Nosso email -
Não responda a estes scammer-mails e não clicar em seus links,
essas mensagens-scam foram enviadas com a intenção de fraudar você!
2012/10/6 Mary(Asutralia) Australia <>
Why I no hear from you lately?
Surely "the cat did not get your black-tongue"?
Why you not write to me - to share my painfull experience!
Why you no donate some MOEY to me - stuck in leg-brace
I need a House-keeper!
Why you no send for a Australian-Passport
You know I have one ready for you - to send to you!
Then you come to be here, Australia - and live a better life!
I wait for yor response "my friend"
2012/10/5 PROMO NOKIA -
Din e-mail adresse har vundet dig £ 1.000.000 på Nokia UK PROMO 2012 at kræve sende navn / adresse / mobil e-mail: NOKIACORP2012@LIVE.COM
2012/10/5 BMW UK -
Dear Lucky winner,
congratulations.your e-mail Address have won you (£ GBP) with one BMW X6 CONCEPT CAR on BMW National Lottery Promotion Award 2012.For claim Send your Details to (
1.Full Name:
7.Postal Address (if different from residence)
8.Place delivery:
Again, congratulations.
Barrister Ben Duke
online coordinator
responder para -
2012/10/5 Coca Cola Promo -
Kenmore Rd 41B Park, Wakefield, West
Yorkshire WF2 0XR, ENGLAND United Kingdom
Phone: +447012950929
Dear Lucky Winner
Congratulation Your Mail-ID has been awarded $1,000,000.00 US From The Coca
Cola Online season Award . This is in conjunction with the Australia Government,
British Government and the Coca Cola bottling company for more information
call me on how to claim this prize, fill the information below.
Phone No:
Age: Sex:
Congratulation once again from the Coca Cola Online Award Department.
Best Regard,
Dr Keith Andrew.
2012/10/5 amadou keita -
Dear Sir.
We are Bougouni village local gold miners located here in Mali in West Africa we hereby make this offer of au metal gold dust under the penalty of perjury with full responsibility. the purity bellow.
1. Product:au metal (gold dust)
2. Origin:mali,west africa
3. Type: alluvial
4. Purity:92.7% or better
5. Carats:22+
6.quantity:77kg(gold dust)
We are searching for a serious gold buyer,whom we can establish a long term business with,to enable us discuss the procedures of delivery and payments,you know that the local minners has not being to school in this case they don’t understand the baking procedures about gold,now is you or your mandate will explain to us how you will want the business to be. i want you and your company to be my AGENT.
Best regards.
Mr Keita
Em 5 de outubro de 2012 15:04, Marili Taborda e Advogados Associados - escreveu:
Prezado Cliente
Primeiramente agradecemos o seu contato.
Conforme solicitado, segue anexo de suas pendências conosco.
Caso não esteja visualizando o anexo corretamente, baixe o anexo Clicando Aqui
Pedimos que olhe com atenção os seguintes dados: NOME|CPF|RG / caso esteja algo errado contate-nos
Permanecemos à disposição através da nossa Central de Atendimento ( 0800-600-0406 )
Marili Taborda e Advogados Associados
Je me nomme MARIE-BRIGITTE-PROUVOST. Née le 27 MARS 1944, je suis de nationalité française. Chaque jour qui passe, je me sens très mal et j'ai de plus en plus assez de peur en moi à cause de mon cancer qui est très évolué. je décide de vous fait DON d'un fond d'une somme de (1.500.000€ )qui n'est rien d'autre que le reste de mes biens et je voudrais en faire don. Je vous prie d'accepter cette somme car elle pourrait bien vous êtes très utile. Je ne vous demande rien en retour.
réponds moi sur mon adresse privée: marie.brigitte22@yahoo.frQUE LES BÉNÉDICTION SOIENT.
Em 4 de outubro de 2012 21:14, Bradesco S/A> escreveu:
Prezado Cliente,
Estamos disponibilizando uma atualização da chave segurança para nossos clientes.
O Bradesco trabalha para manter o mais alto nivel de segurança em suas transações no Internet Banking.
Disponivel para clientes conta fisica e jurídica.
Portal de relacionamento Bradesco (disponível apenas para clientes ativo ) Clique Aqui..
Bradesco Internet banking.
Banco Bradesco S.A.
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