está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Nome usado pelo scammer - Scott Wilson
scammers stolen pics from General Andrew Leslie
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : maria brooks
A: undisclosed-recipients:;
Envoyé le : Lu, 5 Fév 2018
Sujet : Hello Dear, Mrs. Maria Brooks,, dropped an ATM card for you, contact me :
Hello Dear
I'm Dr. Isabella Phillip, i am the medical doctor to Mrs. Maria Brooks,,who is late now. But before her death she dropped an ATM Visa card worth $300,000 dollars for me to post to you, she said that she did not forget your past efforts and attempts to assist her in transferring her funds for the charity project which she wanted you to do on her behalf despite that it failed some how. that after getting her fund transferred through another partner that she wish to compensate you with this amount of
$300,000 dollars.
Now, i have travelled to Africa for a special heart operation. Kindly contact me so that i can send you the ATM Visa card with your informations immediately...
name .............
I look forward to receive this information from you and you can also contact me direct email for more clarification...
Yours faithfully.
Dr. Isabella Phillip.
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De : Reverend Jude William
Envoyé le : Ma, 6 Fév 2018
Sujet : God bless you, i can not sent you the cheque/parcel from
God bless you !
Calvary greetings to you.
I have not seen your information and so i can not sent you the cheque/parcel from
Rev. Jude William
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : venesaa andrew
Envoyé le : Lu, 5 Fév 2018
Sujet : Ask them to send you the ATM card and its PIN code :
My Dear,
How are you, my dear ? I hope all is well with you.
It is a very joyful thing to break this good news to you though I really missed you because you gave me the faith to carry on; you really brought hope to my hopeless situations, so I made a vow to myself that even if you fail to complete the transfer I must surely compensate you. I was very proud of you. And i want to inform you that I have successfully move to Sweden where i am living now with my partner who was able to assist me, but due to your effort, sincerity, courage, transparency and trust-worthiness you showed during the course of my pains I have compensated you and show my gratitude to you with the sum of
$350,000.00 (Three Hundred and fifty Thousand US dollars)
Please accept this little gift because it is a gift from my heart, i issued the check and i instructed the bank to role the fund on ATM card for security reason, you can use the ATM card to withdrawing money from any ATM machine worldwide with a maximum of US$ 3000 daily. The ATM online service a more convenient access to your funds all around the world for dinning, shopping, hotel accommodation, entertainment clubs, airports, and sports, provide you with convenience of online payment and an easier life. For example, you can transfer the money from your ATM card online account into any nominated bank account of your choice or credit card; your online details will be provided to you upon request after receiving your ATM card which ATM Alliance Office will send to your location once your compliance is met. This how i made to myself about compensating you has been in my mind and I want to fulfills it to you though I did not tell you what was in my mind, the bank said that you can receive the card and use it anywhere in the world. Contact the ATM Alliance Office direct with this information...
ATM Alliance Office
Mrs. Stella Billu / Mr.Kennedy Duru.
1O1, av. Léopold Sédar Senghor
Dakar, Senegal
De: "Fernando Alejandro"
Data: 6 de fev de 2018
Assunto: Re: Fwd: Ola querida
Meu querido, minha amada esposa, Sra.
Minha vida é bonita por causa de você meu amor, minha amada, você
entrou na minha vida como uma luz de velas no escuro. Você me mostrou
o significado do amor não com suas palavras, mas com seu cuidado. Eu
sei que sua natureza tímida não deixa você se abrir para mim; mas seus
olhos falam o amor que você tem para mim.
Muito obrigado pelos e-mails que você enviou para mim enquanto estou
de caminho (trânsito) para a Austrália, eu realmente aprecio todos os
seus esforços e tempo para fazer isso, que nosso Deus bom continue a
abençoar, fornecer e mantê-lo até que nós finalmente se encontre em
seu país após a execução do meu projeto aqui, como eu já disse antes
de embarcar nessa viagem, é um contrato de um mês (um pequeno), então
estamos nos reunindo em breve, OK.
Peça à empresa de correio que lhe foi enviada, seu presente foi
entregue a você? Eu pensei que antes que eu chegasse meu destino, eles
o entregariam para você, não se desnecessariamente trabalhados, eles
entregarão, por favor, mãe, caso que eles escrevessem para você, não
hesite em deixar Eu sei e qualquer mensagem ou documento que lhe foi
enviado, envie-o para que eu tenha certeza de que é seu, certifique-se
de responder lá correios imediatamente, para que não haja mais atrasos
em entregar seu presente para você, OK .
Mamãe, estou voltando a trabalhar agora (no navio, no meio do oceano),
eu responderei seus e-mails como de costume, eu tento o máximo que
posso para fazer isso à custa do meu trabalho (profissão) por aqui só
por causa do nosso amor, lembre-se de que nos conhecemos e não importa
o que aconteceu, devemos estar lá um para o outro, não é permitido
nenhum terceiro, OK,
Tenha um bom dia, você está sempre em minha mente, você mora em mim querida.
