está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Buenas tardes, quiero poner en evidencia este correo electrónico ya que el caballero en mención, se hace pasar por un viudo, padre de gemelos, sargento de las Fuerzas Militares y actualmente se encuentra en una misión secreta en el Líbano. Dice que de la única forma que puede venir a conocerme es si tramito sus vacaciones ante la ONU y por supuesto, debo pagar por ello.
Se hace llamar Roy Schneider.
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Conheci esse scamer no tinder, ele aparece como steven james ou steven james williams.
Ele está usando fotos de uma pessoa chamada IMAD TAWIL,
no skype ele pode ser achado com o e-mail e usando o numero +44 7741 897426
foto steven james
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De: Anita Azama William ->
Data: 10 de janeiro de 2018
Meu querido,
Obrigado pelo seu correio, eu realmente gostaria de ter boas relações com você, e eu tenho razões especiais pelas quais eu decidi entrar em contato com você.
Eu decidi escrever-lhe por causa da urgência da minha situação aqui, e depois de ler sua mensagem, Am Miss Anita Azama William, menina de 25 anos do Sudão, a única filha do falecido Azama William, meus pais atrasados são Engr. e a Sra. Azama William. Meu pai Engr. Azama William estava trabalhando no engenheiro da companhia de petróleo da Síria e minha mãe estava trabalhando no hospital do escritório central das Nações Unidas na Síria antes da guerra. Meus pais foram mortos em um ataque no caminho do trabalho, veio a eles em uma bomba de ônibus, matando meus pais e o motorista e guarda-costas. Além disso, meu pai recebeu antes da morte, US $ 6,5 milhões do Office of Food Allot Syria O Ministério do Petróleo na Síria Para a provisão de equipamentos e matérias-primas e a reconstrução do norte e do sul, oleodutos e refinarias que a guerra rasgou na Síria.
Meus pais estavam entre outros oficiais militares e altos funcionários do governo que estavam a bordo quando a bomba explodiu em seu ônibus que aconteceu em 10 de abril de 2017, no caminho do trabalho, perdi a vida de meus adoráveis pais, o que foi o pior coisa que já aconteceu comigo na vida.
Eu tenho que entrar em contato com você por causa de maus tratos que recebi da minha mãe-mãe, meu madrastra, planeja tirar meu tesouro e propriedade do meu falecido pai depois da morte inesperada do meu amado pai e mãe ali para trabalhar na Síria quando o explosão de bomba em seu ônibus e matar todos no corpo sem que ninguém sobreviva.
Enquanto isso, eu gostaria de fugir para a Europa, mas minha mãe-mãe escondeu meu passaporte e outros valiosos documentos de viagem, felizmente, ela não encontrou onde eu deixei o arquivo do meu pai, que contém documentos importantes. Então eu decidi fugir para o campo de refugiados, onde atualmente busco asilo sob os auspícios do Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados aqui em Lomé, República do Togo. Eu quero escrever para você pessoalmente para os relacionamentos de negócios e os investimentos de longa data em seu país.
Em primeiro lugar, eu estou enviando um email para você do escritório do Reverendo Pai no campo dos refugiados,
Eu disse ao Reverendo pai sobre a minha comunicação com você e ele me permitiu acessar meu e-mail no computador do escritório duas vezes por dia, aqui no campo dos refugiados a vida é muito difícil. Você também pode me chamar pelo número de telefone do Reverendo pai, +228 -97494295 Lembre-se de perguntar à Miss.Anita Azama William que permanece no quarto do albergue 14 quando você me chamar.
Meu pai de memória abençoada depositou um montante de US $ 6500, 000,00 para o banco com o meu nome como parente mais próximo. No entanto, vou encaminhar para você os documentos necessários para a confirmação da sua aceitação me ajudar no fundo de transferência e investimento, pois você me ajudará no investimento, e eu quero completar meus estudos, eu estava no meu 1 ano na universidade, quando o A crise aconteceu.
Tenho a intenção de compensar você 20% do valor total de seus serviços e o saldo será o meu capital de investimento. Esta é a razão pela qual eu decidi entrar em contato com você. Por favor, todas as comunicações devem ser feitas através deste endereço de e-mail apenas para fins confidenciais.
Assim que eu receber sua resposta positiva, indicando seu interesse, vou colocar tudo no lugar imediatamente. À luz do exposto, estaria agradecido por comunicações urgentes indicando sua capacidade e vontade de lidar com esta transação sinceramente e enviando-me o seu informações de contato completo abaixo para me permitir conhecer mais você.
Em antecipação à sua resposta urgente e positiva. Por favor, deixe-o apenas por si só, peço-lhe que não o divulgue a qualquer outra pessoa, até que a transferência seja feita.
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Meu nome completo é Gen.Joseph Anderson. 56 anos de idade e um cidadão dos Estados Unidos da América, atualmente moro em Kabul, Kandahar, no Afeganistão, onde fui designado para o meu dever e terminarei minha tarefa em breve e retornarei para casa em meu país.
Eu sou o único filho de meus pais, perdi minha esposa há 4 anos, mas ela tem um filho para mim antes de sua morte, meu pai está passando o ano em que entrei no exército e minha mãe também é muito velha.
É um prazer deixar você saber que eu amo o sorriso bonito em seu rosto; Gostaria de conhecê-lo mais profundamente, por favor, fale mais, você é casado ou solteiro? Desculpe, se eu pedir muita pergunta, apenas quero conhecê-lo melhor e, como eu disse acima, sou um nacional americano e um oficial superior do exército e também vou lhe contar mais sobre eu também quando recebo sua resposta e envie-me seu particular Endereço de e-mail e me informe mais sobre seu país.
Eu quero dizer que meu coração está cheio de alegria e felicidade por conhecê-lo e eu gostamos de nós para manter essa proximidade e espero que isso nos leve a um futuro melhor como eu quiser.
Cuide bem e tenha um lindo dia.
Deus te abençoê!
foto joseph anderson
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De: -
Enviado: quarta-feira, 31 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: Contato do Brasil Cred Emprestimo "emprestimo pessoal"
Com satisfação, informamos, ter amplas condições de atender sua
solicitação de empréstimo dentro de suas possibilidade obedecendo as
normas do BACEN com honestidade e garantia.
Solicite o nosso contato ou
ligue em nossa central telefônica.
0 X X 11 3181 6678 (SÃO PAULO)
0 X X 21 2018 0357 (RIO DE JANEIRO)
0 X X 51 3181 0411 (RIO GRANDE DO SUL)
Enviado: quarta-feira, 31 de maio de 2017
Boa tarde Erotildes informamos que seu cadastro foi aprovado conforme o resumo a seguir.
20.000,00 em 72 parcelas fixas de 361,11 sendo que 10% fica retido pela seguradora como calção do negócio.
Neste caso 2.000,00 ficará retido pela seguradora e você receberá de imediato 18.000,00 e os 2.000,00 lhe será devolvido no final do plano com todos os juros corrigidos.
Os custos cartoriais e adesão para esse crédito e de 852,00.
Ressaltando que esse valor deve ser pago na assinatura do contrato.
Em caso de dúvidas, encaminhe por e-mail ou ligue no 0xx11 9.4198 40 33 que estaremos a disposição para melhores esclarecimentos .
