Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 17:31:24 -0200
Subject: Amados em Cristo
Amados em Cristo
Como você e as pessoas ao seu redor?
Saudações em nome de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, eu
sou a Sra. Stella Edwin, uma velha viúva 52yrs ao
falecido Sr. Nelson Edwin, da Irlanda. Agora sou um
novo cristão convertido, que sofre de câncer de
longo tempo da mama e de toda a indicação minhas
condições é realmente deteriorando e é bastante
óbvio que eu não poderia viver até 3 meses, de
acordo com meus médicos.
Isso ocorre porque o estágio do câncer tenha
chegado a uma fase muito ruim. Meu falecido marido
morreu últimos seis anos, e durante o período do
nosso casamento não poderia produzir qualquer
Meu falecido marido era um homem muito rico e
depois de sua morte, eu herdei todos os seus
negócios e riqueza; Com base nos relatórios médicos
que eu não poderia viver até três meses, meu
falecido marido intenções família é permitir que eu
morra nesta minha condição, porque Eu não tenho
qualquer criança, é isso que me empurrou para a
fonte para uma pessoa piedosa no estrangeiro, que
fará com que esta reivindicação de US $ 2,3,
milhões de dólares, que ele depositou em um dos
bancos internacionais aqui, de modo que você vai
usar este fundo para ajudar a pobres e os
necessitados, também para a obra de Deus no seu
Vou dar-lhe todas as informações que você vai
precisar para fazer essa afirmação deste fundo uma
vez que eu receber uma resposta positiva de você e
também sua garantia de que você não vai trair esta
confiança que estou depositando em você. Estou
fazendo isso porque minha família são incrédulos e
não vou permitir que eles herdar esse dinheiro <
span class="yiv7462637718hps">para seu próprio
egoísmo. Eu vim a descobrir que a aquisição de
riqueza sem Deus é uma vaidade.
Sua irmã em Cristo
Sra. Stella Edwin.
(sem assunto)
Nathani Abhishek
Dear Sir,
We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC and
MTN which are
specifically for lease, our bank instrument can be
engage in PPP
Trading, Discounting, signature project(s) such as
Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication,
construction of Dams,
Bridges, Real Estate and all kind of projects. We
do not have any
broker chain in our offer or get involved in
chauffer driven offers.
We deliver with time and precision as sethforth in
the agreement. Our
terms and Conditions are reasonable, below is our
1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG/SBLC)(Appendix A)
2. Total Face Value: Eur 10M MIN and Eur 5B MAX
(Five Billion USD).
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC, London or Deutsche Bank
Frankfurt or any Top 25 WEB
4. Age: One Year, One Day
5. Leasing Price: 6% of Face Value plus 2%
commission fees to brokers.
6. Delivery: SWIFT TO SWIFT.
7. Payment: MT-103.
8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.
All relevant business information will be provided
upon request.
If Interested kindly contact me via serious enquiry
skype id: nathani.abhishek1
Security Alert
Dear Customer,
Your First Bank account was recently updated with a
new security
For your security, we have temporary suspended your
account. Kindly click here to Reactivate your
Account http://
wp-includes/images/fbn.html Online banking Log
M-K-YIN por
I have a project for you.
Caution access
Gmail Team por
Noticed irregular activity on your mail account,
for your safety, we have temporarily placed
limitations access to your access.
To restore your access, kindly follow the link
We are sorry for the inconvenience as this is to
guarantee your safe and secure mailing experience
- Gmail Team
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043,
Em Segunda-feira, 11 de Novembro de 2013 18:37, Aoun Elie
Eu estou no recebimento de seu e-mail e eu também obrigado pelas informações prestadas sobre o seu veículo. Lamento não pode chamá-lo ou receber chamadas neste momento em função da natureza da segurança aqui no meu país a Síria , mas vou fazer o tempo e chamá-lo em uma linha de seguro em caso de necessidade . O carro é apenas um objetivo menor de entrar em contato com você , mas vou comprá-lo em seu próprio preço de venda . I irão apreciar , se vai reservar o veículo durante pelo menos duas semanas e remover o anúncio no site. Minha principal prioridade de contatá-lo é propor um negócio que exige execução imediata e rápida. Vou dar-lhe todos os detalhes necessários sobre mim uma vez a confiança é estabelecida entre nós. Por favor, leia completamente e voltar para mim , mas você tem a obrigação de recusar , se você não está interessado .
