está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de prêmios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que você se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hotéis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
NOTA - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Nome usado - James Lournsern
"Querida, meu coração mais sincero, confiei em você e eu acredito em você. Então, devo lhe contar tudo agora porque você é como minha esposa.
Então, em relação ao que eu quero lhe dizer, honestamente, tenho cerca de 1,3 milhões de dólares aqui e agora que você está muito perto de mim e concordamos em nos casar. Eu quero movê-lo pelo serviço de correio de imunidade diplomática para você que você pode receber e manter o dinheiro para mim até eu chegar a você em 3 semanas porque minha aposentadoria já está aqui.
Uma vez que ainda estou trabalhando para o governo, não posso manter isso aqui e não posso deixá-lo aqui, porque eu posso perder dinheiro para o governo do Afeganistão. Eu só quero que você atue como meu parente mais próximo para receber o dinheiro.
Posso assegurar-lhe que esta transação é livre de riscos e seu sucesso é 100% garantido porque você receberá o dinheiro em um pacote como um item de presente e ninguém saberá que você recebe o dinheiro. Por favor, eu quero saber se você está pronto para me ajudar a receber o dinheiro e mantê-lo para mim até as próximas 3 semanas? Estou aguardando resposta.
Querida, obrigado pela sua compreensão. Discutirei com a Empresa de Entrega para os arranjos necessários e a entrega imediata do dinheiro para você.
Toda a empresa exigirá de você:
1. Seu nome completo
2. Seu atual
3. Seu número de celular
4. Endereço de e-mail; e
5. O seu número de cartão de identificação.
Você tem que me enviar esses dados que posso encaminhá-lo à Companhia para o arranjo e entrega do dinheiro para você.
Querida, esse assunto é minha vida, então, você deve mantê-lo segredo e ninguém deve ouvi-lo, é só você e eu, OK.
Aguardo sua resposta e suas informações completas. Eu te amo para sempre minha querida esposa e Deus te abençoe sempre meu querido, Deus te abençoe!"
Nome usado Jack Williams
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Nome usado - Cliford Jackson
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Scammers stolen pictures of chief master sgt. james a. lawrence
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Nome usado - Chrisfaris Faris
Scammers with pictures of Command Sgt. Maj. Chris Faris
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Nome Usado - Joe Kelly
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Nome - Jack Bryan
Scammers with pictures of Gen.Stuart James
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Date: 2018-02-10
ATTN: My Dear
Good news,The BRITISH HIGH COMMISSION has actually verified and discovered
that your payment has been unnecessarily Delayed by corrupt officials of the
Company who are Trying to divert your fund of $10.000,000,00 into their private
accounts. Therefore we have obtained an irrevocable payment guarantee on your
Payment with WORLD Bank to make your payment through our new ATM VISA CARD
system which you can use to withdraw your money in any ATM MACHINE around your
So we are here by inviting you to our office to pick up your ATM VISA CARD but
if you cannot be able to come down here in our office in person be inform that
you are going to pay for shipping fee of your ATM visa CARD, so if you are
unable to come down here then you are required to update us so that we will
proceed with the necessary arrangement for the delivery of your ATM VISA CARD.
As of now be informed that all arrangement has been done and the ATM VISA CARD
has be in your name, but to RE-ACTIVATE the ATM Card you have to forward your
current information as requested below to the bank for the ATM Card re-
activcation, then we will send you the ATM CARD for your immediate use.
Here are the information you have to forward to the bank:
1. Your Full Names:______
2. Postal Address:_______
3. Direct Cell Numbers:_______
4. E-mail Address:________
5. Sex:_____
7. Occupation:________
Therefore you are advised to contact UBA Bank accountant Manager Dr.Mike
Anthony with below Email address(
Chief Executive Officer UBA Bank Plc
Benin. Republic
Direct Hotline: +229 63546948
E-mail: <>
Date: 2018-02-18
Pardon me for not having the pleasure of knowing your mindset before making you this offer and it is utterly confidential and genuine by virtue of its nature. I cannot imagine the surprise this will bring to you, but please be rest assured is with good faith and intentions from a friend in dare need of your assistance.
I am a, staff of Private Banking Services at the Bank of China (BOC). I am contacting you concerning our customer and, an investment placed under our banks management 8 years ago. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail. I contacted you independently of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication. I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you.
