está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Boa Tarde!!
Faço questão de me identificar para dessa forma incentivar outras pessoas a fazerem o mesmo, uma vez que os golpistas sabem com quem estão lidando. Bom, conheci um sujeito pelo instagram: ele me encontrou por lá o meu o perfil e disse que era da Califórnia, EUA, mas não precisou de qual cidade de lá ele 'é'. Bem, ele diz se chamar JONATHAN WADE MILLER, e a foto dele segue em anexo. Depois de um mês nos falando ele me pediu para comprar três cartões i-tunes, dos quais nunca ouvi falar. Como não estipulou valores comprei os mais baratos que pude e ainda assim terminei de pagá-los, pois dividi o valor em três vezes. Um mês depois, me pediu para enviar R$2.000 reais para assim, sair do hotel onde ele está hospedado a trabalho e poder voltar para os EUA, indo para a Flórida e isso ele me pediu em dezembro de 2017 e até hoje, março de 2018 ele continua insistindo dizendo que vamos ficar juntos e tudo o mais, coisa que não acredito. Pois bem, ao longo desse relacionamento, vi que ele tem a preocupação de falar comigo pelo hangouts, quando me manda fotos e só mandou uma durante esses quatro meses e sempre com enquadramento no rosto, de forma a não ver o local onde a foto foi tirada, pesquisei o nome dele e não encontro de jeito nenhum e pela foto, ainda não consegui encontrá-lo... Ah detalhe: quando ele entrou em contato comigo foi me avisando que faria uma longa viagem para onde? Adivinha? Lagos na Nigéria. Outro fato curioso ele só fala comigo pelo hangouts, jamais me enviou um e-mail.
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Nome usado pelo scammer - KELVIN SMITH
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : trevor quisly
Envoyé le : Lu, 26 Mar 2018
Sujet : The delivery from will cost you $2,890
Here is our address :
Dubai Office
2502 Tower 2,
Currency House,
DIFC PO Box 482069
Dubai (UAE)
You don't need any documents, all documents will be presenting to you upon your arrival and you will sign them and receive your consignment from your partner that is it.
The delivery cost is $2,890.00 and it has to be paid to our office in Dubai.
Responder para:
De: mrshawa hassan
Enviado: terça-feira, 27 de março de 2018
Assunto: My greetings to your family,
My greetings to your family,
I am Mrs. Hawa Hassan, the wife of the late Mr. Muhammad Hassan,
I am in contact with you to let you know my desire to establish
a charitable foundation in your country with this sum $ 4.7 million
dollars (four million seven hundred thousand US dollars) that
I inherited from my late husband Mr. Muhammad Hassan.
It is my desire to see that this money is invested in any organization
of your choice in your country and also be distributed every year between
charitable organizations, motherless babies home, schools
support the indigent men and women or whatever
you have in mind that will benefit the less privileged
I made this decision because I grew up in the motherless babies home and
I am a widow today I am hospitalized here in (Abidjan) where
I'm in treatment for my breast cancer surgery and I'm sure
that I'm going to die as the doctor said this is the reason I'm
trusting this money in
your care
Your urgent response is required in this matter due to my current critical
condition of my health; is a nurse who worked in this hospital that
helped me write this message, because I am losing strength every minute
of the day All I need from you is prayers for God to accept my soul
In case I did not survive this surgery and also pray for the soul of my
deceased Husband to rest in peace.
Please always be devoted to God all your life, we are visitors of this
earth and we must be very careful in what we do so that our soul will
not be a waste My happiness is that I lived the life of a worthy Christian.
Whoever wants to serve the mighty God must serve him in spirit and Truth.
As soon as I receive your answer confirming your acceptance to this
charity project
in good faith with this money, I will give you all the information
about this money. If you are willing to do this charity project I await
immediately reply through my private email
I wish you all the best and may God bless you abundantly.
Thank you.
Yours sister
Mrs. Hawa Hassan.
Envoyé le : Ma, 27 Mar 2018
From: Barr. ALFREDO QUADE Esq.
Attorney & Advocate
Alfredo Chambers & Co.,
Legal Pratitioners & Solicitors.
Legal Services
In due of your recent request for the Legal Representation and Services of our chamber, Alfredo Chambers in order to assist in securing documents, getting approvals and signing on your behalf in order to ensure you claim as the next of Kin and make smooth transfer of the fund to your local account /nominated account.
