Se voce receber uma mensagem semelhante a uma destas abaixo, tenha a certeza que
está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Nome usado - David Morrison Harrison
Fotos roubadas do Dr.Steve G Jones
Nome usado pelo scammer - Max Williams
Nome usado pelo golpista - Carlos Marquez
Scammers roubaram fotos do treinador Vicent Bolloré
Nome usado pelo golpista - Morgan Mills
Meu querido bonito,
Como você está hoje? Estou tão feliz que você aceitou minhas propostas de amizade
fornecendo-me seu contato pessoal por e-mail, eu gosto de estar aberto
você porque eu quero construir um relacionamento rígido com você que eu
acredito que deve render bons frutos para nós dois, eu sou uma mulher que tem
vi a vida, eu tenho estado no círculo social por muitos anos, é realmente
não importa a idade ou cor ou realização, o que importa em nossa
a vida é nada mais do que cuidado e expressão e principalmente expressão do
Essa é a coisa mais importante da vida, para mim o mais bonito
coisa criada por Deus nunca é vista, só é sentida no coração que
é amor. Eu tenho trabalhado toda a minha vida até agora, eu devo pensar em
algo melhor para aproveitar a minha vida e, provavelmente, ter uma família ou talvez
realocar e começar a investir em outras coisas de qualquer maneira. eu vou gostar de
te falo pouco sobre mim, Meu nome é Jenny Williams. Sou um Britannia. Eu
perdi minha filha única no nascimento da criança. Atualmente, estou trabalhando como um
Auditoria sênior / banqueiro no Citi Bank Plc Reino Unido.
Eu era casado, mas meu ex marido por impaciência se casou com
outra mulher que causou o nosso divórcio, mas tudo bem porque eu tenho que
seguir em frente com a minha vida desde que ele me acusou de estar tão ocupado com o meu trabalho
no banco e é contabilidade / auditoria, ele diz que eu não estava
ter tempo para ele, mas ele se recusou a entender que eu estava perseguindo um
objetivo, eu tentei fazê-lo entender que em breve eu iria renunciar e nós
terão tempo suficiente para o outro porque eu tenho um objetivo para alcançar
na vida, mas ele estava impaciente, então eu tenho que deixá-lo ir, mas acabou
entre nós agora, eu estou feliz sozinho porque eu tenho tudo que eu preciso, eu
Tive como prioridade distribuir 40% dos meus salários para menos
privilegiado e os bebês sem mãe e com tudo isso, eu nunca
faltava para aqueles é por isso que eu penso em se mudar para o seu país para
entrar em investimento e talvez possuir uma pequena empresa que eu possa ser capaz
para gerenciar o suficiente para mim,
Eu gostaria que você me contasse mais sobre você também. Eu vou gostar
te conheço melhor, o que você realmente faz e sua posição em seu trabalho,
seu estado civil e onde você reside agora
Eu adoro ouvir você em breve
Senhorita Jenny Williams.
Scammer fellix williams
felix = 2447778232594
CPF 38875777870
De: Mrs Susan Kelvin ->
Data: 23/05/2018
Assunto: Sra. Susan Kelvin.
Bom dia querido,
Estou feliz em conhecê-lo, fui direcionado de cima, então não tenha medo. Estou escrevendo esta correspondência para você com pesarosa tristeza em meu coração, esta massagem pode vir a você como surpresa, eu gostaria de encontrá-lo cara a cara antes de partir desta mãe terra, mas devido à doença continuar a privar a chance.
Meu nome é Sra Susan Kelvin, eu sou da Rússia, mas eu morei na Costa do Marfim por muitos anos, sou uma mulher que está morrendo, tenho 59 anos e fui diagnosticada com câncer há cerca de 1 ano atrás, imediatamente após a morte do meu marido, que me deixou tudo o que ele trabalhou e meu médico me disse que eu não duraria o período de sete meses devido ao problema de câncer por causa da minha saúde, antes de meu marido morto ele me informou que ele depositou o montante de US $ 6.500.000,00 milhões em um BANCO PRIVADO NA COSTA DO MARFIM Antes de ser envenenado até a morte, quero que você me ajude a usar esse dinheiro para um projeto de caridade antes de morrer, para os pobres Menos-privilégios e ORFANATOS em seu país.
Aceito esta decisão porque não tenho filho algum que herde este dinheiro depois de eu morrer.
Eu quero que você tome 35% do total do dinheiro para seu uso pessoal, 5% para as despesas e 60% do dinheiro vai para a caridade. Eu apreciarei sua maior confidencialidade e confiança neste assunto para realizar o desejo do meu coração, já que eu não quero nada que coloque em risco o meu último desejo.
Por favor, responda gentilmente para mais detalhes.
Obrigado continue abençoado
Aguardo sua resposta urgente
Sra. Susan Kelvin.Bom dia querido,
Estou feliz em conhecê-lo, fui direcionado de cima, então não tenha medo. Estou escrevendo esta correspondência para você com pesarosa tristeza em meu coração, esta massagem pode vir a você como surpresa, eu gostaria de encontrá-lo cara a cara antes de partir desta mãe terra, mas devido à doença continuar a privar a chance.
Meu nome é Sra Susan Kelvin, eu sou da Rússia, mas eu morei na Costa do Marfim por muitos anos, sou uma mulher que está morrendo, tenho 59 anos e fui diagnosticada com câncer há cerca de 1 ano atrás, imediatamente após a morte do meu marido, que me deixou tudo o que ele trabalhou e meu médico me disse que eu não duraria o período de sete meses devido ao problema de câncer por causa da minha saúde, antes de meu marido morto ele me informou que ele depositou o montante de US $ 6.500.000,00 milhões em um BANCO PRIVADO NA COSTA DO MARFIM Antes de ser envenenado até a morte, quero que você me ajude a usar esse dinheiro para um projeto de caridade antes de morrer, para os pobres Menos-privilégios e ORFANATOS em seu país.
Aceito esta decisão porque não tenho filho algum que herde este dinheiro depois de eu morrer.
Eu quero que você tome 35% do total do dinheiro para seu uso pessoal, 5% para as despesas e 60% do dinheiro vai para a caridade. Eu apreciarei sua maior confidencialidade e confiança neste assunto para realizar o desejo do meu coração, já que eu não quero nada que coloque em risco o meu último desejo.
Por favor, responda gentilmente para mais detalhes.
Obrigado continue abençoado
Aguardo sua resposta urgente
Sra. Susan Kelvin.
Nome usado - Elizabeth John
este é o meu endereço de e-mail - envie-me e-mail hoje e eu vou entrar em contato com você assim que eu receber o seu e-mail. ..obrigado.
Doação de dinheiro para caridade.
responder para -
May Almighty God Bless You!!!
