quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2012


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reply to - nikolaysintsov01@live.com De: Nikolay Sintsov - nikolay_sintsov74@voila.fr Para: Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 22 de Agosto de 2012 10:02 Assunto: WRITE BACK.? Good day, I am Nikolay Sintsov,personal assistant to Mikhail Khodorkovsky,once rated as the richest man in Russia and owner of YUKOS OIL (Russian largest oil company),chairman CEO: Menatep SBP Bank (a well reputable financial institution with its branches all over the world). SOURCE OF FUNDS: I have a profiling amount in an excess of Forty Million,Five Hundred Thousand USA Dollars(US$40.5M), which I seek you to accommodate for me. You will be rewarded with 40% of the total sum for your partnership. Can you handle this? As his personal assistant, I was authorized to transfer money of an American oil merchant for his last oil deal with my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky. The funds have since left the shores of America to a European private financial institution where the final crediting is to be carried out. While I was on the process, my boss got arrested for his involvement in politics by financing the leading and opposing political parties (the Union of Right Forces, led by Boris Nemtsov, and Yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party led by Gregor Yavlinsky), which posed as a threat to President Vladimir Putin's second Tenure as Russian president. Since then, I have placed on hold all transactions concerning this amount. You can catch more of the story on this website: http://www.yukos.com http://news.ft.com/cms/4bb9612a-d254-11d8-b661-00000e2511c8.html http://www.hoovers.com/yukos/--ID__53700--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml http://newsfromrussia.com/main/2003/11/13/51215.html YOUR ROLE: All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the above mentioned sum and I will re-profile the funds with your data, which will enable the finance company transfer the sum to you. I have decided to use this sum to relocate to your country as soon as the funds are transfered to you and never to be connected to any of Mikhail Khodorkovsky conglomerates. Presently I am in London in Europe,for a hide out. The transaction has to be concluded as soon and as I confirm your readiness to proceed with me, I will provide you with details. contact me at my private email address: nikolay_sintsov00001@voila.fr Thank you very much. Regards, Nikolay Sintsov.

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De: "Fidelidade@Tam.com.br" - Fidelidade@Tam.com.br- Para: XXXXXXXX Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 22 de Agosto de 2012 0:51 Assunto: Atualização de Segurança Multiplus Tam Fidelidade Olá Cliente TAM Fidelidade. Para aumentar sua segurança, alteramos o processo para resgate de passagens-prêmio. No momento do resgate, você receberá um Código de Autorização (por SMS ou ligação) no seu telefone cadastrado. Você deverá informá-lo para concluir o resgate. A entrada deste novo procedimento será gradativa, por isso alguns resgates continuarão ainda seguindo o fluxo usual, sem a necessidade do Código de Autorização. Mas em breve este processo estará em vigor para todos. Essa tecnologia vai proteger ainda mais você e seus pontos. Por isso, mantenha sempre seu cadastro atualizado. Estamos à disposição para esclarecer qualquer dúvida. Atenciosamente,

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De: "sedex@correios.com.br" - eletricazan@terra.com.br Para: xxxxxxxxx Enviadas: Terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2012 10:55 Assunto: Boleto Bancario (SS831577460BR) Você recebeu um sedex a cobrar e precisamos que você pague o boleto para receber sua mercadoria a qual segue informações em anexo. Atenciosamento Correios do Brasil.

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RETURN PATH - cliente@cantar.lowendrox.org De: Informe Sodexo Para: Enviadas: Terça-feira, 21 de Agosto de 2012 16:19 Assunto: Evite o bloqueio do seu cartao

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reply to - rosebaby_214@yahoo.com 012/8/22 Rose wade - rosebaby_2011@yahoo.com> Hello my dear, My name is rose,i am interested in you, Also I like to know more about you and establish a relationship which based on truth and trust with you.I want you to send me an email to my email address (rosebaby_20113@yahoo.com) i will give you my picture for you to know whom i am. please i have something very important to tell you.I believe we can start from here. (Remember the distance or color does not matter the age, but love matters a lot in life) I will be happy to see a good responds from you Thanks and remain blessed.(rosebaby_20113@yahoo.com) Yours sincerely in love with Rose,

