quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2013


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Payment slip


Dear Supplier,

We have completed the payment as per telephonic conversation.
TT Payment .rar    TT Payment .rar
5K   Visualizar   Baixar  


Donation Offer
Inbal Ofer-Gabay - inbal.ofer-gabay@mail.huji.ac.il

My wife Violet and I Allen Large won 11.3M USD in a lottery 6

-49 in July, 2010 and we have decided to donate the sum of 2M

USD to you. Contact us via our personal email for more details

(allenlarge11212@rogers.com) You can verify our story by

visiting the web page below.
Co-ordinator: pablo lupi
Date: Mon,  2013
From: ellinadom33@yahoo.com

meu amado.
como você está hoje, eu espero que você esteja bem de saúde,
meu amor, eu quero você para me fazer feliz, eu quero que você

colocar sorrisos no meu rosto, eu preciso da minha liberdade,

porque eu estou sofrendo aqui, não há boa comida aqui para

comer, não é bom para beber água aqui, não há felicidade sem

substância de vida ,
meus dias é muito chato aqui em Dakar Senegal, neste campo

temos alguma dificuldade para sair porque não estamos

autorizados a fazê-lo, é apenas como uma estada na prisão, e

espero que pela graça de Deus eu vou sair daqui breve. Eu não

tenho nenhum parente agora que eu posso ir, todos os meus

parentes fugiu no meio da guerra, a única pessoa que eu tenho

agora a queixar-se é o reverendo George Abraão, ele é o pastor

da Igreja de Deus Missão aqui no campo. ele tem sido muito bom

para mim desde que cheguei aqui, eu estou usando o computador

do escritório para lhe enviar e-mails. eu estou vivendo no

albergue da menina porque o campo tem dois albergues uma para

meninos e outra para meninas. nosso número de telefone

reverendo é (+221776 067 883) e seu endereço de e-mail é

(revgeorgeabraham1@yahoo.com). se você ligar e dizer a ele que

você quer falar com Ellina Dominic ele irá enviar para mim no

albergue da menina e eu vou chegar a seu escritório para falar

com você.

Como refugiado aqui eu não tenho qualquer direito ou

privilégio para qualquer coisa que seja dinheiro ou qualquer

outra coisa, porque é contra a lei deste país. Eu quero voltar

aos meus estudos, porque eu só assistiram meu primeiro ano

antes do trágico incidente que levam ao meu ser, esta situação

já ocorreu.
Minha querida, por favor, mantenha esse segredo dentro de nós,

porque eu gostaria que você sabe tudo sobre mim. eu tenho

extracto de conta e certidão de óbito aqui comigo que eu

gostaria de enviar-lhe para me ajudar realizar meu sonho de

meu falecido pai, pois quando meu pai era vivo, ele depositou

uma certa quantia de dinheiro em um banco líder na Europa, que

ele usou meu nome como o parente mais próximo. o montante em

causa é de R $ 5,7 (cinco milhões e setecentos mil dólares

Eu gosto de você para me ajudar a transferir esse dinheiro

para sua conta e você me ajudar a conseguir os meus documentos

de viagem e bilhete para vir para se encontrar com você. eu

não posso retirar o dinheiro sozinho, devido à minha situação

dos refugiados neste país. eu quero que você me enviar suas

informações de contato, como

Seus nomes completos ............
Endereço .................
Telefone .............

Entrei em contato com o banco e fez-lhes a conhecer as minhas

intenções para retirar esse dinheiro, eu também tenho-os

conscientes da morte do meu pai e eles verificou-se com toda a

sua confirmação e verificações. No entanto, eles me aconselham

a entrar em contato com uma pessoa muito responsável, que vai

ficar no meu nome como meu administrador no que diz respeito a

retirar esse dinheiro. Desde que eu estou atualmente na

condição de refugiado aqui e não seria permitida para lidar

com essa quantidade de dinheiro.

