quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013


Se você receber uma mensagem de um destes emails abaixo , tenha certeza que você está diante de um golpista e criminoso virtual
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mr thomas <mrthomas352@gmail.com>

Call him immediately to give you Ques...
De Google Calendar
Quando    qui 22 ago 2013 1:30pm – 2:30pm (UTC)
1:30pm    Call him immediately to give you Ques...

Call him immediately to give you Question and Answer

Contact Person. Mr Olele Collins ,
Attn: Beneficiary,

This morning we received a draft cheque of $850. 000.00.

Convert in
cash from one Rev Father and our working partner have

helped me to
send your first payment $5,000.00 to you and here is the

Payment Details:
MTCN: 2455730607

You are advice to track your US$5,000 on this website which

available to pick by you.


I told him to keep sending you $5,000.00 daily until the

payment of
$850,000.00 is completed and again forward them your

Telephone number
and address so that they will be sure.

Please contact: Mr Olele Collins , with the below address.
Here is the contact person: Mr Olele Collins ,
E-mail (mr.olele_collins@yahoo.com)
Telephone: +226 76 30 14 19
Call him immediately to give you Question and Answer
Contact Person.
Mr Olele Collins ,

Thank you for co-operation
Mr Thomas Andason
Salvar a minha vida!!!
rafajeremy001@zipmail.com.br <rafajeremy001@zipmail.com.br>
16:56 (8 minutos atrás)
Por que esta mensagem foi colocada em "Spam"? Descobrimos

que muitas mensagens de zipmail.com.br são spam.  Saiba

Salvar a minha vida!!!

Saudações a você no maravilhoso nome de no so Senhor e

Salvador Jesus Cristo. A graça de Deus, paz e amor estar

com você para a sua saída ea sua vinda no meio de Jesus

Cristo, nosso Senhor. Amen.

Meu nome é Srª. Rafa jeremy; Origem do Kuwait, sou casada

com o falecido Sr. Stewart Jeremy, que trabalhou com o

Kuwait embaixada aqui na Costa do Marfim por nove anos

antes de morrer no ano de 2009.

Estávamos casados há onze anos sem uma criança. Ele morreu

após uma breve doença, que durou apenas quatro dias. Antes

de sua morte, nós éramos ambos cristão renascido. Desde sua

morte, eu decidi não voltar a casar ou conseguir um filho

fora do meu domicílio conjugal que a Bíblia é contra.

Quando meu marido estava vivo, ele deixou a soma de três

milhões e quinhentos mil dólares de E.U. ($ 3,5 mil hões)

em uma conta de confiança geral, com um banco aqui em

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire oeste da África, recentem ente, após

a minha saúde meu médico disse mim que eu não iria durar

para os próximos oito meses, devido ao meu problema de


Ele me disse que nos próximos 2 meses, vai ser um

diferencial deste tipo de câncer para os ossos e não vou

viver de novo, o que mais me perturba é a minha doença

acidente vascular cerebral. Tendo sabido que eu minha

condição decidiu doar este fundo para um cristão,

individuais, e da organização ou igreja que eu sei que pode

precisar dele e que irá utilizar esse dinheiro da maneira

que eu estou indo para instruir aqui de acordo com o desejo

do meu falecido marido antes de sua morte.

Atualmente, esse dinheiro ainda está com o banco. Quero que

este fundo para ser utilizado nas atividades de trabalho

como libertação, ajuda aos pastores famílias, orfanatos,

menos privilegiados na sociedade e escolas cristãs, as

pessoas pobres em seu meio e até manutenção das Igrejas e

para propagar a palavra de Deus e es f orçar-se que a casa

de Deus é mantido. Tomei esta decisão porque não têm

qualquer filho que herdará esse dinheiro e os parentes do

meu marido não são cristãos, e eu não quero esforços do meu

marido para ser usado por incrédulos. Eu não quero uma

situação em que esse dinheiro será usado em um caminho

ímpio. É por isso que eu estou tomando esta decisão.

A Bíblia nos fez entender que "Bendito seja a mão que dá."

Eu não tenho medo da morte, portanto, eu sei onde estou

indo. Eu sei que vou estar no seio do Senhor. Êxodo 14 vs

14 diz que "o Senhor vai lutar meu caso e eu vou manter a

minha paz Eu não preciso de qualquer comunicação telefónica

a esse respeito por causa da minha saúde. Com Deus tudo é


Assim que eu receber a sua resposta que eu lhe darei o

contato do banco para você entrar em conta to diretamente

com eles para transferência subsequente. Eu também irá

emitir-lhe uma carta de autoridade que vai provar q ue o

beneficiário presente da minha fundos. Eu quero você e sua

família para sempre ore por mim porque o Senhor é meu

pastor. Minha felicidade é que eu vivia uma vida de um

cristão digno. Aquele que deseja servir ao Senhor deve

servi-lo em espírito e verdade.

Por favor, estar sempre em oração por toda sua vida,

qualquer atraso em sua resposta vai me dar espaço em

terceirização de outra pessoa para essa mesma finalidade.

Por favor, me assegurar que você irá agir de acordo como

afirmei aqui. Estou esperando a sua resposta em breve.

Restante abençoado no Senhor.