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REPLY TO - mrsaliceadams@gmail.com 2012/8/22 Mrs Alice Adams - mrsaliceadams1@gmail.com FROM THE DESK OF MRS ALICE ADAMS OUAGADOUGOU - BURKINA FASO. With Due Respect Dear Friend. CONFIDENTIAL I will like you to help me, in receiving of this fund into your Bank Account .However; it's just my urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I am the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance Department of BANK OF AFRICA (B.O.A) here in Ouagadougou , Burkina Faso . In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of (US$27.5 Million dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign Customer (MR. PAUL LOUIS from Paris , France ) who died along with His entire family in 6th of December 2003 in a plane crash. I am afraid if this money stays in our bank without claim for long period of time, our government will step in because the Banking laws here does not allow such huge amount of money to stay dormant for more than 10 years. And you will be receiving this money into your Bank account within 10 or 14 banking days. The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after 10 or 11 years an above, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. I agree that 40% of this money will be for you as foreign partner in respect to the provision of a foreign account, and while 60%would be for me. If you agree to my business proposal, further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail. Make sure you keep this transaction as your top secret and make it confidential till we receive the fund into the account that you will provide to the Bank. Don't disclose it to any body, because the secrecy of this transaction is as well as the success of it, have a great day. But before I send to you the text of application form which you will fill and send it to the bank, I will like you to send me your data’s information. ( 1.)Name in full:.................................... ( 2.)Address:......................................... ( 3.)Nationality:................................... ( 4.)Age:............................................... ( 5.)Sex................................................. ( 6.)Occupation:....................................... ( 7.)Marital status:................................. ( 8.)Private telephone no........................... ( 9.)Private fax no:.................................. However, feel free to ask me any question and I promise to clarify you on any doubts, reply to my private email address as follow: (mrsaliceadams@gmail.com) for more confidential between us. Yours Sincerely, Mrs Alice Adams BANK OF AFRICA. Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, West Africa.

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infonews@hongkongbox.com.br 2012/8/23 Hong Kong Box - infonews@hongkongbox.com.br Se você não conseguir visualizar esta mensagem, acesse este link. Todas as imagens deste e-mail são meramente ilustrativas. Consulte o site para maiores detalhes dos produtos anunciados. Se não deseja mais receber nossos e-mails clique, remover.

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2012/8/23 Mr Katala Justice - katala_justice@o2.pl Spam detection software, running on the system "switch", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see admin for details. Content preview: Dear sir/madam To Whom It May Concern, I kindly want to put in notice before you, my names Mr.Katala Justice, A citizen of South Africa, I am in India presently seeking for a reliable and trust worthy fellow to assist me of my late Father money, which I transferred from Barclays Bank London UK. To Reserve Bank (RBI) in India, for An investment purpose. [...] Content analysis details: (10.7 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -1.4 ALL_TRUSTED Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP 1.8 SUBJ_ALL_CAPS Subject is all capitals 2.2 DEAR_SOMETHING BODY: Contains 'Dear (something)' 1.1 NA_DOLLARS BODY: Talks about a million North American dollars 0.7 MSOE_MID_WRONG_CASE MSOE_MID_WRONG_CASE 2.0 ADVANCE_FEE_2 Appears to be advance fee fraud (Nigerian 419) 4.2 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook ---------- Mensagem encaminhada ---------- From: "Mr Katala Justice"- katala_justice@o2.pl To: undisclosed-recipients:; Cc: Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 21:27:29 +0530 Subject: BUSINESS PROPOSAL Dear sir/madam To Whom It May Concern, I kindly want to put in notice before you, my names Mr.Katala Justice, A citizen of South Africa, I am in India presently seeking for a reliable and trust worthy fellow to assist me of my late Father money, which I transferred from Barclays Bank London UK. To Reserve Bank (RBI) in India, for An investment purpose. The said amount is Three million Two hundred Thousand U.S Dollars ($3.2Million) I have done a reasonable research and find out that is not easy for Foreigner to have an account for such a huge amount, so I want you as a Citizen of India to assist me by transferring this Fund into your nominated Bank account, and Twenty five percent (25%) will be offer to you for the Work well done.5% for Any expenses that may arise, please if you are interested do contact me as soon As possible. Thanks for your co. operation. Regards Mr. Katala Justice. +919920680696

