está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
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Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
scammer Eric Roybson
Banco do Brasil
Nome - Sérgio Ferreira
Agencia - 3011-2
Conta Corrente = 38881-5
CPF 334.647.118-70
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i querido, obrigado por sua mensagem e prazer em ter você como meu amigo. Meu nome é Balley Chambalin, e eu sou o único filho de meus pais. Meu pai morreu um ano antes de me juntar ao exército e minha mãe morreu há 9 anos. Minha esposa morreu há 3 anos desde que morreu, eu estive sozinho, nunca me casei ou tive qualquer relacionamento com qualquer mulher, minha esposa morreu de acidente de carro, ela foi atingida por um bêbado motorista em seu caminho para trabalhar no mês de junho eu tenho apenas 1 filha; e seu nome é Jennifer com 10 anos de idade e estão no internato militar do meu país. Eu sou um dos EUA Citizen, também um soldado dos EUA, mas servindo aqui em Kabul, no Afeganistão. Sou de Houston, Texas United Estados Unidos ...... Tenho 52 anos de idade, nasci em 27 de novembro de 1964. Eu sou um general na Exército dos EUA e um comandante aqui em Kabul, no Afeganistão, estou comandando um soldado 370 aqui em Cabul Afeganistão, eu tenho estado de serviço aqui em Kabul, Afeganistão por mais de 4 anos e minha tarefa em O dever acabará em 2 meses. Eu ingressou no livro de rosto recentemente para conhecer alguém digno e único pessoas, e estou muito feliz em conhecê-lo e ser seu amigo. Por favor, meu querido, Quero saber mais sobre você, quantos anos você tem? De onde você é? Você tem filhos? Qual é o seu trabalho ou negócio ...? Desculpe se eu fizer muitas perguntas. Ficarei feliz em ler de você novamente. Obrigado e Deus abençoe! Seu melhor amigo ?????
Scammers stolen pictures of Ministro da Defesa Dragan Sutanovac
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Scammers stolen pictures of Ministro da Defesa Dragan Sutanovac |
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Scammers stolen pictures of Ministro da Defesa Dragan Sutanovac |
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Scammers stolen pictures of Ministro da Defesa Dragan Sutanovac |
email dele e :
Ele usa as fotos dessa pessoa .
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De: Marvin Curtis =
Enviado: terça-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Este é Marvin do site de namoro Par perfeito
Olá querida,
Como você está hoje? Sinto muito por ter escrito mais tarde você pensa que está fazendo muito bem, como sempre. Gostaria de lhe dizer mais sobre mim mesmo, mas onde posso começar a partir de bem. Meu nome é Marvin Curtis. Eu sou de Towson Maryland. Eu sou um engenheiro profissional. Eu trabalho com a companhia de navegação Marine Ltd aqui na Maryland. Tenho sido com a empresa por 13 anos como diretor de operações.
Eu sou o único filho dos meus pais atrasado e professor Dr. Frankly Curtis deputadade abençoada memória. Eu era casado antes, mas eu perdi minha esposa em uma operação há dois anos. Que sua alma descanse em paz. Eu tenho 1 filho, seu nome são (Sophia Eu quero passar o resto da minha vida com alguém que é simpático, honesto, cuidar, confiável e temente a Deus. Acho que é muito paz e tranquilidade aqui.
Eu sou 172m "190 bls com um porte atlético, mentalmente estável, fisicamente apto, um monte de risadas, morno, cuidar, honesto, um bom ouvinte, temente a Deus, e uma pessoa positiva. Estou muito fácil pessoa para falar e um pai amoroso e de saída. Eu gosto de jogar sax eu faço muitas vezes no meu tempo de lazer. Eu gosto de ir ao cinema, ou assistir filmes em meu quarto ou cabine, eu gosto de nadar, ouvir música e dançar a qualquer tipo de música, canto, vela, bowling indo e também um bom cozinheiro. Eu sou uma pessoa orientada para a família, as crianças adoram e há mais, mas seria melhor para você encontrar algumas coisas para si mesmo.
É muito importante para mim para construir uma vida de estabilidade, segurança e oportunidade para a pessoa especial espero compartilhar meus pensamentos, sentimentos, experiências, sonhos e fantasias, e para oferecer as melhores oportunidades para qualquer criança que pode ser incluído no meu vida, tanto mina e essa pessoa especial para as crianças, e esse é o meu foco agora e eu também gosto do meu trabalho, embora arriscada, porque estamos sempre no mar.
