From: laura ralph -
Date: August xx, 2017
Nice to meet you , It's me SGT. Laura Ralph from the South Eastern State of the United State (Kentucky) based in Kabul Afghanistan, I hope all is well with you?
I am working with the United States Air Force peace keeping troop in Afghanistan, on war against terrorism.
I have in my possession the sum of $3.5 million USD ( three million five hundred thousand united states dollar ) Which i made here in Afghanistan.
I deposited this money with a Red Cross agent. I want you to stand as my beneficiary and receive the fund and keep it safe until am able to meet you. I am in an urgent need to move this box out from here because they are planning to move some troop out of Afghanistan and i am among, Now i am left with no option than to move this box to a safe place, that is why i contacted you and i believe in you.
You will assist me to invest in a good profitable venture, I will give you 20% of the fund for your assistance after you have receive the box.
Kindly reply back to me if you are willing to work with me so that i can send you the information where the money is been deposited, your urgent reply is needed. All i need from you is honest and trust.
SGT. Laura Ralph.
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From: laura ralph -
Date: August XX, 2017
I thank you for your very kind and prompt response to my email,indicating your willingness to assist me transfer this funds for investment purposes in your country or any country that you will recommend, am well impressed by your person and I feel I have found the right person, but time will tell, as you know, the success of this transaction will depend on our total mutual trust and you must promise that you will keep it secret within yourself. I want everything to be clear to you right now but you have to read carefully.The deal is all about the money I made here, and I have it kept safely in a box, now listing to me the reason why i contacted you
Due to the United Nation policy on Afghanistan, there is a plan to move some troops out of Afghanistan so I will be among the people that will be moving out. I cannot take this money to the United States because since they know me as military personnel, they will want to know how I come about it. For this reason i left with no option than to move this box to a safe place that is why i contacted you and i believe in you because i have seen your profile before i contacted you i so much appreciate you to assist me
I must not fail to explain to you how I came across this fund I want you to use for investment. our soldiers had encounter and exchanged bullets with some gunmen and eventually three of our soldiers were injured in the event while over sixteen of the gunmen were killed, as a nurse in the army, I and my group rushed to give medical attention to our men who were injure at the spot where the sixteen gun men were shot to dead, I saw two trunks and showed it to my fellow and we decided to force of the trunks open and discovered huge amount of dollars in it and we did the same to the other trunk and saw the same thing and we quickly took the trunks. that's how i discovered the box over here, i wait to hear from you if you are interested to assist me
Sgt. Laura Ralph.
=========================================== - FAKE PROFILE
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A: Recipients -
Envoyé le : Je, 1xx Aoû 2017
Sujet : Contact them to receive your funds :
Good day to you,
I am Mrs. Tina Vacelier Brian, I am a US citizen, 48 years old.
I am one of those that took part in the compensation in Nigeria many years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over USD20,000 while in the US, trying to get my payment all to no avail. So I decided to travel to WASHINGTON D.C, And I was directed by the FBI Director to contact Mr. Thomas Dennis, who works for the Gold Link Insurance Company in Nigeria,where all the unclaimed fund were been deposited for safe keeping. I contacted him and he asked me to send my FULL NAME, SEX and DIRECT CONTACT NUMBER for him to verify if my name is among the list of those that are yet to receive the compensation fund.After he verified my name, he gave me their website to confirm my name my self online, i saw my name on the list and right now i have received my fund
I will advise you contact Mr. Thomas Dennis with your FULL NAME, SEX and DIRECT CONTACT NUMBER, so he can oonce again verify if your name and email is on the list of those that are yet to receive their fund. You have to stop contacting those impostors that are telling you that they have fund for you they are all liars and swindlers. You are to contact Mr. Thomas Dennis of the Gold Link Insurance Company directly on this information below.
Mr. Thomas Dennis
The only money I paid after I met Mr. Thomas Dennis was just $275 for their insurance fee, take note of that. Once again stop contacting those people, I will advise you to contact Mr. Thomas Dennis so that he can help you to Deliver your fund instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kind of money to complete your transaction. You have to stop any further communications with those Imposters that claims to be Government Officials, EFCC Chairman, Bank Official, etc... For they are not real and only reaping you of your hard earn money. The earlier you stop replying their emails the better for you. For your own good do not disclose this with any of those imposters that are trying to reap you off your hard earn money. Just stop any further communication of any form with them.
Thank you and be blessed.