Amo muito você.
Seu querido marido
Fernando Alejandro.
De: Laureen Zamah <>
Data: 29 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: Espero ouvir de você
Responder A: Laureen Zamah <>
Prazer em conhecê-lo. Meu nome é Laureen
Eu vi sua página enquanto eu estava navegando e decidi escrever para você.
Espero que não se importe, eu realmente gostaria de entrar em contato com você e compartilhe muito importante com você como amigo,
Eu acredito que podemos ser bons amigos compartilhando interesses, experiências e outros.
Estou aguardando sua resposta e ficarei feliz em ler de você.
De: From International monetry Fund>
Data: 21 de janeiro de 2018
Para: undisclosed-recipients:;
Assunto: Attention To Your Person = Email Owner
Responder A:
It has come to our notice in our Headquarters building (I.M.F) that
your impending funds from Africa, which was intercepted, has not
been released to you ,We noticed that you made several attempt to
transfer your funds but to no avail. Our investigation continued to
the African Department (I.M.F),The monitoring team gave an
unsatisfactory report to your transaction, hence the chairman is
presently under investigation for conspiracy with your representative
with intension to divert your funds.You are advised to desist from
contacting anyone including your agent or representative in these
regard, International Monetary Fund has taken full responsibility to
transfer your fund to your account.
You are advised to stop any further communication with any person or
group of persons. and contact MR ERIC MORGAN with details below.
Please contact MR.ERIC MORGAN immediately for the collection of your
International Transfer Payment Direction as the law stipulated to
enable your payment in your account without further delay. He is the
only authorized officer in the International Monetary Fund Unit to
handle and witness your payment, any other further communication you
have outside his office is at your own risk, and you are advised to
stop making any further payment to any one, because he is the only
authorized officer with International Monetary Fund Unit via AU and EU
reserve account under united nations payment
Best regards,
Secretary International Monetary Fund Unit
Mrs Chantal Sawadogo
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : maria brooks
A: undisclosed-recipients:;
Envoyé le : Lu, 5 Fév 2018
Sujet : Dear, i can send you your ATM Visa card :
Hello Dear
I'm Dr. Isabella Phillip i am the medical doctor to Mrs. Maria Brooks, who is late now. But before her death she drop an ATM Visa card worth $300,000 dollars for me to post to you she said that she did not forget your past efforts and attempts to assist her in transferring her funds for the charity project which she wanted you to do on her behalf despite that it failed some how. that after getting her fund transferred through another partner that she wish to compensate you with this amount of
$300,000 dollars.
Now, i have travel to Africa for a special heart operation. Kindly contact me so that i can send you your ATM Visa card with your informations immediately.
name .............
I look forward to receive this information from you and you can also contact me direct email for more clarification...
Yours faithfully.
Dr. Isabella Phillip.
Hello Dear,
Please forgive me for stressing you with my predicaments as I know that this letter may come to you as big surprise. Actually, I came across your E-mail from my personal search afterward I decided to email you directly believing that you will give me your honest opinion and prayers.
Meanwhile my name is (Robert Halliwell) from Australia, I am the only child and my parents are late; I based in Brazil where I indulged in drug trafficking but I camouflaged it for gold supply just to hide my illegal deals. I have been living luxurious lifestyle, drinking stupor, clubbing and sexual immorality until I was caught in 2012 with 1.2 pounds of Heroin in Vietnam.
Initially I was sentence to death but after my persistent prayers, sincere repentance and my promise to donate to the underprivileged $18.5 million US Dollars left in my international bank accounts coupled with my lawyer’s effort they adjusted it to life-imprisonment last Thursday and a privilege to use a mobile phone for my online bible studies only.
I’m searching for a kindhearted and a God-fearing Person to assist me fulfill my promise but a police officer here in Vietnam was pleading me to hand him the project. Please could you advise me on what to do? I don’t trust policemen and I don’t want any Vietnamese to assist me because their hands are stained with blood, if you’re interested to handle this donation fund provide me your identity card and some few words about yourself to know whether I can entrust you with the project or not.
Your sincere reply matters!
My contact email:
Fw: CF Settlement Loan
Centric Finance Management por
Centric Finance Management-CF Settlement Loan
Responder Para - Centric Finance Management (
Greetings My Dear Friend,
Issouf Ibrahim <>
Greetings My Dear Friend,
Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax mail and I urge you to treat it serious.This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidentiality of this business and I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. Please this is not a joke and I will not like you to joke with it ok,With due respect to your person and much sincerity of purpose, I make this contact with you as I believe that you can be of great assistance to me. My name is Mr.issouf ibrahim, from Burkina Faso, West Africa. I work in Bank Of Africa (BOA) as telex manager, please see this as a confidential message and do not reveal it to another person and let me know whether you can be of assistance regarding my proposal below because it is top secret.
