está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
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Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
De: "Major H. Ann Mae"
Data: 19 de fev de 2018
Assunto: I'm Ann Hester Mae and you?
Para: "Major H. Ann Mae">
Nice to meet you, I'm from United State of American, which country are you from? I'm Hester Mae Ann, a US Army, I just wanted to say hi, be kind and reply me,have a nice time with you
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De: Paul Brown /
Assunto: Espero ouvir de você
Olá querido,
Estou feliz em saber de você!
Quero contar-lhe mais sobre mim. Meu nome é Paul Brown, nasci no dia
20 de agosto de 1977, sou solteiro, não casado. Meu pai faleceu. Ele
era originário de Estados Unidos da América. Eu nasci e cresci em NY.
Eu sou o único filho e filho da minha família. Eu moro aqui na
Polônia, é um país de minha escolha, de onde estou me comunicando com
você e trabalhando como oficial marinho e de segurança na autoridade
marítima dos EUA, com base em contrato aqui na Polônia e outros
Mamãe voltou para casa na Inglaterra com uma ajuda na casa e seu
motorista. Ela ama o ambiente lá e eu volto para casa para visitá-los
em férias. Meu falecido pai era um homem amável maravilhoso e um
Além disso, sou um homem divertido e amoroso que cuida da necessidade
dos outros. Adoro viajar e fazer compras. Eu gosto de ouvir música.
Nos fins de semana, eu uso para sair para se divertir, indo para o
lado do mar ter uma mente relaxante e ver o bom ar fresco do mar.
Adoro fazer compras nos fins de semana também e se tiver chance, eu
uso para viajar. Cozinho às vezes como eu gosto de cozinhar. Ser feliz
sempre me faz sentir jovem todos os dias. Estou tão feliz por minha
vida e realmente agradeço a Deus por toda a Sua benção na minha
família. antes de fechar esta carta, gostaria de dizer-lhe que para
fazer um relacionamento durar para sempre e ser estável, precisamos de
confiança, compreensão, devoção e motivação no coração, na minha
própria intenção, prometo ser fiel, honesto e mais cuidadoso para você
e ser o homem com quem você sempre sonhou, e reze sempre para que Deus
abençoe e faça crescer nosso amor, muito obrigado.
Espero ouvir de você em breve.
Com amor
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e : Anna Sigurlaung Palsdottir
Envoyé le : Di, 18 Fév 2018 1
Sujet : Please feel free to contact my Financial Adviser :
Happy Sunday
My fund is clean and non-criminal origin, therefore my Financial Adviser have been doing everything possible to move the funds out from the bank within the past few months but we are having challenges within the banking sector. My Financial Adviser have sorted out all the major Issues with the bank directors and they are currently making good arrangement to move the funds through a Canadian Company (Toronto Funding Incorporation) and this Canadian Company will be moving the fund through Private Secured Unlimited Master Card and the total Investment fund will be moved into this Private Secured Unlimited Master Card and you can withdraw a daily limit of 50,000 euros to 300,000 euros weekly from this Private Secured Unlimited Master Card which will be issued in your name as my Investor.
Please feel free to contact my Financial Adviser so he will explain everything clearly to you and we shall also proceed to finalize this transaction within this week as soon as possible:
Bank Consultant : R. R. Oswald
Nationality : British Citizen (United Kingdom)
Occupation: Hedge Fund Manager / Banking Consultant
Date of Born: April 4 ,1961
Direct Telephone: +44-745-205-3025,
Thanks for your understanding,
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Do fill out the claim form and forward it to
the below email address :
Mr. Mpho Tshabalala
TEL: +27-63-277-5021
Fax: +27- 86-601-6465
Obrigado pela resposta ao meu e-mail; Eu quero que você saiba que o meu motivo para entrar em contato com você é muito importante e muito legítimo. Por favor, leve isso a sério. Tudo o que quero é uma transação comercial honesta com você. Vou começar apresentando-me. Eu sou a Sra. Dalya Lev; Sou Diretor do First International Bank of Israel Ltd com (FIBI), filial de Tel Aviv, Israel. Eu tenho trabalhado com o PRIMEIRO BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE ISRAEL LTD (FIBI) nos últimos 11 anos.
Estou entrando em contato com você sobre a propriedade de um cliente falecido que teve um investimento colocado sob a administração do nosso banco. Solicito respeitosamente que você mantenha o conteúdo desse correio confidencial e respeite a integridade das informações que você recebeu em decorrência desse e-mail. Entre em contato com você de forma independente e ninguém está informado dessa comunicação.
No final de 2006, o assunto, Engr. Kelvin Uchôa chegou ao nosso banco para se envolver em discussões de negócios com nossa divisão de private banking. Ele nos informou que ele tinha uma carteira financeira de US $ 13 milhões (treze milhões de dólares dos EUA), que desejava que investiremos em seu nome depois de ter sido pago pelo seu contrato celebrado com a Oil Refineries LTD (ORL) Israel. Ele costumava trabalhar com a Oil Refineries LTD (ORL) aqui em Israel, como expatriado estrangeiro.
Com base no meu conselho, giram o dinheiro em torno de várias oportunidades e fizemos margens de juros atraentes para os nossos primeiros 2 anos de operação, os lucros e os juros acumulados chegaram a este ponto em US $ 609K (seiscentos e noventa dólares dos EUA) no final de 2010. Ele nos instruiu que a soma principal e os juros acumulados, Treze milhões, seiscentos e nove mil dólares ($ 13.609 milhões) seriam liquidados porque ele precisava fazer um investimento urgente. Ele ordenou que eu liquidasse os fundos e o depositei em uma empresa de consultoria de segurança com sede em Londres, Reino Unido. A empresa é uma empresa especialmente privada que aceita depósito de pessoas de alto patrimônio líquido e corporações de chip azul que lidam com produtos valiosos ou realizam transações que precisam de acesso imediato ao caixa.
Infelizmente, no dia 21 de abril de 2012, meu cliente / cliente estava envolvido em um acidente de carro ao longo de Yehuda Halevy St, Tel Aviv, Israel. Todos os ocupantes do veículo, infelizmente, perderam a vida. Ele também não mencionou um parente ou beneficiário em nossos registros, bem como os registros da empresa de segurança. Como seu gerente pessoal de contas e consultor financeiro, a empresa de segurança, bem como a administração do meu banco, estiveram em mim desde o ano passado até a data para fornecer um parente próximo ou beneficiário de sua propriedade. Infelizmente, ele morreu intestado, porque ele nem teve esposa nem filho enquanto estava vivo. Eu sinto que ele não cometeu um erro sobre isso; ele propositadamente queria que esse dinheiro fosse para a Caridade depois que ele morresse. No entanto, ele falhou em saber que, quando um que não tem parentes mais próximos ou o beneficiário morre, o Estado assume sua propriedade e tudo o que já trabalhou. O que proponho é que, como você compartilha o mesmo sobrenome com ele e, dado que tenho acesso exclusivo ao seu arquivo, você será beneficiário desses fundos e único executor em sua propriedade. Ninguém está ciente de seu dinheiro além de mim e com documentação adequada; podemos estabelecer que você é o único beneficiário autorizado.