Mrs. Tina Vacelier Brian
De: Farida Elamin -
Data: 12 de agosto de 2017
Assunto: Re: Chegou proposta para o seu
Responder A:
Meu caro amigo,
Estou muito feliz em receber uma resposta sobre o seu carro e eu vou comprar o carro em seu próprio preço de doação. Eu sei que esta certamente não é a abordagem certa para começar um relacionamento, mas rezo pela sua compreensão em relação à minha ação. Eu sou viúva da Síria, tenho 34 anos. A condição atual do meu país mudou tão mal que militantes estão matando e enterrando crianças vivas e os adultos morrendo de fome. Eu estou em um campo de refugiados com minha filha em Aleppo Síria atualmente. Eu não sei como você vai se sentir devido às circunstâncias como nos encontramos no site do carro. Vivemos uma vida pacífica como uma grande família antes da guerra civil aqui na Síria e minha família é uma família que as pessoas invejam para ser como antes da guerra. Meu marido é uma pessoa bem conhecida, tanto na política como nos negócios, mas nossa vida pacífica e invejosa se converte em um pesadelo dentro de pouco tempo quando meu marido morreu e o próprio mundo não tem sentido para mim. Eu nunca sei que um dia vou procurar um lugar para correr com o fundo e a riqueza do meu marido, mas acredito que Deus sabe o melhor.
Estamos atualmente em um campo de refugiados e tudo isso enquanto pessoas que têm parentes e amigos fora da Síria estão saindo e se mudando da Síria com a ajuda de seus entes queridos. Tenho tudo que demorar para sair daqui em termos de dinheiro, mas não posso enviar dinheiro para a equipe de resgate que tem levantado pessoas daqui devido às destruições, fechamentos de bancos e outras instituições financeiras aqui na Síria. O lado ruim é que eles não entram na Síria ou concordam com qualquer organismo na Síria até receberem dinheiro em nome da pessoa no campo de refugiados e tudo isso impediu a deslocalização de mim e minha filha. Leia minuciosamente e volte para mim, mas você tem a obrigação de recusar se não estiver interessado, mas rezo para que considere minha situação e me ajude sem olhar para trás.
Entrei em contato com você por causa das sanções impostas pelos Estados Unidos e pela União Européia, o que nos impede de garantir nossa transação financeira aqui. Tenho em minha posse a soma de 9,750,000 de dólar dos Estados Unidos que meu falecido marido me entrega antes da morte dele.
Tenho garantido esse dinheiro em uma caixa e já consultei um enviado aqui na Síria que me ajudará a retirar a minha caixa da Síria para guardar e conseguir investimentos possíveis. É por isso que estou com muita necessidade de uma pessoa confiável e digna de confiança que receberá a caixa, protegê-la e protegê-la até minha chegada, que deve ser em breve. Eu tenho que aproveitar esta chance porque não tenho outra alternativa senão encontrar alguém como você para confiar. Sou um órfão sem irmão ou irmã e sem marido, então não arrisco mais minha vida e a minha filha.
Tudo o que tenho é minha filha e não quero perder ela. Eu vou mudar para onde você está com minha filha e investir o dinheiro de acordo com a lei, seus conselhos e assistência. Podemos trabalhar juntos e alcançar um futuro melhor para as nossas famílias. Por favor, você deve tomar nota que o enviado não está ciente de que minha caixa contém dinheiro e isso é por razões de segurança.
Tudo o que pergunto é permitir-me registrar a caixa em seu nome como tesouro familiar e você deverá recuperá-la uma vez que estiver no Reino Unido e depois para sua localização. Não haverá risco nesse acordo; Eu fiz o arranjo necessário para a entrega segura da caixa para o seu referido local. Eu assumirei que você é capaz de lidar com um acordo dessa magnitude e também confiar em você para manter segredo absoluto e confidencialidade para proteger essa grande conquista.
Cuidado, tomei medidas cautelares para garantir o dinheiro. A caixa é codificada com gadgets de alta segurança e eu sou o único que tem a combinação certa para desbloqueá-lo. Eu lhe darei 30% do valor. Tudo o que importa agora é que eu preciso começar uma nova vida uma vez que eu tenha sucesso em mudar esse dinheiro daqui.
De: -
Enviado: quarta-feira, xx de agosto de 2017 xx
Para: xxxx
Estimado cliente: xxxxxxx
Esta é para notificá-lo de que sua remessa acabou de chegar do Oceano
Índico para o aeroporto aqui em São Paulo, Brasil, depositado por seu
marido Eng. charles Benjamin Mas, durante uma operação de resgate,
que, portanto, exigem que você urgentemente para a frente a este
escritório uma cópia digitalizada de qualquer forma de identificação
do seu mesmo (carteira de motorista / Internacional ID ou ID válido de
trabalho), para posterior verificação para que possamos entregar a sua
remessa ao dentro de 24 horas.
Por favor, confirme o seu endereço de entrega para garantir que a sua correta:
Nome: xxxx
Endereço: Rua xxxxxx
Contato: xxxxxxx
Ao mesmo tempo, a instrução que se seguiu a entrega de sua remessa,
disse, devemos entregar a sua remessa no prazo de 24 horas para evitar
despesas de sobreestadia após 3 dias de depósito. Responder para o
nosso e-mail o mais rápido possível.