I am about to retire from active Banking service to start a new life but I am skeptical to reveal this particular secret to a stranger. You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially because we are not going to suffer again in life. It has been 10 years now that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the continent. Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transferring to foreign accounts, so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers were being closed after transfer. I acted as the Bank Officer to most of the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act; I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control. They laundered over $5billion Dollars during the process.
Before I send this message to you, I have already diverted ($10.5million Dollars) to an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank. The bank is anxious now to know who the beneficiary to the funds is because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more than Eight years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas. The ($10.5million Dollars) has been laying waste in our bank and I don’t want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver (a foreigner). The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you. There is no one coming to ask you about the funds because I secured everything. I only want you to assist me by providing a reliable bank account where the funds can be transferred.
You are not to face any difficulties or legal implications as I am going to handle the transfer personally. If you are capable of receiving the funds, do let me know immediately to enable me give you a detailed information on what to do. For me, I have not stolen the money from anyone because the other people that took the whole money did not face any problems. This is my chance to grab my own life opportunity but you must keep the details of the funds secret to avoid any leakages as no one in the bank knows about my plans.Please get back to me if you are interested and capable to handle this project, I shall intimate you on what to do when I hear from your confirmation and acceptance.If you are capable of being my trusted associate, do declare your consent to me I am looking forward to hear from you immediately for further information.
Thanks with my best regards.
Mr.issouf ibrahim,
Telex Manager
Bank Of Africa (BOA)
Burkina Faso.
Gat Back To Me for more details
gifty younes
Hi friend I am a banker in ADB BANK. I want to transfer an abandoned
USD15.6Million to your Bank account. 40/percent will be your share.
No risk involved but keep it as secret. Contact me for more details.
Reply in my
alternative email address ( for confidential reasons
Susan Coulibaly
I know this mail will come to you as a surprise since we haven't known or come across each other before considering the fact that I sourced your email contact through the Internet in search of trusted person who can assist me.
I am Miss Susan Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly 24 years old female from the Republic of Ivory Coast,West Africa ,am the Daughter of Late Chief Sgt.Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly (a.k.a General IB ). My late father was a well known Ivory Coast militia leader . He died on Thursday 28 April 2011 following a fight with the Republican Forces of Ivory Coast(FRCI). I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment which I am receiving from my step mother.
She planned to take away all my late father's treasury and properties from me since the unexpected death of my beloved Father. Meanwhile I wanted to travel to Europe, but she hide away my international passport and other valuable documents. Luckily she did not discover where I kept my father's File which contained important documents. Now I am presently staying in the Mission in Burkina Faso.
I am seeking for long term relationship and investment assistance. My father of blessed memory deposited the sum of US$ 27.5 Million in one bank in Burkina Faso with my name as the next of kin. I had contacted the Bank to clear the deposit but the Branch Manager told me that being a refugee, my status according to the local law does not authorize me to carry out the operation. However, he advised me to provide a trustee who will stand on my behalf. I had wanted to inform my stepmother about this deposit but I am afraid that she will not offer me anything after the release of the money.
Therefore, I decide to seek for your help in transferring the money into your bank account while I will relocate to your country and settle down with you. As you indicated your interest to help me I will give you the account number and the contact of the bank where my late beloved father deposited the money with my name as the next of kin. It is my intention to compensate you with 40% of the total money for your assistance and the balance shall be my investment in any profitable venture which you will recommend to me as have no any idea about foreign investment. Please all communications should be through this email address for confidential purposes.(
Thanking you a lot in anticipation of your quick response. I will give you details in my next mail after receiving your acceptance mail to help me ,
Yours sincerely
Miss Susan Warlord Ibrahim Coulibaly
De : venesaa andrew
Envoyé le : Lu, 5 Fév 2018
Sujet : My dear, ask them to send you your ATM card :
My Dear,
How are you my dear, hope all is well with you ?
It is a very joyful thing to break this good news to you though I really missed you because you gave me the faith to carry on; you really brought hope to my hopeless situations, so I made a vow to myself that even if you fail to complete the transfer I must surely compensate you. I was very proud of you. And i want to inform you that I have successfully move to Sweden where i am living now with my partner who was able to assist me, but due to your effort, sincerity, courage, transparency and trust-worthiness you showed during the course of my pains I have compensated you and show my gratitude to you with the sum of
$350,000.00 (Three Hundred and fifty Thousand US dollars)
Please accept this little gift because it is a gift from my heart, i issued the check and i instructed the bank to role the fund on ATM card for security reason, you can use the ATM card to withdrawing money from any ATM machine world wide with a maximum of US$ 3000 daily. The ATM online service a more convenient access to your funds all around the world for dinning, shopping, hotel accommodation, entertainment clubs, airports, and sports, provide you with convenience of online payment and an easier life. For example, you can transfer the money from your ATM card online account into any nominated bank account of your choice or credit card; your online details will be provided to you upon request after receiving your ATM card which ATM Alliance Office will send to your location once your compliance is met. This vow i made to myself about compensating you has been in my mind and I want to fulfills it to you though I did not tell you what was in my mind, the bank said that you can receive the card and use it anywhere in the world. Contact the ATM Alliance Office direct with this information.
