está diante de um scammer - golpista virtual
Scammers estão espalhados por toda a internet com diferentes objetivos
Fique atento se receber mensagens que falem de: herança, de premios de loteria, de compra de carros e imóveis, de compra de animais de estimação.
de gente que se diz morrendo querendo deixar dinheiro para caridade, de refugiados querendo que voce se torne um tutor, de namorados virtuais que querem mandar um
pacote com presentes ou dinheiro, de namorados que ficam doentes ou acontece uma tragedia e precisa de seu dinheiro, parcerias para salvar dinheiro de bancos internacionais,
de compradores de qualquer item do mercado, hospedagem em hoteis passando dinheiro a mais no cartão . Inúmeros crimes..TUDO ISSO É GOLPE
Reporte para -
Teremos o maior prazer em divulgar os emails alertando assim novas vítimas
Não esqueça - Quando receber uma mensagem semelhante a estas aqui, clique em responder a mensagem - se o endereço de email for diferente do que enviou, acrescente esse
endereço de email na mensagem para mim.
Imagens roubadas de Sgt Bryan Denny
Nome usado pelo scammer - Cardoso Danilo Emmanuel
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precisará de você para provar que você é o destinatário legítimo da caixa de consignação. A empresa é uma empresa de segurança diplomática e ninguém irá questioná-los até chegarem ao seu destino. Eu te amo.scammer Mike Bruce
Fui add no facebook por um tal de Mike Bruce. Telefone
+1 (914) 208-8906! Diz que vai me mandar presentes e também está no Afeganistao. Estou dando corda, pois sei que ele vai pedir grana para eu pegar o que ele vai mandar. Em todo caso, estou ligada! Mas convém advertir as inocentes! Obrigada
Querida, você é o sol no meu dia, o vento no meu céu, as ondas no meu oceano e a batida no meu coração. Querida, vocês são meus sonhos, realidade. Eu te amo. Querida, você é a luz do sol da minha vida. Querida, obrigado por iluminar meu mundo com o calor do seu amor ... Você é o fogo que queima a paixão dentro da minha alma. Eu te amo com todo meu coração ... Eu quero ser seus braços, eu quero sentir seu toque, eu quero seus lábios sobre os meus, eu preciso de você muito.
55 11 94933-4388
Em 10 de janeiro de 2018 , Adams Mathew -> escreveu:
Bom dia
Como vai você hoje? Espero que você esteja bem. Eu propositadamente gostaria de entrar em contato com você, embora nunca nos encontremos antes. É um prazer estar em contato com você. Estou entrando em contato com você pessoalmente com boa intenção. Então, eu gostaria que você lida com essa conversa pessoalmente ou em particular.
Eu traduzo de inglês para português. Estou muito feliz em manter contato com você e, gradualmente, nos conheceremos melhor. Desculpe, eu não informei sobre a minha intenção de entrar em contato com você na primeira carta. Tenho uma boa intenção em contato com você, sinta-se confortável.
No entanto, eu realmente quero estabelecer um verdadeiro negócio que possa ser de seu interesse. Eu sei que minha mensagem será surpreendente você desde que nunca nos vimos antes, mas eu estou entrando em contato com você com confiança e confiança.
Eu sou o Capitão Adams Mathew, nasci e cresci em Naples Florida, Estados Unidos. Eu sou oficial de infantaria do Exército dos EUA. Atualmente estou servindo na Líbia.
Fui postado na Líbia desde o ano passado, março de 2016, depois da minha formatura na escola da US Army Ranger.
Aqui estamos sendo enviados aqui para controlar o conflito político acontecendo aqui na Líbia. Nós também estamos controlando a luta entre os dois políticos pró-governo e a milícia islâmica que tem ocorrido desde a morte do presidente Gaddafi.
Estamos agrupados em cidades diferentes, um dia estávamos patrulhando em torno de todas as áreas com cavernas e lugares escondidos, então encontramos uma caixa do tesouro que contém uma grande quantidade de dinheiro escondido dentro de uma caverna mais perto da fronteira do Egito e da Líbia.
Informamos o nosso comandante sênior no controle desta missão e todos concordamos em compartilhar o dinheiro.
Pelo dinheiro total que encontramos, herdei a soma de US $ 1.560.000,00 (Um milhão, cincocentos e sessenta mil dólares) Estou buscando sua ajuda para evacuar minha parte desse dinheiro para você em meu nome para que ele possa estar seguro até o momento Eu vou voltar.
Então eu quero que você me assegure que, se esse dinheiro for entregue a você, então você será confiável para manter tudo em boa forma até quando eu voltarei para conhecê-lo. Enquanto isso, você é livre para remover sua própria participação de 20% que eu decidi oferecer-lhe o valor total do dinheiro.
É claro para mim que você pode ter medo dessa proposta, uma vez que nunca nos vimos antes, mas quero deixar você saber que eu fiz acordos sólidos com uma empresa de Transporte Diplomático aqui e prometeu entregar a consignação a qualquer lugar designado.
Eu selou o dinheiro como um presente em um pacote e ninguém sabe disso.
A empresa de entrega transportou o pacote para Lomé-Togo. Agora, a empresa partiu de Togo direto para sua localização para a entrega
Esta entrega será lida legalmente pela companhia de navegação e nunca haverá qualquer tipo de risco nesse processo, o dinheiro é selado como presente em um pacote e ninguém está ciente do conteúdo, isso é por razões de segurança e para evitar desnecessários investigação ou perguntas.