Para sua referência, você tem contas Brasil imposto a ser pago antes
de realizar a sua entrega a você no seu endereço de casa de
residência, o valor é de 2.500 reais Brasil, Está, portanto,
aconselhado por uma questão de urgência para fazer o pagamento via
conta detalhes com as informações abaixo:
Katia Cristina Bastos
Agencia: 4298-6
Conta corrente: 16170-5
Cpf: 12761890876
Banco do Brasil
Assim que você tiver feito o pagamento, você deverá enviar-nos uma
cópia digitalizada do recibo de transferência, para confirmar o
pagamento e iniciar o processamento de entrega do seu envio para você.
Obrigado por usar Gatesteep Express Segurança
Mrs Lisa James (c.s.o)
For Gatesteep Express Security.
Gatesteep Express Security ®
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : nastypoga
Envoyé le : Je, 10 Aoû 2017
Sujet : Hello my Dear, I'm so afraid of losing you :
Hello, my sweet prince !
I am very pleased to receive your new letter. Regardless of your
decision, I am very happy to see your new letter. Thank you that you
did not make me die in despair. I am very worried that you will not
answer me anymore. I thought of the worst. You're always in my heart
and my thoughts. They occupy the first place in my life. Thank you for
what you are beside me. You are important to me and at this stage of
my life, I live only for you. Now I am in Moscow and I write to you
from internet cafe. I got to Moscow good. All the way I was thinking
as well that soon I will be able to fulfill all your dreams. It's just
a fairy tale. But what usually happens, I have a problem without
addressing this, I can`t come to you. It is a small amount of money.
For me it's a shame, ask your financial aid, and I will not do it. So,
I decided to end our correspondence, because I do not want you to
think badly of me. I tried to solve this problem myself, but I did
not. I think he refuses to help me. As I said before, for this reason
we should end our relationship. I think you're going to accuse me and
your trust in me out. I do not want to hear the shouts and insults the
person to whom I have warm feelings of love. My heart will be broken.
I was already very bad. I do not wish that I was more painful.
Complete disarray, my angel, I am insanely afraid of losing you. I
feel so bad now, I tremble hands, and his voice trembling. In my eyes
with tears. I don`t know what to do, I think you're not going to
reject me. Please understand that I do not want to hear in my address
of insults and accusations. Please do not say bad words. I'm very
embarrassed. And it is very difficult right now. I do not know what to
do. Since I'm all alone. And I feel like I'm useless. I feel very bad.
Forgive me for what I force you to read it. But I really do not have
anybody else to turn. Do you understand ? You're the closest person for
me right now. And I'm afraid of losing you. Now, I'll try to explain
in more detail, what's my problem. Actually, it's not really that
difficult, but without solving the problem, simply would not be
allowed leave Russia. We live in different countries, we are separated
by different languages, different laws, different traditions. I hope
find right words to explain essence of the problem. Need to address
this issue urgently, because before I lost bit of time. With your
permission, I will start. How many people in Russia, the mind can`t
understand why, as always warn about the last minute. Whole problem
lies in the fact that I owe a debt utility bills apartment - unpaid
bills for water, gas, electricity and so on. Citizens who do not pay
the debts of state agencies are not allowed to travel outside Russia
until pay the debt to $100. The amount of my debt of $500. In my
wallet $100, which I saved. I had to pay $100 for the
debt. But now, they are still obligated to pay $400, or simply
would not be releasing me from Russia. This law was passed in our
country recently due to the fact that many citizens went abroad and
left a huge, unpaid bills and utilities have to wait long until the
people can`t go back. I tried to find money in Moscow, but I have no
friends here and even acquaintances. I tried to ask money from
internship program, but authorized agents told me that, due to their
great regret, not to engage in personal benefit to the public, but you
pay for only those conditions which have been included in the
contract. Therefore, the problem I have to solve on their own. I am
extremely upset, I don`t know what to do. I don`t have a way out of
this terrible situation. My prince, you're my only hope ! Our future is
in your hands. I'll giveback you money as soon arrive in your country.
I'll get money first, and immediately give you back $400. but
first I need to get out of Russia. As I said before, the first salary
I pay within 2-3 days after I arrive in your country. I hope for your
understanding, trust and support. I'm sure it will not be a barrier
and you can help me. I want to make all our sexual dreams. Need to
hurry, my angel. The faster you can help me, faster than I can fly
to your country. It's very difficult to find the right words my
prince. Please do not ask me no questions, now I'm just asking you to
help as soon as possible. I'm so afraid of losing you. I hope you will
help me, I'm sure. My Tiger, I learned that there is a system Money
Gram. This system is safer and the easiest way and fastest way to
transfer money. This is exactly what we need right now. At the end of
this letter, I will give all the information necessary for the
transmission. So that you can find the nearest Money Gram soon, I give
you a link to the official website - I'm really
very sorry to have to ask for your help, but I have no choice. Only
you a person who can help me now. Please don`t forget that I will
give back $400 from my salary, I will put in you country. I'm
sure you don`t leave me in this difficult situation - you're gentle,
sweet and caring. We are made for each other. money only paper, for
which you can`t buy true love and feelings. Much more important is
spiritual wealth of mankind. I think you do not need to explain this.