ATM Alliance Office
Mrs. Stella Billu / Mr.Kennedy Duru.
1O1, av. Léopold Sédar Senghor
Dakar (Senegal)
Ask them to send you your ATM card and the PIN code that i gave to you as compensation, so feel free and get in touched with ATM office and instruct them where to send you the ATM card so that you can start to withdraw the money. Please do let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share the joy after all the sufferings at that time, at the moment, I am very busy here because of the investment projects which I and my new partner are having at hand because I want to finalize everything before the end of the year. I had giving instruction to ATM card office on your behalf to release the ATM card which i gave to you as compensation. Therefore feel free to get in touch with them and they will send the ATM card for you to withdraw the money without delay.
Miss Venesaa
Mrs.Maryam Jamal
Compliment of the day to you. I am Mrs.Maryam Jamal I am sending this brief
letter to solicit your partnership to transfer $10.7 Million US
Dollars. I shall send you more information and procedures when I
receive positive response from you. please send me a message in my
Email box and here is my ( ). I am waiting to hear from you.
Best Regards,
Mrs.Maryam Jamal
De: mrahmedali
Data: 18 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: From your friend
Responder A: mrahmedali
May Peace Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you and your Household, I know that this message will come to you as a surprise but let me start by introducing myself, I am Mr. Ahmed Ali the chief accountant manager in BIB BANK in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso,
Now listen to me let me explain to you my reason of wrighting you today because I think that you have forgoting me or not remember the ($12.5 million United State Dollars) again for it been a little long time ago when I discosed with you about my discovered in my bank of amount whats sum of ($12.5 million United State Dollars) which I search for a foreigner partner who will assist me to claims the fund and I send you an e-mail concerning it but I waited to hear from you about the transaction business in which I proposed to you but I did not hear anything from you again maybe you are too busy or you did not received my message,
So, I have to search for another person who will assist me in the transaction and so luckily for me I found a partner from South Korea and both of us did the transaction successful, I promised Allah if the transaction move successfully that I will give out 10 percent of the total fund out to the motherless babies and the widowers for Charity work and luckily for us the transaction was 100% risk free,
So as a good Muslim I did not forget my promise, I decided to give out the 10 percent to the need one’s I have been searching for who to hand over the fund to, before I remembered you so I decided to hand the money over to you so that i twill use and help the motherless babies and the widowers over there in your country.
Now I am in South Korea with my new partner who helped me finalized everything about the transaction.
So I kept the total sum of ($ 1.250,000.00 USD One Million two Hundred and fifty thousand United State Dollars) As the 10 percent of the total fund according to my promise to Allah, I deposited the money with the BIB BANK under the care of my secretary MR. SUMA EBAZI, email (
So contact MR. SUMA EBAZI immediately with this email address so that he will direct you on how to receive the funds. Note that my secretary will be waiting to hear from you because I have deposited this money long time ago but because of the project am handling here in South Korea I don’t have access to internet,
So Feel free to contact my secretary he will direct you on how you will receive the fund, Note that I will not be able to be checking my email because i am too busy here in South Korea,
For your information, Please keep this as a secret and do not let my secretary or anyone know about the past transaction because I kept the fund under My Secretary care and told him that the money is for Charity Project, So contact him and introduce yourself to him.
Best Regards,
Mr. Ahmed Ali ,
De: barakisa fanta
Data: 23 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: With God all things are possible
Responder A: barakisa fanta
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope you are doing great? Before I go further, I got your email
address from a site Directory and decided to email you, Permit me to
inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you.
I am Barakisa Fanta Ble. the only child of late Mr Ble Bi. My
father was a reputable business magnet (cocoa and coffee merchant)
based in San Pedro, south west of Ivory Coast before he was poisoned
to death by an unknown person.
I lost my mother since I was 6 years to the cold hands of cancer; my
father took me so special because I was motherless and lonely. Before
the death of my father on 29th January 2009, he secretly called me on
his bed side and told me that he deposited a huge sum of money in a
bank in Abidjan the economic capital of Ivory Coast. That am the next
of kin to this deposit.
He also explained to me that it was because of his success that he was
poisoned by his business associates out of jealousy. That I should
seek for a foreign partner in à country of my choice where I will
transfer this money and use it for investment Purpose. I am honourably
seeking your assistance in the following ways.
1) Can I trust you and can you help me as a daughter?
2) Can you help me invest my money till I am through with my studies
and of age to control it?
3) Before aiding me to realize my dream, how many percent of my
inheritance will you take?