Você nunca revela o conteúdo do pacote para ninguém. Este é o procedimento que meus colegas oficiais seguiram ao evacuar sua própria parcela do dinheiro sem nenhum problema.
Eu concluirei minha missão muito em breve ou no final do mês que vem, então eu posso vir vê-lo. Espero que minha explicação seja muito clara, mas se você precisar de mais esclarecimentos, deixe-me saber e vou explicar mais.
Em conclusão, gostaria que você pudesse me enviar uma resposta imediatamente em relação a esta proposta.
Desejo ainda mais sobre você
Com confiança.
Obrigado pelo seu entendimento
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Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. April 2017 um
Betreff: Linguistic center "LITERA"
tel +380947101657
MO-FR 9 a.m. till 21 p.m. (Ukrainian time)
=======================Linguistic center "LITERA"==========================
Dear Sir,
We are writing to you this letter in order to inform you that Miss
Natalia (email with whom you have
correspondence has negative balance on her account and accordingly we
cannot provide her with our services. Sir, as soon as her account is
positive, we will continue translating the letters of your Lady and
your letters accordingly.
If you are interested in the services and if you want to know more
about the principles of our work with the clients, we will send you
the price-list and all the detailed information about our company.
Linguistic center "LITERA"
tel# tel +380947101657
Manager: Nina Hodotova
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. April 2017
> Von:
> An:
> Betreff: Linguistic center "LITERA"
> =======================Linguistic center "LITERA"==========================
> 93400
> tel +380947101657
> e-mail
> MO-FR 9 a.m. till 21 p.m. (Ukrainian time)
> =======================Linguistic center "LITERA"==========================
> Dear Mr.
> We would like to provide you with all the information about our
> translation firm and the principles of our work. The Translation
> Company "LITERA" executes both translations and interpretations.
> We offer a whole range of language services to meet your
> business,personal, social and learning needs.
> You can order:
> - written translations of
> * contracts;
> * agreements:
> * documents (diploma, passport, birth-certificate etc.):
> * manuals,
> * different kinds of school supplies.
> - in different subject areas:
> We execute the translation of both texts broad and particular
> speciality. All major (and some minor) specialist fields including:
> Business and Marketing, Technical, Scientific, Localization, Web site
> translation, Mechanics, Electronics and Engineering, Fashion, Travel
> and Tourism, Media, Literature, Sport, Transport, Social sciences,
> Printing, Arts and Antiques etc.
> The translations are executed by specialists and are edited by the
> editors-philologists. The translations are given in electronic and
> typed forms. Our specialists use modern software support and
> electronic dictionaries. We offer legalized and notarized translations
> (if you wish).
> "LITERA" also gives a broad spectrum of interpretations.
> Owing to the special training our interpreters fulfill their work
> competently and help you:
> - to carry on negotiations with foreign clients
> - to conclude a treaty
> - to discuss a problem on the conference
> * Translation into Russian:
> - one letter (on the basis of 1800 symbols (page A4)) - 5 USD
> * Translation into English:
> - one letter (on the basis of 1800 symbols (page A4)) - 5 USD
> NB!!! The translation service includes:
> - typing the text, sending it to the recipient, using Internet,
> printing the text in translated language.
> * Interpreting during meeting:
> 1. per hour 10 USD
> 2. per day 100 USD
> * Other services:
> - scanning and sending one photo - 3 USD
> - receiving and printing one photo - 3 USD
> - phone call (10 minutes) - 8 USD
> number of letters and photos):
> 1. PER MONTH: 200 USD
> UNLIMITED TRANSLATIONS (including unlimited number of letters (the
> photos are paid separately)):
> 1. PER MONTH: 150 USD
> * English language courses:
> - one month of basic English (3 times a week) 200 USD
> - one month of basic English (5 times a week) 300 USD
> - one month of comprehensive English (3 times a week with personal
> teacher) 400 USD
> Ways of payment: - Western Union ( )
> - MoneyGram (
> - Unistream (
> If you choose to pay directly to our company via any of the offered
> methods, please, use the following data:
> the full name of the receiver: Nina Hodotova
> Address: Ukraine Syeverodonetsk, Gagarina street 10/15.
> Sir, if you have questions about our services or the ways of payment,
> we will gladly answer all of them.
> Thank you for your kind attention.
> Respectfully,
> Linguistic center "LITERA"
> tel# tel +380947101657
> Manager: Nina Hodotova
que diz ser soldado do Afeganistão,diz ser viúvo ,ter uma filha de 15 anos e fala juras de amor pra ela,dizendo que vai se aposentar e vir para o Brasil para conhece-la,hoje pela manha ele falou pra ela envia o numero da conta pois ele ia envia uma quantia de U$580 dólares,o nome dele e Alex scaparroti.