Estou preparado para instruir a empresa de segurança a liberar o depósito para você como seu beneficiário. Um beneficiário pode ser legalmente designado para qualquer pessoa que não nomeie um parente mais próximo de uma propriedade. Eu sei que isso pode ser pesado para você, mas confie em mim sobre isso. No setor bancário, isso acontece diariamente, vemos tanto dinheiro e fundos sendo re-atribuídos diariamente. A outra opção é que o dinheiro retornará ao Estado para alguns funcionários corruptos do governo como eu mencionei anteriormente.
Não traia minha confiança; Tudo o que eu preciso é a sua cooperação honesta para nos permitir ver este acordo. Eu garanto que isso será executado sob um arranjo legítimo que eu vou proteger você e de qualquer violação de lei. Saiba que sou uma mulher hebraica e não mentirá por causa da minha religião e espero o mesmo de você. Então, lembre de forma gentil como informação privilegiada. Volte para mim imediatamente e forneça seus detalhes completos (Nome completo, endereço residencial, endereço do escritório, número de contato, ocupação, idade etc.). Se você é positivo, podemos fazer isso juntos.
Obrigado pela sua cooperação antecipada.
Ms. Dalya Lev
I sincerely apologize for my unsolicited letter to you, it is with deep sense of honor and respect that humbly make this proposition to you with the understanding that any fact or opinion expressed in this letter is absolutely confidential, if it interest you, i open my arms wide to do this contract business with you.
My name is Russel Ball, i work with a gold exploration company as their finance/purchase manager but am no longer happy working with my company because am being under-paid and each time i ask for salary increment i get indictment from the company board of directors but am glad to get your email address from your country's business directory to introduce you to a life time business opportunity for both of us.
Couple of months back i was on business trip to your country to purchase some chemicals we use to wash and purify gold but i was fortunate to meet a man from another country who introduced himself to me as the manufacturer of the very chemical who actually supply the company we buy from in your country. to my greatest surprise a tin of the chemical we buy $11500 per tin those manufacturer actually sells to them $6000 per tin making a profit of 5500$ per tin. i do not want my company to know that i have discovered the true source of the chemical hence my life changing opportunity.
Having considered the pros and cons in this business opportunity i seek your consent to present you to my boss as a new contractor/supplier of this chemical who is willing to sell to our company at the reduced rate of $10500 per tin and them link you up officially to the manufacturer of the chemical. so that you buy from the manufacturing company at the rate of $6000 and sell to our company at the rate of $10500 making a marginal profit of $4500 per tin. we might be needing about 5000 tins of this very chemical which is worth over $50million on or before 21th of next Month and it will be a continuous supply contract which will be awarded to you by our company. if we handle this carefully with trust and sincerity we stand to make a marginal profit of $4500 per tin if we get from them the manufacturer at the rate of $6000 and supply to my company at the rate of $10500.
Bear in mind that our company will remit the purchase funds to you as per contract so you don't have to worry about the purchasing funds because it is from the purchase funds my company will remit to you you will buy the chemical and share the profit between us. your role for now will be to stand as the new contractor and receive the purchase funds while i come over to your country we buy the chemical from the true manufacturer and share the profit 40% to you and 50% to me and 10% will be kept aside for the incorporation of this supply business in your country and to offset any incidental expenses
if you can handle this get back to me with your contact information as bellow,
1. Name in full-----------------------
2. House Address----------------------
3. Sex--------------------------- -----
4. Nationality/Religion---------- -----
5. Age--------------------------- -----
7. Occupation-------------------- -----
8. Position---------------------- ----
9. Phone/Fax--------------------- -----
10.A scanned copy of International Passport or any official I.D CARD
so that i can present it to my boss and discuss the award of the contract to you, send you my own contact detail and our company profile, we get to know each other for effective and detailed explanation and give you further guide line
Russel Ball
Responder para -
This is to inform you that the America Embassy office was instructed to transfer your fund $1.5Million U.S Dollars compensating all the SCAM VICTIMS and your email was found as one of the America security leading team and America representative officers so between today till 12th Of February 2018.
Security Alert: We're Issuing You a New ATM debit Card To Help receive your compensation fund and to Keep Your Information Safe ATM/debit card ending in 2496.
Please contact our financial Center with the following information
your name::::::::::::
Home address:::
Next of kin
phone number::::: ::::::::
Financial Manager: Mr. WILLIAM C.DUDLEY
Confidential Details.
Card #: 5535 5600 1645 2496
Cvv: 708
Valid Thru: 08/21
Pin code: 1708
Withdrawal instruction.
Your daily withdrawal must not exceed $5000 USD for security purpose and to avoid De-activating your account.
Best Wishes Bank of America United States
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Brian Moynihan (CEO)
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 United state
Through our intelligence reports I have discovered that your name and information has been listed among the people who have been scammed and in the process you have lost some huge amount of money.I wish to express our deepest heartfelt sympathy,therefore based on part of the Trump Transition package ,a one hundred and fifty thousand united states dollars($150,000) has been set outside to compensate you for this ugly experience.We need you to respond very quickly to this message and we shall direct and guide you on how to receive your own package from the Trump compensation funds.
You are to fill the following information bellow ok
Your Name....................
Home address..................
occupation .....................
next of kin.....................
phone number....................
Once again accept our concern.
Waiting to hear from you.
Accept my hearty congratulation again!
Yours Sincerely,
president USA
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 United state
Responder Para - FIRST LADY (
responder para -
Offre De Donnation
Mme Anne Marie PERIER <
Je m'appelle Mme Anne-Marie PERIER de nationalité française veuve âgée de 69 ans. Je vous contact pour un projet qui consistera à venir en aide aux personnes en situation difficiles car je vais mettre à votre disposition des moyens financiers pour le faire. Mon état de santé actuel ne me permet pas de réaliser le projet que j'envisage de faire. Je vous prie donc d'accepter cette offre que je veux mettre gracieusement à votre disposition. J'attends donc votre réponse à mon message sur mon mail privé.
Andrew G. McCabe -
Andrew G. McCabe
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in conjunction with other relevant Investigation Agencies here in the State have been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you have an on-going transaction with the Bank in African as regard to your over-due contract payment which was fully endorsed in your favour. It might interest you to know that we have taken time in screening through this project as stipulated on our protocol of operation and have finally confirmed that your contract payment is 100% genuine and hitch free from all facet and of which you have the lawful right to claim without any further delay. We will further advise that you go ahead and deal with the wood forest national accordingly as we will be monitoring all their correspondence with you.
In addition, also be informed that we recently had a meeting with the Executive director of Wood Forest National Bank, along with some of the top officials of the ministry regarding your case and they made us to understand that your file has been held in abase depending on when you personally apply for the claim. They also told us that the only problem they are facing right now is that some unscrupulous element are using this project as an avenue to scam innocent people off their hard earned money by impersonating.We were also made to understand that a lady with name of Mrs. Joan C. Bailey from CANADA has already contacted them and also presented to them all the necessary documentations evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally by you prior to the release of your contract fund valued at about US$8,000,000.00 (Eight million united states dollars).