In 2005, the subject matter; ref: bb/boc/bank/0012 came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our Private Banking Services Department. He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of 10,850,000.00 million United States Dollars, which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf.
I was the officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de-facto chief operations officer of the Private Banking Services Department, especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank. We met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed. I encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings. The favored route in my advice to customers is to start by assessing data on 6000 traditional stocks and bond managers and 2000 managers of alternative investments. Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit and interest stood at this point at over 10 million United States Dollars, this margin was not the full potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed returns on investments.
In mid 2006, he asked that the money be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in Europe. He directed that I liquidate the funds and had it deposited with a firm. I informed him that the bank would have to make special arrangements to have this done and in order not to circumvent due process, the bank would have to make a 9.5 % deduction from the funds to cater for banking and statutory charges. He complained about the charges but later came around when I explained to him the complexities of the task he was asking of us. Cash movement across borders has become especially strict since the incidents of 9/11. I contacted my affiliate in and had the funds available. I undertook all the processes and made sure I followed his precise instructions to the letter and had the funds deposited in a security consultancy firm, the firm is a specialist private firm that accepts deposits from high net worth individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products.
In January last year, we got a call from the security firm informing us that the inactivity of that particular portfolio. This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact that I managed the private banking sector I was the only one who knew about the deposit , and I could not understand why he had not come forward to claim his deposit. I made futile efforts to locate him I immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of the bank of china. Four days later, information started to trickle in, apparently he was dead. A person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in Canne, South of France. We were soon enough able to identify the body and cause of death was confirmed.
The bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to alert about the situation and also to come forward to claim his estate. If you are familiar with private banking affairs, those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also some levels of detachment from conventional processes. In his bio-data form, he listed no next of kin. In the field of private banking, opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence, accounts are rarely held under a name; depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous. This bank also gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself, ensuring that there are no traces of the account and as I said, rarely do they nominate next of kin. Private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care, in this case; he died intestate.
In line with our internal processes for account holders who have passed away, we instituted our own investigations in good faith to determine who should have right to claim the estate. This investigation has for the past months been unfruitful. We have scanned every continent and used our private investigation affiliate companies to get to the root of the problem. The investigation did not ever yield any result My official capacity dictates that I am the only party to supervise the investigation and the only party to receive the results of the investigation. This leaves me as the only person with the full picture of what the prevailing situation is in relation to the deposit and the late beneficiary of the deposit.
According to practice, the firm will by the end of this financial year broadcast a request for statements of claim to BOC, failing to receive viable claims they will most probably revert the deposit back to BOC. This will result in the money entering the BOC accounting system and the portfolio will be out of my hands and out of the Private Banking Services Department. This will not happen if I have my way. What I wish to relate to you will smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something. It is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational.
The world of private banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. You should have begun by now to put together the general direction of what I propose. There is US$ 10,850,000.00 deposited , I alone have the deposit details and they will release the deposit to no one unless I instruct them to do so. I alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as BOC is concerned, the transaction with our deceased customer concluded when I sent the funds to the firm, all outstanding interactions in relation to the file are just customer services and due process. They are simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to any party that comes forward. This is the situation. This bank has spent great amounts of money trying to track this man's family; they have investigated for months and have found no family. The investigation has come to an end.
My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position to give instruction for the release of the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation. Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half. That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you. We share the proceeds 50/50. I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit. I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you within a few days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer I will then officially communicate with the firm and instruct them to release the deposit to you. With these two things: all is done. The alternative would be for us to have firm direct the funds to another bank with you as account holder. This way there will be no need for you tothink of receiving the money from the firm.
You may not know this but people like myself who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such opportunities only come ones' way once in a lifetime. I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total control of my destiny.
These chances won't pass me by. I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who knows of this situation, good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life. Let's share the blessing.
If you find yourself able to work with me, contact me through this same email account. If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a conclusion. I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project.
I repeat, I do not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want you contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only through this email address. I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management Policy. Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children.
I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, please reply me immediately to enable us commence this line of discussion.
Please do contact me through my private e-mail for security reasons. Email:
I await your response
Best Regards
From: Mr.Emmanuel Okoro <>
Date: 2018-02-17
United Bank For Africa Representative
Phone (229) 605 214 47
Fax(229)99 53 47 51
From United Bank for Africa Plc Benin.