Eu sou um empresário sírio e um membro do conselho de homens de negócios sírio em Damasco. Minha família está sob a ameaça do presidente Bashar al- Assad para o nosso firme apoio a um Governo democrático verdadeiro na Síria.
Devido ao atual presidente Bashar al- Assad em protesto no país , como você pode encontrar neste site .
Muitas famílias estão correndo por suas queridas vidas como soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças. Quero trazer ao vosso conhecimento que eu tenho em minha posse a soma de ( dezessete milhões e quinhentos mil dólares) 17500000 dólares em minha posse . Este é o dinheiro que tenho guardado por toda a minha vida como empresário e eu tê-lo guardado na minha casa porque colocar dinheiro em um banco pode ser um risco muito grande em um país como o seu.
Eu ter assegurado este dinheiro em uma caixa e ter consultado um enviado aqui em Damasco que vai me ajudar na minha caixa movendo para fora da Síria, para se manter seguro e possível investimento. É por isso que estou precisando apurado de uma pessoa digna de confiança e confiança que vai receber a caixa , proteger e protegê-lo até a minha chegada , que deve ser em breve. Eu tenho que aproveitar esta oportunidade , porque, não tenho outra alternativa a não ser confiar em alguém . Sou um órfão com nenhum irmão ou irmã , então não posso arriscar a minha vida aqui , para evitar um fim à minha linhagem familiar .
Tudo que eu tenho é a minha esposa , minha filha e filho. Eles merecem uma vida digna já que eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Vou mudar para o seu país com a minha família e investir o dinheiro , de acordo com a lei, o seu conselho e ajuda. Nós podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para nossas famílias. Por favor, você vai ter que tomar nota que o enviado não está ciente de que minha caixa contém dinheiro e isso é por razões de segurança .
Tudo que eu peço é me permitir registrar a remessa em seu nome como tesouro de família e que se espera para recuperá-lo uma vez que está na Europa. Não haverá nenhum risco neste negócio , eu fiz o arranjo necessário para a entrega segura da caixa para o local designado . Vou assumir que você é capaz de lidar com um acordo desta magnitude e também confiar em você para manter o sigilo absoluto e confidencialidade para proteger esta grande conquista. Em menos de 4 dias a caixa deve estar em sua posse , se você é rápido de sua parte. Cuidado , tomei medidas de precaução para proteger o dinheiro. A caixa é codificado com dispositivo de segurança de alta e eu sou o único que tem a combinação certa para desbloqueá-lo . Você terá direito a 20 % da soma total de 17,5 milhões dólares , enquanto 80% será minha. Vou dar-lhe 20 % do dinheiro e 80% para mim. Creio que este é um negócio justo. Escreve-me de volta para ( EMAIL) para mais detalhes
Nome completo, endereço completo , número de telefone direto , Ocupação e cópia digitalizada do seu ID .
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de suas informações eu vou lhe fornecer mais detalhes. Nós não temos o luxo de perder tempo, então por favor responder o mais rápido possível .
Sr. Elie Aoun
Eu vou comprar o seu carro no seu próprio preço de venda
Vous avez 1 nouveau message sur votre espace personnel.
Banque Postale por
17:22 (21 horas atrás)
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Ce message est généré automatiquement, ne répondez pas à l'expéditeur.
Si vous n'êtes pas destinataire(s) de ce message, merci de le détruire.
Banque Postale BP Num-de-registre: 226056.
© La Banque Postale 1999-2013
De: Mr. James Uba < >
Enviada: Sábado, 9 de Novembro de 2013 03:42
Assunto: Urgent
Atenзгo: Beneficiбrio,
Esta й para informб-lo que o seu mais devido fundo foi concursado para ser liberado,
atravйs de transferкncia chave telex transferкncia bancбria ( KTT ) , direto para vocк ou atravйs de qualquer um dos nossos
bancos correspondentes nomeados pelo senado
comitк para a transferкncia de fundos estrangeiros.