Seu em Cristo,
Srª. Rafa jeremy.
RESPONDER PARA - wumt01@yahoo.dk

Kindly Contact Western union Agent:
Mr. Duke Smith <buchi160@cantv.net>
17:06 (1 minuto atrás)
para egyptian_miro
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram

usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários.

Se não conhecer o remetente, não clique em links nem

responda com suas informações pessoais.  Saiba mais
Traduzir mensagem
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We have concluded to effect your payment of $1.6MUSD,

through western union, the maximum amount you will be

receiving each day is $5000 USD daily until your funds is

completely transferred.So send your full information to us

with your phone number.

Kindly Contact Western union Agent:
Sir.Fabian Patrick
E-mail: wumt01@yahoo.dk

Contact Sir.Fabian Patrick or call him as soon as you

receive this email and tell him to give you the Mtcn,

sender name and question/answer to pick the $5000 USD let

me know as soon as you received all your funds $1.6USD,

Thank you.

alaxbanny9@zipmail.com.br <alaxbanny9@zipmail.com.br>
17:29 (15 minutos atrás)
para alaxbanny9
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Muitas pessoas marcaram

mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter

conteúdo perigoso.  Saiba mais
Traduzir mensagem
Desativar para: inglês

I choose to reach you through this medium because it is the

fastest and most reliable way of communication, as I wish

to solicit for your urgent assistance in what i strongly

believe will be of great benefit to both of us.I am Mr.Alax

Banny,an Accounts Manager with a Bank here in Cote D'

Ivoire also known as "Ivory Coast The issue I am presenting

to you is a case of one of my late customer,a businessman

from Thailand who died leaving an unclaimed funds  with my


In the year 2003, my late customer made a fixed deposit

here in my bank  totaling $7.1 Million Dollars which was

due to be collected in 2008 after 4 years maturity with

accrued dividends.On my yearly appraisal of my customers at

the turn of every year, I discovered that this fixed

deposit remained overdue for retrieval. I had put up series

of mails and bank notifications to him which were sent back


It was a year ago that i discovered that he passe d on

along with his wife and only child through 2004 Indian

ocean Tsunami while resorting at Khao Lak in Thailand.

Since learning of his death , I have managed his account

expecting any of his extended relatives to come forward to

claim his money but all attempts to trace his relatives

over the years  has been fruitless since he did not declare

any of his relatives information in his banking records

with us.

Added to this, professional ethics obligates us to act with

extreme confidentiality when dealing with clients accounts

of this type. According to my country "Cote D' Ivoire"

banking law, the money will be bequeathed to the government

if it remains unclaimed by a certain period which is almost

near.However, I dont belong to that school of thought which

proposes that the fortunes of unlucky people be given to

the government and I am fully convinced that no one would

turn up to execute the letter of administration to claim

his funds before this short time.

Hence,I decided to contact you to come in as the next of

kin/Business partner to my late customer so that the funds

totalling $7.1 million (Seven Million, one Hundred Thousand

Dollars) can then be transferred to your nominated bank

account in your country within 7 working days after we have

filed in your claims transfer application to the bank.

I will prepare every operation that will assist you to

claim the funds as the next of kin/confidential business

partner and everything will be left between you and me.The

share would be 50/50 or better we can still map out 5% for

any expenses. Again, I feel that you may be apprehensive

and consider this amount too big for you to defend. It does

not matter, as there are documents to back it up.

This transaction is risk free and as the most senior

account manager with the bank, be rest assured that all

documents to enable you get this fund as the next of kin

will be carefully worked out by me.

Do not be bothered that you are not related in any way to

my late customer as I am in position to affix your name as

the next of kin. Kindly send your reply enclosing your Full

Names, Contact Address and Phone Number to me for

confidentiality, to enable me talk to you before I send you

the certificate of deposit and other relevant information

relating to this fund transfer.

I need not emphasize the confidentiality of this issue and

I therefore appeal to you not discuss this request with

anybody, even if you decline to take full advantage of this

great and urgent opportunity in my bank.

I look forward to your quick reply by email

Please contact me urgently via my personal email address as

follows- (mr.alax_banny@yahoo.fr)
Mr Alax Banny
Sollicitation d’appuis à un projet de création d’entreprise
bovis balbilas - balbilas@yahoo.fr

Sollicitation d’appuis à un projet de création d’entreprise
 Bonjour !

               Je me prénomme BALBILAS  BOVIS, jeune

Africain, de nationalité Béninoise. Le Bénin est un pays de

l’Afrique  de l’ouest situé dans la zone intertropicale

entre l’Equateur et le Tropique du Cancer ; il est compris

entre les parallèles 6° 30’ et 12°30’ de latitude Nord

d’une part, et les méridiens 1° et 3°40’ de longitude Est

d’autre part. Il  avoisine l'Océan Atlantique Nord et se

situe entre le Nigéria et le Togo. Il possède un climat

tropical chaud, humide au sud ; semi-aride au nord.
J’aime  beaucoup mon pays et j’ai toujours l’ambition de

contribuer à son développement à travers le métier de la

menuiserie que  j’ai appris et qui est une passion  pour 

               En effet, le métier de menuisier se retrouve

à la fois dans l’industrie du Bâtiment, les activités de

construction d’édifices les plus variés, publics et privés,

particuliers et collectifs tels que les habitations,

écoles, magasins, bâtiments sportifs, usines, bureaux … et

celles des Travaux Publics, activité de réalisation des

infrastructures telles que routes, canalisations, ponts,

barrages, pistes d’aéroport.
Le menuisier intervient pendant la phase dite de Second