We will carry out due consideration and will verify from the Bank on the necessary requirements and procedures and required documents that our chamber needed to provide on your behalf for claim the fund and subsequent transfer of the fund to your country according to the bank's procedures accordingly.
We shall represent you fully in every aspect to make sure that you have all legal requirements for getting approvals and paper works, for your claim and easy transfer of the money to your country thereafter which shall be done legally by our legal services.
First of all, we need to inform you that this is our area of specialization, and we are fully aware that for transaction to be smoothly successful, you will need an Affidavit report of claim from the high court whereas you are not a resident here, and Letter of administration.
We will provide guarantee Letter from our chamber which we will also submit to the Ministry of Justice. with these documents, we shall meet up the bank approvals to release the fund to you, we will make sure that we meet up with all legal requirements to make claim of the fund.
Our Chamber is oblige to serve you better.
Thank you for solicits.
Attorney/Barrister at Law.
Barrister Alfredo Quade, (Esq)
De: doris gomez ->
Enviado: segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2018
Assunto: Da Sra. Doris Gomez (Documentos Anexados Abaixo).
Queridos em Cristo
Saudações em nome majestoso do nosso Deus Todo-Poderoso, espero que tudo esteja bem com você e sua família hoje.
Estou feliz de informar que o banco tem que confirmar recepção do termo de compromisso do Ministério da Justiça e eu ter anexado uma cópia do recibo bancário emitido enlodgement o meu marido no dia do depósito do fundo de garantia junto com a contacto do banco onde o dinheiro é depositado em Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire na África Ocidental.
O comissário de juramento aqui no Ministério Federal da Justiça ter enviado a carta de autorização para o Banco da África, por fax e também em contato com eles por telefone e eles confirmam que o recebeu.
Sempre oro por você e ter a acreditar que a obra de Deus será realizado por você, e eu rezo para que a graça de Deus estará com você com a promessa de fufil meu desejo e conhecer a sua capacidade de propagar esse fundo para a glória de Deus me dá alegria para que você não deve envolver todo o corpo que será de impedimento para esta grande tarefa do Deus Todo-Poderoso porque os olhos de Deus estão sobre os justos e os seus ouvidos estão abertos às suas orações; Mas o rosto de Deus é contra aqueles que fazem o mal.
O Banco da África aqui na Costa do Marfim na África Ocidental foram informados para a transferência do fundo para você como o novo beneficiário do fundo, agora você tem que contactar o banco eo instrua a transferência do fundo de garantia, sem demora.
Por favor, sempre me informar sobre o processo, porque em breve vou estar indo para a minha intervenção cirúrgica.
Abaixo estão as informações da conta em caso de qualquer questão do banco.
Meu falecido marido: Sr. Muhammad Hussain Gomez,
Nacionalidade: kuwaitiano
Data de depósito é a seguinte: 12 de fevereiro de 2001
Número de conta: BOA-CI-018942819
Tipo de conta, Geral: conta fiduciária
Valor: EUA $ 3.500.000.00
Aqui é o contato do banco:
Dr. Eric Kone
Remmittance Banco Departamento da África
Tel: 00225 55838396
Por favor, entre em contato pelo Banco por e-mail, se possível chamá-los no telefone imediatamente e instruí-los para a transferência do fundo de garantia, a fim de expandir o trabalho de Deus.
Um santo amor de Deus,
Sra. Doris Gomez.