Mr.Ben David -
May Almighty God Bless You!!!
I have a Mutual/Beneficial Business Project that would be benificial
to you. I only have two questions to ask of you,
if you are interested.
1. Can you handle this project?
2. Can I give you this trust ?
Please note that the deal requires high level of maturity, honesty and
secrecy. This will involve moving some money from my office, on trust
to your hands or bank account.
Also note that i will do everything to make sure that the money is
moved as a purely legitimate fund, so you will not be exposed to any
I request for your full co-operation. I will give you details and
procedure when I recieve your reply.To commence this transaction, I
require you to immediately indicate your interest by a return reply.
I will be waiting for your response in a timely manner.
Best Regard,
Mr. Ben David
May Almighty God Bless You!!!
I have a Mutual/Beneficial Business Project that would be benificial
to you. I only have two questions to ask of you,
if you are interested.
1. Can you handle this project?
2. Can I give you this trust ?
Please note that the deal requires high level of maturity, honesty and
secrecy. This will involve moving some money from my office, on trust
to your hands or bank account.
Also note that i will do everything to make sure that the money is
moved as a purely legitimate fund, so you will not be exposed to any
I request for your full co-operation. I will give you details and
procedure when I recieve your reply.To commence this transaction, I
require you to immediately indicate your interest by a return reply.
I will be waiting for your response in a timely manner.
Best Regard,
Mr. Ben David
Responder para -
Richard Wahl
We bring greetings to you in the name of the lord. This message is sent to you as a notification that you have been chosen to benefit from our charity project aimed at touching lives and helping those that we can across the world as God has blessed us.
I won the Mega Millions Jackpot of $533 million on March 30, 2018 and I have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of $57 Million to charity In this project, I try to reach people randomly from different sources and modes so as to touch lives from different angles, Hence you are getting a message here.
You have been listed as one of the lucky recipients to receive $1 Million This donation is made out to you so to enable you strengthen your personal issues and mostly to generously help us extend hands of giving to the less privileged, orphans and charity organizations within your locality.
To verify
Get back to me on how to receive the donation
My Dear Friend.
mr.umar bello por
My Dear Friend.
How are you and your family Today? I hope all is well, and I am happy to share this transaction with you ,but you must keep everything as secret and very confidential.
I have a very lucrative business transaction which requires your utmost discretion. Please understand that you and I myself, are to work as one team to inherit this fund, hence I am your insider in the bank as the transaction commence. I advise you to feel free with me for all is going to be well with us.
Though, I know it would come to you at uttermost surprise. I am Mr .Umar Bello, A banker by profession. Please, I want to transfer the sum of ($10.5 million) dollars into your bank account. This business is 100% risk free.
Your share will be 40% while 60% for me. Contact me through my email ( for further advice.
Full details will be send to you on the receipt of your urgent response by forwarding the following details bellow.
1. Your Full Name................
2. Your Telephone No..........
3. Your Age................
4. Your Home Address........
5. Your Country............
Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.
Best regards.
Dear Beloved Friend
Mrs Marois <
Dear Beloved Friend,
I am Mrs Nicole Benoite Marois and I have been suffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i have just few weeks to leave. I am from (Paris) France but based in Benin republic since eleven years ago as a business woman dealing with gold exportation before the death of my husband many years ago.
I have $4.5 Million US Dollars at Eco-Bank here in Benin republic and I instructed the bank to transfer the fund to you as foreigner that will apply to the bank after I have gone, that they should release the fund to him/her, but you will assure me that you will take 50 % of the fund and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my heart to rest.
Yours fairly friend,
Mrs. Nicole Benoite Marois
Responder Para -
Thabang Baloyi -
Cuidado com esta mensagem. Ela contém um link suspeito que foi usado para roubar informações pessoais. Caso não confie no remetente, não clique em links nem responda com dados pessoais. Saiba mais
Good day,
This letter serves as the formal notice of an intent to file a
against you in court,due to your not paying an owed invoice as
previously requested.
A hearing date has been confirmed for On May 28th 2018, and if you
wish to resolve this matter without court action,our client will
expect refund within Seven (7) days of this notice.
The Court summons letter is in the below Microsoft document,
verify your receiving email client on the attached to redirect and
download summons.
Justice Department summons letter: Letters of Intent
Samantha Gilbert
Court Clerk
Magistrate Court
Justice Firm Debt Collection Agent
Lovedale Road, City of Bloemfontein,Private Bag X20583,
Bloemfontein, 9300 South Africa.
(sem assunto)
Mavis Wancyzk <
Hello i have a donation for your worth 5,800,000.00EUR, Am Mrs Mavis Wancyzk i won the America powerball jackpot worth $758 million. Am giving out this donation to five lucky people and charity homes in memory of late husband. Contact me for more details at:
Attention !!!
Dr.Meka Ayo Frank -
From United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA)
Address of Corporate Headquarters
Carrefour des trois Banques Avenue
Pape Jean Paul II, Cotonou, Benin
Tel; +22963886890
Attention ,
Records show that you are among one of the individuals and organizations who are yet to receive their overdue payment from overseas which includes those of Lottery/Contract and Inheritance Payment From 2010 years ago till 2018 Records. Through our Fraud Monitory Unit we have also noticed that over the past 6 good Years,You have been transacting with some impostors and fraudsters In Cotonou-Benin Republic,Ghana,Spain,London UK and even Togo who have been impersonating likes of Courier Companies,Western Union & Bankers, none officials of Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),And some impostors claiming to be The Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Cyber Crime Division of the FBI gathered information from the Internet Crime Complaint Center (ICCC) formerly known as the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (EFCC) of how some people have lost outrageous sums of money to these impostors/Fraudsters. As a result of this we hereby advise you to stop communication Completely with any one not referred to you by us United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA).
We have negotiated with the Federal Ministry of Finance that your payment total US$6,900,000.00 has been released to you via a custom pin based ATM-card with a maximum withdrawal limit of $20,000 a day which is powered by Visa Card and can be used anywhere in the world where you see a Visa Card Logo on the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM).
We have advised that this should be the only way at which you are to receive your payment because it’s more guaranteed than any other means and what a joy that I will deliver the ATM-Card directly to you with the PIN Access Codes and The good News is that You will makes use of the ATM-Card in my Presence by using the ATM-Card to Withdraw to Confirm it Life, Please Be Noted that over $5 billion was lost on fake cheque For past years. We give you 100% Guarantee over this Card, because we have perfected everything in regards to the release of your US$6,900,000.00
United States Dollars to be 100% risk free and free from any hitches as it’s our duty to protect you and Your Property.