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De: Mr Simon shan -
Enviado: sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: Olá
I am sending this short letter to request your partnership to help me receive USD 6,7 Million for a charitable project, contact me for more information at this
Mr Simon shan
Endereço de resposta:
De: Adeline Roland
Enviado: domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: Caro Em Um Só Deus,
Caro Em Um Só Deus,
Que as bênçãos de Deus Todo Poderoso estejam com você, eu sei que esta proposta virá definitivamente para você como uma enorme surpresa, mas eu imploro que você leia com cuidado como a decisão que você faz irá percorrer um longo caminho para determinar meu futuro, deixe-me usar isso Momento para me apresentar muito bem, meus nomes são a Sra. Adeline Roland 56 anos de idade viúva, eu casei com o Sr. David Roland, ambos nós são cidadão indiano, eu era crescido pelo orfanato Casa em Abidjan cidade comercial da Costa do Marfim, Meu amado marido e nosso único filho Williams morreu em um acidente fatal que ocorreu em 5 de novembro de 2014, sua morte foi um coração quebrou para mim, mas eu não posso questionar Deus a razão que acontece de tal maneira.
Em julho de 2016, depois de vários textos médicos, meu médico confirmou que eu tinha um câncer de pulmão, que pode facilmente tirar minha vida a qualquer momento, embora pelo poder restaurado em mim como um filho de Deus eu não tenho medo da morte porque eu sei onde Eu vou ser após a morte, de todas as indicações pelo meu médico, o câncer chegou a um estágio muito crítico.
Uma vez que minha vida é curta neste mundo, rapidamente me comprometo em três dias rezando, pedindo a Deus que forneça uma pessoa confiável e capaz, que eu darei essa quantia de oito mil dólares americanos ( US $800.000 ) que foi depositado pelo meu falecido marido em um banco aqui em Abidjan Costa do Marfim, eu quero que o fundo seja usado de boa maneira para não humilhar pessoas pobres, EU DESEJO ENTRAR ESTE FUNDO PARA VOCÊ POR TRABALHOS DE CARIDADE, estou desesperadamente na necessidade de assistência e apoio de você, por favor, não falhe-me e os milhões das pessoas pobres ao seu redor, o fundo não é roubado e não há perigos envolvidos, proponho-lhe aceitar a minha doação com todo o seu coração, porque se eu morrer sem colocar este fundo ao cuidado de um pessoa que o usará para ajudar o trabalho de Deus e obras de caridade, isso significa que o meu marido luta é em vão.
Por favor, quero que a nossa comunicação seja confidencial para a minha segurança ea segurança do fundo por causa da recente crise política e para o bem da família do meu marido, eu nunca pretendia deixar qualquer um de minha família marido para saber sobre este fundo porque se eles Descobrir, eles não me permitem doar o fundo para o trabalho de Deus, que eu não vou ser feliz se eu não doar o fundo para ajudar órfãos como eu, se você está disposto e interessado em me ajudar a cumprir o projeto, Ao responder, eu quero que você envie seus nomes completos, seu endereço de residência, sua origem do país, com um cartão de identidade ou carteira de motorista para que eu possa ir ao Ministério da Justiça para obter a mudança de propriedade, o certificado de mudança de propriedade Legalmente provar que você é o novo beneficiário do fundo, de modo que o seu pedido para o fundo será aceite pelo banco onde o fundo é depositado, depois de obter a declaração jurada em seu favor, vou dar-lhe o contato do banco assim Que você entrará em contato com o Diretor do banco para a transferência de fundos, que Deus abençoe você como você tomar a decisão certa.
Por favor prefiro que você entre em contato comigo em inglês se possível e você deve responder
Seu Em Um Só Deus,
Sra Adeline Roland.
Endereço de resposta:
De: Gerald Hamerston
Enviado: domingo, 21 de janeiro de 2018
Assunto: ***BULK*** ***SPAM*** For Your Attention
Pardon me for directing this e-mail without any prior notice.
I am Mr. Gerald Hamerston, Director; Private Wealth Management of Charles Stanley Firm, London, United Kingdom.
I wish to share a personal information with you.
I accept, we have never met before and one has to be careful before responding to matters of such concerns. All this will be addressed upon your reply, given the conditions I shall explain in my detail request for your collaboration.
Due to the expedient nature of this matter, your prompt reply will be most appreciated in giving you a breakdown on this subject. Please, contact me via my private email: for further briefing.
Thanks in advance.
With kind regards,
Gerald Hamerston.
De: Lisa Brown
Enviado: terça-feira, 11 de julho de 2017
Assunto: Olá,
Como vai você hoje? Prazer em conhecê-lo.
Eu encontrei seu contato e eu queria ser seu amigo, por favor, eu quero que você responda de volta eu tenho algo muito importante que eu quero compartilhar com você,
Eu aguardo sua resposta,
Lisa Brown,
responder para -
First and foremost, let me introduce myself. I am MRS. HEIDI LIOCE MENDOZA from Philippines. I am born on 3rd of November, 1962 in Tayabas, Quezon, Philippines. I was nominated on the 6th of October, 2015 by DR. BAN-KI MOON (FORMER UN SECRETARY-GENERAL) and resumed on 11th of November, 2015 to head this office which I replaced MS. CARMAN LAPOINTE of Canada. To know more about me, please visit this websites: Heidi_Mendoza and United_Nations_Office_of_ Internal_Oversight_Services
I personally decided to write you after waiting for your contact with this office, on resumption of our new SECRETARY GENERAL (MR. ANTONIO GUTERRES), FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF PORTUGAL. We released circular to all concerned clients of the claims of their funds, which most clients are happy now, celebrating there victory and success as they have received their funds without any mix-up or delay. On the other hand, most clients are still afraid, which I felt that this might be your reason of not contacting this office due to you ugly past experience, so after viewing your file and data, I decided fo contact you to give you this great news as success is already on your door.