De : Royal Bank of Scotland
Cc: floraumarlove
Envoyé le : Lu, 26 Mar 2018
Sujet : RBS about the transfer from :,
scammer adorinau
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De: Frank Alvine David <>
Data: 25/03/18
Assunto: Tente e procure uma maneira
Como você está querido? Eu já enviei o pacote para você, a empresa de entrega continuará a fazer a entrega para você e este é um serviço de entrega expressa que eu paguei e eu quero que seja entregue muito rápido, eu paguei taxas internacionais muito altas porque é serviço de entrega rápida, tudo que você precisa para reivindicar o pacote é a nota de remessa. O itinerário está anexado a este e-mail que enviei agora. Você é obrigado a imprimir o conhecimento aéreo anexado a esta mensagem e mostrá-la ao remetente quando chegar ao seu endereço residencial. De acordo com a empresa de correio, o IRS no Brasil solicitará o imposto local quando o meu pacote chegar no Brasil. Eu queria pagar o imposto local inicial, mas o imposto local só é pago no Brasil. A empresa de courier também informou que o pacote será escalado no Brasil antes que o valor exigido para o imposto local seja conhecido. Eu pergunto se você vai pagar as alíquotas locais no Brasil, mas eles me disseram que você vai pagar o imposto para recebê-lo e será pago no endereço da sua casa que você me deu, eu queria pagar as alíquotas aqui , mas a empresa me disse que não sabe o valor exato, pois vai ligar para você e informá-lo sobre o dinheiro quando o pacote chegar ao Brasil e este é o código PIN para desbloquear o pacote quando chegarem até você (B907N4606). observe a nota de entrada da Airway emitida para você porque é o que você precisará para coletar / reclamar seu pacote quando chegar ao Brasil. O conteúdo do pacote Enviei-lhe um iphone 8 plus colar Anne Klein Rose Goldtone e Silvertone Bangle Set Versace Eau de Toilette Crystal Brilhante perfume alguns documentos e pouco dinheiro meu anjo $ 85.000, o dinheiro me ajuda a manter isso seguro para mim, por favor, mantenha-me informado, nunca esqueça, eu te amo e sempre rezo por mim
eu te amo
Data: 26/03/18
ATENÇÃO: xxxxx,
Recebemos um pacote que contém objetos de valor em nosso escritório aqui em Londres, Inglaterra, para ser enviado para você à sua porta, em seu país (Brasil), do Sr. Frank Alvine David,como nos foi instruído aqui para entregar este envio para você dentro de 48 horas de a chegada à nossa empresa. Para o envio deste pacote, nós calculamos o custo de envio com seu endereço completo para entregar seu pacote para você na sua porta. A ROYALE EXPRESS INTERNATIONAL COURIERS LIMITED em todo o mundo combina conhecimentos da indústria, sistemas de informação e soluções de logística global com práticas de alto nível. Essencialmente, oferecemos novos serviços mundiais com um toque antigo. Nossos serviços incluem: ampla rede global que abrange 220 países, serviços de rastreamento de última geração para monitorar e fornecer detalhes sobre o status de entrega a qualquer momento, em qualquer lugar e um registro do destinatário. Serviços de embalagem acessíveis e personalizados, ideais para embarques sensíveis e / ou frágeis. Por favor, note que, antes de dois de nossos funcionários de entrega entrarem no seu país (Brasil) para a entrega do seu pacote, você deve pagar algum montante, assim que nosso agente chegar ao Brasil, você receberá uma ligação, aguardando resposta de você.
Link de rastreamento:
Código de Rastreamento: Y3GLKXP6
Descrição do pacote a ser entregue.
Pacote a ser entregue a:
Assim que nosso agente de entrega chegar ao Brasil, nós o notificaremos por chamada ou mensagem de texto, e os detalhes de pagamento serão enviados para você, aguardando resposta de você
+4470359757862 / +6282211881878 / +15876020271
De : mrsmerion chin
Envoyé le : Lu, 26 Mar 2018
Sujet : Contact the lawyer for the 2 remaining documents...
My dear
How are you today ? I thank you for all your efforts to see that this
proposal to help the charity and the poor will be successfully, and
your promised to try all your possible best to see that nothing will
stop this good proposal, God will bless you, I also receive email
from the bank regard the required documents before the transfer.
I am very happy that everything is working successfully that soon the
fund will be transfer in your account in your country , regards to
those documents the bank required from us before the transfer, as I
already informed you in my previous mail that I have some of my late
Husband's documents the Last statement of account of my late husband
and his death certificate which I will attached to you.
Please you have to keep it confidential for a security reason. I have
the step (2) of the document the bank request the death certificate of
my late husband, and the step (3)the statement of account of my late
husband, which I will attached to you. And the only two documents we
need now is the power of attorney which is the step (1)
The power of attorney is the documents that will
enable you to claim the fund and changing of the ownership of the fund
in your name, and the power of attorney must be endorse by a Burkinabe
resident lawyer as the bank instructed, (4) Affidavit of support and
must be also endorsed by a Burkinabe resident lawyer , and now i have
got the contact of the lawyer that will assist us to issue those
documents through the help of the bank manager, please i will advice
you to contact the lawyerimmediately, so that he will help us to
secure those required documents from the bank before the transfer.