Eu estou realmente interessado em querer saber sobre o que fazer com essa pessoa especial que você é hoje, eu quero saber mais sobre sua família, seu fundo, suas experiências de vida, relacionamentos passados, seus objetivos e sonhos, interesses e nada mais para me dizer. Eu ainda quero aprender sobre os segredos que você muito raramente compartilham com alguém !. Então venha e compartilhar tudo isso comigo, como eu não estou aqui para falar com você sobre coisas gerais, tais como férias, clima, esportes, etc. eu quero saber mais sobre você eo que faz o seu coração e alma, como a amizade que eu quer construir com você eu quero que seja como nenhum outro que você já compartilhou no ou experiente. Essa amizade Eu quero construir com você será preenchido com substância, qualidade, espiritualidade, amor, fidelidade e potencial. Espero que eu não tenho escrito muito de um romantismo. Ri Muito
Esperamos ouvir de você em breve. Até então tenha um bom dia.
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se diz americano,de Destin Flórida.
Relata que fala pouco português,fala fluente espanhol e inglês.
Relata ter dois filhos menores,a esposa morreu a 4 anos.
Relata ser da marinha dos estados unidos.
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Bank name - ziraat bankasi
account number - 81975278-5002
IBAN NO:TR39 0001 0006 0681 9752 7850 02
Enviado: terça-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: ATM Visa Card ($20Million)
I have registered your package with speed Trust this morning and we
agreed up that the delivery of your $20M ATM CARD Package will take off
by tomorrow morning.So contact them with your full information. Contact
DR ANDY LORD with your full address were your card will be delivered to
you via this Email:
Mrs. Jane Texman
Major do Exercito dos EUA, pelo Instagram.
Se diz viúvo e filho único, cujo pai já e falecido. Já recebi ate uma proposta de casamento!!!!
Ele diz se chamar Alexander Henry, e encontra-se no Afeganistão
E-mail da pessoa que está em contato comigo
que a principio existe uma caixa com ouro e diamantes.
Segue resposta da seguradora:
"Hello Madam,
We receive your message and it has been verified, yes your man Harry Christopher box is here in our security company and can be delivered to you in Brasil.Here is the requested information we need from you to delivered the box to you. a copy of your Id-card, your house address, phone number, and it will cost you 35000Pounds and you will get your box in 48 hours.
Estou interessado em seu item, por favor atualize-me com o atual
Condição do item e seu preço.
Date: 20 February 2018
Subject: Re: email
Hello again,
May good health and wealth be always at your doorsteps!
I am very sorry for responding late to your mail, I want to stress again that this transaction is very legitimate and there is no risk involved as I am the personal accountant to Late Engineer (Peter Defranceski) anything I say concerning this will be followed by the bank Executives. However, before we can proceed further, I want you to assure me that you will be honest during the transaction and as soon as the funds is transferred to you we can meet in person and share money peacefully. You should understand that this transaction can be successful if we work together and as soon as I give you all legal procedure you will receive the funds from my bank, so I really need your assurance before we shall proceed.
I am totally very serious about this arrangement process as such I would want you to take this serious too. My personal instinct directed me to contact you and I just hope it was not a wrong thing to do I shall direct you on the process of the claim; we shall start by sending a formal application to this effect. I will send you the text for the claims and transfer application to this effect. Thereafter, the bank will request of you the relevant back up documents to your claim and application according to the demand of our probate law for transfer of funds. Once you have provided the Bank with their demands, they would now be under legal obligation to transfer the funds to bank account provided by you. As part of the procedure of the claims, the documents that will be required from you will have to be acquired through legal procedures as the application of claim will be complimented with a legal award we shall have to seek from our law Court here. Be assured that the procedures to be adopted in effecting the transfer in your favour will be official and legal which will protect us from any breach of the law.
Note: High confidentiality is required at all times. Do not tell anyone about this because, it might be unsafe for both of us. It would be safer for us to communicate by email for now because my cell line and all other Staffs in my bank are tapped and monitored. I hope you see reason with my decision on us talking by mail for now. As soon as the money has been transferred to your account, I will look for a country of our choice where we can see in person and subsequently share the funds in the ratio as discussed earlier.