Attn: Beneficiary
I am Mr.Emmanuel Okoro,The new Accountant Managing Director audit of UNITED BANK FOR AFRICA (UBA BANK) Plc Benin Republic and i am writing to notify you of a payment file containing your funds which has been issued out to you by the Federal Ministry of Finance.
Please indicate if you have received your compensation funds sum of (U.S.D $10.5MILLION Dollars) We have tried all our possible means to contact you since your name and email were stated on the manifest list submitted by the world Bank external auditors but it failed and we want to know if you are still Alive, so that we can finalized this transaction once and for all thanks and remain Bless.
Finally, you have the opportunity to enjoy positive New Year if you Corporate and follow the official instructions mandated for the processing Release of your fund worth (TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND USA DOLLARS Million ONLY)Be informed that you are not allowed to correspond with any person or office anymore, You are required to send bellow Information for your transfer immediately:
1) Your First Name*:
2) Last Name*:
3) Your Home Address*:
3) Your Contact Telephone and Fax No*:
4) Occupation*:
5) Attach copy of your ID*:
6) Bank Name*:
7) Bank Address*:
8) Account Name:
9) Account Number*:
10)Swift Code*:
11) Routing Number:
As soon as we receive the above mentioned information,Your payment will be processed and released into you personal Bank Account immediately without any further delay
Yours Sincerely
Mr.Emmanuel Okoro,
United Bank For Africa Representative
De: Mrs. Zahra Vahedibelverdi -
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2018
Para: xxx
Assunto: Re: Proposta para o xxxxxxxx
Meu querido,
Obrigado pela sua resposta e sua preocupação, você pode me ajudar a obter a propriedade em seu país que eu aprecio tanto. Francamente, eu me sinto muito mais relaxado agora, fazendo essa transação com você e asseguro-lhe que nunca se arrependerá de lidar comigo para fazer isso. Eu sou uma viúva com um coração partido e não consigo me envolver em algo que me colocará em problemas, então eu dou-lhe minhas palavras honestas e inteiras sobre a segurança de que esta transação é completamente legal e 100% legítima e livre de riscos. Eu preciso de você para o seu apoio para a minha chegada em seu país, em um curto período de tempo agora. O dinheiro está em uma caixa, e será entregue a você na entrega diplomática; É muito seguro, legal e 100% livre de riscos.
Meu querido, a propriedade será um lugar para a minha estadia enquanto estiver no seu país, pois peço que você remova a exibição da propriedade da internet se isso for possível. Eu gostaria que você entenda que estou disposto a seguir todos os procedimentos, bem como fazer tudo o que é exigido pela sua lei de terras / notário para comprar a propriedade de você.
Meu nome completo é Zahra Vahedibelverdi. Eu sou do sírio. (Lote 12 Autostrade Mezzeh, Al_Hasakah District Syria). Depois que perdi meu marido, e o ataque químico do meu filho na agitação da Síria e atualmente em perigo, nas mãos do grupo terrorista de Assad e do terrorismo ISIS, como você vê nos meios de comunicação, a situação atual na Síria é minha vida. Meu desejo de passar da Síria para o tempo para garantir o fundo da zona de guerra síria, para uma poderosa mão segura que compreende a capacidade desse enorme dinheiro é a razão pela qual entrei em contato com você, por favor me ajude a começar uma nova vida no seu país.
O dinheiro está em uma caixa e será entregue a você na entrega diplomática, é muito seguro, legal e 100% livre de riscos e eu vou fazer um grande favor para explicar em termos simples como os fundos serão enviados para você torne-se agora, eu gostaria que você soubesse que, muitas vezes, um avião de alívio da Cruz Vermelha voa da Síria para a Europa e a América para colecionar alívio / AIDS de doadores. Esta missão (dinheiro) será registrada sob seu ministério e será realizada com sua imunidade diplomática, em todos os países onde tenham razões diplomáticas, e a partir daí ele irá fornecer você, como meu destinatário da missão (fundos), porque os diplomatas Imunidade diplomática na América e na Ásia. Sob a imunidade diplomática, isso e os privilégios atuam, o diplomata de licença correspondente é imune e sua imunidade o cobre e a remessa (dinheiro) para qualquer tipo de aeroporto ou fronteira. Por esta razão, o dinheiro irá na bagagem diplomática; É 100% legal e 100% livre de riscos.
Eu arranjei tudo de uma forma que você pode tomar o custo de sua propriedade logo que você obtenha campo (fundos), + 10% do dinheiro total, pelo seu apoio e você pagará o resto por mim até eu continue com seu país.
