está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Nome usado pelo scammer - Richard Gilbert Moore
Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU
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Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU |
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Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU |
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Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU |
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Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU |
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Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU |
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Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU |
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Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU |
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Real Identity Romanian Land Surveyor OCTAVIAN DUDESCU |
Nome usado pelo scammer - James Alex
scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov
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scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov |
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scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov |
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scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov |
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scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov |
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scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov |
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scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov |
pagina feita por scammers usando foto do General Stuart james
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pagina feita por scammers usando foto do General Stuart james |
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pagina feita por scammers usando foto do General Stuart james |
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pagina feita por scammers usando foto do General Stuart james |
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pagina feita por scammers usando foto do General Stuart james |
Nome usado pelo scammer - James Richard
scammers stolen picture of Gianluca Vacchi italian business man
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scammers stolen picture of Gianluca Vacchi italian business man |
Nome usado pelo scammer = Peter Smith
scammers stolen pictures of Francisco lachowski
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scammers stolen pictures of Francisco lachowski |
Nome usado pelo golpista - Smith Antony
a foto de perfil é do vice-governador de Tula- Igor Albin
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a foto de perfil é do vice-governador de Tula- Igor Albin |
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Nome usado pelo scammer - Robin Casey
comandante del Comando Sur de EE.UU., el almirante Kurt W.Tidd
antes o scammer usava a foto do General John W.Nicholson Jr
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scammer usava a foto do General John W.Nicholson Jr |
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scammer usava a foto do General John W.Nicholson Jr |
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scammer usava a foto do General John W.Nicholson Jr |
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Ele falou q o nome dele e Reymond.
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scammer usava a foto do General John W.Nicholson Jr |
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Scammers stolen pictures of Air Force general Robin Rand |
Nome usado Jesica Nichole
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Attencao: xxxxxxx
Por favor, note que o transporte marítimo / pacote acaba de chegar em nossa empresa Gabinete de Segurança Regional no Brasil,
apresentada pelo Sr. Ryan James O nosso ramo na ilha. Ao seguir as instruções que acompanham o pacote, fomos instruídos a dar-lhe o Seu Endereço
Rua xxxxxxo xxxxx
Cep: xxxxxxxx
da chegada para a nossa empresa de segurança. No entanto, nós não queremos que o seu envio para a pessoa errada, o que é urgentemente recomendado este Gabinete para enviar cópias digitalizadas dos seguintes documentos como prova de identificação: Passaporte ou RG
Por favor, note que antes de dois dos nossos agentes de entrega vai continuar a ser tratada no Brasil para a entrega de seu pacote. Você deve depositar imediatamente a quantia de R$3,500 ( Três mil e quinhentos reais ) para o custo de manuseio e pagamento de impostos e IVA em relação ao pacote na sede da empresa de segurança regional no Brasil.
Você deve fazer o pagamento o mais rápido possível, para facilitar a entrega de hoje. Depois de fazer o pagamento, por favor, envie-nos uma cópia da análise do seu recebimento através de anexos de e-mail para que os nossos agentes de entrega de proceder imediatamente à sua porta para a entrega de sua remessa / pacote para resolver.
Por favor, faça o pagamento imediato por Banco Itua . utilizando os dados da equipe de contabilidade da seguinte empresa:
NOME: Miss Oorani Phonsuwan
Agencia 8857
Conta 19573-2
Cpf 23922791875
Aguardando sua resposta, espero que seja um serviço longo e significativo para você.
NOTA: Tenha em atenção que, se você não efetuar o depósito no prazo de 48 horas após receber esta mensagem, seu pacote será transferido para o escritório da polícia federal no aeroporto, enquanto nós cancelamos o nome da nossa empresa fora do seu pacote e retornamos ao nosso destino . É aconselhável proceder imediatamente com o pagamento para evitar um caso com a polícia federal brasileira. Como o seu pacote está atualmente sob a supervisão do serviço aduaneiro brasileiro e será transferido para a polícia federal em caso de falha no depósito. Sua informação pessoal completa é com o departamento de alfândega. esteja avisado
quinta-feira, 22 fevereiro 2018, de Martin albert
Olá, minha querida,
Como você está hoje? Devo agradecer-lhe por fornecer seu endereço de e-mail. Eu tenho que admitir que você é uma mulher muito legal. Eu gosto de você e eu acredito que nossa reunião não foi por acaso ou acidente, mas foi predestinada por Deus para que juntos pudéssemos descobrir o plano de Deus para nós dois. Alguns dos meus colegas encontraram sua alma gêmea neste site onde eu conheci você, e hoje eles estão felizes casados vivendo juntos. Um deles me ajuda a criar uma conta neste site. Estou planejando mudar-me para Barzil no mês que vem depois da minha aposentadoria. É por isso que estou à procura da mulher certa e acredito que encontrei você. Por favor, quero que você seja muito sério e me diga o que você acha. Por favor, eu gostaria de conhecer seus nomes, seu trabalho, você tem filhos. Conte-me sobre você.
Mais uma vez meu nome é Albert Martin, tenho 56 anos. Um nativo do Mount Savage, Maryland, Estados Unidos da América. Estou feliz em encontrá-lo no meu presente e eu gostaria de estar associado a você, o que desejo é simplesmente em seu atributo e devo trazer o amor ao meu mundo de novo porque sou um pai solteiro. Perdi minha esposa há três anos em um acidente de carro. Tenho um que tem 14 anos. O nome do meu filho é Barry, ele é um menino bom e inteligente e eu levo-o em alta estima porque ele é minha cópia de carbono.