De: fabio luis da silva e silva pé ->
Enviado: sexta-feira, 2 de junho de 2017
Assunto: Liberação de Credito
Boa tarde XXXXXX eu sou o diretor deliberações de créditos aqui da Actual Financeira e tentei por diversas vezes te ligar para fazer sua liberação e não consegui falar assim que a senhora puder entre em contato comigo.
Tel: (11) 96483-4760 ou 3090-6858
Att: Fabio Luis
Enviado: quarta-feira, 31 de maio de 2017
Assunto: Re: CONTRATO
AG :0129
CONTA :00124707-0
De: Eduardo Gonçalves
Enviado: quarta-feira, 7 de junho de 2017 07:15
Assunto: Empréstimo.
Prezado cliente!!
A Empréstimo Profissional Ltda. gostaria de dizer que é uma satisfação contar com vosso interesse em uma de nossas linhas de crédito, seja ele pessoal, consignado ou para capital de giro.
Somos uma empresa totalmente segura, idônea e confiável, prova disso que temos 12 anos de funcionamento, o que pode ser comprovado através do nosso CNPJ: 07.129.591/0001-40.
Pedimos por gentileza que leia esse texto com bastante atenção até o fim, pois nele constam todas as informações necessárias para podermos realizar o procedimento.
O primeiro passo é o cliente preencher nossa ficha cadastral, se essa ficha for aprovada iremos dar início ao processo de documentação, nesse caso o cliente vai receber o contrato, esse contrato é registrado em cartório, ele é a formalização documentada da negociação, ou seja, é a garantia que ambas as partes precisam para fazer um negócio seguro.
Após esse contrato ser confeccionado pela empresa, o cliente vai receber sua via por e-mail, devidamente preenchida com todos os seus dados e os dados da nossa empresa, bem como a assinatura do responsável legal da empresa.
Depois de receber o contrato o cliente deve imprimir, assinar e enviar o mesmo também por e-mail, para a empresa junto com a documentação necessária para que a empresa possa efetuar a liberação do empréstimo em sua conta bancária.
Essa documentação é:
CPF, RG e comprovante de endereço.
A empresa cobra taxa de adesão para efetuar a liberação de qualquer valor, essa adesão o cliente tem que arcar de recurso próprio antes da empresa efetuar a liberação do empréstimo, sendo assim se o cliente não concorda com o pagamento da taxa de adesão a negociação não será concluída.
Essa adesão o cliente paga através de boleto bancário para maior segurança de ambas as partes.
O valor varia de acordo com o valor do empréstimo e para finalizarmos a negociação após o pagamento dessa adesão o cliente deve enviar o comprovante de pagamento da mesma, bem como a documentação citada anteriormente.
Depois de recebermos essa documentação a empresa tem um prazo estipulado de 24 a 48 horas para liberar o valor, esse prazo depende de alguns fatores como: Fluxo de caixa, valor do empréstimo, data de liberação entre outros.
Essa liberação será feita na conta indicada pelo cliente, conta essa que vai estar constando em contrato.
Se o cliente optar por pagamento através de boleto o mesmo será enviado mensalmente por e-mail ou correio, mediante escolha do cliente.
Em caso de opção por carnê, o mesmo irá chegar na residência do cliente em até dez dias.
A primeira parcela depende de acordo entre as partes e pode ser em até 60 dias no máximo.
Esclarecemos que o cliente estará totalmente assegurado e garantido em relação ao pagamento da taxa de adesão, a Empréstimo Profissional Ltda. é uma empresa constituída há mais de 12 anos, e tudo que consta em contrato registrado em cartório é cumprido integralmente pela empresa.
Temos uma empresa 100% qualificada e trabalhando todos os dias para melhor atender a você cliente, nossa equipe de colaboradores passa por treinamentos e cursos para lhe proporcionar um excelente atendimento.
Frisando que a empresa trabalha com valores entre o mínimo de R$5.000,00 e máximo de R$500.000,00.
Segue o link da empresa contento nossa tabela de valores:
Tabela de Taxas :: Emprestimo Profissional
Tabela de Taxas
, lá você cliente amigo pode encontrar os valores e prazos que melhor lhe atendem.
Lembrando que não consultamos SPC/Serasa.
Só cobramos taxa única de R$330,00 (trezentos e trinta reais) para despesas de cartório, adesão ao crédito e emissão de contrato, (observação) contrato registrado em cartório, para valores acima de R$20.000,00 (vinte mil reais) a taxa de adesão sofre alterações
Qualquer dúvida não hesite, entre em contato para que possamos fazer uma transação transparente e sem nenhuma dúvida.
Segue em anexo nossa ficha cadastral, caso você tenha interesse em negociar nos termos que lhe foram passados, por favor preencha a mesma com todas as informações.
Se não conseguir acessar a ficha que segue em anexo, pode enviar os dados abaixo para podermos efetuar a sua análise, assim que tivermos a resposta entraremos em contato para prosseguirmos na negociação e liberar seu empréstimo.
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Payment Center
Envoyé le : Ma, 9 Jan 2018
Sujet : About the card from, we credited it to your account, contact :
I am sorry that we have shipped the ATM card and we credited the sum of us$250.000.00 from your partner to your account, contact the United Nations Florida, our bank waited for your respond last fiscal year December but you did not comply. Your are going to reconfirm your information to Mr. James Mc Keating
make sure that you let him know that you are the owner of the ATM card worth sum of us$250.000.00, his info :
(727) 440-1058
your file code : 06654
Many thanks
Eric Jacklin Udenze
From: Fatima Muhammad
Date: 2018-01-08
Subject: I will be pleased to offer you 30% of the total money :
To: Fatima Muhammad
Hello My Dearest
My name is Fatima Muhammad a young medical student, please I know you will be shocked to come across my email. however, it is my sincere pleasure at this moment to exhibit my total confidence bestowed on you in accordance of which I am fully convinced that you will really be of immense assistance. please I appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my mail carefully, I am contacting you personally for an investment assistance and a long term business investment relationship in your country and I feel quite safe dealing with you in this important issue
I will really like to have a good business relationship with you that is why I decided to contact you today after my prayers and the spirit of God directed me to contact you due to the urgency of my situation at this point in time. I inherited
$ 4.5millions US dollars
from my late father deposited with bank one of the international bank and used my name as the legal next of kin. My father was poisoned to death by his brother who capitalized on the fact that my father has no male child to inherit his wealth because I am the only child and daughter of my late parents, my mother died when I was only 2 years old. Now I want you to help me provide bank account to receive and invest the money in your country because my late father's brother and his family has decided to poison in other for them to claim the money. Please I will be happy if you free your heart and help me as I am vowing with my life that I will not be a disappointment to you all the days of my life,
My dearest I will be pleased to offer you 30% of the total money as compensation for your effort, trust, confidence input after the successful transfer of the money to your bank account and again we are going to invest rest of 70% together and share whatever profit we make together as partners, please I want to know if we can convey the trust to each other without sabotage of contract I will be honored to get feedback from you immediately if you are willing to assist me. I want to invest in real Housing Estate, Oil and Gas, Shopping Centres or any other promising profitable investments you can advise me will be welcome.
Thank you for your wiliness to help me
Yours sincerely
Fatima Muhammad
De: mailto:
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: Re: RES: Chegou proposta para o seu xxxxxx
Ola. Como vão ?
Obrigado para a vossa resposta ao meu pedido.
Escrevo-vos porque é interessado pela venda do vosso automóvel.