More so, we were advised to warn our dear citizens who must have been informed of their contract payment from Bank of African, to be very careful prior to the on-going internet irregularities, so that they would not fall victim of ugly circumstances. In case they are already dealing with anybody or office from the Bank of African are strictly advised to STOP further communication with them in their best interest and thereby contact the real Wood Forest National Bank via the below information:
NAME: MR. Timothy Hicks
OFFICE ADDRESS: Wood Forest National Bank Ohio
Central Business District,
Cadastral Zone,OHIO
NOTE: In your best interest, you should ignore any message that does not come from the above email address and phone number for security reasons. Meanwhile, you are hereby advised to contact the Accountant in charge of your fund.via above details immediately and request for instant attention to your payment files as directed herein, so as to enable you receive your contract fund accordingly.
To enable them attend to your payment files, you are required to reconfirm and authenticate your personal data/particulars as listed below for onward processing and release of you fund as we will not be held liable for any wrong payment.
FULL NAMES: ______________________________ ____
CITY: _________________________
STATE: ______________________________ ____
ZIP: ______________
COUNTRY_______________________ _________
SEX: _______________
AGE: __________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER: _____________________
Ensure you follow all due process as required by Account office in order to hasten up the whole procedures of your fund transfer to your designated account. Bear in mind,that the WOOD FOREST NATIONAL BANK equally has an operational operandi (payment protocol) in line with international banking policy. So, you should adhere to avoid any delay which maybe detriment your fund transfer.
Once again, we hereby advise you to contact them via the above email address and make sure you forward to them all the necessary information which they may require from you prior to the release of your fund to you. All modalities have already been worked out and we will be monitoring all your dealings with the WFNB’s DIRECTOR in respect to your fund transfer. Thus, you have nothing to worry about as far as we the FBI is concerned.
Henceforth, you should always update us as to enable us be on track with you and the Wood Forest National Bank. Finally, we want you to contact them immediately via the above email address so as to enable them attend to your case accordingly without any further delay as time is already running out. Should you need more information(s) in regard to this notification, feel free to get back to us on this email address so that we can put you through and as well guide you during and after your successful actualization of this project.
Thank you very much for your anticipated co-operation in advance as we earnestly await your urgent response regards to this matter.
Best Regards,
Andrew G. McCabe
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building.
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C.
Responder para -
Hello Lovely
Gavin <>
My name is Gavin, from the US. I'm in Syria right now fighting IS. I want to get to know you better, if I may be so bold. I consider myself an easy-going man, and I am currently looking for a relationship in which I feel loved. Please tell me more about yourself, if you don't mind.
Hi Dear,
Mr.Charles Feeney -
Hi Dear,
My name is Charles Feeney, a philanthropist and the founder of The Atlantic Philanthropies, one of the largest private foundations in the world. I believe
strongly in ‘giving while living.’ I had one idea that never changed in my mind that you should use your wealth to help people and I have decided to secretly
give USD$12.9Million to randomly selected individuals worldwide. On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as the lucky individual. Your email
address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience, so I know your email address is valid.
Visit the web page to know more about me: Chuck_Feeney
responder para -
Greetings From The United Nations
Greetings From The United Nations
Your total fund which is ?10.5 million will be delivered to your home address through ATM card Delivery via USPS.
Your ATM card has deposited with USPS already, so kindly update us with:
1. Your Name which you prefer we use when shipping your ATM card
2. Your Current mailing address where your ATM card or check should be mailed.
3. Your private Mobile Number for the priority Express Mail to contact you when they arrive at your door step.
Yours Sincerely,
Jordon George
Delivery Agent
From Mr.Tariq Zubair
Dear Friend,
Good day to you and your family. I apologize if the content here-under are contrary
to your moral ethics but please treat with absolute secrecy and personal.
My name is Mr.Tariq Zubair. from Pakistan, but worked in Damascus, Syria. I am 42
years Old. I am the Son to a personal investor, also an oil Tycoon from Syria and
Saudi Arabia: Al Furat Petroleum Company (AFPC), the leader in the region in
Reservoir Management.
AFPC was established under Service Contract no. 210 ratified by Law no. 43 of 1977
and named as per decree-law no. 12 in 1985. AFPC is a joint venture company between
the General Petroleum Corporation (50%) and private shareholders Syria Shell
Petroleum Development (SSPD) etc………
I am the only Son/Child of my parents. My Mother and Father died during the
escalation and climax of the Syrian war.
But before the war got out of hand, my Father(now late) moved some funds into a bank
in Burkina Faso, West Africa, for safety.
The amount that was moved to the bank was a total of $42.6Million USD. I had applied
to both banks for the release of the funds to me, so that I could start a new
business, but the bank Directors told me that my late Father left a "Note"(WILL) in
the form of conditions, that the banks Must Not release the funds to me until I am
of experienced age of investing the funds into a very good business venture, and the
"Will" also stated that I should present an experienced business partner before the
bank, who will assist me in investing wisely. Having schooled in London and read
Political Science, I have no knowledge in business investment plan.
I am presently in a refuge camp in the United Kingdom.
This then brought me to the issue of searching for a reputable and trustworthy
person, who has vast experiences in profitable businesses, where to invest the funds
I want to transfer this fund into your bank account in your country, so that we
could invest it wisely. I have contacted the Director of the bank where the fund is
deposited in Burkina Faso, and asked if the fund could be loaded into an ATM VISA
CARD and he said it is possible to load some of the funds into an ATM VISA CARD,
while most of it will be wired to your account via online bank transfer.
Why I contacted you is that I want you to tell me more about good investments, so
that I will move this fund into your account in your country so that I could
relocate my investment plan to your country.
Tell me more about your country. How good it will be to invest in your country
Cities, Such as buying of properties, houses, real estate and investments in
I will appreciate whatever result you may brief me. Do let me know your idea and
knowledge regarding these or any other profitable investment you may suggest.
Take note; After the whole deal and the fund is released to us, You will be rewarded
with 20% of the total amount for your participation and also be rewarded with 10% of
any profit we invest the money into.
I shall tell you more about this transaction as soon as i get your readiness
concerning this transaction.
Waiting for your reply,
Thanks and best regards,
Mr.Tariq Zubair.
Responder Para -
Data: seg, 12 de fev de 2018
Assunto: UNO Re-called Your Totaling Funds Payment Of $US18Million
Re-called Wining payment of $US18Million from United Nations
Beneficiary Email id owner.
SORRY IF YOU RECEIVED THIS MAIL IN YOUR SPAM, DUE TO RECENT CONNECTION ERROR HERE.The United Nations Organization (UNCC) have directed the West Africa Monetary Agency (WAMA) to re-called your UNITED NATIONS COMPENSATION COMMISSION Payment fund totaling shows you have been receiving numerous emails from several offices requesting you to claim your funds,So Contact UBA Bank BENIN REPUBLIC to Receive Your payment funds total amount of $18Million United State Dollars now We have actually been authorized by the newly appointed United Nation secretary general, and the governing body of the UNITED NATIONS Monetary Unit, to investigate the unnecessary delay on your payment as we saw your name on the list of unpaid individuals this is for abbreviation of the rate of poverty, recommended and approved in your favor. During the course of our investigation, we discovered with dismay that your payment funds total amount of $18Million United State Dollars has been unnecessarily Delayed by corrupt officials of the Bank who are Trying to divert your (UNCC) wining payment funds into their private accounts.