Se Deus quiser, concluirei com a Cruz Vermelha, e o diplomata completará todo o arranjo, e eu informo o que fazer.
Por favor, forneça-me as suas informações, tais como (1). Seu nome completo e endereço para entrega, (2). Seu número de telefone privado, para facilitar a comunicação, durante a entrega (3). Seu sexo e idade. (4) sua ocupação,
Eu reconheço que você permanece confidencial, pois não irei envolvendo qualquer outra parte porque não quero que nada aconteça com esse fundo.
Mantenha todas as informações absolutamente confidenciais.
Esperando ouvir de você em breve.
Sra Zahra Vahedibelverdi
Tel.: ( 98) 76543-2345
De: "Latifa Ayman" =
Data: 10 de mar de 2018
Assunto: Re: xxxx
Para: "
Hello ,
Thank you for your answer, Am sorry I can't call you or receive calls at this moment based on the nature of security here in my country Syria, but I will make out time and call you on a secured line if the need arises. My major priority of contacting you is to propose a fortune that requires immediate and swift execution.
I will provide you all the necessary detail about me once trust is established between us. Please Read thoroughly and Get back to me, but you have the Obligation to decline if you are not Interested. My Late husband is a Syrian industrialist and member of A Syrian Business Council Men In Damascus. i lost my Beloved Husband on bomb blast attack and all his business partners died due to war. i Thank the Almighty ALLAH that me and my two little kids made it alive. Me and my two kids are Under the Threat of President Bashar al-Assad for my husband resolute and true Support for Democratic Government in Syria when he was alive.
Due to the Current President Bashar al-Assad protest in the Country, Many Families are running for their dear lives as Soldiers are Killing civilians, women and children. I want to bring to your notice that I have in my possession the sum of (Twenty Eight Million five hundred thousand US dollars) $ 28,500,000. This is the money my late husband have saved for his entire life as an industrialist and I have it stored in a hidden tent because putting money in a bank could be a very big risk in a country like ours at this time of war. Our country is in much chaos today and I wish you move out with my family and all that I have including my money. So I am looking for a trusted partner who can help me relocate to a safe place like your country. Can you assist me in this operation?, You will be entitled to 20% of the total sum of $ 28,500,000 while 80% will be mine. I believe this is a fair deal. Write me back at (EMAIL) for more details.
Mrs Latifa Ayman
Responder para -
Payment Notification
John Brown -
Attn: Beneficiary,
This is to bring to your notice to the recent World Bank and IMF meeting that was held in London this week in respect to f o r e i g n debts payment emanating from Africa have approved for payment your long over due fund transfer.
This committee on debts payment statistics have been mandated by the World Bank and IMF to handle all foreign debt payment including yours to make sure that the real beneficiaries receive their fund transfer to their nominated bank account.
You are hereby requested by this committee to stop any further communication with any other person or offices in respect to this long over due fund transfer to avoid complication and leakage of information to the syndicates who are trying to divert your fund for their selfish reasons. This committee supersede any other Office or Committee handling this transaction previously.
Kindly fill out the information below and send it back for immediate processing and payment of your long over due debt.
1. Your Full Name............
2. Your Address..............
3. Your Marital Status.......
4. Occupation and Age........
5. Your Mobile Numbers.......
6. Country...................
Your fund transfer will be processed for payment immediately we receive the above information from you.
Waiting for your immediate compliance.
Mr John Brown
Ambassador Extraordinary Representative
Responder para -
From Mr.Tariq Zubair
ai =
Dear Friend,
Good day to you and your family. I apologize if the content here-under are contrary
to your moral ethics but please treat with absolute secrecy and personal.
My name is Mr.Tariq Zubair. from Pakistan, but worked in Damascus, Syria. I am 42
years Old. I am the Son to a personal investor, also an oil Tycoon from Syria and
Saudi Arabia: Al Furat Petroleum Company (AFPC), the leader in the region in
Reservoir Management.
AFPC was established under Service Contract no. 210 ratified by Law no. 43 of 1977
and named as per decree-law no. 12 in 1985. AFPC is a joint venture company between
the General Petroleum Corporation (50%) and private shareholders Syria Shell
Petroleum Development (SSPD) etc………
I am the only Son/Child of my parents. My Mother and Father died during the
escalation and climax of the Syrian war.