Nomeio-me a Mr Hooman DAGHIGH, Sou de nacionalidade a Suíça. Está a África desde o ano 2014 para um contrato de trabalho que toma fim em cerca de semanas. Estarei cedo no vosso país para um novo contrato de trabalho no fim do mês próximo por de 3 anos renováveis. Razão pela qual é interessado pelo vosso automóvel.
Quereria ter as fotografias recentes do automóvel assim do motor e a quilometragem atual. Desejaria estas informações para tranquilizar-se da boa entrevista do automóvel e dar sequência ao meu interesse. Obrigado para a vossa resposta. Em espera lê-los.
Gerente comercial
Site web:
comecei receber mensagens de um cara que se dizia americano coronel do exercito dos usa
,achei estranho mas continuei a conversa,depois de varios dias ele me veio com uma conversa
que precissva da minha ajuda para guarda um dinheiro pra ele ,falou q recebeu da onu como uma gratificacao
mas que precisava guarda pedi que eu enviasse meu endereco residencial telefone nome completo e email
fotos mark balcan
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From: Mrs Diane Nignan Costa ->
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Subject: Hello Dear Friend,
Hello Dear Friend,
First of all, I would like to apologize for my intrusion into your private life. I am an internal archivist in a bank and I have just discovered a bank account of $8.5M USD dollars(Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars American), belonging to an Iranian businessman who was murdered in tragic conditions. This account was opened in our bank in 2005 and since 2012, since its death no transaction or movement has occurred on it.
According to my investigation with his notary and also meticulously consulted all the archives and files relating to this account there is no more beneficiary and in 2 months the account will pass under the tutelage of the public treasury. In complicity and agreement with his notary I want the bank to recognize you as the beneficiary of this account and as soon as you have rights to the account, you will make transfers according to a sharing that will be established. For a bank employee there is a multitude of ways to recover money on an account but I wanted to follow this one because It is the guarantee that we will have no problem. The fact that you are not present on the territory is the factor that will facilitate the transfer of account ownership because this operation is practically impossible for someone resident in Burkina Faso because the deceased holder left clear instructions to the bank and To his notary.
This is a risk-free transaction because the money will be transferred legally since you will be the account holder after a procedure of transfer of ownership of account approved by the notary. I discuss all this with him and he agrees to sign the documents that will be submitted to him in exchange for a 40% transfer as soon as you are recognized rights.
I have with me all the documents that will allow us to facilitate the procedure concerning the transfer of the funds. I will give you all the details if you agree to treat this matter with the utmost discretion. It is not that I am naive in making you such an offer for someone I barely know, but it is the only way to get these funds legally.
I need your frank collaboration and I hope that I will not regret this act, I take this opportunity for you leave my personal e-mail address: (
Waiting to read you receive the expression of my sincere greetings.
Mrs. Diane Nignan Costa
Archivist and Manager / BANK OF AFRICA (BOA) of Burkina Faso
From: Kwesi Nana
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Subject: Confirm receipt of mail pls.
Good day to you.
It is my pleasure to contact you for a help. I would like you to be
partner in business. My client have cash amounting to Twenty Million
United States currency to invest in your Country, I also want to use
this opportunity to inform you that this fund is not stolen fund, it
belong to my client Mrs. M. Nkrumah from Ghana. I will disclose every
detail concerning this funds and her to you as soon as I hear from
As at this moment, the boxes are at your main airport awaiting
delivery to my client's foreign partner there, but surprisingly I
heard that the partner is dead so the consignment is now pending in
your country but the delivery company do not know the contents of the
As soon as you respond indicating interest, I will proceed to get the
necessary papers for the clearance so that you can book appointment
with the Delivery agent over there to sign and receive the boxes. My
client have decided to offer twenty percent to you as a reward to your
anticipated cooperation. Bear in mind that the Delivery diplomat do
not know the contents of the 2 boxes, we declared the content of the
boxes to be important Company Documents and valuables.
These funds will be invested in your Company as soon as you clear it
in your country.
Thank you.
Mr. Kwesi Nana Esq.
2018-01-09 BEN DECO ->:
My dear,
How are you doing, i hope you are fine? Dear, i received the mail i forwarded to you from the bank and i believe they sent you the same mail. Am happy that the bank is ready to transfer my father's money into your bank account.
The bank said that we have to provide four documents before they can transfer my late father's money into your bank account and am glad that here with me i have the other two documents with me which is my late father's death certificate and the deposit certificate the bank issued to my father and i will send them to you when the other two documents which is the power of attorney and affidavit of support is ready. The bank said that a Senegalese lawyer will get the power of attorney and affidavit of support for us in your name after which i shall sign on it to prove that i have really chosen you as my trustee partner before they can transfer my late father's money into your bank account.
After reading the mail the bank sent to us now, i didn't know how to get a Senegalese lawyer here so explained it to our Reverend and pleaded with him and finally he gave me contact of a lawyer here that can help us to get the power of attorney and affidavit of support for us, our Reverend said that the lawyer is a very good Senegalese international lawyer so he gave me the contact information of the lawyer and told me to contact the lawyer immediately for the preparation of the power of attorney and affidavit of support in your name as the bank requested so here is the contact information of the lawyer,
Name.................. Barrister Mame Adama Gueye.
Email address.......(
So dear, i am going to contact the lawyer now through his email address and telephone number for him to get the power of attorney and affidavit of support for us. Please, i still want you to send a mail to the lawyer immediately through his email address( And tell him that you are my trustee partner partner and want him to get a power of attorney and affidavit of support in your name for the transfer of my late father's money into your bank account, i will introduce you to the lawyer as my trustee partner in the mail i am going to send to him right now so please make sure you write to the lawyer immediately so that he will get the the power of attorney and affidavit of support for us which is the only thing that is delaying us now because i have the other two documents here with me and will send them to you later.
Dear make sure you write to the lawyer immediately after reading this and let me know when you write to the lawyer and receive a reply from him, i will stop here and wait for your reply, take good care of yourself and have a nice day. I love you.
Your love,
Miss Joy.
-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : Miss Safiatou Ibrahim
Envoyé le : Me, 10 Jan 2018 11:06
Sujet : Be assured that this transaction is legal...,
My Dearest One,
Thank you so much for your respond and kindness to help me out of his situation. Be assured that this transaction is legal and there will be no problem in this transaction, I would like to talk to you on phone but I don’t have phone of my own, so you can contact me through Mr. David Paul St. Christopher's Parish for refugee here in Burkina Faso under United Nations High commission for Refugee with this number...
+226 65290254
as soon as you call him, tell him that you want to speak with Miss Safiatou Ibrahim from Libya and he will give me the phone to talk to you.
name: ............................
country: .........................
phone: ......................
age: ...............................
occupation: ......................
As soon as you send the information’s I will forward your information to the bank as my trustee so that they will transfer my inheritance fund into your bank account and I will tell them that you are my foreign trustee who want to help me to transfer the fund and make good investment with it.
Thank for your anticipated co-operation
waiting for your urgent response.
Sincerely yours,
Miss Safiatou Ibrahim.
De : Mrs. Nicole Apollonia,
Envoyé le : Me, 10 Jan 2018
Sujet : Please be my foreign trustee :,
Dear friend,
My name is Mrs. Nicole Apollonia, from Toulouse, France.