Above all, I personally count on God to facilitate our plan and understanding, to produce not just success but also peaceful sharing of the funds at the end of the day and a wealthy family business relationship between us. I also pray for establishment of cordial relationship between us, God being our helper. As soon as I hear from you and receive your assurance, I will send you the Text of Application for you to contact my bank for the release of the funds in the account of (Peter Defranceski) to your account as his next of Kin. I would advice that you follow all the steps and procedures which I will give so that we can get to the end of this transaction quickly. I have attached a copy of my international passport for Authenticity and trust and i would advise you do the same so we could proceed.
I await your response.
Warm Regards
De: Brian Holton ->
Enviado: segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2018
Attention My Old Friend,
I did not forgot your past effort and attempts to assist me, now I'm happy to inform you that I have succeeded in getting those funds transferred under the cooperation of a new partner from Asia continent.
Now Contact my secretary ask him for ($7.2MILLION DOLLARS) for your compensation his name is Richard Papworth and his E-mail: ( Phone number +229 691-071-90
1,Your Full Name..........
2,Delivery Address........
3,Phone Number............
4,A Copy Of Your Picture....
5,Private Email and Alternative Emails......
Your Faithfully
Brian Holton
responder para -
De: Adeline Roland
Enviado: terça-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Caro Em Um Só Deus,
Caro Em Um Só Deus,
Que as bênçãos de Deus Todo Poderoso estejam com você, eu sei que esta proposta virá definitivamente para você como uma enorme surpresa, mas eu imploro que você leia com cuidado como a decisão que você faz irá percorrer um longo caminho para determinar meu futuro, deixe-me usar isso Momento para me apresentar muito bem, meus nomes são a Sra. Adeline Roland 56 anos de idade viúva, eu casei com o Sr. David Roland, ambos nós são cidadão indiano, eu era crescido pelo orfanato Casa em Abidjan cidade comercial da Costa do Marfim, Meu amado marido e nosso único filho Williams morreu em um acidente fatal que ocorreu em 5 de novembro de 2014, sua morte foi um coração quebrou para mim, mas eu não posso questionar Deus a razão que acontece de tal maneira.
Em julho de 2016, depois de vários textos médicos, meu médico confirmou que eu tinha um câncer de pulmão, que pode facilmente tirar minha vida a qualquer momento, embora pelo poder restaurado em mim como um filho de Deus eu não tenho medo da morte porque eu sei onde Eu vou ser após a morte, de todas as indicações pelo meu médico, o câncer chegou a um estágio muito crítico.
Uma vez que minha vida é curta neste mundo, rapidamente me comprometo em três dias rezando, pedindo a Deus que forneça uma pessoa confiável e capaz, que eu darei essa quantia de oito mil dólares americanos ( US $800.000 ) que foi depositado pelo meu falecido marido em um banco aqui em Abidjan Costa do Marfim, eu quero que o fundo seja usado de boa maneira para não humilhar pessoas pobres, EU DESEJO ENTRAR ESTE FUNDO PARA VOCÊ POR TRABALHOS DE CARIDADE, estou desesperadamente na necessidade de assistência e apoio de você, por favor, não falhe-me e os milhões das pessoas pobres ao seu redor, o fundo não é roubado e não há perigos envolvidos, proponho-lhe aceitar a minha doação com todo o seu coração, porque se eu morrer sem colocar este fundo ao cuidado de um pessoa que o usará para ajudar o trabalho de Deus e obras de caridade, isso significa que o meu marido luta é em vão.
Por favor, quero que a nossa comunicação seja confidencial para a minha segurança ea segurança do fundo por causa da recente crise política e para o bem da família do meu marido, eu nunca pretendia deixar qualquer um de minha família marido para saber sobre este fundo porque se eles Descobrir, eles não me permitem doar o fundo para o trabalho de Deus, que eu não vou ser feliz se eu não doar o fundo para ajudar órfãos como eu, se você está disposto e interessado em me ajudar a cumprir o projeto, Ao responder, eu quero que você envie seus nomes completos, seu endereço de residência, sua origem do país, com um cartão de identidade ou carteira de motorista para que eu possa ir ao Ministério da Justiça para obter a mudança de propriedade, o certificado de mudança de propriedade Legalmente provar que você é o novo beneficiário do fundo, de modo que o seu pedido para o fundo será aceite pelo banco onde o fundo é depositado, depois de obter a declaração jurada em seu favor, vou dar-lhe o contato do banco assim Que você entrará em contato com o Diretor do banco para a transferência de fundos, que Deus abençoe você como você tomar a decisão certa.