Eu só tenho que deixar você saber tudo sobre mim para que você

possa me ajudar a realizar meu sonho futuro. Eu guardei esse

segredo das pessoas aqui no acampamento, a única pessoa que

sabe sobre ele é o reverendo George Abraão, porque ele é como

um pai para mim.
minha querida, eu espero ouvir de você em breve.
seu para sempre, Ellina Dominic.
RESPONDER PARA - lauritababy201@yahoo.com

lauritangel - miss_lilian@ymail.com

My name is Laurita and i am looking for honest partner if you

are interesting please just mail me back so we can know each

other and from there i will send my picture to you thanks and

have a nice day

Tom - tom.markmanager3@gmail.com


Greetings of the day!

Thank you in advance for taking the time out of your busy


Has your website become the victim of Google’s Panda and

Penguin update, resulting the down ranking in search engines?

Do you want to get more targeted visitors on your website?

If yes, please share your website URL which you want to


We will analysis your website and send full SEO proposal with

plan and activities which will be implemented on your website.

Most firms overseas have achieved a significant amount of

savings by outsourcing either complete or part of their SEO.

We are looking forward to a long and fruitful business

relationship with you and your company


Let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to

share our past work details, Methodologies, client

Testimonials and Price list.

You can get more details.

We are waiting for your positive response.

Thanks & Regards,


SEO Manager

Note: - Though this is not an automated email, we keep on

sending out these emails to all those people whom we find

eligible of using our services. To unsubscribe from future

mails (i.e., to ensure that we do not contact you again for

this matter), please send a blank mail, with no as the


(sem assunto)

micro loan - microloanfinance.ww@gmail.com

Por qué necesita un préstamo? si es así aplicar ahora para más

Gale, Roger J <gale.roger.j@edumail.vic.gov.au

£1 Million GBP. Has been donated to you kindly contact the

donator Mr. Dave Angela Dewes via personal email (dave-


Important - This email and any attachments may be

confidential. If received in error, please contact us and

delete all copies. Before opening or using attachments check

them for viruses and defects. Regardless of any loss, damage

or consequence, whether caused by the negligence of the sender

or not, resulting directly or indirectly from the use of any

attached files our liability is limited to resupplying any

affected attachments. Any representations or opinions

expressed are those of the individual sender, and not

necessarily those of the Department of Education and Early

Childhood Development.

Re:Still Waiting


I am William Wing Cheung Leung, I have a confidential business

worth $24.5 Million US Dollars  for you to handle for me.

Kindly reply via
{leung.william38@yahoo.com.hk}. if interested.


Darlehen Angebot bei 3%
first trust loan - loan@hotmail.com


Haben Sie darüber nachgedacht, bekommen ein berechtigtes

Sie gerne nach viel Dividenden investieren würde? Ergreifen

Sie diese
einmalige finanzielle Angebot und gebe sein Leben zu

Wirtschaft, Bildung,
Wohnungen und den Bau eines Aufzuges aus dem Bereich von US $

3,000.00 bis
10 Mio. US $ mit einem Maximum von 25 Jahren bei 3%.

Kontaktieren Sie uns mit dem unten stehenden Informationen,

damit wir
fortfahren können. .

1. Vollständige Namen:

2. Darlehensbetrag benötigt:

3. Dauer des Darlehens.

4. Land:

5: Alter:

Bei uns können die Möglichkeit nicht aufhören zu schlagen.

Credit Default Finance Ltd

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Dr. William

RESPONDER PARA - links@dgoh.org
WEBMASTER - dzevad@prf.unze.ba

16:17 (2 horas atrás)
para Recipients
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mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter

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El buzón se está quedando sin espacio debido al spam no

deseado que usted reciba todos los días por favor, tienes que

varify su cuenta para hacernos parar al buzón de correo no

deseado o recibiendo mensajes de estafa.

Complete la siguiente información para Varity tu cuenta:

(1) E-mail:
(2) Nombre:
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(4) Confirmar contraseña:

administrador del sistema
 We Are Interested In Buying Your Product
 Union Jack Trading Company -


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are interested in your products and are willing to discuss

transaction with your company.