I have been suffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that I have just a short time to live. For the past twelve years, I have being dealing on gold exportation, before falling ill due to the cancer. My late husband, Dr. Benoit kabore,a retired diplomat and one time minister of mines and Power in the republic of Burkina Faso made a lot of money from the sales of Gold and cotton while he was a minister, but we had no child of our own. Later my husband realised through a powerful man of God that it was evil course instituted by his brother in other to inherit his wealth,but before then it was too late, I and my husband agreed that he should remarry another wife but our religion did not permit it, while planning this my husband’s brother heard it and they planned and killed my husband at the age of 56, he died in the month of September 2007. Now that I am very sick and according to the doctor, will not survive the sickness.The worst of it all is that I do not have any family members or children to inherit my wealth. I am writing this letter now through the help of the computer beside my sick bed. I have
$4.5millions us dollars
deposited in Eco-Bank here in Burkina Faso and Iam willing to instruct my bank to transfer the said fund to you as my foreign trustee. You will apply to the bank, that they should release the fund to you,
but you will assure me that you will take 50% of the fund for you and you will give 50% to the orphanages home in your country for my soul to rest after i have gone.In my next email, I will send you the copy of the Certificate of Deposit which will enable you apply to the bank and receive the money with no ease. Respond to me immediately via my private email address :,
for further details and instructions since I am in the end times of my life due to the ovarian cancer disease.
Hoping to receive your response as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Nicole Apollonia,,
responder para =
acculotto por
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the INTERNATIONAL POOLS LOTTERY RAFFLE DRAW International programs held on the (20TH OF DECEMBER 2017). Your e-mail address was attached to the following.
Ticket Number: 6325698-44596-222
Serial Number: 410-32659
Draw lucky Numbers: 4014-236985744-596
Which consequently won in the 2nd category, you have therefore been approved for lump sum payment of ($2.5 Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars )
Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your wining information confidential until your claim has been processed and your money Converted into atm visa card.
This is part of our security protocols to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants, All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20,000 company and 30,000, individual's email addresses from all over the world.
For your information on how you will start processing and received of your wining prize through atm visa card to your designated address of your choice.
Fill this CLAIMING RELEASE FORM bellow and send it immediately to paying bank, ecobank of burkina faso to bank manager, MR .ADAMS SMITH. e-mail Address stated bellow.for due processing of your prize atm visa card to a designated address of your choice to this e- mails stated below:
(3) SEX:
(4) AGE:
NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, Remember,all prize money must be claimed not later than (20TH OF JANUARY 2018).After this duration,all funds will be returned to the Ministry of Economic Affairs as unclaimed.Furthermore, should there be any change of your address, do inform your paying bank as soon as possible.
Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program.
We wish you continued good fortunes.
Best regards.
The Management,
Lottery Organisation.
Hello ,
Tom Gayle -
Hello ,
I am Mr Tom Gayle, I am from Portugal.
I have been diagnosed with cancer. It has defied all forms of medical
treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live,
according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life so
well, as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my
business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous. I was always
hostile to People and only focused on my business as that was the only
thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know that there
is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the
world. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this
world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it.
I would want to have a Personal and Trustworthy Relationship with you,
as I intend and willing to empower the change of ownership for the
transfer of my Deposits to your personal possession for further
Investment and Charity Disbursement to the Less Privilege and
Homeless. I want this fund to be used in liberation work Activities
like, help to Orphanages, and Christian schools, helping widows and up
keeping of the Churches and propagating the word of God and to
endeavor that the house of God is maintained. I am not afraid of death
hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the
bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 vs 14 says that the lord will fight my
case and I shall hold my peace. Because of my health condition when i
try to speak it leads to a serious coughing out of blood. I will send
you the photos of me and my very hopeless and selfish family members,
including my wife, who I learnt is getting married to my personal
friend and attorney.
As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the details on how to
contact the bank directly for onward transfer. I will also issue you
an authority letter that will prove you as the present beneficiary of
my funds. I want you and your family to always pray for me but the
lord is my shepherd.
Thank you for your due consideration. God be with you. Please kindly
contact me with my email below.
Yours Brother in the Lord.
Mr.Tom Gayle
responder para -
Christina - "christy.">
Re: PEACE BE WITH YOU, May God bless you as you read. Receiving this message might sound to you as a surprise.I seek your great assistance to realize a project for the benefit of the poor orphans. Each day that passes by, I felt no improvement in my health as I do not know whether I will survive having undergone several surgical operations as a result of this incurable sickness (terminal cancer). The only help I need from you at this point is to be in constant prayers with me. To also assist me to transfer my funds (10,000,000 EUROS) and use it to help the less privileged. This is a huge responsibility to handle, but I do pray that God will give you strength to handle it. You will also be highly compensated. I looking forward to reading from you.
Mrs.Christina Grossman
My private
De: Adeline Roland -
Data: 12 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: Caro Em Um Só Deus,
Caro Em Um Só Deus,
Que as bênçãos de Deus Todo Poderoso estejam com você, eu sei que esta proposta virá definitivamente para você como uma enorme surpresa, mas eu imploro que você leia com cuidado como a decisão que você faz irá percorrer um longo caminho para determinar meu futuro, deixe-me usar isso Momento para me apresentar muito bem, meus nomes são a Sra. Adeline Roland 56 anos de idade viúva, eu casei com o Sr. David Roland, ambos nós são cidadão indiano, eu era crescido pelo orfanato Casa em Abidjan cidade comercial da Costa do Marfim, Meu amado marido e nosso único filho Williams morreu em um acidente fatal que ocorreu em 5 de novembro de 2014, sua morte foi um coração quebrou para mim, mas eu não posso questionar Deus a razão que acontece de tal maneira.
Em julho de 2016, depois de vários textos médicos, meu médico confirmou que eu tinha um câncer de pulmão, que pode facilmente tirar minha vida a qualquer momento, embora pelo poder restaurado em mim como um filho de Deus eu não tenho medo da morte porque eu sei onde Eu vou ser após a morte, de todas as indicações pelo meu médico, o câncer chegou a um estágio muito crítico.
Uma vez que minha vida é curta neste mundo, rapidamente me comprometo em três dias rezando, pedindo a Deus que forneça uma pessoa confiável e capaz, que eu darei essa quantia de oito mil dólares americanos ( US $800.000 ) que foi depositado pelo meu falecido marido em um banco aqui em Abidjan Costa do Marfim, eu quero que o fundo seja usado de boa maneira para não humilhar pessoas pobres, EU DESEJO ENTRAR ESTE FUNDO PARA VOCÊ POR TRABALHOS DE CARIDADE, estou desesperadamente na necessidade de assistência e apoio de você, por favor, não falhe-me e os milhões das pessoas pobres ao seu redor, o fundo não é roubado e não há perigos envolvidos, proponho-lhe aceitar a minha doação com todo o seu coração, porque se eu morrer sem colocar este fundo ao cuidado de um pessoa que o usará para ajudar o trabalho de Deus e obras de caridade, isso significa que o meu marido luta é em vão.
