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2011/9/8 Mr.William Morris
From The Desk of:
Mr.William Morris
Auditor General,HSBC Group London
United Kingdom.
Dear Friend,
I am Mr.William Morris , Auditor General of HSBC Group London Branch. In my
department we discovered an abandoned sum of US$90.000.000 (Ninety Million
United States Dollar) in an offshore account that belongs to one of our foreign
customers, Late Mr.Joel an Indonesian citizen who was a Tsunami Victim
,unfortunately the man lost his life in the recent tsunami.
Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin
or relatives to come over and lay claims to his money because we cannot release
it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as
indicated in our banking guidelines. Unfortunately, I learnt that his supposed
next of kin being his only daughter died also on this tsunami disaster leaving
nobody with the knowledge of this funds behind for the claim. It is therefore
upon this discovery that I now decided to make business with you which will
authorize my Bank Bank to release the money to your possession as the next of
business partner of the deceased as only beneficiary of the funds for safety
keeping and subsequent disbursement, since nobody is laying claims to it and we
don’t want this money to go back into Government treasury as unclaimed bill .
The banking law and guidelines here stipulates that such money remained after
seven(7) years will be transferred into banking treasury as unclaimed funds. We
agreed that 35% (US$35,000,000) of this money would be for you as gratification
for assistance rendered for the claim of this fund , while the balance will be
for me. I will visit your country for the disbursement according to the
percentages indicated above once this money gets into your account. Please be
honest to me as trust stands to be our watchword in this transaction.
Our assurance is that your role is risk free to accord this transaction the
legality it deserves as with all modalities put in place we are certain in
actualizing a hitch free transfer of the funds without any complications. Kindly
signify your intention to assist by sending me an email for further procedures
relating to this transaction.
Please note that all necessary arrangement for the smooth release of these funds
to your name has been finalized. We will discuss much in details when I do
receive your response by email .If you are interested in this project,please
contact me as a matter of urgency on my private mailbox ( )
for further directives.
Finally , we shall actualize this goal and the fund will be transferred within
few bank working days as soon as you reply to me.
Best regards,
Mr.William Morris
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2012/8/14 CUMMINGS -
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2012/8/14 Abu Salam -
Dear friend,
I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am Dr.Abu Salam from Burkina Faso the Accounting and Auditing Manager bank of Africa (B.O.A), Ouagadougou
I hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our families. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of (usd$10.5m) million to your account within 10 to 14 banking days. This money has been dormant for years in our bank without claim. I want the bank to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer (the owner of the account) died along with his supposed next of kin in an air crash since July, 2005.
I don't want the money to go into our bank treasurer account as an abandoned fund. So this is the reason why I contacted you so that the bank can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not upon receipt of your reply, I will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 35% of the above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me? And 10% will be set aside for any expenses that warrant on the process before the fund get into your bank account such as telephone calls bills (etc).
Finally send your photo or your international passports for more identification.
Best Regards,
Dr.Abu Salam
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12/8/14 Poste Italiene -
Come reso noto sul nostro sito ( www. poste. it ) da anni stiamo lavorando duramente per limitare il furto dei dati sensibili e anagrafici dei nostri clienti. Questo fenomeno detto "pishing" avviene tramite pagine internet che la "vittima" viene invitata a visitare.
Pertanto stiamo facendo controlli su tutti i nostri conti online bancoposta & postepay per prevenire e/o limitare questo fenomeno e tuo conto e stato contrassegnato per la verifica manuale.
Scaricare il documento allegato alla presente e-mail a rivedere le attivita del proprio account.
Cordiali Saluti,
Riccardo S. - Servizi online
Poste Italiane S.p.A
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2012/8/14 Mrs. Joy Uwem -
Hello My Beloved One In Christ.
I greet you with the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, It is true that this letter may come to you as a surprise. Nevertheless, I humbly ask you to give me your attention and hear me well. My name is Mrs. Joy Uwe from Australia. I am married to Dr.Edward Uwe who worked with our Embassy in Ivory Coast ( Cote D'ivoire ) for a period of 8 years before he died .
We were married for 15 years without a child before he died after a brief illness. Since his death I decided not to remarry due to my religious belief . When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$6.5m(Six Million Five Hundred Thousand United State American dollars ) with a Bank in Cote D'ivoire. Presently this money is still in the custody of the Bank in Cote D'ivoire. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next Four months due to cancer illness.