Œuvre, dans le cadre de l’aménagement et des finitions de

la construction.
Le menuisier s’occupe de la conception, du façonnage, de la

restauration, de l’assemblage et de la pose  des éléments

de bois brut ou de matériaux composites tels que portes,

fenêtres, volets, placards, parquets, escaliers etc.…

Au Bénin comme dans les pays  en voie de développement, le

chômage est une réalité incontestable ; ainsi  la majorité

des jeunes béninois diplômés et/ou démunis se retrouvent

sans emploi et sont parfois obligés de recourir a la

délinquance  pour satisfaire leurs besoins ; or la jeunesse

constitue l’avenir d’une nation et doit être  suffisamment

outillée pour mettre en valeur ses potentialités.

Etant donné que la nature n’offre pas à tous la même chance

de réussite et que nul n’a le droit d’être heureux tout

seul, je veux aider les malheureux à réussir également leur

vie en exerçant un métier ; car seul le travail libère

réellement l’homme dit-on.
Ainsi, je nourris l’ambition d’ouvrir un grand centre de

formation  en menuiserie afin de réduire tant soit peu le

taux de pauvreté dans le pays en favorisant les couches les

plus vulnérables; la triste réalité est que la majorité des

Jeunes Béninois diplômés se retrouvent sans emploi; et la

plupart des parents n’arrivent pas inscrire leurs enfants

dans les grandes écoles de formation professionnelle qui

coutent excessivement chères.
 Il s’agira donc pour  moi d’ouvrir un grand  atelier de

menuiserie du nom de MAD (Menuiserie Action de Dieu), toute

fois, je peux ajouter le nom dont moi et  mon partenaire

désirent. MAD  aura trois (03) grandes priorités à savoir :

•       Donner une formation en menuiserie à des jeunes

démunis, les orphelins, et tous ceux  dont les parents

n’ont pas les moyens financier pour les inscrire  dans les

écoles ou  centres de formation.

•       Embaucher entant qu’ouvriers, les diplômés sans

emplois ainsi que les professionnels du métier se

retrouvant en faillite.

•       Assister les enfants malades, et les centres

sociaux avec l’apport des partenaires qui accepteront de

m’aider à réaliser ce rêve.

MAD  sera un  grand centre de formation qui  offrira des

meubles de qualité à un prix abordable sur le marché

national régional et international.
L’utilisation de machines-outils est la règle dans toutes

les étapes de la préparation des éléments et le menuisier 

professionnel est tenu de maîtriser leur emploi et de

contrôler le respect des normes de sécurité.
Ainsi j’ai besoin de partenaires techniques et financiers

pouvant m’aider à ouvrir le centre et l’équiper des

machines de bonne performance Je dispose d’un terrain

vierge  pour sa créativité. Si éventuellement vous êtes

intéressé et voudriez vous  m’aider à  réaliser cette noble

initiative répondez  moi sur mon

         adresse : E-MAIL : balbilas@yahoo.fr

            GSM : +229-9582-9861 ou +229-9757-2519
RESPONDER PARA - carmanunited@gmail.com

From: Ms. Carman L. Lapointe.
United Nations - carmanuni@gmail.com>

Internal Audit, Monitoring, Consulting and Investigative

From: Ms. Carman L. Lapointe.

Dear Beneficiary,

This is to inform you of my trip to Nigeria yesterday from

London, due to series of complain from the
United State Financial Security Services and other Security

agencies from Asia, Europe, America
and other parts of the world, against the Federal

Government of Nigeria and the British Government
for the rate of scam activities going on in these two

nations. The new strategy this thieves are using
now is that they will inform you that your fund is in

London UK in a bank that is not existing and start
to extort your money again from London, don't listen to

them because the origin of your fund is in Africa.
I want to use this opportunity to notify you that I have

forwarded your file to Nigerian Financial Service
Authority on Friday last week to contact you for the

release of your payment of $2.5M, I was sent
down to this country by United Nations Financial Security

to make sure that all beneficiaries receive
their payment and I have sorted all American beneficiary

payment file and forward it to the (NFSA) as
directed by Nigerian presidency.
Some people here in Africa use my name to extort people

claiming that they are Ms Carman Lapointe,
Please you have to be very careful with anybody you are

dealing with. They will direct you to another
office or Bank in UK to contact for your payment while you

know that the origin of your funds is from
Africa; don't allow them to scam you anymore. The Nigeria

Financial Service Authority is the only
authority approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria to

handle your payment, What I want you to
do now is to comply with them because they are only

approved office in this country for the payment
so you should stop any further communication with any

office apart from Nigerian Financial Service
It is very important you reconfirm your full details,  full

names, your full address, your direct phone
number and your account details So that I can forward to

them to immediately open correspondence
with you.
Sincerely yours,
Ms. Carman L. Lapointe
United Nations Under-Secretary-
General for Internal Oversight

 Dear Friend

Good day to you, I know that my message will come to you as

surprise, but never mind, I am Mr Malik Rahman A Manager in

of Africa (BOA) in BOA Bank of Africa here in my country

west Africa, In my department here in the bank I discover

an abandon
sum of $6.8Million United State Dollars, that belong to one

of our
biggest customer here in this bank, who died years ago in a

crash with his family, I contacted you so that you will

help me see
that the total sum of $6.8Million will be transfer into

your account
in your country,

Upon the receipt of your reply and indication of your

capability, i
will give you full details on how the business will be

executed and
also note that you will have 45% of the above mentioned sum

if you
agree to handle this business with me while 50% will be for

me and 5%
for any expenses that may arise on the process, Because i

don't want
anyone here in our bank to know my involvement until you

confirm this
fund into your account and ask me to come over for the
sharing as i indicated.