Por favor, quero que a nossa comunicação seja confidencial para a minha segurança ea segurança do fundo por causa da recente crise política e para o bem da família do meu marido, eu nunca pretendia deixar qualquer um de minha família marido para saber sobre este fundo porque se eles Descobrir, eles não me permitem doar o fundo para o trabalho de Deus, que eu não vou ser feliz se eu não doar o fundo para ajudar órfãos como eu, se você está disposto e interessado em me ajudar a cumprir o projeto, Ao responder, eu quero que você envie seus nomes completos, seu endereço de residência, sua origem do país, com um cartão de identidade ou carteira de motorista para que eu possa ir ao Ministério da Justiça para obter a mudança de propriedade, o certificado de mudança de propriedade Legalmente provar que você é o novo beneficiário do fundo, de modo que o seu pedido para o fundo será aceite pelo banco onde o fundo é depositado, depois de obter a declaração jurada em seu favor, vou dar-lhe o contato do banco assim Que você entrará em contato com o Diretor do banco para a transferência de fundos, que Deus abençoe você como você tomar a decisão certa.
Por favor prefiro que você entre em contato comigo em inglês se possível e você deve responder através do meu e-mail privado por razões de segurança ( ).
Seu Em Um Só Deus,
Sra Adeline Roland.
Société des alcools du Québec (Société des ALCOOLS du Québec)
português Visualizar mensagem original
Sempre traduzir: francês
Sede da Société des Alcools du Québec, Boulevard René
Levesque, em Montreal
Torre de 22 andares 390 Bay Street, Suite 1600
Tel: +1 567 205 1897
************************************************** **************
Acordo Publicação N ° 0012 / S-10/19758/2016
Ao seu Attention !!!
Executivos e Graduados Bem-vindo, A fim de lutar contra
viagem clandestina, a pobreza, promover o emprego e
processo de integração Africano da globalização,
governo canadense em colaboração com o licor Corporação
Quebec lançou uma sessão de recrutamento importante no ano de 2018. Em
Na verdade nós procuramos acima de todas as pessoas capazes, sem
do sexo que pode se adaptar ao nosso ambiente
travail.La Société des Alcools du Québec fornece serviços para
a saber:
Contabilidade, Gestão, Informática, Topografia, Electricidade, pedreiro,
Tecnologia, Edifício de trabalho, Mecânica, Marketing Lacticínio,
hotelaria, Ciências Sociais, motorista, operador de guindaste, o comércio
Internacional, Food Escritório, Secretariado,
Handler, Finanças, Economia e Gestão, Gerente
recursos humanos, diretor de recursos humanos, comunicação,
Sociologia, trabalho hidrologia, tecnologia de segunda cobre
Engenheiro de Tecnologia (vários) dos dados As estatísticas,
administrativa, termodinâmica escrita, fundações, projeto
arquitetura, conceitos de urbanismo, bases aéreas, jornalista,
Turismo Escritório advogado, lei, radiologista, clínica, assistência,
laboratório, biólogo, químico, ginecologista, serviços de saúde
pastorais, médicos e outros lugares ainda
disponíveis e que não são mencionados. A força de trabalho é raro aqui em
Canadá abrimos nosso mercado para o resto do mundo para
permitir que outros países jovens graduados que são conjuntos de desempregados
1- Seja pelo menos (e) 25 a 65
2. Mantenha pelo menos o BEPC ou outro Diplomas LAC
3 Capacidade de falar francês ou Inglês
4 ter boas habilidades interpessoais
5. Tenha um bom PS personagem: Para mais informações e remoção
o formulário, envie-nos os seus dados
para e-mail:
Diretor Executivo: Alain Brunet
Mrs. Rose Tawu <"tawu.">
This is to inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and FBI. We have been able to track down some scam artist in various parts of African countries which includes (Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Ghana and Senegal with cote d'ivoire ) and they are all in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) soon for Justice.
During the course of investigation, they were able to recovered some funds from these scam artists and IMF organization have ordered the funds recovered to be shared among the 10 Lucky people listed around the World as a compensation. This notice is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the scam Artists file and computer hard-disk while the investigation, maybe you have been scammed. You are therefore being compensated with sum of ($1,500,000.00) One million five hundred thousand United states dollars valid into an (ATM Card).
Since your email address is among the lucky beneficiaries who will receive a compensation funds, we have arranged your payment to be paid to you through ATM VISA CARD and deliver to your postal address with the Pin Numbers as to enable you withdrawal maximum of $5,000 on each withdrawal from any Bank ATM Machine of your choice, until all the funds are exhausted.
The ATM Card with Security Pin Numbers shall be delivered to you via courier Service, depending your choice. In order to proceed with this transaction, you will be required to contact the agent in-charge (Mr. Morgan Ress) Kindly look below to find appropriate contact information:
Email: (
Phone Number: +229 69264645
You will be required to e-mail him with the following information:
We advice you to stop all the communications with everyone regarding your payment as we have short listed to deliver to you and now urge you to comply and receive your ATM Card funds.
Thanks for your understanding as you follow instructions while I wait to hear from you today.
Yours in Services
De: Robert Bell -
Enviado: sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: Re: -Reply
Dear xxxxxx,
Thank you for responding back to my mail.
My name is Mr. Bell and I am a staff of NatWest Bank, here in England attached to Investment Banking Services, I am contacting you concerning a customer and an investment placed under our banks management; as a matter of fact it was roughly 11 years ago. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail private and also to kindly respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this email. I contacted you independently and no one is informed of this communication; I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you and benefit the both of us. All I want is an honest business transaction between us. First, I will start by introducing myself. My full name is Robert Graeme Bell. I am a British citizen and I am currently working with NatWest Bank. I have been working here for 21 years now, and I have a good working record with my bank. I am also the personal accountant to late Engr.Paul Freitas, a foreign contractor who has a financial portfolio of 8,782,500 (Eight million, seven hundred and eighty-two thousand, five hundred Great British Pounds.) with indefinite interest with my bank. My late client was a chemical consultant contractor with Royal Dutch until his death in a fatal car accident while in France on sabbatical with his entire family. The accident unfortunately took the lives of the family members comprising of himself, his wife and two kids in the summer of 2007 may their soul rest in perfect peace. He banked with us here at NatWest Bank and the money in his account has still not been claimed by anybody as there was no living will in place when he died.
Since the death of my client; my bank and I have made several inquiries to his embassy to locate any of his extended family members or relatives but this has proven unsuccessful. I came to know about you in my search for a person who shares the same last name as my late client. I employed the services of Twitter search solely for this purpose as I feel it would not have been the last wishes of my late client for his whole life work to be transferred to a government (Escheat) he had always complained of their unfavorable public monetary policies, taxes and so on while he was alive. My bank has issued me several notices to provide the next of kin or the account risk been es cheat within the next 10 official working days. The last notice for claim came to my desk last week. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind before they are declared unserviced by my bank. I am seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin of my late client since you share and bear the same last name. As such, the proceeds of the account can be paid to you as soon as you contact my bank and apply for the funds to be released to you as the next of kin. If we can be of one accord, I see no reason why we would not succeed. We both have to act swiftly on this matter in other to beat the deadline es cheat date.
My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position whereby an instruction is given to officially release the deposit to you as the closest surviving associate, and all etiquette shall be done in accordance with the rule of banking law, I certainly can guarantee you that, by the common law, the power of bequeathing is coeval with the first rudiments of the law, and this power has been extended to all. There is no ruling which prevents an inheritance from being so exhausted by legacies as to render it unworthy of the heir's acceptance; basically all persons of sound mind are competent to bequeath and devise real and personal estate, excepting infants, with all this I would say we have the clear advantage to carry out a smooth and perfect operation whereby the paper work shall be coordinated in such a way that your status as a sole beneficiary is confirmed. Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half and no more; that is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you; afterwards we share the proceeds in two equal parts.