This is as a result of the mandate from US Government to make sure all debts owned to people which includes Inheritance, Contract, Gambling/Lottery etc are been cleared for the betterment of the current economic status of the nation And its citizens as he has always believed “Our Time for Change has come” because “Change can happen To redeem your fund you are hereby advised to Be In Contact with United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) via email & Phone always for their requirement to proceed and procure your Affidavit of Payment Warrant and Endorsement of your ATM
Release Order on your behalf.
Please Reply with this details Below:
Your full Name:..........
Your Country:............
Your Address:............
Home/Cell Phone:.........
Please This Details above will help us to Secure and know that You are right Beneficiary to receive this Card, It is very necessary and You Furnish us all this Info's on receipt of this message. Email: ( ) Executive Director: Dr.Meka Ayo Frank.
We Promise to Serve you better, Thanks and My Regards to your Family.
Responder para -
Google Corporation <>
Google Corporation®
123 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SH United Kingdom
Ref No: GFSP/ 4877/7782/2018
Batch: GFSP/977/GPWIN/UK
Lottery Award Notification
It is obvious that this notification will come to you as a surprise but please find time to read carefully as we congratulate you over your success in the following official publication of result of the E-mail Electronic Online Sweepstakes Organized by Google in conjunction with the Foundation for the Promotion of Software Products, (F.P.S) held this May , 2018 here in London, United Kingdom. Google earns its profit mainly from advertising its products and services, using their very own Google Search Engine, Gmail, Gala-mail, Sify E-mail service, Google Maps, Google Apps, Orkut social networking and You Tube video sharing, which are all offered to the public for free.
We wish to congratulate you once again, for being among the Twelve (12) selected winners in the ongoing E-mail Electronic Online Sweepstakes. Hence we do believe with your prize, you will continue to be active in your patronage to Google and its products. A Bank Cheque has been issued in your favor, hence you have won for yourself the sum of GBP950,000.00 (Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling), One Google Nexus 10 Tablet and also you have been enlisted as one of the Google Ambassadors for one whole Year.
To claim your reward, please contact our Foreign Payment officer below by neatly filling the verification and funds release form below, as your payment will be released and arranged by our United Kingdom Office.
1. Your Contact Address:
2. Your Contact telephone/Mobile Number:
3. Your Nationality/Country:
4. Your full Names:
5. Your Occupation:
6. Your Age & Gender:
7. Your Marital Status:
8. Your Private E-mail Address (es):
9. Have You Ever Won An Online Lottery?
10. How Do You Feel As A Winner?
11. Your Preferred Mode of Prize Remittance from the options below:
Cash Pick-Up (You as the Beneficiary coming Down to UK to Receive your Award Personally, this option is available only to British Citizens and residents).
(b). Courier Delivery of your certified winning cheque in your name and other Winning Documents safely to you.
Contact our Foreign Payment Bureau officer with the details below.
.............................. .......................
Name: Dr Williams Matt
Google Foundation Board (UK)
Office Mail:
(PH): +44 141 480 2442
NOTE!!! For Security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our precautionary measures to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this Program by some unscrupulous elements. Please be WARNED!!!!
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Google Board Commission.
MD. Matt Brittin
Chairman of Board and Managing Director
Google United Kingdom
Larry Page
Co-Founder & CEO
Google Incorporation®
This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the addressee, do not disclose, copy, circulate or in any other way use or rely on the information contained in this email or any attachments. If received in error , notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your system. Emails cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free as the message and any attachments could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, delayed, incomplete or amended. Google Corporation and its subsidiaries do not accept liability for damage caused by this email or any attachments and may monitor email traffic.
© 2018 Google Corporation®
Re: Your Abandoned Package For Delivery
Mr. John Robert, Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood Airport
Mr. John Robert
Head Officer-in-Charge,
Administrative Service
Inspection Agency,
Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood
International Airport,
Phone number +1 (754) 205-1424
Dear owner
I am Mr. John Robert, Head Officer-in-Charge, Administrative Service Inspection Agency Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport located in Florida in the USA. During our investigation, I discovered an abandoned shipment through a Diplomat from Africa, which was transferred from London Heath-row international Airport to our facility in U.S America , and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in 2 Metal Trunk Boxes weighing approximately 110kg. The consignment was abandoned because the Content was not properly declared by the consignee as money rather it was declared as personal effect/classified document to either avoid diversion by the Shipping Agent or confiscation by the relevant authorities.
The diplomat’s inability to pay for Non Inspection fees $335.00 US DOLLARS OR to present Non inspection Certificate Document to back up the consignment are the reason why the consignment is delayed and abandoned but the Non inspection Certificate can only be obtained from Benin Republic IN Africa where the shipment was tagged in a lower price .By my assessment,each of the boxes contains about $4M or more.They are still left in the airport storage facility till today. The Consignments like I said are two metal trunk boxes weighing about 65kg each (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm) effective capacity: 680 L) Approximately.
The details of the consignment including your email on the official document from COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC IN AFRICA where the shipment was tagged as personal effects/classified document is still available with Airport Authority. As it stands now, you have to reconfirm your full name, Phone Number, full address because we misplaced it. Note: Western union payment information to send the Non Inspection fees of $335.00 to Benin Republic will be given to you upon request. It is now left for you to decide if you still need the consignment or allow us repatriate it back to Africa (place of origin) as we were instructed.
As I did say again, the shipper abandoned it and ran away, most importantly because he gave a false declaration, he could not pay for the yellow tag, he could not secure a valid non inspection document(s), etc. I am ready to assist you in any way I can for you to get back this packages provided you will also give me something out of it (financial gratification). You can either come in person but their most be an interrogation, or i will help you engage the services of a secure shipping/delivery Company/agent that will provide the necessary security that is required to deliver the package to your doorstep or the destination of your choice. I need all the guarantee that I can get from you before I can get involved in this project. i am rest assured that these may or may not affect my job if care is not taking.
I wait to hear from you urgently if you are still alive and I will appreciate if we can keep this deal confidential. Please Reply this email strictly via my private email address ( as i will prefer only e-mails, please no phone calls but only text messages via +1 (754) 205-1424.
Mr. John Robert
Head Officer-in-Charge
Administrative Service Inspection Unit,
Re: I am a widow I need your assistance
Mrs.Kadi BALLA <>
Greetings to you and your family, I am Mrs.Kadi BALLA, a widow from Burkina Faso west African, I am sending this brief letter to solicit your partnership to transfer seven million five hundred thousand united states only. I shall send you more information and procedures when I receive positive response from you, please and please, I will like you to kindly respond to my mail via my private address for security and confidential reasons:
Best Regards
Email address:
Get your bank atm card, I prepare card that worth huge amount of money
loaded in the card is $3,000.000 us dollars.