I very much ask you. understand. I was in a very serious condition. I
want to arrive as soon as possible to you. I want to feel your cock
inside me resilient. I want you to come into my ass. I've never had
anal experience. You are the first who will be able to go there. I'm
sure you both enjoy. Now, my pussy at the thought that soon I'll be in
your arms and embrace your cock can my lips. Love deep blowjob ? I can
swallow all your cock, mmmmmmm, my tiger, I'm looking forward to this
moment. But without your help our dreams never become a reality.
Please do not look at a man who has just personal gain. I try to only
two of us, and it takes a lot for me. The most important thing that
you have had a desire to help. Then, we will be able to jump all the
obstacles together. Come on, there will be next to each other and make
the most beautiful things of this world together, taking her hand.
I hope that the new mail waiting for me, as soon as possible.
When you can send the money, give all the information on money transfer's.
The most passionate kisses and sweet to you, my tiger !
Your little pussy from Russia,
Anastasiya !
P.S. I'll give you the money as soon as come to you.
P.S. As I promised, I'll tell you my personal information needed to transfer money :
Name - Anastasiya
Last name - Pogarskaya
City - Moscow
Country - Russia
Street - Bochkova 3-16
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Em 18 de jul de 2017, às 11:39, Dave Oliver - escreveu:
Meu querido,
Quero contar-lhe mais sobre mim; Eu tenho 5 pés e 8 polegadas de
altura e peso 185 quilos. Eu possuo minha própria casa e trabalhei
muito por tudo o que eu consegui. Eu obtive meu diploma de Bacharelado
na Universidade de Boston em Massachusetts e obtive meus mestres da
Universidade Cornell aqui em Nova York. Minha cor favorita é azul e
gosto de música clássica e jazz. Não bebo nem fumo. Meu número de
telefone é +1 347 619 0704 ou 347 609 7481. Você pode ligar ou me
enviar um texto a qualquer momento.
Você é uma mulher especial com qualidades únicas e intrigantes que
impulsionam meu desejo por você além da imaginação. Nunca imaginei que
voltaria a conhecer alguém com quem eu gostaria de compartilhar tudo,
oferecer todo meu amor incondicionalmente e envelhecer até um dia de
relembrança dos anos em que compartilhamos juntos. Apenas o pensamento
de oferecer meu coração total e passar minha vida estimando cada
momento com você, traz essas emoções incríveis para mim, eu já esqueci
como sentir.
Chloe está realmente ótimo. Ela está ansiosa para os feriados. Nossa
vida é bastante usada juntos, exceto quando ela está na escola.
Comecei a trabalhar em casa quando a mãe de Chloe faleceu, para que eu
pudesse fazer um bom trabalho, parentalidade com ela sozinha. Foi
difícil no começo, mas eu me acostumei depois do primeiro ano. Ela é
uma boa garota e ela entende que tudo o que eu faço é para ela.
Estamos sempre juntos e eu a acompanho sempre que viajo e, se ela
sentir falta da escola por causa disso, ela compensa com as aulas
extras. Trabalhou até agora e estamos felizes.
O pior dia da minha vida foi perder a mãe de Chloe "JOANNE" e meu
filho "JOHN", mas as segundas chances não são freqüentes na vida. Eu
não irei outro dia sem nos dar uma chance verdadeira de uma vida com
amor e felicidade, eu sei que poderíamos abraçar juntos.
Um homem sábio me disse uma vez: "Quando é real, você saberá" ... Eu sei.
