Se voce receber uma mensagem semelhante a uma destas abaixo, tenha a certeza que
está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Nome usado pelo golpista - Garey Banks Siegel
Scammers roubaram fotos de Gustavo Lazo Oval
Nome usado pelo golpista - Scott Wilson
Nome - Paul Karlsen
Nome usado pelo golpista - David Brayden
From: sgt Laura Jones ->
Date: qua, xx de abr de 2018
Subject: Prezado, por favor envie-me suas informações para o processo.
Por favor, quero lembrá-lo mais uma vez que cada acordo para este projeto está intacto entre nós e em nenhum caso você deve deixar o '' segurança e entrega '' para saber o conteúdo da caixa, lembre-se que a remessa foi registrada como pacote diplomático para a empresa de segurança e é isso que eles acreditam estar na caixa, então você não deve deixá-los saber que o conteúdo da caixa é dinheiro.
Por favor, gostaria que você enviasse suas informações de contato para que eu possa encaminhar à empresa de segurança para que eles possam prosseguir para o seu país para a entrega final da caixa de dinheiro à sua porta.
Envie sua informação abaixo para mim com urgência;
Seus nomes completos: ...........
Seu endereço:..............
Código postal: .................
Sua idade.................
Número de telefone:................
Uma vez que cheguei aqui com a minha missão oficial, eu virá ao seu encontro um a um em seu país e depois disso decidiremos como continuar com a nossa vida, mas por agora, por favor, eu apreciarei que fôssemos mais focados nisso. questão de você receber a caixa de dinheiro e seguro mantê-lo em meu nome até que eu venha depois, eu vou lidar com o depósito do dinheiro no banco sozinho.
Nome usado - ERIC BANFORD
Aguardo sua resposta imediata
De Sgt Miss Laura Jones
Um homem que se diz ser dos estado unidos mas trabalha atualmente na síria e precisa de um relacionamento pois lá há muita guerra
dai mandou as seguntes fotos e um numero de celular =1(804)2205464
NOME USADO - Eric Bamfort
Nelinho Alan -
sex xx04/2018
Bom dia meu lindo anjo,
Muito obrigado pela sua resposta urgente. Por favor, quero que você me conte mais sobre você. Eu realmente aprecio o seu tipo de pessoa. Eu quero saber mais sobre você, vamos ver o que o futuro tem para nós dois. Eu acredito em confiança e honestidade, sem qualquer dúvida à primeira vista. Eu sei que é a chave para um relacionamento bem sucedido. Eu sou uma pessoa que gosta de compartilhar todos os meus pensamentos com o meu parceiro. Eu gostaria de contar mais sobre mim. Eu não gosto de esconder nada de você. Na natureza, eu sou uma pessoa muito carinhosa no amor. Quando eu acredito em alguém. Eu não vou ter medo de mostrar-lhe meu carinho .. Eu amo ficar em casa com o meu coração desejo de passar momentos tranquilos com ela ... Você poderia dizer que o amor é romântico com o meu tipo de pessoa.
Eu gosto de conversas profundas com pessoas inteligentes. Eu trabalho muito com minha espiritualidade no meu tempo. Minhas principais linguagens do amor? são palavras de reconhecimento e tempo de qualidade. Principalmente eu sou atraído por uma mulher que é otimista com um bom coração, alguém que se preocupa com os outros. Alguém que está disposto a ir a milha extra para alguém que está em necessidade.
Eu sou de portugal e atualmente moro em Austin Texas, EUA. Irei ao Brasil em poucas semanas para morar no Brasil porque (a rede de serviços de telecomunicações da NET) me concedeu um contrato para fornecer cabos subterrâneos e o contrato durará 10 anos. Tenho que começar a me preparar para comprar uma casa no Brasil. Continuaremos a nos conhecer mais. e se você?. por favor, tome seu tempo para responder a esta pergunta abaixo, porque eu quero saber mais sobre você.
Aqui estão algumas perguntas para você ...
Há quanto tempo você está neste Parperfeito? (Por favor, meu querido seja específico)
Quando foi seu último relacionamento no Parperfeito e por quanto tempo?
Me conte sua experiência no Parperfeito?
O que aconteceu entre você e seu ex-marido?
Você namorou homens no Parperfeito?
Quantos homens você conheceu no Parperfeito?
O que você faz para o trabalho atualmente?
Me conte mais sobre o seu atual local de trabalho?
Qual você acha que é o valor mais importante em um relacionamento?
Religião é importante para você?
Meu querido o que você acha de mim?
Qual é o seu sonho, objetivos e interesse?
Minha querida, você pode basear sua confiança em mim nesse relacionamento?