To forestall this, security for your funds was organized in the form of your personal Identification number (PIN) ATM CARD and this will enable only you to have direct Control over your funds in the ATM CARD. We will monitor this payment ourselves to avoid the hopeless situation created by the Officials of the bank. An irrevocable payment guarantee has been issued by the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on your Payment. However, we are happy to inform you that based on our recommendation/Instructions; your complete Inheritance funds have been credited in your favor through ATM VISA CARD OR MASTER CARD.
Meanwhile do not be taken unaware that all the necessary document backing the fund up has been forwarded to the custody of the paying bank to ensure smooth release of your funds to you as directed by us.You are therefore advice to contact:We hereby issued you our code of conduct, which is (ATM/UNCC/IMF/1511) so you have to indicate this when contacting the bank as it is very important with your contact details as stated below,
This is UBA Bank contact information.
CALL THE BANK AT:: +229-69056807
Contact him now for the delivery of your ATM Card. As soon as you establish a contact with him, an ATM card will be issued to you immediately which you can use to withdraw your funds in any Bank ATM Machine in your Country,So if you like to receive your funds through this means you're advised to contact (DR.JOHN REYMOND) with the following information as stated below:
1. Your Full Name______________
2. Address Where You Want the Cour Company to Send Your ATM Card
To or (P.O Box)
3. Your Age___________________________
4. Occupation_______________
5. Telephone Numbers_____________
6. Country_______________________ ____
You are advised to furnish DR.JOHN REYMOND with your correct and valid details. Once again be informed that the amount to be paid to you is $18Million United State Dollars, We expect your urgent response to this email to enable us monitor this payment effectively thereby making contact with DR.JOHN REYMOND as directed to avoid further delay.We are sorry that your Payment Approval File was sent in African due to we have 21 Honorable Beneficiary's in all African so that you can be cleared and paid simultaneously there.
Mrs.Maria Jimmy
Public Relation officer
Approved by United Nation Organization.
De: Mrs. Gloria Ama -
Data: seg, 12 de fev de 2018
This is to officially inform you today that your $10.5 million United States dollars fund which was deposited with the Equity Bank Of Kenya (EQUITY BANK) by the Federal Ministry of Finance is to be transferred to you. It was mandated by the Ministry of Finance that your fund $10.5 million be registered and transferred with immediate effect. This fund release is the result of the recent meeting by leaders of the United Nations (U.N), European Union (E.U) and the African Union (A.U).
You are hereby advised to contact Equity Bank Of Kenya (EQUITY BANK) today for the necessary clearances and transfer of your fund. Contact the bank director; Dr. Charles Mbali and secure the transfer of your fund into your account.
Contact Person: Dr. Charles Mbali
Phone: +254704457845
Email/call the bank immediately at the above information and reconfirm the below details for identification and clearance by the bank.
Your Full Names/-----
Phone Number/-----
Yours in Service
Mrs Gloria Ama;
Debt Management Board
Federal Ministry of Finance.
Kenya Rep.
This is to officially inform you that we have completed an investigation on an International Payment in which was issued to you by an International Lottery Company. With the help of our newly developed technology (International Monitoring Network System) we discovered that your e-mail address was automatically selected by an Online Balloting System, this has legally won you the sum of $7.4million USD from a Lottery Company outside the United States of America. We have authorized this winning to be paid to you via SWIFT ATM CARD.
The stated amount of $7.4million USD has been deposited with IMF. We have completed this investigation and you are hereby approved to receive the winning prize as we have verified the entire transaction to be Safe and 100% risk free, due to the fact that the funds have been deposited with IMF you will be required to settle the following bills directly to the Agent in-charge of this transaction whom is located in Cotonou, Benin Republic. According to our discoveries, you were required to pay for the following,
CALL +229-6609 2186
E-MAIL :( )
You will be required to e-mail him with the following information:
You will also be required to request Western Union or Money Gram details on how to send the required $205.00 in order to immediately ship your prize of $7.4million USD via SWIFT ATM CARD from IMF, also include the following transaction code in order for him to immediately identify this transaction: AAE3248910. This letter will serve as proof that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is authorizing you to pay the required $205.00 ONLY to MR. PHILIP WAYNE information in which he shall send to you,
Director Office of Public Affairs
Aurelie POCHIC <>
Bonjour Dans le Nom du Christ
Je ne dirais pas longue, Vous aviez honneur à Veuve Pochic AURELIE de nationalité Française et Hospitalisée au Canada. Je soufre d’un cancer de cerveau et mon docteur m'a informé que je ne vivrai plus longtemps. Je désire faire DON de mes biens à une personne physique anonyme comme vous, afin que cette dernière mène des actions sociales à travers une Fondation. Surtout, je recherche une Personne SENSIBLE ou des SERVITEURS de DIEU (Pasteur, Prêtre ou autres). J’ai besoin des prières pour ma santé, écrivez moi pour avoir plus d’informations sur ce DON que je vous fais. Émail:
Veuve Aurelie POCHIC.
Envoyé le : Sa, 18 Fév 2018 17:49
MG Timothy J. Lowenberg,
Adjutant General and Director State Military Dept Washington
Military Dept., Bldg1 Camp Murry, Wash 98430-5000 USA.,
Good day to you,
I hope this email finds you in good spirit and in good health? because
i am quite aware of your losses in the past years now through this
security office intelligent track devices, it may surprise you that i
am also aware of your Consignment Boxes Pursuit In Benin, Ghana, Togo,
Nigeria, Spain, France, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Korea, etc. My
name is Supp. Tony Jeh Johnson, the current secretary of US Dept
of Homeland Security, i am in charge to monitor all Foreign
Transactions in Africa, Europe and Asia and this kept me in constantly
traveling round the world.
I have been in the US Department of Homeland Security Secret Service
now since the Government of President Barack Obama, monitoring the
various transactions going on in Africa, Europe And Asia, most
especially Consignments Cases, ATM card Cases and bank transfer. I
do not intend to spoil your day or to put you under duress but you can
not receive any of your Consignments Boxes, ATM card and bank
transfer pursuit, without a Clearance from this US Department of
Homeland Security. However, upon my arrival in Benin after
series of meetings with our President Barack Obama and United Nations
Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, due to numerous complains from other
Security Agencies from Africa Asia, Europe, Oceania, Antarctica, South
America and the United States of America respectively, and against the
Benin Government and Nigeria over the rate of Scam/Fraudulent
Activities going on in these Africa countries and around the World.
