quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012


Se você encontrar esta página da web enquanto procurava um texto de e-mail específico, então você está quase certamente lidando com um scammer e-mail. É melhor você parar toda a comunicação de imediato uma vez que esta pessoa é perigosa e provavelmente irá tentar levá-lo à falência dentro de curto espaço de tempo, se não for ainda pior. Meu pedido para você, se você receber um e-mail similar: verificar e informá-la sobre www.scamalert4u.com e, em seguida, excluí-lo. Se você puder, por favor bloqueie o remetente do e-mail scammer. Você vai viver muito mais seguro com isso. Se você precisar de ajuda adicional, entre em contato.
Nosso email - golpesvirtuais@gmail.com

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012/8/21 bettysankara@ovi.com - bettysankara@ovi.com Hello, I am Betty Sankara seeking for your hand in relationship,if you're interested just mail me with this email (bettysankara@ovi.com) .please send me an email so that i will send you my photos and tell you more about my self,. mail me at(bettysankara@ovi.com) Remember distance,color,religion or tribe does not matter in any relationship. ur's Betty Sankara

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REPLY TO - judithbasins10@gmail.com BBC ONE NATIONAL LOTTERY(Pl​ease Kindly Open the Attachmen 2012/8/22 BBC NATIONAL LOTTERY - web44643@att.net

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RE: 2012/8/22 Wilson_Laura - Wilson_Laura@lacoe.edu Hello, This is to inform you that we offer all types of Loan (Business, Personal, Consolidation, Car, Investment, etc) @ 3% annual rate. Do you need a loan and have been turned down by your bank due to bad credit? Do you have unpaid bills or in debt? Do you have dreams of setting up a business? Contact us for a loan today and put a stop to all your financial barriers.We are fast and reliable and honesty is our watch word.To apply, DO NOT CLICK REPLY..but SIMPLY COMPOSE A NEW MESSAGE to the loan firm via email: pentracoloanfirm@wss-id.org Warm Regards Wilson Laura.(Announcer).

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REPLY TO - sgtjasoncampbell41@yahoo.com.hk 2007/1/6 Sgt Jason Campbell -jasoncampbell909@gmail.com Good Day From Iraq I am Sgt Jason Campbell an American Combat Soldier the Last group of 6,000, 00 combatant left behind in Iraq for advisory and assistance to Iraq Forces after the Handing over to Iraq Peace Keeping Force, During my services, I was been able to secure Twenty Million Dollar($20 million U.S Dollars) which already Deposited with a Diplomatic Company for security and Safety Purpose, I want to hand over this funds to a Trust Worth Person that we help me keep it till I am back from the Camp in Baghdad Iraq in Dec 2012, Since Our Final Troops is leaving Iraq 2012.If you are Interested in this Offer kindly contact me Via my Private Email:sgtjasoncampbell41@yahoo.com.hk You will find the story of this money on the web address below. After we have summated the remaining part http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/mid dle_east/2967029.stm Please kindly keep this transaction Confidential because I am still serving in the Military camp in Baghdad Iraq. Sgt Jason Campbell Email:sgtjasoncampbell41@yahoo.com.hk

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2012/8/21 Carolyn Myer - sales-info@guimerra.com.uk Dear Sir/Madam, Thanks for the email and sorry for our late response to your message. We saw a similar Product at another company site, So please confirm to us if you/your company can make provision of the exact product as shown on the Sample page which you can view below by visting the website to view the product request. View New Product Design Best regards Carolyn Myer Giumarra Enterprise & CO LTD. Email: sales-info@guimerra.com.uk TEL: +447024098342

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2012/8/21 Coca Cola Lottery Claims info@cocacola.com Kenmore Rd 41B Park, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF2 0XR, ENGLAND United Kingdom EMAIL: mdcocaclaims@gmx.com Contact: +44-8719-7448-45. Dear Lucky Winner Congratulation Your Mail-ID has been awarded Ј1,000,000.00 GBP From The Coca Cola Online Award 2012 .for claims send Name: Address: Phone No: Age: Sex: Occupation: Country: contact: Dr Martin Brown claims Department : mdcocaclaims@gmx.com Congratulation once again from the Coca Cola Online Award Department. Best Regard, Dr Martin Brown.

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2012/8/21 Victor moses - keebleroger@gmail.com
Attention: Dear Sir/Ma Please kindly give us the details of this property as we saw it on your website in this email. We saw this on your website and we would love to get the detailed information as soon as possible. Please your urgent reply will be highly appreciated. Regards Victor moses.