O que mais te incomoda em um relacionamento? O que te faz feliz ?
Um abraço e um beijo pra você.
Nelinho Alan ........
Nelinho Alan -
qua /05/2018
Meu anjo,
Como vai você hoje ? Eu já enviei o pacote para você, a empresa de entrega vai proceder para fazer a entrega para você e este é um serviço de entrega expressa que eu pago e eu quero que eles entreguem para você muito rápido, então eu paguei taxas internacionais muito altas porque é Entrega rápida Serviço, tudo que você precisa para reivindicar o pacote é o conhecimento de embarque. O conhecimento de embarque é anexado a este e-mail. Você é obrigado a imprimir o conhecimento aéreo anexado a esta mensagem e mostrá-lo ao entregador quando ele chegar ao seu endereço residencial. De acordo com a empresa de courier, a Receita Federal no Brasil pedirá o imposto local quando o meu pacote chegar ao Brasil. Eu queria pagar antecipadamente o imposto local, mas me disseram que o imposto local só pode ser pago no Brasil. A empresa de courier também informou que o pacote será escalado no Brasil antes que o valor exigido para o imposto local seja conhecido. Eu pergunto se você vai pagar as taxas de impostos locais no Brasil, mas eles me disseram que você vai pagar o imposto para recebê-lo e ele será pago antes da entrega no seu endereço de casa que você me deu, eu queria pagar as taxas aqui mas a empresa me disse que eles não sabem o valor exato, já que vão te ligar e te informar do dinheiro quando o pacote chegar ao brasil e esse é o código pin para desbloquear o pacote quando chegar até você (71193842) note e não dê para ninguém, confio em você e é por isso que estou fazendo isso e nada mais, por favor, não me machuque, por favor imprima o Airwaybill original emitido para você porque é o que você precisará para coletar o pacote deles quando chegar ao brasil. O conteúdo do pacote que enviei para você é iphone x, perfume, jóias de ouro, sapato e vestido ... eles chegarão ao Brasil em 24 horas por favor anote
Eu te amo.
Sent: Wed, May 2, 2018
Subject: Your Transfer Control Number :,
I am Denis Femi. I wish to inform you that we have received an email from Brian Thomas stating that your funds in their custody will be deported because you refused to renew your funds document that expired during the process of the funds to your destination. After your diplomat left the funds, they contacted you and you ignored their massages then they decided to deport the funds back. They contacted us regarding the deporting of the funds and we asked them to hold on let's confirm from you before any action would be taken. We have concluded every necessary arrangement regards the renewing of the said certificate today, to renew the document will cost you the sum of
and if it's been renewed, it will be faxed to Brian Thomas in order to complete the release now that the funds is in United States. However, I want to guarantee you 100% that the document will be renew immediately the fee of $187 is received from you before the end of the day. Therefore, be advice to urgently send the needed fee to us, so that the paper will renewed and signed for commencement of your funds which will be finalize within today or tomorrow. Due to the urgency of this matter, you are advised to send the fee to my agent with the below stated information's via Money Gram, or Western Union only.
Receivers name: Dario Santos
Country: Benin
City: Porto novo
AMOUNT:............................................. $187
Furnish this office with the payment details involving your full information, once the payment is made, TEXT OR call me at my direct cell phone number as soon as you send the fee today +22994111398 you can email me your direct cell phone number to enable me call you as soon as the document is renewed so that you will be ready to receive it with all pleasure.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Denis Femi.,
Sent: Wed, May 2, 2018
Subject: Your funds will be concealed in a consignment box...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I submitted your transfer file to the Ministry of Finance out of annoyance, but I had a re-think what will be the outcome, because I knew that very soon they will divert the funds to their personal purses, this Morning I went there and retrieved the file which I told them that you are now ready to comply with their terms, I did it after I came up with an idea to conclude your transaction in your favor without you sending any money to me or anyone here in Dakar, Senegal.
The idea is to deliver your funds to you via diplomatic means, e.g, the funds will be concealed in a consignment box after which we shall employ an a Diplomatic Agent who has immensities in your country to embark on the journey and when he arrives in your country, he will meet with you and hand the funds to you. I have discussed it with the board and they accepted it.
I will like to hear from you to know your view before we shall proceed and I shall highlight you more on the matter and how it will be successful when I hear from you.
Thanks for your co-operation and we look forward to giving you the best of our service
Yours faithfully
Mr. Leo Benjamin,
Director UBA bank Plc Visa Card payment department
+221 707 507 738
From Greece International Airport, Athens
Robert McCarthy -
para Robert
Hello Friend ,
I am Mr. Robert McCarthy, head of luggage/baggage storage facilities here at the Greece International Airport, Athens, Greece. During my recent withheld package routine check at the Airport Storage Vault, I discovered an abandoned consignment from a Diplomat Agent from Libya transit here in Greece and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a metal trunk box.