When i arrive in the Benin Parliament in Cotonou and going through all
cases of unpaid funds, i found your Consignment Box Clearance File
lying on the Foreign Affair Office Desk without any attention and on a
thorough scrutiny, i discovered that your Consignment have been
abandoned by your delivery agent. Meanwhile, i was made to understand
that the Foreign Affair Office have tried to reach to you, but no way
and they have made several attempts to contact your delivery agent but
to no avail.To my greatest surprise, during my recent routine
Re-Checking, i personally discovered that your Consignment Content
Declaration Document (C.C.D.D)stated that your Consignment Contains
Personal Effects meanwhile, it contains United States Dollars Cash
us$40 millions dollars, (Forty Millions United States Dollars)
which made it impossible for the consignment to be delivered to you earlier
before now. Based on this personal discovery, i am contacting you now to let
you know that with my position and power as the secretary of US
Department of Homeland Security and now i am presently here in Benin
to handle this matter of all unpaid foreign payment to their
respective owners like you, i can assist you to legally clear your
Consignment Funds and personally make the shipment to you on my
traveling back, but you must agree with the following conditions.
Because i have called our office in Washington,Dc from here in Benin,
who has been intercepting all your email Communications, telephone
Text/Sms messages & all telephone calls, with the help of Mtn, Tigo
Vodafone And Airtel Network Benin. I also received some information
from our Homeland Security Office representing here in Benin,
they have confirmed about your emails, & other communications that you
have been dealing and sending money to people in Benin, Ghana, South
Africa, Togo, Nigeria, UK, etc who claims to be the Western Union
Directors and representative of other unofficial offices. You are also
dealing with a bank, and other names which i am still waiting to be
forwarded to me from our Office In Washington, Dc. My office authority
have monitored all your dealings with those hoodlums.
You are advice to from hence fort stop further dealings with all the
above mentioned people, until we complete our investigation. Because
your dealing with them is termed as illegal transaction. I wish to
inform you that we the Homeland Security is on look out for all the
above mentioned names, mostly those who claims to be the director of
West African Debt settlement, Western Union And Money Gram And ATM
card offices and including the property recovery Benin. All these
mentioned people are imposters, and we intend to apprehend them soon.I
want you to please stop communicating, and dealing with them until we
complete our investigation. I wish to notify you about the latest
development concerning your Consignment Box content of your total
USD$40 Million that was already handed over to me today.Your
Consignment Box content of your total USD$40 Million was assigned to
me today after the meeting held between me and some of the top
Parliament members of Benin and the Foreign Affair Minister in the
Benin Capital Commecial Headquarters Cotonou, due to the delay by you
as nobody has heared from you to receive your Consignment Box For Long
time now.
Accordingly, we have waived away all your Consignment Box "Clearance
Fees" and authorized the Government of Benin Republic to allow me fly
with this your approved Consignment Box to make the delivery to you
without any delay which they have agreed. The only Fee you will Pay to
confirm Your Consignment Box received in your possession is the "Air
Flight Weight Fees" of your Consignment Box which is the sum of
USD$395 only.In order words your Briefcase is with me now and i shall
be coming to your country to make the delivery to you as soon as you
sent me your below shipping details/Address where you will want your
consignment be deliver to you.
Name: .........
Address: ......
Telephone: .............
Preferably, you can send us your Mobile Phone number to enable an
urgent direct contact with you hence the arrival in your city. Hence
i hear from you also with the MTCN Numbers for the fee payment of the
Air Flight Weight Fee of your Consignment Box which is the sum of
then, i will be coming along with your Consignment
Briefcase Box content of your USD$40Million, but remember that as the
secretary of the Department Of Homeland Security United States Of
America, i am a Us Government Secret Security Agent and i have the
power to go through any Airport Customs and security Agents without
personal inspection or inspecting what i carry along.
And as soon as i arrive in your state, i will give you a telephone
call and instantly send an email to you from my official Ipad Hand
Computer which is always with me while traveling around the world so
that you will give me a direction on how we can meet Face to Face and
i will physically hand over your Consignment Box to you before
proceeding back to to my official duty post in the States.
As soon as i arrive, i shall call you on your Telephone Number
following an email to you then when you immediately respond, i will
Meet you in person, hand over your Consignment Box to you and all
these will end once and forall now.
I have taken this assignment upon myself because i understand that you
have really paid so much on the cost of these Delivery which i want
to stop now, because, nothing was received by you. So be advised to
contact me hence immediately you get this email now because, every
thing has been done ok. Once you send the money, try to immediately
notify me with the Mtcn for easy pick up and for the immediate action
on the delivery of your Consignment Box,for you to receive your funds
without any further delay again. Since you was unable to receive it since.
As soon as you send the fee, make sure that you send me the MTCN
numbers, senders name and other payment information.Once you send the
money, Try to immediately notify me with the MTCN for confirmation and
for the immediate action on the shipping of your Consignment and its
Handing over to you. Also you are to forward to us any email that you
have been receiving from people for proper verification and
investigation before you deal with them.
Sincerely yours,
JOHN KERRY official DHS portrait.jpg
From The US Department of Homeland Security.
I just arrived in the Benin Parliament in Cotonou.
De : Gérard MENUT =>
Date : 19 février 2018
Objet : Gérard Menut - Pourrais-je te parler par mail ?
À :
Pourrais-je te parler par mail ?
Gheorghe Ursu ->
One of our main businesses is to open Bank Guarantees and Standby Letter of Credit as well as other Financial and Banking Instruments. We issue our Bank Guarantees and Standby Letter of Credit for Lease & Sale while on occasions as requested by the client, we can open Documentary / Deferred / Red Clause Letters of Credit and Guarantees (Bank, Bid or Performance).
For every transaction we need three things
1. Lessor (Applicant) -This is our company or entity that will be applying for the Financial Instrument with the Issuing Bank on behalf of the Beneficiary. The delivery of the Financial / Banking Instrument shall be based on the Applicant's procedures.
2. Lessee (Beneficiary / Client) - This is the company who have requested the Financial Instrument whether for their own use or third party to receiving the BG/SBLC/DLC/Red Clause LC. The Client / Lessee nominates the Beneficiary of the Bank Instrument.
3. Underlying Transaction - This is the transaction that exists between the Lessor (Applicant) and the Lessee (Beneficiary). It is the reason for opening the Stand Letter of Credit or Bank Guarantee or Letter of Credit of any kind. The underlying transaction can be for obtaining loans or funding from Banks or Monetizers as well as for the Purchase and Sale of Goods or Services depending on the type of instrument requested.
Should you have an interest in the Lease and Sale of these, kindly inform and we will be glad to share with you our PROCEDURAL TERMS in regards to setting things in motion for an IMPENDING TRANSACTION. Upon the acceptance of your party to work with the Lessor's Terms, we would have Legal Contract in place for the transaction to be set up between the Applicant and the Beneficiary and the delivery of the Bank Instrument will be in accordance with the Verbiage (Text) chosen by the Beneficiary's Bank.
With the Legal Contract set up and the proceedings followed as stipulated in the contract, the eventual transmission of the Instrument via Swift MT199 / MT799 / MT700 / MT760 will be effected within 2 Banking Days after the Contractual Obligations have been completed.