This is the contact of the lawyer name Barrister Edmond Coast
I have already informed the lawyer about you as my foreign partner
that want to assist me to secure my late husband fund for a good
purpose ,I believe he will help us to secure those two remaining
documents, which is the only thing that bank need from us before the
I am waiting for your urgent respond and a good news that you have
contact the lawyer so that he will help us to issue those required
documents, you don't need to delay I want everything to happen fast.
Yours faithfully
Mrs. Merion
De : atm visa
Envoyé le : Lu, 26 Mar 2018
Sujet : Claim for funds transfer from
This is to bring to your notice that your mail was receive here in our office of the Uba Bank management Dakar (Senegal). Sir you will understand that this insurance fees do not belong to us rather it belong to the insurance company in Senegal and they are waiting to receive the money in other to insure your Visa card from your partner to allow DHL to delivery it to your country, so try very of your possible means to see that you will send the money as soon as possible so that dhl will post the Visa card direct to your country,and i promise to render you my best service.
How are you and your family,i am very happy to inform you that i have finalised the claim and transfer of the USD$10.500,000.00 into my new partner's account in Paraguay,but i did not forget your past effort despite that it does not work out because of some lack of understanding between us,my partner agreed on my terms and he took 45% of the total Fund,as i write you this email now,i am in Paraguay with my family to put our new company and some other businesses in place.
Before I left Benin Republic to Paraguay,I gave my Rev. Pastor who owns a western Union store a cheque of $500,000.00 for your compensation base on your past effort,He will cash the cheque from the bank and will be sending $5,000 to you twice daily through western Union which the first $5,000 has been sent to you,now you have to contact my Rev Paster in Benin Republic,His name is Pastor Mark Olisa,email Id (,Tel:+229 63004825.Contact him and ask him to give you information of your first payment of $5,000. Remember to send him your Full information to avoid wrong transfer.
Receiver's Name_______________
Address: ________________
Country: ____________
Phone Number: _____________
I.D Card:_____________
Once again thanks for your past efforts.
Dr Kennedy UZOKA
Mark Olis (
De: Amirah Asfari ->
Enviado: terça-feira, 27 de março de 2018
Assunto: Re: contato
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Eu não estou vivendo em seu país atualmente, note, eu decidi encontrar alguém real e não imaginário e foi por isso que fui a um site seguro onde eu posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você, estou na Síria agora e preciso desesperadamente mudar para o seu país e é por isso que desejo entrar em contato com você.
Eu sou a Sra. Amirah Asfari, a esposa do engenheiro tardio (Baahir Asfari), um industrial sírio e membro dos empresários sírios no conselho de Damasco. Após a morte de meu marido, minha família está sob ameaça do presidente Bashar al-Assad por nosso decidido apoio a um verdadeiro governo democrata na Síria e é por isso que eles mataram meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais do país, muitas famílias estão correndo por vidas caras, pois soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças. Quero avisar que tenho na minha posse a soma de 9.900.000 USD. Este é o dinheiro que eu e meu marido salvaram para toda a nossa vida como um industrial.
Segurei secretamente o dinheiro em uma caixa de malha e depositei-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera ao escrever você é implorar para você aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isso ocorre porque não podemos fazer transferências bancárias a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Eu lhe darei 30% do dinheiro total.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Eu sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã, então não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem da minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido está morto, tudo o que tenho são meus dois filhos. Eles merecem uma vida decente desde que eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou me mudar para o seu país com meus filhos e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, seus conselhos e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para as nossas famílias.
Se possível, solicito que me envie suas informações? Somente se você estiver confortável com essa solicitação. Isto é puramente com o propósito de enviar o dinheiro para você. A informação necessária é: seu nome completo, seu número de telefone (celular), seu endereço completo.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de sua informação vou lhe fornecer mais detalhes. A aceitação da minha oferta pode mudar a sua vida e a minha também.
Amirah Asfari
De: hamiz zayed <>
Enviado: terça-feira, 27 de março de 2018
Assunto: Re: Fw: Hamiz
Recebi seu e-mail e o conteúdo é bem conhecido
Por favor, note que a minha principal razão de entrar em contato com você é propor uma fortuna que requer execução imediata e rápida,
Estou na Síria neste momento e desesperadamente preciso me mudar para o Brasil com minha família por causa de muita luta aqui na Síria, e eu tenho coragem de entrar em um site seguro para contatá-lo, para que eu possa ter certeza do seu pessoa por confiança para mover o dinheiro da minha caixa para fora da Síria para o Brasil em seus cuidados e eu vou precisar do seu carro para o meu eu pessoal assim que eles nos enviarem da Síria para o seu país para ficar em breve
Eu poderia ter te chamado, mas o problema aqui é que estamos vivendo sob o comando do governo militar da nação unida aqui, por exemplo.