I need your help
Mr.Aminu Aruna -
Hello, Dear Friend,
Am Mr.Aminu Aruna i work in one of the prime bank here in Burkina
Faso, i want the bank to transfer the money left by most of the greedy
African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas through the
help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they
transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold and oil money that
was supposed to have been used to develop the continent.
I can you investment this money and also help the poor' the amount
value at ($6.5million Dollars) (six Million Five Hundred Thousand
United States American Dollars), left in his account still unclaimed.
More details will be giving to you if you are interested
Thanks with my best regards.
Responder Para -
This is to draw your attention of an over-invoice unclaimed Foreign Contract Payment with the Federal Government valued at US$92.5M (Ninety-Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) deposited in an secret vault (Escrow Bank Account) with an open beneficiary for claims in your name.
Following the official protocols, Please get back to me VIA EMAIL: as soon as possible to enable us effect the over invoice contract payment on your behalf for investment purposes.
Thanks for your co-operation
Best Regard
Mr. Fred Wilson
Secretary to the Minister of Finance
Wie gehts Ihnen heute, ich hoffe, dass meine Post Sie in gutem Zustand der Gesundheit erfüllt? Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe mich entschlossen, mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, wenn ich bedenkt habe, dass wir uns noch nicht getroffen haben, aber wegen eines Umstandes, der mich verpflichtet hat, habe ich mich entschlossen, Sie wegen der Dringlichkeit meiner gegenwärtigen Situation hier im Flüchtlingslager für Ihre Rettung zu kontaktieren Auch für ein Business-Venture / Projekt, das ich brauche Ihre Assistentin in diesem Business-Niederlassung in Ihrem Land als mein ausländischer Partner sowie meine juristische ernannte Treuhänder.
Ich bin Aisha Muammar Gaddafi, die einzige Tochter des umkämpften Präsidenten von Libyen, Hon. Muammar Gaddafi Ich wohne derzeit in Burkina Faso leider als Flüchtling. Ich schreibe diese Post mit Tränen und Trauer aus meinem Herzen und frage nach deiner dringenden Hilfe. Ich bin seit dem Tod meines verstorbenen Vaters durch Schmerzen und traurigen Moment gegangen.
Mittlerweile ist meine Familie das Ziel der westlichen Nationen, die von Nato geführt werden, die meinen Vater um jeden Preis zerstören will. Unsere Investitionen und Bankkonten in mehreren Ländern sind ihre Ziele zum Einfrieren. Mein Vater des gesegneten Gedächtnisses stellte die Summe von $ 10.5M (Zehn Millionen, Fünfhundert Tausend Dollar) in (ECO) Bank Burkina Faso, die er benutzte meinen Namen als die nächste Angehörige. Ich habe von der (ECO) Bank beauftragt, einen interessierten ausländischen Investor / Partner zu präsentieren, der als Treuhänder stehen kann und den Fonds in seinem Konto für eine mögliche Investition in sein Land aufgrund meines Flüchtlingsstatus hier in Burkina Faso erhalten kann.
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer ehrlichen und zuverlässigen Person, die mir helfen und als Treuhänder stehen wird, damit ich ihn der Bank für die Übertragung des Fonds auf sein Bankkonto in Übersee vorstellen werde. Ich habe beschlossen, dich nach meinen Gebeten zu kontaktieren und ich glaube, dass du mein Vertrauen nicht verraten wirst. Aber nehmen Sie mich als Ihre eigene Schwester oder Tochter. Wenn diese Transaktion Sie interessiert, müssen Sie es niemandem offenlegen, weil was mit meiner ganzen Familie los ist, wenn die vereinigte Nation dieses Konto kennt, werden sie es einfrieren, wenn sie andere einfrieren, also bitte diese Transaktion behalten Nur für dich, bis wir es fertig machen
Apologetic für meine Bilder werde ich es in meine nächste Mail und mehr über mich einschließen, wenn ich von dir höre okay. Bitte, ich möchte, dass Sie mich hier für weitere Konversationen kontaktieren. Danke und beste Grüße, Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
You have won £1,350,000.00 in the on going 2018 Russia World Cup
Hello xxxxx
You have won £1,350,000.00 in the on going 2018 Russia World
Cup Exclusive Special Bonus Promo.
Contact Mr David James E-mail:
Good Day.
Hayes Walker
19 de mai (Há 4 dias)
para Recipients
Cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para roubar informações pessoais. Caso não confie no remetente, não clique em links nem envie informações confidenciais para este e-mail. Saiba mais
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am sorry to encroach into your privacy in this manner, I
found you listed in the Trade Center Chambers of Commerce
directory here in Iraq and I find it pleasurable to offer
you my partnership in business.
I only pray at this time that your address is still valid. I
want to solicit your attention to receive money on my
I am CAPT Hayes Walker, an officer in the USA Army and also
a West Point Graduate presently serving in the Military with
the 82nd Air Borne Division Peace keeping force.
I am on the move to Afghanistan and i really need your help
in assisting me with the safe keeping of two military trunk
boxes. I hope you can be trusted? Kindly view for your
If you can be trusted, I will explain further when i get
a response from you.
Nevertheless, reconfirm the following to me as follows and
please ensure to reply via my private e-mail address:
4.Copy of drivers license:
Thanks for your cooperation, God bless you and America !!
Best Regards,
Capt.Hayes Walker.
Cash Donation
Julie Leach <
Attn. Beneficiary,
You are a recipient of Julie Leach's $3 million (UDS) Cash Donation,
acknowledge receipt of this email for more details.
Julie Leach.
Responder Para -
Dunford F. Joseph ->
Hello: Sir,
Greetings to you, I perceive that you will be astonish about this but want you to know that am contacting you for business partnership.
I am seeking your assistance but I am short of options and have no other choice. I am Gen. Dunford F. Joseph, United States Marine Corps general. , and army commandant attached to the NATO Military force in Afghanistan/Iraq and Syria for peace keeping and war against the Al-Qaeda/Taliban groups to humanitarian lives and properties. I have a business proposal to share with you, kindly reply so that I can share it with you to see if it will interest you.
I have contacted you with positive intention and the main reason why I have decided to entrust all this funds to you is because I am a military officer, we are not permitted to transact business that is why I request that you help me to invest the fund, I want us to use the total fund for our investment with you while you take control of all investments. I will be coming to meet with you later as soon as I have vacation, although I have more interest on real estate.
Reply me and state your percentage.
NOTE: I got your information online when i was seeking for reliable someone,
and if you want to know more about me please check my wikipedia
Please; I urge you to keep this transaction with utmost confidential , due to my
personality and profile in the military.
I am waiting for your swift response,
Gen. Dunford F. Joseph
Commandant of the Marine Corps
International Security Assistance Force
U.S. Forces Afghanista/Iraq and Syria.