I await your response
Barakis Fanta Ble Bi
Data: 4 de fevereiro de 2018
Toyota Auto-mobiles headquarters, 19 Ul,
Essex, PE9 2YP, London
United Kingdom.
Caro vencedor
Por meio deste meio, uso este meio para reconhecer o recebimento de seu requisito de reivindicação em relação ao correio de notificação vencedor que você recebeu, informando-o sobre o prêmio que ganhou da TOYOTA AUTOMOBILES LOTERY, após o processo de verificação ter sido conduzido após a sua informação de contato. Desejo informá-lo que o departamento de loteria e o departamento de promoções apenas aprovaram a entrega dos seus ganhos para você, seus ganhos foram entregues à IBC COURIER COMPANY que contém o seu carro e a soma de £ 2.000.000,00 para a IBC COURIER COMPANY para que tudo que você precisa fazer Agora é contactar a empresa de correio com os seus dados para entrega o mais rápido possível.
NÚMERO DE REFERÊNCIA: ## TY / 3121009/18
Antes que seus ganhos fossem liberados para a IBC COURIER COMPANY, uma pauta de seguro de cobertura rígida foi colocada em seus ganhos pelo TOYOTA AUTOMOBILES LOTERY BOARD para evitar qualquer dano ou canalização ilegal devido a isso, a dedução de qualquer quantia de dinheiro de seus fundos não pode ser feita a partir de seu prêmio Won. As instruções dadas em conformidade com as regras e regulamentos do International Gaming Board.
Informações de contato
International Bonded Courier (IBC)
IBC Complex 363 Stockley Close,
West Drayton Middlesex UB7 9BL, United Kingdom
Contact Name: Sean Roney
Tel: +447053867590
Escreva para eles por e-mail abaixo após o recebimento deste correio sem perder tempo, você deve fornecer-lhes os seus detalhes corretos, conforme mencionado abaixo.
1. NOMES COMPLETOS: __________
2. ENDEREÇO: _____________
3. SEXO: _________________
4. OCUPAÇÃO: _________
6. CIDADE: _____________
7. ESTADO: ____________
8. PAÍS ___________
Por favor, note que você será responsável pelo custo de entrega incorrido pela empresa de correio na entrega do seu prêmio vencedor, uma vez que não podemos deduzir do valor inicial devido ao fato de que faz parte da nossa medida de precaução para evitar a transferência dupla de Fundos para Reclamantes.
Parabéns mais uma vez
lite Capital Group
Bent u een vastgoedbelegger of zakelijke professional op zoek naar financiering voor uw onroerend goed deals of bedrijf? Zo ja, dan heeft u een geweldige kans om een lening te verkrijgen met een betaalbare rente en een goed gestructureerd aflossingsplan om u te helpen standaard te laten met de terugbetaling van de lening.
Staat u toe om u te laten weten wat ik doe;
Persoonlijke leningen (beveiligd en onbeveiligd)
Zakelijke leningen (beveiligd en onbeveiligd)
Fix en Flip
Inkoop en revalidatie (100% financiering)
Consolidatie van schulden en nog veel meer!
Als u meer informatie nodig heeft over hoe u in aanmerking komt voor een lening bij ons, beantwoordt u deze e-mail met uw verzoek.
Augustine David -
I'm diplomat Rev Augustine David I have just arrived at the Los Angeles
International Airport with your valued consignment box of $4.5 million
dollars 45 minutes ago, please reconfirm
your home address.................
nearest airport........................
Your Direct Telephone...................
to me so that I can proceed to your home right now with your consignment
box immediately. I'm waiting for your prompt reply.
Agent Augustine David
De: "Amirah Asfari" ->
Data: 5 de fev de 2018
Assunto: Re: Anúncio Olx
Para: "
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Eu não estou vivendo em seu país atualmente, note, eu decidi encontrar alguém real e não imaginário e foi por isso que fui a um site seguro onde eu posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você, estou na Síria agora e preciso desesperadamente mudar para o seu país e é por isso que desejo entrar em contato com você.
Eu sou a Sra. Amirah Asfari, a esposa do engenheiro tardio (Baahir Asfari), um industrial sírio e membro dos empresários sírios no conselho de Damasco. Após a morte de meu marido, minha família está sob ameaça do presidente Bashar al-Assad por nosso decidido apoio a um verdadeiro governo democrata na Síria e é por isso que eles mataram meu marido.
Devido aos distúrbios atuais do país, muitas famílias estão correndo por vidas caras, pois soldados estão matando civis, mulheres e crianças. Quero avisar que tenho na minha posse a soma de 9.900.000 USD. Este é o dinheiro que eu e meu marido salvaram para toda a nossa vida como um industrial.
Segurei secretamente o dinheiro em uma caixa de malha e depositei-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera ao escrever você é implorar para você aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isso ocorre porque não podemos fazer transferências bancárias a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Eu lhe darei 30% do dinheiro total.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Eu sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã, então não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem da minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido está morto, tudo o que tenho são meus dois filhos. Eles merecem uma vida decente desde que eu quero que eles cresçam em um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou me mudar para o seu país com meus filhos e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, seus conselhos e apoio; Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para as nossas famílias.