Full Name.........................
Full Address ............................
Telephone .........................
Age / sex ......................
Thanks and have a nice day.

From Mr Malik Rahman
(sem assunto)
Mr Zamora Surasak - mrzamorasurasak@yahoo.fr


Attn Friend

Greetings to you and your family,  please ,this message

might meet you in (utmost surprise),however,it's just my

urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you

for this transaction.

I am currently holding the post of Auditing and Accounting

unit of the bank.I have the opportunity of transfer the

abandon  left over funds($15 Million) from one  of our bank

deceased customer Bank account  to your account  in your

Country .

Hence i am inviting you for a business deal where this

money can be shared between us in the ratio of 50/40 while

10% will be mapped out for expenses.If you agree to my

business proposal.further details of the transfer will be

forwarded to you as soon as i receive your return mail.

Yours faithfully,
 Mr Zamora Surasak
Winning Code (AQ11WWRZZA1)!!!
British National Lottery       
WINNING NOTIFICATION This is to inform you that you have

been selected for a ...
British National Lottery - cwl1234@singnet.com.sg


sis mariam daniel - WEBOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK@libero.it

    its a great pleasure to invite you to attend this year

conference on Roll
Back Malaria and environmental sanitation this brings us to

reflect to the
reality of malaria existence that The largest killer of

children, Malaria
one child every 30 seconds, about 3000 children every day,

Over one million
people die from malaria each year, mostly children under

five years of age,
90 per cent of malaria cases occurring in Sub-Saharan

Africa. A heavy disease
burden to humanity An estimated 300-600 million people

suffer from malaria
year.More than 40 percent of the world’s population lives

in malaria-risk
Malaria is particularly damaging the pregnant women and

their unborn children.
It can result in maternal anemia and low birth weight - the

single greatest
risk factor for death during the first months of life, A

barrier to
development, Malaria hampers children's schooling and

social development. Many
children who survive a serious attack of malaria develop

physical and mental
impairment.Malaria is a major cause of poverty. The cost of

malaria control
treatment drains African economies, slowing economic growth

by about 1.3 per
cent a year. Its prevention is an important part of poverty

reduction and
economic development.

            This ailment which serves as a canker worm

eating deep into our
society today must be fought all hands on

personalities,government bodies and individuals are hereby

beckoned to attend
this great conference from the four walls of the world this

great occasion is
scheduled to take place from 2nd-6th of November 2013 in

new york united
of American and from 9th-14th of November in Dakar Senegal

this program is
designed and packaged by world health organization (W.H.O)

and proudly
sponsored by the following organization. was against

malaria foundation (W.A.
F),United nations organization (U.N.O),united national

international children
education fund (U.N.I.C.E.F) wife of the president united

states of America
other independent donors world wide.

      For more information on how to attend the conference

contact the
conference organizing committee via
Sis Mariam Danie
responder para - cesaraugustomendoza@live.com

Tibor Palankai (tpalank) - tibor.palankai@uni-corvinus.hu

 Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings To You And Member Of Your Family, I Am Cesar

Augusto Mendoza A Merchant In United State Of America. Can

You Work With Me In Re-Profiling And Investing

$10,000,000.00 (Ten Million United Stated Dollars) In Any

Business Of  Your Choice In India For Our Mutual Benefit?

Get Back To Me With Your Contact Information For More

Thanks And Regards,
Mr. Cesar Augusto Mendoza.
Dear Beloved,

Dear Beloved,
This letter might surprise you, Please don't ignore it this

time as I am
writing this letter to you with heavy tears In my eyes and

great sorrow in
my heart because i only have few months to live according

to my Doctor.
Base on this predicament, I have now decided to spread all

my wealth, to
contribute mainly to the development of charity. Please i

need a reliable
person who will use the Money ( $18 million Dollars) to

build orphanage
home or charity organization. Please reply me for more

God be with you
Saeed Ahmed
(sem assunto)
UK NATIONAL LOTTERY AWARD - swissent@nexlinx.net.pk

your email address have just won the sum of 500,000 pounds

sterling on the
uk lottery conducted today

Check Your Email Now and Respond Immediately!!!
GOOD DAY <AaronSmith@stussy.jp>

Special Agent in Charge
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Intelligence Field Unit
El Paso Federal Justice Center
660 South Mesa Hills Drive
El Paso, TX 79912 USA


I am agent A. smith, from the Intelligence Unit of the

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). We just

intercepted/confiscated,a parcel at the united state

courier parcel track unit and after cross examination we

discovered that the said parcel belongs to you and was

scheduled be deilivered to your residents with your full

information,we discovered the parcel contained an ATM CARD

valued US$3.5M as these fund are entitled to you, been

Contract/Inheritance over due payments,packaged from the

central bank of Nigeria{CBN}.

