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Data: Domingo, 30 de setembro de 2012 09:28:50 -0300
Eu tenho uma proposta de negócio para você. Entre em contato comigo se interessado. Não Scam favor.
Suha Tawil Sra. Arafat
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2012/10/1 Steve Moore -
Home Job, This is to brings to your notice that, we have a trust reliable legitimate offers and surveys company website that can earn you extra income for doing simple job from the comfort at home. The amount of dollars you can earn daily depends on the numbers of offers you can complete per a day.You get paid for each offer you complete daily.You can withdraw your daily earnings from a minimum amount of $10 and above from your membership account. You have your 24HRS membership account access to see your daily earnings. You can complete each daily offers from a minimum time of 5 minutes to a maximum time of 10 minutes depending on the offer you want to complete and this site is available to all countries worldwide.It is a free site to join with a large volume of over one million legitimate offers requesting companies worldwide. Below are some list of offers from the website that you can earn extra income from: Marketing Research Offers--------here normally legit companies looking to get you to sign up for survey panels or participate in a research study, then you get paid $5 to $8 for each research sign up you complete daily. Download Offers---------- here you download software or toolbars into your computer then you get paid $0.5 to $2 for each download you complete daily. Service Introduction Offers------here you sign up for a trial of companies service or a use of a companies service and you get paid $5 to $6 daily for each service you sign up for. Video Offers---------here you watch video from youtube and many other sites, then you get paid $0.01 to $2 for each companies video you watch daily. Daily Tasks Offers---------here you complete a task ranging from categorizing a series of products to looking up search terms about a person, place, or thing. After completing the task you get paid $8 to $15 for each task offer you complete daily. Daily surveys Offers---------- here you complete surveys for real companies and get paid $15 to $25 for each surveys you complete daily. (highly paid offer). Click Offers-----------here many companies webmasters pay you to click through on the banner in their website, then you get paid $0.01 to $1 for each banner you click in a day. Trials and Paid offers------------here many companies ether sell products or trials to you and you get a cashback bouns $5 each.if you are already planning on buying the service( say you are planning to buy a suscritption to netflix) this is a great way to get a cashback discount. Data Collection offers-----------here many companies pay for your personal information and the right to sell it. Normally they will only ask for e-mail and phone number but sometimes they will ask for addresses.Here you get paid $30 to $50 for each company you entire for. E-mail requsting offers-----------here many email processing companies pay you $15 to $20 for each customers emails you process in a day.(highly paid offer). Traffics offers-----------here many trafficking requesting companies pay you $3 to $5 for each internet traffics you can drive to there website in a day with 10% to 15% life time paying commissions. E-mail reading offers-----------here many advertisers companies pay you for reading there advert mails. You get paid $0.1 to $1 for each companies email offer you can read a day. You can complete up to 400 companies offers weekly and earn $1000 weekly depending on the quality time you are ready to invest. You can use the following payments systems to withdraw your earnings daily from your member account. Paypal, Check, Libertyreserve, Alertpay, E-gold, Gift card, Best Buy Gift Certificate, Future shop Gift Certificate, Go Daddy Gift Certificate and Gift Certificate. You can also complete many points offers daily and earn 1000 points per each week depending on the time you are ready to can use your points to order any products of your choice from and receive your products to your destinate house address. You can also redeem your points for cash. We sell the company information package for $100 only. The information package contains (1) the company website (2) Our step by step guide formula to follow to start earnning $200 daily, $1000 weekly, $5000 monthly, from this company. If you are interested, you can order for your package today to start earnning extra daily income from the comfort of work at home. We us alertpay or payza money processor for our order payment. If you do not have payza account, you can register an account here for free.You can use your Credit card or your Bank account to fund your alertpay or payza account. To order simply click on and use the account details below to send your order payment. Account name............ Amount to send..................$100 only. After payment , send the details below to our mail for alert; Names...................... Country....................................... E-mail for your order delivering....................................... We delivered order package in non less than a minute after receiving your payment alert. This is a free site to join and earn. Convert your free time to cash. From home worker Steve Moore.
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2012/9/30 Mr.Mahmoud Habib -
Assalam Walaikum,
From/Mr.Mahmoud Habib
Hope you are doing fine,
I wish to inform you regarding a business transaction which I wish to execute with your help as foreigner. I am Burkina be nationality, in West Africa, working with Bank of Africa, I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. I am married with 3 children. In Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. Do inform me of any other information you shall like to know concerning the transaction, for moor understanding to you, There is an account here in my bank with a credit balance of($25.million Dollars,) United State Dollars, From a foreigner. The money has been here in my Bank lying dormant for eight good years now without anybody coming for the claim of it. As a manager in my Office in bank, I will provide every information we need to back up the claim to you account in your country.
I will give you all the details regarding this account and the transfer as soon as I hear from you and please make this proposal a top secret or delete if you are not interested because i have worked out everything before contacting you. Because I do not want to handle this kind of transaction with somebody that is not capable to handle such deal.