Enquanto isso, uma mulher veio ao meu escritуrio hб alguns dias com uma carta , afirmando ser
seu verdadeiro representante e ela tambйm disse que vocк estava morto . Aqui й o seu
informaзхes para que vocк confirme a este mandato se esta mulher й realmente de vocк
ou nгo, de modo que o governo federal
governo nгo pode ser responsabilizado pelo pagamento em todas as contas erradas.
Endereзo do banco : um wallstreet Nova Iorque Nova Iorque 10286
Tipo de Conta : Tнtulos de comйrcio
ROUTING # : 256072691
CONTA # : 63164540
Por favor, nгo reconfirmar a este escritуrio, como uma questгo de urgкncia , se esta mulher й de
vocк .
Vocк estб convidado a preencher e enviar essa informaзгo para fins de verificaзгo
de modo que o seu fundo de valor US $ 12 milhхes (doze milhхes, duzentos estado unidos
dуlares ) podem ser remetidos para a sua conta bancбria indicada em qualquer lugar . este fundo
й o resultado da heranзa em seu nome. Informaзгo necessбria de vocк para
verificaзгo sгo como se segue :
1 . Seu nome: .............
2 . Seu endereзo completo : ...........
3. Seu telefone directo ..............
4 . Idade / sexo : ..............
5. Profissгo: .........
6. Home equity sim / nгo ............
Assim que receber isso, vamos comeзar com todos os procedimentos necessбrios em
a fim de remeter este fundo em sua conta. o novo governador do banco central, em
conjunto com o Ministйrio Federal das Finanзas (FMF ) Diretoria de
Administraзгo e da Comissгo do Senado para o devido pagamento sobre fundo jб aprovado e
acreditado neste banco бpice com o escritуrio do diretor, internacional
operaзхes de remessas , aos
manipular e transferir todos os fundos de inheritance estrangeiro este pagamento final trimestre de
o ano fiscal de 2012.
No entanto, vamos proceder а emissгo de todos os detalhes de pagamento da referida
Mrs.Linford , se nгo ouvi-lo nos prуximos sete dias ъteis a partir
hoje. Lamentamos por qualquer inconveniente que o atraso na transferкncia deste
fundo deve ter causado. Certifique-se de que vocк tomou todas as outras a comunicaзгo com qualquer
outro cargo no que diz respeito a essa transaзгo como este fundo tem mais ficou.
Mr. James Uba
Para : Ministйrio Federal das Finanзas
Invitation: OFFER OF TRUST
sagara sevare
Dear Friend,
I am Mr. Sagara SEVARE the bill and exchange manager in the bank of Africa Bamako-Mali. In my department, I found the deposited fund amounted $15.5M (Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) Can you be able and capable to assist me by providing me with your receiving bank account where this fund will lodge in your favour?
I shall give you 50% of the total sum as soon as this fund hits your account and I shall visit you in your country for the shearing. Please this is very confidential.
If you are interested, please forward me the bellow informations
Your name: .............................
Your country: .........................
Your phone Number: ......................
Your Tel/fax: ............................
Your bank account number............
Your bank name and address....................
Your age: ...............................
Your occupation: ........................
I shall detail you with the full information as soon as I hear from you.
Thank for your anticipated co-operation
Yours Faithfully.
Mr. Sagara SEVARE
Skype: s.sevare
Reply to :
fdwrf edgr
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Mlle Nadège Tagro
repondez moi ici (
Je voudrais avec votre accord vous présenter ma situation et vous proposer une
affaire qui pourrait vous intéresser.
Avant de poursuivre, permettez-moi de décliner mon identité. Je suis Nadège
Tagro,fille de feu M. Désiré Tagro, l'ex-ministre de l'Intérieur de la
République de Côte d'Ivoire qui a servi avec le régime de l'ancien Président
Laurent Gbagbo. Mon défunt père était parmi les patriotes qui étaient avec
l'ancien président dans la résidence présidentielle avant d'être attaqué par les
rebelles qui se battent pour le nouveau président, Alassane Ouattara.