Furthermore, after cross checking all the information we

found in the parcel backing you up as the beneficiary of

the fund, it became known to us that one of the documents

is missing. This document is very important and until we

get the document, the parcel{ATM CARD} will be temporarily

confiscated pending when you will provide it. The much

needed document is the Diplomatic Immunity Seal of Delivery

Certificate (DISDC). This document will protect you from

going against the US Patriot Act Section 314a and Section

314b. This delivery will be tagged A Diplomatic Transit

Payment (D.T.P) once you get the document.

You are therefore required to contact the special agent

Mark A. Morgan on this email

(intelligencefieldunitfbi@zing.vn) within 72 hours so that

he will guide you on how to get the much needed document.

Failure to comply with this directive may lead to the

permanent confiscation of the funds and possible arrest. We

may also get the Financial Action Task Force on Money

Laundering (FATF) involved if do not follow our

instructions. You are also advised not to get in contact

with any Bank in Africa, Europe or any other institution,

as your fund are here now in the United States of America.

Agent Mark A. Morgan
Special Agent in Charge
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Intelligence Field Unit
El Paso Federal Justice Center
660 South Mesa Hills Drive
El Paso, TX 79912 USA

FRANCINE DUPONT - maria_rosi@tin.it

Mes salutations!!!!
Je me nomme FRANCINE DUPONT, une jeune femme âgé de 28 ans

.Je travaille
comme secrétaire dans une organisation de la place au

canada d'énorme
HQC .J'ai pu obtenir votre mail grâce à mon robot

sécurisé,je voudrai
correspondre avec vous non seulement pour échanger des

idées mais
connaitre aussi votre culture. Je suis célibataire sans

te relire très vite. Écrivez moi au E-mail suivant :

c'est l'adresse que je consulte tout les jours
RESPONDER PARA - sk_men@yahoo.com

meng sok <mengk6@gmail.com>
19 de ago (3 dias atrás)
para mim
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mengk6@gmail.com  Saiba mais  Denunciar phishing
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I apologize if the contents here under are contrary to your

moral ethics, but please treat with absolute secrecy and

With due regards, my name is Mr. meng sok, the business

manager of auditing and accounting department of foreign

trade bank plc. (Cambodia branch office) here in Phnom Penh


There is a draft account opened in my bank in 1998 by a

long-time client of our bank, a national of your country.

he was a CEO/a textile company owner, business man, a miner

at Kruger mining company here in Cambodia, he was also a

geologist and a mining consultant to several other mining

conglomerates operating in Cambodia, china, Taiwan, Japan,

Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam all in Asia, before he passed

away on the November 16th 2004 by car accident with his

wife and two children along Cambodia Vietnam road, leaving

nobody as the representative of his account after his

death. The amount in this account is currently $28, 625,

370.00.i want to present you as the representative I will

use my position and influence in our bank to make sure they

release this money to you for us to share. Kindly get back

to me for more details.

Mr. sok.
Bill gates fondation <noreply@billgates.co.uk>
11:17 (7 horas atrás)
para noreply
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mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter

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Bonjour,La fondation Bill Gates Melinda tient à vous aviser

que vous êtes
gagnant d'une somme de 250.000,00€.
Merci de prendre contact avec le cabinet Notarial serren

ci-dessous. Toutes
les informations sont strictement confidentielles et ne

seront utilisées
que pour un but demandé. Au nom du Conseil d'administration

nous vous
prions de recevoir nos félicitations les plus chaleureuses.
Maître Souleymane FALL Huissier de justice.
Email: cabinetserrenakwaba@yahoo.fr ,Téléphone : (00229) 98

29 45 00
Voici les informations à fournir par émail
PS: Date limite d'envois de votre demande de revendication

du prix: DEUX
SEMAINES Directrice des Opérations Mme Gremaud Jacqueline

Assalamn aleikum
Anita Kone - anitakone2@daum.net

Assalamn aleikum

I am Mrs.Anita Kone, married to Alhaji Saheed Kone, who was

until his death an exporter of antiquities based in Cote

d'ivoire, we were married for eleven years without a child.

He died after a brief illness that lasted for only two

weeks. Before his deathwe were both faithful Muslims.

Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child

outside my matrimonial home which the holly Quaran is

against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the

sum of ($8.5 Million U.S. Dollars) in one the famous

financial institutions here in Abidjan capital of Cote


Recently my doctor confirmed to me that I have serious

sickness which is cancer problem. The one that disturbs me

most is my strokesickness.Having known my condition I

decided to donate this money to an Islamic institution or

individual that will utilize this money the way I am going

to instruct herein. I want a muslim that will use this

money for orphanage homes, hospitals, mosque, schools, and

propagation of the word of the mighty Allah and to

endeavour that the house of almighty Allah is maintained.

The holly Quaran made us to understand that Blessed is the

hand that gives.

I took this decision because I don't have any child that

will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not

Muslims and I don't want my husband's effort to be used by

unbelievers. I don't want a situation whereby this money

will be used in an unGodly way. This is why I am taking

this decision.

I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I

know that I am going to be in the bosom of the almighty

Allah. As stated in the holly Quaran (Surah xxxvi Yasin)

Thou wariest only him who followeth the reminder and

feareth the beneficent in secret to him bear tiding of

forgives and a rich reward.