Responder Para Dunford F. Joseph (
Nome usado - David Morrison Harrison
Fotos roubadas do Dr.Steve G Jones
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Nome usado pelo scammer - Max Williams
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Nome usado pelo golpista - Carlos Marquez
Scammers roubaram fotos do treinador Vicent Bolloré
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Nome usado pelo golpista - Morgan Mills
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Meu querido bonito,
Como você está hoje? Estou tão feliz que você aceitou minhas propostas de amizade
fornecendo-me seu contato pessoal por e-mail, eu gosto de estar aberto
você porque eu quero construir um relacionamento rígido com você que eu
acredito que deve render bons frutos para nós dois, eu sou uma mulher que tem
vi a vida, eu tenho estado no círculo social por muitos anos, é realmente
não importa a idade ou cor ou realização, o que importa em nossa
a vida é nada mais do que cuidado e expressão e principalmente expressão do
Essa é a coisa mais importante da vida, para mim o mais bonito
coisa criada por Deus nunca é vista, só é sentida no coração que
é amor. Eu tenho trabalhado toda a minha vida até agora, eu devo pensar em
algo melhor para aproveitar a minha vida e, provavelmente, ter uma família ou talvez
realocar e começar a investir em outras coisas de qualquer maneira. eu vou gostar de
te falo pouco sobre mim, Meu nome é Jenny Williams. Sou um Britannia. Eu
perdi minha filha única no nascimento da criança. Atualmente, estou trabalhando como um
Auditoria sênior / banqueiro no Citi Bank Plc Reino Unido.
Eu era casado, mas meu ex marido por impaciência se casou com
outra mulher que causou o nosso divórcio, mas tudo bem porque eu tenho que
seguir em frente com a minha vida desde que ele me acusou de estar tão ocupado com o meu trabalho
no banco e é contabilidade / auditoria, ele diz que eu não estava
ter tempo para ele, mas ele se recusou a entender que eu estava perseguindo um
objetivo, eu tentei fazê-lo entender que em breve eu iria renunciar e nós
terão tempo suficiente para o outro porque eu tenho um objetivo para alcançar
na vida, mas ele estava impaciente, então eu tenho que deixá-lo ir, mas acabou
entre nós agora, eu estou feliz sozinho porque eu tenho tudo que eu preciso, eu
Tive como prioridade distribuir 40% dos meus salários para menos
privilegiado e os bebês sem mãe e com tudo isso, eu nunca
faltava para aqueles é por isso que eu penso em se mudar para o seu país para
entrar em investimento e talvez possuir uma pequena empresa que eu possa ser capaz
para gerenciar o suficiente para mim,
Eu gostaria que você me contasse mais sobre você também. Eu vou gostar
te conheço melhor, o que você realmente faz e sua posição em seu trabalho,
seu estado civil e onde você reside agora
Eu adoro ouvir você em breve
Senhorita Jenny Williams.
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Scammer fellix williams
felix = 2447778232594
CPF 38875777870
De: Mrs Susan Kelvin ->
Data: 23/05/2018
Assunto: Sra. Susan Kelvin.
Bom dia querido,
Estou feliz em conhecê-lo, fui direcionado de cima, então não tenha medo. Estou escrevendo esta correspondência para você com pesarosa tristeza em meu coração, esta massagem pode vir a você como surpresa, eu gostaria de encontrá-lo cara a cara antes de partir desta mãe terra, mas devido à doença continuar a privar a chance.
Meu nome é Sra Susan Kelvin, eu sou da Rússia, mas eu morei na Costa do Marfim por muitos anos, sou uma mulher que está morrendo, tenho 59 anos e fui diagnosticada com câncer há cerca de 1 ano atrás, imediatamente após a morte do meu marido, que me deixou tudo o que ele trabalhou e meu médico me disse que eu não duraria o período de sete meses devido ao problema de câncer por causa da minha saúde, antes de meu marido morto ele me informou que ele depositou o montante de US $ 6.500.000,00 milhões em um BANCO PRIVADO NA COSTA DO MARFIM Antes de ser envenenado até a morte, quero que você me ajude a usar esse dinheiro para um projeto de caridade antes de morrer, para os pobres Menos-privilégios e ORFANATOS em seu país.
Aceito esta decisão porque não tenho filho algum que herde este dinheiro depois de eu morrer.
Eu quero que você tome 35% do total do dinheiro para seu uso pessoal, 5% para as despesas e 60% do dinheiro vai para a caridade. Eu apreciarei sua maior confidencialidade e confiança neste assunto para realizar o desejo do meu coração, já que eu não quero nada que coloque em risco o meu último desejo.
Por favor, responda gentilmente para mais detalhes.
Obrigado continue abençoado
Aguardo sua resposta urgente
Sra. Susan Kelvin.Bom dia querido,
Estou feliz em conhecê-lo, fui direcionado de cima, então não tenha medo. Estou escrevendo esta correspondência para você com pesarosa tristeza em meu coração, esta massagem pode vir a você como surpresa, eu gostaria de encontrá-lo cara a cara antes de partir desta mãe terra, mas devido à doença continuar a privar a chance.
Meu nome é Sra Susan Kelvin, eu sou da Rússia, mas eu morei na Costa do Marfim por muitos anos, sou uma mulher que está morrendo, tenho 59 anos e fui diagnosticada com câncer há cerca de 1 ano atrás, imediatamente após a morte do meu marido, que me deixou tudo o que ele trabalhou e meu médico me disse que eu não duraria o período de sete meses devido ao problema de câncer por causa da minha saúde, antes de meu marido morto ele me informou que ele depositou o montante de US $ 6.500.000,00 milhões em um BANCO PRIVADO NA COSTA DO MARFIM Antes de ser envenenado até a morte, quero que você me ajude a usar esse dinheiro para um projeto de caridade antes de morrer, para os pobres Menos-privilégios e ORFANATOS em seu país.
Aceito esta decisão porque não tenho filho algum que herde este dinheiro depois de eu morrer.
Eu quero que você tome 35% do total do dinheiro para seu uso pessoal, 5% para as despesas e 60% do dinheiro vai para a caridade. Eu apreciarei sua maior confidencialidade e confiança neste assunto para realizar o desejo do meu coração, já que eu não quero nada que coloque em risco o meu último desejo.
Por favor, responda gentilmente para mais detalhes.
Obrigado continue abençoado
Aguardo sua resposta urgente
Sra. Susan Kelvin.
Nome usado - Elizabeth John
este é o meu endereço de e-mail - envie-me e-mail hoje e eu vou entrar em contato com você assim que eu receber o seu e-mail. ..obrigado.
Doação de dinheiro para caridade.
responder para -
May Almighty God Bless You!!!
Mr.Ben David -
May Almighty God Bless You!!!