1) Não estamos autorizados a fazer qualquer tipo de chamadas internacionais aqui,
2) Nem para operar qualquer tipo de conta bancária aqui, como autorizado pelos altos oficiais militares aqui, eles estão cuidando de nossas mamadas
Por favor, entenda minha situação de que esta transação não requeira mais atrasos e em menos de 5 dias a caixa irá para o Brasil sob seus cuidados e eu estou confortável em lhe dar 30% do dinheiro total dentro da caixa após a conclusão bem-sucedida. a entrega na sua porta no Brasil
Enquanto isso eu vou gostar de você me fornecer abaixo
seu nome _____________________
Seu telefone_______________________
seu endereço____________________
sua idade___________________
Eu preciso de um bom e confiável parceiro confiável para canalizar esta caixa, Espero que eu possa confiar em você?
Eu estou desesperadamente precisando me mudar para o Brasil com minha família seguindo a guerra em nosso país que é tão quente em mim e eu não posso esperar mais
abaixo está a foto da minha cópia para sua leitura e eu gostaria que você incluísse a sua quando entrar em contato comigo no próximo e-mail para ter mais confiança em mim para saber com quem estou lidando com certeza,
Mrs Hamiz zayed
Facebook Corporate Office & Headquarters
You have been approved to receive an Award of $500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Dollars only) from Facebook Corporate Office via ATM.
Your winnings can be accessed by issuing an ATM card.
Award Reference code: FB/575061725
File number:77801209/N
ATM Code : ATM822
To collect Card ,contact and reconfirm your details to Lloyds Bank which has been mandated to give you cash outs with below details ASAP:
Customer Care
Facebook Management.
Promo Coordinator.
responder para -
Dear Friend,
Musa por
Dear Friend,
My name is Mr. Mr. Musa Ali I am working with one of the prime banks in Burkina Faso. Here in this bank existed a dormant account for many years, which belong to one of our late foreign customer. The amount in this account stands at $13,500,000.00 (Thirteen Million Five Hundred Thousand USA Dollars).
I want a foreign account where the bank will transfer this fund. I know you would be surprised to read this message, especially from someone relatively unknown to you. But, do not worry yourself so much. This is a genuine, risk free and legal business transaction. All details shall be sent to you once I hear from you.
If you are really sure of your integrity, trustworthy and confidentiality, reply back to me urgently.
Best regards,
Mr. Musa Ali
Re With due respect to your person
Gaddafi Aisha -
Please after reading this mail make sure you contact me with this my private email address:
so that I will see your mail and reply you, My names are Dr. Aisha Gaddafi, the daughter of late Libyan president, I need a partner or an investor that will help me in investing the sum of $87.5 million USD in hi country, the funds is deposited here in Burkina Faso where I am staying for the moment with my family, I would like to know your mind tows the investment of the total sum mentioned above, note you will received 30% of the total sum after the transfer is completed into your account,for more details,Pls reply through my private email ( ) Yours friend Dr. Aisha Gaddafi
responder para -
Your urgent respond is highly needed.
Komlan Djotodia<>>
Dear Sir.
I hope not to waste any much of our time so I will be brief as possible. My name is Komlan Djotodia,a Malian citizen living in Togo.
I am a personal assistance to the ousted Gambian President (Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jammeh) who was in power from 1994 to 2017. I request your
transparent collaboration to assist us receive from a foreign bank the transfer of huge funds on behalf of Jammeh Family .
I do not wish to expose more than I should, I hope to hear from you soon., as we have made adequate arrangement to Move the funds
belonging to this Family to your country for investment, but we need Good and sincere person who will not capitalize on the recent
development and sit on the Money when it gets to them. Please note that this is a sincere solicitation with no bad Intents, if you can
handle the transaction, kindly reach me and I will give you details of the arrangement on ground.
Looking forward to hearing back from you soonest.
With respect,
Komlan Djotodia
Mrs kabedax por
How Are You doing Today?, We have conculded and deposited the Check of your
fund ($$500.000.00 USD) through Western Union department after our finally
meeting regarding your fund $5,000 USD each day until the total amount of
the USD$500.000.00 U.S dollars is complete.Your full compensation payment.