Please kindly send me your latest catalog. Also, inform me

about the
Minimum Order Quantity,Delivery time or FOB, and payment terms



Brain Helen Cole
Sales Manager
RESPONDER PARA - madina2012@voila.fr
please help me
Madina Jimmy - madinajimmy@hotmail.com

  I am writing this mail to you with heart full of tears and

sorrow, I know that this mail might come to you as a surprise

because you don't know me and I also do not know you but I

believe in God that you will not fail me because I did not

contact you by my power as I prayed that God will touch your

heart and give you the grace to help me.

My name is Miss. Madina Jimmy, I am 19 years old Medical

student in University of Sudan , I am the only child of my

father of a blessed memory by name Late Mr. Jimmy Lemi Milla

was the rural development minister in Sudan . You can read

more about my father death in the BBC news below website:


My late father was killed by his driver whom was paid by

unknown people to assailant my family but he succeeded in

killing my father and the shocked death of my father leads to

my mother death after 3 days of father's death. May they soul

rest in perfect peace, AMEN.

I am actually in search of an honest and reliable person who

will help me relocate to his country for a better life as I

was advised by my late mother, I have chosen to contact you

after my prayers and I believe you will not betray me now that

you have known my life story. Meanwhile, 2 days later after my

father's death my mother gave me the information for the

secret deposit them made with a bank in Burkina-Faso. The

deposit value is US$4.5 Million US Dollars only and I am

presently in Burkina-Faso where my late parent's made the

deposit and I have gone to the bank to confirm the deposit and

establish ownership, please I need your assistance urgently in

moving this fund to your country for investment and also help

me relocate to your country, when my inheritance is properly

secured you will have 20% of the value for your assistance.

I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability

and willingness to handle this transaction sincerely so that I

will visit the bank to submit your account and instruct them

to transfer the money to you immediately because I want to

leave this refugee camp as soon as possible, life here to me

is a hell, no love, no affection and no amenities, more

importantly, I love my studies and here nothing is happening

and people here are not friendly,I am really suffering in this

place, it is too painful, but I hope with your help to

transfer the fund in your account, I will have a better life

to live so kindly let me know your readiness to help me and I

promise to always be nice and faithful. I am waiting your

urgent and positive response.

Please do keep this only to yourself please i beg you not to

disclose it to anybody because I do not want to be noticed for

security reasons. With due respect, I am pleading that you

help me, i am giving all this detail information with every

transparency believing that you will have a clear picture of

the base of help i need from you and I hope you will not

refuse to help me. I hope to hear from you immediately because

I am suffering so much here and wish to leave as soon as

possible. May truth and love be the guiding word in my refuge

in you dear helper.
Miss. Madina Jimmy
RESPONDER PARA - servicesdhlcourier68@yahoo.com


SERVICE DHL <palanti@alice.it>
15:02 (4 horas atrás)
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mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam.  Saiba

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Attention, s'il vous plaît !!!
Nous avons enregistré votre carte de guichet automatique de

4.900.000 €
avec la société de courrier DHL
avec le code d'enregistrement de (DCJKT00147G). S'il vous

contacter la
compagnie de courrier
DHL à votre adresse et n ° de téléphone:
Personne à contacter:

Nom Mr.Pascal Aziz

E-mail: (servicesdhlcourier68@yahoo.com)
Tel: +22997146333
M. Jim Brown.
responder para - jack_murphy01@aol.com

(sem assunto
Mr Jack Murphy - jack_murphy@aol.com

Customer Care.

Get a quick online 3% LOAN interest rate loans (All Kinds of

Loans) with
no collateral. We offer loans from $1000 USD to $50,000,000

USD. Reply
this mail along with your requested "Loan Amount, Loan Period

and your
Personal phone Number'''to begin your loan process.Clients

with bad credit
history are eligible to apply. We are located in Denver.