Most importantly, my reason of contacting you now is that we discovered that you have of recent been dealing with another set of fraudsters, according to our investigation, we learn that you have lost some amount of money to some AFRICAN'S in pursue of your funds, so for this, I decided to immediately contact you to help you claim your funds with the most easiest means and to help you stop all this tribulations you are facing.
Your funds has been designated to be paid in TWO MOST RELIABLE VARIOUS MEANS:-
(1) ATM CARD: Your funds has been loaded in a ATM CARD, which as soon as we receive your response and your readiness, we will attach to you your ATM CARD for your perusal, which the paying bank is ABN AMRO BANK, ARMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, except you are not interest in receiving your funds via ATM CARD, and want to receive it via DIPLOMATIC MEANS, then I will use my position to include your name. To enable us dispatch your ATM CARD to your doorstep, it will cost you only SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLARS (US$720) which included the INSURANCE FEES, STAMP DUTY AND DHL FEES. The ATM CARD must be insured with a reputable International Insurance company because of it's worth and importance.
(2) DIPLOMATIC MEANS: This is whereby you funds will be packaged as a DIPLOMATIC ITEMS to EUROPE as some of our officials (DIPLOMATS) will be traveling in few weeks to CANADA, PHILIPPINES, HOLLAND and GERMANY for disbursement of funds, therefore, if you are willing to claim your funds through this way, that means you shall be meeting FACE TO FACE with our DIPLOMATS upon there arrival in any country of your choice for face to face claims of your funds. You are only expected to travel with the HANDLING CHARGES which should be between THREE THOUSAND - FOUR THOUSAND EUROS depending on the weight of the package. THOUGH, NOTE THAT THIS HANDLING CHARGES MUST BE PAID BY HAND AND NOT THROUGH ANY TRANSFER MEANS. YOU ARE TO MEET WITH THE DIPLOMATS AND GIVE HIM THE HANDLING CHARGES BY HAND AND IMMEDIATELY HAVE YOUR FUNDS ON THE SPOT.
With all transparency, sincerity and honesty, exactly as I told you above, this is how things MUST go, so all we required from you is to let me know which you most preferred to receive your funds and VICTORY is yours. Though, as you must know, you are suppose to first update your file with some amount because it has been dormant, but I will help you with that, so indicate to me which best means you prefer to claim your funds and be very ready to follow as instructed. On responding to us, you are advised to re-confirm the below information to enable us confirm your genuineness and expedite action immediately, upon receiving your urgent response, with your full correct details, I will then attach your ABN AMRO ATM CARD for your perusal and giving you further directives on how to send the DISPATCH FEES to the office in charge so that the DISPATCH can take place immediately and receiving your ATM CARD within 48 hours. Please re-confirm the below details:-
Upon receipt of your mail and the above information, we will give you further directives.
Waiting for your urgent response and conclusion.
Yours faithfully,
Esta é para informá-lo que nós fornecemos nossos empréstimos antigos e novos clientes no âmbito de um alcance mínimo de € 10.000,00 para um máximo de € 10.000.000,00 disponíveis. Você tem dificuldades financeiras? Você está procurando um empréstimo legítimos? Olhando empréstimos cansados ??e hipotecas? Você já foi rejeitado pelo seu banco? Você precisa de um empréstimo para limpar seus débitos / contas? Em seguida, seu trauma financeiro é longo, oferecemos empréstimos a uma taxa de juros de 3%. Somos certificados e confiável. Podemos ajudá-lo com o apoio financeiro. Contacte-nos agora por e-mail:
Aplicar agora, especificando os seguintes detalhes:
montante do empréstimo:
Anos Duração:
Ekofast Finanças
Dear sir/madam,
Good day!
I am a business unit of China Railway Group Co., Ltd. and need to import 80 oil tanks. If you can produce it, please contact me. We provide detailed drawings SS304
Waiting for your reply!
Best regards,
Contact;Meng Bo
China Railway Group Co., Ltd.
responder para =
Emirates National Bank of Dubai
Emirates National Bank of Dubai
Baniyas Square, Deira,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dear Valued Customer.
I have been mandated to inform you that your Inheritance/Contract fund with our bank is due for release into your nominated bank account.
The audit report given to us, shows that you have been going through hard times to see to the release of your funds, which has been delayed by some dubious officials. We therefore advise that you stop further communication with any correspondence outside this office.
Kindly give us your contact details such as full names, telephone number, address and email contact in order to process and send your funds without further delay.
For and On behalf of:
Mohamed Hamad Obaid Al Shehi
Deputy Director General,
(Dubai Department of Finance)
Emirates National Bank of Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +971528206883
Private Email:
Yours Faithfully
Lubna Qassim
Group Chief General Counsel and Company
Secretary,Emirates National Bank of Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
responder para -
United Nation ->
UN Visitor Centre
Department of Public Information
United Nations Headquarters
Room DHL-1B-154
New York, NY 10017
United Nations Compensation Unit, In Affiliation with World Bank Our Ref: UN/WBO/042UK/2018.
Congratulations Beneficiary,
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and family? You may not understand why this mail came to you. We have been having a meeting for the past 7 months which
just ended few days ago with the secretary to the UNITED NATIONS. This email is to all the people that have been scammed. UNITED NATIONS
in Affiliation with WORLD BANK have agreed to compensate them with the sum of USD 1.5 Million
This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses
that failed due to Government problems etc. We found your name in the list of those who are to benefit from these compensation exercise and that is why we are
contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed. You are advised to contact Dr.PATRICE TEME of our paying center in Africa, as he is our representative
in Nigeria, contact him immediately for your Cheque/ International Bank Draft of USD 1.5 Million.