I don't need any telephone communication in this regard

because of my health hence the presence of my husband's

relatives around me always. I don't want them to know about

this development. With almighty Allah all things are


As soon as I receive your reply I will direct you on how

this vission will be realised. I want you and the Islamic

institution to always pray for me because the almighty

Allah is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life

of a worthy Muslim. Whoever that wants to serve the

almighty Allah must serve him in spirit and truth.

Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay

in your reply will give me room to sourcing another Islamic

institution or a good muslim for this same purpose.

Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated


I need this information's, so that i will direct you where

my late husband deposited the consignment for you to

contact them on my behalf,

1)Your full name:......................
2)Your full address.........................
3)Your Nationality..............................
4)A cipy of your picture............
5)Your occupation......................

Your Sister in the Islam.
Mrs. Anita Kone.
mail   anita_kone2@yahoo.fr
RESPONDER PARA - jacobanderson.claimsagent2000@gmail.com

WINNINGNOTIFICATION2014 <melissas@cantv.net>



$820,000.00 USD.doc
291K   Visualizar   Baixar 
Return-Path: - sam_kabore2005@yahoo.com

Dear God's Select,

Dear God's Select,

I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes

and great sorrow in my heart, My Name is Mrs Susan Yakco,

and I am contacting you from my country Tunisia I want to

tell you this because I don't have any other option than to

tell you as I was touched to open up to you, I married to

Mr.Yakco Brown who worked with Tunisia embassy in Burkina

Faso for nine years before he died in the year 2005.We were

married for eleven years without a child.

He died after a brief illness that lasted for only five

days. Since his death I decided not to remarry, When my

late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$ 8.5m

(Eight Million Five hundred Thousand Dollars) in a bank in

Ouagadougou the capital city of Burkina Faso in west Africa

Presently this money is still in bank. He made this money

available for exportation of Gold from Burkina Faso mining.

Recently, My Doctor told me that I would not last for the

period of seven months due to cancer problem. The one that

disturbs me most is my stroke sickness.Having known my

condition I decided to hand you over this money to take

care of the less-privileged people, you will utilize this

money the way I am going to instruct herein.

I want you to take 30 Percent of the total money for your

personal use While 70% of the money will go to charity,

people in the street and helping the orphanage. I grew up

as an Orphan and I don't have any body as my family member,

just to end eavour that the house of God is maintained. Am

doing this so that God will forgive my sins and accept my

soul because these sicknesses have suffered me so much

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the

contact of the bank in Burkina Faso and I will also

instruct the Bank Manger to issue you an authority letter

that will prove you the present beneficiary of the money in

the bank that is if you assure me that you will act

accordingly as I Stated herein.

Always reply to my alternative for security purposes

Hoping to receive your reply:

From Mrs Susan yakco
Orbit Money Exchange srl - Orbit.Exchange@standardia.com

See attachment  for the swift copy.

Thank You
ADD:, 18# xinche rd,songjiang-qu,shanghai. china
TEL: 021- 3431 7711
FAX: 021-5156 1503
H.P: 133 1183 2919
remittance.htm    remittance.htm
120K   Visualizar   Baixar  
Return-Path: - must_ibrahim20@yahoo.com

Dear Friend
Mr Drissa - d.pascal782@laposte.net
Dear Friend

I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I

am the Auditing and Accounting section manager in (B.O.A)

Ouagadougou Burkina faso. I Hope that you will not expose

or betray this trust and confident that I am about to

repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.I

need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of

($6.7)million dollars to your account within 10 or 14

banking days

This money has been dorman for years in our Bank without

claim.I want the bank to release the money to you as the

nearest person to our deceased customer I don't want the

money to go into government treasury as an abandoned

fund.So this is the reason why I am contacting you so that

the bank can release the money to you as the next of kin to

the deceased customer.

Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top

secret and delete it if you are notinterested. Upon receipt

of your reply, I will give you full details on how the

business will be executed and also note that you will have

40% of the above mentioned sum while 50% will be for me,

and the other 10% will be for the expencesoccur in this

transaction, if you agree to handle this business with me.I

am expecting your urgent respond.  
1. NAME IN FULL:..............................
2. ADDRESS:......................................
3. NATIONALITY:...................................
4. AGE:.............................................
5. Sex.....MALE.........................................
6. OCCUPATION:.....................
7. MARITAL STATUS:................................
8. PHONE............................................
9: FAX:.........NO ..................................
Best regards.
Mr.Drissa Pascal
responder para - wlf2478@aol.com

worldloanfinance - natalie@cantv.net



38K   Visualizar   Baixar  
Return-Path: 192b@bulksmtp.net

You have (1) new YouTube message
Donna nazakatnbp@yahoo.com
para mim
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mensagens que foram detectadas pelos filtros de spam. 

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One of your friends on YouTube has sent you a video


Click here to view your message:

This video message can be viewed on your browser. Be sure
to turn your speakers on if you cannot hear it.

Thanks for your attention,

responder para - ken.watson@manager.in.th

Notification Date: 22/08/2013
Google Incorporation - mac@ccg.unam.mx

Attn: Winner.

View attached file for claims procedure.