Amor, abraços e beijos,
---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: "michael henry" -
Data: xx de ago de 2017
Assunto: Re: Hello Michel
Good morning how is everything with you there? I feel so much about you since i met you in life. I have notice that you are a good woman with good sense of humor, and you are the kind of quality i will like to bring to my own standard
Em 7 de ago de 2017 8:27 PM, "michael henry" - escreveu:
I am sorry that i could not have time to talk to you today. I went on a patrol troops with my boys to another city for security guard today, that's why i could not have time to respond, i'm so sorry for that. I think of you and i miss you, my dear. Good night, sweet dreams, God be with you. See you tomorrow morning, rest well my angel
Em Sábado, 12 de Agosto de 2017 8:08, Edgar Donald - escreveu:
Como você está hoje,
Aqui está um pouco sobre mim, meu nome é Edgar Donald, você pode me chamar de Edger. Eu sou uma mistura de Estados Unidos da América (EUA) e do Brasil. Eu não vivo no Brasil, mas eu tenho meu próprio projeto de construção no Brasil. Isso sempre me trouxe para o Brasil, criei este site durante a minha última visita ao Brasil. Sou órfão e perdi meus pais quando tinha 10 anos. Quanto ao trabalho / trabalho, eu gosto do meu trabalho, embora seja arriscado, porque estamos sempre no mar, nosso principal dever é reparar refinarias e oleodutos, especialmente quando há um derramamento de óleo ou um surto de incêndio e também o transporte de GAS de uma refinaria Estação para outro. Eu sou o chefe deste grupo e juntos expertraites. Trabalhei por 24 anos e 10 meses. Estive em muitos países, devido à natureza do meu trabalho, vou me aposentar em outubro. Eu proponho ter um parceiro no Brasil e me contentar com ela depois da minha aposentadoria. É por isso que fui ao site procurar uma mulher honesta Eu acredito que os brasileiros são pessoas realmente sinceras e agradáveis, tenho 56 anos, sou viúvo , Eu tenho apenas uma criança, e ela tem 12 anos de idade, ela mora e estuda na escola de pouso em Delaware, EUA, eu a levei para embarcar porque não há ninguém para cuidar dela quando estou fora para minha viagem de negócios. O nome do meu filho é kate.
Sou muito humilde, carinhosa, carinhosa, romântica, apaixonada. Estou em busca de uma mulher que vai me amar e minha filha. Eu gosto de conforto caseiro e posso cozinhar muito bem. A família é a coisa mais importante para mim. Estou muito interessado em saber mais sobre você. Quero uma mulher com quem eu possa passar um tempo juntos, caminhando juntos na praia. O que eu amo em uma mulher com bom senso de humor. Uma mulher em quem eu possa confiar. Eu realmente quero estar apaixonado. Aguardo por sua resposta e também uma foto sua. Muito obrigado por me fornecer seu e-mail, que DEUS abençoe você e sua família.
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De: "Fafa Peter" -
Data: xx de ago de 2017
Querido amor,
Agradecemos novamente este dia. Eu também gostaria de vê-lo cara a cara e usarei essa oportunidade para informá-lo de que Deus escolheu você para me ajudar entre outros homens na terra, agora é deixado para você e Deus que o dirigiu para me ajudar a partir de Esta situação me encontrou.
Estou enviando um e-mail para você do escritório do Rev. Pai na missão da igreja Christ De King, Dakar Senegal, onde moro atualmente pela segurança da minha vida, porque não pude mais pagar a renda do apartamento do meu falecido. Eu disse ao Rev. Pai sobre a minha comunicação com você e ele me permite acessar meu e-mail no computador do escritório, você pode me chamar pelo reverendo número de telefone de Philip Mark e dizer-lhe que você quer falar comigo que enviamos para Eu, seu número é +221773887218
Por favor, eu não disse a ninguém, exceto você e o reverendo, sobre a existência desse dinheiro e eu gostaria que você guardasse o segredo das outras pessoas porque, como é (DINHEIRO), todos os olhos estarão nela. Lembre-se de que eu confio em você, é por isso que estou lhe dando toda essa informação, meu amor é para você e você sozinho, informou o banco sobre meus planos para reivindicar esse dinheiro e a única coisa que eles me disseram para procurar um parceiro estrangeiro .
A este respeito, eu gostaria que você contatasse o banco. Imediatamente com esta informação, diga-lhes que você é meu parceiro estrangeiro e que quer saber as possibilidades de me ajudar na transferência do depósito ($ 5,3 milhões de dólares dos EUA) pelo meu atrasado pai Do qual eu sou o parente mais próximo de sua conta em seu país.
As informações de contato do banco são como Follows,
O nome do oficial de transferência é José Viñals.
Número de fax 0044-700-5931-149
Informações sobre o código de depósito como São SEGUIMENTOS.
Nome do depositante: Dr. Peter Nyot Kok
Nacionalidade: Sudão
Parentes mais novos: Miss Fafa Peter
Montante depositado: US $ 5,3 milhões.
Número de conta: SCBUK874560245037 / ZK / 87 / E
Entre em contato com o banco agora sobre como transferir os $ 5,3 milhões de dólares depositados pelo meu atrasado pai do qual eu sou o próximo de parentes, mapeei 5% para as despesas e ações que poderiam surgir nesta transferência. Meu querido, fico feliz que Deus tenha trazido você para me ver fora desta situação e eu prometo ser igualmente gentil e precisarei de você em todas as áreas da minha vida, além de investir esse dinheiro, pois ainda sou muito jovem para administrar esse montante de dinheiro .
Certifique-se de entrar em contato com o banco após a transferência para que você possa enviar algum dinheiro desse dinheiro para que eu prepare meus documentos de viagem para se encontrar com você em seu país.