The consignment was abandoned because the contents of the consignment was not properly declared by the consignee as MONEY rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid interrogation and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the Greece Non Inspection Charges. On my assumption the consignment still left in our Storage House here at the Greece International Airport, [ Athens] till date.
The records for these consignment showed no beneficiary in the event of the depositor. I want you to act as the rightful own to this funds , Note that the scan result of the consignment contain 2.5 Million dollars only. And i am please to shared between me and you, i am going to offer you 50% of the total sums why 50% will be for me. In receipt of your positive reply. I will update you with entire legal requirement for this claim.
NB: This is a private email from me to you. The management does not know about this so i advice you keep highly confidential as third party may jeopardize the process.
Your anticipated response is required.
Best regards,
Mr. Robert McCarthy
Chief Custom officer.
Greece International Airport,
Athens Greece
-----Original Message-----
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Thu, May 3, 2018
Subject: INTER-PIPE P.O #685403 -,
Good day !
Please find the attached copy of our purchase order for your
reference, please kindly study them carefully and get back to us, with
your best competitive price as well as delivery methods.
Please do intimate us with your payment options, if T/T is
accepted, it would be highly appreciated. We await your response
Thanks & Regards,
Accounts Department Ship Superintendent Department
Room 1206, No.1555 Chang Yang Road, Shanghai, China
Tel: +86-21-65701888 x 6258
Fax: +86-21-65191318
Nome usado - Nathan Robert
email do golpista -
celular - 18634103605
whatsApp - +1 (863) 410-3605
This is from International Monetary Fund unit
Mr.David Lipton.
Good day to you.
This is from International Monetary Fund unit (IMF). Your urgent respond is highly needed regarding your compensation Fund $3.362.00 million USD awarded by United IMF New Jersey USA.
I am IMF Deputy Managing Director. David Lipton. And Chief Administrative Officer New Jersey Atlantic City USA.
I tried to reach you last week Thursday but I was too busy in the office and I couldn't get in touch with you. Well this fund I am talking about was IMF compensation Fund to every American Citizen that under go scam victims in United State Of America. Your name and phone number was found among the compensation list awarded clients. The fund $3.362.00 million is to be sent in two ways as you wish and easy for you. You are to choose below this two option how you wish to receive the Fund.
Option list.
(1) ATM Card Express Delivery
(2) Woodforest Bank to Bank Transfer.
Let me know your option for further procedure of your Fund release to your position.
contact me to my privet Email..(
Thank You
Best Regard
Dear Friend
I am contacting you on a business deal of $9,500,000.00 Million United States Dollars, ready for transfer into your own personal account and if we make this claim, we will share it on the ratio of 50% / 50% basis, I would like to assure you that it be 100% risk free and it will be legally backed up with government approval. Once you are interested to transact this business with me, kindly give me your consent response immediately.
Hoping to hear from you.
My regards,
Mr Ibrahim Kabore
In accordance to my religious persuasion.
Mrs. Alma Barry -
Hello my dear,
In accordance to my religious persuasion, I felt expedient to write and inform you on the wicked conspiracy hatched by the duo of (Mr. Anthony and Mr. Hassan ) from Ministry Of Finance to divert your funds to their designated account in Cayman Island but unfortunately, they begin to find it difficult to divert the funds due to their inability to provide an adequate identity of the funds, they now moved the funds down to Africa and hide it in a security company in other to buy time to enable them embezzle the funds at their own convenient time, but God stopped them.
From my position as a lowly clerk in this office, Miami Finance Department (444 SW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33130, USA), I discovered that the duo criminals moved the fund from United States to China, and then moved it again to Banco Italiano in ITALY. Yesterday, I found out through the Central computer database that they are about to reroute the funds to a security company in Republique Du Benin where they will be able to maneuver the strict IMF money laundering regulatory orders. With this, I felt that it is important for me to alert you on this development. They are still using your name and contract/inheritance identification number as the beneficiary but they have changed the account co-ordinate and this is the reason why they are frustrating you the transfer of your funds to you, so in order to buy time pending on when they will transfer your funds to their designated account.
I have the reference number of the transaction and also I have the number of the official who is directly in charge at the SECURITY COMPANY. Your payment is supposed to go through the Euro-Asia Credit Control Financial Clearing Department before final Lodgement into the security company. All the data/information about your funds file are within my reach. I do not need gratification from you either in cash or kind. I can never be a part of evil because the bible said YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.