Congratulations from the Staff & Members of Google Board

Commission. Dr.
Eric Schmidt.
Google_User_Reward..pdf    Google_User_Reward..pdf
129K   Visualizar   Baixar  

RESPONDER PARA - royalbankpay_uk@163.com


Unit 5, Tiger Court, Kings Drive,Kings Business Park,
Prescot, Knowsley, Liverpool, L34 1BH.
BC-49 Lottery Chip NO: IMP/73253CO/2013
Confirm winning:


Dear Lucky Winner,

It is apparent that this notification will come to you as a

surprise but
please find time to read it carefully as we congratulate

you over your
success in the just concluded and official publication of

results of the e-
mail electronic online Sweepstakes organized by The BRITISH

LOTTERY in conjunction with the British Government and the

UK Lottery
Committee held on WED 08/21 2013 here in London.
A Draft of £1,000,000.00 (One Million, Pounds Sterling)

will be issued in
your name as one of the lucky winners as soon as you

contact our payment bank

It is important to note that your award was confirmed and

released with the
following Winning particulars attached to it.

Winning No: 09 11 12 15 21 31

Bonus No: 05

Ref No: IMP/73253CO/2013

For Validation Purpose, Forward The Following Information

as Listed Below and
Send to the Office of Royal Bank Of Scotland through (Mr.

REEDS BEN): E-mail
( royalbankpay_uk@163.com )



E-mail: royalbankpay_uk@163.com

NOTE: You are to keep this winning a top secret from the

public until your

Marion Mark (Mrs.).
Lottery Controller General
Registered in England and Wales No. 2822203.



Patricia Miller - kzarani@freemail.hu

May the lord be with you

Good Day,How are you and your family,i am sorry for bagging

in to your
privacy.I am Miss Patricia Miller.am 22yrs,a student and

only child of
Mr.& Mrs.Ibrahim Mohammed Miller.please i am seeking for

your assistance
in retrieval and transfer of my inherited fund to your

(USD$10.000,00) dollas and i will further my studies and i

Christianity or Islam fearing partner overseas.This is

because I have
suffered a lot of set backs as a result of the death of my

fatherin Ivory
coast.The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my


i wait for your reply for more information thank you and

GOD bless you

Regards & God Bless
Miss Patricia Miller.
RESPONDER PARA - mmxd@superposta.com

From Cpt. Hembree
Cpt. Robert Hembree - mail@connect.net

Good Day Dear Friend,
I am Capt.Robert Hembree, an officer in the US Army,and

also a West Point Graduate presently  serving in the

Military with the 82nd Air Borne Division Peace keeping

force in kabul Afghanistan. i really need your help in

assisting me with the safe-keep of two military trunk boxes

which has just arrived the USA from Iraq. I hope you can be

trusted? Kindly view this news blog below for some info
If you can be can be trusted,i will explain further when i

get a response from you. Please ensure to reply me

Immediately if you want to help me.
God Bless America.
Cpt. Robert Hembree
responder para - w.uconsltant@yahoo.com

Contact Western union Office:
Faith Eze - barrfaitheze@cantv.net

Atten Beneficiary,

We have completed on your first Payment register today, So

kindly reconfirm your receiver’s name information to the

office for your approval payment of $1.7Million sign to

release from Bank For International Settlement,

Contact Western union Office:

Name: Mr. Frank Benson.
TEL: +229-68622147

Your Western union Payment maximum amount receiving each

day from tomorrow is $5,000.00 daily until the funds

complete transferred. Once we receive info. the transfer

will commence.
RESPONDER PARA - jaffethbozuma@gmail.com

Jaffe Thabo zuma - ktth672@hotmail.com

This is Jaffe Thabo zuma I have a business proposal open

the attached  file and go through it and get back to me.

Email.:jaffethbozuma@gmail.com or call me +27-717-397-609
38K   Visualizar   Baixar
 Attention: Sir/Madam
aisha mussa ibrahim <aishaibrahimmussa@rediffmail.com>
06:40 (12 horas atrás)
para cooperate.prod.
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Assalamuaalaikum warahmatullah

Attention: Sir/Madam

Let this message not come to you as a surprise, I am

contacting you because
of the problem we are having in my country Libya which the

problem is
getting tougher everyday. I am Aisha Mussa Ibrahim the

daughter of Mussa
Ibrahim, Libyan government spokesman, I am right now in

west Africa, were I
went as a refuge. My father Mussa Ibrahim has some huge

amount of money out
side Libya which he needs a foreign partner to secure the

fund for
investments in your country. If you are interested to

assist us kindly get
back to me for more details on how to proceed, which I will

compensate you
awesomely once you secured the fund. Please get back to me

for more detail
and make sure you keep it secret and confidential for our

own safety. Do get
back to me no matter what your position may be. Contact me

on this email - aishaibrahimmussa@rediff.com

Yours sincerely Ms: Aisha
Mussa Ibrahim
  (sem assunto)
Judith Bergner-Herrmann -


We found your email address on the list of selected fraud

victims supplied to us by the UNITED NATIONS and that is

why we are contacting you. It has however been agreed upon

that you should be paid with immediate effect following the

approval of your payment valued Eight million United States

Dollars (8,000,000.00).