Se possível, solicito que me envie suas informações? Somente se você estiver confortável com essa solicitação. Isto é puramente com o propósito de enviar o dinheiro para você. A informação necessária é: seu nome completo, seu número de telefone (celular), seu endereço completo.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de sua informação vou lhe fornecer mais detalhes. A aceitação da minha oferta pode mudar a sua vida e a minha também.
Amirah Asfari
Attention please,
Nedia Gouirah -
Attention please,
My name is Mrs Nedia Gouirah. I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution of the deal described here-under for our both mutual benefit and I hope you will keep it a top secret because of the nature of the transaction, During the course of our bank year auditing, I discovered an unclaimed/abandoned fund, sum total of {US $3.5 Million United State Dollars} in the bank account that belongs to a deceased customer Who unfortunately lost his life and entire family in fatal gassy car Accident.
Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim but nobody has done that. I personally has been unsuccessful in locating any of the relatives, now, I sincerely seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at {US$3.5 Million United State Dollars} can be paid to you, which we will share in these percentages ratio, 60% to me and 40% to you. All I request is your utmost sincere co- operation; trust and maximum confidentiality to achieve this project successfully. I have carefully mapped out the moralities for execution of this transaction under a legitimate arrangement to protect you from any breach of the law both in your country and here in my country when the fund is being transferred to your bank account.
I will have to provide the entire relevant document that will be requested to indicate that you are the rightful beneficiary of this legacy and our bank will release the fund to you without any further delay, upon your consideration and acceptance of this offer, please send me the following information as stated below so we can proceed and get this fund transferred to your designated bank account immediately. I, know much about the existence of this fund and the secrets surrounding this money.
-Your Full Name:
-Your Contact Address:
-Your direct Mobile telephone Number:
-Your Date of Birth:
-Your occupation:
I await your swift response and re-assurance through my Private email address: ( so we commence this transaction immediately.
Best regards,
Mrs Nedia Gouirah
-----E-mail d'origine-----
Envoyé le : Ma, 6 Fév 2018
Sujet : Dear winner, send us $150 for fees and contact :,
back to homepage,
Dear winner,
Welcome to DHL Courier Express Burkina Faso
I am Mrs. Victoria Coke, the DHL Courier Express Network Online Program Award (DNPGA) Coordinator 2018 hereby to welcome you once again, noted that your details address need to be forward to my office. Meanwhile, your Star Prize of
have about to deliver to your address as soon as you send your home or office address but before I will carry on there is fees the DHL courier need to be confirmed from you. However, each star winner will deposit the sum of
$150 dollars
as registration and confirmation fees before the delivering will take place. So therefore, I hereby to inform you to send $150 dollars to us immediate to able us dispatch your deliver prize to your destination address there in your country. You are instructed to send the fees of $150 dollars to us through western union money transfer or Money gram with this information below...
DHL Mrs. Victoria Coke
Burkina Faso
+226 66 56 59 35
DHL Ouaga 2000
Road of Hotel Top star
Pissy Burkina Faso.
You should forward the payment details to us via email including your address.
Thanks once again !
Mrs. Victoria Coke
(c) 2018 Copyright DHL Inc 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Em 5 de fev de 2018 09:06, "ROYAL BANK"
RBS logo
Royal Bank Of Scotland (Reino Unido)
Registrado na Escócia No.
90312.BP 1384. CP-18 LONDRES.
Hotline + 447-031-889-225
Fax: 00448447743267
Web: htt: //
Atenção: Senhor
Isto é informar você que "RBS reconhece o recebimento do seu correio. Os dois documentos enviados ao nosso banco estão corretos, mas precisamos do poder de advogado e da declaração de juramento que deve ser e aprovado por um advogado residente senegalês.
Nós "RBS" recomendamos que você envie as cópias originais desses documentos, o que permitirá que o banco inicie o processo de transferência para qualquer um dos seus bancos nomeados em seu país ou em qualquer outro lugar. Nós, o banco real da Escócia, estamos comprometidos com um excelente serviço para seus clientes. Obrigado pela sua cooperação nesta transação e esperamos mais notícias de você o mais rápido possível.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Sr. Bruce Van Saun.
(Diretor financeiro)
Data de resposta. 5 de fevereiro de 2018.
Em 5 de fev de 2018 13:24, "Barr.Soyota Jubayer"
Desejo informá-lo de que seu e-mail foi recebido e o conteúdo anotado. No entanto, se você não está pronto para fazer o pagamento, por que pedir uma conta, se você não for sério, deixe-me saber, o que me permitirá retirar seu arquivo do tribunal, porque seu sistema legal aqui não atrasa o processo no tribunal. Nota: eu entrego até agora até sexta-feira 9 de fevereiro para pagar as taxas legais ou eu retirarei seu arquivo do tribunal e cancelarei este pedido. Obrigado pela sua compreensão adequada.
