-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Kelvin John - kelvin2john@yahoo.com
Envoyé le : Ma, 10 Oct 2017
Sujet : Give me your address to send your cheque from : annalove2love@yahoo.com, annalove2love@hotmail.com
Dear brother in Christ.
Compliment of the season, hope all is moving majestically with the lord.
Your partner annalove2love@yahoo.com, annalove2love@hotmail.com dropped a bank draft to me and she instructed me to send it to you for all the good you have done to her also i thank you so much for that, so you have to bring you address so that i will send the draft to you through DHL service,beside i will go to the DHL Courier Service to ascertain on the cost of sending the bank draft cheque to you.
Now i would like you to send your address to me.
Rev. Kelvin John
scammer Frank Smith
telefone usado pelo golpista +1 4848342169
From: "Marvin and Mae Acosta" <marvinmacosta@outlook.com>
Date: Oct 10, 2017
Subject: Charity Donation
Warm Greetings to you and your Family, I hope our message finds you in perfect Health Condition. We want to Congratulate you, as you have been selected to receive the Cash SUM of TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000.00) from our Charity Donation project.
Here is a little introduction about our family, My name is Marvin and my wife is Mae, we live in Eastvale in Riverside County, California, United State. Before the Jackpot wining, we lived a very quiet life, as a family and as Christians we have always helped the people around us in any way we can. Since we have been blessed with so much more than we expected, we have decided to continue God's work, to reach out to more helpless and needy people in our society. After confirming our wining, we decided to donate a lump sum of $120 million to friends, relatives, hospitals and our church and we will make sure that the money goes a long way in helping other people all over the world that are in dare need of financial assistance.
For more info about us please visit the web link: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/07/19/california-couple-claim-528m-powerball-jackpot-pledge-to-donate-much-it-to.html
Calif. couple claims $528M Powerball jackpot, will donate ...
A California couple has claimed a $528.8 million share of a record Powerball jackpot from January and pledged to give much of it to charity.
I know probably that you will be wondering how i got your contact, well i got your cell phone number on published list of cellphone owners database which i picked you among others for this donation and we also seek financial advice from my legal counsel before processing this donation of which we have decided to donate to you the sum of Two Million USD ($2,000,000.00 USD) and also each to families and individuals around the world. For us to facilitate the funds disbursement process of this Gift which we have given solemnly to you, Kindly acknowledge the beneficiary acceptance by forwarding the under listed information as proof of identity.
Kindly send us the above requested information ASAP so we can process the necessary document and issue the contact details of the authorize payout bank to you, so you can contact them for your donation claims. we are hoping that you will be able to use this Money Economy-wise and judiciously over there in your locality.
God Bless You And Your Family,
Marvin and Mae Acosta.
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Nadezhda - bartholomeusbroady600589@yahoo.com
Envoyé le : Me, 11 Oct 2017
Sujet : I hope you will write to me soon : bartholomeusbroady600589@yahoo.com
Darling, I shall hope that in the future, we shall be very good friends, and can and more. I do not know what to tell in my first letter because I never got acquainted through the Internet before. It is something new and unusual to me. But I shall try, write good letters to you. Please not be too strict to my mistakes in words, the English language - not my native language. But I assume, that I know it well.
I am very glad to receive your photo. For me so it is pleasant to see it, that you understand, that I very much wish to see your person as it is possible is more often. I very much want that you sent me your photos more often, because at you such courageous features. You such beautiful man you are not similar to one of men which I know here in Russia. You very beautiful man and for me it is a little strange, why you remained till now one and are compelled to search to yourself for the girlfriend on the Internet, I think, women in your city are blind that do not notice you. I think, if you lived in my city I think I would not pass by you when would meet you in the street. Your person instal in me confidence, that you can protect any woman from any danger. I would like, that near to me there was such person.