La résidence présidentielle a été attaquée par les FRCI le 11 avril 2011.Le
but:capturer l'ancien président avec ses élites qui ont pris refuge à
l'intérieur du bunker à la résidence.Enfin de compte,après des tirs sporadiques
qui ont emporté la vie de mon père,M. Gbagbo fut capturé le même jour.
La principale raison de mon mail provient de l'ardeur avec laquelle le nouveau
gouvernement nous traite,nous les élites proches des familles au président
déchu. Par conséquent, notre séjour en Côte d'Ivoire devient de plus en plus
risqué et dangereux pour ma vie.
Après l'assassinat de mon père,son notaire m'a dit qu'il a déposé une somme d'un
montant de six Millions sept Cent Mille Euros sur un compte bloqué dans une
banque de la côte d'ivoire le but d'être transféré en mon nom comme héritière.
Il me recommande aussi de chercher un associé étranger qui pourrait honnêtement
me faire bénéficier de son assistance pour sauver ma vie et assurer mon
- faire une demande de transfert de mon compte bloqué sur son compte et servir
de gardien D'ailleurs, je vous donnerai 20 % et 5% serviront aux dépenses
éventuelles qui seront effectuées. Je vous serai reconnaissante de pouvoir
bénéficier de vos conseils utiles
En outre, si le nouveau gouvernement du président Alassane Ouattara vient à
connaître cette affaire,nous aurons de GRAVES PROBLÈMES à coup sur. Je tiens
donc à utiliser cet argent pour investir dans mon avenir à mon arrivée dans
votre pays, et cet investissement doit être orienté par vous et sous votre
contrôle. Nous traiterons cette opération avec la plus grande CONFIDENTIALITÉ.
vous pouvez voir l'assassinat de de mon père sur le lien ci-dessous:
Si vous êtes prêt à vous associer à moi pour effectuer rapidement cette affaire
,je vous prie de me répondre au plus vite.Ma vie est risquée ici, et je suis
actuellement dans une cachette.
Dans l'attente de votre réponse rapide.
repondez moi ici (
Mlle Nadège Tagro
New order.
Cliff Yao
We got your recommendation from a customer and we will like to place
some orders which is needed urgently by the end user. Please find
attach our requirements for supply, please Quote
- Your FOB Prices and FOB Port of loading.
- Your estimated delivery time.
- Your Mode of Payment. ( If by L/C or T/T )
Best Regards
Sales Department
Electra Trading L.L.C.
New New
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Le programme bourse d'étude Belge
14:38 (1 hora atrás)
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Information publiée le Mardi 06 Septembre 2013 (source : CFBEB COMMISSION FÉDÉRALE DES BOURSES ÉTRANGÈRES BELGES )
Année Académique 2013 - 2014:Rentré prévue pour le 08 Janvier 2014
Ces bourses sont accordés aux étudiants,aux chercheurs,et travailleurs de tous les pays du monde,ils permettent d’un coté d’aller étudier en Belgique, mais pas n’importe ou : il faut choisir une formation qui correspond à votre parcours et aussi d’obtenir un complément de formation dont ils n’auraient pas pu bénéficier dans leur pays. Cela peut aussi servir d’accélérateur de carrière.Le premier soucis de ces organismes de financement est t'aider les plus démunis du monde entier à travers des programmes pour avoir accès aux grandes universités de Belgique
-Par l’octroi des 500 bourses études emplois et stages , la confédération Belge entend faciliter l’immigration aux personnes désireuses de poursuivre leurs études et d’obtenir des diplômes d’état Belge.
-Les candidats retenus au terme de la sélection de candidatures seront insérés outre leur étude dans les secteurs sensible de la vie économique et sociale de la Belgique : (Santé, Droit, Diplomatie, Communication, finance, énergie, industrie, transport, agriculture….). Cette option de la confédération Belge vise à donner une aptitude professionnelle aux boursiers pour pouvoir travailler s’ils le désirent en Belgique à la fin de leur formation.