The money will be shared in the ratio of 60/40% percent. You and Myself. I also want you to understand that this transaction is 100% risk free as far as am concern. I am here to guide you with all the necessary information’s to ensure a smooth and successful transfer, I want to know if you are capable of receiving this huge amount of money into your account and have your percent of it as your share,
Do have a wonderful seasonal time, my regards to you & every members of your family.
Wasalaam salaam,
Mr.Mahmoud Habib.
Return-Path: -
Em 27 de setembro de 2012 22:14, BB - Seguranca - escreveu:
Prezado Cliente,
Informamos que desde a ultima atualização em nosso portal de Auto-atendimento BB, fique atento e realize o acesso na nossa página de Segurança BB.
Como posso realizar minha Atualizacao de Segurança?
É muito simples, são apenas dois passos para ficar em dia com nosso sistema de segurança, Clique aqui ou utilize endereço abaixo:
Atenção: Todos os usuários devem aderir as nossas medidas de segurança. Caso a correção não seja realizada, sua conta será bloqueada e o desbloqueio poderá ser realizado em sua agência de origem.
2012/9/29 InTouch Credit Union ->
Account Locked!
Dear InTouch Member,
Due to the number of incorrect login attempts, your InTouch Credit Union Bank Account has been locked for your security. This has been done to secure your accounts and to protect your private information in case the login attempts were not done by you.
At InTouch Credit Union we care about your security so, for your protection we are proactively notifying you of this activity.
If you did not trigger this lockout, follow this link to Log on to your InTouch Credit Union Online Account:
Click here to unlock your account
2012/9/30 Mr. Adams -
Having gone through your listed products, we offer great
interest to do a purchase agreement with your company.
Please get back to us with the following information
Please Quote.
1. Prices FOB
2. Payment terms
3. Delivery Period
5. Specified delivery date assuming from the Date of Order.
Please your quick reply will be highly appreciated
Purchasing Operations Manager.
NCR Corporation
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you for using InTouch Credit Union!
Return-Path: -
Em 1 de outubro de 2012 01:38, Bradesco S/A escreveu:
Prezado Cliente,
Estamos disponibilizando uma atualização do modulo segurança para nossos clientes.
O Bradesco trabalha para manter o mais alto nivel de segurança em suas transações no Internet Banking.
Disponivel para clientes conta fisica e jurídica.
Portal de relacionamento Bradesco (disponível apenas para clientes ativo ) Clique Aqui..
Bradesco Internet banking.
Banco Bradesco S.A.
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2012/10/1 International Cricket Council -
You have been luckily Congratulate you on behalf of Management Team of ICC CRICKET, This is to inform you that your EMAIL have won you GBP?500,000.00 ( Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds ) and have been luckily selected among our Prize Beneficiary who was granted ?500,000.00 GBP (Five Hundred Thousand Great British Pounds) in this on going Email AWARD PROMO,This promo is approved by the British Gaming Board and India and also licensed by the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).This promo is the 2nd of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public. To begin the verification process of your prize, you are required to fill and send the claims form as follow 1. Full Name: 2. Full Address: 3. State: 4. Occupation: 5. Age: 6. Sex: 7. Country: 8. Winning Email: 9. Mobile Number:
You are advised to contact your Foreign Transfer Manager MR DAVID RICHARDSON with his private email details below to avoid unnecessary delay and complications:
Yours faithfully,
Contact Events Manager
Mr Dave Richardson
Chief Executive Officer
2012/10/1 mr.gaboinbello -
My Dear Friend,
My name is mr.Gaboin Bello, I work with the (A.D.B) African Development Bank
in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso West Africa. I have a business proposal in the tune
of ($10.000.000 Million United States Dollar only) after the successful transfer;We
shall share in ratio of 40% for you and 60% for me.
Should you be interested,So we can commence all arrangements? And I will Give you more
information on how we would handle This project. Please treat this business with utmost
Confidentiality and send me the Following information's bellow to enable us commence
(1) Full names......................... ............
(2) Private phone number........................ ...
(3) Current residential address....................
(4) Occupation.................... .................
(5) Age and Sex........................... .........
Best Regards,
Mr.Gaboin Bello.
2012/10/1 PayPal -
L'accès à votre compte a été restreint pour la ou les raisons suivantes :
Notre système a détecté des charges inhabituelles a une carte de crédit liée a votre compte.
(Votre numéro de dossier pour ce motif est le PP0180-0419)
La procédure est très simple :
Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour ouvrir une fenêtre de navigateur sécurisée.
Confirmez que vous êtes bien le titulaire du compte et suivez les instructions.
Acceder A Votre Compte
Copyright © 1999-2012 PayPal. Tous droits réservés.
PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A.
Société en Commandite par Actions
Siège social : 5ème étage 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg
RCS Luxembourg B 118 349
Email PayPal n° PP315
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2012/10/1 Mr. Adams -
Having gone through your listed products, we offer great interest to do a purchase agreement with your company. Please get back to us with the following information
Please Quote.
1. Prices FOB
2. Payment terms
3. Delivery Period
5. Specified delivery date assuming from the Date of Order.
Please your quick reply will be highly appreciated
Purchasing Operations Manager.