Eu sou um exército americano trabalhando em Cabul, a capital do Afeganistão, mas iremos para casa no próximo mês depois da minha aposentadoria. Eu acredito no amor porque foi um espírito ferido e quebrado, eu não tenho nenhum relacionamento após a morte de minha esposa porque eu tenho estado ocupado na cidade de Cabul lutando contra o Talibã, para restaurar a paz no Afeganistão. Eu quero que você entenda que o Amor não tem barreira de cores, nenhuma barreira educacional, nenhuma barreira socioeconômica, religião, idioma, idade, nacionalidade ou barreira à distância, o único importante é o amor e a compreensão e, em pouco tempo, seremos ficando juntos pela graça especial de Deus
Geralmente há um sorriso no meu rosto e fui abençoado. Eu tenho minha própria parte dos contratempos na vida, mas apesar de tudo, eu nunca deixo de ser grato a Deus por suas misericórdias na minha vida e em todas as experiências a que fui exposto. Eu sou um homem divertido amoroso, jovial, gentil, adorável e apaixonado. Gosto de me divertir, trabalhar, viajar, brincar e sorrir. Penso em mim mesmo como inteligente, mas inofensivo. Meus hobbies incluem jogging, música, passeios a cavalo, viajar, nadar, cozinhar etc. Estou à procura de uma mulher a quem eu amarei, e também a mulher com quem eu possa passar o resto da minha vida. Eu acredito que a felicidade de um homem nunca será completa até que haja uma mulher ao lado dele, eu quero alguém que esteja feliz com sua vida. alguém que está disposto a compartilhar suas vidas comigo e posso compartilhar minha vida com ela e juntos estaremos felizes para sempre. Espero que você seja a mulher certa para mim, e espero que nossa reunião abra as portas das bênçãos e afeições nas nossas vidas. Por favor verifique em anexo, você verá minhas fotos. E também sinta-se livre para me falar sobre você e também enviar suas fotos para mim
Desejo-lhe o melhor e espero ouvir sua opinião assim que receber este e-mail
Obrigado Albert Martin abraço
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scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov |
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scammers stolen pictures from Alexey Lushnikov |
De : ubabank money
Envoyé le : Ma, 21 Fév 2018
Sujet : Update from UBA about your transfer from
TEL : +221 773559927
FAX :00221338206020
Attention Sir.
The United Bank for Africa (UBA) has received your information which has enabled our ATM card department to facilitate your ATM processing and posting to your destination.We are writing to inform you that your fund has been transferred into the ATM which associated with a Visa Credit card. Our Visa/Master ATM card is been accessed from all over the world. The said fund has been credited into your ATM card which will grant you access to withdraw a Minimum of $100 dollar for the first day of your withdrawal. Once you withdraw this amount from your ATM card, you will scan the ATM payment receipt to our bank for the conformation of your successful withdrawal to enable our bank to upgrade your card to daily limit of $10.000 dollar. Now you are expected to send to our bank your complete POSTAL ADDRESS and an amount of
for the posting fee of your ATM card by the Delivery Courier Service (DHL)and for SAVE DELIVERY. Once we receive this amount from you with your postal address, we will immediately post the ATM card to you and will furnish you with your secrete pin code for assessment which will arrive to you in a space of three working days or less depend on the distance. The tracking number from the DHL will also be giving to you for your acknowledgement in monitoring the parcel through DHL systems. Our information to receive money through our departmental Western Union is as following below...
Name-----james jacob
Zip Code :+221
Address: Route des Almdie Zone 12,
Head Office Uba House
Once you make this payment to this above information, You are advise to scan to our bank the payment receipt from the Western Union.
Fund Transfer Officer
United bank For Africa (UBA)
Dr. james jacob (UBA)
TEL :+221.773559927
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : john matthew
A: undisclosed-recipients:;
Envoyé le : Ma, 20 Fév 2018
Sujet : My Dear, about your ATM card from, contact :
My Dear
This is to bring to your notice that bank of Africa Senegal agent in Dakar with of a surprise gift the amount $450,000,00 from directed in cash ATM Master card credited to file KTU/ 9043118302/03 to you by the me before left to uk . i have done my best to make sure that i secure the draft for you but right now is under the care of bank of Africa Senegal Head Office. So right no w they have agreed to transfer it to you through ATM Master Card, I have done this with the Help of Senegal Law there my dear . The money could not be sent to you due to allocated security code.since the bank of Africa Senegal has approval to send the said cash through Master Card .to you I also want to let you know that i have been in contact with the bank of Africa Senegal about this and You have to follow all the Instructions on this. I was unable to complete this as a result of non-availability of your informations at hand. So you are required to send your information to effect this post. to you so send your
AGE :..................
PHONE :................
COUNTRY :..............
ID card :.............
In order to resolve this problem,ensure that you send an email to bank of Africa Senegal Solicitors Fund Verification Department with the following email address
Try to contact the bank of Africa Senegal today with this email. As soon as this information is received by the bank ATM Master Card agent, the Money shall be sent to you via ATM Master card or from t he bank of Africa Senegal Transferring Bank.
