questão importante.
Por favor, responda aqui (brendsanchez4@hotmail.com)
Estou ansioso para o seu e-mail.
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From: D.H.S WASHINGTON D.C dhsdesk.usa.@jasmine.ocn.ne.jp>
Date: 2017-05-12
Subject: This is Gen. John F. Kelly,
Dear beneficiary,
This is Gen. John F. Kelly, the new secretary of U.S. Department of Homeland security appointed by President Donald Trump. Your delayed payment/funds in the tone of US$5,000,000.00 (Five Million United State Dollar) that was held by ECOWAS, IMF and the FBI has been finally released because this is a new administration. Following the new administration's debt settlement policy, we tendered your fund release file for immediate release and shipment to your designated address. In this case, you are expected to reconfirm your Full Name (as stated on your government issued photo ID), shipping address, Nearest Airport and your Direct Cell Phone number, for immediate delivery of the consignment box containing your total fund. These details are needed for proper verification due to fraudulent activities going on around the globe.
I can be reached directly at (202) 847-6920.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Gen. John F. Kelly
Secretary of
The U.S. Department of
Homeland Security
Washington DC
Donation For You!!!
Mr Warren Buffett - warren.@giga.ocn.ne.jp
Greetings to You
You have been gifted $5 MILLION USD donation fund. Contact us at this email
for your claim: buffettwarren.01@gmail.com
I hope this information meet you well as I know you will be curious to know
why/how I selected you to receive a cash sum of $5,000,000,00 USD, our information below is 100% legitimate, please see the link below:
My wife and I decided to donate the sum of $5,000,000,00 USD to you as part
of our charity project to improve the lot of 10 lucky individuals all over
the world from our $12 Billion Usd I and My Wife Mapped out to help people
before she died. We prayed and searched over the internet for assistance
because i saw your profile on Microsoft email owners list and picked you.
Susan my wife and i have decided to make sure this is put on the internet
for the world to see. my wife has cancer and she died at colchester regional
hospital, my wife just didn't die but she was a great person and I miss her
so much and this is why I have decided to do one thing i promised her forever. As you could see from the webpage above, am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no much time to live. although am a Billionaire investor and we have helped some charity organizations from our Fund.
You see after taken care of the needs of our immediate family members, Beforeshe died we decided to donate the remaining of our Billions to other individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the red cross, Haiti,hospitals in truro where Susan underwent her cancer treatment, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, alzheimer's and diabetes and the bulk of the funds deposited with our payout bank of this charity donation. we have kept just 40% of the entire sum to our self for the remaining days because i am sick and am writing you from hospital computer because i dont know when i will die.
To facilitate the payment process of the funds ($5,000,000.00 USD) which
have been donated solely to you, you are to send us
your full names.................
your contact address................
your personal telephone number...............
so that i can forward your payment information to you immediately. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there in your country. please you have to do you part to also alleviate the level of poverty in your region, help as many you can help once you have this money in your personal account because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.
I like to re-assure you of the legitimacy of this services as we will not
be involved in any fraudulent act and will never be. use the money wisely,
we only want to feel good by helping people this time of the year, this is
the only thing that makes my wife happy too even now that she is not here
with me anymore, we have too much to give away as I only have few months
left on earth. I will advise as you as the prospective lucky Person to be
calm not to loose this great opportunity which millions of people are trying
to entangled but the chances just couldn't come for them because a lot of
people are out there to discourage them as they don't know how it works,
and have never seen such before.
Thank you for accepting our offer, we are indeed grateful.
God bless you
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)
Mr. William Eze - www.@eos.ocn.ne.jp>
We have deposited the check of your fund ($3.800`000.00USD) through Western Union department after our finally meeting regarding your fund, All you will do is to contact Western Union director DR Edward via E-mail western.union44@yahoo.com He will give you direction on how you will be receiving the funds daily.Remember to send him your Full information to avoid wrong transfer such as,
Receiver's Name_______________
Address: ________________
Country: _____________
Phone Number: _____________
Though, Mrs .Mary Nduba has sent $5000 in your name today so contact DR Anthony or you call+229-99615303 him as soon as you receive this email and tell him to give you the Mtcn, sender name and question/answer to pick the $5000 Please let us know as soon as you received all your fund,
Best Regards.