Les bourses couvrent la période d’un cycle de formation au maximum six (06) semestre.
Les billets d’avion Aller/Retour (Pays de provenance-Belgique), et le séjour du formateur sont pris en charge par la COMMISSION UNIVERSITAIRE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT
Les candidats aux bourses étrangères Belges doivent:
-Avoir au maximum 18 ans a 67 ans ;
-Comprendre et parler correctement le français
-Avoir un diplôme équivalent au Brevet d’étude de premier cycle d’enseignement, Au baccalauréat ou au Brevet d’aptitude professionnelle des pays de l’union Européenne.
-Retirer auprès de la commission universitaire de développement (CUD) le formulaire de demande de bourse via notre adresse émail : .
-Remplir et envoyer par pièce jointe le formulaire.
-La commission universitaire de développement fera étudier votre dossier par la représentation Belge déléguée de votre zone et catégorie de pays.
-Les candidats retenus recevront une attestation du secrétariat d’état à l’étude et à la recherche pour notification de la bourse. Les candidats désireux de participer aux bourses d’études 2013-2014 doivent retirer leur formulaire à remplir auprès de la CUD a leur adresse émail
NB :La CUD se réserve le droit de clôturer l’octroi des dossiers à concurrence des bourses disponible.La sélection des 500 bourses se fera dans les premiers dossiers de candidature, vous êtes donc prié de bien vouloir vite joindre vos dossiers.
Attn Beneficiary;
Cecelia M Lum
23:12 (16 horas atrás)
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U.S Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC)U.S Treasury Department's
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220
Attn Beneficiary;
This email is to notify you about the release of your outstanding payment which is truly $15.500.000.00 USD. The New Prime Minister ( UK) scheduled a time frame to settle all foreign debts which includes Contract/Inheritance/ Gambling/ Lottery(Sponsored by Microsoft and National Lottery) and other international loans.News had it that over the past,numerous individual (s) who happen to be impostors (claiming to be individuals, banks and organizations) are claiming to release numerous sums of fund via numerous ways.
With the help of the (OFAC)U.S Treasury Department's and with the FBI we have noticed that people have being asked to pay outrageous amount of money by these impostors for the transfer of their funds to them. We want you to stop all communication that has to do with these fraudsters who have been requesting unreasonable sums of money from you to release your funds which they do not have access to.
We have received a mandate and instructions from the (OFAC)U.S Treasury Department's to commence the immediate release of your funds through one of the following payment options stated below depending on your choice:
1. Payment via Automatic Teller Machine (ATM card): This is where you will be sent an Automatic Teller Machine card with Pin also known as ATM card (A Master Card would be issued). Upon receipt of your custom ATM card you will be allowed to withdraw $10,000 per day by default and you are given the option to transfer funds from your ATM card to your bank account.
2. Certified Cashiers Check or Bank Draft: In this case you will be sent a certified bank draft or check signed in your favor which you will deposit in any bank for it to be cleared within 3 to 5 working days at most depending on your bank.
3. Online Banking ( Bank To Bank Transfer) to enable you process this operation, $250 Dollars is Required for opening for an online banking operation, that will enable you get access to your account Online.
Below are few list of tracking numbers you can track from FedEx and UPS website to confirm people like you whom have successfully received their payment safely.
Name : Mrs. Jeannie Michael: FedEx Tracking Number: 794588016471 (>
Name : Mrs. Vista Rayne Arnold: FedEx Tracking Number: 796925954101 (>
You are advised to select one out of the three options on how you wish to receive your $15.500.000.00 USD, Your Online Banking Acess or ATM card or Check/Bank Draft will be shipped via Courier Shipping Company and would get to you within 2 working days at most.
For international shipping as stated by our company We had to sign contract with Courier for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual $320.99 to $190.99 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort.You are advised to contact the Department's Officer responsible for the shipping of your Check or ATM card with the following information for shipping of your payment Check or ATM card.
Department's Officer: Howard Smith
And provide her with the following information:
Your full Name................
Your Address:................
Home/Cell Phone:.................