Note: Do you need a loan if yes contact us



orphan home - orphanhome@live.com

Po Box 14, Accra Ghana,
Tel:   +233 261566826
E-mail:    orphanhome@live.com

The management of ICON ORPHANAGE HOME hereby greets you and

may peace be with you Amen. We kindly seek for your kind help/

assistance in our orphanage home because due to our inability

to control the helping needs of the God created helpless

children and old aged people we take care of we lack

facilities and financial aspect, we therefore seek for your

help to enable us meet up with the required items needed also

we would be of happy state if you can associate with us in

partnership in this good work.
We hope hearing and reading from you soonest.
Best regards,
Mr. Ador Harry.


Mr Jack Murphy
RESPONDER PARA - blaijohn@outlook.com
offlinefile - offlinefile@cantv.net

I seek your consent to present you as the Next of Kin to my

deceased client who made some deposit to my bank,so that the

proceeds of this account valued at $3.7 nillion US Dollars can

be paid to you and then you and I can share the money 60% to

me and 40% to you.here is my email id (blaijohn@outlook.com).i

will give you comprehensive detail when you get.Thanks
John Blair
RESPONDER PARA - wu_payout466@3mail.ie
Fund Transfer
Western Union Money Transfer <info@wumt.org>


We have concluded yesterday with the governor of Zenith Bank

here in
Nigeria that you should start receiving your payment of USD

through western union money transfer from next tomorrow but

you will be
receiving $5,000 USD only per a day , so you are advice to

contact the
western union operator Mr.Geary Smith right now contact him

via email and
re-confirm your information to him right away so that he will

send you
your money control number of your first payment of USD $5,000

USD for you
to pick it up in any western union near you.

Contact Person: Mr.Geary Smith
Tel: +234-705-339-6560
Email: wu_payout421@3mail.ie

Fill the below:

1.Full Name :
2.Address :
4.Country Of Residence :
5.Telephone Number :

Mrs Rebecca Cox
PRIER ME LIRE Je suis veuve Marie DOMINIQUE,je suis pilote en

retraite hospitalisé à Houston j’ai constatée une maladie rare

de la moelle épinière,malheureusement je n'ai pas un héritier

légal qui pourra jouir de ma fortune,je voudrais un

bénéficiaire qui héritera de mes biens pour réaliser des

projets humanitaires Veuillez donc m'écrire sur mon adresse

mail: madame.mariedominique@yahoo.com
Madame MARIE Dominique - roberto.ukmar@alice.it

RESPONDER PARA - Judelawsonloaninvestment@gmail.com

loan offer

Jude Lawson <judelawson1@gmail.com>
12:49 (7 horas atrás)
para Cco:mim
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mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter

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Are you in any financial difficulties? or need urgent
loan to pay bills or start a business? If so.
Your help comes now. Complete the credit application form
correctly and return as soon as possible.

Credit Application FORM
* Full Name: ......................... .
* Age: ..............................
* Gender ...........................
* Address: .........................
* Country: ............................
* Company Name (if applicable)
: ...................
* Loan Amount Needed: ......................
* Purpose of loan: .........................
Loan Term: ........................
* Date of birth (dd-mm-dd): ..............
* Sex: ...................... ........
* Marital status: ....................... ..
* Next of Kin: .......................... ..
* Income: ..........................
* Mobile Phone / Cell: .......... . ........
* Email: ...................... ....

Waiting for your urgent mail,

RESPONDER PARA - barclaysloanscompany944@gmail.com

BARCLAYS FINANCE LOAN <mdh25@buffalo.edu>
BARCLAY'S Financial SOLUTION" offers Financial help at 3%. Do

you need a Real
Estate or Business Fund? Need Financing don't know how to go

about it. We
would Love to Fund Projects at Hand & Offer Personal Loans as

well to you.
(1) Name:
2) Loan amount:
(3) Duration,:
(4) phone number:

CONTACT US AT:   barclaysloanscompany944@gmail.com
Important Email Alert

UK Lottery Organization <ukl1@qwestoffice.net>
18:52 (1 hora atrás)
para nnn
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UK Lottery Organization.
London.United Kingdom.