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reply to - franciskabore.10@gmail.com 2012/8/21 Francis -franciskabore12@gmail.com Dear Friend, I am Mr. Francis Kabore and Accountancy Department, Bank of Africa in (B.O.A) Burkina Faso. I got your email account while searching for a business oriented personality and you happen to be the one. I bring forth a business proposal in the tune of Twelve Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars Only.($12.500.000 USD) to be transferred to an offshore account with your assistance acting as beneficiary and next-of-kin to the Inheritance funds.If you know you are capable of involving and partaking in this transaction, please send down the following personal details to me for briefing and more clarification: (1)Full names:........................ ..... (2)Occupation:................ .............. (3)Age and Sex:.......................... (4)Marital Status:.......................... (5)Private phone and fax numbers:.................. (6)Current residential address:.............. I am waiting for your urgent reply so that we will starts immediately. Sorry if you received this letter in your spam, Due to recent connection error here in my country. Regards, Mr.Francis Kabore

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2012/8/21 yannick blanc - yannick9167966@p-calls.com coucou ;) voici le nouveau buzz facebook dont je t'ai parlé : Comment cette prof a osé faire ceci devant ses éléves?!!!!! :) http://quiritguerit.info/video.php?id=66022

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REPLY TO - www.n_citibnk02@hotmail.com 2012/8/21 TONY SMITH - info@ncbn.org National City Bank Group. No. 1, Idowu Taylor Street Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Ref:- NCB/CMB/324/012 Good Day, This to acknowledge you that your e-mail address is found among those that have been scammed, and the competition have been approved from the SUPREME HIGH COURT, ECONOMIC FINANCIAL CRIME COMMISSION (EFCC) here in Nigeria and FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION (FBI) and we are asked to contact you by the Nigeria president on how to send you the Sum of ($6.3M) via ATM DEBIT MASTER CARD for compensation. Due to the numerous fraudulent activities, we have resolved to implement the use of ATM DEBIT MasterCard for the release of your payment which will be issued by our bank National City Bank {NCB}. In this proposed payment scheme,your funds will be credited into a Citibank MasterCard account which will enable you either to make withdrawals at any ATM point or at any Citibank branch close to you. This is a Citibank new working initiative with the Nigeria government which was put in place to curb the constant fraud activities associated with payments such as this. However for the purpose of official verification among other relevant details, it is imperative that you supply us with the following requirements: 1. YOUR FULL NAME(S) AS WOULD REFLECT ON YOUR CARD. 2. FULL ADDRESS (SAFE FOR THE DELIVERY OF YOUR CARD) 3. TELEPHONE AND FAX NUMBERS 4. ANY FORM OF IDENTIFICATION. Your card will come with an already programmed pin. You will be required to change this pin to any four digit of your choice at any Citibank branch close to you. All legal documentation including the anti money laundering your favor are intact. On receipt of your response, further directives shall be made available to you. Yours Faithfully, Mr. Tony Smith. National City Bank Nigeria.

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reply to - javedgogoo@gmail.com 2012/8/21 Mr Javed Gogo -javedgogo2@gmail.com Mr. Javed Gogo Manager, Foreign Operations Department, African Development Bank Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Dear friend, I am contacting you based on my conviction that you will be capable of championing this business cause. In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of $10.5M (Ten Million five Hundred Thousand Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in an air crash in the year 2005. Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin, business partner or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately I learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him in the air crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and I don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill. The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after some years, the money will be transferred into the bank treasury account as unclaimed fund. The request of a foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkina citizen cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. I wish to inform you that 45% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, while the remaining 55% would be for me. Thereafter I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as a relation, business partner or next of kin of the deceased indicating the bank where in the money will be remitted. Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you a text of details. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer. Send me your informations. You should contact me immediately you receive this mail. Trusting to hear from you as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Javed Gogo

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Em 21 de agosto de 2012 11:31, Bradesco -infomail@bradesco.infomail.com.br escreveu: Você ainda não efetuou sua atualização cadastral 2012 Clique no link abaixo e efetue sua atualização: http://www.bradesco.com.br/atualizar.cadastro/ Atenção: Atualização obrigatória para todos os clientes corretistas, caso contrario sua conta será bloqueada. Lei nº 39938/00 BCB (Banco Central do Brasil).

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Em 20 de agosto de 2012 10:22, luria-teca - luria-teca@bol.com.br escreveu: As dividas removidas do seu nome sem que seja preciso pagalas Envie um email com suas duvidas para spceserasalimpo@gmail.com

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