Please respect my discretion in this matter! I will send you the reference number, the name and contact information of the officials of the security company were they kept your funds in Republique Du Benin when I receive your response. I repeat, please do not expose my person, it is not easy to get employment around here and I cannot contend with these powerful individuals because they can eliminate me.
You are advice to reply me immediately at ( as I access this e-mail more often.
God bless you,
Mrs. Alma Barry
Please Dear !, I need your help to invest in your country,
Mrs Aisha Qaddafi -
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
My Dear Good Friend,
I came across your e-mail contact prior a private search while in need of your assistance. My name is Aisha Gaddafi a single Mother and a Widow with three Children. I am the only biological Daughter of late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi).-Please Reply me in my box. (
I have an investment funds worth Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar ($27.500.000.00 ) and i need an investment Manager/Partner and because of the asylum status i will authorize you the ownership of the funds, however, I am interested in you for investment project assistance in your country, may be from there, we can build a business relationship in the near future.
I am willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you base on the future investment earning profits.
If you are willing to handle this project kindly reply urgent to enable me provide you more information about the investment funds.
Your Urgent Reply Will Be Appreciated Please Reply me in my box. (
Best Regards
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi
business proposal.
Rhonda Miller <
My name is Abraham, I am contacting you with regards to a life changing business proposal where both of us stand to gain SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND GREAT BRITISH POUNDS STERLING.
Kindly contact me on my private email for more information about this life changing business proposal.
Warm Regards,
Please note: This message and any response to it may constitute a public record and thus be publicly available to anyone who requests it.
Responder para -
Re: ATM CARD==CODE (222)....
Bukola Saraki <"www.">
Attention: Beneficiary,
This is to officially inform you that we have verified your inheritance file and found out that why you have not received your payment are because you have not fulfilled the obligations given to you in respect of your inheritance payment.
Secondly we have been informed that you are still dealing with none officials in the bank all your attempt to secure the release of the fund to you. We wish to advise you that such an illegal act like this have to stop if you wish to receive your payment since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem. Right now we have arranged your payment through our swift card payment center Asia pacific that is the latest instruction from Mr. President, Muhammadu Buhari (gcfr) president federal republic of Nigeria and federal ministry of finance.
This card center will send you an atm card which you will use to withdraw your money in any atm machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is three thousand dollars per day, so if you wish to receive your fund this way please let us know by contacting the card payment center and also send the following information to enable him proceed immediately:
1. Full name:
2. Phone and fax number:
3. Address were you want them to send
The atm card to (p.o box not acceptable):
4. Your age and current occupation:
However, kindly find below the contact person:
Mr. Godwin I. Emefiele
Governor Central Bank of Nigeria
Tel: +234809 4180 250
The ATM card payment center has been mandated to issue out $10,000,000.00 as part payment for this fiscal year 2018. Also for your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your ATM payment.
Make sure you contact Mr. Godwin I. Emefiele, at this number +234809 4180 250 as soon as you receive this important message for further direction and also update me on any development from the above mentioned office.
Note that because of impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct,which is (atm-222) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the card center by using it as your subject.
Best regards,
Senator.Bukola Saraki
Senate President.
Address: No. 3Maputo Street, Wuse
Zone 3,Abuja.
waiting for your quick reply,
Hamzak Wadrago
Dear Friend,
I am Mr Hamzak Wadrago, the head of file department of Bank of Africa
(B.O.A) here in Burkina Faso / Ouagadougou. In my department we
discover an abandoned sum of (US$10.5 million US Dollars) in an
account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along
with his family in plane crash.
It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this
business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of
kin or relation to the deceased for the safety and subsequent
disbursement since nobody is coming for claim. I agree that 40% of
this money will be for you, while 60% would be for me. Then after the
money is been transferred into your account, I will visit your country
for an investment under your kind control.
You should not entertain any atom of fear because every arrangement
has been made before contacting you. am here to feed you with the
whole information that might be required during the period of this
transaction, in as much as you obey my instructions success will be
ours sooner than your expectations.
I am about to retire from active Bank service to start a new life but
I am aseptically to reveal this particular secret to a stranger. You
must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially, If this
deal further interest you then you reply me immediately to enable us
proceed. If you will not partake, kindly discard this information and
never expose it to any person due to the sensitivity of the
You have to contact my Bank directly as the real next of kin of this
deceased account with next of kin application form. You have to send
me those your information below to enable me use it and get you next
of kin application form from bank, so that you will contact Bank for
the transfer of this money into your account.