I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit, but on the other hand, you as a foreigner would easily pass as the beneficiary with the rights to claim, I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you in a few days. I will simply inform our bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer, and instruct them to release the deposit to you; with these two things: all is done. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and me from breaching UK laws. I will attach my international Passport ID in my next mail for authenticity so we have equal ground to trust each other. If you are interested in my proposal I will send you more information directing, you on further procedure on how we can claim the money in the account successfully. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences might be, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold, this is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients; do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord I shall have the pleasure of meeting you, after this task has been completed. The content of this mail should be treated with utmost confidentiality and a quick response from you will be highly appreciated. However, if you are not interested in this proposal, please accept my apologies for sending you the message and kindly delete message, I promised that you will never hear from me.
I anticipate your co-operation.
Thanks for your time and do have a great day.
Mr. Robert G Bell
Read Carefully & Understand!!!
Official Emailing: /
Read Carefully & Understand!!!
This letter is brought to your acknowledgement by the Committee of the U.S Department of the Treasury in conjunction with the Federal Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates, that after a Conference Meeting was held last week the above organizations have decided to release out some overdue valuable treasures such as Golds and Diamonds worth Billions of dollars. This treasures has been agreed to be shared among some selected important individuals with good citizenship record files worldwide and mostly scammed victims. This Tonnes of Golds and Diamonds have been said to be distributed to those citizens who remit their bills and Taxes regularly and have no bad criminal record.
Well, Gold Reserves in Abu Dhabi & Saudi Arabia remained unchanged at 116.64 Tonnes in the second quarter of 2016 from 110.64 Tonnes in the first quarter of the year 2017-2018. Gold Reserves in the UAE averaged 136 Tonnes from the year 2000 until 2017, reaching an all time height of 143.82 Tonnes in the second quarter of the year 2000 and a record low of 116.64 Tonnes in the fourth quarter of 2011. Gold and Diamond Reserves in United Arab Emirates (UAE) is reported by the World Treasure Council. So some of those Golds and Diamond which have been in the Treasury Department languishing and doing nothing have been shared among the arbitrary selected individuals, of which you have been blessed to be among those lucky qualified beneficiary for this treasures & cash compensation award, you have been selected due to your good records which we got from your nearest police state also from the FBI and the Homeland Security.
Furthermore, one of the major reason why the Golds and Diamonds are been distributed is because of the Gold recovered from Late President Muammar Gaddafi are too much to be stored in the Treasury Department added with the previous treasures under custody of the UAE. So instead of storing this treasures while there important citizens like you out there who can make good use of this treasures and cash to. This program has got to help those individuals who must have been scammed in one way or the other and have probably loss lot of money, this statement is proved genue according to the scam and fraud report we have been receiving and recording from the FBI/ CIA & the Homeland Security.
Therefore it may interest you to know that 1000 KILO GRAMS OF GOLDS & 1000 KILO GRAMS OF DIAMONDS with the cash sum of Four Million USD has been allocated and legally awarded to you and (49) other lucky individuals from different parts of the World, which majority of them are from the United States Of America, Great Britain, Asia and European Countries etc. But if you are not from the mentioned Continent and was awarded then you are lucky and can claim your winnings *lucky stars*. The government uses this platform to appreciate you for been a true and obedient citizen so far and wish to compensate and contribute positively into your life. If you're a scammed victim this a great opportunity to get back all you have lost.
Meanwhile to avoid complications and to proof yourself right if you're developing or having any atom of doubt. You will have to travel down Central Bank of the UAE in Bainunah Street, Al Bateen Area, PO Box 854, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) to claim and collect your 1000 KG Golds/ 1000 KG Diamonds and The cash worth of Four Million USD ($4,000,000.00) your treasures and cash awards will be loaded in a metallic consignment box. But if traveling to UAE will be difficult, then your awards will be delivered at your home address, this are one of the reasons why I the Secretary of the U.S DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY have decided to be in contact with you and to direct you on how your Treasures can be delivered at your doorstep via the appointed fastest Aircraft delivery company which is the Cargo Logistic Courier Service Inc.
If you want to travel Down to UAE and collect your Treasures consignment, then you must reply back to me so that I can direct you on how that can be accomplished, but if you want it to be delivered at your home, then your delivery and personal identification details must be provided with your reply back to this e-mail and they must be provided as stated below.
After filling the details correctly expect to hear from my office via phone call or email within (3) Hours after the receipt of your email to my office, for there is nothing to be worried about because the delivery insurance charges of your COMPENSATION AWARD is all that you will ever pay to get your awarded treasures and cash delivered at your resident and nothing more. Meanwhile its your duty to take care of the delivery Insurance coverage of your choice as listed by the Cargo Logistic Courier Company below. This has been made compulsory and mandatory due to you are the legitimate owner of the consignment box which will be on transit to your resident, as the payment slip will also be used as a proof to the Diplomatic Delivery Agents upon their arrival at your doorstep. The DELIVERY INSURANCE will also assure and guarantee you that no governmental organization or security agency will stop your consignment until it gets to your doorstep in peace.
------------ Cargo Logistics Premium Express (24 hours Delivery) One Day----------------
Mailing: $300.00
Insurance: $250.00
Vat: $50.00
Total Delivery Cost for 24hrs: $600.00 USD (Six hundred US Dollars Only).....
-----------Cargo Logistic Special Express (96 hours Delivery) Four Days------------------
Mailing: $200.00 00
Insurance: $200.00 00
Vat: $50.00 00
Total Delivery Cost for 96hrs: $450.00 00 (Four Hundred and Fifty US Dollars Only).....
With all due respect my office hope that you understand all that have been explained to you in regards to how your Golds / Diamonds Treasure and the cash price of ($4,000,000 USD) have been legally awarded to you by the U.S Department Of Treasury in conjunction with the Federal Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates, and try to indicate your preferred delivery choice among the two stated above. So without experiencing much delays my office and the Cargo Logistic Courier Management now await to get a swift and positive response from you to enable us commence with the safe dispatching of your 1000 Kilograms Weight Gold and 1000 Kilograms weight worth of Diamonds alongside with its cash price which all will be loaded in a metallic consignment box for shipment to your doorstep with an immediate effect upon your compliance to this e-mail.
There is no risk involved, as the transaction will be executed under a legitimate procedure that will protect you from any breach of law.
Message from Mr. Phillips Oduoza,
Mr. Phillips Oduoza por
Hello My Dear Friend, with due respect to your person and much sincerity of purpose, It’s my pleasure to write you today, I am Mr. Phillips Oduoza, I work in a bank. and I get your contact from internet search I hope that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that am about to repose in you for the benefit of our both families am in need of your help as a foreigner to transfer Ten Million Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Usd ($10.350 Million) into your account, risk is completely %100 free.
Please I will like you to keep this proposal as a top secret or delete it from your mail box, if you are not interested. Also note that you will have 40% of the above mentioned sum, if you agree to transact this business with me, while 60% will be for me. I will give you full details of this transaction immediately you notify me your interest by sending your data.
Your Full Name,
You’re Country.
You’re Age.
Phone Number
Waiting for your urgent response.