However View Western Union information to pick up your first Transfer.
MTCN: 361-930---#### Tell him to give you the remaining 4 digits number
Sender's Name: WISDOM EJIKE
Amount:USD $5,000 U.S dollars
ONCE:AGAIN Contact Western Union director PASTOR Pence Anthony Tell him to
give you the remaining 4 digits MTCN number to pick up your transfer's
remember to send him,your Full information to avoid wrong transfer such as,
Receiver's Full Name_______________
Home Address:.........................
Country/ City:.............................
Direct Phone Number:..........................
ID Card copy:............................
Below is their email address ( ) You have to send to
him your address & information to enable him register your payment online
for you to start receiving your daily payment from WESTERN UNION agent over
there in your country.
Have A nice Day
Dear Friend,
Musa por
Dear Friend,
My name is Mr. Musa Ali I am working with one of the prime banks in Burkina Faso. Here in this bank existed a dormant account for many years, which belong to one of our late foreign customer. The amount in this account stands at $13,500,000.00 (Thirteen Million Five Hundred Thousand USA Dollars).
I want a foreign account where the bank will transfer this fund. I know you would be surprised to read this message, especially from someone relatively unknown to you. But, do not worry yourself so much. This is a genuine, risk free and legal business transaction. All details shall be sent to you once I hear from you.
If you are really sure of your integrity, trustworthy and confidentiality, reply back to me urgently.
Best regards,
Urgent Attention OFFICIAL GUARANTEE LETTER from (UBA-BANK ) Payment Center Cell phone Number (+229 60299942)
A report came to our office this morning regarding an ATM Master Card, which you are supposed to receive by now from UBA BANK our Investigations has been made and we had discovered that the UBA BANK old manager, Mr.Yusuf" was behind all of delays and plans to divert the ATM Card to his personal Home Address,The report was made from the State Finance Commission yesterday,that your fund have not be released to you.The police and IMF took actions and we tracked The bank manager and he was arrested and he is now in count for attempting a fraud act to seize your fund of'$4.5USD (united state dollar),contact this office for swift action and delivery of ATM Master Card to the your rightful fund Home Address today without delay.We anticipate your swift response and usual cooperation, as per the subject matter.compensation which was made approved by the State Government to you as beneficiary.You hereby within advised to immediately the post office manager,informed me that it will take good 24 HOURS to get to your Home AddressYou are advised to include the followings below:
(1).Your Full Name,
(2).Your Country,
(3).Your Direct Telephone Numbers,
(4).Your Direct Office Phone Numbers,
(6).Your Correct Home Address,
(8).Your Current Occupation,
(9).Your CITY:
(11).your age,
(12).Your Next Of Kin Name,
(13).Your Next Email Address,
You have to contact Inspector Admin -(UBA-BANK ) Payment Center Dr.SUNDAY A ALUSI
This is to inform you that we have done and concluded all the necessary arrangement for your payment worth of $4.5USD (FOUR.FIVE MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS) which have to be pay to you through (UBA-BANK African PLC) with ATM Master Card.
Finally, you are being legally contacted regarding the release of your long awaited fund. After a detailed review of your file, the United Nation Monetary
Unit, World Bank and the US Homeland Security Department has been Authorized to release your ATM MASTER CARD immediately. The sum of $4.5 Million USD has
been approved in your favour via (UBA-BANK African PLC desk.)
Thanks for Your Co-operation.
ATM Master Card Delivering Department.
Contact Tel: (+229 60299942)
NOTE: This payment includes Scam Victims and international businesses that has failed due to government problems etc and please take note that any other
contact you made out of the UN awareness is at your own risk.
With Due Respect I Need Your Urgent Response
Kondo Juma -
Dear Friend,
My name is Mr. Juma Kondo, i need your urgent assistance to carry out this business opportunity in my bank. In transferring the sum of $2.5million immediately to your private account. The money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for years now without anybody coming for the claim of it.
I want to release the money to you as the relative to our deceased customer (the account owner) who died a long with his supposed Next of Kin since July 22, 2003, in a plane crash. The Banking law here does not allow such money to stay more than 16 years, because the money will be recalled to the Bank treasury account as unclaimed fund.
I am seeking for your support to stand as beneficiary to claim these funds so that we move it into useful investments, I am ready to share with you 40% for you and 60% will be kept for me. By indicating your interest i will send you the full details on how the business will be executed. Please respond urgently and delete if you are not interested.