This fund is in form of a Bank Draft for security purpose ok? So he will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of your choice. Therefore, you should send him
your full Name and telephone number your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to you. Contact Dr.PATRICE TEME of MAGNUM PLC PAYMENT CENTER with
your payment code:ST/DPI/829 immediately for your Cheque at the given address below:
TELEPHONE:+ 234-817-008-4240
FAX: +234-817-008-4240
I apologize on behalf of my organization for any delay you might have encountered in receiving your fund in the past. Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hoping
to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft. Making the world a better place.
You are required to contact the above person and furnish him with the following of your information that will be required to avoid any mistakes:-
1. Your Full Name :
2. Your Home/Mobile Telephone No:
3. Your Home or Office Address :
4. Age/Occupation/Marital Status:
5. Scanned copy of your identification:
Congratulations, and I look forward to hear from you as soon as you confirm your payment making the world a better place
Mrs.Ella Smith -
My name is Mrs.Ella Smith. I was diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago, and I am receiving treatment for it, but now the doctors are saying I have a short time to live.I had no children of my own with my late husband . I have decided to donate the sum of $7 Million to you, so you can disburse to charities, widows, orphans and less privileged. I was doing this myself but now my health has deteriorated. I will be going in for an operation soon, I want this last act of mine to be my way of giving back to humanity. Please if this is something you can handle kindle contact my lawyer with this number (509) 497-9067 so that he will provide you with more details.
Stay blessed,
Mrs. Mrs.Ella Smith.
Dear Friend,
Mr.Kal N -
Dear Friend,
I came across your e-mail contact prior a private search while in need of your assistance. My name is Mr.Kal N, and I am the only biological son of my late father.
I have investment funds worth Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar ($5.500.000.00 ) and I need a trusted investment Manager/Partner because of my current situation, however, I am interested in you for investment project assistance in your country, may be from there, we can build business relationship in the nearest future. (
I am willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you base on the future investment earning profits. If you are willing to handle this project on my behalf kindly reply urgent to enable me provide you more information about the investment funds.
Your Urgent Reply Will Be Appreciated
Best Regards (
Mr.Kal N
Dear Friend,
Moussa Ibrahim por
From The Desk of: Moussa Ibrahim,
Audits & Accountant Manager
African Development Bank (A.D.B)
Attention: Dear Friend,
I am Moussa Ibrahim, Working at African Development Bank (ADB) as the Manager of Auditing & Accountant Department. During our last banking Audits we discovered an abandoned account belongs to one of our Deceased Customer, Late Dr. Walid Ahmed Juffali, Citizen of Saudi Arabia and Billionaire Saudi businessman. He was the chairman of E. A. Juffali and Brothers, one of Saudi Arabia's largest companies.
Meanwhile, before I contacted you I have done personal investigation in locating any of his relatives who knows about the account, but I came out unsuccessful. I am writing to request your assistance in
transferring the sum of $10.500.000.00 (Ten million, Five Hundred Thousand United States dollars) into your account.
After my further investigation, I discovered that Late Dr. Walid Ahmed Juffali died without any Next of Kin/ Relatives in his documents file here and because of the static of this fund, I decided to contact you
to act as his Foreign Business Partner so that my bank will accord you the recognition and have the fund transfer into your account.
We will provide the entire relevant document that will be requested to indicate that you are the rightful Business Partner of this legacy and my bank will release the fund to you without any further delay, upon
your consideration and acceptance of this offer. The total sum will be shared as follows: 60% for me and my colleagues, while 40% of the fund will be for you.
I am assuring you that this transfer is 100% risk free on both sides hence you are going to follow my instruction till the fund transferred to your account. More details information will be forwarded to you to
breakdown explaining comprehensively what require of you.
I am expecting to read from you soon.
Best Regards
Get back to me for more details
I am contacting you because am planning to invest some amount of money in your country.I need some guidelines from you on how I can make a good profitable investments in your country since my country is been conflicted with wars and bombings. I will give you 20% of the total money for
your assistance as my partner and advise. Get back to me for more details via this email:
God bless you.
Nina Fatima
responder para -
sarah adam =
My name is Mrs. Sarah Adam, I am in a sick bed now and dont know when it will end with me, but before I die I have an important massage that I want to tell you, very urgent.
responder para -
Attn: Google Beneficiary
Mr Sundar Pichai ->
Google UK Ltd
1-13 St Giles High Street
London WC2H 8AG
United Kingdom
Ref. NO: 420 C/MCA,
Batch: 864/17.
We wish to congratulate you on this note for being selected as a major customer this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of Google search engine and the Google ancillary services and confirmed by our co-sponsors Visa*/MasterCard* International. Google is now the biggest search engine Worldwide and in an effort to make sure that it remains the most widely used search engine, we ran an online e-mail beta test which your email address won Eight Hundred and Sixty-Four Thousand Great British Pounds.
Do e-mail the Foundation Board office at once with the Verification and Funds release form below for validation of your grant. You are also advised to contact our Google Payment Coordinator (Mr. Jeremy Allison via the above email) with the following details below to avoid unnecessary delay and complications.