Responder Para - Mr. Phillips Oduoza (
responder para -
My name is Major James Modlin. I am an American soldier, presently in Iraq for the protection of the US embassy and advise the Iraqi army in relation to the advance of ISIS. With a very desperate need for assistance, I have decided to contact you for your kind assistance to move the sum of (US$38,000,000.00) Thirty eight Million United States Dollars to you if I can be assured that my share will be safe in your care until I complete my service.
Some money in various currencies was discovered in boxes at a farmhouse during a rescue operation we conducted in one of the attacks by ISIS, and it was agreed by my colleagues and I that some part of this money be shared among us before informing anybody about it. The above figure was given to me as my share, and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a British doctor working with Red Cross, I was able to get the package out to a safe location entirely out of trouble spot. he does not know the real content of the package, and believes that it belongs to a British /American medical doctor who died in a raid here in Iraq, and before giving up, trusted me to hand over the package to his Family.
I have now found a much secured way of getting the package out of Iraq to you for pick up, and I will discuss this with you when I am sure that you are willing to assist me. I am ready to compensate you with 30% of the $38 million USD for your assistance.
I do not know how long we will remain here, and I have been shot, wounded and survived two suicide bomb attacks by the special grace of God, this and other reasons I will mention later has prompted me to reach out for help.
Please contact me as soon as possible with the following details:
Full Name:
Full Address:
Tel/cell numbers:
God Bless you as I look forward to your positive response.
Truly yours,
Major James Modlin.
Attention Please
Attention Please,
My name is Mr.George Gumel. I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in the execution of the deal described here-under for our both mutual benefit and I hope you will keep it a top secret because of the nature of the transaction, During the course of our bank year auditing, I discovered an unclaimed/abandoned fund, sum total of {US$19.3 Million United State Dollars} in the bank account that belongs to a deceased customer Who unfortunately lost his life and entire family in a Motor Accident.
Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim but nobody has done that. I personally has been unsuccessful in locating any of the relatives, now, I sincerely seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at {US$19.3 Million United State Dollars} can be paid to you, which we will share in these percentages ratio, 60% to me and 40% to you. All I request is your utmost sincere co-operation; trust and maximum confidentiality to achieve this project successfully. I have carefully mapped out the moralities for execution of this transaction under a legitimate arrangement to protect you from any breach of the law both in your country and here in my country when the fund is being transferred to your bank account.
I will have to provide all the relevant document that will be requested to indicate that you are the rightful beneficiary of this legacy and our bank will release the fund to you without any further delay, upon your consideration and acceptance of this offer, please send me the following information as stated below so we can proceed and get this fund transferred to your designated bank account immediately.
-Your Full Name:
-Your Contact Address:
-Your direct Mobile telephone Number:
-Your Date of Birth:
-Your occupation:
I await your swift response and re-assurance through my Private email
so we commence this transaction immediately.
Best regards,
Mr.George Gumel.
responder para -
Emile Kenold -
I have charity donation of $11 Million to you and i hope you will be
sincere to use this money for charity work according to my will, to
help orphans, widows and less privileged ones.
My name is Mrs. Emile Kenold from London, I have been suffering from
lung cancer which had damaged my liver and my health is no longer
responding to medical treatments, please i need your sincere and
urgent response to entrust this money to you due to my current health
Greetings My Dear Friend,
Mahama Baye por
Greetings My Dear Friend,
Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax mail and I urge you to treat it serious.This letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidentiality of this business. I make this contact with you as I believe that you can be of great assistance to me. My name is Mr.Mahama Baye, from Burkina Faso, West Africa. I work in Bank Of Africa (BOA) as telex manager, please see this as a confidential message and do not reveal it to another person and let me know whether you can be of assistance regarding my proposal below because it is top secret.
I am about to retire from active Banking service to start a new life but I am skeptical to reveal this particular secret to a stranger. You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially because we are not going to suffer again in life. It has been 10 years now that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the continent. Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transferring to foreign accounts, so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers were being closed after transfer. I acted as the Bank Officer to most of the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act; I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control. They laundered over $5billion Dollars during the process.
Before I send this message to you, I have already diverted ($10.5million Dollars) to an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank. The bank is anxious now to know who the beneficiary to the funds because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more than Eight years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas. The ($10.5million Dollars) has been laying waste in our bank and I don’t want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver (a foreigner). The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you. There is no one coming to ask you about the funds because I secured everything. I only want you to assist me by providing a reliable bank account where the funds can be transferred.
You are not to face any difficulties or legal implications as I am going to handle the transfer personally. If you are capable of receiving the funds, do let me know immediately to enable me give you a detailed information on what to do. For me, I have not stolen the money from anyone because the other people that took the whole money did not face any problems. This is my chance to grab my own life opportunity but you must keep the details of the funds secret to avoid any leakages as no one in the bank knows about my plans.Please get back to me if you are interested and capable to handle this project, I am looking forward to hear from you immediately for further information.
Thanks with my best regards.
Mr.Mahama Baye.
Telex Manager
Bank Of Africa (BOA)
Burkina Faso.
From: UB CI -
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2017
Subject: Your Bank Manager
There is no guarantee you will receive this message. Why? Because I had previously written to you six times through my private email accounts and the messages that I sent to you rebounded. I created this email account not long ago in order to use it to write to you once more in order to confirm if the problem of sending out to you messages is from my private email accounts. My purpose of trying to contact you is to put questions to you on some issues.
(a): Are you approachable with manager of your bank? Do you have sociable relationship with manager of your bank?
(b): Would it be possible to dodge financial tax? For example. A sum of $10,000,000.00 is transferred to your bank account. Would you find any means to avoid paying the tax?
(c): Has your bank account handled funds transfer of huge amount of money in the past?
(d): Would you be able to control funds transfer of $45,000,000.00 to your bank account?
I am not convinced you will receive this message since previous messages that I sent to you rebounded. However, do not delay to respond to me if you receive this message. And again, be informed this is not my main email account. I might not be checking this email account. I created this email account just to use it to write to you in order to verify if my private email accounts have problem of sending out mails that made messages that I had sent to you from my private email accounts to rebound. I hope you understand my explanations. Respond to me through my private email accounts if you receive this message. My private email accounts are as follows.
Apology for inconvenience.
Await quick response.
Yours sincerely,
Hervé Hèhomey.
From: Mr. Richard Welch -
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2017
Subject: Business/Investment Mail----Your Urgent reply is needed
I am a financial consultant to a group of Arab Investors whom i have their consent to manage their funds which is in our custody for co-operation in joint venture business investments. My pool of angel investors consists of high net worth individuals who are seeking to invest in viable businesses and capital projects across the globe.
The major areas of interests for the investors are:- Real Estate / Hospitality / Tourism Construction / Renewable & Green Energy / Health care / Mining / Import & Export / General Trading / Oil & Gas / Aviation / Telecom & IT or any other viable project you can present to their table.
If you have a good background in any of these sectors with the intent to expand operations or start a project you deem viable, then kindly email your business plan for further discussions.
However, all viable proposals within reason will be considered. Funds shall be made available to you as a direct investment loan at 5% interest rate per annual for a period of 5 or 10 years depending on what you
Richard Welch .
Private Financial Consultant
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2018
Pardon me for not having the pleasure of knowing your mindset before making you this offer and it is utterly confidential and genuine by virtue of its nature. I cannot imagine the surprise this will bring to you, but please be rest assured is with good faith and intentions from a friend in dare need of your assistance.