The Department's Officer Dr James Walter will provide you with instructions on how you are to make payment of the $190.99 only for the shipping of your ATM card or Cashiers Check.
You are to adhere strictly to the instructions above for more information contact the Department's Officer.
Remember that you are not paying any fees extra no matter what. Once again note that the actual Courier Retail Price: $320.99 Your Price (Because of our contract
signed): is now $190.99 ( $130.00 Savings!).
Cecelia M Lum
Hang Seng Bank
Dr Marvin Cheung
12:14 (3 horas atrás)
para Recipients
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I am Dr Marvin Cheung Kin Tung, Independent Non-executive Director of Hang Seng Bank Hong Kong and also the the Chairman of the Airport Authority Hong Kong and a Council Member of the Open University of Hong Kong, I have a business transaction of $34.5m which I need your assistants, your share will be 40%; Please be sincere, if you are interested, do contact me for more details on my personal email:
Dr Marvin Cheung Kin Tung.
-------Mensagem original-------
De: M.K-Y -
Data: 12/11/2013 11:29:10
Para: undisclosed-recipients:,
Assunto: Project
I have a project for you.
Good Day
I am Ms CHIANG Lai Yuen JP, I have a private
legal business proposal for you, reply to my
private e-mail: ( for
more details if you are interested and willing.
responder para -
10:48 (5 horas atrás)
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Je sais que cette lettre peut être une très grande surprise pour vous, je vous donne ma confiance et je souhaite que vous me donniez en retour la confiance que j'ai mise en vous.
Je crois que vous allez être honnête pour accomplir ma dernière volonté avant que je meurs
Je suis Mme Sandrine Fortin, je suis âgé de 58 ans, Je suis atteinte d'un cancer de Gorge et de toute indication mon état est vraiment détérioré et je ne peux plus parler, et mes médecins m’ont courageusement informé que je ne peux pas vivre au-delà des deux prochains mois, c'est parce que le stade du cancer a atteint un stade critique.
J'ai été élevé dans un orphelinat, et j'étais marié à mon défunt époux pendant vingt ans sans enfant
Mon mari et moi sommes de vrais chrétiens, mais bien malheureusement, il est décédée lors d’un accident donc je ne pouvais pas entendre le cri d'un enfant dans ma maison depuis sa mort et j'ai décidé de ne pas me remarié j'ai vendu tous mes biens et celui de mon mari et j'ai obtenir la somme de $2,500 millions de dollars (Deux millions cinq cent mille dollars Américains). Cette somme a été déposée dans une banque.
Actuellement, les Fonds sont toujours sous leur garde, et le gestionnaire de la banque m'a écrit que le bénéficiaire légitime doit se présenter pour recevoir le Dépôt après l'avoir gardé si longtemps, ou plutôt émettre une lettre d' autorisation à quelqu'un pour le recevoir en mon nom car je ne peux pas venir en raison de ma maladie, actuellement, je suis avec mon ordinateur portable dans un hôpital où j'ai été sous traitement Depuis longtemps, j'ai perdu ma capacité de parler et marcher ou de faire quelque chose par moi-même et mes médecins m'ont dit que je n'ai que quelques mois à vivre. Mon seul moyen de communication est mon ordinateur portable.
C'est mon dernier souhait de voir que ces Fonds soit investi dans une entreprise de votre choix et le gain réalisé chaque année ou six mois selon le cas peut être, distribués chaque année entre l'organisation de charité, les pauvres et les veuves
Je veux que votre bonne humanité, d'utiliser également ces Fonds pour financer les églises, et vous allé recevoir autour de 20% pour vos crois que cette transaction serait conclue dans quatorze (14) jours si vous acceptez m' dois vous dire que ce fut une décision très difficile, mais j'ai eu à prendre un pas audacieux vers cette question car je n'ai pas autre option J'espère que vous m’aiderez à voir mes dernières volontés se réalisées.
Dès que je recevrai votre réponse je vous donnerai le contact de la banque et je vous publierai également une lettre d'autorisation, ce qui va prouver que vous êtes le nouveau bénéficiaire de mes fonds S'il vous plaît assurer moi que vous agirez en conséquence comme je l'ai indiqué ci après.