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2012/8/23 uwilliam - uwilliam@yeah.net Hello Dear, Let me begin by introducing myself properly to you, I am Barr. udi william,Personal Attorney to your late relative Mr.Gerald Edward, from you country, who bears the same last name with you and was one of the biggest Contractors in Togo, until his death in motor vehicle accident in the capital city Lome Togo West Africa, he banked with the (UN-Credit Plc) and had a closing balance as at the end of September, 2002 worth (10.5 Million US Dollars) now the bank want to confiscate the account and you have the same last name with my deceased client, and he is also a national of your country. For more information and directives, reply only through my direct email (udi.william@gmail.com) with the following information for further clarifications and details. Your Full Name………… Your phone Tele……… Your Private Email…… Your residential address…… Yours age ………… Your occupation …………… I await your kind attention as quickly as possible for more information and directives. Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. And reply me only through my email address because I do not feel safe to release information of this matter here. So, you must send me your reply through email and I will reply you there. Please, this is very confidential. Respectfully, Mr. Udi William

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NB: REPLY TO : legalinfoconsultant@india.com Attention Sir/Madam, The International Monetary Taskforce has authorized the release of both Medical Research Grants and your pending Inheritance payment. The delay of payments was due to the newly introduced policies by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to upgrade security against fraud and investigate those institutions used for illegal activities. This is to inform you that your fund has been approved for transfer and your name will be listed in the next payment schedule. For immediate transfer of every pending/overdue fund within 72 banking hours, the Task-Force will supervise every transaction to ensure that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) mandate is implemented without any breach of financial laws. From the payment scheduled released by Royal Bank of Scotland , payment will be made into your bank account in two separate wires. You shall receive USD$10M (Ten Million US Dollars) first wire and remaining balance will be announced to you in due time. You are advice to email the below requirements to the head of foreign operation for verification. 1.) Beneficiary Full Names.............. 2 )Contact Phone & Fax Number ( Mobile ) . ... 3)Contact Mailing Address. (Home or Office)........ 4 )Passport Photograph (Send via Attachment)........ 5. )Valid Identity-card (Send via Attachment) For Medical Practitioners Only. We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenient as a result of the delay. Thanks for your patient, and we wait for your urgent response to this email address: legalinfoconsultant@india.com Sincerely, Mitchell Rowthell. Accredited Consultant. British Financial Task-force. NB: REPLY TO : legalinfoconsultant@india.com

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2012/8/23 NIGERIAN LIQUIFIED NATURAL GAS - oilandgas@client.com NIGERIAN LIQUIFIED NATURAL GAS LAGOS CENTRAL OFFICE LAGOS-NIGERIAN DEAR Sir/Madam RE: TRANSFER OF USD45,500,000.00 (FORTY-FIVE MILLION,FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY) TO A SAFE ACCOUNT I wish to intimate you with this proposal in my capacity as Chief Accountant and in full agreement with the Auditor-General of this Company (Nigeria Liqiuified Natural Gas) . We scrutinized all records and the accounts of awarded and executed contracts of this company (NLNG) during the previous Military regime, since the inception of democracy in Nigeria and carefully uncover and mapped out a whopping sum USD $45.5m which we want to transfer into your account as the beneficiary. It might interest you to know that beginning of this current civilian government at a working assets capital of USD 3billion and will definitely gulp more USD 2 billion on the completion of the fifty part. You can authentically apply for supply if it interest you to be our client with full guarantee from me. The money $45.5m has been approved for payment by this company NLNG, the Federal Ministry of Finance (endorsed by the Accountant General of the Federation) and to be paid by the Apex bank of Nigeria under contract number, NLAG/FGN/FMF/CBN/B2517/99. As top civil Servants, we are not authorized to operate foreign bank accounts hence our decision to use your account in full trust and confidence to transfer this money outside Nigeria. We have accepted you as our foreign partner and will regularize and update the approvals to reflect you as the true beneficiary of the contract sum USD $45.5m(FORTY FIVE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLAR). Moreover, it is pertinent to note that it is not risky and does not require much engagements since we have taken care of the deal in full capacity. We have resolved to give you 25% of the total sum for your assistance. If you are interested in this deal, please, contact me through my email. Address above for more lively information. Remember to give to me your phone and fax lines through which l can send you approved documents for your perusal. I am anxiously waiting for your response with hope that you will understand the confidential nature of this transaction.Please contact me ASAP on acceptance to work with us Best regards Mr.Tim Alaibe.