Name: Mr. Jeremy Allison
Google Foundation Board (UK)
-Residential Address:
-Tel (Mobile):
-Full Name: -Age/Sex:
-E-mail Address:
-What is your comment on Google Foundation?
Sundar Pichai
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer ©2018 Google Corporation Powered by Google
My dear beloved one, this is Mrs Theresa Heidi i know this massage mighty come to you as surprise.I came across your data via a private search.I am writing this mail to you with heavy sorrow in my heart from hospital here in ISRAEL,therefore this email is very urgent.I have decided to donate what i have to you for charity work/assistance to less privileged people in the society. I am 50 years old a dying woman,i was diagnosed of cancer for about 4 years ago, immediately after the death of my husband, who has left me everything he worked for, I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of (16.5 Million Dollars) and I needed a very honest person who can withdraw this money from the bank and then use the funds for Charity works.
I took this decision before I rest in peace, because my time will soon be up.I am absolutely assuring you that no trouble is involved in this money because this is my late husband money.I want you to take 45% percent of the total money for your personal use while 55% of the fund to help the following: 1, Motherless babies. 2, Widows.3, Disable people.I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality and trust in this matter to accomplish my heart desire. I want you to get back to me for more details of the fund Email:{ }
Your Beloved
Sister Theresa
Mrs. Aamirah Abdalrahman
I want you to patiently read this offer. I am Mrs. Aamirah Abdalrahman, the wife to the deceased former Head of Delegation to the World Bank in West Africa. My husband was the linkman between the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries - OPEC and the petroleum sector in a West African country. He also attends OPEC meetings constantly in Geneva before his death caused by cardiac arrest in our home town.
Through the sale of our allocated oil quota in OPEC, he was able to make (EIGHTEEN MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS. ($18,000,000.00)I want you to assist me to claim this money as i cannot claim it directly because he made the deposit as a fund belonging to his business associate in order not to raise eyebrow since he was a civil servant during that time, and the code of conduct bureau forbids him or his wife to acquire such amount of money.
It is on this basis that I am contacting you for assistance, if you will be interested, claim documents will been processed and sent to you. The documents with which the fund is deposited will be amended to reflect you as the beneficiary so that you will be eligible to collect the fund as his business associate.
You shall be entitled to 30% of the total funds while the rest will be given to me on arrival in your country for the up keeping of my kids and for further investment under your kind control there in your country as I can not be able to do any investment here in West Africa due to the origin of the said fund.
I will not fail to bring to your notice that this business is risk free and doesn't have any negative implication. You should not entertain any fear as all modalities for the smooth and easy transfer of this fund have been finalized.If you can conveniently assure me of your ability to keep this business very secret and confidential, you can write back to me for further details.
I am will be waiting for your fast mail as soon as you read this mail for more information’s, please contact me with the below email for more details. Email:
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Aamirah Abdalrahman
Chevron Oil & Gas Company, HR Department -
This is to inform you that we have many job opportunities in Chevron
Oil & Gas Company United Kingdom; the management has decided to fill
up all the positions with foreign international reputable and
experienced applicants. Chevron values integrity, trust, diversity and
ingenuity as a company and in our employees. In the United Kingdom,
Chevron hires full-time employees with education and experience in one
or more of the following areas:
*Project Controls
*Project Managers
*Site Managers
*NDT Technician Position
*HSE Managers
*Logistics Support
*Supply Assignments
*Security Jobs
*Firefighting Opportunities
*Laundry Service
*Food Services Support
*Water Works
*Vector Control Sanitation Jobs
*Billeting Positions
*Transportation/Logistic Managers
*Heavy Truck Drivers
*Crane operators
*Ware House workers
*Forklift Operator
*Chemical Engineer
*Electrical Engineer
*Construction Engineer
*Mechanical Engineering
*Supply Chain Manager
*Senior Safety Management
If you are interested kindly Contact and send your CV/Resume to Jane
Fairclough the Recruiting Coordinator, Human Resources chevron Oil and
Gas company UK.
Contact Information.
Contact person: Jane Fairclough
Tel: (+44)703-592-8114
Enquires should be directed to Jane Fairclough
Thanks you for your co-operation, we are looking forward to your response.
Best Regards
Daniel Traylor
HR Manager Recruiting Specialist.
Re: Bonjour
Josephine TEHIVA
Bien Aimé,
Je vous contacte de la sorte car je souhaite communiquer avec le monde
et fais une chose que je devrais peut être pas dû. Je souffre
énormément d'une maladie très grave que je n’arrive presque pas à
trouver le sommeil. J'envisage de léguer mes biens familiaux. Ensuite
j'avais décider de mètres en place plusieurs centres (centres d'aide
sociale, hôpitaux et centre d'orphelinats....) dans un pays du Monde
Je veux donc léguer les frais réservés pour mes projet que je voulais
mettre en place dans un pays . qui est jusqu’à ce jour dans une
banque. Cette somme dont je vous parle est de deux millions vingt-cinq
mille euros ( 2.025.000£ )
Bien vrai que je ne vous connais pas, mais ce que je demande à DIEU
c’est de rendre votre cœur saint afin de réaliser mes projets avec ce
don c'est à
dire, construire des centres d'aide sociale.