RESPONDER PARA - alfwill@consultant.com
Alfer Rafeal - alfrael30@yahoo.com
I greet you with warm regards. I earn a living in the oil industry as leader of the Procurement Unit in a refining outfit owned by a South East Asian government.
On my desk is a mandate to arrange for crude oil purchase from Libya for up to 2,000,000 barrels on monthly bases for 12 calendar months.
The essence of my reaching out to you is the fact that am in the process of building a middle man structure to mediate between the 2 parties involved before the contract is signed
You may be pondering why I cannot do it myself right? The honest fact is that as a staff, it is against my company's operational ethics to profiteer from any dealings with the firm hence the reason I need a trustworthy person outside my work circle in order to maintain a discreet profile.
I wish to extend this partnership to you my friend to build a middle man structure which you while i work from the back to guide you. Our commission/brokerage as middle men is between $2 - $3 per barrel so if the target of 2M barrels is met monthly we stand to share $4M - $6M every month for a span of 12 months.
Worry less about the speedy sales as I have contacts within oil producing country's top echelon for license of crude oil export/lifting to any firm I so present for this business.
Honestly if you can forecast you see that this venture is a step to being a name to reckon with in the global oil market.
Kind regards.
Alfer Rafeal
Phone: +6531586502
Ongoing 2017 - services@kvs-tech.com
Your email was selected a winner from ongoing 2017 UK National Lottery
contest with Ref:1919/UK for amount of Ј1,000,000.00. Email: claimdept99@yahoo.com
for more details about the competition and payment arrangements.
Fwd: Congratulations!.
De: "Australia Lotto" - cblowy2@aol.com
Data: 4 de mai de 2017 9:11 AM
Assunto: Congratulations!.
I'm Pat Bruce the Australian International Lottery program coordinator, am here to inform you that your Facebook profile won $2,500,000.00 USD in the Australian International Lottery Promo Held in USA. And your profile is the lucky winner for this month. Your Ref No: 9887654AU. For claim Email us your Name,Address,Occupation, and Phone, Country to:australia.loto@australiamail.com for claim.
Pat Bruce.
Promo Co-ordinate
Attention Owner Of The ATM CARD.
Hon. Brett S. Williams
Attention Owner Of The ATM CARD.
I have registered Your ATM CARD of USD2.5. with DHL Express Courier Company
with registration code of ( Shipment Code awb 33xzs). please Contact with your
delivery information such as, Your Name, Your Address and Your Telephone
Office:E-mail: (dhldeliverycompany92@yahoo.com)
Name of Mr. Anthony Dibor
Office NUMBER : +229-6188_5054
I have paid for the Insurance & Delivery fee. The only fee you have to pay is
their Security fee $67 Please indicate the registration Number and ask Him how
to pay their Security fee of $67 so that you can pay it immediately.
Best Regards,
Hon. Brett S. Williams
Dear sir
Thanks for the Recommendations.
Please we are in need of your offers for the year sales.
confirm back to us your offers and prices and terms etc so that we
can proceed after our study.
our email address : salahgroup2010@gmail.com
we are ready to establish a long and good business. should you care
about our profiles and other informations we are at your desposals.
best regards
west Thomas.
Ste Salah Group Sarl.
+229 6694 6201.
NOTE OUR EMAIL : salahgroup2010@gmail.com
Dear Beneficiary,
David Louis - www.@aurora.ocn.ne.jp
Dear Beneficiary,
This is to bring to your notice that because of the impossibility of yourfund transfer through the western union network, we havecredited your total sum of $8.5millon valid fund into an ATM MASTER CARD and I have paid the re-activation fee and the delivery of the ATM Card To you, I paid it because the ATM Card worth of $8,500,000.00 which I have registered for delivery yesterday has less than 12 days to expire in the custody of the FedEx Company and when it expires, the money will go into Federal Government treasury account. With that we decided to help you pay off the money so that the ATM Card will not expire,
because I trust that when you receive your ATM Card definitely you must pay me back my money and even compensate me for helping you.