Espérant d'attendre plus tôt de vous
Mme Sandrine Fortin.
Dear Friend
10:22 (5 horas atrás)
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Dear Friend
I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am the Auditing and Accounting section manager in (B.O.A) Ouagadougou Burkina faso. I Hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.I need your urgent assistance in
transferring the sum of ($8.5)million dollars to your account within 10 or 14 banking days
This money has been dorman for years in our Bank without claim.I want the bank to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer I don't want the money to go into government treasury as an abandoned fund.So this is the reason why I am contacting you so that the bank can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer.
Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are notinterested. Upon receipt of your reply, I will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum while 50% will be for me, and the other 10% will be for the expencesoccur in this transaction, if you agree to handle this business with me.
I am expecting your urgent respond.
2. ADDRESS:.......................................
3. NATIONALITY:...................................
4. AGE:.............................................
5. Sex..............................................
6. OCCUPATION:......................................
7. MARITAL STATUS:................................
8. PHONE............................................
9: FAX:...........................................
Best regards.
Mr.Ghazi Ahmed
(sem assunto)
16 BP Lome Republic of Togo
I wish you and your family happy moments of life now and forever море amen.I am writing you this mail with grief in my heart,but let all тэ glory be to Good as I am lead to contact you today.Yes according to тэ doctors this cancer of the lungs will cost my life but before I die, хелп me to serve the Lord while I am here on earth. Write me back for more details.(
Mrs.Viviane Akpene.
My Very good friend
Do you know that we can make a difference by helping the less privilege and the poor.
Psalm 41:1, Blessed is he that considereth the poor,the lord will deliver him in time of trouble.
I want you to use my money to help the poor as i am already suffering from a very serious illness
Please contact me immediately via e-mail :
Mrs Kaytrina Krivanec
Hello, Peace be unto you
Stella Harryson
Hello, Peace be unto you
Greetings how are you? I am Mrs Stella Harryson, an aging widow suffering from cancer leukemia,am confined in a nursing home. I inherited fund from my late loving husband Mr. Robert Harryson, The sum of [USD$18.5 Millions] which he deposited in Bank, I need a good honest person who will use these funds for charity works. I want this fund to be used for charity work and for the propagation of Gods work because I have no child to inherit it, 15% will be for your compensation for doing this work.. Please if you would be willing to carry out the project kindly reply for more information thanks and God bless you. You can contact me through my private email address (
Dear Friend
Dear Friend,
Please consider this mail serious despite the fact that you did not expect it. Hope you are doing well. I am Ms CHIANG Lai Yuen JP, the Managing Director & Deputy Chief Executive of Hang Seng Bank LTD. I have a risk-free deal of Thirty million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only from my department which was left unclaimed as a result of non existing body.Provided you will put trust forward, let us share the deal if you are interested. Urgent reply to my private E-mail: is needed for more details.
Regards from,
DEAL..urgent response required pls
Barr. Akaeme Jeff
I am barrister Akaeme Jeff, and I am contacting you to present you as relation and next of kin of my foreigner client who died in a car accident in nigeria here ten years ago together with wife and only child. I actually had tried repeatedly of locating a relation or family member of my client since the pass ten years to no avail. and in the same efforts I tried resently of searching through the internet in the hope of finding a possible relation of my client and I stumbled on you in the process. though that I understand you are not an exact relation to my client after all, but I have decided to benefit from the sum of 26 Million United states Dollars left behind by my client instead of leting it lost in the bank. as the Bank has just inssued me a notice to provide my clients next of kin or relation or the account be declare unserviceable and funds confiscated according to the procedure here. hence I decides of presenting you as the next of kin since
i'm unable of locating an exact relation to my client. and we shall both share the fund 50 50 percent after its been transferred to the account provided by you by the bank on my recommendation.
Note, I shall procure all necessary legal documents required to back up claim.. all I request is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through amicably. otherwise, I guarantee that this will be executed under a
legitimate arrangement that i will protect you from any breach of the law, but you must also agree not to disclose or pass any information related to this business to any body for security reason and to avoid
any eye brow.