I have a Mutual/Beneficial Business Project that would be benificial
to you. I only have two questions to ask of you,
if you are interested.
1. Can you handle this project?
2. Can I give you this trust ?
Please note that the deal requires high level of maturity, honesty and
secrecy. This will involve moving some money from my office, on trust
to your hands or bank account.
Also note that i will do everything to make sure that the money is
moved as a purely legitimate fund, so you will not be exposed to any
I request for your full co-operation. I will give you details and
procedure when I recieve your reply.To commence this transaction, I
require you to immediately indicate your interest by a return reply.
I will be waiting for your response in a timely manner.
Best Regard,
Mr. Ben David
May Almighty God Bless You!!!
I have a Mutual/Beneficial Business Project that would be benificial
to you. I only have two questions to ask of you,
if you are interested.
1. Can you handle this project?
2. Can I give you this trust ?
Please note that the deal requires high level of maturity, honesty and
secrecy. This will involve moving some money from my office, on trust
to your hands or bank account.
Also note that i will do everything to make sure that the money is
moved as a purely legitimate fund, so you will not be exposed to any
I request for your full co-operation. I will give you details and
procedure when I recieve your reply.To commence this transaction, I
require you to immediately indicate your interest by a return reply.
I will be waiting for your response in a timely manner.
Best Regard,
Mr. Ben David
Responder para -
Richard Wahl
We bring greetings to you in the name of the lord. This message is sent to you as a notification that you have been chosen to benefit from our charity project aimed at touching lives and helping those that we can across the world as God has blessed us.
I won the Mega Millions Jackpot of $533 million on March 30, 2018 and I have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of $57 Million to charity In this project, I try to reach people randomly from different sources and modes so as to touch lives from different angles, Hence you are getting a message here.
You have been listed as one of the lucky recipients to receive $1 Million This donation is made out to you so to enable you strengthen your personal issues and mostly to generously help us extend hands of giving to the less privileged, orphans and charity organizations within your locality.
To verify
Get back to me on how to receive the donation
My Dear Friend.
mr.umar bello por
My Dear Friend.
How are you and your family Today? I hope all is well, and I am happy to share this transaction with you ,but you must keep everything as secret and very confidential.
I have a very lucrative business transaction which requires your utmost discretion. Please understand that you and I myself, are to work as one team to inherit this fund, hence I am your insider in the bank as the transaction commence. I advise you to feel free with me for all is going to be well with us.
Though, I know it would come to you at uttermost surprise. I am Mr .Umar Bello, A banker by profession. Please, I want to transfer the sum of ($10.5 million) dollars into your bank account. This business is 100% risk free.
Your share will be 40% while 60% for me. Contact me through my email ( for further advice.
Full details will be send to you on the receipt of your urgent response by forwarding the following details bellow.
1. Your Full Name................
2. Your Telephone No..........
3. Your Age................
4. Your Home Address........
5. Your Country............
Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.
Best regards.
Dear Beloved Friend
Mrs Marois <
Dear Beloved Friend,
I am Mrs Nicole Benoite Marois and I have been suffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i have just few weeks to leave. I am from (Paris) France but based in Benin republic since eleven years ago as a business woman dealing with gold exportation before the death of my husband many years ago.
I have $4.5 Million US Dollars at Eco-Bank here in Benin republic and I instructed the bank to transfer the fund to you as foreigner that will apply to the bank after I have gone, that they should release the fund to him/her, but you will assure me that you will take 50 % of the fund and give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my heart to rest.
Yours fairly friend,
Mrs. Nicole Benoite Marois
Responder Para -
Thabang Baloyi -
Cuidado com esta mensagem. Ela contém um link suspeito que foi usado para roubar informações pessoais. Caso não confie no remetente, não clique em links nem responda com dados pessoais. Saiba mais
Good day,
This letter serves as the formal notice of an intent to file a
against you in court,due to your not paying an owed invoice as
previously requested.
A hearing date has been confirmed for On May 28th 2018, and if you
wish to resolve this matter without court action,our client will
expect refund within Seven (7) days of this notice.
The Court summons letter is in the below Microsoft document,
verify your receiving email client on the attached to redirect and
download summons.
Justice Department summons letter: Letters of Intent
Samantha Gilbert
Court Clerk
Magistrate Court
Justice Firm Debt Collection Agent
Lovedale Road, City of Bloemfontein,Private Bag X20583,
Bloemfontein, 9300 South Africa.
(sem assunto)
Mavis Wancyzk <
Hello i have a donation for your worth 5,800,000.00EUR, Am Mrs Mavis Wancyzk i won the America powerball jackpot worth $758 million. Am giving out this donation to five lucky people and charity homes in memory of late husband. Contact me for more details at:
Attention !!!
Dr.Meka Ayo Frank -
From United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA)
Address of Corporate Headquarters
Carrefour des trois Banques Avenue
Pape Jean Paul II, Cotonou, Benin
Tel; +22963886890
Attention ,
Records show that you are among one of the individuals and organizations who are yet to receive their overdue payment from overseas which includes those of Lottery/Contract and Inheritance Payment From 2010 years ago till 2018 Records. Through our Fraud Monitory Unit we have also noticed that over the past 6 good Years,You have been transacting with some impostors and fraudsters In Cotonou-Benin Republic,Ghana,Spain,London UK and even Togo who have been impersonating likes of Courier Companies,Western Union & Bankers, none officials of Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),And some impostors claiming to be The Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Cyber Crime Division of the FBI gathered information from the Internet Crime Complaint Center (ICCC) formerly known as the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (EFCC) of how some people have lost outrageous sums of money to these impostors/Fraudsters. As a result of this we hereby advise you to stop communication Completely with any one not referred to you by us United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA).
We have negotiated with the Federal Ministry of Finance that your payment total US$6,900,000.00 has been released to you via a custom pin based ATM-card with a maximum withdrawal limit of $20,000 a day which is powered by Visa Card and can be used anywhere in the world where you see a Visa Card Logo on the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM).
We have advised that this should be the only way at which you are to receive your payment because it’s more guaranteed than any other means and what a joy that I will deliver the ATM-Card directly to you with the PIN Access Codes and The good News is that You will makes use of the ATM-Card in my Presence by using the ATM-Card to Withdraw to Confirm it Life, Please Be Noted that over $5 billion was lost on fake cheque For past years. We give you 100% Guarantee over this Card, because we have perfected everything in regards to the release of your US$6,900,000.00
United States Dollars to be 100% risk free and free from any hitches as it’s our duty to protect you and Your Property.