My Dear , try to mail to the bank of Africa in Senegal today :
God bless you and my regarding to you
Yours sincerely,
Rev. Father John Matthew
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I am interested on this property you post on for sale please confirm if is still available and get back to me with the details
Mrs.Miraj Abdul-Tawwab
Greetings My Dear Friend,
Traore Ahmed -
Greetings My Dear Friend,
Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax mail and I urge you to treat it serious.This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidentiality of this business and I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. Please this is not a joke and I will not like you to joke with it ok,With due respect to your person and much sincerity of purpose, I make this contact with you as I believe that you can be of great assistance to me. My name is Mr. Ahmed Traore, from Burkina Faso, West Africa. I work in Bank Of Africa (BOA) as telex manager, please see this as a confidential message and do not reveal it to another person and let me know whether you can be of assistance regarding my proposal below because it is top secret.Please Kindly Reply My Private Email Address (
I am about to retire from active Banking service to start a new life but I am skeptical to reveal this particular secret to a stranger. You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially because we are not going to suffer again in life. It has been 10 years now that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the continent. Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transferring to foreign accounts, so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers were being closed after transfer. I acted as the Bank Officer to most of the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act; I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control. They laundered over $5billion Dollars during the process.
Before I send this message to you, I have already diverted ($10.5million Dollars) to an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank. The bank is anxious now to know who the beneficiary to the funds is because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more than Eight years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas. The ($10.5million Dollars) has been laying waste in our bank and I don’t want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver (a foreigner). The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you. There is no one coming to ask you about the funds because I secured everything. I only want you to assist me by providing a reliable bank account where the funds can be transferred.
You are not to face any difficulties or legal implications as I am going to handle the transfer personally. If you are capable of receiving the funds, do let me know immediately to enable me give you a detailed information on what to do. For me, I have not stolen the money from anyone because the other people that took the whole money did not face any problems. This is my chance to grab my own life opportunity but you must keep the details of the funds secret to avoid any leakages as no one in the bank knows about my plans.Please get back to me if you are interested and capable to handle this project, I shall intimate you on what to do when I hear from your confirmation and acceptance.If you are capable of being my trusted associate, do declare your consent to me I am looking forward to hear from you immediately for further information.Please Kindly Reply My Private Email Address (
Thanks with my best regards.
Mr.Ahmed Traore.
Telex Manager
Bank Of Africa (BOA)
Burkina Faso.
CALL OR TEXT +1 (850) 781-0953
Attention Dear ATM Visa Card Owner,
I am Diplomat Lukas Powell, I want to inform you that I am instructed to deliver an ATM Card worth of $2.5 Million United States Dollars to you and i have successfully arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport New York with the ATM VISA CARD few minutes ago.
Right now, the package is undergoing clearance as required. The Airport authorities here in John F. Kennedy Airport held over your package they demanded for all the legal documents which proves that the ATM Card rightfully belongs to the owner whose Name appear on the ATM Card.
I have submitted all the legal documents I have with me to them. So right now you are required by the Airport Authorities to present this ATM Card clearance certificate which will be issued to you from our head office in Benin Republic to make this prove i presented to them complete for immediate delivery to your door step.
Your Full Name:
Your City and Country:
Your Direct Telephone Numbers:
Your Current Home Address:
Your Current Occupation:
Your age:
Your Email:
Call or text me, once you receives this message as I really needed to communicate with you so that i will be able to deliver this ATM Card to you as soon as possible. Phone: +1 (850) 781-0953
Diplomat Mr. Lukas Powell
DHL Express Courier Company, Dispatching Agent.
Phone: +1 (850) 781-0953
Greetings to you in the name of our lord,
Rev Fr Curtis Michael por
Greetings to you in the name of our lord,
I am Rev Fr .Curtis Michael a Priest in Vatican City; i want you to do a work for me for this is my last wish. I have made out an ATM Visa Card on your
name worth of $6.5Million, i want you to distribute part of the money in the ATM Visa card to the less privileged people across the globe for i have made a mistake that will cost me my life as a matter of fact.
The Pope has sent me on humanitarian trip to Accra Ghana several times, on certain occasion, i met a group of Gold Miners businessmen who asked me to use part of the humanitarian money to execute Gold business with them and that i can return the money to the church funds after the conclusion, i executed the transaction with them and at the end of several transactions, i retained the sum of $6.5Million, they helped me opened an account there in Accra Ghana where i lodged all the money into ATM Visa Card.
Now they have started hunting me and blackmailing that if i don't give them the money that they will implicate me to the Vatican that i run a personal account and that i am using the church funds made for humanitarian jobs to run personal business, they persuaded me to help now they have taken an advantage of me, and If i try to pay them any ransom they will end up asking me to provide church funds which they knew that i have access to, i will Not live to face this shame so please, do what i said with part of this money and use part to take care of your family/business.
I know that i will not live to bear this shame but as for them, they remain cursed. I can never allow them touch that money that's why i have made out ATM Visa Card on your name and have also written letter of authority enabling you to use the funds without any problem and to protect you from the law.
I have handed the ATM Visa Card to Bro,Fred Matins, contact him with your address and details to pick up the ATM Visa Card, and please don't ever reveal what happened to me or this letter to anyone.