I was calling the telephone number you provided then, but unavailable to confirm if you still living in your formal address in for the registration of the ATM Card. Now I want you to contact FedEx Express Delivery with your physical address you desire the delivery to be made so that they can deliver your ATM Card to your designated address without any delay.
Like I stated earlier, the crediting re-activation, delivery and the company registration charges has been paid by me, but I did not pay their official keeping fees since they refused, they refused and the reason is that they do not know when you are going to contact them and the demurrage might have increased by then, They told me that their keeping fees is $25 per day only, and I deposited it yesterday being 11th 2017.
Below is the Contact Information of the FedEx, Express Customer Service Director Mr.peter lambert, Email Address online:(fedexcompny344@yahoo.com) Tel: +229 67980375 Contact them today and also send them the security official
keeping charge to avoid increase of their fees and let me know once you receive your ATM card,
Important Notice: Your ATM CARD package is Wrapped with pin code paper together with the instructions from the issuing bank on how you will be using the card to withdraw your fund daily and I registered it as gift so that the
diplomatic Agent will not know the content of your package okay.
Best Regards
RESPONDER PARA - fatimatahaifa20@yahoo.co.jp
My Dearest One,
Fatimata Haifa - fatimahaifa37@yahoo.co.jp por yahoo.com
I am contacting you today with full confidence that you respond me
with the same spirit that I have contacted you which shall be beneficial
to both of us at last.
I have some personal discussion that I want to pass to you directly.
Can you please respond me so that I will unfold that? Hope to hear from you soonest.
Yours sincerely,
Fatimata Haifa.
RESPONDER PARA - miss.fawziyyah@gmail.com
Kindest Regard
Miss Fawziyyah
02:02 (Há 13 horas)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Muitas pessoas marcaram mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter conteúdo perigoso. Saiba mais
I am Miss Fawziyyah Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly 24 years old female from the Republic of Ivory Coast,West Africa ,am the Daughter of Late Chief Sgt.Warlord Ibrahim Coulibal .a.k.a General IB. My late father was a well known Ivory Coast militia leader. He died on Thursday 28 April 2011 following a fight with the Republican Forces of Ivory Coast FRCI.
I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment which I am receiving from my step mother. She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe, but she hide away my international passport and other valuable documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father's File which contained important documents. Now I am presently staying in the Mission in Burkina Faso.
I am seeking for long term relationship and investment assistance. My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$ 12.3 Million in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I had contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the Branch Manager told me that being a refugee, my status according to the local law does not authorize me to carry out the operation. However, he advised me to provide a trustee who will stand on my behalf. I had wanted to inform my stepmother about this deposit but I am afraid that she will not offer me anything after the release of the money.
Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in transferring the money into your bank account while I will relocate to your country and settle down with you. As you indicated your interest to help me I will give you the account number and the contact of the bank where my late beloved father deposited the money with my name as the next of kin. It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your assistance and the balance shall be my investment in any profitable venture which you will recommend to me as have no any idea about foreign investment. Please all communications should be through this email address for confidential purposes (miss.fawziyyah@gmail.com)
Thanking you a lot in anticipation of your quick response. I will give you details in my next mail after receiving your acceptance mail to help me.
Yours sincerely
NT >
My name is Neil Trotter the current winner of 108 million Pounds on the Euro million Jackpot Draw for 2014, and i bring to you
perfect good news for such a perfect timing as this. I know this might be surprising for you to have received this at this stage But
because of my last years unexpected blessing i have finally decided and willing to donate
5,000,000.00 (five Million Great Britain Pounds) as part of my own personal effort to alleviate poverty and care for the less privileged
around the world. I have then decided to randomly donate to just 5 people around the globe which you are lucky to be a part of.
However you can get back to me via my personal email at ( neiltrotter845@gmail.com )
And do also Provide me with the following informations below when contacting me.