I am a, staff of Private Banking Services at the Bank of China (BOC). I am contacting you concerning our customer and, an investment placed under our banks management 8 years ago. I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail. I contacted you independently of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication. I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you.
In 2005, the subject matter; ref: bb/boc/bank/0012 came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our Private Banking Services Department. He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of 10,850,000.00 million United States Dollars, which he wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf.
I was the officer assigned to his case; I made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the de-facto chief operations officer of the Private Banking Services Department, especially given the volume of funds he wished to put into our bank. We met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed. I encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings. The favored route in my advice to customers is to start by assessing data on 6000 traditional stocks and bond managers and 2000 managers of alternative investments. Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit and interest stood at this point at over 10 million United States Dollars, this margin was not the full potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed returns on investments.
In mid 2006, he asked that the money be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in Europe. He directed that I liquidate the funds and had it deposited with a firm. I informed him that the bank would have to make special arrangements to have this done and in order not to circumvent due process, the bank would have to make a 9.5 % deduction from the funds to cater for banking and statutory charges. He complained about the charges but later came around when I explained to him the complexities of the task he was asking of us. Cash movement across borders has become especially strict since the incidents of 9/11. I contacted my affiliate in and had the funds available. I undertook all the processes and made sure I followed his precise instructions to the letter and had the funds deposited in a security consultancy firm, the firm is a specialist private firm that accepts deposits from high net worth individuals and blue chip corporations that handl
e valuable products.
In January last year, we got a call from the security firm informing us that the inactivity of that particular portfolio. This was an astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact that I managed the private banking sector I was the only one who knew about the deposit , and I could not understand why he had not come forward to claim his deposit. I made futile efforts to locate him I immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of the bank of china. Four days later, information started to trickle in, apparently he was dead. A person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in Canne, South of France. We were soon enough able to identify the body and cause of death was confirmed.
The bank immediately launched an investigation into possible surviving next of kin to alert about the situation and also to come forward to claim his estate. If you are familiar with private banking affairs, those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also some levels of detachment from conventional processes. In his bio-data form, he listed no next of kin. In the field of private banking, opening an account with us means no one will know of its existence, accounts are rarely held under a name; depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous. This bank also gives the choice to depositors of having their mail sent to them or held at the bank itself, ensuring that there are no traces of the account and as I said, rarely do they nominate next of kin. Private banking clients apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave wills in our care, in this case; he died intestate.
In line with our internal processes for account holders who have passed away, we instituted our own investigations in good faith to determine who should have right to claim the estate. This investigation has for the past months been unfruitful. We have scanned every continent and used our private investigation affiliate companies to get to the root of the problem. The investigation did not ever yield any result My official capacity dictates that I am the only party to supervise the investigation and the only party to receive the results of the investigation. This leaves me as the only person with the full picture of what the prevailing situation is in relation to the deposit and the late beneficiary of the deposit.
According to practice, the firm will by the end of this financial year broadcast a request for statements of claim to BOC, failing to receive viable claims they will most probably revert the deposit back to BOC. This will result in the money entering the BOC accounting system and the portfolio will be out of my hands and out of the Private Banking Services Department. This will not happen if I have my way. What I wish to relate to you will smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something. It is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational.
The world of private banking especially is fraught with huge rewards for those who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. You should have begun by now to put together the general direction of what I propose. There is US$ 10,850,000.00 deposited , I alone have the deposit details and they will release the deposit to no one unless I instruct them to do so. I alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as BOC is concerned, the transaction with our deceased customer concluded when I sent the funds to the firm, all outstanding interactions in relation to the file are just customer services and due process. They are simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to any party that comes forward. This is the situation. This bank has spent great amounts of money trying to track this man's family; they have investigated for months and have found no family. The investigation has come to an end.
My proposal; I am prepared to place you in a position to give instruction for the release of the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation. Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half. That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you. We share the proceeds 50/50. I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but that would have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit. I assure you that I could have the deposit released to you within a few days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file relating to the customer I will then officially communicate with the firm and instruct them to release the deposit to you. With these two things: all is done. The alternative would be for us to have firm direct the funds to another bank with you as account holder. This way there will be no need for you tothink of receiving the money from the firm.
You may not know this but people like myself who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole private banking sector. I am not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move. Such opportunities only come ones' way once in a lifetime. I cannot let this chance pass me by, for once I find myself in total control of my destiny.
These chances won't pass me by. I ask that you do not destroy my chance, if you will not work with me let me know and let me move on with my life but do not destroy me. I am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth undertaking. I have evaluated the risks and the only risk I have here is from you refusing to work with me and alerting my bank. I am the only one who knows of this situation, good fortune has blessed you with a name that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life. Let's share the blessing.
If you find yourself able to work with me, contact me through this same email account. If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a conclusion. I wish to inform you that should you contact me via official channels; I will deny knowing you and about this project.
I repeat, I do not want you contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want you contacting me through my official email account. Contact me only through this email address. I do not want any direct link between you and me. My official lines are not secure lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management Policy. Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children.
I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, please reply me immediately to enable us commence this line of discussion.
Please do contact me through my private e-mail for security reasons. Email:
I await your response
From: Miss Abia Hassan ->
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Subject: Hello Dear
As Salaam Alaikum My name is Miss Abia Hassan,
Please contact me for urgent matter as soon as possible so that, I can
send you more details about my self Including my picture. ( )
Thanks and Regards,
Miss Abia Hassan
Re: Investment Proposal/For Your Consideration
George Hawkins <''www''>
10 de jan (Há 2 dias)
Tenha cuidado com esta mensagem. Mensagens parecidas foram usadas para obter informações pessoais de alguns usuários. Se não conhecer o remetente, não clique em links nem responda com suas informações pessoais. Saiba mais
Godd day
I wish to seek your permission to use your names for the purpose of pulling out the sum of 25,000,000.00(Twenty Five Million Euros) from my bank which is a depository made by a foreign investor for an investment program. This amount has remained dormant for years with Barclays Bank Plc, London where I work and hold the post of a Foreign Remittances Director. Fortunately, I was the account manager to the account holder who died without making a WILL on the depository.
I hope you now understand that this money can only be approved and released to a non resident customer on the status of next of kin to the deceased who was a foreigner. I wish to program your names in our data base as the next of kin to the deceased entitled to inherit the estate because your bear same surname with him. This makes it convincing and easier to release the deposit to you as his heir without any suspicion or doubts from my bank management when I officially present you for the claims. By the services of a friend who is a lawyer, I shall provide in your names relevant documents that will authenticate and legalize the claim. You have no much assignments in these processes. All I need from your is your consent to use your names to process the documentations for the claims and your honesty/trustworthiness when the money is in your custody. It might interest you to know that I have completed my Home-work and fine tune the best way to create you as the beneficiary of the fund.
Once I get your positive response, I will notify the Attorney to commence work by drafting and carrying out the notarization of the WILL and also obtain the necessary documents and letter of probate/administration in your favor for the claim. After the claim, we shall disburse the fund in the ratios of 65% for me and 30% for you and 5% for local and international expenses that might be incured by any party in the course of the transaction. I expect that you will not take undue advantage of the trust I am about to repose on you. If this proposal which does not bear any kind of risk or have any legal implication is acceptable by you, do reply me through this email. I shall give you comprehensive details about the proposal and how to proceed once I get your positive response.
Thanks & Best Regards.
Mr. George Hawkins
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