O seu serviço
Barr. Soyota.
Em 6 de fev de 2018 , "Khadija Javad"
Caro, eu vi o seu correio e eu entendo o que você disse, mas o advogado não fala português, se você não está recebendo o advogado pelo telefone, então talvez seja problema de rede. Em segundo lugar, o sistema de governo em seu país não é o mesmo aqui. , O montante necessário deve ser pago no tribunal antes que esses documentos estejam prontos. Por favor, imploro que envie o montante necessário para o advogado ou se você pode enviar metade do dinheiro para que o advogado inicie documentos e depois podemos pagar-lhe o saldo de dinheiro, por favor, ajude-me, espero ouvir de você em breve, agradeço e cuide-se por lá e tenha um dia maravilhoso.
Seu amor
1 de 798
Imprimir tudo Nova janela
Dear Friend,
16:56 (Há 1 hora)
Cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para roubar informações pessoais. Caso não confie no remetente, não clique em links nem envie informações confidenciais para este e-mail. Saiba mais
Dear Friend,
I have a business proposal in the tune of $10.2m USD for you to handle with me. I have opportunity to transfer this abandon fund to your bank account in your country which belongs to our client.
I am inviting you in this transaction where this money can be shared between us at ratio of 60/40% and help the needy around us don’t be afraid of anything I am with you I will instruct you what you will do to maintain this fund.
Please kindly contact me with your information's if you are interested in this tranasction for more details( )
1. Your Full Name.....................
2. Your Address......................
3. Your Country of Origin.............
4. What do you do for living ...............
5. Your Age..........................
6. Gender.........................
7. Your ID card copy and telephone number for easy communication...............
Mr.Ghazi Ahmed
Dear Beneficiary,
Steven T. Mnuchin ->
Dear Beneficiary,
I am Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury under the U.S.
Department of the Treasury. You can get more details about me here; Pages/Secretary.aspx
At the recently concluded meeting with the World Bank and the United
Nations, an agreement was reached between both parties for us to
settle all outstanding payments accrued to individuals/corporations
with respect to local and overseas contract payment, debt
re-scheduling and outstanding compensation payment. Fortunately, you
have been selected alongside a few other beneficiaries to receive your
own payment of $5.5million (Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars only).
We have been notified that you are yet to receive your fund valued at
$5.5million. This money will now be transferred to your nominated bank account.
You are advised to kindly reply this email with the below details
enclosed to help us process your payment;
(1) Full Names:
(2) Residential Address:
(3) Country of Residence:
(4) Age:
(5) Phone/Cell Number:
(6) Occupation:
Feel Free to contact me below is my telephone number;
+1 800-297-0909 (text if I did not pick may be busy with meetings).
Looking forward to hearing from you and God Bless America.
Yours faithfully,
Steven T. Mnuchin
Secretary of the Treasury
(U.S. Department of the Treasury)
Note: The information contained in this e-mail is private &
confidential and may also be legally privileged. If you are not the
intended recipient, please notify us, preferably by e-mail, and do not
read, copy or disclose the contents of this message to anyone.
Steven T. Mnuchin -
Chase Bank Corporate Office Headquarters
Mr. David Rochason -
Chase Bank Corporate Office Headquarters
Address 979 Woodland Pkwy Ste. 101- 22 Escondido Cal 92069.
Our Ref:CHB IRU SFE 15.5 WD 011
United States of America
call or SMS Phone Number (760 307 8718)
Dear Esteemed Customer
The Management of the Chase Bank Corporate Office Headquarters
here in 979 Woodland Pkwy Ste. 101- 22 Escondido Cal 92069 wishes to
inform you that after a brief meeting held by the Bank executives on the 15th
Day of JANUARY 2018 at precisely 8 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time(EDT), we deem it
appropriate to intimate you that your funds will be transferred into
the United States Treasury Account with the JP Morgan Chase
Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue in New York according to the record we
got from Africa due to your inability to complete the transaction and
your failure to meet up with a minor payment obligation.The actual
transfer of your funds($15,500,000.00) into the government account
comes up next week.
Note; This Fund was shifted from Nigeria in West Africa to this Bank
through the help of US Ambassador to Nigeria Mr. James F. Entwistle
who instructed the central bank of Nigeria to transfer your fund to
our bank here where it will be easy for you to obtain
This is in line with the instructions of the USA Treasurer,Mr Jack Lew
that all unclaimed funds be paid into the United States Government
Treasury Account as nu serviceable funds in compliance to section 3
subsection 1(a) of the United States Financial Law enacted in 2001
after an attack on our dear country on September 11,2001.
Find below the profile of the banking institution where your funds
will be transferred into following the government directive
Name of Bank: JP Morgan Chase Headquarters at 270 Park Avenue in New York.