Well, my name, Nadezhda, as you to know. You can name me as you like. I shall not be disappointed. To me of 30 years. My birthday on May, 27th. My height 5,7. My weight 54 kg. I live in city Kirov. Kirov known city of Russia. Kirov - very much beautiful city. I have finished medical university. My formation will consist of 3 levels: school, college, university. I studied within 18 years. All 18 years I have studied the English language also. I have finished university in age 24. How to me gave with a medal for excellent results during my studying. Than I worked as the second surgeon in small clinic within 3 years. It was very much interesting and in the same time responsible. I was happy to give health of people, to help them. Many things depend on me during actions. I think in the future I will be capable the surgeon to become independent. You think, what it - good dream? Probably that I shall work in clinic, as the basic surgeon.
I live one, I have no neither children, nor the boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like very lonely in my house. Perhaps, for this reason I have decided to get acquainted with you. I have the house, work, friends, but I cannot tell that I am happy. I hope, that we shall write many letters to each other. I am very pleased and grateful, that you have answered my letter, because I decided to try to get acquainted through the Internet only once. I never get acquainted before in such a way. I cannot understand completely as it works because I have no computer. I only beginner in work of the internet. I hope that you are interested in our dialogue, as I. You can tell to me about all of you that you want. I shall be pleased to know all about your life. I understand that tastes differ, but I hope, that my image will be pleasant for you. I hope that you will write to me soon. I thank you beforehand.
With the best regards.
email do golpista - bartholomeusbroady600589@yahoo.com
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De : Paul Assia UBA paul.uba@yahoo.com
Envoyé le : Me, 11 Oct 2017
Sujet : Fees for your Visa card from : sharon1am2013@live.com, sharon3am2013@live.com, sharon4am2013@live.com
United Bank of Africa.UBA, Senegal
Manager, International Remittance,
Route des Almadies
Zone 12 - Lot D
Dakar- Senegal,
B.P. 11.476 Dakar Peytavin
Attn. Sir
We have verified your details authenticated but we cannot transfer all ones direct to your bank in your country due to IMF, International Monitory Fund Laws against transaction of such huge amount of money and other security reasons We have created the Visa card account and transferred the total amount of
$300,000.00 US dollars
to it, we have attached the scanned copy here including the picture of how you will apply it. However, we shall give you the security code and further instructions to use as soon as it reach you in your country, however, you are required to send the posting fees of
$395 dollars
to enable us pay DHL for the shipment. Pay the 395 dollars through Western union or Money gram with the details below...
Receiver's name: Paul Assia
Country : Senegal
City ...... Dakar,
Code : 00221
Manager...Paul Assia
United Bank of Africa UBA, Senegal
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EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - hernymark7@gmail.com
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De: Dickson & Associate Chambers - contact@dicksonchambers.com
Enviado: quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017
Hello xxxxx,
Good day to you! I hope you are having a wonderful day today. Kindly bear with me for is has not been easy for me because I am on a sick bed. I have been waiting to receive the requested information as well as the identification documents from you. It is imperative that you let me have them soonest and I can assure you that your every information you provide will be treated and handled as confidential. I am a senior Lawyer here in the US and I have been in practice for over 3 decades now. But all my reputation has just been bastardized by my current health challenges. But to God be the glory that today, I am still counting among the living. For a living dog is better than a dead lion. Please, we have to follow due process to be able to achieve this aim together. We will sure be vindicated at last. The end will always justify the means. If you are willing to help this innocent girl to savage her inheritance and her promising future, please do not hold back any effort to enable us see the light of the day. God bless you for your concern. I look forward to receive a response and the mode of identification.
Attorney Dickson Somerset,
Dickson & Associate Chamber,
Director, Tribal law & government center,
Associate Professor of law,
New York City, USA.
----Mensagem original-----
De: RACHEAL TOLBERT - rachealtolbert180@yahoo.com
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017
Assunto: Re: Inquérito ao produto
Olá querido,
Obrigado pela sua resposta. Sou a Sra. Racheal Tolbert, tenho 49 Anos, da Libéria, mas agora, em um Dakar Senegal com meu filho Mathew, que tem 20 anos de idade. Fui satisfeito com o seu Perfil sobre o qual rezei antes de entrar em contato você para esta questão importante e benéfica.