Your Full Name_______________________
Your Home Address____________________
Your Age ___________________
Your Handset Number_
Mr Hamzak Wadrago
Responder Para =
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Nome usado pelo golpista - Garey Banks Siegel
Scammers roubaram fotos de Gustavo Lazo Oval
Nome usado pelo golpista - Scott Wilson
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Nome - Paul Karlsen
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Nome usado pelo golpista - David Brayden
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From: sgt Laura Jones ->
Date: qua, xx de abr de 2018
Subject: Prezado, por favor envie-me suas informações para o processo.
Por favor, quero lembrá-lo mais uma vez que cada acordo para este projeto está intacto entre nós e em nenhum caso você deve deixar o '' segurança e entrega '' para saber o conteúdo da caixa, lembre-se que a remessa foi registrada como pacote diplomático para a empresa de segurança e é isso que eles acreditam estar na caixa, então você não deve deixá-los saber que o conteúdo da caixa é dinheiro.
Por favor, gostaria que você enviasse suas informações de contato para que eu possa encaminhar à empresa de segurança para que eles possam prosseguir para o seu país para a entrega final da caixa de dinheiro à sua porta.
Envie sua informação abaixo para mim com urgência;
Seus nomes completos: ...........
Seu endereço:..............
Código postal: .................
Sua idade.................
Número de telefone:................
Uma vez que cheguei aqui com a minha missão oficial, eu virá ao seu encontro um a um em seu país e depois disso decidiremos como continuar com a nossa vida, mas por agora, por favor, eu apreciarei que fôssemos mais focados nisso. questão de você receber a caixa de dinheiro e seguro mantê-lo em meu nome até que eu venha depois, eu vou lidar com o depósito do dinheiro no banco sozinho.
Nome usado - ERIC BANFORD
Aguardo sua resposta imediata
De Sgt Miss Laura Jones
Um homem que se diz ser dos estado unidos mas trabalha atualmente na síria e precisa de um relacionamento pois lá há muita guerra
dai mandou as seguntes fotos e um numero de celular =1(804)2205464
NOME USADO - Eric Bamfort
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Nelinho Alan -
sex xx04/2018
Bom dia meu lindo anjo,
Muito obrigado pela sua resposta urgente. Por favor, quero que você me conte mais sobre você. Eu realmente aprecio o seu tipo de pessoa. Eu quero saber mais sobre você, vamos ver o que o futuro tem para nós dois. Eu acredito em confiança e honestidade, sem qualquer dúvida à primeira vista. Eu sei que é a chave para um relacionamento bem sucedido. Eu sou uma pessoa que gosta de compartilhar todos os meus pensamentos com o meu parceiro. Eu gostaria de contar mais sobre mim. Eu não gosto de esconder nada de você. Na natureza, eu sou uma pessoa muito carinhosa no amor. Quando eu acredito em alguém. Eu não vou ter medo de mostrar-lhe meu carinho .. Eu amo ficar em casa com o meu coração desejo de passar momentos tranquilos com ela ... Você poderia dizer que o amor é romântico com o meu tipo de pessoa.
Eu gosto de conversas profundas com pessoas inteligentes. Eu trabalho muito com minha espiritualidade no meu tempo. Minhas principais linguagens do amor? são palavras de reconhecimento e tempo de qualidade. Principalmente eu sou atraído por uma mulher que é otimista com um bom coração, alguém que se preocupa com os outros. Alguém que está disposto a ir a milha extra para alguém que está em necessidade.
Eu sou de portugal e atualmente moro em Austin Texas, EUA. Irei ao Brasil em poucas semanas para morar no Brasil porque (a rede de serviços de telecomunicações da NET) me concedeu um contrato para fornecer cabos subterrâneos e o contrato durará 10 anos. Tenho que começar a me preparar para comprar uma casa no Brasil. Continuaremos a nos conhecer mais. e se você?. por favor, tome seu tempo para responder a esta pergunta abaixo, porque eu quero saber mais sobre você.
Aqui estão algumas perguntas para você ...
Há quanto tempo você está neste Parperfeito? (Por favor, meu querido seja específico)
Quando foi seu último relacionamento no Parperfeito e por quanto tempo?
Me conte sua experiência no Parperfeito?
O que aconteceu entre você e seu ex-marido?
Você namorou homens no Parperfeito?
Quantos homens você conheceu no Parperfeito?
O que você faz para o trabalho atualmente?
Me conte mais sobre o seu atual local de trabalho?
Qual você acha que é o valor mais importante em um relacionamento?
Religião é importante para você?
Meu querido o que você acha de mim?
Qual é o seu sonho, objetivos e interesse?
Minha querida, você pode basear sua confiança em mim nesse relacionamento?
O que mais te incomoda em um relacionamento? O que te faz feliz ?