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2012/8/23 Visa Card Lotto <b>V.C.L@vbv.fr ATTN: Internet User, Your online ID has won you a prize of $175000 uploaded in International VISA CARD with Two Pieces of APPLE IPAD2 ,FREE OF CHARGE for 2012 Internet Users promotion. Internet Team Social Networking has been issued you this reference Number: (CEW/-4I/B0318) for claims. Be informed that all the necessary documents backing your prize has been forwarded to the custody of our Claims officer. Contact them now with your Reference Number for the release of your prizes to you. Contact Company Name: Internet Team Social Networking Organization Claims officer: Mr. Frank Denis Email: visacardlotto@yahoo.com Best regards. Social Networking Organization (Information Officer)

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2012/8/23 steve_ch steve - steve_chesa@yahoo.co.uk MICROSOFT CORPORATION AWARD 2012 The Marina Offices, St Peters Yacht Basin, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1HX England REFERENCE NUMBER:UK/2551/A256003/23 BATCH NUMBER:014/070/AY7 We are pleased to inform you that, in respect of the just conducted lottery draw, a lump sum pay out of 1,000 000.00GBP (One Million GREAT BRITISH POUNDS) has been awarded to your email I.D by the MICRO-SOFT CORPORATION (UK), held on 2nd july 1st 2012. You have been approved the sum pay out of GBP1,000 000.00 (One MILLION GREAT BRITISH POUNDS) in cash credited to file YL/26510460037/10 . You are to send the below informations to our claims director who will facillitate with the delivery of your money: 1.Full Names: 2.Full Address: 3.Marital Status: 4.Occupation: 5.Age: 6.Sex: 7.Nationality: 8.Country Of Residence: 9.Telephone Number: Dr william clark E-mail william404@yahoo.com Phone +448719156603 Please include the following to your mail back to us: REFERENCE NUMBER:UK/2551/A256003/23 BATCH NUMBER:014/070/AY7 TICKET NUMBER:005-4432-971-878 Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program and always CHECK YOUR EMAIL BOX EVERY FOUR (4) HOURS for your update on our delivery because the delivery of your payment WILL only takes 36 hours from the day you where notified. You are advised to keep your winning details strictly to yourself and not to share it with any individual or firm to avoid confistication of your prize. This message is confidential and intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by E-Mail,or return and then delete this message from your system. You should not copy or use it or disclose its contents to any other person. If any part of this message is illegible or if you suspect that the message may have been intercepted or amended, please contact the sender. We cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this message without further investigation. REGARDS MRS ROSELINE MARK

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2012/8/22 GUIL Enterprise Co Ltd - info@guilenterprisecoltd.com GUIL Enterprise & CO., LTD 103 New Oxford Street, London, WC1A 1DU, UK Dear Friend, This is Mr. Godwin Peterson from sales department. Please log in to view catalogue and let me know if you can supply us the same product. View Products Give Me your Minimum Order Quantity, Delivery time, Payment terms, and your products warranty. Best regards Mr. Godwin Peterson GUIL. Enterprise Co., Ltd Email:g.petersonltd@rocketmail.com TEL:(+44) 70 1114 7862

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2012/8/22 Donald Wilson info.gammaillumination@gmail.com Dear Sir/Madam, Thanks for the email and sorry for our late response to your message. We saw a similar product at another company site, So please confirm to us if you / your company can make provision of the exact product as shown on our Tradeshow page which you can view below by visiting the website to view the product request. View Our Product Catalogue Give me your minimum order Quantity Delivery time Payment terms ( TT / LC) Best regards Donald Wilson Director of Sales/Import Department Gamma Illumination Inc Import Service Department TEL: +44 - 58999803 FAX: +44 - 58992839 M.T: +44-13621682493 Email: info.gammaillumination@gmail.com

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2012/8/22 Mrs Fatima Ahmed - mrsfatimaahmed146@gmail.com Dear Friend, My name is Mrs Fatima Ahmed, a British citizen. I would love to share a very important proposition which will be of benefit to the poor, needy, orphans in the world today. I want you to reply me so i can tell you more about this charitable work. God bless you. Fatima Ahmed