Best Regards,
Responder para - Kondo Juma (
Donation of $2M To You... Contact ( for more Info, Please do not ignore, this is the third time i'm sending this. WATCH STORY: com/watch?v=a-WWMvlQBEU
Mavis Wanczyk
Elodine Coulibaly =>
I know this mail will come to you as a surprise since we haven't known or come across each other before considering the fact that I sourced your email contact through the Internet in search of trusted person who can assist me.
I am Miss Elodine Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly 24 years old female from the Republic of Ivory Coast,West Africa ,am the Daughter of Late Chief Sgt.Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly (a.k.a General IB ). My late father was a well known Ivory Coast militia leader . He died on Thursday 28 April 2011 following a fight with the Republican Forces of Ivory Coast(FRCI). I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment which I am receiving from my step mother.
She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe, but she hide away my international passport and other valuable documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father's File which contained important documents. Now I am presently staying in the Mission in Burkina Faso.
I am seeking for long term relationship and investment assistance. My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$ 27.5 Million in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I had contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the Branch Manager told me that being a refugee, my status according to the local law does not authorize me to carry out the operation. However, he advised me to provide a trustee who will stand on my behalf. I had wanted to inform my stepmother about this deposit but I am afraid that she will not offer me anything after the release of the money.
Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in transferring the money into your bank account while I will relocate to your country and settle down with you. As you indicated your interest to help me I will give you the account number and the contact of the bank where my late beloved father deposited the money with my name as the next of kin. It is my intention to compensate you with 40% of the total money for your assistance and the balance shall be my investment in any profitable venture which you will recommend to me as have no any idea about foreign investment. Please all communications should be through this email address for confidential purposes.(
Thanking you a lot in anticipation of your quick response. I will give you details in my next mail after receiving your acceptance mail to help me ,
Yours sincerely
Miss Elodine Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly
Your $10, 8000, 000 From Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters 100 N.Tryon St Charlotte, NC 28
Mr.Brian Moynihan(CEO) Bank of America® <>
Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters
100 N.Tryon St Charlotte,NC 28255
Our Ref: BOA/IRU/SFE/15.5/WD/018
United States of America
8 a.m.-9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT)
Saturday and Sunday
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT)
Customer service:
Dear esteemed customer,
The Management of the Bank of America Corporate Office Headquarters here in 100 N.Tryon St Charlotte, NC 28255 wishes to inform you that after a brief meeting held by the Bank executives , the 11th Day of January, 2018 at precisely 11:39 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT), we deem it appropriate to intimate you that your funds will be transferred into the United States Treasury Account with the JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue in New York according to the record we got from Africa due to your inability to complete the transaction and your failure to meet up with a minor payment obligation.
The actual transfer of your funds( $10,800,000.00 ) into the government account comes up next week. This is in line with the instructions of the USA Treasurer, Mrs. Rosa Gumataotao Rios that all unclaimed funds be paid into the United States Government Treasury Account as UN-serviceable funds in compliance to section 3 subsection 1(a) of the United States Financial Law enacted in 2001 after an attack on our dear country on September 11, 2001. Find below the profile of the banking institution where your funds will be transferred into following the government directive:, And note to responds to us with below Email
Name of Bank: JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue in New York. JP Morgan Chase Official Bankers for the United States Treasury Department
AC NO: 68302345093
Routing NO:021109593
Account Name:United States Treasury Department,USA
Note that if you still wish to receive your funds do get back to us immediately so that we will remove your funds transfer from the list of those transactions to be seized by the United States Government. Also be informed that we need only a DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY SEAL OF TRANSFER(DIST) to complete the wire transfer. The fee to obtain the SEAL was reduced from $255 to $55 and no other fee is involved.
You are required to send the fee of $55 by WESTERN UNION or MONEY GRAM to the issuing officer at the bank where your transaction
originated as stated below:
Receiver's Name:......James Okowa
Country:..............Benin Republic
Email the following: To ( )
Sender's Name: .............
MTCN: Or Reference Number
The name of the city from where the money was sent If we receive the MTCN today, we will transfer your funds ($10,800,000.00) before we close office and the funds will reflect 3 hours after the transfer. We will send you all the transfer documents to enable you start making cash withdrawals from your account same day the funds are transferred. We have waited for so long and we cannot continue to wait.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Brian Moynihan(CEO)
Bank of America®
Tel (917) 265-9513 but only text is accpt
Corporate Office Headquarters, Charlotte,N.C
Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC.