Having known my condition I decided to donate this money to churchs, organisation or good person that will utilise this money the way I am going to instruct herein.
I want you to use this money for churchs, Charity organisation, orphanages, widows and other people that are in need. l took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money . Moreover, my husband relatives are not close to me since I devolop a Cancer problem and it had been their wish to see me dead in order to inherit his wealth since we have no Child. These people are not worthy of this inheritance. This is why I am taking this decision.
I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my ill-health. As soon as I receive your reply I will give you the contact of the Bank in Cote d'ivoire where this money is deposited. I will also issue a letter of authorisation to the bank that will prove you the present beneficiary of this money. I also want you to always put me in prayer.
Any delay in your reply may give me room to look for another good person for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein.
Hoping to receive your response soonest.
Thanks and Remain blessed .
Yours sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Joy Uwe
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2012/8/15 Tefeiao Caroline -
Good day,
I know my message will be a big surprise when he reaches you. So, I present my apologies. I am Madame Tefeiao Carolina and I'm Polynesian nationality and I am writing sincerely in order to get your cooperation and confidence that can allow me to make an urgent matter with you. For reasons of discretion and security, I want someone honest and discreet, to conclude this business with me. To send you all the information I want to know your opinion.
I am still waiting for your message.
Ms. Tefeiao Carolina.
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2012/8/15 Dr. Christofias Kakano -
Dear Friend,
However, we the entire WORLD BANK Chiefs, Chairmen, Directors, Law Makers, Secretaries and as Government Agencies of all States Parastatals in Union with the International World security agencies such as, FBI, CIA, SCOTLANDYARD, EUROPOL, IMF, located here in North London England apologizes to you for all you have suffered in attempt to receive your lottery/inheritance/contract fund from several avenues/countries/regions especially people from Nigeria, Ghana and London.
We have therefore, today finally decided to use the United Nations Security Council and Diplomatic influence or ATM CARD payment system to release your fund. The process of this requires only your readiness to receive your long awaited fund by providing us the details below.
A) Your full names and address.
B) Your direct telephone/mobile numbers
C) Copy of your either driver’s license or Int'l passport.
D) The amount of your fund expected to pay you.
E) Your state and country of origin.
F) Your sex, age and occupation.
Be cordially advised that, upon receipt of the above details of yours, we shall instruct the UN diplomat by name Agent Mr Robben Kibris of London, who will be handling the delivery to assist you in processing your payment via ATM CARD from our designated bank in charge of all payments (name of bank withheld) for security reasons. However, find below contact details of your designated/authorized UN Diplomat and request further payment directives from him. it is very important that you QUOTE the below code when you contact him (WB-X1X-KTAQ909).
Direct Tel +447031999042
Finally, we require you to choose an option preferably by you to receive your fund. Do you choose to receive via ATM CARD, Bank Draft or Bank Transfer? Please get back to us as fast as possible.
Thanking you for your patience and perseverance so far.
Best Regards,
Dr. Christofias Kakano,
World Bank/Int'l Audit Dpt.
Zurich Switzerland.
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2012/8/15 Barrister Joseph Hendricks
Hallo Dear,
I am Mr. Joseph Hendricks from Benin Republic I have emailed you earlier without a response. In my first email I mentioned about my late client from your country an engineering contractor who died on the 2 /9/ 2009 in an auto accident with his wife and 2 kids on the highway road heading to Togo here in Benin Republic while going on vacation holidays whose relatives I cannot get in touch with.
I am compelled to do this because I would not want the bank to push my client's funds worth of ($4.5 million dollars) Four million five hundred thousand united states dollars into the bank treasury as unclaimed inheritance. This mail is written and intended to solicit your assistance to be presented as the HEIR to my late client since you are a foreigner and only a foreigner can lay claims on this inheritance.
The Governing Body of the Bank has contacted me on this matter and I am yet to provide the HEIR to lay claims to the Fund. Under a clear and legitimate agreement with you, I shall seek your consent to be presented as the HEIR so that my late client's fund will not be confiscated by the Bank and pushed into the bank treasury as unclaimed bills.
For the sake of Transparency on this matter, you are free to make immediate contact for further clarification and explanation on this matter. I will need you also to reconfirm you’re:
1. Full Name:
2. Age:
3. Occupation:
4. Marital Status:
5. Residential Address:
6. Office and home Telephone number
Thank you very much for your anticipated acceptance while we expect your prompt response to this matter as the urgency demands.