Por favor prefiro que você entre em contato comigo em inglês se possível e você deve responder
Seu Em Um Só Deus,
Sra Adeline Roland.
De : Qatar Petroleum Investment
Envoyé le : Ma, 20 Fév 2018
Sujet : Dear Brother, this transaction is 100% risk free :
Dear Brother.
Thank you for your prompt reply. Before I proceed, let me introduce myself to you. I am Engr. Salem Al Mohannadi,, as you already know and i am a staff of Qatar Petroleum, Doha Qatar . I was born on March 27th, 1972. I studied Economics in the American University in Arizona
and did my master’s degree in Harvard University USA. Before I contacted you, I prayed to Allah to guide and direct me to an honest and trustworthy man or group of individual that can assist me in this business deal.
Having said that, I will like to tell you more about the said fund in question. First and foremost, be rest assured that this transaction is very transparent and 100% risk free. I am the Head of Finance and Accounts here at Qatar Petroleum and I understand how fund is being moved in and out of our company. As the man in the helm of affairs in the Finance and Account Department of Qatar petroleum my duty is to pay contractors. I have implicit confidence in Allah who has guided/directed me to you and trust in your ability to partner with me confidentially in this business deal for mutual disbursement or to invest wisely for profit oriented venture when the fund is transferred to you. Having said the above, I will not hesitate in telling you more details and the source of the fund. Actually, this
US$30 millions
was acquired from an over invoiced contracts that was executed by foreign contractors here in my company, Qatar Petroleum and the contracts has been perfectly executed. The original contractors and their contract sums fully paid and the over invoiced still in the vault of Qatar Petroleum I need your assistance to move this over invoiced fund into any of your account, as I am going to present you as a contractor that has not been paid of this over invoiced sum.
To achieve this, we will first register your name/company as category A Contractor with the Qatar Petroleum Company and use the registration certificate to procure all the necessary contract documents (Contract Award and Completion Certificates) which shall be submitted to my office for approval and payment. We are going to follow all due process to achieve this goal (Documentations) and you will appreciate it as we progress. Thereafter the documentations, I will approve and order for immediate payment and transfer of the fund into your designated bank account through any of our bank account either here in Qatar or abroad. You will send your individual name or Company name which we are going to use when registering your name or company name as a contractor with the QP to secure every contract documents that will empower you to
receive the fund as a contract payment. Our Company Attorney is an able lawyer; he is the one who is going to help us here to handle the documentations.
I'll be waiting for your urgent response.
Engr. Salem Al Mohannadi
Finance and Accounts.
From: Tara Smith
Date: 2018-02-20
Subject: IECSC New York Attendees list :
We take this opportunity to know if you would be interested in acquiring the attendees list of “International Esthetics Cosmetics And Spa Conference New York” which is held on Mar 04th – Mar06th for pre-show marketing campaign, networking and various marketing initiatives at New York | USA.
Our Archives include
Company, Contact Name, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Job Title, Website, Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, SIC Codes and Most importantly verified Email Address.
Thank you
Please revert to know more.
Tara Smith | Team Marketing
Edward Rees
I am the personal attorney to Robert Fitzpatrick, an American who was a consultant with Shell UK LTD here in London, who shall be referred to as my client. Unfortunately my client lost his life on Boeing Egypt Air Flight 990, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on October 31st, 1999 and left no clear beneficiary as Next of Kin except some vital documents related to the deposit still with me.
All efforts by me to trace his Next of Kin proved abortive because he did not make any will prior to his death. Since then I have made several inquiries to locate any of my late clients extended relatives and this has proved unsuccessful. After my several unsuccessful attempts to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.
I am contacting you to assist in claiming the money left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unclaimed by the security company where this huge deposit was deposited. Particularly, the finance company where the deceased had the said fund valued at USD 11 million dollars has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin.
Consequent upon this, my idea is that we can have a deal/agreement and I am going to do this legally with your name as the bona fide beneficiary of the amount in question as I have all legal document to back our claim, i seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at $11 Million US dollars can be paid to your account abroad, note that 40% of this money will be for you, in respect to the provision of a foreign account and 50% for me, 10% will be used for the reimbursement of any expenditure we may incur in the cause of the transaction.