Contact : Mr.Gheorghe Ursu
Facebook..Gus Lease Funding
Gheorghe Ursu
offerta di prestito per il 2018 (oferta de empréstimo para 2018)
angela tris -
Olá, você está com problemas financeiros? Precisa de um empréstimo para iniciar um negócio, pagar contas ou financiar o seu projeto? Nós fornecemos empréstimos a pessoas que precisam de ajuda. Contacte-nos para mais informações.
De: madu akiss -
Enviado: domingo, 18 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Estimado Senhor
Estimado Senhor,
É com profunda consideração que estou escrevendo esta carta de
proposta Meu nome é a Sra .akiss mary da nacionalidade da Costa do Marfim
e esposa do falecido Sr. Kevin Akiss, também da Costa do Marfim.
Meu falecido marido era empresário e, enquanto ainda estava vivo,
depositou uma quantia importante de 4.700 milhões de dólares em um banco
do nosso país na Costa do Marfim. Atualmente, esse dinheiro
ainda neste banco aqui na Costa do Marfim. Meu médico me disse que é
muito provavelmente morrerá nos próximos 3 meses porque
Eu sou um paciente de um câncer de sangue {LEUKEMIA}.
Portanto, eu decidi dar esse dinheiro à caridade porque não tenho
um filho para me herdar. Desejo que esses fundos estejam disponíveis para
os pobres.
Espero sua mensagem para mais explicações.
Sra. Akiss Mary
Endereço resposta:
De: Mrs.Akia Joel. <>
Enviado: sábado, 17 de fevereiro de 2018
Para: .
Assunto: From Mrs.Akia Joel.
Dear Beloved,
My dear, I know it will be a great surprise to you reading from me today as we did not know each other before now. Please take your time and go through this mail, it is my present situation that gave way to my contact to you for a proposal for charity work with my money. I never knew things will turn this way after a painful death of my beloved husband during the Algerian civil war.
My Name is Mrs. Akia Joel. I am writing this mail to you with heavy heart. I married to Mr. Mike Joel for 32 years without a child. He worked with the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) as top senior officer before his death. After long lonely years i decided to use our joint earned money US$10.5 million for charity work since i have no child but unfortunately my sickness aggravated. I became sick and unhealthy to continue the work and this owns the major reason why i contacted you to hand you over the money to establish a charity organization.
Recently my doctor declared that i have but few weeks to live due to the level of my cancer. My late husband's relatives who supposed to assist me in my situation are greedy and would only need the money. Since my ill-health they have stolen and converted all of my late husband's properties to their names because i dont have a child. They abandoned me to battle with my sickness alone.
Having known my condition I decided to hand you over this money for charity work. I came across your contact on humanitarian calendar event of the year. I want you to take 30% of the total money for your personal use while the remaining 70% will be invested by you for the benefit of the less privileged/orphans in the society. I grew up as an orphan and i know the pains and sorrow that are associated with it and it is now my desire to use this money to assist them to the glory of God.
I shall be going in for a surgery operations soonest and desire this money to be transferred to you as I do not wish to leave this money in the bank because bankers might misuse it for their own interest after my death.
As soon as I receive your quick reply assuring me that you will utilize the money as i instructed you for the benefit of the less privilege, I shall give you more details and also instruct my bank to release the money to you for the charity project. I hope you receive this mail in good health.
I need your very urgent reply because i dont know what will be my situation in next minute,
I am waiting your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Akia Joel.
De: Belinda Richard <>
Enviado: sábado, 17 de fevereiro de 2018
Olá amigo,
Sinto muito por invadir sua privacidade sem aviso prévio ou qualquer tipo de pré-aviso, por favor me perdoe
Meu nome é Miss Belinda Richard do Canadá Eu sou a filha até tarde, o Sr. Richard Rainwater, que morreu depois de sofrer de uma doença cerebral chamada Paralisia Progressiva Supra-Nuclear por alguns anos antes de morrer. Meu pai atrasado se usa para ser um investidor que realizou seu negócio locais no Emirado do Dubai do Reino Unido e alguns continentes asiáticos porque ele estava envolvido em negócios de petróleo e ouro
Algumas semanas atrás, minha mãe foi diagnosticada de (leucemia), ela é atualmente admitida no Hospital sob uma máquina de suporte de vida
Por favor, eu preciso saber se você poderá nos ajudar a reivindicar minha herança (O fundo) do banco em meu nome para investimentos futuros, eu estou contatando você porque eu gostaria de mudar para seu país e também gostaria de investir a parte restante do dinheiro em seu país depois de lhe dar 30% como sua compensação por me ajudar a alcançar meus sonhos
Se você estiver interessado, por favor, fale comigo através do meu endereço de e-mail privado (
para mais detalhes
Aguardo sua resposta imediata
Belinda Richard.
De: -
Enviado: segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: Re: RES: Chegou proposta para o seu xxxxx
Bom dia, xxxx
Obrigado para a vossa resposta.
Para o pagamento, desejaria uma transferência bancária. Uma vez o dinheiro creditado sobre a vossa conta bancária, bloqueia a venda e vamos esperar meus chegados para concluir. A partir meus chegado, vamos fixados juntos a data do encontro para as últimas formalidades a preencherem, encarregar-me-ei fornecer todos os documentos e informações para pôr o automóvel no meu Nome e seguidamente recuperar as chaves.
Estarei à BRASIL exatamente o próximo 30 de Março. Desejaria saber a vossa decisão.
De: Latifa Tahira ->
Data: 19 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Re: Chegou proposta para o seu
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Desculpe pela minha resposta tardia. E por favor, é bom se comunicar em inglês? Atualmente não estou morando no Brasil. Note, eu decidi encontrar alguém que seja real e não imaginário e foi por isso que fui a um site seguro onde posso ter certeza de que você é real. Eu acredito que posso confiar em você. Seja informado de que é meu sincero interesse comprar seu carro, também ficarei feliz por pedir sua permissão para trabalhar com você como meu parceiro de negócios no Brasil. Você pode reservar este carro para mim? Se isso for possível, então eu estarei no Brasil no próximo mês para conhecê-lo pessoalmente.
Eu sou a Sra. Latifa Tahira, uma mulher síria. Eu desejo deslocalizar-me para o Brasil devido ao prolongado conflito civil / guerra na Síria, bem como aos ataques terroristas do grupo terrorista ISIS. Eu já perdi minha família, meu marido e minha filha nas mãos frias da morte durante um ataque direcionado à nossa casa em 23 de março de 2017, para acabar com nossa família. Eu e meu filho não estavam por aí durante o fogo cruzado. Nós estávamos no hospital para verificar quando o ataque da nossa casa matando meu amado marido e minha filha e incendiando a casa. Estou com lágrimas escrevendo esse e-mail. Ele (meu falecido marido) era um empreiteiro muito bem-sucedido na cidade petrolífera da Síria, e estava lidando de forma particular com pó e barras de ouro antes da morte prematura. Esperativamente, ele deixa para trás uma quantia razoável de dinheiro, que eu desejo investir no setor imobiliário e outros setores interessantes no Brasil.