Um abraço e um beijo pra você.
Nelinho Alan ........
Nelinho Alan -
qua /05/2018
Meu anjo,
Como vai você hoje ? Eu já enviei o pacote para você, a empresa de entrega vai proceder para fazer a entrega para você e este é um serviço de entrega expressa que eu pago e eu quero que eles entreguem para você muito rápido, então eu paguei taxas internacionais muito altas porque é Entrega rápida Serviço, tudo que você precisa para reivindicar o pacote é o conhecimento de embarque. O conhecimento de embarque é anexado a este e-mail. Você é obrigado a imprimir o conhecimento aéreo anexado a esta mensagem e mostrá-lo ao entregador quando ele chegar ao seu endereço residencial. De acordo com a empresa de courier, a Receita Federal no Brasil pedirá o imposto local quando o meu pacote chegar ao Brasil. Eu queria pagar antecipadamente o imposto local, mas me disseram que o imposto local só pode ser pago no Brasil. A empresa de courier também informou que o pacote será escalado no Brasil antes que o valor exigido para o imposto local seja conhecido. Eu pergunto se você vai pagar as taxas de impostos locais no Brasil, mas eles me disseram que você vai pagar o imposto para recebê-lo e ele será pago antes da entrega no seu endereço de casa que você me deu, eu queria pagar as taxas aqui mas a empresa me disse que eles não sabem o valor exato, já que vão te ligar e te informar do dinheiro quando o pacote chegar ao brasil e esse é o código pin para desbloquear o pacote quando chegar até você (71193842) note e não dê para ninguém, confio em você e é por isso que estou fazendo isso e nada mais, por favor, não me machuque, por favor imprima o Airwaybill original emitido para você porque é o que você precisará para coletar o pacote deles quando chegar ao brasil. O conteúdo do pacote que enviei para você é iphone x, perfume, jóias de ouro, sapato e vestido ... eles chegarão ao Brasil em 24 horas por favor anote
Eu te amo.
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Sent: Wed, May 2, 2018
Subject: Your Transfer Control Number :,
I am Denis Femi. I wish to inform you that we have received an email from Brian Thomas stating that your funds in their custody will be deported because you refused to renew your funds document that expired during the process of the funds to your destination. After your diplomat left the funds, they contacted you and you ignored their massages then they decided to deport the funds back. They contacted us regarding the deporting of the funds and we asked them to hold on let's confirm from you before any action would be taken. We have concluded every necessary arrangement regards the renewing of the said certificate today, to renew the document will cost you the sum of
and if it's been renewed, it will be faxed to Brian Thomas in order to complete the release now that the funds is in United States. However, I want to guarantee you 100% that the document will be renew immediately the fee of $187 is received from you before the end of the day. Therefore, be advice to urgently send the needed fee to us, so that the paper will renewed and signed for commencement of your funds which will be finalize within today or tomorrow. Due to the urgency of this matter, you are advised to send the fee to my agent with the below stated information's via Money Gram, or Western Union only.
Receivers name: Dario Santos
Country: Benin
City: Porto novo
AMOUNT:............................................. $187
Furnish this office with the payment details involving your full information, once the payment is made, TEXT OR call me at my direct cell phone number as soon as you send the fee today +22994111398 you can email me your direct cell phone number to enable me call you as soon as the document is renewed so that you will be ready to receive it with all pleasure.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Denis Femi.,
Sent: Wed, May 2, 2018
Subject: Your funds will be concealed in a consignment box...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I submitted your transfer file to the Ministry of Finance out of annoyance, but I had a re-think what will be the outcome, because I knew that very soon they will divert the funds to their personal purses, this Morning I went there and retrieved the file which I told them that you are now ready to comply with their terms, I did it after I came up with an idea to conclude your transaction in your favor without you sending any money to me or anyone here in Dakar, Senegal.
The idea is to deliver your funds to you via diplomatic means, e.g, the funds will be concealed in a consignment box after which we shall employ an a Diplomatic Agent who has immensities in your country to embark on the journey and when he arrives in your country, he will meet with you and hand the funds to you. I have discussed it with the board and they accepted it.
I will like to hear from you to know your view before we shall proceed and I shall highlight you more on the matter and how it will be successful when I hear from you.
Thanks for your co-operation and we look forward to giving you the best of our service
Yours faithfully
Mr. Leo Benjamin,
Director UBA bank Plc Visa Card payment department
+221 707 507 738
From Greece International Airport, Athens
Robert McCarthy -
para Robert
Hello Friend ,
I am Mr. Robert McCarthy, head of luggage/baggage storage facilities here at the Greece International Airport, Athens, Greece. During my recent withheld package routine check at the Airport Storage Vault, I discovered an abandoned consignment from a Diplomat Agent from Libya transit here in Greece and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a metal trunk box.