Contact persons:
Bro, Fred Matins
Sister Rita Benson
E-mail Address :(
Do not tell anyone what happened to me because if they hear
This story, they will try to sit on the money. May the Lord be with you
As you do this job.
Mrs.Joyce Alene -
Compliment of the day to you. I am Mrs.Joyce Alene I am sending this brief
letter to solicit your partnership to transfer $10.7 Million US
Dollars. I shall send you more information and procedures when I
receive positive response from you. please send me a message in my
Email box and here is my ( ). I am waiting to hear from you.
Best Regards,
Mrs.Joyce Alene
Mrs. Munira Mustafa Al-Qadi,<> ->
Dear …
I am looking to put big money in any business opportunity in your country and I need your partnership.
But before I can give details, I want we talk first on the phone to have trust between us because of many internet cheaters.
You can give me your phone number to call you. Or you can call to my secured France line to discuss …. +33 75 394 3372.
Thanking you sincerely for your kindness.
Mrs. Munira Mustafa Al-Qadi,
Wife of Sami Anan, Egypt’s Chief of Staff, in prison in Egypt.
(Maybe you already know my husband's problems with government. Or maybe you check in the google to know).
Responder Para -
Mrs Christine Lagarde -
Attention: Dear Beneficiary,
The INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the current president of the United State's his Excellency President Donald Trump to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the likes.
We Apologize for the delay of your payment and all the Inconveniences and hiccups that we might have caused you. However, we were having some minor problems with our payment system, which is Inexplicable, and have held us stranded and Indolent, not having the Prerequisite to devote our 100% endowment in accrediting foreign payments.
Now, all modalities regarding your fund release has been put in place and your total sum of $2.7(Two Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) has been uploaded into an ATM Card with a custom pin based which you will use to withdraw up to $12,000 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years time which is 2021. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer your funds to your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it. Even if you do not have a bank account.
It is my pleasure to inform you that your ATM Master Card has been registered with DHL Express Courier for delivery to your resident address and it is estimated to be delivered in next 2-3 working days. You are therefore advised to contact DHL Courier office in Chicago IL so that they can issue to you the delivery tracking information which will enable you to monitor the movement of the delivery until it finally arrives to your door steps. Reconfirm to them your delivery information such as
Your Full Name:
Full Address:
Personal Email or Fax
Phone number:
country:. Below is their contact information;
DHL-Courrier express
11601 West Touhy Avenue, Building 895, Upper Express Drive
Chicago, IL 60666
TEXT ONLY+14784011827
Congratulations, your long awaited fund will now be delivered to you with without further delay.
Yours Faithfully,
MR Robert Brown -
i am Mr Robert Brown The White House Delivery Agent and I am written to inform you
about your Bank Cheque Draft brought by the United Embassy from the government
of Benin Republic in the white house Washington DC
The Check Have Been Maandated to be deliver to your address as soon as you get
back to me with The Following Details
Home address_____________
Cell phone number_______
Call Or Message Me Once You Read Off My Email (850) 462-2894
thanks For Your Understanding
MR Robert Brown (
I am surprise that you did not get my first mail to you.
sharon windmull -
Address:11 New Square, Lincoln's Inn London WC2A 3QB
DX: 319, London Uk .
I am surprise that you did not get my first mail to you.
I am Barr. Sharon Windmull want to inquire from you, If you can handle a
financial transaction (Investment) of {$45.2M USD} with me which I
believe will benefit you and I.
I represented a client who passed on due a heart-related condition and
I believe with your assistance and for the reason that you share the
same last name with my client, we can receive the investments/deposits
of my deceased client ($45.2M USD) which he left in the Bank of East
Asia before his death.
Please i will like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and
delete if you are not interested.
Please note,area of investing (REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION).
Please get back to me ASAP.Please you can send
your mail to my private mailbox-
Yours faithfully,
Barr. Sharon Windmull
Your Bank Transfer
Mrs. Carl Joan <
I waited for your message as you told me with none received. Remember,
i supposed to have traveled last night but the weather is too bad. I
will be leaving to Paraguay tomorrow.
Meanwhile, contact the Bank manager with below address, i
have kept the cheque with them at amount of USD2.5 million.
Here is Bank contact information:
Name Of Manager: Dr Henry Cosh
Thank you.
Congratulations You've Won A Prize, Really No Joke I Swear
Abura Tour
Congratulations You've Won A Prize, Really No Joke I Swear
Car Gift I Swear To God
İphone X Model 4 Pcs Gifts And We Will Send You.
Real Not A Joke I Swear
Turkey Companys: Turk Telekom İnternational
There's No Truth
Then Write Them
I Swear I'm Going To Send
Money Gram And Western Union 4500 Dolar Pays
Let's Send Your Gift.
I'il Keep İt On My Word.