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reply to - awafaaabedalqader@yahoo.com 2012/8/22 Wafa Abedalqader Al Jasem awafaaabedalqader@inbox.com Assalamu Alaikkum With Due Respect and Humanity, I was compelled to write to you under a humanitarian ground. My names are Wafa’A Abedalqader Al Jasem 58yrs from Kuwait; I am married to Hamid Abedalqader Al Jasem Executive Board member of one oil firm in Kuwait; but we relocate to United Kingdom after his retirement 5yrs ago. We were married for 25years without a child. He died after a Cardiac Arteries Operation. And Recently, My Doctor told me that I would not last for the next 3 months due to my cancer problem (cancer of the lever and stroke). Before my husband died last year there is this sum $2.5 Million United State Dollars that he deposited with a bank in UK and presently the fund is still with the Bank. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to any good Allah fearing brother or sister that will utilize this fund the way I am going to instruct herein. I want somebody that will use this fund according to the desire of my late husband to help less privileged people, orphanages, widows and propagating the word of Allah. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this fund, and I don't want in a way were this fund will be used in wrong way. This is why I am taking this decision to hand you over this Fund. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I want you to always remember me in your daily prayers because of my upcoming Cancer Surgery. Write back as soon as possible any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another person for this same purpose, hoping to read from you asap and May Allah bless you as you listing to the voice of reasoning. Yours Beloved Sister Wafa’A Abedalqader Al Jasem

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2012/8/22 Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) info@worldmail.com I am Mr. Thomas Pei-Hwa LIANG the Executive Director and chief Financial officer of Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited. My client, Maj. Gen. Mubdar Hatim Hazya al-Dulaimi who died with his wife and only child, he made a fixed deposit of $30 million in my branch, from investigations, he did not declare any next of kin so; I need you as a foreigner to act as the next of kin to get this fund for us because the funds will revert to the government of Hong Kong if nobody comes to claim it. My anticipated percentages for sharing shall be fair enough 60% for me, 35% for you. My Attorney will perfect the legal documents. if you are interested please do get back to me so that i can provide you with more details of this operation. Get back to me on my email address - thomaspehwa211@yahoo.co.jp for more information Regards, Mr. Thomas Pei-Hwa LIANG.

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2012/8/23 steve_ch steve - steve_chesa@yahoo.co.uk MICROSOFT CORPORATION AWARD 2012 The Marina Offices, St Peters Yacht Basin, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1HX England REFERENCE NUMBER:UK/2551/A256003/23 BATCH NUMBER:014/070/AY7 We are pleased to inform you that, in respect of the just conducted lottery draw, a lump sum pay out of 1,000 000.00GBP (One Million GREAT BRITISH POUNDS) has been awarded to your email I.D by the MICRO-SOFT CORPORATION (UK), held on 2nd july 1st 2012. You have been approved the sum pay out of GBP1,000 000.00 (One MILLION GREAT BRITISH POUNDS) in cash credited to file YL/26510460037/10 . You are to send the below informations to our claims director who will facillitate with the delivery of your money: 1.Full Names: 2.Full Address: 3.Marital Status: 4.Occupation: 5.Age: 6.Sex: 7.Nationality: 8.Country Of Residence: 9.Telephone Number: Dr william clark E-mail william404@yahoo.com Phone +448719156603 Please include the following to your mail back to us: REFERENCE NUMBER:UK/2551/A256003/23 BATCH NUMBER:014/070/AY7 TICKET NUMBER:005-4432-971-878 Congratulations once more from all members and staff of this program and always CHECK YOUR EMAIL BOX EVERY FOUR (4) HOURS for your update on our delivery because the delivery of your payment WILL only takes 36 hours from the day you where notified. You are advised to keep your winning details strictly to yourself and not to share it with any individual or firm to avoid confistication of your prize. This message is confidential and intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by E-Mail,or return and then delete this message from your system. You should not copy or use it or disclose its contents to any other person. If any part of this message is illegible or if you suspect that the message may have been intercepted or amended, please contact the sender. We cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this message without further investigation. REGARDS MRS ROSELINE MARK

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REPLY TO - thomaspehwa211@yahoo.co.jp 2012/8/22 Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) -info@worldmail.com I am Mr. Thomas Pei-Hwa LIANG the Executive Director and chief Financial officer of Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited. My client, Maj. Gen. Mubdar Hatim Hazya al-Dulaimi who died with his wife and only child, he made a fixed deposit of $30 million in my branch, from investigations, he did not declare any next of kin so; I need you as a foreigner to act as the next of kin to get this fund for us because the funds will revert to the government of Hong Kong if nobody comes to claim it. My anticipated percentages for sharing shall be fair enough 60% for me, 35% for you. My Attorney will perfect the legal documents. if you are interested please do get back to me so that i can provide you with more details of this operation. Get back to me on my email address thomaspehwa211@yahoo.co.jp for more information Regards, Mr. Thomas Pei-Hwa LIANG.