This is as a result of the mandate from US Government to make sure all debts owned to people which includes Inheritance, Contract, Gambling/Lottery etc are been cleared for the betterment of the current economic status of the nation And its citizens as he has always believed “Our Time for Change has come” because “Change can happen To redeem your fund you are hereby advised to Be In Contact with United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) via email & Phone always for their requirement to proceed and procure your Affidavit of Payment Warrant and Endorsement of your ATM
Release Order on your behalf.
Please Reply with this details Below:
Your full Name:..........
Your Country:............
Your Address:............
Home/Cell Phone:.........
Please This Details above will help us to Secure and know that You are right Beneficiary to receive this Card, It is very necessary and You Furnish us all this Info's on receipt of this message. Email: ( ) Executive Director: Dr.Meka Ayo Frank.
We Promise to Serve you better, Thanks and My Regards to your Family.
Responder para -
Google Corporation <>
Google Corporation®
123 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SH United Kingdom
Ref No: GFSP/ 4877/7782/2018
Batch: GFSP/977/GPWIN/UK
Lottery Award Notification
It is obvious that this notification will come to you as a surprise but please find time to read carefully as we congratulate you over your success in the following official publication of result of the E-mail Electronic Online Sweepstakes Organized by Google in conjunction with the Foundation for the Promotion of Software Products, (F.P.S) held this May , 2018 here in London, United Kingdom. Google earns its profit mainly from advertising its products and services, using their very own Google Search Engine, Gmail, Gala-mail, Sify E-mail service, Google Maps, Google Apps, Orkut social networking and You Tube video sharing, which are all offered to the public for free.
We wish to congratulate you once again, for being among the Twelve (12) selected winners in the ongoing E-mail Electronic Online Sweepstakes. Hence we do believe with your prize, you will continue to be active in your patronage to Google and its products. A Bank Cheque has been issued in your favor, hence you have won for yourself the sum of GBP950,000.00 (Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling), One Google Nexus 10 Tablet and also you have been enlisted as one of the Google Ambassadors for one whole Year.
To claim your reward, please contact our Foreign Payment officer below by neatly filling the verification and funds release form below, as your payment will be released and arranged by our United Kingdom Office.
1. Your Contact Address:
2. Your Contact telephone/Mobile Number:
3. Your Nationality/Country:
4. Your full Names:
5. Your Occupation:
6. Your Age & Gender:
7. Your Marital Status:
8. Your Private E-mail Address (es):
9. Have You Ever Won An Online Lottery?
10. How Do You Feel As A Winner?
11. Your Preferred Mode of Prize Remittance from the options below:
Cash Pick-Up (You as the Beneficiary coming Down to UK to Receive your Award Personally, this option is available only to British Citizens and residents).
(b). Courier Delivery of your certified winning cheque in your name and other Winning Documents safely to you.
Contact our Foreign Payment Bureau officer with the details below.
.............................. .......................
Name: Dr Williams Matt
Google Foundation Board (UK)
Office Mail:
(PH): +44 141 480 2442
NOTE!!! For Security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our precautionary measures to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this Program by some unscrupulous elements. Please be WARNED!!!!
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Google Board Commission.
MD. Matt Brittin
Chairman of Board and Managing Director
Google United Kingdom
Larry Page
Co-Founder & CEO
Google Incorporation®
This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the addressee, do not disclose, copy, circulate or in any other way use or rely on the information contained in this email or any attachments. If received in error , notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your system. Emails cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free as the message and any attachments could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, delayed, incomplete or amended. Google Corporation and its subsidiaries do not accept liability for damage caused by this email or any attachments and may monitor email traffic.
© 2018 Google Corporation®
Re: Your Abandoned Package For Delivery
Mr. John Robert, Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood Airport
Mr. John Robert
Head Officer-in-Charge,
Administrative Service
Inspection Agency,
Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood
International Airport,
Phone number +1 (754) 205-1424
Dear owner
I am Mr. John Robert, Head Officer-in-Charge, Administrative Service Inspection Agency Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport located in Florida in the USA. During our investigation, I discovered an abandoned shipment through a Diplomat from Africa, which was transferred from London Heath-row international Airport to our facility in U.S America , and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in 2 Metal Trunk Boxes weighing approximately 110kg. The consignment was abandoned because the Content was not properly declared by the consignee as money rather it was declared as personal effect/classified document to either avoid diversion by the Shipping Agent or confiscation by the relevant authorities.
The diplomat’s inability to pay for Non Inspection fees $335.00 US DOLLARS OR to present Non inspection Certificate Document to back up the consignment are the reason why the consignment is delayed and abandoned but the Non inspection Certificate can only be obtained from Benin Republic IN Africa where the shipment was tagged in a lower price .By my assessment,each of the boxes contains about $4M or more.They are still left in the airport storage facility till today. The Consignments like I said are two metal trunk boxes weighing about 65kg each (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm) effective capacity: 680 L) Approximately.
The details of the consignment including your email on the official document from COTONOU, BENIN REPUBLIC IN AFRICA where the shipment was tagged as personal effects/classified document is still available with Airport Authority. As it stands now, you have to reconfirm your full name, Phone Number, full address because we misplaced it. Note: Western union payment information to send the Non Inspection fees of $335.00 to Benin Republic will be given to you upon request. It is now left for you to decide if you still need the consignment or allow us repatriate it back to Africa (place of origin) as we were instructed.
As I did say again, the shipper abandoned it and ran away, most importantly because he gave a false declaration, he could not pay for the yellow tag, he could not secure a valid non inspection document(s), etc. I am ready to assist you in any way I can for you to get back this packages provided you will also give me something out of it (financial gratification). You can either come in person but their most be an interrogation, or i will help you engage the services of a secure shipping/delivery Company/agent that will provide the necessary security that is required to deliver the package to your doorstep or the destination of your choice. I need all the guarantee that I can get from you before I can get involved in this project. i am rest assured that these may or may not affect my job if care is not taking.
I wait to hear from you urgently if you are still alive and I will appreciate if we can keep this deal confidential. Please Reply this email strictly via my private email address ( as i will prefer only e-mails, please no phone calls but only text messages via +1 (754) 205-1424.
Mr. John Robert
Head Officer-in-Charge
Administrative Service Inspection Unit,
Re: I am a widow I need your assistance
Mrs.Kadi BALLA <>
Greetings to you and your family, I am Mrs.Kadi BALLA, a widow from Burkina Faso west African, I am sending this brief letter to solicit your partnership to transfer seven million five hundred thousand united states only. I shall send you more information and procedures when I receive positive response from you, please and please, I will like you to kindly respond to my mail via my private address for security and confidential reasons:
Best Regards
Email address:
Get your bank atm card, I prepare card that worth huge amount of money
loaded in the card is $3,000.000 us dollars.