Full Name:
Country of Residence:
Mobile Number:
Marital Status:
Warm Regards,
RESPONDER PARA - giannico794@gmail.com
Date: 2017-05-11 (Official Residence of the President of the US) 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500 USA
Mrs. Melania Trump WWW.@biscuit.ocn.ne.jp>
(Official Residence of the President of the US) 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20500 USA
(Official Residence of the President of the US)
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500 USA
Attn.Duane Wente
I am Mrs. Melania Trump and I am written to inform you about your CASHIER CHECK AND BANK DRAFT brought in the white house Washington DC which contains you about your Bank Cheque Draft brought by the United Embassy from the government of USA in the white house Washington DC which contains the sum of (USD$80,Millions
You are advised to include the followings below:
(1). Your Full Name,
(2). Your Country,
(3). Your Direct Telephone Numbers,
(4).Your Direct Office Phone Numbers,
(5).Mobile Phone Number,
(6). Your Correct Home Address,
(7). Your Office Address,
(8). Your Current Occupation,
(9).Your Weekly/Monthly Income,
(10). Your age ,
(11).Your Next Of Kin Name,
(12).Your Next Email Address,
(13).Your Next TelePhone Numbers,
I look forward to your respond to your email with the payment today.
From: Catherine Smith - catherinesmithlov@gmail.com
Subject: Re: XXXXXX
My name is Catherine Smith, the branch manager of Israel Discount Bank Yehuda Halevi, I am a widow with two children. I am writing this letter to ask for your support and co-operation to carry out this business opportunity in my department. After the second quarter audit Last year October 2016 in my branch I discover documents of a late client Edward Orbeli. A Brazilian Business magnate who made a numbered fixed deposit with this branch valued $12M (Twelve Million United State Dollars,) and I was lucky to have the scan documents with me in save position. I discovered from his contract employers, the Petroleum Corporation that Edward Orbeli, died in a car accident with his entire family on May 21st 2006.
According to Israel Yehuda Halevi Banking law after the expiration of 12 (Twelve ) years, if nobody apply for the claim it will confiscate as state treasury if nobody apply either as next of kin/beneficiary, I am seeking for your support to stand as next of kin/ beneficiary to claim these funds so that we move it into useful investments, I am ready to share with you 40% for you and 60% will be kept for me, You will provide offshore account where the funds will be transferred to reason while I am contacting you is because I cannot stand in the forefront to claim the funds alone because I am currently working with the bank.
I will like you to provide me with the following details if you are interested:
(1) Your Valid Direct Tel/ Mobile/Fax Number.
(2) Your Full Name:
(3) Current Resident Address.
(4) Your Private E-mail Address.
(5) Your Occupation:
(6) Your Age and Sex:
(7) Your Nationality:
Then i shall furnish you with due process of concluding this transaction without any delay. please discard this message if you are not interested. One Passionate appeal, i will make to you is not to discuss this matter with anybody, if you have any reasons to reject this offer, please and please destroy this message as any Leakage of this information will be too bad for me at my work place as the Branch Manager.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Catherine Smith.
RESPONDER PARA - stevenmnuchin610@gmail.com
Hello Dear Friend,
Mr. Steven Mnuchin. - Mnuchin@themis.ocn.ne.jp
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Mr. Steven Mnuchin and I am the United States secretary of treasury recently appointed by the President Donald Trump. I am writing this important message to inform you that the new government of President Donald Trump of the United States has finally resolved to compensate all victims of unfinished transactions in different countries of the world. This resolution was fully adopted after a recent meeting involving all “United Nations and Common Wealth” member nations for immediate compensation payment to all those people who have lost various amount of money in failed transactions such as: Dating scam, Contract payment, Lottery winning payment, Next of kin claims payment, etc.
Be informed that your names and your email address was selected as one of the victims of the above unfortunate circumstances and you are now being required to get back to my office immediately for processing your payment for successful compensation payment of US$1 Million (One Million US Dollars Only) on your behalf. You are directed to get back to me immediately with provision of: Your full names, Your full contact address, Your Mobile telephone, Your age and your occupation including your complete Bank account information. Failure to hear from you within the next 48-hours will be assumed that you are NOT interested to receive your outstanding compensation payment of US$1 Million from This office. Thank you and hope to hear from you again soonest.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Steven Mnuchin.
Secretary of Treasury.
United States of America.
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