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reply to - mr.frankwilliam02@hotmail.com 2012/8/22 Coca-cola Notice! - info1@yahoo.com Win $500,000 in Coca Cola Company promo. Email the correct answer to the question given below via e-mail to(mr.frankwilliam02@hotmail.com) Question: Who won the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa? (A)England(B)Spain (C)Germany (D)Brazil.

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2012/8/22 COCA-COLA PROMO AWARD - web0546@verizon.net For Claims, Send Your Name..Age..Mobile Number..Country..State..Sex..Home Address.

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REPLY TO - mr.albertabel@yahoo.com 2012/8/21 Mr. Albert Abel. - mr.albertabelyahoo.com@altinformatica.com.br {FEDERAL HIGH COURT OF NIGERIA, ABUJA (HEAD QUARTER) Attention: Conceding the matters arise today regarding on the issue conceding the contact you have with so called EFCC and orders that clams you have a fund with them. And also be informed that the Federal High Court of Nigeria is in connection with the U.S F.B.I regarding the contact you have with scammers. Note; that the F.B.I has given us the order to make sure that you put to stop on any transaction you have with so called scammers who claims to have your fund. Well, without be delayed we have ordered the {First National Bank of Pennsylvania in US} to make ready on your Fund transfer to you through Bank to Bank Transfer. Note: that the {First National Bank of Pennsylvania in US} will be in charge of transferring your Fund into any account that you will presenting to their Bank, Also be notify that the FBI is monitory you through their networking system, so be advice you to stop any communication you have with those so called scammers. {SECONDLY} Kindly forward all the receivers name that you have been sending money to, in Nation wide, we will like you to state their names and how much you have sent to them so far. And also be informed that we and the U.S FBI are in collaboration regarding on this issue. Be assured that through us the Federal High Court of Nigeria that you are going to receive your fund through Bank to Bank Transfer. In additional, the entire necessary documents that will back up this transaction will be ready within two working days as soon as we hear from you with your full information. 1} Contact Country: Pennsylvania in US 2} Bank Name: First National Bank 3) Contact Name: Mr. Barry C. Robinson 4) Contact Telephone: 7174474399 5) Official E-mail: firstnationalbank386@yahoo.com kindly forward to the paying Bank in Pennsylvania US your personal Information listed below to enable them proceed in processing transfer immediately. (1) Your Full Name (2) House mailing address (3) Your sex, age and marital status (4) Phone number for conversation (5) Your current occupation {6} Your Country. You are free to ask any question on this regards, do not hesitate to contact us back for more details and direction, Thanks for your co-operation. Yours sincerely Albert Abel Telephone: +234-739 250 017 kindly forward to the paying Bank in Pennsylvania US your personal Information listed below to enable them proceed in processing transfer immediately. (1) Your Full Name (2) House mailing address (3) Your sex, age and marital status (4) Phone number for conversation (5) Your current occupation {6} Your Country. You are free to ask any question on this regards, do not hesitate to contact us back for more details and direction, Thanks for your co-operation. Yours sincerely Albert Abel Telephone: +234-739 250 017

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REPLY TO - jaslin.ikhsan13@voila.fr 2012/8/22 Dr.Jaslin Ikhsan Dear Friend, How are you? I want to inquire from you ifyou can handle a transaction for mutual benefits/life opportunity for you andme. I am Dr.Jaslin Ikhsan. The Chief International Relation Foreign RemittanceUnit of my bank here in Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Branch. I Have an Opportunity to the Sum of Fifteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars(US$15.500.000.00), to transfer into your bank account over there in yourcountry. I will provide the full details of this business transaction when oncewe known each other as business with trust. I personally will contact youand you alone. The fund will be shared at the ratio of58% for me. 40% for you and 2% will be set aside to cover any expenses and taxin your bank. Please treat this business proposal withutmost confidentiality and send me the following Information's if you areinterested. Your Full Name:........ Your Address:........... Your Age: ............... Your Direct Phone Numbers:......... Your Country:............... Your Profession:........... Your Sex: .................... Thanks and best regards. Dr.Jaslin Ikhsan .M.sc (ECONS) HousePhone: 00226 71359636 Mobile: 00226 70568795