JP Morgan Chase Official Bankers for the United States Treasury Department
AC NO: 68302345093
Routing NO:021109593
Account Name:United States Treasury Department,USA
Note that if you still wish to receive your funds do get back to us
immediately so that we will remove your funds transfer from the list
of those transactions to be seized by the United States
Government.Also be informed that we need only a DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY
SEAL OF TRANSFER(DIST) to complete the wire transfer.The fee to obtain
fee is involved.You are required to send the fee of $150 by WESTERN
UNION or MONEY GRAM to the issuing officer at the bank where your
transaction originated as stated below:
Receivers Name:.....Joseph J Faubert
State ..... California
City ...... Escondido
AMOUNT to send:..... $150
Sender's name:
The name of the city from where the money was sent
If we receive the MTCN today,we will transfer your
funds($15,500,000.00) before we close office and the funds will
reflect 3 hours after the transfer.We will send you all the transfer
documents to enable you start making cash withdrawals from your
account same day the funds are transferred.We have waited for so long
and we cannot continue to wait
Note that we are waiting for you to send us the payment details to
enable us transfer your funds. Please reconfirm your banking details
and your direct phone number as listed bellow to avoid any mistake on
your transfer.
FULL NAME.Natalie Kenyon Abraham.............................
IF AVAILABLE............
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your banking needs.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. David Rochason
Chase Bank
Email (
call or SMS Phone Number (760 307 8718)
Corporate Office Headquarters,Escondido Cal.
Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC.
2011 Chase Bank Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dear Friend,
Aisha Gaadafi
Atentamente Sra. Aisha Al-Qaddafi
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Dear Friend, I came across your e-mail contact prior a private search while in need of your assistance. My name is Aisha Al-Qaddafi a single Mother and a Widow with three Children. I am the only biological Daughter of late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi). For more details, please contact me with this my private email address: .I have investment funds worth Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar ($27.500.000.00 ) and i need a trusted investment Manager/Partner because of my current refugee status, however, I am interested in you for investment project assistance in your country, may be from there, we can build business relationship in the nearest future. I am willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you base on the future investment earning profits. For more details, please contact me with this my private email address:{}If you are willing to handle this project on my behalf kindly reply urgent to enable me provide you more information about the investment funds. Your Urgent Reply Will Be Appreciated Best Regards Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi ================================================ Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Querido amigo, Me encontré con su contacto de correo electrónico antes de una búsqueda privada, mientras que en la necesidad de su ayuda. Mi nombre es Aisha Al-Qaddafi una madre soltera y una viuda con tres hijos. Soy la única hija biológica del último presidente libio (coronel tardío Muammar Gaddafi). Para más detalles, póngase en contacto conmigo con esta mi dirección de correo electrónico privada( Tengo fondos de inversión por valor de Veintisiete Mil Millones Cincocientos Dólares Estadounidenses ($ 27.500.000.00) y necesito un Gerente / Socio de Inversión de confianza debido a mi condición actual de refugiado, sin embargo, estoy interesado en usted para la asistencia de proyectos de inversión en su país, Puede ser de allí, podemos construir una relación comercial en el futuro más cercano. Estoy dispuesto a negociar la relación de participación de inversión de inversión / negocio con usted base en la inversión futura que gana beneficios. Para más detalles, póngase en contacto conmigo con esta mi dirección de correo electrónico privada Si está dispuesto a manejar este proyecto en mi nombre amablemente responder urgente para permitirme proporcionarle más información sobre los fondos de inversión. Su respuesta urgente será apreciada Atentamente Sra. Aisha Al-Qaddafi
responder para -
Are You Still Alive?)
"Dr. Smith Goodman. ->
Head of International Operations,
Guaranty Bond Bank - USA.
Address: 919 Gilmer Street, Sulphur
Springs, TX 75482, United States.
ATTN: Sir/Madam.
We are contacting you through this email account for swift communication as required by this single customer transaction. This official letter is to inform you that (Mr. John W. Clark) from California was in our office as your legal representative to claim your approved fund valued $10,500,000:00 dollars from this bank. Mr. John W. Clark, our bank to transfer your approved fund valued $10,500,000:00 dollars into his personal bank account information below.
Bank Name: Citibank
Bank Address: 26542 Bouquet Canyon Rd, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, USA
Bank Account Number: 42008685929
Bank Routing Number: 322271724
Bank Swift Code: CITIUS33
Bank Account Name: Mr. John W. Clark.
The above mentioned person (Mr. John W. Clark) said that you authorized him to help you and claim your due fund from this bank as your legal representative. Please you’re advice to confirm if we should proceed with the final release of your approved fund valued $10,500,000 dollars into (Mr. John W. Clark) above bank account. We hereby anticipate your swift response.
Dr. Smith Goodman.
Head of International Operations
Guaranty Bond Bank - USA
(Privacy Policy, Terms, Satisfaction and Banking Accuracy)
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