Are you he rightful owner of this email address? If you

are,then be informed that you have won Four Million,six

hundred thousand USD in the UK online lottery draws.You are to

contact your Appointed Claims Agent Mr.Gleim Fischer. on

email: gleim.fischer@xbmail.com for details on how to claim

your winning.Send him:

-Your complete official names
-Full address & country name
-Telephone and mobile numbers

Send the above information to:gleim.fischer@xbmail.com

From: Mrs.Nadia Smith



SANDEEP GROUP LTD - sandeepgroupltd@rediffmail.com

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are  professional Import & Export company. According to the

domestic and international market demand, we need to order

your products. In order to deepen the understanding of your

products, please send us your materials, catalogs, quotation

of your products  as soon as possible. So that we can provide

your esteemed company our order quantity.please do send to us

details of your products and company to our email:

(sandeepgroupltd@rediff.com).Hope we can establish a long-term

cooperative relationship.We are looking forward to hearing

from you.

Best regards

Sandeep Kumar
Business proposal from Donald Ayew
Donald Ayew - ayewd@yahoo.com>

I am Donald Ayew, am the Executive corporate affairs Manager

in a Consultancy Firm here in Nigeria. I met Alhaji Idris in a

seminar who approached me and told me about a vaccine that he

use for his cattles which he buys at the rate of $5,000 per

carton and asked me if my firm can get it cheaper for him.

This is the man they call the Food Basket of Africa. His

Cocoa, Coffee and Palm tree Plantations are the biggest and

his Vegetable oil plants are located in the 16 West African

I discussed this with my boss and we found the vaccine in

London - UK at the rate of $2,000, then we told Ahaji Idris

that we will supply at the rate of $4,700 per carton which he

accepted. My boss agreed to give me 25% of the profit but he

did not do that and treaten to fire me at work if I complain.

Now my boss travel outside the country and  I have told Alhaji

Idris that I will introduce him to the manufacturer who will

supply the vaccine to him at the rate of $4,000 per carton and

he is very happy waiting for the person to contact him because

he needs 3000 carton at the moment.


If you are interested I will put you in contact with Alhaji

Idris and the manufacturing company in London.

I will be entitled to 25% of whatever profit we make after the

deduction of all expenses? Please contact me immediately So

that we can discuss on how to execute this lucrative deal

through this email: ayewd@yahoo.com
RESPONDER PARA - mrradavis4@aol.com

James Slot <server@ersurb.it>
11:45 (8 horas atrás)
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I am Attorney James Slot. I have a business proposal of

$248.300.000,00(USD) for you; kindly contact me if you are

interested  and capable to handle this inheritance deal.

Finally I agree on the proposal 60% 40% sharing after the

success transaction.

Remain blessed,
Attorney James.
E-mail attorneyslottjames@yahoo.ca



CLAUDIO BREHM GONZALEZ <investingto@guanajuato.gob.mx>
11:39 (8 horas atrás)
para Cco:mim
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Bent u geïnteresseerd in het verkrijgen van een lening tegen

een rente
van 3%, wordt u
in nood van de lening, voor Business transactie, auto kopen,

aanschaffen slechte Credit Card en andere E.T.C. we geven

lening op
lange termijn
gedurende vijf tot vijftig jaar maximaal met 3% rente op dit

kun je als
goed vertellen ons het bedrag dat u nodig hebt, zodat we de

termen om
u te sturen en
voorwaarde dat is als je echt geïnteresseerd in het verkrijgen

van een
lening van ons,
Leningen worden gegeven in Groot-Britse Ponden en Verenigde

Staten Dollar.

Wij kunnen u de beste voldoening bij het verkrijgen van een

lening van ons. als
gegeven garantie en verzekering die u ontvangt van uw lening

bedrag op uw
Persoonlijke bankrekening in uw land. die slechts 48u
Bancaire proces. We maken ook onderpand en Non-Collateral

Leningen voor
Uw Business Start-up.

Geachte aanvrager,

Als u geïnteresseerd bent vriendelijk contact met ons op

Hartelijke groeten,
Shawn Edwards
Loan Officer

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