The consignment was abandoned because the contents of the consignment was not properly declared by the consignee as MONEY rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid interrogation and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the Greece Non Inspection Charges. On my assumption the consignment still left in our Storage House here at the Greece International Airport, [ Athens] till date.
The records for these consignment showed no beneficiary in the event of the depositor. I want you to act as the rightful own to this funds , Note that the scan result of the consignment contain 2.5 Million dollars only. And i am please to shared between me and you, i am going to offer you 50% of the total sums why 50% will be for me. In receipt of your positive reply. I will update you with entire legal requirement for this claim.
NB: This is a private email from me to you. The management does not know about this so i advice you keep highly confidential as third party may jeopardize the process.
Your anticipated response is required.
Best regards,
Mr. Robert McCarthy
Chief Custom officer.
Greece International Airport,
Athens Greece
-----Original Message-----
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Thu, May 3, 2018
Subject: INTER-PIPE P.O #685403 -,
Good day !
Please find the attached copy of our purchase order for your
reference, please kindly study them carefully and get back to us, with
your best competitive price as well as delivery methods.
Please do intimate us with your payment options, if T/T is
accepted, it would be highly appreciated. We await your response
Thanks & Regards,
Accounts Department Ship Superintendent Department
Room 1206, No.1555 Chang Yang Road, Shanghai, China
Tel: +86-21-65701888 x 6258
Fax: +86-21-65191318
Nome usado - Nathan Robert
email do golpista -
celular - 18634103605
whatsApp - +1 (863) 410-3605
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This is from International Monetary Fund unit
Mr.David Lipton.
Good day to you.
This is from International Monetary Fund unit (IMF). Your urgent respond is highly needed regarding your compensation Fund $3.362.00 million USD awarded by United IMF New Jersey USA.
I am IMF Deputy Managing Director. David Lipton. And Chief Administrative Officer New Jersey Atlantic City USA.
I tried to reach you last week Thursday but I was too busy in the office and I couldn't get in touch with you. Well this fund I am talking about was IMF compensation Fund to every American Citizen that under go scam victims in United State Of America. Your name and phone number was found among the compensation list awarded clients. The fund $3.362.00 million is to be sent in two ways as you wish and easy for you. You are to choose below this two option how you wish to receive the Fund.
Option list.
(1) ATM Card Express Delivery
(2) Woodforest Bank to Bank Transfer.
Let me know your option for further procedure of your Fund release to your position.
contact me to my privet Email..(
Thank You
Best Regard
Dear Friend
I am contacting you on a business deal of $9,500,000.00 Million United States Dollars, ready for transfer into your own personal account and if we make this claim, we will share it on the ratio of 50% / 50% basis, I would like to assure you that it be 100% risk free and it will be legally backed up with government approval. Once you are interested to transact this business with me, kindly give me your consent response immediately.
Hoping to hear from you.
My regards,
Mr Ibrahim Kabore
In accordance to my religious persuasion.
Mrs. Alma Barry -
Hello my dear,
In accordance to my religious persuasion, I felt expedient to write and inform you on the wicked conspiracy hatched by the duo of (Mr. Anthony and Mr. Hassan ) from Ministry Of Finance to divert your funds to their designated account in Cayman Island but unfortunately, they begin to find it difficult to divert the funds due to their inability to provide an adequate identity of the funds, they now moved the funds down to Africa and hide it in a security company in other to buy time to enable them embezzle the funds at their own convenient time, but God stopped them.
From my position as a lowly clerk in this office, Miami Finance Department (444 SW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33130, USA), I discovered that the duo criminals moved the fund from United States to China, and then moved it again to Banco Italiano in ITALY. Yesterday, I found out through the Central computer database that they are about to reroute the funds to a security company in Republique Du Benin where they will be able to maneuver the strict IMF money laundering regulatory orders. With this, I felt that it is important for me to alert you on this development. They are still using your name and contract/inheritance identification number as the beneficiary but they have changed the account co-ordinate and this is the reason why they are frustrating you the transfer of your funds to you, so in order to buy time pending on when they will transfer your funds to their designated account.
I have the reference number of the transaction and also I have the number of the official who is directly in charge at the SECURITY COMPANY. Your payment is supposed to go through the Euro-Asia Credit Control Financial Clearing Department before final Lodgement into the security company. All the data/information about your funds file are within my reach. I do not need gratification from you either in cash or kind. I can never be a part of evil because the bible said YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.