For claims contact:

Name: Dr. Mark Reyes (Director Foreign Transfer Department


Email: uba.group@qq.com

Phone: +234 8126082404
RESPONDER PARA - claimsheritage@yahoo.com.hk

[SPAM detected] Alert!!
Heritage Foundation Board <wtunlin@mptmail.net.mm>
8 de ago
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mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter

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You have 500,000USD waiting for pick-up at Money Gram,  In

the Heritage Foundation Promo,
contact claimsheritage@yahoo.com.hk  for more details.
 ---Original Message-----
From: Wajeeha Ahmad [mailto:wajeeha@MIT.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 12:30 AM
To: Undisclosed recipients:

Your Email has been picked by the British Telecom Center as

a lucky Person
of a lump sum of 1,000,000.00. To Claim send info To Email:
responder para - mrahmadyaki@yahoo.com

Payment Notice

Ahamad Yaki - kelvin0@tin.it

 Payment Notice

Get in touch with DHL Company for the delivery of your ATM

Master Card worth of $1.8m as agreed.
MD. Ms. Kieffer Robert
Office No.+229 98298252
Mr. Ahamed Yaki
nvitation: URGENT REPLY NEEDED @ Thu Aug 22, 2013 8am - 9am

Patrick Innocent <patrickinnocent.86@gmail.com>
04:50 (15 horas atrás)
para mim
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mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter

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De Google Calendar
Quando    qui 22 ago 2013 8am – 9am (UTC)
Quem    A lista de convidados não está disponível
qui 22 ago 2013
1:30pm    Call him immediately to give you Ques...
more details »
Dear friend,

I know that this letter may come to you as a surprise, I

got your contact address from the computerized search. My

name is Mr. Patrick Innocent , I am the Bill and Exchange

(assistant) Manager of African Development Bank

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

In my department I discovered an abandoned sum of five

million three hundred thousandUnited State of American

dollars (10.3 MILLION USA DOLLARS) in an account that

belongs to one of our foreign customer Mr Kurt Kuhle from

Alexandra Egypt who died along with his family in Siber

airlinethat crashed into sea at Isreal on 4th October 2001.

Since I got information about his death I have been

expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money

because we can not release it unless somebody applies for

it as the next of kin or relation to the deceased as

indicated in our banking guidelines, but unfortunately we

learnt that all his supposed nextof kin or relation died

along side with him in the plane crash leaving nobody

behind for the claim.

It is therefore upon thisdiscovery that I decided to make

this business proposal to you and release themoney to you

as next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety

andsubsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it

and I don't want themoney to go into the bank treasury as

unclaimed bill.

Am contacting you because our deceased customer is a

foreigner and a Burkinabecan not stand as a next of kin to

foreign customer.

The banking guidelinesstipulate that the fund should be

transferred into the bank treasury after 8years if nobody

is coming for the claim.

I have agreed that 50% of this money will be for you as

foreign partner in respect to the provision of your account

for the transfer and 50% would be for me, after which I

shall visit your countryfor disbursement according to the

percentage as indicated.

Please I would like you to keep this transaction

confidential and as a topsecret as you may wish to know

that I am a bank official.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Patrick Innocent.
Cash Awaiting Pick-Up!!

Heritage Organization - othiri@myanmar.com.mm

Congrats:You have 500,000.00 Contact Mrs. Hillary Florence:

westerntranxfer@xtra.co.nz and call: +447035909629.
RESPONDER PARA - majoralanedward01@admin.in.th

(sem assunto)

lotusw - lotusw@hot.ee


I am in the military unit here in Afghanistan,we have some

amount of funds that we want to move out of the country.My

partners and I need a good partner someone we can trust. It

is risk free and legal. Reply to this email

Major.Alan Edward
Invitation: (NOT SPAM) URGENT REPLY NEEDED @ Thu Aug 22,

2013 6:30am
Madam Alimata Raja <rajamadamalimata@gmail.com>
03:24 (16 horas atrás)
para mim
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mensagens semelhantes como golpes de phishing. Ela deve ter

conteúdo perigoso.  Saiba mais
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De Google Calendar
Quando    qui 22 ago 2013 6:30am – 7:30am (UTC)
Quem    A lista de convidados não está disponível
qui 22 ago 2013
Nenhum evento anterior
1:30pm    Call him immediately to give you Ques...
more details »
Dearest One,

I am Madam Alimata Raja I am a widow being that I lost my

husband,my husband Late Mr Raja Sule was a serving director

of the Cocoa exporting board until his death. He was

assassinated by the rebels following the political

uprising, before his death he made a deposit of Six Million

Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,500,000.00USD) here in

Ouagadougou Burkina Faso in one of the Security Company,he

intended to buy a Cocoa processing Machine with the fund.

I want you to help me for us to retreive this fund and

transfer it to your account in your country or any safer

place as you will be the beneficiary and recipient of the

fund which we will use for joint investment in your

country.I have plans to do investment in your country, like

real estate and industrial production.

This is my reason for writing to you.

Please if you are willing to assist me and my only Daughter

Linda Raja ,indicate your interest by replying urgently

through this pravite E-mail Address(alimata_raja@sify.com)

Thanks and best regards .
Madam Alimata Raja
Libby McDonald - libmac@mit.edu

The British Espn Office has picked you as a lucky person of a lump sum pay out of 1,000,000.00. send your Names and Add Phone to Mr. Marcus Steve. Email:espn2013@outlook.com

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