I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law, all I need from you is your utmost collaboration and sincerity for us to thrive in this deal. Get back to me if you are ready to assist me
Yours Sincerely
Edward Rees (Esq)
responder para -
Good Day
17:46 (Há 1 hora)
Por que esta mensagem está na pasta "Spam"? Ela é semelhante a mensagens que foram detectadas por nossos filtros de spam. Saiba mais
Hello my dear, how are you today?
I want to inform you that your first payment of $5000.00 United states
of American dollars has being sent for you yesterday, after our
finally meeting with our new president he order us to release your
fund to you when we explain to him that you find it difficult to send
the $250.00 as it was required for you before for renewing of your
payment file.
So right now the only fees you need to send is updating fees which is only $95.00
For you to know that your first payment as already sent kindly track
it with the below tracking website.
Reference number:63833030
First name: John
Last Name:Fleming
Amount $5000.00 Usd>
You can track it with reference number:# 63833030 , and last name of
the sender which is. Fleming
This is the information you will used to send the $95.00
Receivers name: JOE NNA
Country:Benin republic
Question: When
Answer: Now
enter the (REFERENCE) number # 63833030 Enter senders last name.
Fleming and click tracking and it will show you that your funds is
available for you to pick up.
We have registered your Atm Card with DHL this morning and we agreed with them that your contract payment of($10.5 000`000`00USD) in Atm Card will be delivered directly to your place first thing tomorrow morning immediately they receive your full delivery informations. Do not fail to call and email Director. John David Tel: +234 email ( ) with you full information requested below.
(1)Full Name
(3)City and State
(4)Home Address
(8)I.D Card
(9)Direct Phone Number
(10)Nearest Airport
below is the DHL Contact Information make sure you call the director Mr John David immediately you receive this Email for immediate processing of your atm card to your given address,note that the only thing required from you is to get the International Delivery Permit certificate and Tax/Stamp Duty here is your atm card informations which to represent to the dhl agent to claim your atm card from the agent envelope No: 674632 ,colour of the envelop is yellow ,your Pin Code No: 7644,Merit Payment No: 103, Secret Code No: XXTN013,Immediate Telex confirmation No: 1114433 write out the atm card informations it is very important .
Mr.John David
Dir. Of Logistics DHL
Email Address; )
Phone Number :+234
note the International Delivery Permit certificate and Tax/Stamp Duty fee is $75 usd must be sent to enable us obtain the certificate and update you with your shipment tracking number so you can monitor the delivery until our deplomatic agent gets to your home address below is the payment Details pay to western union or money gram post office thanks.
International Delivery Permit certificate must be obtained and Tax/Stamp Duty
Cost $75.USD
Receivers Name:............Kalu Ebuka Gospel
Text Question:........Trust
Amount;.....$75 USD
Best Regard
Mr Tony Elumelu
Dir Uba Bank plc
United Bank For Africa
responder para -
Hello My Dear Friend,
Mrs.Zainab Ahmed por
I have a business proposal in the tune of $10.2 Million USD for you to handle with me. I have opportunity to transfer this abandon fund to your bank account in your country which belongs to our client.
I am inviting you in this transaction where this money can be shared between us at ratio of 60/40% and help the needy around us don’t be afraid of anything I am with you I will instruct you what you will do to maintain this fund.
Please kindly contact me with your information's if you are interested in this transaction for more details.
Your Name:..............
Your Bank Name:.............
Your Account Number:...........
Your Telephone Number:............
Your Country And Address:............
Your Age And Sex:.......................
I expect your urgent communication.
Louis Kabre por
Dear Friend,
Good day. I am Mr. Louis Kabre. I am working with one of the prime banks in Burkina Faso. I have decided to contact you for a financial transaction which values $14,500,000.00 (Fourteen Million Five Hundred Thousand USA Dollars). This is an abandoned fund that belongs to a late foreign customer of our bank. I want a foreign account where the bank will transfer this fund.
I was very fortunate to come across the deceased customer's security file; during documentation of old and abandoned customers files for an official re-documentation and audit of the year 2018.
If you are really sure of your trustworthiness, accountability and confidentiality over this transaction, contact me urgently. I will let you know the next step and procedure to follow in order to finalize this transaction successfully.