Yours faithfully,
Barrister Joseph Hendricks (ESQ)
Telephone. +29 9793 7567
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2012/8/15 Nationwide
Dear Nationwide Client
We have identified an unusual conflict between the
Customer Number and profile details associated with your account,
therefore certain banking features have been disabled.
Please follow the reference and you
will be guided through the online verification process.
Please Logon to Verify your access
These features are made to provide the most secure
service and protection to you while online as failure
to adhere may affect future online banking access.
Internet Banking Service
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2012/8/15 PAYPAL
cher member PayPal Client,
Ceci est un message automatique par le système pour que vous sachiez que vous devez confirmer vos informations de compte dans les 24 heures.
Votre compte a été gelé temporairement afin de le protéger. Le compte continuera d'être gelés jusqu'à ce qu'il soit approuvés.
Once you have updated vos relevés de compte, vos informations seront confirmées et votre compte sera commencer à travailler comme d'habitude une fois encore.
Cela vous aidera à protéger à l'avenir. Le processus ne prend pas plus de 5 minutes.
Pour procéder à confirmer votre compte informations s'il vous plaît cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous et suivez les instructions qui seront être nécessaire.
Click Here Pour vérifier vos informations de compte
Nous Sommes Ici pour Vous
© 2012 PayPal Company. Tous droits réservés.
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Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 04:31:13 +0800
Estimado en Cristo,
Soy señora JUANA JOHNSON de Kuwait.I casada con Sr. PHILIP JOHNSON Él trabajó con la embajada de Kuwait aquí en Costa de Marfil para nueve años antes de que él murió en el año 2002. Nos casaron por once años sin un niño. Él murió después de una breve enfermedad que duró por solamente cuatro días. Antes de su muerte éramos ambos otra vez nacidos cristianos. Puesto que su muerte que decidía no volver a casarse o no conseguir a un niño fuera de mi hogar matrimonial contra el cual la biblia está.
Cuando mi último marido estaba vivo él depositó la suma de $ 3.5 Million (Tres Millones Quinientos Mil U.S.Dólares) en un banco aquí en Abidjan. Recientemente, mi doctor me dijo que tengo una seria enfermedad que es problema del cáncer, el que más me molesta es mi enfermedad de golpe, después de haber conocido mi condición yo decidí donar este fondo a una iglesia o individuo que utilizará este dinero la manera que soy va a encargar aquí, quiero una iglesia o un solo Dios, por temor a que utilice este fondo para los orfanatos, las viudas, y propagando la palabra de Dios y al esfuerzo que la casa de Dios se mantiene.
La biblia nos hizo para entender que “bendecida es la mano ese dar”. Tomé esta decisión porque no tengo ningún niño que herede este dinero y mi un montón de parientes no es cristianos y no deseo mis nuestros esfuerzos de ser utilizado por incrédulos. No deseo una situación donde este dinero será utilizado en una manera impío. Esta es la razón por la cual estoy tomando esta decisión. No estoy asustado de muerte por lo tanto que sé adónde voy. Sé que voy a estar en el pecho del señor. El éxodo 14 CONTRA 14 dice que “el señor luchará mi caso y yo llevará a cabo mi paz”.
No necesito ninguna comunicación del teléfono en este respeto debido a mi salud y la presencia de los parientes de mi marido alrededor de mí siempre. No quisiera que supieran sobre este desarrollo. Con el dios todas las cosas son posibles. Tan pronto como reciba tu contestación te daré el contacto del banco aquí en el Abidjan, y las entrarás en contacto con para hacia adelante transferir del fondo a tu destinación.
También te publicaré una letra de la autoridad que te pruebe el actual beneficiario de este fondo. Quisiera que tú y la iglesia rogaran siempre para mí porque el señor es mi shephard. Mi felicidad es que viví una vida de un cristiano digno. Quienquiera que desea servir al señor debe servirlo en espíritu y verdad.
Rogar por favor siempre todos con tu vida. Y cualquier retrasa en tu contestación me dará el sitio en buscar otra persona para este mismo propósito.
Asegurarme por favor que actuarás por consiguiente como indiqué adjunto.
El esperar recibir tu contestación.
Seguir bendecido en el señor.
Juana Johnson
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