I need your help
Mr.Aminu Aruna -
Hello, Dear Friend,
Am Mr.Aminu Aruna i work in one of the prime bank here in Burkina
Faso, i want the bank to transfer the money left by most of the greedy
African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas through the
help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they
transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold and oil money that
was supposed to have been used to develop the continent.
I can you investment this money and also help the poor' the amount
value at ($6.5million Dollars) (six Million Five Hundred Thousand
United States American Dollars), left in his account still unclaimed.
More details will be giving to you if you are interested
Thanks with my best regards.
Responder Para -
This is to draw your attention of an over-invoice unclaimed Foreign Contract Payment with the Federal Government valued at US$92.5M (Ninety-Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) deposited in an secret vault (Escrow Bank Account) with an open beneficiary for claims in your name.
Following the official protocols, Please get back to me VIA EMAIL: as soon as possible to enable us effect the over invoice contract payment on your behalf for investment purposes.
Thanks for your co-operation
Best Regard
Mr. Fred Wilson
Secretary to the Minister of Finance
Wie gehts Ihnen heute, ich hoffe, dass meine Post Sie in gutem Zustand der Gesundheit erfüllt? Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich habe mich entschlossen, mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, wenn ich bedenkt habe, dass wir uns noch nicht getroffen haben, aber wegen eines Umstandes, der mich verpflichtet hat, habe ich mich entschlossen, Sie wegen der Dringlichkeit meiner gegenwärtigen Situation hier im Flüchtlingslager für Ihre Rettung zu kontaktieren Auch für ein Business-Venture / Projekt, das ich brauche Ihre Assistentin in diesem Business-Niederlassung in Ihrem Land als mein ausländischer Partner sowie meine juristische ernannte Treuhänder.
Ich bin Aisha Muammar Gaddafi, die einzige Tochter des umkämpften Präsidenten von Libyen, Hon. Muammar Gaddafi Ich wohne derzeit in Burkina Faso leider als Flüchtling. Ich schreibe diese Post mit Tränen und Trauer aus meinem Herzen und frage nach deiner dringenden Hilfe. Ich bin seit dem Tod meines verstorbenen Vaters durch Schmerzen und traurigen Moment gegangen.
Mittlerweile ist meine Familie das Ziel der westlichen Nationen, die von Nato geführt werden, die meinen Vater um jeden Preis zerstören will. Unsere Investitionen und Bankkonten in mehreren Ländern sind ihre Ziele zum Einfrieren. Mein Vater des gesegneten Gedächtnisses stellte die Summe von $ 10.5M (Zehn Millionen, Fünfhundert Tausend Dollar) in (ECO) Bank Burkina Faso, die er benutzte meinen Namen als die nächste Angehörige. Ich habe von der (ECO) Bank beauftragt, einen interessierten ausländischen Investor / Partner zu präsentieren, der als Treuhänder stehen kann und den Fonds in seinem Konto für eine mögliche Investition in sein Land aufgrund meines Flüchtlingsstatus hier in Burkina Faso erhalten kann.
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer ehrlichen und zuverlässigen Person, die mir helfen und als Treuhänder stehen wird, damit ich ihn der Bank für die Übertragung des Fonds auf sein Bankkonto in Übersee vorstellen werde. Ich habe beschlossen, dich nach meinen Gebeten zu kontaktieren und ich glaube, dass du mein Vertrauen nicht verraten wirst. Aber nehmen Sie mich als Ihre eigene Schwester oder Tochter. Wenn diese Transaktion Sie interessiert, müssen Sie es niemandem offenlegen, weil was mit meiner ganzen Familie los ist, wenn die vereinigte Nation dieses Konto kennt, werden sie es einfrieren, wenn sie andere einfrieren, also bitte diese Transaktion behalten Nur für dich, bis wir es fertig machen
Apologetic für meine Bilder werde ich es in meine nächste Mail und mehr über mich einschließen, wenn ich von dir höre okay. Bitte, ich möchte, dass Sie mich hier für weitere Konversationen kontaktieren. Danke und beste Grüße, Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
You have won £1,350,000.00 in the on going 2018 Russia World Cup
Hello xxxxx
You have won £1,350,000.00 in the on going 2018 Russia World
Cup Exclusive Special Bonus Promo.
Contact Mr David James E-mail:
Good Day.
Hayes Walker
19 de mai (Há 4 dias)
para Recipients
Cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para roubar informações pessoais. Caso não confie no remetente, não clique em links nem envie informações confidenciais para este e-mail. Saiba mais
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am sorry to encroach into your privacy in this manner, I
found you listed in the Trade Center Chambers of Commerce
directory here in Iraq and I find it pleasurable to offer
you my partnership in business.
I only pray at this time that your address is still valid. I
want to solicit your attention to receive money on my
I am CAPT Hayes Walker, an officer in the USA Army and also
a West Point Graduate presently serving in the Military with
the 82nd Air Borne Division Peace keeping force.
I am on the move to Afghanistan and i really need your help
in assisting me with the safe keeping of two military trunk
boxes. I hope you can be trusted? Kindly view for your
If you can be trusted, I will explain further when i get
a response from you.
Nevertheless, reconfirm the following to me as follows and
please ensure to reply via my private e-mail address:
4.Copy of drivers license:
Thanks for your cooperation, God bless you and America !!
Best Regards,
Capt.Hayes Walker.
Cash Donation
Julie Leach <
Attn. Beneficiary,
You are a recipient of Julie Leach's $3 million (UDS) Cash Donation,
acknowledge receipt of this email for more details.
Julie Leach.
Responder Para -
Dunford F. Joseph ->
Hello: Sir,
Greetings to you, I perceive that you will be astonish about this but want you to know that am contacting you for business partnership.
I am seeking your assistance but I am short of options and have no other choice. I am Gen. Dunford F. Joseph, United States Marine Corps general. , and army commandant attached to the NATO Military force in Afghanistan/Iraq and Syria for peace keeping and war against the Al-Qaeda/Taliban groups to humanitarian lives and properties. I have a business proposal to share with you, kindly reply so that I can share it with you to see if it will interest you.
I have contacted you with positive intention and the main reason why I have decided to entrust all this funds to you is because I am a military officer, we are not permitted to transact business that is why I request that you help me to invest the fund, I want us to use the total fund for our investment with you while you take control of all investments. I will be coming to meet with you later as soon as I have vacation, although I have more interest on real estate.
Reply me and state your percentage.
NOTE: I got your information online when i was seeking for reliable someone,
and if you want to know more about me please check my wikipedia
Please; I urge you to keep this transaction with utmost confidential , due to my
personality and profile in the military.
I am waiting for your swift response,
Gen. Dunford F. Joseph
Commandant of the Marine Corps
International Security Assistance Force
U.S. Forces Afghanista/Iraq and Syria.
Responder Para Dunford F. Joseph (
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