© 2017 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved.
Requesting your help for dislodgement of USD$35 Million and transfer to your Country.
Mr. Abas Omer. <>
Dear friend.
Hopefully this email will reach you in sound health and mind.
Thank you in advance for taking time out of your busy day to read and consider my proposal. My message may come to you as a surprise, however it is my honest desire to share a mutual business relationship with you for which I am contacting you today. My name is Mr. Abas Omer, 44 years of age. I am security officer at the 'SEMAFO Burkina Faso' (Gold Mining and Security Company) located in Ouagadougou. I presume it is apparently by virtue of its nature I had turned up your profile from Burkina Chambers of Commerce, I promptly decided to contact you believing that by the grace of God/Allah you are the right partner for executing this business opportunity I am about to disclosed to you through this email.
I joined the named establishment since 1991 and I have been working with the Company for many years. Within this period I watched with calculated precision how African leaders under government functionaries has been using Security Company's to move huge amount of fund "USD, Pound Sterling, French France", to their partners in foreign Countries. They will normally bring in Consignments of cash currency, gold, diamond, precious stones; they will secretly declare the contents as family treasures or' just private documents etc. Amongst the list of important personnel we received in in past years, there are individual such as late General SANI ABACHA of Nigeria; Mobutu SESE SEKO of Zaire, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya; (all dead of course). We have numbers of individual still alive who owns several Consignments of cash deposit with numbers of Security Company's including the one where I am working; I should not mention those names for personal security reasons.
Major Subject of Contention:
I want to disclose to you that relatives and beneficiaries of dead persons who own consignments and packages in custody of SEMAFO Security Company are not aware of such deposit. We have numbers of Consignment that are unclaimed for as much as a period of 6 to 10 years, and nobody will ever come for the claims. In most cases the documents of such deposits are never available to relations of the deceased depositor except the original depositor and the Company; the interesting thing now is that there is a special deposits Consignment were the depositors is dead. On records, only a few packages belonging to dead people has been claimed in the past 3 years, more than as ever before. There is one Consignment box which belongs to the late Muammar GADDAFI deposited with number codes and the Consignment is unclaimed since after his death. I am certain the family members are not aware of this deposit; also he did not declare a next of kin on papers/record. The late Libyan leader made this deposit in our Secret Security vaults under Reference Code Number: Z-3201-MMMGGF/SFT/BF/2009 long before his assassination in 2011.
The Consignment lodgments is registered in codes; the amount contain inside this consignment is US$35 Million Thirty Five Million United States Dollars. This deposit was made by Mr. Gaddafi himself when he visited Burkina Faso in year 2009 and I can make all necessary arrangement for you to come down here to Burkina Faso for claiming of Consignment with Reference N°: Z-3201-MMMGGF/SFT/BF/2009. I am giving you the above information in confidence as I trust you are a man of integrity and high esteem; I have fully and carefully mapped-out a perfect strategic plan to expedite the claim and shipping of the Consignment from here to your Country; the claim can be successfully realized legitimately without a problem. Therefore if you can come to Burkina Faso to carry out the operation to withdraw said Consignment, please inform me so that I would proceed to make arrangement for your visit; we will arrange to ship Consignment to your Country through any international Courier delivery service and will be delivered to you safe and secured.
I will supply you all necessary information to claim the Consignment from the SEMAFO Security Company, the authority will only demand from you the deposit documents which I will provide you when I am sure you want to do this deal with me. Once codes are confirm as correct by responsible authority you will be invited for collection of the Consignment or to deliver the Consignment to you by Freight Courier Service to your address. Nobody should know I gave you information to claim the Consignment; upon successful conclusion of this deal, once consignment is in your custody I will meet you in your Country for sharing the fund which should be 50% for you and 50% for me, while every expenses incur in the operation will be burn by both parties. I want to assure you the transaction is 100% risk free, take note that Mr. Muammar GADDAFI is been long dead and nobody will ever come to claim the Consignments. I will give you further directive if you are interested in this deal and willing to help, Kindly send me your reply if you are interested and tell me how soon you can arrange to come to my Country Burkina Faso. If you have any question I will be oblige to provide you the answers and assistance in realizing this deal. I look forward to a healthy business relationship with you. Kindly contact me for further directives on my private e-mail address which is appended here… (
Thank you for anticipated assistance.
Mr. Abas Omer.
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