Je me sens si mal chaque jour car on m'a informé que je suis proche de
la mort. Bien aimé, j'ai peur de mourir mais la vie ne me laisse pas
le choix. Je
prie éternelle notre Dieu de bien vouloir m'accorder une place dans les
Merci de bien vouloir me contacter:
Mme Josephine TEHIVA
Bonjour a vous,
Je n'ai pas un autre moyen de communiquer avec vous que de vous faire parvenir ce mail. Je suis dans le désespoir et mon cœur saigne au moment ou je vous fais ce message qui j'espère retiendra votre attention. Je vous contacte aujourd'hui, car bien vrai que l'on ne se connaisse pas mais cela n'empêche ce geste de ma part. Je suis la nommée Aubry BRUNE de nationalité française, mais pour une raison particulière, j'ai du être un aventurière à la recherche de je ne sais quoi.
La vrai raison qui me pousse à vous écrire est la suivante: Je voudrais passer par votre canal pour faire une œuvre de charité dans votre
département. C'est une donation en quelque sorte et elle s'élève à la somme de 1.820.000 € (Euros). Ma situation matrimoniale est telle que je suis une veuve sans famille n'y enfant à qui je pourrais léguer cet héritage, et je souffre présentement d'une maladie auquel je suis condamné à une mort certaine. C'est pour cette raison, je voudrais de manière gracieuse et dans le souci d'aider les orphelins, les personnes en situation, les enfants démunis, vous donner ce dit Don pour réaliser cette œuvre de charité a ma place. Si vous êtes d'accord à faire cette donation avec moi, veillez me donnée votre accord.
Je vous prie d'accorder une oreille attentive à ma proposition, car je compte sur votre bonne volonté et aussi le bon usage de ces fonds pour la réalisation de cette œuvre. Veuillez donc me répondre pour plus de confidentialité sur mon émail:
Fraternellement, Veuve Aubry BRUNET
Please I need your urgent help,
Hello my dear,
I am sending this mail for the second time to you and I don't know if you received the first mail I sent to you. Please forgive me for stressing you with my predicaments as I know that this letter may come to you as a big surprise. Actually, I decided to email you directly believing that you will be honest to fulfill my final wish for the glory and honor of God.
I sent this mail praying it will found you in a good condition of health, since I myself are in a very critical health condition in which I sleep every night without knowing if I may be alive to see the next day. I bring peace and love to you. It is by the grace of god, I had no choice than to do what is lawful and right in the sight of God for eternal life and in the sight of man for witness of god’s mercy and glory upon my life. I am Mrs. Marina Bagni Daniel a widow and a citizen of Italy residing in West Africa. I am suffering from a long time brain tumor, It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts. The situation has gotten complicated recently with my inability to hear proper am communicating with you with the help of the chief nurse herein the hospital, from all indication my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite obvious that, according to my doctors they have advised me that I may not live too long, this is because this illness has gotten to a very bad stage. I hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that I am about to repose on you for the mutual benefit of the orphans and the less privileges ones. I have some funds I inherited from my late husband, the sum of ($ 9,650,000.00, Nine Million Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars). Having known my condition, I decided to donate this fund to you believing that you will utilize it the way i am going to instruct herein as i mentioned above. I need you to assist me and reclaim this money and use it for Charity works, for orphanages and gives justice and help to the poor, needy and a widow says The Lord." Jeremiah 22:15-16.“ and also build schools for less privilege that will be named after my late husband if possible and to promote the word of god and the effort that the house of god is maintained.
I do not want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly manner. That's why I'm taking this decision. I'm not afraid of death, so I know where I'm going. I accept this decision because I do not have any child who will inherit this money after I die. Please I want your sincerely and urgent answer to know if you will be able to execute this project for the glory of god, and I will give you more information on how the fund will be transferred to your bank account. May the grace, peace, love and the truth in the Word of god be with you and all those that you love and care for.
I am waiting for your immediate reply if only you are interested. Please don't forget to reply me in my Private E-mail:( for further details of the transaction.
May God Bless you,
Mrs. Marina Bagni Daniel.
Mrs. Pamela Atuegbe -
Am Mrs.Pamela Atuegbe, I work in one of the prime bank here in burkina
faso, i want the bank to transfer the money left by
our late customer is a foreigner from Korea. can you investment this
money and also help the poor' the amount value at
$13,300,000.00 (Thirteen Million Three Hundred Thousand United States
American Dollars), left in his account
still unclaimed. more details will be giving to you if you are
Yours sincerely
Name: Mrs. Pamela Atuegbe
Hello Good Day,
Peter Redha ->
Good Day
We are contacting you concerning funding of your business project i am the Independent Financial Consultant We are interested to partnership with your company as we are seeking to diversify our financial portfolio into viable and lucrative business projects that worth it,We are most interested in partnerships business ventures such as Medical and Health care projects, Real estate projects, mining projects, agricultural projects renewable energy projects, start-up projects and business send me your full name phone number & address
Your swift response is highly needed. For more details
Reply me back on this Email
Mr. Peter Redha.
responder para -
(sem assunto)
Vanesa Ali
hi please kindly get back to me urgently. My name is Vanessa Ali. a
France Nationality, I am a widow, currently hospitalized due to cancer
illness . Meanwhile, I have decided to donate my fund to you as a
reliable individual that will use this money wisely, €2,800.000
Million Euros. to help the poor and less privileged.So if you are
willing to accept this offer and do exactly as I will instruct, then
get back to me for more details.