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reply to - bhaki1966@voila.fr 2012/8/22 Ali Bhaki ATTN: CEO, REQUEST FOR URGENT TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF TWENTY FIVE MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS {US$25,300,000.00} ONLY, INTO YOUR ACCOUNT. I am the Deputy Director of Finance, Foreign Payment Approval Dept. of West African Monetary Control Board (WAMCB). North-West Regional office. Burkina Faso. My office oversee all developmental projects financed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Within this zone (Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Guinea). With reference to an introduction and recommendation of you by a friend who works in the Burkina Faso Chambers of Commerce and Industry, I do hereby, Wish to commence talk with you on a highly confidential level. After due consultations, I have decided to contact you in order to arrange for a possible transfer of the sum of Twenty Five million three hundred thousand dollars (US$25.300.000.00) into your account. This money is a subject of an over inflated sum acquired from contracts awarded by my Agency in the past years. The original contractors have however, been paid and all projects executed by then commissioned. This over inflated amount can not be withdraw locally from the paying Bank because the contractors concerned are Foreign Firms. As a matter of trust, honesty and secrecy, I have decided to contact you as to assist me provide an account for this transaction if you have accepted to assist and fully participate in this transaction, kindly furnish me with the necessary information such as Bank Name/ Bank Address/ Account Number/ Account Name/ Swift Code/ Name and your full address/ Scanned copy of your identity card/ With this information provided, the said sum will be transfer to your account without difficulties. The terms of sharing the money after a successful transfer will be discuss as you indicate your interest in assisting to transfer this money. Immediately all these information gets to me, I will then present every document to the paying bank and the copy will be send to you for verification and record purposes. Be rest assured with my connections, everything will be through within a short time. After many years of meticulous services to the government and people of our sub region I would not want my image to be dented. Therefore I expect you to handle this transaction with utmost maturity by keeping everything secret. I can assure you that if my instructions are carefully adhered to, there will not be any hitch through out the transaction, there is no risk on your side, because I have perfected the deal very well over years. After the transfer, we will be coming over to your country for further Sharing and possible investments. I'm waiting to read from you urgently through the electronic mail address ASAP. Mr Ail Bhaki.

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2012/8/22 Nationwide - christgrc1@aol.com Dear Customer, Due to a recent security update on our security system, you are required to verify your Nationwide security details. Click on the link below to continue. Security Verification We apologise for any inconvinience this might cause you. Thank you for using Nationwide

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reply to - allen-violetlargee@ozledim.net 2012/8/22 Allen and Violet Large - volgyi.zsuzs@mtapi.hu Dear Sir/Madam, This is my fifth times of writting you this email since last year till date but no response from you.Hope you get this one, as this is a personal email directed to you. My wife and I won a Jackpot Lottery of $11.3 million in July and have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of $500,000.00 USD to you as part of our own charity project to improve the lot of 10 lucky individuals all over the world. If you have received this email then you are one of the lucky recipients and all you have to do is get back with us so that we can send your details to the payout bank.Please note that you have to contact my private email for more informations(allen-violetlargee@ozledim.net) You can verify this by visiting the web pages below. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1326473/Canadian-couple-Allen-Violet-Large-away-entire-11-2m-lottery-win.html Goodluck, Allen and Violet Large Email:allen-violetlargee@ozledim.ne

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REPLY TO - capt_johnodierno@yahoo.com.hk 2012/8/22 Capt. John Odierno OPEN THE ATTACHMENT LETTER AND REPLY IMMEDIATELY

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reply to - mrjohnsonabu1@voila.fr 2012/8/22 Mr Johnson Abu m_b_c_u@voila.fr Salam Alaykum Urgent Reply Pls Dear Friend I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am the Auditing and Accountingsection manager with Bank Burkina faso. I Hopethat you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of our both families.I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($10.5)million to your account within 10 or 14 banking days.you will have 40% of the above mentioned sumwhile 50% will be for me, and the other 10% will be for the expences These are the details about the deceased and his family. Late Hassan El-madi used his late wife (MRS.HAJIA EL-MADI) as his next of kin but unfortunately, she died along side with him in their house. So, nobody knows about the account and as such,you should not be afriad in this deal. Just keep it as secret between us.You can still see again the website covering U.S.A Boomp Explosion as posted by the CNN and BBC news report; http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/10/11/iraq.deaths/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6040054.stm Mr Johnson Abu Bank Of Africa Ouagadougou BURKINA FASO(B.O.A _________________________________________________________________

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