We Don't Joke With Us We Are Writing From Turkey And I Swear İt's All Real I Believe İn Jesus
We Have Another Gift
1)Your Full Name
2)Your Address
3)Your Telephone Number/Numbers
4)A Scan Copy Of Your İdentity Card
Fraud İs Lying To Us We Are A Company İn Turkey We
De : Dhl Office
Envoyé le : Me, 21 Fév 2018
Sujet : €320 posting fees about your ATM card from Miss Katherine Beatty
DHL Global Forwarding Dakar,
Mermoz Pyrotechnie, Lot no. 2
Bp 16840 Dakar Fann
Dakar, Senegal
Tel . +221 706763558
Be inform that your ATM Master card package from Miss Katherine Beatty with registration receipt of our office data is here with us in our office in your favor and be also inform that we are ready to give to you our best of service as we have been subjected to act on your behalf and be rest assured that we will give to you our best of service and shall apply all legal terms to guarantee our efficiency in your posting to adequately mobilize us on this assignment, you are hereby required to send us our posting charges of
€320 euros
urgently to enable us post your master card package to you immediately without any delay. We wait your immediate response with your informations below to enable us proceeds immediately with the posting of your Master Card as we were directed.
Id. card.............
post code..........
USE THIS INFORMATION BELOW IN SENDING OUR POSTING FEES THROUGH WESTERN UNION OR MONEY GRAM for us to get it the same day to post your master card immediately without delay know it that it will take 3 working days for you to receive your parcel at your door step.
AMOUNT................................€320 euros
Dr. Collins Dolph Hossam
Hi Dear,
Jacob janice <>
para Cco:mim
Hi Dear, Am Janice from France, I have this urgent discussion with you, very important. Reply me now to my id at ( (
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : United Nation
Envoyé le : Me, 21 Fév 2018 18:50
Sujet : To get your compensation cheque, contact :,
UN Visitor Centre
Department of Public Information
United Nations Headquarters
Room DHL-1B-154
New York, NY 10017
United Nations Compensation Unit,
in affiliation with World Bank
Our ref. : UN/WBO/042UK/2018
Congratulations Beneficiary,
How are you today ? I hope all is well with you and family.
You may not understand why this mail came to you. We have been having a meeting for the past 7 months which just ended few days ago with the secretary to the UNITED NATIONS. This email is to all the people that have been scammed. UNITED NATIONS in affiliation with WORLD BANK have agreed to compensate them with the sum of USD 1.5 millions. This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc. We found your name in the list of those who are to benefit from these compensation exercise and that is why we are contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed. You are advised to contact Dr. Patrice Teme of our paying center in Africa, as he is our representative in Nigeria, contact him immediately for your cheque/ international bank draft of
USD 1.5 millions.
This fund is in form of a bank draft for security purpose. So he will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of your choice. Therefore, you should send him your name and phone number, mailing address where you want him to send the cheque to you. Contact Dr. Patrice Teme of MAGNUM PLC PAYMENT CENTER with your payment code : ST/DPI/829 immediately for your cheque at the given address below :
+ 234-817-008-4240
I apologize on behalf of my organization for any delay you might have encountered in receiving your fund in the past. You are required to contact the above person and furnish him with the following of your information that will be required to avoid any mistakes :
1. Name :
2. Mobile :
3. Address :
4. Age/Occupation :
5. identification:
Congratulations, and I look forward to hear from you as soon as you confirm your payment
Thanks and God bless you and your family.
Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your cheque.
Making the world a better place.
Attention please
Mr Benjamin <>
Attention: Dear Customer
Welcome to Western Union Money Transfer Agent, We wish to inform you that the IMF have release your fund sum of $3,5 million US dollars issued on your name the money was deposited with us in this Office as MTCN credit card, we shall be sending the money to you everyday $5000.00usd until we complete the total payment.
We are very glad to inform you that we have processed your first payment of $5000.00usd, but bare it in mind that the $5000.00usd will not be given to you except you pay for service charges which is $200, you have to pay the money through Money Gram to the information we give you here, then after confirm the payment of $200 from you, we shall release your first $5000.00usd to enable you pick it up and get back to us for the second payment,As you can see here is the MTCN Number of your first payment which we credited for you today, track it with our website: , to confirm that your payment is available.
1)Senders Name: Holly Waldon
2)MTCN Number: 7298423178
3)Amount: $5000.00 USD.
Track it with our website: or you can call this number to confrim the payment of the MTCN Tel: 1-800-325-6000
Note that on your reply this massage make sure you send the full information Remember that the full details you can use to pick up this first payment will be send to you once we receive the transfer charge of $200, You have to treat urgent by reconfirming your full information to us immediately you receive this massage to enable us start the process of your payment immediately.
1.Your Full Name. .
2.Your Address. .
3.Your Tel Number. .
4.Occupation. . . .
5.Country. .
6.City. . . . .
7.Age. . . . .
These are the information about your money you can go to any western union to pick up the money, don' t forget that you have to settle for the transfer charge before we can give the full information of your first payment of $5000.00 usd we waiting to receive the above information from your so that we can direct you where to send the transfer charge of $200 which is only delay now, Kindly use this information to send the transfer charge.
Receiver Name: CHIJIOKE MAKO
Country: Republic Du Benin
City: Cotonou Benin
Country zip code: 00229
Amount to send: $200.
Senders Name:. . .?
Mtcn Number:. . . ?
We looks forward to receive the transfer charge together with your full information, to enable us release this first $5000.00usd for you to pick it up and get back to us for the second payment ok. Call Tel: +229- 69266996
Get Back ASAP.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr Benjamin Mouhammed
Finance Minister,
Federal Republic Of Benin.