Mrs. Vanessa Ali
Enviado: domingo, 21 de maio de 2017
La pace del nostro Dio onnipotente sia per te
Saluto a nome del nostro Dio Onnipotente Vi auguro a voi e alla vostra famiglia momenti di felicità della vita ora e sempre più amen.My nome è la signora Bahadur Reza Nobakhti, 69 anni di dubia che abita a Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, per favore Non hai rapporti formali con te, ma a causa della mia attuale situazione e delle circostanze mi sono messe a contattarti. Ho sofferto di cancro e ho una breve vita da lasciare. Ho deciso di donare la mia eredità di 2,5 milioni di dollari Per i meno privilegiati mi aiuti a realizzare il mio ultimo desiderio, vi prego di contattarmi qui .. []
, Per favore contattatemi nella mia email personale .. []
Aspetto di sentire da te
Sig.ra Bahadur Reza Nobakhti
De: "Allen Johnson"
Data: 21 de jan de 2018
Assunto: OLÁ. xxxx ..CONFIDENCIAL
Londres, Reino Unido.
Este é um email pessoal dirigido a você e peço que seja tratado como tal. Eu sou Allen Johnson, um advogado na lei. Eu sou o executor pessoal / único para atrasar o Sr. George Pacheco, doravante referido como "meu cliente" que trabalhou como comerciante de petróleo independente no Reino Unido antes de morrer em um acidente em 28 de julho de 2004.
Eu percebi esta pesquisa em você e eu estou contatando você porque você tem um sobrenome semelhante com meu cliente no final e outros motivos são os seguintes:
1. Desde a morte do meu cliente em julho de 2004, escrevi várias cartas para a embaixada de seu objetivo de encontrar alguns de seus parentes prolongados, que serão requerentes / beneficiários de sua propriedade abandonada e esses esforços foram inúteis.
2. Saindo de uma edição recente do banco confiável em que meu cliente depositou a soma de £ 8,7 milhões (GBP), temo uma provável conclusão de procedimentos nos próximos meses. Eu procuro sua aprovação por esta razão que você apresenta aos curadores como o relacionamento de meu cliente para dar um nome semelhante ao último para que você possa ajudar a repatriar o dinheiro em uma conta estrangeira e promete uma conclusão justa entre nós no final da transferência.
Responda com urgência se você estiver muito interessado e entre em contato comigo através do meu endereço de e-mail seguro: para que eu possa avaliar você com mais detalhes. Garanto-lhe que tenho todos os requisitos para executar este pedido legítimo. Por favor, deixe-me ter sua opinião o mais rápido possível e envie-me seu número de telefone e número de fax para nos permitir discutir esta transação ainda mais
Allen Johnson
Ok, obrigado, obrigado, então querido, eu lhe enviarei o endereço de e-mail da empresa agora e eu direi o que você vai escrever agora
Thompson Clifford
Olá, senhor, eu sou a esposa de Clifford Thompson. Eu quero ser meu beneficiário do marido para receber a pasta do meu marido o que posso fazer para recebê-la
Querida, escreva assim à empresa de segurança
Mi más querido.
Cómo estás hoy, espero que estés bien, querida, quiero agradecerte por todo tu esfuerzo y amor hacia mí, querida, quiero decir que me has dado esperanza y también me gustaría verte cara a cara. Por favor, no le he dicho a nadie, excepto a usted y al Reverendo, sobre la existencia de este dinero y me gustaría que lo mantuviera en secreto para otras personas porque dado que es (DINERO) todos los ojos estarán puestos en ello. Recuerda que tengo fe en ti, por eso te doy toda esta información. El número reverendos una vez más es (00221707151487, +221707151487)
Le informé al banco sobre mis planes para reclamar esto y lo único que me dijeron es buscar un socio extranjero que se ponga de mi lado debido a mi condición de refugiado y las leyes de este país. Tendrás un 15% del dinero total por ayudarme y el dinero restante será administrado por nosotros en cualquier negocio de tu elección mientras vuelvo a mis estudios allá en tu país.
como yo vengo En este sentido, me gustaría que se comunique con el banco de inmediato con esta información a continuación, dígales que usted es mi socio extranjero y que desea saber las posibilidades de ayudarme a transferir mis $ 4,7 millones (cuatro millones setecientos mil dólares estadounidenses solamente) depositado por mi difunto padre que soy el pariente más cercano.
Querida, me alegra que Dios te haya traído para que salga de esta situación y prometo ser amable e igualmente te necesitaré en todas las áreas de mi vida, incluida la inversión de este dinero, ya que todavía soy demasiado joven para manejarlo. Como te dije antes, este campamento es como una prisión y mis oraciones son mudarme lo más pronto posible. Asegúrese de ponerse en contacto con el banco para que después de la transferencia pueda enviar dinero de ese dinero para que yo prepare mis documentos de viaje para reunirme con usted en su país. y por favor infórmenme tan pronto como escriba al banco para decirme qué responden e intente enviarme el correo electrónico que le envíen para que sepa qué hacer a continuación porque todos los documentos están aquí conmigo. El contacto dirección del banco es;
Royal Bank of Scotland
Correos electrónicos;
El nombre del oficial de transferencia es el Sr. Ross Maxwell McEwan
Número de teléfono de la oficina + 44-7968053081
El número de cuenta es 250611200
Nombre del Depositante ............ Dr. Abdiel Nimoy Garret
El pariente más cercano ................. Anita Garret.
¡Esperando saber de usted lo antes posible!
Tuyo sinceramente,
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