If you are interested reconfirm to me the following, your full names, Address in full, and your
phone and fax numbers. on the receipt of this informations I shall proceed with process by forwarding my recommendation accordingly.
Barr. Akaeme Jeff
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Stella Harryson
Email: (
Mr. Wong
Do you need a loan? If yes reply us for more details, Thanks.
WON € 1,000,000.00
Your NAME E-MAIL HAS WON € 1,000,000.00 / EUR EUROPE LOTTERY PROMOTION PRIZE L 2013 CLAIM CONTACT THE ASIA CO-ORDINATIOR with your personal details via email: name, phone number, age, sex , ADDRESS, occupation, country, STATE:
your worthy compensation
Francois Eboni
We have concluded the arrangement of releasing your total sum of
USD$850.000.00 in ATM CARD as instructed by United Nation U.N and Africa Union
(A.U). We tried as much as possible to uphold the already laid down principle
of law regarding the legitimate procedures
necessary in the payment of your fund but it required your complete data
before the processing of the payment. Contact Mr.John Reitin on
his email(
Mr. Francois Eboni
A.U Agent
responder para -
Miss Harriet morrison
08:05 (8 horas atrás)
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My dear in Christ Jesus,
My name is Mrs.Harriet morrison from Texas USA. I lived in Africa for
many years and
now currently hospitalized in a private hospital here in Texas as a result
of brain
My purpose of writing you is because I was led by the spirit of God to
offer you the
money that I have in my private account in Africa now that is clear that I’m
approaching the last days of my life.
I’m 86 year old and may not even need the money again for any thing. I’m
you the sum of $2.5 million us dollars as a donation for the work of God and
charity.May the good Lord bless you for the work you are doing already and
may he
give you wisdom to continue it.
When I hear from you, I will direct you on how to receive the money.Please
pray that
God will accept my soul even if I die today.
Mrs.Harriet morrison.
Good day.
Mr Carlos Vincent
07:58 (8 horas atrás)
para Recipients
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Good day,
My name is Mr Carlos Vincent, I work with the Euro Lottery. I am soliciting your assistance for a swift transfer of £4,528,000.00 GBP, (Four Million, Five Hundred and Twenty Eight Thousand GBP). should you be willing to assist me in this project? you will be giving me just 40% of your winnings.and 60% for your effort you put in.
Just as a brief,you just have to register online,due to my position in the company I can make it happen that you would be a winner of the above stated amount. Naturally, every body would like to play a lottery if they are assured of winning.
I am assuring you today to be a winner, please do not take for granted this once in a life time opportunity as we both stand to collectively gain from this at the success of the transaction.
Should you be willing to assist me in this transaction please do respond to
Mr Carlos Vincent
pqr ner
125K Visualizar Baixar
urgent reply!!!
leslie dickson
Dear Family / Call Me:++228-046-14-68
I am Barr. Leslie Dickson ,a solicitor at law personal lawyer to Engineer H.G, he died some years ago in an auto accident and he left huge amount of money in the bank for no one to claim it . I will like to present you to the bank here as the relative of my late client who come to claim the money (8.5 million united State dollars)deposited in the bank here in Africa. kindly reply this message to:( for
details , you can also call me on +228-046-14-68 Best Regards, Barrister Leslie Dickson ESQ
Urgent reply
Mrs.Caroline Cisse.
How are you hope you are fine and your family, this proposal is for you The value of the fund involve is three million five hundred dollars and 50% will mine while 50% will be yours too. If you are interested over this fund mail me immediately you receive this mail.
This is how come this fund, the owner of the fund suffered and died by cancer, she died on 8th Dec 2011.Her names are Mrs. Rowena Green from America and works in United Nation office here in Burkina Faso.
Her age was 48 years before her death she had no child and willed her property out and submit to the Bank Of Africa, I am one of the staff in the bank of Africa too I am in account department therefore don't be afraid of receiving this fund because I have done all the banking procedures that will be needed.
Thanks .
Mrs.Caroline Cisse.
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