Como você pode ou não saber, as sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e pela União Européia tornaram quase impossível operar com sucesso qualquer tipo de investimento aqui na Síria ou mesmo transferir dinheiro daqui para outras partes do mundo. Por esta razão, entre em contato com você com muita confiança com a esperança de que você possa me ajudar a obter esse dinheiro no Brasil para fins de investimento:
Por favor, eu gostaria de saber o quão conveniente seria para você me ajudar dessa forma. Toda a capital à minha disposição é Nine Million USD. Segurei secretamente o dinheiro em uma caixa de malha e depositei-o com a Cruz Vermelha aqui em Damasco. Minha intenção sincera ao escrever você é implorar com você para aceitar gentilmente a caixa de dinheiro. Isso ocorre porque não podemos fazer transferências bancárias a partir daqui após a guerra. Estas são as principais questões de interesse para mim agora. Eu lhe darei 30% do total de dinheiro como benefício para me ajudar.
Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão confiar em alguém. Não posso arriscar minha vida aqui para evitar o fim da linhagem da minha família. Como uma mulher desde que meu marido e minha filha estão mortos, tudo o que eu tenho é meu único filho. Ele merece uma vida decente desde que eu quero que ele cresça em um ambiente pacífico. Eu vou mudar para o Brasil com meu filho e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, seus conselhos e apoio; podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar.
Eu antecipo sua resposta positiva e no recebimento de sua informação vou lhe fornecer mais detalhes.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Latifa Tahira.
Enviado: segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2018
Assunto: Re: Project
Thanks for your prompt response to my proposal, I appreciate your interest in this transaction. Your interest to assist me was specific but, I am still skeptical also in believing that you could be of assistance to me, however I would like to be sure of your willingness, trustworthiness and commitment to execute this transaction with me, I cannot afford to Compromise these virtues.Considering the money involved, it is necessary for me to be sure of the person to whom I will be entrusting this transaction; my trust is not given out lightly.
Please, let me have a brief biography of your person. What I expect from you is trust and commitment, I want this large sum of money transferred with your assistance. I want to inform you here that in pursuing a God fearing partner who can assist me in this project, I did contact you from my local area chambers of commerce and industry's directory here in China. Note that I have not contacted you as a matter of choice but of necessity knowing fully well the monetary policy of your country and that of others. This indeed prompted me to informing you of this matter.
Furthermore, with regards to the legality of this transaction, I must let you know that this transaction is real and risk free, I want to know if you are willing to follow up this business seriously before I can give you more details about this transaction, I have exhaustively considered your response today and I am satisfied that you have an understanding of the need for absolute secrecy in this pending project, hence my firm belief that I can count on your total support and confidentiality. I would proceed without any reservation to bring you into the complete picture of this transaction. Before doing this, I would again like to reiterate the importance of confidentiality, as i am still in active service in my banking career and would not like my names to be brought to odium or my long tenure in office jeopardized.
In searching for a God fearing and reliable partner for the purpose of this transaction, I have contacted you personally not as a matter of choice but of necessity knowing fully well, the monetary policies as regards funds transfer especially after the event of September 11th in America.
I will be fully conscious in the pursuit of this project to make sure that we do not go against any local or international laws of funds transfer. You must understand that I am a family man and presently still serving here in the Bank of China. What I intend doing is to have your details that is your full name as documented, your telephone and fax numbers to contact you on as regards the transfer, your physical contact address, your age and also any possible identification.
With these, I should be able to place together all documentation in your name to prove to the authority that you are truly the next of kin/beneficiary to the estate and I will also have the probate letter signed at the Court of China. As soon as all these are done and ratification exercise takes place which we must surely scale through as I will make a lot of under the table arrangement here, I will place an application of claim in your name for the release of the funds. As soon as we have concluded with this arrangement using an international clearing agent, you will then have to open up a separate bank account in your name and you alone have to be the signatory. This bank wills serve as an intermediary between your bank and the BOC.
The aim of the intermediary bank is to receive the funds from the BOC and from there you can have the entire funds transferred bit by bit into any of your chosen bank account in your country. With this arrangement, even if there has to be a loop hole in what we have done so far the funds cannot be traced. These special banks which I will introduce to you are specialized in this aspect. They assist business men alike who do not want the heavy load of tax to eat into their fund, they also assist government official in taking our funds out of our country without due attention from any authority.
You will get to know more about this once we have both accepted to be partners in this venture. This will be your responsibility and I will have to perfect the rest of the arrangement here. The account you have are account from regular banks they cannot serve the purpose here. You will begin to understand and appreciate this idea once we have commenced process on this transaction. It is all going to be a bank to bank affair you do not need to worry in as much as you follow my words as religiously as possible.
I will also like to know more about your biography to further increase my level of trust and confidence in you as I am afraid that anyone can make away with my entire funds once it gets to his/her possession. I want you to please make me believe in you that you will not let me down. I am a gentleman of honor who has this opportunity and will not let it go having worked in this sector for several years. This is my only opportunity and I will not toy with it. I will also assure you that I know what I am doing and to the best of my knowledge, the entire project is legitimate and very risk free in as much as we observe high level of confidentiality and treat this matter accordingly with the two of us sharing ideas and not missing words.
If you have further knowledge on how we can go about this matter let us then open the room for discussion and let us deal with this matter totally. Upon your response and also stating your ability to handle the project I will inform you on what you need do to have an account established in an offshore tax haven like Grenada, Barbados, Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands, Dominica. Attached is my passport for identification/reference purpose.
I will await further response from you.
Best regards,
Von Frau Caroline
caroline <>
Von Frau Caroline
Ich bin sicher, dass diese E-Mail als Ьberraschung zu Ihnen kommen wьrde, weil wir nicht wissen, einander persцnlich, und Sie kцnnen auch fragen, warum ich sollte Ihnen in Verbindung setzen. Ich habe Ihre Adresse durch eine Seite im Internet E-Mail.
Ich schreibe Ihnen nach sorgfдltiger Betrachtung und glaube, dass Sie mit mir arbeiten kцnnen, wie ich unten erklдre.
Ich bin Frau Caroline Freund, ein britischer und der Hauptbuchhalter von einer Offshore-Bank (Cahoot Bank Plc) London Bьro. In meiner Abteilung, entdeckte ich eine verlassene Summe von US $ 8.000.000,00. (Acht Millionen USD) in nicht-ansдssige Bankkonto unserer auslдndischen Kunden (Herr Paul Louis Halley), der zusammen mit seiner Frau im Jahr 2003 bei einem Flugzeugabsturz starb. Bitte sehen Website fьr weitere Informationen.
Der verstorbene Paul-Louis Halley verlassen die Summe von $ 8.000.000,00 in seinem Bankkonto in meiner Bank seit 2003 bis heute.
Nachdem ich die verstorbene Paul-Louis-Halley-Akte bei meiner Bank bestдtigt hatte, bemerkte ich, dass er vor seinem Tod im Jahr 2003 keinen Begьnstigten zur Verfьgung gestellt hatte, um sein Geld auf seinem Konto zu erben.