Direct:Telephone Number:+229- 69266996
Western Union®
Send Money Worldwide
Registered © 2006 - 2016 Western Union Money Transfer. All Right Reserved
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Your Compensation Cheque
Dr. Solomon Simpson -
Hello my good Friend
How are you this morning, I hope that you never forget me after all the process we went through in the past. I am very happy to inform you about my success in getting the transaction done with my new financier Japan. I' m presently now in Japan with my family and the new partner who help me out with his bank account, but I did not forget your effort and commitment, so I have issued a Certified check worth of $4,800, 000, 00 US Dollars and kept in care of my office secretary in Benin Republic because I'm currently in Japan with my family trying to establish some business here and possibly buy some properties.
So contact my secretary on his below data,
His name is Danel Smart
Cell phone: +22964175973
Also send him your following information for confirmation and release the Certified check to you.
1) Your Full Name/Address:________________
2) Country/City/Postal Code:____________
3) Your Telephone/Mobile Number:_____________
4) Your Marital Status/ Age/ Sex:______________
5) Your Occupation/Position In The Company:______________
6) A Copy Your Passport/ Drivers Licenses:____________
I instructed him to release the Certified check as soon as you contact him and also keep me posted to know when you receive it from him.
Am happy and thank GOD for his great miracle to my life and I want you to celebrate with me.
Thanks and God bless
Truly Yours,
DR. Solomon Simpon
De: Robert Bell -
Enviado: quarta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Re: Reply_
Hi xxxxx
Thank you for responding back to my mail.
My name is Mr. Bell and I am a staff of NatWest Bank, here in England attached to Investment Banking Services, I am contacting you concerning a customer and an investment placed under our banks management; as a matter of fact it was roughly 11 years ago. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail private and also to kindly respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this email. I contacted you independently and no one is informed of this communication; I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you and benefit the both of us. All I want is an honest business transaction between us. First, I will start by introducing myself. My full name is Robert Graeme Bell. I am a British citizen and I am currently working with NatWest Bank. I have been working here for 21 years now, and I have a good working record with my bank.
I am also the personal accountant to late Engr.Peter Cardoso, a foreign contractor who has a financial portfolio of 8,782,500 (Eight million, seven hundred and eighty-two thousand, five hundred Great British Pounds.) with indefinite interest with my bank. My late client was a chemical consultant contractor with Royal Dutch until his death in a fatal car accident while in France on sabbatical with his entire family. The accident unfortunately took the lives of the family members comprising of himself, his wife and two kids in the summer of 2007 may their soul rest in perfect peace. He banked with us here at NatWest Bank and the money in his account has still not been claimed by anybody as there was no living will in place when he died.
Since the death of my client; my bank and I have made several inquiries to his embassy to locate any of his extended family members or relatives but this has proven unsuccessful. I came to know about you in my search for a person who shares the same last name as my late client. I employed the services of Linkedin search solely for this purpose as I feel it would not have been the last wishes of my late client for his whole life work to be transferred to a government (Escheat) he had always complained of their unfavorable public monetary policies, taxes and so on while he was alive. My bank has issued me several notices to provide the next of kin or the account risk been es cheat within the next 10 official working days. The last notice for claim came to my desk last week. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind before they are declared unserviced by my bank. I am seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin of my late client since you share and bear the same last name. As such, the proceeds of the account can be paid to you as soon as you contact my bank and apply for the funds to be released to you as the next of kin. If we can be of one accord, I see no reason why we would not succeed. We both have to act swiftly on this matter in other to beat the deadline es cheat date.
My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position whereby an instruction is given to officially release the deposit to you as the closest surviving associate, and all etiquette shall be done in accordance with the rule of banking law, I certainly can guarantee you that, by the common law, the power of bequeathing is coeval with the first rudiments of the law, and this power has been extended to all. There is no ruling which prevents an inheritance from being so exhausted by legacies as to render it unworthy of the heir's acceptance; basically all persons of sound mind are competent to bequeath and devise real and personal estate, excepting infants, with all this I would say we have the clear advantage to carry out a smooth and perfect operation whereby the paper work shall be coordinated in such a way that your status as a sole beneficiary is confirmed. Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half and no more; that is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you; afterwards we share the proceeds in two equal parts.
I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit, but on the other hand, you as a foreigner would easily pass as the beneficiary with the rights to claim, I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you in a few days. I will simply inform our bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer, and instruct them to release the deposit to you; with these two things: all is done. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and me from breaching UK laws. I will attach my international Passport ID in my next mail for authenticity so we have equal ground to trust each other. If you are interested in my proposal I will send you more information directing, you on further procedure on how we can claim the money in the account successfully. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences might be, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold, this is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients; do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord I shall have the pleasure of meeting you, after this task has been completed. The content of this mail should be treated with utmost confidentiality and a quick response from you will be highly appreciated. However, if you are not interested in this proposal, please accept my apologies for sending you the message and kindly delete message, I promised that you will never hear from me. I anticipate your co-operation.
Thanks for your time and do have a great day.
Mrs Selima Aroua -
sex 16-02-2018
Dear ,
I am glad today when I read your message,fearing not i am good and honest God fearing person,meanwhile i hope you also understand my health situation,presently i am hospitalized suffering from cancer and I have short time to live,
Therefore the reason why i decided to donate this fund as a donation to charities and need’s is to support the Charities, Orphanages and cancer researchers for the solution to treat those who are suffering from this disease,
In this reason i really need a serious person who will be able to hand this fund and use it for its purpose, as i promised God, This means that the person must be a good and God's fearful person who will really accomplish this mission in the name of God,
Therefore if i may ask, are you sure that you will be capable to handle this fund and use it for its purpose??