But before the war got out of hand, my Father(now late) moved some funds into a bank
in Burkina Faso, West Africa, for safety.
The amount that was moved to the bank was a total of $42.6Million USD. I had applied
to both banks for the release of the funds to me, so that I could start a new
business, but the bank Directors told me that my late Father left a "Note"(WILL) in
the form of conditions, that the banks Must Not release the funds to me until I am
of experienced age of investing the funds into a very good business venture, and the
"Will" also stated that I should present an experienced business partner before the
bank, who will assist me in investing wisely. Having schooled in London and read
Political Science, I have no knowledge in business investment plan.
I am presently in a refuge camp in the United Kingdom.
This then brought me to the issue of searching for a reputable and trustworthy
person, who has vast experiences in profitable businesses, where to invest the funds
I want to transfer this fund into your bank account in your country, so that we
could invest it wisely. I have contacted the Director of the bank where the fund is
deposited in Burkina Faso, and asked if the fund could be loaded into an ATM VISA
CARD and he said it is possible to load some of the funds into an ATM VISA CARD,
while most of it will be wired to your account via online bank transfer.
Why I contacted you is that I want you to tell me more about good investments, so
that I will move this fund into your account in your country so that I could
relocate my investment plan to your country.
Tell me more about your country. How good it will be to invest in your country
Cities, Such as buying of properties, houses, real estate and investments in
I will appreciate whatever result you may brief me. Do let me know your idea and
knowledge regarding these or any other profitable investment you may suggest.
Take note; After the whole deal and the fund is released to us, You will be rewarded
with 20% of the total amount for your participation and also be rewarded with 10% of
any profit we invest the money into.
I shall tell you more about this transaction as soon as i get your readiness
concerning this transaction.
Waiting for your reply,
Thanks and best regards,
Mr.Tariq Zubair.
This letter is written in order to change your Life from today.
Rex Wayne Tillerson -
From Desk Of Mr. Rex Wayne Tillerson
Honorable USA Secretary of State and
Chairman Refund Payment Committee
Federal Executive Council Washington DC USA
Good Day,
This letter is written in order to change your Life from today. Please
note that this letter came to you as a result of information received
from our monitoring network regarding so much payments which you sent
through Western Union and Money Gram to Europe, Asia and Africa and
some other part of the World without receiving any payment to your
name, further investigation reveals that you have lost hope towards
receiving your payment after being deceived so many times.
Following the on going re-branding of USA policies, the Federal
Government of USA have directed our committee to compensate/refund the
sum of $6,500,000 to you through payment by ATM CARD being one of
the most convenient means of receiving payment World Wide, Bank to
Bank Transfer or CASH Delivery to your Country. We wish to inform you
that the members of Refund Payment Committee are honorable men of
Great Repute and integrity who have served the Government of USA in
different capacities,
we also wish to inform you that the Committee members were appointed
by our respected President Donald Trump to pay 250 million Dollars to
the listed beneficiaries that have lost their money to the scammer and
have not yet receive their total sum.
In order for you to receive your payment this week, you are advice to
reply this email to with ANSWERS to the Questions below.
Your Full Name
Your Contact Address
Your Direct telephone. Fax Number ( if any)
Your AGE and what you do for a living
How Many Months Or Years in which You Have Been Expecting your Payment
The Place you sent Money Last whether Nigeria or London etc
The Last Amount of Money You sent indicating What Month and Year
From Mr. Rex Wayne Tillerson
Honorable USA Secretary of State
Chairman Refund Payment Committee
Federal Executive Council Washington DC USA
responder para -
Responder para -
Mr.Gerald Slay -
Phone Number: (+1-2068666173
Email. (
Lbrahim Mustaphar <>
Hi Friend I am a banker in UBA BANK .I want to transfer an abandoned sum of 10.5 millions USD to your account.50% will be for you. No risk involved. Contact me for more details. Kindly reply me back to my alternative email address ( ) mr lbrahim mustaphar
I am mike pence,Vice President of the United States and this is to inform you about your Bank Check Draft brought back by the United Embassy from the government of Benin Republic in the white house Washington DC as your compensation fund been mandated to be deliver to your home address ,To avoid wrong delivery of your check draft worth Ten million united states dollars ( 10.000.000,00 Million) Kindly reconfirm to me the below data
1. Your Full Names..................
2. Your Residential Address ......................
3. Your Mobile Cell Number.......................
Contact Email Address: (
Elizabeth Johnson - por
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Mrs Elizabeth A. Johnson from Bahrain, a widow to late Dr. A. Johnson. l am 51 years old and a coveted born again Christian, suffering from long time
cancer of the breast, from all indication my condition is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that I might not live more than two (2) months, according to my doctor because the cancer has gotten to a very worst / dangerous stage.