Aguardando ouvir de você o mais breve possível !.
Para sempre apaixonado,
-------- Mensagem original --------
De : Barrister Walter Coleman -
Data: xx/08/2017
Assunto: Attn: xxxxxx ( Leia em Português )
Attn: xxxxx
Suas 2 caixas de logótipo chegaram hoje a Londres e foram limpas sob o código do Reino Unido / Código de apuramento da ONU do ato 104 ^ / 06, as 2 caixas foram acompanhadas pelo oficial de entrega ( Diplomat William Jones ) a Londres hoje.
O formulário de autorização de nação unida foi emitido no nome e endereço do seu nome para proteger a entrega das suas 2 caixas para o Brasil, das quais suas 2 caixas foram cobertas com uma apólice de seguro rígida para evitar a inspeção de suas caixas pela autoridade aduaneira do Brasil e também para evitar o desvio de suas caixas Registrado por alguns funcionários corruptos.
Seja informado, você pagará taxas de compensação personalizadas no Brasil quando o agente de entrega ( Mr.William Jones ) chegou ao Brasil na segunda-feira 14/08/2017.
Você é obrigado a pagar taxas de compensação personalizadas no Brasil imediatamente agente de entrega chegou ao Brasil e contatá-lo no telefone, porque a autoridade personalizada do Brasil não permitirá que você ou agente escolha as caixas sem pagar suas taxas de compensação.
Você é aconselhável para organizar a taxa de compensação personalizada disponível e esperar a entrega do agente de entrega na segunda-feira 14/08/2017.
De acordo com instruções do oficial personalizado aqui, ele disse que as taxas personalizadas no Brasil ascenderão a US $ 3.200 reais ou US $ 3.000 reais, no entanto, o agente de entrega ( Mr.William Jones ) entrará em contato com você por telefone para informar-lhe o valor real imediatamente que ele chegou Aeroporto do Brasil, que lhe enviará o dinheiro no aeroporto para pagar direitos aduaneiros no Brasil e escolher as caixas para entrega adicional ao endereço de sua casa para entrega final para você.
Uma cópia do formulário de desbloqueio das Nações Unidas anexado para sua visão e manter registro para confirmar ao agente quando ele chegar o seu endereço residencial.
Responda de volta para mim imediatamente você recebe esta mensagem para me permitir dar-lhe o agente de entrega ( Mr.William Jones ), endereço de e-mail para contatá-lo e negociar com ele antes da chegada amanhã.
Espere sua resposta em breve
Barrister Walter Coleman
O scamer intitula-se Sara Kuitula -
"You can visit the apartment with an Airbnb agent anytime you want, but first me and my mother would like to know some details about you, like your full name, occupation, if you have children or pets, and the total number of persons that will live there. I also need to know your preferred date for the start of the lease, lease duration(I'd prefer 1 year with possibility of extension, or a 3-6-9 contract) and a copy of photocopy of your ID, drivers licence, or passport. I need your ID to create a private listing on Airbnb. After I send your details to Airbnb, they will send you the link to the listing. After you book the listing through the Airbnb website, an Airbnb agent will call you to arrange a visit. The agent can sign the lease in my mother's name and you'll be able to register the apartment as your address(domiciliation). I require the rent for 1 month + 2 months rent deposit(1260 euros total). There are other people interested in renting the apartment so I need to know that you have the money, and I need an answer in maximum 24 hours. If you agree to this, I just need your info and ID to proceed.
Mrs. Mercy Smith >
This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of
fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of
African Unity (OAU) United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and FBI.We have
been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries
which includes (Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Burkina Faso Ghana and Senegal with
cote d'ivoire ) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at
International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.
During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from
these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be
shared among the 10 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation.
This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one
of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe
you have been scammed. You are therefore being compensated with sum of
($300,000.00) Three hundred thousand US Dollars valid into an (ATM Card Number
Since your email address is among the lucky beneficiaries who will receive a
compensation funds, we have arranged your payment to be paid to you through ATM
VISA CARD and deliver to your postal address with the Pin code as to enable you
withdrawal maximum of $5,000 on each withdrawal from any Bank ATM Machine of
your choice, until all the funds are exhausted.
The ATM Card with Security Pin number shall be delivered to you via courier
Service, depending your choice.
In order to proceed with this transaction, you will be required to contact the
agent in-charge (Mr. Jackson Cole) Kindly look below to find appropriate
contact information:
Phone +229 99617807
Email: -
You will be required to e-mail him with the following information:
We advice you to stop all communications with everyone regarding your payment
as we have short listed to deliver to you and now urge you to comply and
receive your ATM Card funds.
Thanks for your understanding as you follow instructions while I wait to hear
from you today.