Meu marido tardio O Dr. Joseph Tolbert era um homem bem conhecido e realizado que tinha interesse adquirido em tantas áreas de negócios que o fizeram acumular grande riqueza antes de sua morte, mas depois do enterro de seus parentes Siezed tudo o que ele tinha desde que ele não deixou qualquer Will e foi em primeiro lugar Preparado sobre a sua morte, que foi bastante repentino e um choque para mim. Ele tinha um depósito com um banco na Europa no valor de vinte milhões de dólares dos Estados Unidos (USD20M) Tendo-me como os parentes no arquivo do mandato que ninguém é ciente disso, exceto eu. No momento, estou em Dakar com meu filho e contatou os funcionários do Banco que confirmaram tudo, mas disseram que o acesso não pode ser concedido nos Fundos, nem qualquer transação / ordem realizada na conta até que eu me encontrei com a Requisitos de Requisitos de Herança do País. Com a minha condição e a incapacidade de lidar com este assunto, é por isso que estou entrando em contato com você para que você me ajude urgentemente com tudo o que tem a ver com os Requisitos de Liberação sobre os quais são Devem ser feitos arranjos para viajar para se juntar a você para que meu filho continue com sua educação enquanto gerencia os Fundos como meu Parceiro Gerente e compre-nos um INICIO. Estou oferecendo-lhe 15% Líquido do Montante da sua Assistência
Devo dar-lhe detalhes adicionais depois de ouvir de você.
Por favor, mantenha este assunto confidencial em vista da nossa segurança pessoal e de fundos
Sra. Racheal Tolbert.
De: Tom West - tomwest5671@outlook.com
Data: domingo, 01 outubro 2017,
Assunto: Hola querido,
Gracias por su respuesta. Es un placer tenerte como mi amigo aquí. Conocer el uno al otro es un proceso gradual y aquí hay pocas cosas que creo que usted debe saber sobre mí, soy un soldado de Asitnace Médico Médico Ortopédico británico y antes de que yo estaba sirviendo en el Reino Unido / base del Ejército estadounidense en Irlanda Reino Unido, pero ahora estoy en Base militar del Reino Unido / Estados Unidos. También serví en la Unidad Militar de Salud de la 3a División de Infantería en Irak bajo la reforma de mantenimiento de la paz.
Me encanta conocer gente, leer, tocar guitarra, viajar también, y también compartir ideas, me preocupo por la naturaleza, el ser humano, las artes del amor, el medio ambiente, la cultura social, etc.
Tengo 48 años de edad hombre soltero, mi altura es más de 6 pulgadas de altura aproximadamente 189 cm. Mis mejores alimentos son verduras, pollo y patatas fritas, etc
Mi nombre completo es Tom West, un nacional británico y todavía estoy en Irak, pero volveré a mi país para el final del año si Dios me mantiene vivo.
Es tan agradable tenerte como mi nuevo amigo y mi oración es que el todopoderoso señor nos ayude a tener una amistad mutua que beneficiará a nuestras generaciones ya los hijos de nuestros hijos en un futuro cercano ... ¡Amén!
Por favor eres soltero o casado Por favor, hágamelo saber en su próxima respuesta, ya que estoy teniendo un sentimiento especial por usted, también para un contacto más constante con usted.
Tom West
email do golpista - tomwest5671@outlook.com
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : lora smith - lorasmith911@yahoo.com
Envoyé le : Ma, xx Oct 2017
Sujet : Love to read from you soon... lorasmith911@yahoo.com
Am very glad to receive this email from you, I really understand everything you said. I will love to come over to france but I don't have enough funds with me here. All I need from you is to assist me with some fund to board a flight to France. I will be happy if you are if you can arrange some funds for me . 500 pounds will be enough baby. Just get it and send your address and phone number to call you when I get to the airport.
Love to read from you soon.
EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - lorasmith911@yahoo.com
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Sgt.caroline william sgt.carolinewilliam@gmail.com
Envoyé le : Me, 11 Oct 2017
Sujet : MEDITERRANEAN SHIPPING COMPANY : sn349-infodakar@execs.com
my dearest one don't worry when ever i take another pictures i will send them to you please try and send your informations to the company for verification, ok ? thanks.