My late husband and my only child died last five years ago, his death was politically motivated. My late husband was a very rich and wealthy business man who was running his Gold/Diamond Business here in South Africa. After his death, I inherited all his business and wealth. My doctors has advised me that I may not live for more than two (2) months, so I now decided to divide the part of this wealth, to
contribute to the development of the church in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. I collected your email address during my desperate search on the internet and I prayed over it.
I decided to donate the sum of $5,600,000.00 USD (Five Million Six hundred thousand United States dollars) to the less privileged because I cannot take this money to the grave. Please I want you to note that this fund is lodged in a bank here in South Africa.
Once I hear from you, I will forward to you all the information's you will use to get this fund released from the bank and to be transferred to your bank account. I honestly pray that this money when transferred to you will be used for the said purpose because l has come to find out that wealth acquisition without Christ is vanity. May the grace of our lord Jesus the love of God and the fellowship of God be with you and your family.
Reply me on my private email address (]
Hello Dear
Jvne Jvnv -
I am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart. With due respect trust and humanity, I appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter, I wish to contact you personally for a long term business relationship and investment assistance in your Country so I feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business having gone through your remarkable profile, honestly I am writing this email to you with pains, tears and sorrow from my heart, I will really like to have a good relationship with you and I have a special reason why I decided to contact you, I decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation, My name is Miss Diana Kipkalya Kones, 23yrs old female and I held from Kenya in East Africa. My father was the former Kenyan road Minister. He and Assistant Minister of Home Affairs Lorna Laboso had been on board the Cessna 210, which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong, in western Kenya. The plane crashed on the Tuesday 10th, June, 2008.You can read more about the crash through the below site:
After the burial of my father, my stepmother and uncle conspired and sold my father's property to an Italian Expert rate which the shared the money among themselves and live nothing for me. I am constrained to contact you because of the abuse I am receiving from my wicked stepmother and uncle. They planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to escape to the USA but they hide away my international passport and other valuable traveling documents. Luckily they did not discover where I kept my fathers File which contains important documents. So I decided to run to the refugee camp where I am presently seeking asylum under the United Nations High Commission for the Refugee here in Ouagadougou, Republic of Burkina Faso.
One faithful morning, I opened my father's briefcase and found out the documents which he has deposited huge amount of money in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I traveled to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money for a better life so that I can take care of myself and start a new life, on my arrival, the Bank Director whom I met in person told me that my father's instruction/will to the bank is that the money would only be release to me when I am married or present a trustee who will help me and invest the money overseas. I am in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so that I will present him to the Bank for transfer of the money to his bank account overseas. I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust. But rather take me as your own sister or daughter.
Although, you may wonder why I am so soon revealing myself to you without knowing you, well I will say that my mind convinced me that you may be the true person to help me. More so my father of blessed memory deposited the sum of (US$11.500, 000) Dollars in Bank with my name as the next of kin. However, I shall forward you with the necessary documents on confirmation of your acceptance to assist me for the transfer and statement of the fund in your country. As you will help me in an investment, and I will like to complete my studies, as I was in my 1year in the university when my beloved father died. It is my intention to compensate you with 30% of the total money for your services and the balance shall be my capital in your establishment. As soon as I receive your positive response showing your interest I will put things into action immediately. In the light of the above, I shall appreciate an urgent message indicating your ability and willingness to
handle this transaction sincerely.
AWAITING YOUR URGENT AND POSITIVE RESPONSE, Please do keep this only to your self for now until the bank will transfer the fund. I plead to you not to disclose it till I come over because I am afraid of my wicked stepmother who has threatened to kill me and have the money alone, I thank God Today that am out from my country (KENYA) but now In (Burkina Faso) where my father deposited these money with my name as the next of Kin. I have the documents for the claims.
Yours Sincerely
Miss Diana Kipkalya Kones
Esperando su respuesta urgente,
Abdullah al Thinni por
Querido señor, señora,
Es muy agradable encontrar su contacto de correo electrónico desde el Directorio de Negocios Internacionales, entonces decidí contactarlo esperando que encontrarlo aquí sea un buen paso para un futuro negocio hermoso.
relación y asociación bajo su gestión.