I expect your urgent communication.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Louis Kabre.
compensation payment of $5.5Million
Dennis Frank
Attention Dear Beneficiary,
This message is from Federal ministry of finance office, we are to let you
know that We have finally concluded with Financial Bank Benin to release your
full compensation payment of $5.5Million US Dollars to you through Western
Union and you will be receiving the sum of $5000.00 us dollars daily and First
payment has been sent: MTCN: 751-096-0585 but your payment file must be renewed
before you will be able to pick up the payment.
The western union office stated that you will be receiving your funds at the
maximum rate of $5000.00 us dollars daily until you recevie the total sum of
$5.5Million US Dollars completely. You are also required to re-confirm your
address to them to avoid any wrong transfer.
Receiver Name:_____________
Text Question:_____________
Please, contact: Mr.James Kando
E-mail:( )
Tel: +229-67904507
Contact Mr.James Kando immediately through his above email address to give you
Sender Name & Question and Answer to pick up your money today and let me know
when you confirm it all.
Dennis Frank
Mr Allen Ibrahim por
Hello Dear Friend,
I am Mr Allen Ibrahim, a staff in African Development Bank (A.D.B)Ouagadougou, Burkina faso West Africa. I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am about to extablish with you forthe mutual benefit of you and i.
I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of $15.2 )millionusd into your bank account within 7 banking days. This money has been dormant for years in our Bank without claim.if you can assist and capable of assisting please i need your urgent response to enable me provide your with the details.note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me while 60% will be for me then after you confirm this fund into your account i will come over to you country for the sharing of the fund.
Responder para - Mr Allen Ibrahim (
responder para -
D chen
Chao <>
I would like you to consider a business plan involving a reasonable amount of investment capital. Due to the nature of my investment plans I would ask that every communication between us be done through our private email for privacy reasons. Detailed information will be made available to you when you indicate your readiness to work with me. My email is:
Best regards,
De: Robert Bell -
Enviado: domingo, 18 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Re: Reply_
Dear xxxx,
Thank you for responding back to my mail.
My name is Mr. Bell and I am a staff of NatWest Bank, here in England attached to Investment Banking Services, I am contacting you concerning a customer and an investment placed under our banks management; as a matter of fact it was roughly 11 years ago. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail private and also to kindly respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this email. I contacted you independently and no one is informed of this communication; I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you and benefit the both of us. All I want is an honest business transaction between us. First, I will start by introducing myself. My full name is Robert Graeme Bell. I am a British citizen and I am currently working with NatWest Bank. I have been working here for 21 years now, and I have a good working record with my bank.
I am also the personal accountant to late Engr.Paul Beatriz, a foreign contractor who has a financial portfolio of 8,782,500 (Eight million, seven hundred and eighty-two thousand, five hundred Great British Pounds.) with indefinite interest with my bank. My late client was a chemical consultant contractor with Royal Dutch until his death in a fatal car accident while in France on sabbatical with his entire family. The accident unfortunately took the lives of the family members comprising of himself, his wife and two kids in the summer of 2007 may their soul rest in perfect peace. He banked with us here at NatWest Bank and the money in his account has still not been claimed by anybody as there was no living will in place when he died.
Since the death of my client; my bank and I have made several inquiries to his embassy to locate any of his extended family members or relatives but this has proven unsuccessful. I came to know about you in my search for a person who shares the same last name as my late client. I employed the services of Linkedin search solely for this purpose as I feel it would not have been the last wishes of my late client for his whole life work to be transferred to a government (Escheat) he had always complained of their unfavorable public monetary policies, taxes and so on while he was alive. My bank has issued me several notices to provide the next of kin or the account risk been es cheat within the next 10 official working days. The last notice for claim came to my desk last week. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind before they are declared unserviced by my bank. I am seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin of my late client since you share and bear the same last name. As such, the proceeds of the account can be paid to you as soon as you contact my bank and apply for the funds to be released to you as the next of kin. If we can be of one accord, I see no reason why we would not succeed. We both have to act swiftly on this matter in other to beat the deadline es cheat date.
My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position whereby an instruction is given to officially release the deposit to you as the closest surviving associate, and all etiquette shall be done in accordance with the rule of banking law, I certainly can guarantee you that, by the common law, the power of bequeathing is coeval with the first rudiments of the law, and this power has been extended to all. There is no ruling which prevents an inheritance from being so exhausted by legacies as to render it unworthy of the heir's acceptance; basically all persons of sound mind are competent to bequeath and devise real and personal estate, excepting infants, with all this I would say we have the clear advantage to carry out a smooth and perfect operation whereby the paper work shall be coordinated in such a way that your status as a sole beneficiary is confirmed. Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half and no more; that is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you; afterwards we share the proceeds in two equal parts.