Yours in Services
donprince -
(Há 1 hora)
Dear Friend,
My name is Barrister Prince Monaco Esq. I work with one of the leading
Banks here in Lome Togo and the personal Advicer to late Engr R. A .I
have a business Proposal that will be of benefit to the both of us and
I shall be compensating you with 40% at the final conclusion. If you
are interested please reply ASAP with your mobile phone numbers for
more details, Regards,Prince Monaco Esq
Marina -
Hello my dear,
How are you today, with hope you are found in good condition of health? Since I myself are in a very critical health condition in which I sleep every night without knowing if I may be alive to see the next day. I am Mrs. Marina Bagni Daniel, a widow suffering from brain tumor. I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of ($ 9,650,000.00, Nine Million Six Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars). my Doctor told me recently that I would not last due to the illness. Having known my condition, I decided to donate this fund to a good person that will utilize it the way i am going to instruct herein. I need a very honest and God fearing person who can claim this money and use it for Charity works, for orphanages, widows and also build schools for less privilege that will be named after my late husband if possible. I accept this decision because I am not afraid of death.
Please, I am waiting for your prompt respond.
Thank you and God bless you,
Mrs. Marina Bagni Daniel.
responder para -
Miss Marian -
Hello My Beloved
This is Ms Mariam Mubarak from Trinidad &Tobago writing from the hospital here in Ivory Coast; therefore this email is very urgent to attend. I want you to know that I’m dying here in this hospital right now which i don't know if i will see some few days to come.
I was informed by my doctor that i got poisoned and it affected my liver and i can only live for some days. The reason why i contacted you today is because i know that my step mother wanted to kill me and take my inheritance from my late Father. I have a little adopted child named Kofi Peter that i adopted in this Country when my late Father was alive and $12.6 million Dollars i inherited from my late father. My step mother and her children they are after Kofi right now because they found out that Kofi was aware of the poison, and because i handed the documents of the fund over to him the day my step Mother poisoned my food, for that reason they do not want Martins to expose them, so they are doing everything possible to kill him.
My Beloved, please i want you to help him out of this country with the money, he is the only one taking good care of me here in this hospital right now and even this email you are reading now he is the one helping me out. I want you to get back to me so that he will give you the documents of the fund and he will direct you to a well known lawyer that i have appointed, the lawyer will assist you to change the documents of the fund to your name to enable the bank transfer the money to you..
This is the favor i need when you have gotten the fund:
(1) Keep 30% of the money for Kofi until he finish his studies to become a man as he has been there for me as my lovely Son and i promised to support him in life to become a medical Doctor because he always desire for it with the scholarship he had won so far. I want you to take him along with you to your country and establish him as your son.
(2) Give 20% of the money to handicap people and charity organization. The remaining 50% should be yours for your help to Kofi.
Note; This should be a code between you and my son Kofi in this transaction "Hospital" any mail from him, the Lawyer he will direct you to, without this code "Hospital" is not from the Kofi, the Lawyer or myself as i don't know what will happen to me in the next few hours.
Finally, write me back so that Kofi will send you his pictures to be sure of whom you are dealing with. Kofi is 14years now, therefore guide him. And if i don't hear from you i will look for another person or any organization.
May Almighty God bless you and use you to accomplish my wish. Pray for me always. Ms Mariam Mubarak
Compliment Your ATM CARD has been processed and ready for shipment
Mr.Bowen Larry <".845.WWW.">
Compliment Your ATM CARD has been processed and ready for shipment
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to bring to your notice that your compensation check which my boss left in my custody to be delivered to you is about to expire, as it has only 3 days left I decided to contact the issuing bank which after i talked to the bank manager he helped and converted your check money into cash and then load it to an ATM CARD, I have paid the re-activation fee and delivery of your ATM Card. I paid it because the ATM Card with pin no 8119 valued to the sum of $1.5M will go into Government purse if i have left it to expire. With this I decided to help you make this arrangement to avoid the money going into the government purse after it expires, because I know when you get your ATM Card definitely you must pay me back my money and even compensate me for helping you.
Now i want you to contact FED-EX COURIER COMPANY with your Full Contact information’s so that they can deliver your Card to your designated address without any delay.Like i stated earlier, the delivery charges has been paid but i did not pay their official keeping fees since they do not know when you will be contacting them.
I asked them for me to pay the keeping charges but they refused and the reason is that they do not know when you are going to contact them and demur rage might have increased by then.They told me that their keeping fees is $25 per day and i deposited it on Friday last week and i have been trying to reach you, by no avail as each time i send an email to you it will bounce back, I hope you will receive this email and then contact the FedEx Courier agent with there information’s below Please Send them your contacts information to enable them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your ATM Card This is what they need from you.
1.YOUR FULL NAME..................................
2.YOUR COUNTRY....................................
3.YOUR HOME DELIVERY ADDRESS......................