Soy el Dr. Abdullah al-Thani, de LIBYA; Fui ex ministro de Defensa y primer ministro de Libia. Renuncié como primer ministro el 11 de agosto de 2015 después de que escapé de un intento de asesinato por hombres armados,
después de mi renuncia corrí a Londres, Reino Unido por seguridad
Read more:
Además, debido a los problemas en mi país, Libia, considero necesario diversificar mis inversiones fuera de mi país para protegerme contra el futuro de mi familia. Mientras tanto, me estoy comunicando con usted para buscar a su asistente en la transferencia de mi fondo depositado que asciende a Veinte millones de dólares de los Estados Unidos ($ 20,000, 000.00 que planeo invertir bajo su administración en su país, cuando yo llegue
después de haber confirmado el fondo bajo su custodia.
Para mí, tengo el siguiente plan de inversión para su consideración;
(1) Negocio de Bienes Raíces, (2) Viajes y Turismo, (3) Administración Hotelera.
Por favor, si tiene otro plan de negocios rentable que pueda interesarle invertir en su país, tenga la bondad de volver a hablar conmigo sobre cómo transferir el fondo de inversión a través del sistema de banca en línea a su propia cuenta para fines de inversión futura.
Espero saber de ti para más detalles.
Tuyo sinceramente,
Dr. Abdullah al-Thani.
Hace 3 horas · Enviado desde la Web
responder para -
mark andy <>
From United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA)
Address of Corporate Headquarters
Carrefour des trois Banques Avenue
Pape Jean Paul II, Cotonou, Benin
Attention Beneficiary,
Records show that you are among one of the individuals and organizations who are yet to receive their overdue payment from overseas which includes those of Lottery/Contract and Inheritance Payment From 2010 years ago till 2016 Records. Through our Fraud Monitory Unit we have also noticed that over the past 6 good Years,You have been transacting with some impostors and fraudsters In Cotonou-Benin Republic,Ghana,Spain,London UK and even Togo who have been impersonating likes of Courier Companies,Western Union & Bankers, none officials of Eco Bank,And some impostors claiming to be The Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Cyber Crime Division of the FBI gathered information from the Internet Crime Complaint Center (ICCC) formerly known as the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (EFCC) of how some people have lost outrageous sums of money to these impostors/Fraudsters. As a result of this we hereby advise you to stop communication Completely with any one not referred to you by us United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA).
We have negotiated with the Federal Ministry of Finance that your payment total US$2,900,000.00 has been released to you via a custom pin based ATM-card with a maximum withdrawal limit of $20,000 a day which is powered by Visa Card and can be used anywhere in the world where you see a Visa Card Logo on the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM).
We have advised that this should be the only way at which you are to receive your payment because it’s more guaranteed than any other means and what a joy that I will deliver the ATM-Card directly to you with the PIN Access Codes and The good News is that You will makes use of the ATM-Card in my Presence by using the ATM-Card to Withdraw to Confirm it Life,Please Be Noted that over $5 billion was lost on fake cheque For past years. We give you 100% Guarantee over this Card, because we have perfected everything in regards to the release of your US$2,900,000.00 United States Dollars to be 100% risk free and free from any hitches as it’s our duty to protect you and Your Property.
This is as a result of the mandate from US Government to make sure all debts owned to people which includes Inheritance, Contract, Gambling/Lottery etc are been cleared for the betterment of the current economic status of the nation And its citizens as he has always believed “Our Time for Change has come” because “Change can happen To redeem your fund you are hereby advised to Be In Contact with United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) via email & Phone always for their requirement to proceed and procure your Affidavit of Payment Warrant and Endorsement of your ATM ReleEmeke E. Iwerieborour behalf.
Please Reply with this details Below:
1. Full Name:......
2. Country:..........
3. Delivery Address:.........
4. Telephone....:& Occupation.......
5. Your Age...... /Sex.............
6: You’re Nearest Airport..........
7: Time Available .................
Please This Details above will help us to Secure and know that You are right Beneficiary to receive this Card, It is very necessary and You Furnish us all this Info's on receipt of this message. Executive Director:
We Promise to Serve you better, Thanks and My Regards to your Family.
Thank You,
mark andy
the general maniger of United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA)
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