I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit, but on the other hand, you as a foreigner would easily pass as the beneficiary with the rights to claim, I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you in a few days. I will simply inform our bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer, and instruct them to release the deposit to you; with these two things: all is done. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and me from breaching UK laws. I will attach my international Passport ID in my next mail for authenticity so we have equal ground to trust each other. If you are interested in my proposal I will send you more information directing, you on further procedure on how we can claim the money in the account successfully. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences might be, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold, this is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients; do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord I shall have the pleasure of meeting you, after this task has been completed. The content of this mail should be treated with utmost confidentiality and a quick response from you will be highly appreciated. However, if you are not interested in this proposal, please accept my apologies for sending you the message and kindly delete message, I promised that you will never hear from me. I anticipate your co-operation.
Thanks for your time and do have a great day.
Urgent go and pick up your first payment $5000 now and get back to us for your second payment.
Mr.Peter Okute
Attention Dear Beneficiary,
Welcome to Western Union Head Office and This is to inform you that International Monetary Fund IMF is compensating all the scam victims sum of $2.700.000.00 USD here in Benin Republic (Two Million seven Hundred Thousand Dollar) Only each, and your email address was found in the scam victim's list) This Western Union head office has been mandated by the International Monetary Fund IMF Director to transfer your compensation fund to you via Western Union Transfer Daily. We the western union office here stated that you will be receiving your fund $2.700.000.00 at the maximum of $5,000.00 daily is the whole fund $2.700.000.00 is completely transfer to you.
Already We have sent out your first payment $5,000 MTCN # 0812-4466-76#
MTCN#________________________ 0812-4466-76#
Sender’s First Name:-------Mr.Peter
Sender’s Last Name:------Okute
Sender’s Location:------- Seattle,Benin Republic
Amount sent:------- $5000
Remember we need your full information as where we will be sending the second
payments $5000 to avoid wrong transfer such as,
Your Full Name:......................... ...
Your Home Address:......................
Your Country/ City: .............................
Your Age:.......................... ..........
Your Sex:.......................... ..............
Your Direct Phone Number:....................... ...
Your ID copy:......................... ...
Urgent go and pick up your first payment $5000 now and get back to us for your
second payment.
Call Western Union Director Mr.Peter Okute below:
Mr.Peter Okute
The Western Union Director Benin Republic
Call me now +229-96644213
Urgent Contact us now:
De: office flie file
Enviado: segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2018 10:32:47
Attn: The Owner of this E-mail ID,
Your Name And Your Contact Details Was Given To This Office In Respect
Of Your Total inherited/Compensation Sum Owed To You Which You Have Failed To Claim
Because Of Either Non-Compliance Of Official Processes Or Because Of Your Unbelief Of
The Reality Of Your Genuine Payment.
We Wish To Bring To You The Solution To This Problem. Right Now We
Have Arranged Your Payment Through Our Swift Card Payment Centers, That Is The Latest
Instruction From Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) This UBA ATM
payment Center Will Send To You An ATM VISA Card Which You Will Use To Withdraw Your Money In Any ATM Machine In Any Part Of The World, So If You Like To Receive Your Fund In This Way, Please Let Us Know Buy Contacting Us Back on the following information:
CONTACT: Mr.Morgan Chambers.
E-mail: (
And Also Send The Following Information As Listed Below.
1. Full Name
2. Phone And Fax Number
3. Delivery address
We Have Been Mandated By The ECOWAS Parliament To Issue Out $7.5million USD in your favor This fiscal year. Also For Your Information, You Have To Stop Any Further Communication With Any Other Person (S) Or Office(S) To Avoid Any Hitches In Receiving Your Payment.
Note That Because Of Impostors,We Hereby Issued You Our Code Of
Conduct, Which Is (ATM-202) So You Have To Indicate This Code When Contacting The Card Center By Using It As Your subject
This person "Michael Rico" ( is a scammer on Instragram too, he tried to convince me that he is i love with me in less than an hour, then he gave me his email n i made the research in google.