Please respect my discretion in this matter! I will send you the reference number, the name and contact information of the officials of the security company were they kept your funds in Republique Du Benin when I receive your response. I repeat, please do not expose my person, it is not easy to get employment around here and I cannot contend with these powerful individuals because they can eliminate me.
You are advice to reply me immediately at ( as I access this e-mail more often.
God bless you,
Mrs. Alma Barry
Please Dear !, I need your help to invest in your country,
Mrs Aisha Qaddafi -
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
My Dear Good Friend,
I came across your e-mail contact prior a private search while in need of your assistance. My name is Aisha Gaddafi a single Mother and a Widow with three Children. I am the only biological Daughter of late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi).-Please Reply me in my box. (
I have an investment funds worth Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar ($27.500.000.00 ) and i need an investment Manager/Partner and because of the asylum status i will authorize you the ownership of the funds, however, I am interested in you for investment project assistance in your country, may be from there, we can build a business relationship in the near future.
I am willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you base on the future investment earning profits.
If you are willing to handle this project kindly reply urgent to enable me provide you more information about the investment funds.
Your Urgent Reply Will Be Appreciated Please Reply me in my box. (
Best Regards
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi
business proposal.
Rhonda Miller <
My name is Abraham, I am contacting you with regards to a life changing business proposal where both of us stand to gain SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND GREAT BRITISH POUNDS STERLING.
Kindly contact me on my private email for more information about this life changing business proposal.
Warm Regards,
Please note: This message and any response to it may constitute a public record and thus be publicly available to anyone who requests it.
Responder para -
Re: ATM CARD==CODE (222)....
Bukola Saraki <"www.">
Attention: Beneficiary,
This is to officially inform you that we have verified your inheritance file and found out that why you have not received your payment are because you have not fulfilled the obligations given to you in respect of your inheritance payment.
Secondly we have been informed that you are still dealing with none officials in the bank all your attempt to secure the release of the fund to you. We wish to advise you that such an illegal act like this have to stop if you wish to receive your payment since we have decided to bring a solution to your problem. Right now we have arranged your payment through our swift card payment center Asia pacific that is the latest instruction from Mr. President, Muhammadu Buhari (gcfr) president federal republic of Nigeria and federal ministry of finance.
This card center will send you an atm card which you will use to withdraw your money in any atm machine in any part of the world, but the maximum is three thousand dollars per day, so if you wish to receive your fund this way please let us know by contacting the card payment center and also send the following information to enable him proceed immediately:
1. Full name:
2. Phone and fax number:
3. Address were you want them to send
The atm card to (p.o box not acceptable):
4. Your age and current occupation:
However, kindly find below the contact person:
Mr. Godwin I. Emefiele
Governor Central Bank of Nigeria
Tel: +234809 4180 250
The ATM card payment center has been mandated to issue out $10,000,000.00 as part payment for this fiscal year 2018. Also for your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your ATM payment.
Make sure you contact Mr. Godwin I. Emefiele, at this number +234809 4180 250 as soon as you receive this important message for further direction and also update me on any development from the above mentioned office.
Note that because of impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct,which is (atm-222) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the card center by using it as your subject.
Best regards,
Senator.Bukola Saraki
Senate President.
Address: No. 3Maputo Street, Wuse
Zone 3,Abuja.
waiting for your quick reply,
Hamzak Wadrago
Dear Friend,
I am Mr Hamzak Wadrago, the head of file department of Bank of Africa
(B.O.A) here in Burkina Faso / Ouagadougou. In my department we
discover an abandoned sum of (US$10.5 million US Dollars) in an
account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along
with his family in plane crash.
It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this
business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of
kin or relation to the deceased for the safety and subsequent
disbursement since nobody is coming for claim. I agree that 40% of
this money will be for you, while 60% would be for me. Then after the
money is been transferred into your account, I will visit your country
for an investment under your kind control.
You should not entertain any atom of fear because every arrangement
has been made before contacting you. am here to feed you with the
whole information that might be required during the period of this
transaction, in as much as you obey my instructions success will be
ours sooner than your expectations.
I am about to retire from active Bank service to start a new life but
I am aseptically to reveal this particular secret to a stranger. You
must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially, If this
deal further interest you then you reply me immediately to enable us
proceed. If you will not partake, kindly discard this information and
never expose it to any person due to the sensitivity of the
You have to contact my Bank directly as the real next of kin of this
deceased account with next of kin application form. You have to send
me those your information below to enable me use it and get you next
of kin application form from bank, so that you will contact Bank for
the transfer of this money into your account.
Your Full Name_______________________
Your Home Address____________________
Your Age ___________________
Your Handset Number_
Mr Hamzak Wadrago
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