NCR Corporation
Return-Path: -
Em 1 de outubro de 2012 13:19, Cielo - MENSAGEM IMPORTANTE escreveu:
O Conteúdo deste E-mail é Seguro.
Para visualizar esta mensagem clique em MOSTRAR CONTEÚDO acima.
2012/10/1 kabore ->
I am MRS. DORIS KABORE, Auditing and Accounting Manager of Bank of Africa (B.O.A) Burkina Faso Ouagadougou.
I KNOW THAT THIS MAIL WILL COME TO YOU AS A SURPRISE AS WE NEVER MEET BEFORE, I want to inquire from you if you can handle this transaction for mutual benefits/life opportunity for both of us.
The transaction is about seeking your assistant to present you as the next of kin/ beneficiary of the $5.Million (Five Million United State Dollars), and who is a customer to the bank where I work He died in plane crash in Egypt, with his family during their vacation journey.
The Fund is currently in a suspense account awaiting claim, the bank made a public notice in the bank that they are ready to release this fund to any of his relative’s abroad.
I contacted you just because I have lost my beloved husband since 9 years now and left 3 Children behind, so I decided to make a good use of this opportunity.
After hearing from you I will give you more details about the transaction, if your interpreted please send me the following immediately.
2012/10/1 wall kunde -
FROMMr.Wall Kunde
The Head ofFile and Auditing Department,
Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso (West Africa )
Good day toyou, i am Mr.Wall Kunde (aka Dumbass), a banker by profetion
please ibring forth a business to you, to entrust the sum of ($12.500.000 USD) Twelve Million Five Hundred Thousand UnitedState Dollars Only, that belong to one late Mr. haffik hariri who died alongwith his entire family including the next of kin in a plane crash.
for longnow no one has put claim over the fund, and i have also tried to cuntact hispeople but they were no place to be found. so if you accepted my proposal andcapable of assisting me, i have agreed to offer to you 30% percent of the totalsum, thank you
Wall Kunde.
2012/10/1 Dr Chan John -
I am Dr Chan John (Managing Director and Deputy Chief Executive Hang Seng Bank Hong Kong), before the U.S and Iraqi war our client Gen. Zaki Zazidel who was with the Iraqi forces and also businessman made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value of Eitheen million three hundred thousand United State Dollars only ( $18,300,000.00 usd ) in my branch.
If you are interested kindly get back to me as soon as posible for further details to execute this transaction: My private email is ( )
Dr chan john.
Return-Path: -
2012/10/1 no_reply ->
Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
1. For all Customer.
2. Never send any links or file attachments.
3. Do not ever ask you to send your password and / or login PIN.
Dear Customer,
We detected irregular activities on your Libertyreserve account.
Your Libertyreserve account has been temporarily suspended for your protection,
You must verify this activity before you can continue using your Libertyreserve account.
To restore your account, please Click here.
Reminder: Liberty Reseve service is undergoing scheduled maintenance.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please DO NOT reply to this e-mail.
For information and support please use our contact form in the help section of our web site.
Thank you.
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2012/10/1 CHEVRON EMAIL DRAW 2012 -
Your E-mail ID Has Winner!!! Your E-mail ID Has Won You £1,000,000.00 Reply with
Full Name:
Country :
Phone Number:
2012/10/1 kabo uago -
Dear Friend,
I am the head of Accounts and Audit Department of Bank of Africa, Ouagadougou . I decided to contact you after a careful thought that you may be capable of handling this business transaction which I explained below;
In my department, I discovered an abandoned sum of $13.5m US dollars (Thirteen million, five hundred thousand US dollars). In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in 2005 in a plane crash.
Since i got information about his death, The bank have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because The fund cannot be released unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately I learnt that his supposed next of kin(his son and wife) died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim .It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin (I want to present you as his business associate )to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and I don't want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.
The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained Unclaimed after seven years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkina be cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.
I agree that 35% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, 10 % will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 55% would be for me . There after I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to your account as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as next of kin of the deceased customer.
Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer..
I expect that you contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter, and send me your personal data including your international passport before i send you the full details for continuation of this transaction.
Hoping to hear from you immediately.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.Kabo Uago
Accounts & Audit Department,
Bank of Africa .
Recebi este email
ResponderExcluirDear Friend,
I am the head of Accounts and Audit Department of Bank of Africa, Ouagadougou . I decided to contact you after a careful thought that you may be capable of handling this business transaction which I explained below;
In my department, I discovered an abandoned sum of $13.5m US dollars (Thirteen million, five hundred thousand US dollars). In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in 2007 in a plane crash.
Since i got information about his death, The bank have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because The fund cannot be released unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately I learnt that his supposed next of kin(his son and wife) died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim .It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin (I want to present you as his business associate )to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and I don't want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.
The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained Unclaimed after seven years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkina be cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.
I agree that 35% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, 10 % will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 55% would be for me . There after I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to your account as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as next of kin of the deceased customer.
Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer..
I expect that you contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter, and send me your personal data including your international passport before i send you the full details for continuation of this transaction.
Hoping to hear from you immediately.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.Kabo Uago
Accounts & Audit Department,
Bank of Africa