The reason why i am asking this because you must know that there are so many bad things happening through this internet communication of a thing, so many bad people and cheaters who wish to profit from other peoples hard aim funds to survive on their own, therefore because of this i am afraid to trust people, but i can only put everything in the hand of God, because he who will make me to trust him or her and I accept to move this fund to him or her hoping that the person will use this fund to accomplish its purpose and along the line it turns to be a cheating or fraud to me, Know that God Almighty will never forgi wethat person,
So if you know that really you are a good and honest God fearing person, and you are really ready to use this fund to accomplish its purpose, Please let me know clearly by given me your word and full assurance of your honest and trustworthy for me to believe and trust in you,
As you can see i am here laying in the hospital bed waiting for my day to come so that i will go and have rest in the Lord, because i am tired of this sickness with much pains, Therefore if i can trust and count on you, kindly let me know in your next mail please
As soon as i hear from you again i will tell you more,
My special greetings to you and your families
Yours faithful
Mrs. Selima Aroua
Good Day
Mrs. Carman L. Young {Under-Secretary-General} -
My name is Dr Patrice G. Talon the President Benin Republic
I'm here for your United Nation (UN) compensation Worth $8.5 million USD in our indedctable account here in Benin republic.
Now your Fund has converted into ATM card and every arrangement to conveyed your Fund to you has made via DHL company overnight shipping to your address.
Please Today I'm in the office the reconfirmation of your Information as follows
1. Your Name which you prefer we use when shipping your Check
2. Your Current mailing (Delivery) Address where your Check should be mailed
3. Your Private Mobile Number for the Priority Express Mail to Contact
you when they arrive at your door step.
This is needed for the proper registration of your File
Once again, we are sorry for the inconveniences you might have encountered in the past, in pursuit of your funds. Now that this
office, Fund Reconciliation Department is involved, you will have no cause to ever regret again as soon as you adhere to the above given
Contact my Special Advisor Hon.John Douglas here's his email{ }Tell +229 69055129 he will give you the procedure and affect your service to your home address by DHL delivery company.
Yours faithfully
His Excellency Patrice Talon
President rupbulic du Benin.
Mrs. Carman L. Young {Under-Secretary-General} -
Urgent Sergeant Monica Brown
Sergeant Monica Brown - por
Greetings to you,
I know my message will come to you as a surprise but want you to know that am contacting you for business partnership.I really wish to have you as my good friend/partner and wishes to hand over my funds to you for investments on trust. I will like to use this opportunity to let you know about me, I am Sergeant Monica Lin Brown serving in U.S Military Base in
Afghanistan, I have a total sum of $3.5 Million US dollars I wish to use the funds for investments that is why I seek for your assistance to be my partner.I have contacted you in good heart and the main reason why I have decided to entrust all this funds to you is because I am a military officer, we are not permitted to transact business that is why I request that you help me to invest the fund, I want us to use the total fund for our investment with you while you take control of all investments. I am offering you 30% share of the total funds, I will be coming to meet with you later as soon as I have vacation, although I have more interest on real estate.
Note that the whole process is very simple and we must keep a low profile at all times and I want all our communications to remain on emails for now. ( )
I look forward to your reply and co-operation.
Warm Regards,
Sergeant Monica Brown
Mr.Issac Mathew <> -
My Dear Friend,
Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax mail and I urge you to treat it serious. This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidentiality of this business and I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. Please this is not a joke and I will not like you to joke with it ok, with due respect to your person and much sincerity of purpose, I make this contact with you as I believe that you can be of great assistance to me. My name is Mr.issac Mathew, from Burkina Faso, West Africa. I work in United Bank for Africa (UBA) as telex manager, please see this as a confidential message and do not reveal it to another person and let me know whether you can be of assistance regarding my proposal below because it is top secret.
I am about to retire from active Banking service to start a new life but I am skeptical to reveal this particular secret to a stranger. You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially because we are not going to suffer again in life. It has been 10 years now that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the continent. Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transferring to foreign accounts, so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers were being closed after transfer. I acted as the Bank Officer to most of the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act; I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control. They laundered over $5billion Dollars during the process.
Before I send this message to you, I have already diverted ($18million Dollars) to an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank. The bank is anxious now to know who the beneficiary to the funds is because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more than Eight years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas. The ($18million Dollars) has been laying waste in our bank and I don’t want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver (a foreigner). The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you. There is no one coming to ask you about the funds because I secured everything. I only want you to assist me by providing a reliable bank account where the funds can be transferred.
You are not to face any difficulties or legal implications as I am going to handle the transfer personally. If you are capable of receiving the funds, do let me know immediately to enable me give you a detailed information on what to do. For me, I have not stolen the money from anyone because the other people that took the whole money did not face any problems. This is my chance to grab my own life opportunity but you must keep the details of the funds secret to avoid any leakages as no one in the bank knows about my plans. Please get back to me if you are interested and capable to handle this project, I shall intimate you on what to do when I hear from your confirmation and acceptance. If you are capable of being my trusted associate, do declare your consent to me I am looking forward to hear from you immediately for further information.
Thanks with my best regards.