6.YOUR CURRENT CELL PHONE.........................
7.A COPY OF YOUR ID/ PICTURE......................
Below is their Contact Information’s,
Contact Person Dr.Mate Tony FED-EX COURIER COMPANY
Telphone Number: +22998062336
Email: -
Contact Today to avoid increase of their keeping fees and let me know once you receive your card.
Best Regards.
Mr.Bowen Larry
Attention Owner Of The ATM CARD
Mr, Larry Michael <"www.">
Attention Owner Of The ATM CARD
I have registered Your ATM CARD of USD10.5 Million. with DHL COURIER COMPANY
LTD with registration code of ( Shipment Code awb 33xzs). please Contact with
your delivery information such as,
Your----Telephone Number:
your----ID Card
Office NUMBER: +229 99950 966
Office:E-mail: -
I have paid for the Insurance & Delivery fee. The only fee you have to pay is
their Security keeping fee $105 Please indicate the registration Number and
ask Him
how to pay their Security fee of $105 so that you can pay it immediately.
Best Regards,
Mr, Larry Michael
Hello Beautiful,
Good day dear, i hope this mail meets you well? my name is Jack, from the U.S. I know this may seem inappropriate so i ask for your forgiveness but i wish to get to know you better, if I may be so bold. I consider myself an easy-going man, adventurous, honest and fun loving person but I am currently looking for a relationship in which I will feel loved. I promise to answer any question that you may want to ask me...all i need is just your attention and the chance to know you more.
Please tell me more about yourself, if you do not mind. Hope to hear back from you soon.
Jack -
International Transfers & Foreign Operations
For more information about access and directions to the IMF headquarters buildings, please see Directions and Access to IMF Headquarters.
Headquarters 1 (HQ1):International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431
Headquarters 2 (HQ2):International Monetary Fund, 1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20431
From The Desk of:
Mr. Andrew Tweedie
Finance Department Director
International Monetary Fund(IMF)
Operator Telephone : + 1 (469) 480 9182
Operator: V97322
Transaction Reference Number : 3255879/123COV
Related Reference : 3255879/124COV
Message Coder: *1238CC-7624XX*
PIN: MT 202 / FIN MT 202 COV-General Fin Inst Transfer
Ordering Customer: United Kingdom anti scam division 1
CHIPS Receiving Institution: HSBC BANK OF LONDON
CC TO : The World Bank Group.
Mr. Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Levy
Managing Director & World Bank Group Chief Financial Officer
CC: TO : (IMF) International Monetary Fund
Finance Department Director, United Kingdom
Mr. Andrew Tweedie
CC: HSBC Private Bank
(England) No 91 Pound Lane
Laindon,Basildon Essex England
Phone: +44 (12) 688 33534
E-mail contact:
International Transfers & Foreign Operations
Mr. Stuart T.Gulliver
Operator Code : IMF/UN99100UK
AMOUNT LODGED : $12,000,000.00 USD
Be Notified that your OVERDUE BLOCKED FUNDS Worth of ($12,000,000.00USD) Twelve Million United States Dollars, has been UNBLOCKED and APPROVED for urgent release to you as supposed through a Telegraphic Wire Transfer from the private secured HSBC BANK OF LONDON, and accorded with MT202 COV Wire Stream into your receiving Bank, Please Your response is needed urgently.
Please kindly Re-Confirm the authorization of your account details, for verification purpose as the original transfer will be done personally by you.
Further details regarding the transfer Procedure will be sent to you via E-Mail , Please re-confirm your details with required information below before sending to us upon your reply to this Detailed Mail.
Fill And Return The Information's Below For Account Verification .
1) First name:
2) Last name:
3) Date Of Birth:
4) Gender:
5) Address1:
6) Address2:
7) Nationality:
8) City:
9) State:
10) Zip Code:
11) Country:
12) Occupation:
13) Office Phone:
14) Home Phone
15) Alternate Email Address:
We strongly believe that all information's are correct on this message in your favor. If you have any further questions as regards to the Release of your Funds , please do kindly contact HSBC BANK OF LONDON, with the contact details below
HSBC Private Bank
(England) No 91 Pound Lane
Laindon,Basildon Essex England
Phone: +44 (12) 688 33534
e-mail contact:
International Transfers & Foreign Operations
Mr. Stuart T.Gulliver
We do hereby ask you to contact the Bank and also copy to the World Bank e-mail and the IMF as stated above within 4 working days of receiving this notification to enable them verify and open your payment file and release your funds to you securly.
Thank You.
Mr. Andrew Tweedie,
Finance Department Director.
Tel: + 1 (469) 480 9182
Recentemente no meu email tenho recebido emails estranhos. Até parece que esta gente rouba emails para fazer isso. O mais estranho é que o meu email é do meu dominio proprio do site de wicca (uma religião voltada a deusa e aos deuses etc).