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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Mark Dumga markdumga@yahoo.com
welcome to Mediterranean Shipping Company Senegal S.A. we promise to give the best of our service to our costumers.
dear costumer according to your partner miss Caroline William she gave us an instruction on how to deliver the box to you but before we proceed we will like to have your information to avoid mistakes and to make sure your the real person we will be waiting for your comply thanks..
Full Name:................
Copy of ID or ID No:.
Direct Phone No:......
Thanks for your co-operation.
We are waiting for your responds.
Mediterranean Shipping Company Senegal S.A.
Hann Bel Air
Route des Hydrocarbures
B.P. 4495
DAKAR Senegal
Phone: +221702096071
Office Email Address....( sn349-infodakar@execs.com )
Operation manager: Dr Mark Dumga
Direct Email.... markdumga@yahoo.com
website..... https://www.msc.com/sen?lang=en-gb
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Aliyah Nawaz - aliyahnawaztalat@outlook.com
Envoyé le : Ma, 10 Oct 2017
Sujet : You will be rewarded for your help : aliyahnawaztalat@outlook.com
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,
It is true that we met through the Internet which i know to be an unsecured means of communications that have been abused with many lies coming from people of no conscience with wicked mind to deprive others of their hard earned fortune but please give your attention to my mail though it may be your least expectation from me since we are just new friends but i am doing so because i have to let you know about me due to the happiness my heart have found with you.
I was born into a Muslim family that cherish the principle of proper child up bringing but death never gave me the opportunity of having to enjoy the comfort of my good home but all the same Allah knows the best. After reading from you, i decided to let you know everything about me because i believe it is Masha Allah(that which Allah wills) which makes me know you after my fasts with prayers to Allah, I am also ready to meet with you if you will accept me with all your heart.
I am Ms. Aliyah Nawaz Talat, 23 years old, born in the ancient city of Somali located within the province of Somalia and the only daughter of Dr. Nawaz Talat Mohammad of the blessed memory who was a well-known environmental activist in my country Somaliland. Before the death of my mother on 15 July 2007. Though her sudden death was linked by her second bout of cancer. It was after the death of my mother that my dad realized that Somalia is undemocratic and not safe for girls of which he decided that i will continue my education in another country for my safety since many girls have been raped kill without justice being done. Tears will not let me go back to the events that took my fathers life when i least expected and expose me to life of competition for survival but for what i am and not for my beauty or family background, I have learn to accept and face challenges. am alive writing today as it was by bismillahir rahmani raheem (in the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful) which kept me i lost my only brother on a serious bullet injuries. After the incident, before the death of my father he was able to tell me some important things and directed his lawyer to hand over some certain documents to me which the lawyer did. My father gave up the ghost and after his burial according to Islamic rites,It was certain to me that i do not have any other choice but to disclose my situation to the school authority of which i was taken to the camp of UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSION FOR REFUGEE (UNHCR) in Grand Yorf, Dakar, Senegal, from where i am writing you now but i say ALHAMDOULILLAH (all praise be to Allah) for keeping me alive till date. Before the death of Father on 5th of Jan 2008. He told me of the sum of
$4.6 millions US dollars
in one of the leading banks in a fixed deposit account as my family inheritance as his next of kin, I am just 23years old now and a university undergraduate studying, The bond indicates that the next of kin can only come to claim the money should anything happen to the depositor when she reaches the age of 23, and l don't really know of what to do in business and now I want to invest this fund with a good honest person for my future living under his/her care and control. This is because I have suffered a lot since l lost my caring father which brought sorrow to my life today. I have communicated with the bank and was searching for a reliable and trustworthy person that can assist me to claim and safeguard this money in his custody so i can relocate to join him to start a new life as the bank advised me to do since i have no account.
Please write me with your first and last name which i will send to the bank presenting you to them as my trustee and Representative if you accept to help me with the claims and assure me that you will not betray me when you receive the money in your account. I am with the hope that this transfer will be successfully carried out with you and i promised you bismillah ( In the name of Allah) that you will be handsomely rewarded for the help.
Now permit me to ask you these few questions :
1. Can you honestly help me as your sister or your friend ?
2. Can I completely trust you ?
3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account ?