Deshalb bin ich jetzt in gutem Glauben und fordere bewusst Ihre Zustimmung fьr mich, Ihre Daten als den Verwandten des verstorbenen Paul Louis Halley zu setzen, damit der Gesamtwert von $ 8.000.000,00 auf ein Bankkonto Ihrer Wahl ьbertragen werden kann, wo wir mьssen Erhalten diese Summe.
Alle meine Versuche, Herrn Halleys verstorbene Verwandte fьr ungefдhr 7-8 Jahre zu finden, waren vergeblich, und meine Position hier in meinem Bьro verlangt, dass ich die nдchsten Verwandten untersuche und einlade. Deshalb habe ich nachgeforscht und festgestellt, dass der verstorbene Mr. Halley keinen direkten Begьnstigten in all seinen offiziellen Dokumenten hatte, einschlieЯlich seiner Dokumente bei meiner Bank. Nach unserem Bankengesetz von 1990 wird, wenn das Geld nach einem Zeitraum von (14) Jahren nicht beansprucht wird, das Geld der britischen Regierung gehцren. Um dies zu verhindern, habe ich beschlossen, um Ihre Erlaubnis zu bitten, Ihre Informationen als Verwandter des verstorbenen Paul Louis Halley zu platzieren, so dass der Gesamtwert von $ 8.000.000,00 auf ein Bankkonto Ihrer Wahl als Halley's Begьnstigter ьbertragen werden kann.
Ich werde das Geld mit Ihnen im Verhдltnis 60% fьr mich und 40% fьr Sie teilen. Und ich werde Ihnen alle notwendigen Unterlagen fьr Sie und mich zur Verfьgung stellen, um diese Mittel zu beanspruchen.
Ich mцchte Ihnen versichern, dass diese Transaktion 100% risikofrei ist; und Ihre Anwesenheit ist nicht bei der Bank erforderlich. Die Transaktion wird per E-Mail an die Bank durchgefьhrt werden, und ich bin an die Bank jedes Dokument zu geben, die erforderlich sein kцnnten, dies zu unterstьtzen.
Fьr mehr Informationen; Ich mцchte, dass Sie mich auf meinem privaten E-Mail-Konto kontaktieren:
Wenn Sie mit mir in Verbindung treten, gebe ich Ihnen mehr Informationen.
United Nation <>
UN Visitor Centre
Department of Public Information
United Nations Headquarters
Room DHL-1B-154
New York, NY 10017
United Nations Compensation Unit, In Affiliation with World Bank Our Ref: UN/WBO/042UK/2018.
Congratulations Beneficiary,
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and family? You may not understand why this mail came to you. We have been having a meeting for the past 7 months which
just ended few days ago with the secretary to the UNITED NATIONS. This email is to all the people that have been scammed. UNITED NATIONS
in Affiliation with WORLD BANK have agreed to compensate them with the sum of USD 1.5 Million
This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses
that failed due to Government problems etc. We found your name in the list of those who are to benefit from these compensation exercise and that is why we are
contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed. You are advised to contact Dr.PATRICE TEME of our paying center in Africa, as he is our representative
in Nigeria, contact him immediately for your Cheque/ International Bank Draft of USD 1.5 Million.
This fund is in form of a Bank Draft for security purpose ok? So he will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of your choice. Therefore, you should send him
your full Name and telephone number your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to you. Contact Dr.PATRICE TEME of MAGNUM PLC PAYMENT CENTER with
your payment code:ST/DPI/829 immediately for your Cheque at the given address below:
TELEPHONE:+ 234-817-008-4240
FAX: +234-817-008-4240
I apologize on behalf of my organization for any delay you might have encountered in receiving your fund in the past. Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hoping
to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft. Making the world a better place.
You are required to contact the above person and furnish him with the following of your information that will be required to avoid any mistakes:-
1. Your Full Name :
2. Your Home/Mobile Telephone No:
3. Your Home or Office Address :
4. Age/Occupation/Marital Status:
5. Scanned copy of your identification:
Congratulations, and I look forward to hear from you as soon as you confirm your payment making the world a better place
Contact my secretary right now for your ATM MasterCard.
office file
Dear Friend,
How are you today? It’s been long I heard from you. Well, I just want to use this medium to thank you very much for your earlier assistance in receiving the funds which though did not work out as planned.
I am obliged to inform you that I have succeeded in receiving the funds with the help of a new partner from China. Everything was perfectly done because we struck a deal with one of the Lady accountant who works with the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF) and she rendered a tremendous help to us.
My new partner initiated this idea and everything worked out successfully, In appreciation of your earlier assistance to me in receiving the Funds. I have decided to compensate you with the sum of $850,000.00 (Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars) this is from my own share.
I did this simply to show you that it is good to do good things to the right people always, presently I am in Germany for investment project with my own share under the advice of my partner, though before I left Benin Republic to Germany I gave my secretary ATM MasterCard uploaded $850,000.00 and I left an instruction to her to send the ATM card to you through DHL, FedEx or UPS or any courier company of your choice once you contact her.
I will be sending you e-mail from time to time to know if you have received your share or not. SEND HER THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO PROVE YOURSELF TO HER.
YOUR FULL NAME;.......................................
YOUR ADDRESS:...........................................
YOUR OCCUPATION:...................................
YOUR PHONE NUMBER:..............................
She can be contacted through the below information. And please note that the ATM MasterCard maximum withdraw per day is 10.000$ at any ATM stand worldwide.
Name: Ms. Mary Edward.
In the moment, I am very busy here in Germany because of the investment projects, which the new partner and I are having at hand.
So feel free to get in touch with Mary Edward to send the money to you without any delay.
Best Regards,
Paul White.
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Mr sule mohamed <>
My dear I am contacting you in regards to a business transfer of a huge sum of money from a deceased account. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make anyone apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. I decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction.
PROPOSITION; I discovered an abandant sum of $11.5M(Eleven Million Five Hundred thousand United states Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers who died along with his entire family. Since his death, none of his next-of-kin or relations has come forward to lay claims to this money as the heir. I cannot release the fund from his account unless someone applies for claim as the next-of-kin to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines.
Upon this discovery, I now seek your permission to have you stand as a next of kin to the deceased as all documentations will be carefully worked out by me for the funds $11.5M(Eleven Million Five Hundred thousand United states Dollars) to be released in your favour as the beneficiary's next of kin.It may interest you to note that I have secured from the probate an order of madamus to locate any of deceased beneficiaries.
Please acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance of my mutual business endeavour by furnishing me with the following;
1. Your Full Names and Address.
2. Direct Telephone and Fax numbers.
These requirements will enable me file a letter of claim to the appropriate departments for necessary approvals in your favour before the transfer can be made. I shall be compensating you with $4.6 Million Dollars on final conclusion of this project, while the rest $6.9Million shall be for me. Your share stays with you while the rest shall be for me for investment purposes in your country.
If this proposal is acceptable by you, do not take undue advantage of the trust I have bestowed in you, I await your urgent email. Reply in my alternative email address ( for confidential reasons
Your;s faithfully,
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