Mr.Issac Mathew (
URGENT response needed
Miss Rita Benson -
Hello my dear.
Thanks for your attention and I pray that my decision to contact you
will be given genuine approval. My name is Rita Benson. I'm 24years
old and the only daughter of my Late Father. I humbly write to seek
for your partnership and assistance in the transfer and investment of
my inheritance funds amount (US$6,500,000.00) from my late father who
died mysteriously. I wait your response for more details. I will
offer you 40% of the proceed with this transaction, you will
be required to contact me to this
Email;dressa -
Your urgent response will be appreciated.
Best Regards
Enviado: segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Attention: Mr xxxxxxxxx
Telephone: +447024095897,+447035968986
Address:36 St Andrew Square, Scotland, EH2 2YB, United
DATE:19-02- 2018
Attention: Mr xxxxxxx
In view of your request for claims, closure and transfer of US$7.3 Million belonging to late Dr Federick Gary, Ivory Coast
nationality. Inquiries have been made and your information coincided with the one we have in our records based on the reports before the payment verification board. Be informed that before we can effect further transfer, we need to receive the following proofs from you to ascertain that you have been nominated by his next of kin Miss. Jennifer, Gary
(A.) A power of attorney permitting you to claim and transfer of the fund to your
bank account on her behalf. This document must be endorsed by a Senegalese resident lawyer.
(B.)A copy of the deposit certificate of the account issued to her late father by our bank.
(C.) The death certificate of (Her deceased father) confirming the death.
(D.) A scanned copy of your Identity.
(E.) An affidavit of oath from the Senegalese High Court.
(F.) Letter of probate from the High Court of Justice in Senegal where Miss. Jennifer, Gary is residing.
(G.) Send your bank account information where you wish to receive the fund.
As requested the entire fund could be transferred to your account on her behalf on receipt of the above mentioned documents issued by a Senegalese High Court of Justice. You are advise to arrange an attorney or you simple ask your partner to get an attorney for you to procure all these documents for you urgently to enable us effect the transfer as she had earlier requested us to assist her as soon as
you contacted us. Note that the above are compulsory, and are needed to protect our interest,yours, the next of kin after the claims. These shall also ensure that a smooth, quick and successful transfer of the fund is made. These information are urgently on receipt of this mail so that we can create your Fund Transmission File with the Data Processing Department and International Payment Office/Telex Services Dept respectively. We promise to give our customers the best of our services. Kindly confirm the receipt of this message for our record purpose
Should you have any question(s),please contact our Foreign Operational-director- Sir Steve Robson(Dr), through his , Via Phone for more
Telephone number :+447012913392 +447968924544,+447024095897,
Fax number :+447031970059 directives/clarifications. or Office Telephone Numbers.:
Yours Faithfully,
Mr (Dr) Lewis Phil and Mr Rayan Cunningham. (Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer Dept).
This web site is intended for the information of residents of the United Kingdom. Royal bank of Scotland plc Life Assurance Limited (SC286833), Royal Bank Life Bank plc (SC173685), Royal Bank Life Client Management Limited (SC193444) and Royal Bank Life Savings Limited (SC180203) are all registered in Scotland at Royal Bank Life House, 36 Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2 Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH. Royal Bank Life Investments Limited (SC123321) and Royal Bank Life Investments (Mutual Funds) Limited (SC123322) are both registered in
Scotland at 1 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LL. Royal Bank Life Health care Limited is registered in England London (02123483) at Marshall Point, 4 Richmond Gardens, BournemouthBH1 1JD. All companies authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority ( except for Royal Bank Life Bank plc's "Buy to Let" mortgages
"Your Compensation Payment From UNITED NATIONS!!!!!!" has been
When Wednesday, 21 February 2018
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time - Dublin / Edinburgh / Lisbon / London
Message Rev. Dr. Abdul Fahim From (UNITED NATIONS). The U.S.A Government World Bank I.M.F And United Nations Organization, this is to inform you of your long overdue Payment outstanding in our records. We saw your name in the Central Computer among list of unpaid inheritance claims individuals and have to update your information's through this email contact for immediate confirmation. Your name appeared among the beneficiaries who will receive a part-payment of the sum of $1.5Million USD to you, Credited to Online Bank ATM Card account that was set up for you in World Bank and it has been approved already months ago. However we received an email from one (MR. BRIGHT HOFFMAN) who told us That he is your next of kin and that you died in a car accident last four months back. He has also submitted his contact information's to the office department for the delivery of your ATM Card to him as your inheritor. We are now verifying by contacting your email address as we have in our Bank records before we can make the delivery to him and for us to conclude confirmation if you are dead or not. Please, confirm response immediately to us before our action release your ATM Card to him against your name listed out. Upon this, I request you send your full personal information as soon as possible to our ATM Card Payment Center to enable them finalize with the delivery of you ATM Card to you. Your Full Names:_____________ Contact Address:_____________ Mobile Phone:_____________ Home Phone:_____________ Fax:_____________ Occupation:_____________ Marital Status:_____________ Age:_____________ In order to resolve this problem, Please contact ( Our ATM Card Payment Center).immediately for the delivery of your ATM Card via their below contact. Contact Person: Mr.g ( Payment Center Managing DE-mail :( Contact Number:+229 9936 4277. This Department is incharge of the delivery of your ATM Card. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This E-Mail is intende
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