Please consider this and get back to me as soon as possible so that l will forward all vital information to you as soon as l hears from you. In all i say Subhana Allah (glory be to Allah) for making me know someone like you. Please l wants you to help me invest this fund in any good lucrative moving business in your country. please consider my request for you to assist me invest my inheritance in your country please in view of our sensitive status and as we are still conscious of my father's enemies I would like you to give me this a highly confidential approach so we need your information such as listed below :
1 names_________________
2. Age: _______________________________
3. Occupation: ________________________
4. Telephone : __________________
From your new friend,
EMAIL GOLPISTA - aliyahnawaztalat@outlook.com
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Trans. : I can know the cost of shipment from : captainwallacekimberlin@gmail.com
----E-mail d'origine-----
De : trevor quisly - deliverymanservices03@gmail.com
Envoyé le : Je, 12 Oct 2017
Sujet : I can know the cost of shipment from : captainwallacekimberlin@gmail.com
Where are you from ? send your full names and address including telephone number so I can know the cost of shipment from : captainwallacekimberlin@gmail.com
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017-10-santos pere - santospere970@gmail.com
Olá meu amor
Estou preocupado com você
nem mesmo boa manhã mensagem que não recebi da minha esposa
Espero que você esteja bem? Me escreva de volta para que eu saiba que você está bem para que minha mente possa estar bem
Beijos e até a próxima
2017-10- santos pere <santospere970@gmail.com
Eu só quero deixar você saber que a Noite terminou ontem,
A manhã traz outro dia.
Você pode sorrir como os raios solares
e deixe suas preocupações na baía azul brilhante.
Bom dia, meu amor e um dia maravilhoso à frente
Beijos e até a próxima
2017-10-04 4:21 GMT-03:00 santos pere
Olá meu amor
você já acordou?
É hora da manhã aqui
Se você pode coletar acima de US $ R4500 do emprestador de dinheiro ainda está bem
Eu tenho ocupado desde a organização da minha mochila, porque meu vôo é às 8 da tarde porque vou chegar no brasil às 10h na quinta-feira, estou tão feliz que você já arrumou a casa, ficarei muito feliz em dormir nos braços da minha bela esposa e nós dois visitaremos o banco juntos na sexta-feira e, a partir daí, vamos reembolsar o dinheiro do empréstimo
haverá uma missa noturna naquela sexta-feira?
Enviado do meu smartphone Samsung Galaxy.
-------- Mensagem original --------
De: santos pere -
Data: 04/10/2017
Assunto: Re:
sim meu amor
já não consigo dormir, mas contando horas e minutos para conhecê-lo
Nome. pinto de souza
Banco Do Itau
Sim ou não?
2017-10- santos pere = santospere970@gmail.com
Olá querida
Como está o seu dia?
Espero que você esteja indo bem e preparando a casa para minha chegada?
sempre devemos comparecer à missa juntos como marido e mulher.
Meu amor, o meu BTA ainda não está completo, era meu BTA antes que eu usei na compra do carro chevrolet e eu já o enviei, então meu amor eu quero que você queira se houver algum lugar em que você possa tomar um pequeno empréstimo em um banco ou uma casa de empréstimo para que eu possa pagar o meu BTA aqui para que eu também não tenha problemas no aeroporto amanhã à noite, usaremos o BTA para pagar ainda quando eu chegar no brasil porque não vou fazer uso do dinheiro, mas apenas para passar no aeroporto e por favor, você precisa estar livre na sexta-feira para que possamos ir ao banco juntos na sexta-feira para corrigir o problema do meu cartão de crédito para que eu possa começar a usá-lo imediatamente e certifique-se de que você também está livre na quinta-feira para que você possa me receber
Obrigado meu amor e a nossa mulher paz de fatima sempre proteja você para mim até chegar no brasil
eu te amo
beijo e abraços
do seu príncipe
Santos pere
agencia 1531 operação 013
conta 00001316-3
CPF- 31090407866
Caixa Economica Federal
EMAIL DO GOLPISTA - santospere970@gmail.com
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